How do you install an SSL certificate? - HD2 General

I'm trying to work out how you install an SSL certificate on the HTC HD2.
I have downloaded the file and have it in a .crt format.
Can anyone help me get this onto my HD2?
I have loaded it onto my device but when I try and install it I get the following error "There is no application associated with "xxxxxx". Run the application first, then open this file from within the application".
Do I need the file in a different format?
Please help as this is driving me potty!

Same problem here, I wanted to install certificate for emails but same error...

I am having the same problem
I have tried installing the Certificate by using the SpAddCert.EXE but the phone does not like this application.
Stuck now!

problem is the crt format, if you convert it to a .cer then there isn't a problem

Hello all I have sorted my certificates out
Format was the problem.
I am Using IIS for our certificate - STARTSSL Issued certificate:
Export Certificate to a .PFX file. Copy to device (I copied to root) installed the certificate > reboot.
I was then able to sync - but came up with an 0x80072fod error and would not connect
Googled and found this is because root certificate not installed.
Downloaded STARTSSL root certificate and installed rebooted and problem sorted.

Man that rootCA never got to my mind.
You have my eternal gratitude


certificate installation

Hi all,
I have just upgraded to ROM FRF on my Qteck 9100, service provider SFR (France).
Big problem : I cannot sync anymore with my Exchange Server. I understood the source of the problem: the Exchange self signed certificate is missing on the device after the Rom update. I tried to install it manually (by copying the .cer file via AS onto the device) but when I double click on the .cer file in the device, I get the message "Access to the certificate is impossible" (translated from French). There seems to be some kind of protection againts installing root certificates.
Any idea to get around this ?
Thanks -- any help really really appreciated. I am quite desperate at this stage...
Did you make sure to export the root certifcate in binary not MIME encoded format?
For me it worked to import a binary root certificate.
Thanks TcT.
Well I am not sure of the content of the .cer file.
What I did was simply copy the original .cer from the Microsoft Server to my client PC and then via Active Sync to the device and then double click on it. Nothing else.
What did you do?
There are several ways to export that Cert so that you can copy it though. DER encoded binary is what you need to use. In my case, I used a copy of my server's root cert on IE on my desktop. I exported it in DER format then copied it onto my 8125. I then tapped it and chose "install certificate".
In fact, I just tested this again on my Qtek 2.17 equipped 8125 and it worked perfectly.
Thank you Sleuth,
sorry to ask dumb questions but how do you use IE to import the cert in the requested format? What I did is I went to the \clientapps directory of the server and simply copied the .cer file. I suppose this is wrong.
You can double click on the .cer file on your PC there should be an "export" or "copy" button somewhere in that dialog there you can export the .cer file in different formats/encodings.
TcT great it worked
10 000 thanks. That was the trick
Exchange Activesync with Certs enabled
I also have a Qtec 9100 an am unable to sync with Exchange using Certificates
I can sync if i turn OFF SSL on the server, i can also sync if i add the appropriate reg key into the device to disable Cert checking however i am curious to know if others have been able to sync using a manually created Cert .
i have tried exporting the cert from the server and the Desktop PC in all available formats and i am able to import this into the Trusted Root folder on the Qtec however each time i try to sync i get the error :
Synchronization failed. The security certificate on the server is invalid. Contact your system administrator or ISP to install a valid certificate on the server and try again.
any assistance is greatly recieved
Certificate Uility
There is a great certificate import utility available...
I have used the PFXimprt but the newer one - P12imprt does WM5 and WM 2003.

Wifi sync error.

Im trying to sync email trough internet. The problem is this, it says:
the securite sertificate on the server is invalid. Contact your Exchange
Server administrator or ISP to install a valid certificate on the server.
Can i some how get pass this message? Can i change some settings that it wont alert me that kind of messages?
When i use mail with IE browser it gives the same error but i can pass it just pressing continue and email works fine but tytn gives no continue buttons.
and my phone is hermes 200
Hi Matti,
If your trying to use SSL, a PocketPC needs a proper SSL certificate installed to sychronise.
You need to install the root certificate - a good way to do this is by exporting the Root certificate to an CER file through IE. You just go to the site on a PC, and double click the little padlock. Then click export to a file to get the .CER file.
Once you've done this, copy it to your Pocket PC, and it should work immediately.
Good Luck
What is the path where I copy the file?
Cant find oultlook folders
Ok. Now I installed it and same error message appears.
Any ideas?
Is there any way to turn off certificate validation in windows mobile 5.0?
Ok I think I need this file but I dont have that CD. Could someone email me that file, please it is on the Microsoft Mobile Information CD

wifi with certificate

Dear All
I need to connect my htc tyn to my work wifi configuration. The problem is the wifi is based on a root certificate permission. Obviously i have the certiface but with wm5 i can't configure the wifi with the root certificate. I try to use odyssey client for windows mobile but it allow me to use only personal certificate. Can someone help me
Thanks for your great support
It can be done, it's just not much fun!!!
It's a bit of a convoluted process, but you can install a root certificate on a WM device - only problem is, you have to use a CAB file.
There is an article on one of the MSDN blogs that you can use (I've used it myself about 12 months ago and I still have the CAB on my SD card!). Have a look at >THIS PAGE< to find out how to do it! By the way, the "makecab" program is part of Windows XP, so you don't need to go downloading SDK's etc.
Have a go, hope this helps!
I have loaded my certs by exporting them on WinXp to .CER files, copying them to my Jasjam and then opening them in file manager.
You should be prompted to install the cert.
Worked for me.
Dear all
The problem is not to import the "root" certificate to wm5, but how to use it with the wifi (weap) structure.

SSL Certificate in Dutty-Rom

With the normal HTC HD rom, I installed a SSL certificate (*.crt file), by using the file-explorer, and clicking on the file.
Now I installed Dutty's latest rom, and I tried to install the certificate by clicking on it, and it tells me no program is associated with *.crt files.
Is there some other way I can add the certificate to the certificate storage? I use an exchange server that have a self-signed certificate. I had it working before I flashed the rom, so I know its possible, question is how
I hope one of you smart guys know how to do it
- Ceder
I needed to install wildcard certificate that my company uses for Exchange. After 2-3 hours of fight (using .crs files doesnt worked well) I found a way:
1. Get "Microsoft SSL ChainSaver" and use it to obtain certificate you need
you will get 2 XML files - for HD use that one for WM6 and rename it to _setup.xml
2. Use "makecab" (got it by default in Vista Business - dont know other OS'es) to make CAB file from _setup.xml.
3. Install CAB file on your device
Thanks! Worked perfectly!

Certificate problem

Trying for around 24 hours solid now to get my citrix ica client running on the hd2, gets right to the point where it launches the desktop and then dumps me out with the following error:
SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust "UTN-USERFirst-Hardware", the issuer of the server's security certificate.
Driving me mad. Really mad. Googled loads, tried importing the certificate after downloaded from web. Is there a cert manager in winmo6? Not even sure this is the problem. Had it working fine on the old Athena / Advantage.
Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if this can really help, but if you have a .cer file, then simply open it and winmo will install the certificate.
Also you can find installed certificates in Parameters > System > certificates

