[RESOLVED] Market problems anyone? - Hero CDMA General

I guess this is a problem on googles side not our phones side. this seems to happen if you try a 2.0 ROM and use your normal market sign in on a 2.0 build.
I started messing around and came up with a solution and it WORKS
Download the AOSP 1.6 build HERE put that onto your sd card in the root directory
Boot into recovery and NANDROID backup
Now Wipe Device
Now install the zip from the sdcard and once finished reboot
Download Googlebit HERE
unarchive google bits to c:\android-sdk-windows\tools
open a command prompt
cd c:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb remount
adb push system/framework /system/framework
adb push system/etc/permissions /system/etc/permissions
adb push system/app /system/app
adb reboot
Setup Market with your not working account (the one that we need to work on 1.5)
Download and install a copy protected app (like Twidroid Free)
Boot back into Recovery
Wipe Device
Now restore your nandroid backup of 1.5 Cupcake
Reboot phone and goto market let twidroid re-install if it tries to and do not interupt
Manually Reboot phone
Now the copy protected apps should be showing again.
Your previous downloaded apps might not show in downloads anymore but wait a while and they will all come back
Mine is now working perfect.

I have the same problem, as have several others after flashing 2.1 then reverting back.
The theory is what you stated, that it will fix itself over time, but I have yet to see that happen.
I also can access my purchased apps, but a lot of others are missing.
It would appear it is up the Google to fix this problem. Flipz mentions this on his site:

It's on Google's end.
Edit: crunchy beat me to it.

Haha, only by mere seconds.

Well I doubt Google is working on a fix since this is not an official release. We may just be screwed on this one.
You think we could contact them about the issue? Problem is we are not even supposed to have the 2.1 yet.
I do not want to use a different account since my purchased apps are on the account I am using and this is my main account with all my contacts and Google voice and what not.
Any idea out there

Well, it has been a week now for me as well, and I still have no changes on the copy protected apps situation. So I don't know what to do.
I find it hard to believe that we are just "screwed" on this one. Or at least I hope... I have no plans to change my gmail account anytime soon.
Flip, are you even having this issue? Or any of the other "important" people responsible for making the 2.1 rom? And anyone else out there who have not spoken up? I am just trying to get an idea of who else is dealing with this.

lorsoblu said:
Well, it has been a week now for me as well, and I still have no changes on the copy protected apps situation. So I don't know what to do.
I find it hard to believe that we are just "screwed" on this one. Or at least I hope... I have no plans to change my gmail account anytime soon.
Flip, are you even having this issue? Or any of the other "important" people responsible for making the 2.1 rom? And anyone else out there who have not spoken up? I am just trying to get an idea of who else is dealing with this.
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I wouldn't consider myself an "important" person. I have never actually put my google account info into any of the other roms (even before we knew this was an issue) so no, I'm not experiencing it. But that was just pure luck.
But honestly we saw this same thing when the Sprint 1.56 MR came out. Even after Google fixed the issue where our fingerprints weren't considered a "released" phone, it took some people's phones days to start showing the apps.

which paid/protected apps are you guys not seeing? Are you sure they are 1.5 compatible. I ran the 2.1 rom for a couple days when it first came out but I never noticed any problems with the market as a result. In either case this is certainly a known problem related to google.

I have not looked to see all the apps missing but any of the known barcode scanners are missing along with an eBay app I use and probably others. I cannot get twidroid, locale or any other protected apps.
Kinda sucks cuz when I go searching for an app I don't know how many are missing and if there may be a better choice but it will not display on the market
I am tempted to contact Google somehow and see if they can help us but like I said this is our fault we are not even supposed to have eclair yet.
Most of my purchased apps show just not the protected apps

I had the issue where market did not allow me to download plus i could not see protected apps. I went to settings/applications/manage application and cleared data for google apps, after that it had me sign in and everything showed up and it let me download again.

Hibernate said:
I had the issue where market did not allow me to download plus i could not see protected apps. I went to settings/applications/manage application and cleared data for google apps, after that it had me sign in and everything showed up and it let me download again.
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I went through the same process and no luck.. it did have me sign back in, but still missing all protected apps.

Yeah, I am missing the same things. Twidroid, Evernote, the Barcode Scanners (although ShopSavvy can be found on their website, they provide it), and the other usual suspects.
I haven't tried the whole wiping google apps thing yet because last time I did that it refused to let me sign back in, and I really don't want to be in that situation at the moment. I'll try it later.
Do we have anyone that had this issue and recovered from it?
And if there are others still dealing with this, come forward!

I am having this issue, randomly, on stock HTC Hero with Sprint MR. So ****ing annoying.

Just realized that this IS probably because of going to 2.1 then back to 1.5.. which I did.
Can't see Yelp, Twidroid ... ****, anything.

well i had this problem, so i ran the RUU to revert to stock and its still there, so i can confirm its on googles end cause my phone was completely wiped, i made a new name for the time being and all the apps show up with this, i just rooted and loaded a new rom so luckily i have my paid apps on my sd card and can use them but if i delete them im f'ed until a fix comes out

Well still no fix for me it has been well over a week and almost two weeks now and I still have no protected apps showing I do not think that this will fix itself with time.
I wonder who we could talk to at Google to see if they could help us

I have the same bug after trying 2.1. I havent seen those apps like twidroid, etc in nearly 3 weeks. I don't believe this is an issue that will resolve itself. I guess I'll just wait for a new update, or whatever.

Semantics said:
I have the same bug after trying 2.1. I havent seen those apps like twidroid, etc in nearly 3 weeks. I don't believe this is an issue that will resolve itself. I guess I'll just wait for a new update, or whatever.
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Same here. It's been AT LEAST one whole week, but I'm positive it's been longer, and none of the missing apps have resurfaced.

Ok I think there is a fix please refer to first post for instructions and try. If it works please post back so we can mark this as resolved and help out all the people that have this problem.

zippy-man said:
Ok I think there is a fix please refer to first post for instructions and try. If it works please post back so we can mark this as resolved and help out all the people that have this problem.
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Good work zippy-man. A lot of steps but hell, if it gets the market back then it's perfect! Hopefully some people suffering from this can test it out soon and let you know if it worked for them too.


Can Not Download From The Market

I am successfully running the Magic 5.0.1G rom... and everything was running OK... then yesterday I cannot download from the market.
I shows that "download is starting"... but it never actually downloads....
I tried rebooting, turning wifi on an off.... nothing is working.
I have the app to sd engaged.... but I did not mess with the cache to sd.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Same problem here. I had to flash back JF 1.43 RC9. Any solution would be appreciated.
Same problem here. Same details also. Looking forward to any ideas.
**app to sd not enabled.
Same here 5.0.1g, apps to sd not enabled, tried starting gtalk, cycle wifi, cycle airplane mode, multiple reboots, clearing market cache, everything I found on google. I don't want to go back to JF. Any solutions?
Yeah, boycott the market. We should make our own market!!! Free apps. How dare they decide to cut off the folk who could no longer wait for them to release "buttcake" and downloaded the Magic rom. I thought Google was my Friend. Now I see otherwise. I pay for their open sourced product to find it's nothing of the kind!!! Dirty rotten heathens!!!
or... we can just wait till the cupcake is released or the G2 hits the states. Market should be back up. This could also be a big ol' mistake in which case "Google is my friend, buddy and the best man at my wedding!!!" If not... Start a market and pay developers 88% of the proceeds...
I'm having issues similar to those stated. I noticed this morning that the apps weren't downloading, but after a few minutes they started. Tried a few more ten minutes later and the problem is back again. I'm running 5.01G appstosd
Did reverting back to JF solve the problem for those who did so? If not, could it possibly be a problem with the market itself? Maybe they are updating, and throttling the downloads to reduce the load while doing so? Just throwing the idea out there. I'm rather new to the scene and don't really know if that kind of thing ever happens. All other networking is working fine, and the market got a few apps for me today after it stopped working. Other files download from elsewhere. It sounds like an issue with the service rather than the roms.
Based on a report from BGR it's jus the G branch of the Cupcake builds while the HTC one still has access for now.
oDeACoNo said:
Based on a report from BGR it's jus the G branch of the Cupcake builds while the HTC one still has access for now.
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This was report to BoyGenius from XDA. Check the Magic/Saphire thread - last couple of pages.
Thanks for posting that.
I'm still keeping the build though. I don't need program updates and when I do I'll just download them off the online webs or download on another g1 and copy to an SD (for free apps) obviously.
Not getting rid of the candy they have in this build just for a market.
Didn't take long to get this problem solved. New builds labeled r2 (fixed market) can be found at Haykuro's google code page
Sweet. Haykuro is god.
I downloaded it and flashed it and I still can't download apps from the market. I'm using 5.0.1Gr2-appstosd. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this to work?
I wiped the phone before I updated also FYI
IM still having this issue, with the new 5.0.1Gr2
I am still having issues as well. Also, do not know if it's related, but on my t-mobile bill it says £ instead of $ on the "amount due ---"
im using 5.0.2H and ive never had an issue with the market, nor did i have one with 5.0.1H or 5.0
doesn't works
what im wondering is where is everyone getting this info about google blocking 'cupcake' users from the market? where is the official statement? because im using haykuros 5.0.2H and everything works on the market for me
wootroot said:
what im wondering is where is everyone getting this info about google blocking 'cupcake' users from the market? where is the official statement? because im using haykuros 5.0.2H and everything works on the market for me
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The 5.0.2.H build works fine the issue is only on the Google Builds. I've tested the HTC builds and I can dl from the market with no issues, but once I install the Google one I run into the issue.
I have the same issue with the gr2 build of apps to sd...I used the HTC build prior and market was fine, but everything else was glitchy so I went for the google build...still, this rather sucks..I wanna play my paid apps!
Flashed to the HTC build until problem resolved. Even with no wipe, just a flash, market works fine.

Market problems after trying AOSP 2.0

I was playing around with LoxDev's most excellent AOSP 2.0 ROM today. After installing, I added the Google apps so that I could look at the Market. This all seemed to work fine, but I noticed on "My Downloads" that most of my paid apps were missing.
Anyway, I reverted back to my previous ROM via the Nandroid backup I made before flashing 2.0, and now I find that the Market problems have followed me.
Specifically, most of my paid apps are no longer in "My Downloads", and I can't even find them if I search. Of course, they are all still installed on the phone, so I've not lost anything, and I can still see many paid apps on the Market - just not most of the ones I already own (though oddly I can see some). I tried buying another app to see if that would "refresh" my list of apps, but that is now stuck on "Authorizing Credit Card".
It seems likely to me that playing around with the Market on 2.0 has done something server-side to cause this issue.
Any ideas?
I did the same thing, i reverted back, i backed up my apps and bought new ones and backed them up, and imported them into my AOSP rom file because market enabler doesnt seem to work for me on 2.0. But when i went back, i didn't have this issue. this is strange
I am finding this too, some of the apps have also disappeared from the market altogether for me! Luckily I only have a few 99p apps installed, but as a warning to others!
I fixed my issue by wiping the device so that I had to go through the set up wizard again. When I went into the Market, I was asked to confirm the terms and conditions, and I could once again see all my paid apps.
I then restored the Nandroid backup that I made prior to installing AOSP 2.0, and then I could see all my apps in the Market again. The new app I purchased began to install immediately too.
foxmeister said:
I was playing around with LoxDev's most excellent AOSP 2.0 ROM today. After installing, I added the Google apps so that I could look at the Market. This all seemed to work fine, but I noticed on "My Downloads" that most of my paid apps were missing.
Anyway, I reverted back to my previous ROM via the Nandroid backup I made before flashing 2.0, and now I find that the Market problems have followed me.
Specifically, most of my paid apps are no longer in "My Downloads", and I can't even find them if I search. Of course, they are all still installed on the phone, so I've not lost anything, and I can still see many paid apps on the Market - just not most of the ones I already own (though oddly I can see some). I tried buying another app to see if that would "refresh" my list of apps, but that is now stuck on "Authorizing Credit Card".
It seems likely to me that playing around with the Market on 2.0 has done something server-side to cause this issue.
Any ideas?
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Did it ever occur to you that the apps's devs can manage their accounts so that their apps only shows up in certain regions or on certain versions of the operating system?
Thiesen said:
Did it ever occur to you that the apps's devs can manage their accounts so that their apps only shows up in certain regions or on certain versions of the operating system?
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Did it ever occur to you to read my post in it's entirety before commenting?
I am *well* aware of this. The point is that my apps disappeared after running the Market on AOSP 2.0, and even after restoring my Nandroid backup (back to Modaco 2.8) they did not reappear.
foxmeister said:
Did it ever occur to you to read my post in it's entirety before commenting?
I am *well* aware of this. The point is that my apps disappeared after running the Market on AOSP 2.0, and even after restoring my Nandroid backup (back to Modaco 2.8) they did not reappear.
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I am sorry for not reading your whole post there... but I read it after I finished my post... and I saw that you didn't do a wipe of the old contents... hmmm... something old must have been rotting away in your phone I think...
Thiesen said:
I am sorry for not reading your whole post there... but I read it after I finished my post... and I saw that you didn't do a wipe of the old contents... hmmm... something old must have been rotting away in your phone I think...
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Indeed clearly something was left behind - but I was quite surprised that a Nandroid restore didn't fix it on its own.
i did a wipe
and reinstall modaco 2.8
wipe again
reinstall again
but i still can't see radalert und twidroid in the market
@foxmeister did you wiped and go through the setup process again while using asop 2.0?
qvert said:
i did a wipe
and reinstall modaco 2.8
wipe again
reinstall again
but i still can't see radalert und twidroid in the market
@foxmeister did you wiped and go through the setup process again while using asop 2.0?
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grr same problem can find twidroid in the market. Also missing some barcode scanners
Is it possible that this apps don't have support for Android 1.5?
It could be, that marketknow, that we are still at Android 1.5 and shows noapps, that have no service for Android 1.5
has anyone fixed this yet?? i still can't get around it. I need my twidroid.
Has everyone had this problem? It seems that the Google account needs to reset itself.
Been reading in a few places and if you log in with a different Google account the missing apps show up.
Getting a few paid apps pop up but still no twidroid. Also when I went to help in the market it said that "help wasn't available in my language"
Blacklisted for custom rom?
I think you need to re run the the agreement thing for the market as right now your google account is "un agreed"
sorry guys.... wouldn't it be "enough" to just uninstall the market app and reinstall it from apk? First start = terms and conditions accept button, doesn't it? I had a similar issue with googlemaps and evn though it took a lot of effort that is KIND of what I did. Some of you surely know it's not too hard and could maybe figure out a quick how-to... Just an idea!
ok, I've found a workaround. I tried to flash 2.1 ASOP ROM, open Market, Accept its Terms... then wipe and flash MCR. The Market is normal.

Market doesn't have a record of apps after wipe

For some reason the market doesn't have a record of applications I purchased when I do a factory reset. I've tried it on various ROMs from the newest CM6 RC1 to the stock 2.2 for the nexus one. It seems like an issue with the market itself, or with my account. Not with a particular ROM/OS.
I sign into my Google account (The one I use for Checkout and the Market), under the downloads tab the only one listed is Google Maps. If I search for an application I've purchased before (Like SetCPU) it wants me to buy it again. I tried and can confirm that it WILL actually charge me a second time.
I am looking at my google checkout account now and can see that it clearly let me purchase the same application twice...
Does anyone have any ideas? Odly enough if I do a nandroid restore all of my apps work fine. I can uninstall, and re-download without paying. But the problem is eventually I am going to have to do a wipe. The crappy thing is Google doesn't have any formal 'support' for the market. And I am certainly not going to repurchase hundreds of dollars of apps..
I've had no issues. I had a G1 since day 1 bought tons of apps. Stopped using Android, 10 months later got a Nexus One, signed in and they're all there (purchased apps).
Flashed various builds of froyo, used cyanogmen 5.08, now 6 RC1, still no issues with purchased app history.
joey85 said:
For some reason the market doesn't have a record of applications I purchased when I do a factory reset. I've tried it on various ROMs from the newest CM6 RC1 to the stock 2.2 for the nexus one. It seems like an issue with the market itself, or with my account. Not with a particular ROM/OS.
I sign into my Google account (The one I use for Checkout and the Market), under the downloads tab the only one listed is Google Maps. If I search for an application I've purchased before (Like SetCPU) it wants me to buy it again. I tried and can confirm that it WILL actually charge me a second time.
I am looking at my google checkout account now and can see that it clearly let me purchase the same application twice...
Does anyone have any ideas? Odly enough if I do a nandroid restore all of my apps work fine. I can uninstall, and re-download without paying. But the problem is eventually I am going to have to do a wipe. The crappy thing is Google doesn't have any formal 'support' for the market. And I am certainly not going to repurchase hundreds of dollars of apps..
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Edit: Sorry, didn't see read properly, you were referring to paid apps... they should always show up!
After a wipe, when you've signed in, instead of going to the Market to check for your apps, set the phone down for 15 mins or so.
Apparently firing up the Market interrupts the process.
Rusty! said:
After a wipe, when you've signed in, instead of going to the Market to check for your apps, set the phone down for 15 mins or so.
Apparently firing up the Market interrupts the process.
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No luck with that. I've also just tried waiting about 24 hours or so and still nothing.
I have this same issue and had to purchase a couple of apps twice. One developer was kind enough to refund for the second purchase. The second developer has basically ignored my requests. It really pisses me off...
I have tried to contact the Google Checkout team, but you may as well be sending postcards to the moon...they are not helpful.
sainttjames said:
I have this same issue and had to purchase a couple of apps twice. One developer was kind enough to refund for the second purchase. The second developer has basically ignored my requests. It really pisses me off...
I have tried to contact the Google Checkout team, but you may as well be sending postcards to the moon...they are not helpful.
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Seriously? I have 36 Paid application on my checkout. Thats sucks.
I know it is probably obvious question... but did you sign in to the same Google account from which you purchased them?
Clarkster said:
I know it is probably obvious question... but did you sign in to the same Google account from which you purchased them?
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Yep, correct account and everything.
1. You should sign in with you account you bought the apps.
2. To check this you can sign in to google check out and check if apps exists.
3. Try to buy apps that you already paid, it should just download and doesn't take money from you.
Have you tried going to the application manager and clearing the Market Data and Cache?
vovkab said:
1. You should sign in with you account you bought the apps.
2. To check this you can sign in to google check out and check if apps exists.
3. Try to buy apps that you already paid, it should just download and doesn't take money from you.
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Like I said, it doesn't just download the application. It acts as though it has no record. And yes it is the right Checkout account. It requires me to repurchase them.
vitorjna said:
Have you tried going to the application manager and clearing the Market Data and Cache?
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Yep! I've also tried deleting my Billing Address and CC# out of checkout, and even changing my password hoping it will help "resync" things... Nothing Works.
I've just E-Mailed all developers. In under an hour I have had about 10 or so of them refund me, repurchased promptly after, even if the application was more than what I originally purchased it for, I want to support the developers. A few developers said that quite a few people have had this issue. I don't expect to get all refunded, but so far I am impressed with the support from them.
Google has to fix this issue, they should be required to have additional support other than a "Help Forum" that doesn't guarantee any response for the market. They get 30% of the income, they're taking in money from this, it is inexcusable that they will screw over their customers and their developers who are put in charge of making a call for Google's screw up.
I'll add my experience as well..
1. You should sign in with you account you bought the apps.
2. To check this you can sign in to google check out and check if apps exists.
Check...and they are visible in the Checkout account
3. Try to buy apps that you already paid, it should just download and doesn't take money from you.
Negative. As I mentioned earlier...it only allows me to purchase...no downloads.
I had to factory reset my phone which is how I ended up in that sorry position. I fully expected to be able to download the apps again since the phone was tied into the same account.
One of the responses I received from Google Checkout was "You will not be charged for apps twice"...guess what? I was.
I am experiencing something similar on my account. After a wipe I do see the list of apps that I've purchased, but I no longer see a list of the apps I've previously downloaded and there is no automatic downloading of apps after first sign-in anymore either.
PrawnPoBoy said:
I am experiencing something similar on my account. After a wipe I do see the list of apps that I've purchased, but I no longer see a list of the apps I've previously downloaded and there is no automatic downloading of apps after first sign-in anymore either.
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Heh, thats a step more than what I could get. Literally the market said I had Zero applications installed ever.
With the applications I did repurchase I tested it, Installed two or three, wiped, logged in again. And worked like it was supposed to after repurchasing them. Confirms it for me that something isn't right on Google's end.
PrawnPoBoy said:
I am experiencing something similar on my account. After a wipe I do see the list of apps that I've purchased, but I no longer see a list of the apps I've previously downloaded and there is no automatic downloading of apps after first sign-in anymore either.
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do you skip first then sign in after words? I found that it only does automatic app restore if you set it up during setup...sadly for most Roms this means you must use carrier data, for Cyanogen roms I found a way to do this over Wifi...first install just the Cyanogen pack (no Gapps) turn on wifi, let it connect, then go into recovery flash the Gapps, then come back and do the setup...the apps should restore as if you signed up using carrier data.
But yea, you can't skip the setup process.
AbsoluteDesignz said:
do you skip first then sign in after words? I found that it only does automatic app restore if you set it up during setup...sadly for most Roms this means you must use carrier data, for Cyanogen roms I found a way to do this over Wifi...first install just the Cyanogen pack (no Gapps) turn on wifi, let it connect, then go into recovery flash the Gapps, then come back and do the setup...the apps should restore as if you signed up using carrier data.
But yea, you can't skip the setup process.
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I did try it both at setup and after the fact. Neither worked.
I haven't tried flashing the rom, starting up, then flashing the Gapps. Depending on the response I get about the refunds I may or may not try that. Can you explain to me what exactly carrier data is?
joey85 said:
I did try it both at setup and after the fact. Neither worked.
I haven't tried flashing the rom, starting up, then flashing the Gapps. Depending on the response I get about the refunds I may or may not try that. But to be honest I am not holding out very much hope of that working...
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that's a very weird problem and sadly sounds personal-ish to me...I've flashed roms like it was my job since the G1 days and never ever had this issue..and I've had 3 phones, 2 carriers, had a random weird thing happen with my phone and this one game that recognizes who u are to keep ur accounts, etc...and all paid apps always showed up (and auto app restore as well, well since N1)...
I really hope you fix this issue
There are many apps out there that will back up your apps. ASTRO file manager (free and excellent) can back up apps. It creates a folder on your sdcard titled backups/apps and puts an apk there for each app you backup. If I were you, I'd do a nandroid, backup all of my apps, do your factory reset or flash your rom, install astro, then navigate to backups/apps and reinstall your apps manually. And for that one you already purchased twice and the developer wouldn't refund the 2nd purchase, might as well email that apk to a friend to get some use out of the second seat you purchased.
My Backup Pro is another app that makes app backup easy, but it's a paid app. When you run it and select backup apps, it'll ask for each app whether you want to backup or not, and it'll create a folder on your sd card with a zip file containing all of the apks of apps you chose for it to back up. When you restore, it'll go through the list of apps in that zip file asking for each one whether you want to restore, and restore them.
AbsoluteDesignz said:
that's a very weird problem and sadly sounds personal-ish to me...I've flashed roms like it was my job since the G1 days and never ever had this issue..and I've had 3 phones, 2 carriers, had a random weird thing happen with my phone and this one game that recognizes who u are to keep ur accounts, etc...and all paid apps always showed up (and auto app restore as well, well since N1)...
I really hope you fix this issue
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Yep, I have also probably done a full reset a dozen times. I'm not sure, heck for all I know google flagged me as suspicious or something. Who knows. I'm happy because I've gotten most of the major apps refunded (The ones that are $3-$10), so if I do have to buy any more again they'll mostly be the cheaper ones.
maxh said:
There are many apps out there that will back up your apps. ASTRO file manager (free and excellent) can back up apps. It creates a folder on your sdcard titled backups/apps and puts an apk there for each app you backup. If I were you, I'd do a nandroid, backup all of my apps, do your factory reset or flash your rom, install astro, then navigate to backups/apps and reinstall your apps manually. And for that one you already purchased twice and the developer wouldn't refund the 2nd purchase, might as well email that apk to a friend to get some use out of the second seat you purchased.
My Backup Pro is another app that makes app backup easy, but it's a paid app. When you run it and select backup apps, it'll ask for each app whether you want to backup or not, and it'll create a folder on your sd card with a zip file containing all of the apks of apps you chose for it to back up. When you restore, it'll go through the list of apps in that zip file asking for each one whether you want to restore, and restore them.
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I'll have to look into those!

New Android Market Website

So it's finally out. What do you guys think? Is this the end of Appbrain? I loved appbrain cause I can browse the apps on the website and then just click install from there and it will automatically install on the phone. Now this can do it too!
The biggest upside to this? You can install (after you pay) "in-app" purchase app from the website. e.g. you can install the NBA League Pass from the website directly. Any other features I missed?
This is from Google themselves, not me.
Cool. I like it.
I never really got into appbrain, because it still involved that extra step of opening the application itself.. and blah.. I think, I can't even remember. It just seemed tedious at the time to go onto the computer when it was quicker on my phone.
Then when Google does it, I'm all over it. I have been installing random applications just to install them. Why is this so awesome?!
I played with it for a while now and everything seems to be working well. I guess I can save some space by uninstalling appbrain and use this instead.
sweet jesus!
I'm like'n it...good stuff!
The automatic OTA install is working to my N1 and my Galaxy Tab now, it wasn't earlier this morning.
Works well!
With this new website comes another big change that will happen in the 3rd quarter of this year: NO MORE "LITE" version apps.
safeplayer22 said:
With this new website comes another big change that will happen in the 3rd quarter of this year: NO MORE "LITE" version apps.
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That's actually a good thing. You download the "free" application, and then if you decide to unlock it you buy the key from within the app rather than a separate unlocker application, or having the market cluttered with 2 separate versions.
Sounds like a plan!
The in-app purchasing as a general concept I'm not a massive fan off as it has the potential to lead to nickle & diming, primarily for games, but if used responsibly it should be good.
Wow, about time. Glad to see it's finally here.
now all they need to do is let you backup your app data. I dont want to lose my angry birds scores everytime i switch roms and forget to back it up with titamium backup
Well, I don't suppose there's a way for Market Enabler to work on the website?
It lists paid apps from all over the world, but it knows your phone's carrier and will prevent installs if your country does not support it..
I guess it's back to Market Enabler on the phone.
Anyone else having trouble actually buying apps from the website? Installing free apps works like a charm, but trying to purchase and install paid apps doesn't work. I press continue and _nothing_ happens.
running CM7 nightlies and the OTA installs are not working...
According to the website, you need to be logged into GTalk, only my GTalk won't log in. GTalk also appears to be missing from the market, so the problem may be on their end...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Doesn't work for me, it's been years and Android Market still doesn't support Google Apps accounts for Checkout. Although I can login, no devices are listed under "my devices" on market.android.com
I'm running CM7 Nightlies as well, I'm a few behind though, and I'm always logged into GTalk and the OTA's are not working for me either.
It's not working here on MM v.20. I've tried installing several apps but nothing happens on the phone end, the GTalk solution they give also doesn't help. Weird thing is they all show up on my app list as completed when none of them have actually installed.
Hollow.Droid said:
It's not working here on MM v.20. I've tried installing several apps but nothing happens on the phone end, the GTalk solution they give also doesn't help. Weird thing is they all show up on my app list as completed when none of them have actually installed.
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I'm having the same issue. I'm running CM6.1 kangorama's version and the install says it has worked on the website, but nothing changes on the phone itself.
I'm wondering if it has to do with it being a rooted device without a stock rom?
bjonesy77 said:
I'm having the same issue. I'm running CM6.1 kangorama's version and the install says it has worked on the website, but nothing changes on the phone itself.
I'm wondering if it has to do with it being a rooted device without a stock rom?
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I'm betting that someone is going to have to create a Web App Store Enabler or something along those lines for this to work on rooted phones or phones without stock ROM's.

Google ending support for Android Market on Android 2.1 and lower

Looks like no more market for pre-NGP devices.
similardilemma said:
Looks like no more market for pre-NGP devices.
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Thanks for posting this. I wondered when the final axe would fall. Well, it's simpler if GApps are not installed anyway and it was getting more and more temperamental. All the more reason for people to share packages of apps that they are using which work well on the device so we can side-load them. They can't take that away!
Does anyone know if this will affect the license check-in for paid apps? :/
Wondering about Titanium Backup Pro especially, it seems to check in on almost every boot. It would suck if we couldn't use it on the Nook Touch anymore, even though there are some clumsy alternatives.
Oops! Tried installing the 1337 ROM from 9th April 2015... No support for Android Market makes the rom unusable
Definitely backup your entire device + your original recovery before installing clockworkmod or 1337 ROM
I will now rever to stock and probably use Nook Manager to root the stock ROM.
Such a shame, I was super excited ot try out what seemed to be the best NST ROM out there
If it wasn't for ending the support for google apps, it might have been a great improvement, oh well...
Anyone with similar experience?
similardilemma said:
Looks like no more market for pre-NGP devices.
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July 2 and I can still use SearchMarket and install market apps....wonder if working installations are going to continue hobbling along?
Seems like it's gone for me. The market search function at least. The gmail app still works though.
How would you go about unlinking the NST from a google account all together?
It's not registered in the google device manager online, so I can't unlink it there.
I'm worried that things will start to wrong now when the framework is not supported anymore.
PremiumMediocre said:
Seems like it's gone for me. The market search function at least. The gmail app still works though.
How would you go about unlinking the NST from a google account all together?
It's not registered in the google device manager online, so I can't unlink it there.
I'm worried that things will start to wrong now when the framework is not supported anymore.
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I'm surprised your gmail works. I could never keep mine going. It would retrieve mail OK but would only send for a few days and then have to be reinstalled to work for a few more days.
The only concern I have is GoogleBooks, but so far it's OK. I'm not sure you need Market access to sync mail or books, but down the line these older applications may be rejected as security concerns. Time will tell.
So far I see no sign of weirdness.
Edit: OK, today (July 4) my NST is officially independent of the Market. No server contact. However, Google Books still works at this point. I'm not sure you should do anything. You could uninstall SearchMarket but that's about it. After all, lots of people are signed into Google on various devices to get mail but do not access the PlayStore. Famous last words
I have disabled both MarketUpdater.apk and Vending.apk (found in /system/app) by renaming them as *.OLD. After a reboot I have seen no problems running the few apps I had actually obtained from the PlayStore or those I side-loaded. Note I do not have any for-pay apps.
It may be possible to also disable Talk.apk and any adjuncts as this is used to interface with the Market, but I'm not there yet. A good goal would be to quiet down any behind-the-scenes activity by apps that can't connect any longer but keep trying to phone home just to be sure. At the same time I'm trying to maintain sync capability so that, for example, Google Books will continue to work for as long as possible. This, it seems to me, is the only remaining reason to bother with the GApps package at all since Google Sync is enabled with it.
Hello everyone. A few days ago i took my phone wich was lying around in the dust (x10 mini pro). Happily switched on, connected to internet and hit on market, just to realize this happened.
So, is there some market for 2.1-update? I was thinking about F-droid, but, how about this?
PD: sorry for my english
Sirius_Balzier said:
Hello everyone. A few days ago i took my phone wich was lying around in the dust (x10 mini pro). Happily switched on, connected to internet and hit on market, just to realize this happened.
So, is there some market for 2.1-update? I was thinking about F-droid, but, how about this?
PD: sorry for my english
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See https://forum.xda-developers.com/nook-touch/general/regain-market-acccess-nst-g-t3662594
nmyshkin said:
See https://forum.xda-developers.com/nook-touch/general/regain-market-acccess-nst-g-t3662594
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Thanks bro. I will try it soon :fingers-crossed:
