apns-conf.xml formatting? - Android Software Development

Does anyone happen to know of a referrence for correct formatting of entries in the apns-conf.xml file?
I'm trying to put together a couple of custom entries for Canadian carriers but I want to make sure they are formatted correctly so as not to step over existing entries.
Speficically, I'm curious what the acceptable options are for type=. I know it can be blank, default, or mms but is there also an option for vpn for some carriers that have a different APN for vpn connections or what is the correct entry if you want to have multiple APN options for a single mcc,mnc combination.
I've tried googling and checked at developer.android.com but can't seem to find any referrence to correct syntax for that file.


Enable MMS folder via Registry

Hi guys,
Question....does someone maybe know the registry settings to enable the mms folder in WM5?
Sure I know I can use a cab for it, but I am trying to find out what registry settings are needed to enable the MMS folder without installing the CAB file.
I am looking for the specific settings for a HTC Wizard, but settings from another HTC phone would be a good indication to start (I hope).
Regards, thanks and to all a very happy new year (of developing),
One of the CAB files I posted (I think) had it in it.. And I know I've seen the keys around here somewhere.. Unfortunately, I don't have an 8125 any more though, and I'm not quite finished with poking around my 8525 yet (planning on unlocking the ExtROM today so I can start deciphering CAB files).
I'll let you know what I come up with from the 8525 perspective.
I found your CAB file and I extracted it.
Unfortunately the same results as I have with the T-Mobile MMS Folder cab....it doesnt work
I install the CAB file, the MMS folder shows up, I export all the MMS Registry settings, do a hard-reset, import all the Registy settings and no MMS folder showing up.
I think it has something to do with the following registry values:
"Deleted Items"=dword:00009F00
After a hard-reset and installing this CAB file every time the values are different??
Could be. I'm honestly not too sure. But whateve reg values are in that CAB I've used over countless resets.
I'm getting ready to walk out the door in a few minutes, but when I get to my buddy's place I should be able to sit down for a few and look at the CAB and see what's in there again and go from there.
Take a good look at the values I posted....I really think it has something to do with those values changing every time you install the cab after a hard-reset.
Which CAB file are you using? I see a couple that I've posted.. Want to make sure I'm looking at the right one..
Beside having the MMS Folder to appear, I think you should have a service provider cab in ExtRom to configure to the right Service Provider's Server or you have to manually key it.
I am not sure if Wizard is the same.
cab files like mms folder and contain the values of certification on them it cannot be integrated so far, i tried,when you install a cab like mms, it writes several numbers to the cert part of the registry,once you install another cab that contains cert values ,it just overwrites the old values .
this is why the service providers never integrates such settings.
all this values that the mms cab writes to the registry can be found in the .XML file ,but must of them are build in the setup .dll ,the dll is coded with a set of instructions ,and this are the one that enable mms.
lets say you manage to extract all the reg settings for mms,then build into a custom cab this is all fine,but now you also want to integrate lets say..smardialing,well u cant because when you export the reg settings from one it overwrites the other because they use the same address in the registry.(cert}
I already have integrated SmartDialing in the default.hv and it works, will install a few cert apps and check if Smartdialing still works.
The only thing that is giving problems so far are:
"Deleted Items"=dword:00009F00
I checked every settings that is created by the MMS folder Cab, but only these settings will change after installing the CAB.
But after reading your answer Faria, I think we cannot create inbox folders for whatever via the default.hv, is this true?
molski said:
I already have integrated SmartDialing in the default.hv and it works, will install a few cert apps and check if Smartdialing still works.
The only thing that is giving problems so far are:
"Deleted Items"=dword:00009F00
I checked every settings that is created by the MMS folder Cab, but only these settings will change after installing the CAB.
But after reading your answer Faria, I think we cannot create inbox folders for whatever via the default.hv, is this true?
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Smart Dialing working?
Please tell us.
These registry values are included in default.hv and/or user.hv
And it works
Maybe I forget something, but test it and let me know!
p.s. These Reg values are from a HTC Wizard
molski said:
These registry values are included in default.hv and/or user.hv
And it works
Maybe I forget something, but test it and let me know!
p.s. These Reg values are from a HTC Wizard
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yes smartdialing works .i did it a month ago....but mms no.
once you put the cert settings for one of those cabs into the default hive its fine... but if you put another cab settings from another program into it,it gets overwrited .
molski said:
These registry values are included in default.hv and/or user.hv
And it works
Maybe I forget something, but test it and let me know!
p.s. These Reg values are from a HTC Wizard
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Does this works on Universal Helmi Aku3.5 V1.3?

Removing Icons from Settings wm6

I was checking around for any specifc ways to remove or hide icons from the settings area. As i understood it right the settings is just like windows control panel with CPL files. Basically in wm5 you just enter HKLM\Controlpanel add a d-word HIDe = 0 to hide the icon.
But with these new Wm6 feature i cannot find the encryption. Anyone know where the cpl is stored for teh encryption?
Or know any other way of hiding that icon in the settings area.
Ok. I was looking for it on wm 6.1, and no find an exact answer.
Anyway, I delete the WmTsk: delete the exe and ink (maybe dll) and edit
You have to delete the strings and correct the number of applications.
Hope this help you
humrod said:
Ok. I was looking for it on wm 6.1, and no find an exact answer.
Anyway, I delete the WmTsk: delete the exe and ink (maybe dll) and edit
You have to delete the strings and correct the number of applications.
Hope this help you
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Where you found the WmTsk file? And how u actully remove the ink from settings. Trying to find the locations of where they store the ink files for settings havent found it.
On the XML i dont have quite the same view of xml files but i look see if any provision xml is for the encryption. So far only found for certificates.
well, i make all this changes when cook and modify my roms....in fact i delete the clear storage files (ClearStorage.exe, ClearStorage.exe.0409.mui, ClearStorage.htm and ClearStorage.lnk), and work in the mxip_Oem_Translation_0409.provxml file.(modify the NÂș of applets, and delete the lines of clear storage), all with Neokit (cook tool located in prophet links)
As I know is the only way, because the config is in the rom, and you can't delete the files, either modify the provxml

[Q] Quantum OTA provisioning, APN MMS XML doc suggestion.

So since we can access the provisioning xml on the Quantum,
Wouldn't it theoretically be simple to:
1) Dump the XML provisioning doc, or worst case scenario copy it by hand, and create a blank template from that,
2) enter in carrier specific information and thereby create a MMS APN provisioning document with carrier specific settings,
or 3) edit the security settings for OTA provisioning if needed for a push,
4) Push the OTA, sideload it, or load the xml/xap from there?

Bypass inability to set MMS properties

Hi everyone,
Since this morning I decided to find a way to bypass inabilty to set MMS properties.
When I'll completly figure how to modify this settings I will develop an application where you will be able to put all the settings to set correctly the MMS APN.
So, I've started to investigate on my phone this morning, and I already found that.
It seems profiles are stocked in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ShortMsg\MMS\Profiles\
Active profile is set as String in that key : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ShortMsg\MMS\Active
Inside this Key, there is a Key for each profiles saved.
For my case, there is a key called "ORG-FR-APP". Inside this key, I can found this value :
TO-NAPID : String (Default Value = MMSAPN in my case)
TO-PROXY : String (Default Value = MMSPROXY in my case)
ADDR : String (Default value = http://mms.orange.fr in my case)
MS : DWORD (Default Value is 300).
I decide to modify value in registry trough MFG and I finally got that :
Before : http://attachments.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=880724&stc=1&d=1328002843
After : http://attachments.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=880725&stc=1&d=1328002843
The TO-NAPID and the TO-PROXY value seems to be linked to something I can see in "View config XML" but I don't know where I can edit them.
In deed, If I can edit them, the problem will be completely solved.
Here, the two screenshots which made me believe that the TO-NAPID and the TO-PROXY value are linked to something else in the file :
If someone know how to modify the set of values for NAPDEF and PXLOGICAL, I'm ready to do the software .
It's inside a XML File, somewhere in the phone.
I'll posting here if something new happens.
I'm gussing you've read through this already, but if not, I'm sure it could be of some help. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb737506.aspx
I went trough a similar path trying registry edits through LG's MFG app and using the program DiagProvXML to try and push my own non-registry changes... but to no avail unfortunately. Hopefully, you'll be able to program something that works.
It really is too bad we can not just write to the Windows directory and simply add/edit the carrier __PROV_*.XML files directly.
Just in case anyone is tracking this thread, you can now use HeathCliff's WP7 Root Tools to copy the appropriate XML files to the windows directory and enable MMS on ROMs with Internet Sharing, that lack the correct carrier settings. Let me know if you need specifics on how to make this work.
I am interested in this. Would be useful for others coming from google in future.
yeah, would love to get those informations, too, sonus.
thanks a lot in advance
Sorry, for the delayed response. I had not tracked this thread. Have you guys tried the "LG Network Setup App"? One forum member reports that he was able to select his network from that marketplace app and enable MMS specific to his carrier. That's the easiest way to do this.
Otherwise, the general steps are
1. Unlock your phone using MFG (plenty of threads outline this, so do a search)
2. Install Heathclif''s WP7 Root Tools using "Windows Phone Device Manager", "Windows Phone Power Tools", or any way you can think of to copy the XAP install file for Heathclif's WP7 Root Tools onto your phone.
3. Copy the two relevant to your provider PROV XML files from the attached zip and the Mail Provider XML file to your windows directory using WP7 Root tools on the phone. The files are sorted by carrier_country_MCC or MNC code. There's a wikipedia page with all the providers and their respective MCC/MNC codes, I had linked to it in one of my posts on MCC a while back. If your carrier doesn't have a file, try using one of these files as a template to make a file for your carrier
4. Use MFG to select your XML file (MFG>>Engineer Menu>>Other Settings>>Set network Profiles>> Search for the MNC or MCC for your provider (it searches according to filename)

ATT StraightTalk MMS?

Hello everybody, I've tried numerous times using the method of trying to get mms to work on my samsung focus with straighttalk. Everytime I go into diagnosis it never has the straighttalk option even though I have the xml saved and placed in the provxml folder like the directions state. Right now I'm currently using Dynamics 2.0 and I really could use someone's help. Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or is there another method I could use to get mms working? Thanks so much in advance.
I have the same issue. I even went to the windowbreak site and it put the windowbreak xml file in the provxml folder that I created, then when I went to the GPRS Manager, neither one of them show up. There is some change that has been made in the way the GPRS Manager finds the XML files, it sure isn't looking in the provxml folder like it did in previous versions of WP7 ROMs.
I tried searching for "Gumi Test Bed, Suwon2G, etc. I think that if I could find the location of those files, I could put the straighttalk xml file in the same location, and then get the MMS to work.
I looked around on the internet for clues on where the Gumi, etc files are located, and all I could find were the instructions for doing what you and I are trying to do. They all say that if we can't find the provxml folder to create it. They also suggest looking for the Gumi, etc. files but I found no posts that showed that anyone has ever found that location.
I posted about this already in the Windows Phone 7 development section of this Focus website.
wildbilll said:
I have the same issue. I even went to the windowbreak site and it put the windowbreak xml file in the provxml folder that I created, then when I went to the GPRS Manager, neither one of them show up. There is some change that has been made in the way the GPRS Manager finds the XML files, it sure isn't looking in the provxml folder like it did in previous versions of WP7 ROMs.
I tried searching for "Gumi Test Bed, Suwon2G, etc. I think that if I could find the location of those files, I could put the straighttalk xml file in the same location, and then get the MMS to work.
I looked around on the internet for clues on where the Gumi, etc files are located, and all I could find were the instructions for doing what you and I are trying to do. They all say that if we can't find the provxml folder to create it. They also suggest looking for the Gumi, etc. files but I found no posts that showed that anyone has ever found that location.
I posted about this already in the Windows Phone 7 development section of this Focus website.
Why is this so difficult to figure out? I wish someone could help us
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wildbilll said:
I have the same issue. I even went to the windowbreak site and it put the windowbreak xml file in the provxml folder that I created, then when I went to the GPRS Manager, neither one of them show up. There is some change that has been made in the way the GPRS Manager finds the XML files, it sure isn't looking in the provxml folder like it did in previous versions of WP7 ROMs.
I tried searching for "Gumi Test Bed, Suwon2G, etc. I think that if I could find the location of those files, I could put the straighttalk xml file in the same location, and then get the MMS to work.
I looked around on the internet for clues on where the Gumi, etc files are located, and all I could find were the instructions for doing what you and I are trying to do. They all say that if we can't find the provxml folder to create it. They also suggest looking for the Gumi, etc. files but I found no posts that showed that anyone has ever found that location.
I posted about this already in the Windows Phone 7 development section of this Focus website.
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Same exact issue, its almost like 7.8 does not see the provxml folder and that the test bed files have been moved. I had the same issue as will in strawmaplez 7.8 rom. To be honest, I am at a lost as to why dropping the straight talk.xml file in to the provxml folder doesn't work because if I am not mistaken most of the 7.8 ROMs out there are forked 7.5 refresh ROMs with the 7.8 leaked ROMs. Unless this is one of the elements from 7.8.
I had the xml working in the strawmaplez rom. I created the provxml folder in the main directory, them I placed the xml file in there. It found it no problem.
wildbilll said:
I had the xml working in the strawmaplez rom. I created the provxml folder in the main directory, them I placed the xml file in there. It found it no problem.
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Now that I think about it, I am going to revise my statement about strawmaplez I got the ROM to see the provxml folder and the straighttalk.xml, however it didn't work, it still would not allow me to send or download MMS.
flyingdreamz said:
Now that I think about it, I am going to revise my statement about strawmaplez I got the ROM to see the provxml folder and the straighttalk.xml, however it didn't work, it still would not allow me to send or download MMS.
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a shot in the dark, but have you tried activating autosimsetting in diagnostics? you can toggle it with either 40*047#3 or *#94765#
we don't have straight talk around here, so i don't know if the mms settings are also stored in the sim card or not
Saiyaku said:
a shot in the dark, but have you tried activating autosimsetting in diagnostics? you can toggle it with either 40*047#3 or *#94765#
we don't have straight talk around here, so i don't know if the mms settings are also stored in the sim card or not
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I can give it a shot, and I don't believe the MMS settings are in the SIM because straight talk requires you to put in a APN and other information.
wildbilll said:
I had the xml working in the strawmaplez rom. I created the provxml folder in the main directory, them I placed the xml file in there. It found it no problem.
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I have a Focus 1.4 and I flashed the vt2912 W7.8 rom yesterday. So far no major problem besides the MMS for StraightTalk. I downloaded the xml, made a provxml folder in the root directory and put the xml in there. In the GPRS menu I can see StraightTalk and load it. However, MMS still doesn't work after loading it. There was one time I got it to work by rebooting after loading the xml, but since then I haven't been able to reproduce it. Do you have any other tip that may help make it work?

