assign picture to mp3 folder - HD2 General

How can I assign picture to mp3 .. and this picture will show up

Try this:
All my albums now have the correct artwork after using this. It was doing my head in using the auto update art on the phone.

I use mp3tag to embed the album art, works 100% with every player I've used it with. I use album art downloader to find a nice version of the artwork (usually at around 600x600 res).

mp3tag works great

An easyway
Put a .jpg file with the name Folder.jpg in the folder it will show up.

Thats true, but that doesn't work for all OS environs (for example I don't think my playstation picked up album art that way). Mp3tag just works with everything...


WMP Album Art

I've been searching on this forum and on other places on the NET and can't find anything on how to show Album covers when listening to music using WMP on PPC.
I read in several reviews that WMP 10 features the ability to show Album art, but so far i didn't get this to work....
Does anyone know?
The easiest way is just to copy the album art (.jpg format) into the same directory as the album and rename it to 'folder.jpg' (renaming it may not be necessary, it's just what I do). Now when you open that album the artwork will be displayed (assuming you are using a media player skin that allows for artwork, the standard WMP10 skin is fine).
When you encode a CD on your desktop PC using media player it automatically downloads and stores the artwork in the same directory as the encoded files. If you just copy the whole directory to your PPC it will work fine. If for some reason it wont download the artwork you can go to, search for the album, and get the artwork from there.

how do you edit pics on music files?

I transfered some of my music files I used on my itunes to the HD. Problem now is that lot of the music files now don't have the album cover. Is there to fix that?
Assuming that all your music is organised into seperate folders for each album on your PC. You need to make sure that each folder has a JPG of the album cover in it. The name of the JPG in each folder should be "Folder.jpg"
I tried that, but I didn't get album art to show until I tagged the mp3 file with the album art filename using Media Monkey.
i use this
work fine
it worked for me, altho I had to resync my music, and update my library on my Touch.
Each album needs its own folder, each folder must have a file called "folder.jpg" and the jpg should be that albums art work.
I'm also assuming you mean in the TF3D music player. The same thing works for S2P however S2P seems to take a long time to update.
Using only Folder.jpg does work it just takes time for the programs to catalogue the album art. and though embedding album art in the mp3 also works it can also cause problems and you'll see a album art jpg is created anyway

Missing Album Art

Transferred my music from WMP over to my Nexus and only some have album art.
My album art has been manually added as "cover art" through WMP.
Would I have more success if I manually add the album art in iTunes?
Does anyone have this problem and has found one is better than the other? These are the only two media players I've ever used but have just come back to Windows so could consider WinAmp if anyone knows how that works with the Nexus?
Cheers. Paul.
Mate all my itunes music had album art.. i transferred it and its not showing :S only some of it is
Was your album art manually added and embedded into the files or just downloaded via iTunes?
Majority by itunes...
It may not be this ultimate fix and it may or may not work on the nexus(I'm still on G1) but Album Art Grabber in the market works well...until you wipe.
Guitarfreak26 said:
Majority by itunes...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is the problem.
iTunes stores the album art in a different folder and assigns it to the music when loaded.
It does this ONLY if the artist and album title are completely correct, but does not embed it to the track or folder.
There is a way to assign the album art and EMBED it into each track without having to worry about .jpgs hanging around
see here (post 4)
that program works great haha
how do i fix the unknown artist thing.. and missin album title.. i edit it in itunes but it doesnt change
You mustn't be editing it properly.
Remeber you have to edit the Artist, Album in iTunes but ALSO the track title in windows explorer (iTunes changes the embedded info).
Windows may show UNKNOWN album or artist but in iTunes it will be right.
Make sure you change it all, but it is tedious, but once it's dine it'll never need doing again and no unsightly .jpgs in all your music folders.
Oh i get you now mate.. See im on a mac :S thats why im getting confused with how to edit it out of itunes..
I get albums doubled aswell.. must be cus of the name..
Is there no program to edit it on the phone?
Theres a couple for gettin the album art on the market, 'album art grabber' as someone mentioned and 'mp3 tagger' does as well i believe
yeye got the albumart sorted
i mean one that would let me edit
Artist, Album, etc on the phone.. cus using a mac i carnt edit it on here really

Album Art?

Does anyone know how to put album art on you're current mp3's?
I put it on in itunes and windows media player but it doesnt show up in my manilla music tab....
anyone know how 2 do this?
I also found where the art is located on my SD card, added a pic with a matching tittle to the artist and it didnt work
I've always used Mp3tag for that. It works great for tagging and album art (and it's free).
The WMP does that faster. And I also use MP3Tag for every mp3 file
vsicarbon said:
Does anyone know how to put album art on you're current mp3's?
I put it on in itunes and windows media player but it doesnt show up in my manilla music tab....
anyone know how 2 do this?
I also found where the art is located on my SD card, added a pic with a matching tittle to the artist and it didnt work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
all you have to do is pull the album art offline and name the album art file folder.jpg put it inside where your tracks are and it will show up inside your music player.
That won't work if he want's to put art on just one file. Do this.
- Put the album art trough Mindow Media Player, it's plain simple.
- Drag the image even from the browser on to the little box of the album art of the WMP viewer.
- Then open the selected file with MP3tag, go to options > tags > Mpeg and choose write ID3v2.3 UTF-16.
- Select file from the view and click save or ctrl+s. Done.
Works every time on mine.
i have a solution but it is a little boring.put your musics in separate folders.then copy the image u want to shown in manila.rename this image to hTC_AM_AlbumArt.jpg
after that duplicate this image and rename it to folder.jpg
So u have two image folder.jpg and hTC_AM_AlbumArt.jpg
soft reset your device and see the changes
this is how i made it work ...
I embedded in every mp3 file the cover art with mp3tag in ID3v2.3 UTF-16 format , then i opened media player and choosing my music folder as it's default library I've synced it with my phone. and ... voila ! the alb covers show perfectly in the music tab...
Basically windows media player made a folder for each album, and took the cover from the mp3 file...
It is very important that you check your id3 tags on your mp3's because if they have the same album name, they will be put in the same folder and thus have only one cover (even if you put separate covers for each file, because the were from different artists)..,
How to use mp3tag :
download, install and open
The click File > CHANGE DIRECTORY navigate to your music folder and select it
... click the ADD DIRECTORY if you like to add more folders (if they are on different partitions ...)
The music files will appear and when you click on every file , you will be able to view and edit it's tag in the left side of the screen.
You can embed a cover by right clicking on the square in the left side of the screen and choosing "ad cover" and then selecting your picture [that you have found using Google... etc...] or by simply drag-and-dropping the image on that square ...
after you verified that you wrote the album name correctly and set the album cover , simply click on the save icon on the top tool-bar .. and mp3tag will save your mp3 with your album art....
although mp3 tag can look for your album art on line, the database that's being used by mp3tag is small and it didn't worked so well for me ...
after doing all my art embedding i installed ATUNES and it suggested a lot more covers than mp3tag, and a lot more information for the artist or album .. or track .... so .. i will probably use IT in the future ....

Music album art in gallery

I tranfered some music folders from my computer to my SD card and now I have Album Cover Art in my Gallery how do I fix
google "android .nomedia" and read the guides from there
I used ".nomedia" and it works like a charm.
It's possible the music folders had image files in them along with the music. Depending on what you use to play your music on the computer, the image files could very well hidden files on your computer.
For example, Windows Media Player does this when it looks up song info to fill out the ID3 tag info in a file.
Although I'm not sure if a Windows file attribute of hidden would affect how it displays on Android.
Make sure your album art is in the same folder as the music relating to it and rename it 'albumart' (it has to be a jpg file). That way the gallery will ignore it.
Easier way to prevent this issue would be to not have album art in the music folder, or simply save the art to the ID3 tag. Album art info should be in the MP3 file itself if your did that.
Otherwise, what C.Slater said works best or use the .nomedia trick (which is still annoying to do).
Some players wont display embedded art.
Had the same problem, just deleted all the music album art jpgs from the sd card and that fixed it. Album art is stored in the files themselves it seems so they are not needed.
My old touch pro 2 stored album art in jpgs so that's where the problem came from.
krabman said:
Some players wont display embedded art.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Those players shouldn't be supported.
Album art
muncheese said:
Those players shouldn't be supported.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And they call it a SmartPhone
Download music player "3" by Filipe Abranters.
Search MARKET place with words "RockON" and select "3".
Best music player there is, and it can download art and other stuff for free and quick as hell.
And it's great widget to.
And you'll never have to worry about art albums !

