Converting .CABs to usable packages - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Hi Everyone,
I'm hoping for a bit of advise please..
(I have searched, but I've found nothing I can get working)
I've (very) recently started palying with cooking my own ROM(s). I've managed to dump, reconstruct and successfully flash a couple back to my phone just to check I've got the very basics right in my kitechen and I seem to have.
I've been getting on OK removing packages too, so I can slim ROMs down etc...
The trouble I've found is that when converting my own .CABs to packages (as described in the great guides round here) using the package converter, I can add them into my kitchen just fine. Unfortunately, when I flash my phone with the resulting ROM, there's no signs of what I've tried to add.
Could anyone suggest what I might be missing please?
I'm also hoping to figure out how to set my own options (create email accounts, set ringtones, the normal customization anyone might do after a reset) so they're good to go after a hard rest, any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated too!
Thanks a lot!

using package convector make the OEM, then just drag the new folder on to package rebuilder and use that EXT to cook
also next time plz mention the kitchen ur using, coz other wise we are left guesing what the problem is

agent_47 said:
using package convector make the OEM, then just drag the new folder on to package rebuilder and use that EXT to cook
also next time plz mention the kitchen ur using, coz other wise we are left guesing what the problem is
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Thanks a lot for the pointer...
I'd got as far as the first bit already...but thats the first mention I've seen of a 'package rebuilder'.
...and I'm giving it a go right now.

Well, thats got an app or three installed...thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction.
Unfortunately, I can't get the package to create me a start menu menu icon for the apps I've converted from .CABs. I think I've found the right settings in the package creator, but I don't get whatever icon(s) I set up.
any thoughts on this last bit please?
oh,and I'm using 'Ervius Visual bepe's kitchen'
thanks again,


Custom Setup After Hard Reset

Guys, Have been searching the site for a couple of weeks now and cant find a solution to my problem.
I work for a company that deals with alot of XDA2 units, so far I have managed to develop a custom extended rom that works fine, but have not been able to find a way to remove links from the start menu and the program menu. seen several threat on the site but no solution. The links have to be removed if a hard reset occurs. At present It has to be done by cloning an image onto the unit (1600 in total)
Any help would be appreciated.
I would love a program which based on a txt file would "delete","rename"... files and/or registry.
Something that could be executed from config.txt
there was a thread about a .bat interpreter but i don't think they got it working.
M4io said:
I would love a program which based on a txt file would "delete","rename"... files and/or registry.
Something that could be executed from config.txt
there was a thread about a .bat interpreter but i don't think they got it working.
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I'm using Restorator utility (search through the forum) to do the aforementioned things and much more. Works flawlessly with new Second Edition rom
thx, I completely forgot about that utility. I will defenitely give it a try

Could someone create a workable cab file for these files?

Hello there,
I was just wondering if someone is able to create a workable cab file for these dumped ROM files. I could not find any cabs already created.
Thanks so much for your time!!
Do those include the depended-upon files like the dlls and lnks? If not there's no point cabbing them up. It looks like they might just be the exe files for the games.
Funnily enough I was thinking of creating a cab for those games at some point so I can pop them onto any future 'light' or 'superclean' ROMs without having to cook them in from one of the available kitchens. But I haven't created a cab before so I'd need all the files that come with, i.e. the exes and lnks and any dlls. (I think that's all they use, about 8 or 10 files between them. I 'm doing other stuff just now but if noone's posted any cabs soon I'll make one.
Anyone who can save me the bother of finding out which files I need if they already know them (and even attaching them) would help of course!
Cheers fella.
Dunno why but the exe and one dll in there are zero-byte files for some reason, but I'll assume the list is full and get them from my own rom here.
Now we'll see how long it'll take me to learn to make cab files from a standing start. This could be either hours or days. Don't hold your breath..
Thanks for your help!!
Thanks chunkymonkey for your effort in creating the cabs and thanks Mike Parsons for your contribution for the files. It looks like when I dumped my original files I did not have the "hide system files information" unticked.
Your help is much appreciated.
Here's version 1.
You need to create your own shortcuts.
Solitaire works great!
Thanks chunkymonkey that was quick!!
Solitaire works great but bubble breaker kicks an error SHCreateMenuBar Failed...Cannot open Bubble breaker resource file.
Thanks again for your efforts!
Righto. I'll let you know if I get that sorted.
vjgrace - can you (or anyone) search you PPC for softkb.dll pls?
Not inc on this Satin ROM and I don't want to have to flash a new ROM just to get the dll file and then flash back.
Ta. (Otherwise this'll have to wait for when I next do flash ROM - most likely when Faria brings new one out)
You got it!
Hello chunkymonkey,
Right now I am in the process of redumping the recently released dopod wwe and hopefully it will be in there.
And here it is...
Thanks again,
Ta. Bear with me.
Ah, no, I've got that package file, do you have the dll itself kicking about anywhere, perhaps on your ppc?
(DISREGARD above - I didn't look properly in the zip, sorry)
Try this one.
Should work and have shortcuts, but they're not correct shortcuts, i.e. going into Programs instead of Games in Start Menu. Also BubbleBreaker has no space between the words.
Sorry I can't test them for you but games are already burned into the ROM I'm using.
V3 - took the shortcuts back out and added the correct ones as a separate cab.
I need to get the shortcuts to install properly. Just needs me to work out inserting srtuff into the xml file of '' but not from the other one. I don't know xml as you can no doubt tell.
For now though, these 2 should make the Games folder the same as presinstalled ones, including the games folder icon for the start menu.
Uness someone who can test it tells me different.
Great Work and Effort!!
Hello chunkymonkey,
Boy you are on the ball!! Solitaire is working like a champ but the bubble breaker still gives me the same error, it very well may be something on my end because I have installed the Dopod Lite version by edhaas (great slim version) and it is a very clean/light version may be missing some files in the ROM, I don't know.
You definitely have given me the inspiration to pursue this further, attempting to create the cabs on my own...You have created a workable game from start to finish without having created a cab before, so THANK YOU!!
On a side note, the shortcuts are not working, the game folder is created but the shortcuts are dead, but thanks anyway.
Once again..thanks for your time,
Does anyone have a working standard games cab?
natzakaria said:
Does anyone have a working standard games cab?
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i still get the error on bubble breaker for some wierd reason..
gues i'll have to see if thier is a free version, thanks for getting solitaire working thou, iut keeps the misses quite
Fixed cab
here's a fixed cab with correct shortcuts and bubblebreakers 'missing' files.
i installed it but i have this "error shcreate bar error"
There ya go, guys. I know this thread is old, but whatever. That one works fine.

can a manilla file stop automatic time update?

hello chef central
i have two problems with rebuilding my kitchen
the first problem is when i go to file explorer and choose a page where you could scroll down and reached the lowest point it went a little further and then bounced back to the end(hope you get what i mean as i cant phrase it better)
i lost my kitchen due to a faulty hard drive so i am rebuilding it and now i lost that option:S
im using the same tweaks as i had a backup of my regtweaks so that aint the problem
im also using the same htcscroll package as the rom where it worked so that aint the problem either i think
does some one know where to look or what to change to make this happen again
the second problem is automated time and date
when i cook a clean rom(with all tweaks in it) i get oobe and when thats finished it gets me to the homescreen
within a minute it downloads the date/time and weather data
when i cook a full with visual mods it doesnt work anymore:s
so im guessing its a manilla file that is holding back on it
how is it possible that a manilla file prevents to download date/time settings? and does some one has a idea wich file it could be?
edit: and the last question
when i create a dutch full rom it says it has 645 modules and when i make the same packages in wwe it says 636 modules:S
there arent any modules hidden in language packs right?
edit2: found the difference in modules
in the syslanguages the wwe has less files then the nld
someone know a explenation why its this way as everything works like it should in wwe and you wouldnt think it would if things are missing:s
you are just provided answer for your own question!
Seriously, I am glad you solved it though..
ai6908 said:
you are just provided answer for your own question!
Seriously, I am glad you solved it though..
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new questions on first post
miniterror said:
hello chef central
the second problem is automated time and date
when i cook a clean rom(with all tweaks in it) i get oobe and when thats finished it gets me to the homescreen
within a minute it downloads the date/time and weather data
when i cook a full with visual mods it doesnt work anymore:s
so im guessing its a manilla file that is holding back on it
how is it possible that a manilla file prevents to download date/time settings? and does some one has a idea wich file it could be?
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I am also interested in the answer of this problem..
c_shekhar said:
I am also interested in the answer of this problem..
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to come back to my own question i think for the date/time thing i whas to quickcause i have seen it working now a couple of times on my full rom:-o
so i think a manilla file wont stop it
i thought it whas kinda starnge as timezonefix package dont have manilla files in it
i thought it maybe whas a manilla file as i have transparancies for date and calander things on the homescreen and thats why i thought that maybe whas the problem
i still havent found the problem for th bouncing at the end of a list when scrolling in the fle explorer
i do noticed that when i hold a sec and then try it i have the bounceing thingie:S
probably a reg setting not good
can someone tell me wich package is for file explorer?
i search in the kitchen directory for file explorer doesnt give any results
hmmm nobody can tell me wich package is for file explorer?
still busy with the bounce when reaching the end of a list in file explorer
i have it everywhere except there

help..... how to dump my hd2 rom so I can flash it later.

help..... how to dump my hd2 rom so I can flash it later. so everything stay the same and I don't have to install all cabs again and setting. I'm a noob, I'm also trying to find out how to make my own clock and icons. thanks
i don't think it is possible to back-up your current rom n settings.
corlygunnz said:
help..... how to dump my hd2 rom so I can flash it later. so everything stay the same and I don't have to install all cabs again and setting. I'm a noob, I'm also trying to find out how to make my own clock and icons. thanks
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Check the Energy ROM thread. There is some talk of it in post #5.
i did it with my o2 rom just to see how to do it, but in all honesty i won't be doing it again. No point when the rom is available to download, and it doesnt save settings anyway. Ive posted teh how-to just because you asked about 'dumping the rom' so it will no doubt get hits from epople wanting to know how, and not just people like you wanting to backup, not dump.
dump the .raw partitions, reading step one in THIS first post will help.
Then set up ervius visual kitchen and use the 'raws2nbh' function to rebuild the raw files into the .nbh rom file.
BUT, it wont save your rom as it is now, with all your settings and such, it will only dump the rom as it was when you first ran the phone.
Far easier to just download the stock rom from somewhere.
Plus the rom you create even though it is stock will still be seen as a cooked rom by teh phone, so you would need hspl installed to flash it.
So, you need to look more into backup software, like sprite backup, PIm backup, or sashimi/makisu, or the like.
thanks very much. I guess I stick with backing up the settings and flashing the stock rom... thanks for the feedback again... ps: the point was to have the rom just how out was when dumped...
corlygunnz said:
thanks very much. I guess I stick with backing up the settings and flashing the stock rom... thanks for the feedback again... ps: the point was to have the rom just how out was when dumped...
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Yea, i know what you mean.
I found a cooked rom that i liked, and the chef also offered the kitchen with it. (which means i run the kitchen, press 'build' and fifteen minutes later the rom is created, ready to flash.)
Then, knowing i have a rom that i already like, i can start to make small adjustments. Progs that i normally have to reinstal every time i have converted to cookable packages, various registry tweaks that i used to instal from cab every time i have now cooked in.
A great way to get an easy intro into cooking, but because it's already built you aren't starting from a stock rom, facing weeks of tweaks. Instead i know i already like the rom, and i can slowly apply extra tweaks as i learn.
Look out for rom threads who offer 'comes with kitchen'.
ChuckyROM is the one that comes to mind, but there are others too.
I now have cookies home tab mod pre installed, and right from the start it has my layout, and all my quicklinks already there, as well as most of teh cabs i used to instal manually already built in, owner name pre set, home location/timezone etc etc all pre set, my own lockscreen, i've removed tons of unused images and language files, and such like.
My rom is down to around 145MB. (Stock is around 200MB+).
Best of all, i cooked in 'remotetracker', so if my phone gets stolen/lost, , even a hard reset wont stop it being trackable.
Fun stuff, if you dont mind spending a few hours at a time cooking/flashing/re-cooking/flashing/re-re-cooking, , , hehe
samsamuel said:
I now have cookies home tab mod pre installed, and right from the start it has my layout, and all my quicklinks already there, as well as most of teh cabs i used to instal manually already built in, owner name pre set, home location/timezone etc etc all pre set, my own lockscreen, i've removed tons of unused images and language files, and such like.
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how can I pre install, the layout and quick links on cookie too my rom, I'm a noob, I got this new rom I like and a want to tweak it, its going to be my first rom. can you or someone direct me to tutorials for cooking and tweaking.... I'm a quick learner. lol
corlygunnz said:
how can I pre install, the layout and quick links on cookie too my rom, I'm a noob, I got this new rom I like and a want to tweak it, its going to be my first rom. can you or someone direct me to tutorials for cooking and tweaking.... I'm a quick learner. lol
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well its not that simple. when a chef cooks the rom, it is usually protected, so you cant just dump a cooked rom. Thats why you have to get a pre built kitchen for that rom.
Sadly there is no simple step by step for all this.
THIS thread is for OSKitchen, which is pretty good, and fairly straightforward.
I suggest you just get a kitchen, dump a stock rom into it, and just have a look around it for a while first, so you get the idea of what you are facing.
Follow posts 1 - 4 and that should give you an evenings tinkering to get started.
Or there is ervius' visual kitchen, which isn't quite so straight forward, but works really well for me.
Reading HERE and HERE and HERE
and lots of reading in 'Chef Central'
However, to get immediate results, i found it far better to start with a pre built kitchen.
HERE is the one i first started to tinker with.
I gave up on kitchens a half dozen times in the past months, it just seems so overwhelming, which is why a ready made rom i could make minor tweaks to came in so handy.
thanks allot, I'm going to get to it right away. I'll post if I hit a wall.
how do i cook cooki home tab. is not working, is the anything i got to do?
corlygunnz said:
how do i cook cooki home tab. is not working, is the anything i got to do?
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convert it to an ext package, which will generate a folder with various files/subfiles, one of which is a reg file, edit that, add your registry entries (extracted from your currently running phone, using ceregistry editor ((if you dont already have them, immediately you finish reading this go get wincecab manager, ceregistry editor, and look up CAB_Converter too.)))
Use cab converter to change the cab into an ext.
as always, the best advice is to read everything, then read it again, hehe.
A working example.
connect your phone to usb, open ceregistry editor, click connect, browse to HKLM\software\HTC\manila\Home There are 80 or so numbered folders, Thats for the quicklinks.
In the tree view on the left, right click the folder Home and choose 'export'. A file save dialog will open, call it something like home, OK. You should get something like '81 keys exported'
Now, browse to the folder where the converted cookies EXT is, find the file 'app.reg'. Double click to open it in ceregistry editor, you will see a similar registry view as you saw on the phone, except with loads less entries. Find HKLM\software\HTC\manila\Home, select the home folder, hit delete, confirm, its now gone.
Go to top of ceregistry editor - hit Edit - Import registry keys from file.
Now, by default it will be looking for .reg files, but we exported ours as .cereg, so change the filetype dropdown to 'all files'.
Find your 'home.cereg' file we exported, click it, you will get a 'sucessfully imported,....blahblah', hit save, and now, when you cook the rom, your quicklinks will already be there as soon as the phone first boots.
Use SPB backup
Use SPB backup. Works wonders. I have a backup for the 3 or 4 roms I run. So all I have to do is load the rom, load spb backup and restore the backup and all my settings, email accounts, facebook and the such is ready to go.
fhaines said:
Use SPB backup. Works wonders. I have a backup for the 3 or 4 roms I run. So all I have to do is load the rom, load spb backup and restore the backup and all my settings, email accounts, facebook and the such is ready to go.
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i just got me the spb backup, and is working great for me. thanks.
The simple solution here is SPB Backup...
EDIT: oops, jumped the gun. was already suggested. xD
glad you got it figured out
samsamuel said:
use the 'raws2nbh' function to rebuild the raw files into the .nbh rom file.
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This step is much more complicated than it sounds. Any possibility that you could include instructions for this?
ohiosux said:
This step is much more complicated than it sounds. Any possibility that you could include instructions for this?
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sure you want to bother? it wont save your settings as they are now, so you are essentially dumping the stock rom as it was when you got the phone (Assuming you're running a stock rom that is, if its a cooked rom it probably wont convert anyway)
All (most) of teh stock roms are available to download, so its an accademic task only, , , ,
samsamuel said:
sure you want to bother? its an accademic task only, , , ,
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Actually, yes. I realize its redundant work, but I don't see how I could ever become a proper "chef" if I can't even manage to dump a ROM.
ohiosux said:
Actually, yes. I realize its redundant work, but I don't see how I could ever become a proper "chef" if I can't even manage to dump a ROM.
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hehe, well, ive only done it once, so you know as much as me, , get ervius vis kitchen (im sure other kitchens can do it too, just i use evk) click extra buttons, top left button is raws2nbh, follow the prompts.
You dont need to do this to cook, you know that? the kitchen will import a downloaded stock nbh, no need for the dump to get a kutchen working.

New HTC Rose @};- Project

Hello everyone!I had started a project for our devices (and yes this mean a holl new ROM) I started this days to make something and I managed to do something but need a lot of help from other users of this section of the forum who have knowledge of ROM cooking,so for those of you that want to help improving this project I want a PM from you.
Use my kitchen, with it you can extract ROMs and cook ROMs without problems... I don't exactly know why you are being so overly excited in the General Hacking Forum, since all that you need is already there, use it!
no the prb. is that i need more support for ex how to extract a .nb image?or how to extract from a ROM the programs that it haves?Because with yours i didn`t manage to do something to different and now i`m preparing the build a new ROM 6.5.3 with new XIP and new SYS
In my kitchen go to TOOLS -> bats -> extract.bat and open it in an editor, it should tell you everything you need to know about extracting roms (the nbimagetool extracts pretty much every *.nbh and *.nb you throw at it). Once the dump is put into packages by the pkgtool, the programs are sorted into those packages (if the cook didn't prevent this for example by deleting the dsm files during the cooking process, in this case all you get is a veeeeery long list of files )...
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I had a lot of problems with the 6.5.3 emulator image, the home screen wouldn't rotate (CHome that is). And I figured that 6.5.3 isn't worth the hassle on non-touch screen WM phones (I am moving to Android soon anyway )
I also had some problems with the SYS when i was trying to make G`reloc and gived me a Skybox language error and stoped,but after I deleted Skybox it worked like a charm .Did you had this to?
That's normal. G'Reloc doesn't support the new modules of WM 6.5 that are allocated to memory slots that don't exist in previous WM versions. So you either remove or recmod the modules or you use wmreloc instead of G'Reloc...
yes i found out that if I remove it everything is ok i removed it with unlocker but now i want to try wmreloc hope it will go without errors
I always used the recmod mehtod, but removing skybox makes sense anyway, because it's available in the market...
Something for you to read on the topic:
So it`s better to remove it because eats lot of memory anyway I don`t use it but I wanted to be included exactly like in the original ROM but in the last days I was thinking to do it different and I will do probably a light version and one customize by my own needs but I would love also to know what the users would want to include,so waiting for some proposals

