It's possible to get more shortcut on HD2 DEsktop ? - HD2 General

Currently i can set up to 6 quick shortcut on htc sense desktop. It's possible to get 9 or 12 of it ?

riccardoroma said:
Currently i can set up to 6 quick shortcut on htc sense desktop. It's possible to get 9 or 12 of it ?
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You need to search the forum mate. There's currently solutions out there to give you 4x4 and 5x5 quicklinks on the home page. I think they're in the stickied tweaks thread.

thank you very very much

i've found the cab and this is ok
now there the same solution for contact tab ? i need at least 20 contact

I've not found anything to increase the number of contacts on the people tab, which is something I too would like.
I found a link for 5x4 (not 5x5, sorry) quicklinks, and thought I'd post it here, in case anyone comes across this post while looking for the same solution.

I also tried to find solution for increasing contact number for people tab. but fail. let keep informed on any new development. thansk.


Can I get "New" on Today Screen on WM 5 like on

This morning when I visited the forum, there was a post of what has happened to the "New" task on the left bottom corner of the screen on WM 5? I didn't have time to read it at the time and an hour later when I was back I couldn't find this post anywhere.
My question is, is there a way to get the "New" task on WM 5 like it was on WM 2003?
Thank you!
For the "new" feature, it's not implemented in WM5. Kind of. But watch this (ie my) space :wink:
But for now, you can check out my post here:
Start the apps as such:
\windows\addrbook.exe -new
\windows\calendar.exe -new
\windows\tasks.exe -new
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Thanks for your posting!
The way you're suggesting is the way I'm doing it now, but I miss the old way I was opening "new" messages, texts, appointments, you name it, on my old XDA.
Is there a way of having that "New" task back to the bottom left corner of the screen? Would PocketPlus help?
Don't know about PocketPlus. I think there is a way to emulate the New button. I'll be investigating it when I get time...
Hi, I was able to track down the "New Menu" software. I have now installed it on my XDA Exec and it's working fine... like good all days.
This is the website you can download the software from!
Good luck!
New Menu
I am using the WMnewmenu - a great app - basically a task launcher
I've just noticed you can add anything to the menu - just added tomtom which is handy
I really want to add the start menu but can't seem to do this. What's the link please
If I can add the start menu I can scroll to what I want using the keys rather than having to touch the screen
hays - VJKeyPress can be used to pop open the startmenu.
I have included the link in my previous posting. Have a more careful look again and it's there! :wink:
It's a shareware. YOu can download it and install it immediately.
Could you please give me the link to the MNnewmenu? I'm looking for a good task launcher too.
Thank you!

SPB Mobile Shell - Add icon to title bar?

Is there a simple way to add a "wifi" icon to the middle of the title bar on the default Now screen? I want to try and get one that is greyed out when wifi is not on, and the normal black and white when it is on.
I use wifi a lot and try to keep it off on my tilt when not using it since its a HUGE battery drain.
I can create the icons and do the work, just need a little pointing in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
Side bar: Yes, I searched, and I posted in the SPB thread, but it got overlooked and is pages old now. This could help several people that need a single icon added.. FWIW
any ideas?
not possible with mobile shell, and next time please use one of the thousand ms threads and read first thread please, because we loose overview if everone opens a thread with one question.
bluemetalaxe said:
not possible with mobile shell, and next time please use one of the thousand ms threads and read first thread please, because we loose overview if everone opens a thread with one question.
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Apparently you didnt even read my whole thread.. You might read before you start lecturing oh "senior member"..
It is not possible to add one that shows status. However if you look at mtkates new mobile 7 theme or the HELU theme they offer an alternative and show how to do it in those threads.
aruppenthal said:
It is not possible to add one that shows status. However if you look at mtkates new mobile 7 theme or the HELU theme they offer an alternative and show how to do it in those threads.
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THanks for the help.. Let this thread die.
i gave you the correct answer and explained you why not open such threads. so whats your problem ? this has nothing to do with senior or not, its a question of sense and overview.
the helu skin has icon possibility to go directly to a commanager.
Check out, Gagaza's modification zip in
GB's thread V2, and my start button setup for an idea.. Enjoy!

idea for TF3d

is it possible to create a new tab for TF3D
that will show the items on your home screen
eg. your task,calender,etc
can someone make it if its not made yet?
king2110 said:
is it possible to create a new tab for TF3D
that will show the items on your home screen
eg. your task,calender,etc
can someone make it if its not made yet?
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I use "second today" on a soft key but there is a new solution posted here which looks very promising too. Neither solution is a new manila tab but the results are as good as if not better than.
Been a popular question over the last few months that one.
thats soo cool thx

[REQ] People Tab Alternative

Hi all
I tried to search, but i didnt find anything.
I dont like the "people" tab, where i have to scroll trough my favorite contacts. I would prefere, i could directly access to the favorites contact, without scrolling (like the programm tab or like the action screen).
But i still want to keep TF3D...
Do anyone has an idea or knows how to solve this issue?
Thx mates,
i dont know how to solve this but this is what i did
i installed icontact and i have it maped on the right softkey at the home tab.
it opens very fast, looks nice and is very finger friendly. There is a favorites tab as well but it does take 2clicks (1open icontact, 2 click on favorites) so not exactly direct
hope this helps
Thx Giannis86
Sounds good for me. Still much better as the actual solution.
I will give it a try...
actually i do have an idea now..
i just spent some time modding the actionscreen skin. I think it would be possible to fix the shortcuts to a contact (i need to do some research on how to do this ofc)
so, IF this is possible, you could have 9 contacts showing at the same time (i suppose more is possible if you made the icons smaller but its a lengthy process)
Giannis86 said:
actually i do have an idea now..
i just spent some time modding the actionscreen skin. I think it would be possible to fix the shortcuts to a contact (i need to do some research on how to do this ofc)
so, IF this is possible, you could have 9 contacts showing at the same time (i suppose more is possible if you made the icons smaller but its a lengthy process)
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there is a program i used some time ago while making a theme for battery status that enabled me to dial from shortcuts.
dial.exe xxxxxxxxxxx
but it would require some aditional tool to configure, or some text editing.
guythomaz said:
Hi all
I tried to search, but i didnt find anything.
I dont like the "people" tab, where i have to scroll trough my favorite contacts. I would prefere, i could directly access to the favorites contact, without scrolling (like the programm tab or like the action screen).
But i still want to keep TF3D...
Do anyone has an idea or knows how to solve this issue?
Thx mates,
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I would also prefer something like this. Instead of People just have a tab called "Contacts" and you can scroll up and down with the TF3d movability instead of going into the actual contacts program which is so slow.
What about to port people tab from m2d?
Yuna said:
What about to port people tab from m2d?
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Fantastic idea! Would b much better as the m3d...
I can't port it
guythomaz said:
I would prefere, i could directly access to the favorites contact, without scrolling (like the programm tab or like the action screen)
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Any solution for this request?!
I've found the easiest solve to this is to use iContacts Burt Edition 6.4.5 and map it to the right or left softkey on the homescreen. Then get TF3D config and remove the People tab fom manilla. You can set favorites with photos in icontactBE and you can configure it to open directly to the favorites list first with the iContact Config. tool.
crucytor said:
Any solution for this request?!
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At the moment am using Resco Contact Manager. I think it's really not bad, but there are many thing included, it isnt just a replacement for the people tab.

Favorite shortcuts in home tab

Hi all.
I'm new on this section, I've just bought my Leo
Flashing to official 1.48 ROM (HTC), I've experienced just one problem : I can't delete shortcuts I've placed on home tab... I've installed 4x4 rows favorite tab from this forum, is it the problem ? Have I to delete this ? This cab has some known pb on Leo ?
Please help me
Thanx to all for your answers !
OK, I've uninstalled the "Vovichek_Jamrecords 16 TT" to get back to 3 rows... and now I'm able to delete shortcuts. But I'm still on 3-rows (9 buttons) in home tab.
Is there any way to get 4-rows or 5-rows buttons on home tab ?
On my Touch Pro 2, with Valkyrie ROM, I've 5-rows in Sense 2.5 ...
No one on this section use any cab to get mroe buttons on home tab ?
Please share your experience !
I've got 5x4 on mine, and it seems to work fine. I can remove links without issue, and contact images work too.
You can get it here...
You need ""
thanks ! =)
No problem mate
I've one minor graphical bug with this cab : when synchronizing my contacts with facebook, the "facebook" (F) icon near my contact's shortcuts is toooooo big, so I can't read the name of my contacts, because this icon is over it.. did you have this pb too ?
lancelot54 said:
I've one minor graphical bug with this cab : when synchronizing my contacts with facebook, the "facebook" (F) icon near my contact's shortcuts is toooooo big, so I can't read the name of my contacts, because this icon is over it.. did you have this pb too ?
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I've seen a thread about that and did mess about with some of the icons to see if I could fix it, but to no avail. (I've just had a search, and can't find that thread, but it is there somewhere!)
I personally don't have contacts on my quick links. I'm happy with the people tab being 1 tab along and just use that instead.
johncmolyneux said:
I personally don't have contacts on my quick links. I'm happy with the people tab being 1 tab along and just use that instead.
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You're right.. I've not thunk about that
johncmolyneux said:
I've seen a thread about that and did mess about with some of the icons to see if I could fix it, but to no avail. (I've just had a search, and can't find that thread, but it is there somewhere!)
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still no answer, just a very bad solution xD
