PhoneVolume settings and call volume - HD2 General

there is a lot of debate going on about the volume during, especially outgoing, calls. There have been a few hints with respect to either changing the InCall regkeys or diminishing the music player volume in audio manager with Adv Config. For some this helps for others it doesn't. After searching the registry for a while, I found two reg keys of which I'm wondering whether they might have anything to do with the volume problem and I want to know how these settings are on your devices:
1. HKCU/ControlPanel/PhoneVolume/DownLinkPhoneVolume=102 (default)
2. HKCU/ControlPanel/PhoneVolume/MappedDownVolume=100 (default)
Does anyone out there know whether changing these keys might solve the volume problem?

Mine are both set at zero by default! I have the volume problem so no, these keys are not the culprit.


Hp 614c sound

Somebody mentioned a registry tweak for sound volume on 614c. There is a key located somewhere in HKEY_Local_machine that U can edit and change a value from 3 to 6 and increase the volume significantly. But I can't find the deamn thing. Anybody knows where to find it?
614c Sound
I have seen a post about changing registry keys in Local Machine Registry in Control from P to blank, as in delete the P which takes the volume out of "Phone" mode. I have not seen the 3 to 6 post, I will look for it.
Wrong Registry
gkleding said:
I have seen a post about changing registry keys in Local Machine Registry in Control from P to blank, as in delete the P which takes the volume out of "Phone" mode. I have not seen the 3 to 6 post, I will look for it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, its not Local Machine Registry but rather
Current User/
ControlPanel/Sounds then you delete the P in the script on the following 3
Exit, soft reset and ...
BT Audio
If you are trying to use BT speakerphone, Install the Bluetooth Audio cab by BVRP. I am able to use the BlueAnt Bluetooth Supertooth3 now.

Somebody Please Create Me Registry Key to Enable/Disable Volume Up and Down Buttons

I am trying to create profiles for my phone. When I set my profile to mute, it will disable the volume buttons from working. When I set my profile to active, it will enable the volume buttons to work.
So that is what I am trying to do, unfortunately, I don't know very much about the windows registry. I was hoping someone can create me a registry key to enable and disable.
I am using phone weaver. Basically this application allows me to select profiles, and when I select profiles they also execute and executable file or a .lnk file and the file will do whatever it is suppose to do. It is very simple, if you don't want to help me with the two registry keys, then I at least ask to know which registry key I am looking for to do this.
And I don't need to disable the volume icon at the top because I use Wisbar Advance to disable it from doing anything except for displaying whether the phone is mute or not.
I am using the Xperia X1. If someone can help me, this would be awesome.

how to adjust incall volume?

I tried to search the forum but have only found "static settings" for incall volume such files to be overwrittein in \Windows directory or some registry tweak.
The question is simple: how can i change the volume of the voice of the people talking to me while a phone call is in progress?
(up down with the buttons on the left of the phone doesn'work, neither increase nor decrease, only taskbar icons flash a bit)
I needed that too, but I thought I didn't explore the phone enough.
Good to know.

Stop lefthanders turning off the phone ringer

I am left handed and I keep accidentaly turning of the telephone's ringer volume control, and thus missing incoming calls. As I earn my living by answering my telephone I needed to find a simple way to stop this happening.
Here is how:
load a registry editor like PHM Registry Editor from:
Then go to:
Click on "DefaultPage" and change the value from 1 to 0 (zero)
click on OK and close the registry editor and do a soft reset.
Now if you press on the volume control by accident or on purpose the System Volume appears first, so the worst thing you can do by accident is turn off the system sounds. The phone sound is now the second option and is more difficult to turn off accidentaly.
Hope that helps someone.
As lefthanded user it overcomed me often.
Works fine,

Volume Change Beep

Can anyone guide me to what registry value i need to edit to stop the beeps when changing the volume in the htc volume control ?
Try this cab.
thanks worked

