mt3g calls not routed through bluetooth headset - myTouch 3G, Magic General

My bluetooth headset pairs and connects but when I make or receive a call those calls are not routed through the headset. It's like my headset was not even powered on but it does show that its paired and connected. In order to route the calls through the bluetooth headset I have to hold its power button for about 2 seconds then the call is immediately routed through it. But once I hang up the call it reverts back.
Is this normal for android? Every other phone I have ever had worked differently - if the bluetooth headset was paired and connected calls were routed through it, always, until it was disconnected.
It has worked this exact same way with 3 different roms. Unfortunately I'm not sure how it worked stock since I never connect bluetooth before I rom'd it. I'm using a motorola H505.

Okay, I got a Motorola H375 and it works perfectly. Looks like an incompatibility issue with the H505.


Logitech Bluetooth Headset & XDAII

I am not having much luck with my new headset.
First time I bond the headset it works fine, but once bluetooth tools shuts down the bluetooth after a call, the headset it never gets it back correct.
The headset will still link and the call button will take the call, but I can't communicate.
After you have taken a call on the headset, is there a way of getting the call back onto the xda?
I even tried leaving the bluetooth on all the time but that wasn't that successful either.
Anyone else using the logitech can they please advise me how they manage it's use.
I have been using logitech BT headphones love the unit. I dont have any problems except for the delay for it to connect to the phones. I have to wait for about 2 seconds before its connected to the phones when receiving calls. BTW I have been using it for the past 6 months. 8)
Do you use Bluetooth tools or just the stock standard bluetooth support?

Cingular 8525 and Motorola H700 BT headset

Hi All: I have paired the headset fine with my phone and made calls before but I can not switch a call from the handset to the headset while a call is already in progress. Once I end the call, I can pair the headset fine to make a NEW call but I'm having problems switching the call when it is already in progress. I can go to the phone and manually switch it to hands free but I thought that if I powered on the headset while a call was already in progress, that would route the conversation from the handset to the headset. Is that correct or can it not do this without some tweaking? Thanks.
I have the same setup and I can answer the call on the phone, then "open" the H700 and the phone re-directs the call thru the headset within about 2 seconds from opening the headset.
If I'm on the headset, I can press and hold the call button on the H700 and the call goes on hold. I can "close" the headset and then un-hold the phone using the touch screen and resume the call on the 8525.
Now I believe that the standard bluetooth stack is crap, and I have had many instances where the phone just stops linking the Bluetooth. I can usually restore the link just by using the comm manager to turn off the bluetooth radio, then turning it back On. I have even done this during a call and it worked.
I have always had solid, loud audio with the H700, BUT, several callers have mentioned that my voice was often clipping a word every few seconds. I don't know what that's all about.
Do you know whether you need to select any special settings or do anything special in the pairing setup with the phone or headset? I do not know how to have the conversation directed to the headset after turning it on when I am already on the call. It works fine to start a new call or to answer a call directly through the headset but can't join a call in progress. Would appreciate anyone's help. Thanks.

Wing and Jabra JX-10 Bluetooth Headset

OK I just bought the most expensive bluetooh headset man can find the Jabra JX-10 hoping that I will not have the same problems I have had with all other plantronics and other head sets.
The headset paired and (I guess its connected, there is no indication on the screen)
Here is the problem:
When I make a call, I see the headset logo on the dialer screen. The voice however comes from the phone, not the headset. Then I have to I push the CALL button on the headset to TRANSFER the call. (If my timing is not perfect and I push the button "before" the call is actually CONNECTED and there is someone talking, the phone will simply HANG UP.
Can the phone just send the calls to the headset at all times (unless I am in my car that has bluetooth?)
I uninstalled touchflo and un-paired and re-paired the headset and it is working properly now.

Bluetooth and Sony HBH-DS980

I have now tried 3 different bluetooth headsets with my AT&T Tilt with Stock Rom. First was my BlueAnt V12 I used great with my RAZR then I bought a Motorola S705 now I have Sony HBH-DS980.
With the BlueAnt V12 the audio was low and tinny and couldn't hear the caller
The Motorola S705 sounded good minor choppiness but the callers couldn't hear me worth a damn. Both of these devices paired great and kept connection, only the Motorola would loose connection if I got a system alarm or if I was streaming music. For just handset operation it worked great. With the Sony it seems to be a crap shoot when they are going to work. I installed JetWare to enable Caller ID Name and Ringtone through headset and when I pair them the first time they work great all day long. However if I turn bluetooth off on the phone and then back on I have issues with disconnecting and sound not going through headset for calls.
So I installed the new Official AT&T Rom from HTC's Site the other day hoping the bluetooth improvements they made would help. I decided to try JetWare again just to see if it worked, again I started having problems again. So I hard reset and didn't install the JetWare Extensions. For the first day everything worked great. Next day I fired it up it's up to it's old tricks of disconnecting after a call.
Anyone else having these issues? My state is going to be bluetooth only while driving in about 4 months so I really need bluetooth to work.
Can you charge the sony ds980 via usb?
No it has a real strange plug for charging
Hi, I have the Sony Ds980. I've experienced similar problems in the past.
check your Bluetooth settings on the phone: communication manager --> Settings --> bluetooth. Select your device (ds-980) but don't double click on it. and then check its mode: in that window, ensure that you have checkmarks in both options (i.e, Turn on bluetooth & make sure this device is visible to other devices). Sometimes, when you restart your bluetooth headset, the second option is left unchecked, thus causing disconnections between it and the device.
another option is to trigger the headset button. sometimes, when a call comes in, I would have to do this once or twice before it connects.
I think it is a bug.
i have the Jetware extension and MSVoice, and they help with the caller ID.
rgds, Manny
I'm trying to decided between the DS980 and the Moto S9.
I'm so tired of wasting my money on crap.
Thanks I'll have a look at those settings, I just wish JetWare uninstalled nicely
I have been running it lately without JetWare and the only issue I am having this way is the wireless stereo portion disconnects after each Incoming call it does not do this if I place a call.
With JetWare I can sometimes keep it connected no matter what the issue is it connects but when I place a test call it rings on the headset but when I answer the call it isn't comming in on the headset it is still on the phone although the call button works and ringing on the headset works. It got to be a pain to have to place a few test calls to make sure the headset was working.
dalavar said:
Thanks I'll have a look at those settings, I just wish JetWare uninstalled nicely
I have been running it lately without JetWare and the only issue I am having this way is the wireless stereo portion disconnects after each Incoming call it does not do this if I place a call.
With JetWare I can sometimes keep it connected no matter what the issue is it connects but when I place a test call it rings on the headset but when I answer the call it isn't comming in on the headset it is still on the phone although the call button works and ringing on the headset works. It got to be a pain to have to place a few test calls to make sure the headset was working.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, that does it for me. The DS980 is officially off my list.

Note 4 Exynos Bluetooth Voice Call Problem

Hello everyone, I run into a really weird problem on my Note 4 when receiving voice calls while using a bluetooth headset.
If BT headset is not already connected before initiating or receiving a voice call, you have to press bluetooth button during the call to direct sound to phone and then back to the BT in order to get the mic on the headset to work.
More Details :
1. Incoming Voice call
2. While phone is ringing i turn on the bluetooth headset.
3. I answer the call(Either from phone or the headset)
4. I can hear the other party, but he doesn't hear me.
5. The bluetooth headset mic is not working, neither the phone's mic.
6. If i press the bluetooth icon on the phone(while in a voice call) to direct audio to phone, everything works fine.
7. If i press again to direct audio back to bluetooth headset, everything works fine.
8. If the headset is already connected to the phone before i receive the voice call everything works fine.
9. If i make a voice call (maybe cause headset is already connected?) everything works fine.
10. Problem doesn't occur if it's a VOIP call through skype viber etc.
10. Using plantronics Marque M165 & M55, I have unpaired both repaired, cleared bluetooth cache etc problem still there. Lollipop 5.0.1.
For me it's a big issue since if i have the phone in my bag/pocket i have to take it out in order to be able to use the headset, which kind of defeats the purpose.
Anyone facing this ? Any suggestions?
Sorry for the long post & thanks in advance !
Anyone with similar problems ? Any ideas or suggestions ???
Yes, I have a similar problem, but with my car's bluetooth (the only hands free I use). This problem started after I upgraded to Lollipop, and it worked fine in KitKat.
With te device connected to the car's bluetooth, I have to make the call in the phone's Speaker mode until the other party answers. Only then I can switch to bluetooth.
If I make the call in bluetooth mode, I won't hear the ringing through the car's speakers and even after the other party answers, we cannot communicate.
This is a serious bug. It is my 4th Samsung Galaxy phone, and the only one that doesn't work properly. My previous S4 worked perfectly and I regret profoundly having bought the Note 4.
Ironically i don't face the problem you have. Mine works fine with my car's BT but i suppose this happens because in my case the car's BT is already connected to the phone.
I suppose you have tried to repair the bluetooth/ cleared BT cache etc right ?
I've just tried the phone with a Samsung bluetooth and problem solved !....So it doesn't play well with the plantronic's BT , warning for potential buyers !

