Battery drain from 90% to 15% overnight.. - HD2 General

This is so weird, last time i check before went to bed the battery show 90% but when i wake up the next morning it is down to 16% that is over 6hrs.
Anyone having this problem? I hope it is just one off occurrence.

I have problem with my battery as well. Is draing so fast. I thing there is a something wrong with battery or software.

Well without task manager you can never be sure what is running in the background. I have similar problems with X1, especially GPS seems to do it time to time. As if the driver got stuck or something. Try to soft reset your phone before going to bed.

As already mentioned you should check in task manager (pref. get a better one) and kill the apps that you've launched throughout the day.. I charged 24 hours ago and now I have 52% left.. 2 hours talking, 10 minutes music, 10 minutes video, 10 minutes gaming, 10 minutes messaging, a couple of minutes WLAN searching for connection. I also have 3G turned off when I dont use it.

I had an issue with my diamond where it would turn momentarily at 11:59pm. Then if it is on charge, it would stay on in a dimmed state hence not fully charging the battery. Still don't know why it does it. My Dopod D810 also did this.

Battery is going down very fast
I have the same problem, I solved this once with a soft reset, but the problem has returned ...

I have same issue as well. I'¨ve charged my device using data cable uto 100% at 6P.M. I wasn't doing any calls charge was about 90% befire I went sleep, Bluetooth was enabled but headset was turned off, next morning I was late at work. I found phone with 0% of charge in battery. So far it first time I see this kind of behaviour, but it would be good to test it again during the weekend .

Had that issue, battery drained in 5 hrs with flight mode on. Soft reset the phone and today it went down by 50% in 12hrs with calls and over 1hr of playing music and texting.

Same problem here, everytime closing apps in taskmanager but the battery drained in 6 hrs...
Softreset makes no difference. Could it be a software or hardware problem??

Google maps and battery drain ?
I have noticed that there is a big difference in battery drain after using Google maps. The battery having a quick drain. I make a soft reset and its back to normal ?
Somebody else have this same HTC Leo HD2 experience ?
I think for some unknown reason the GPS is working on the background, without seeing it in task manager. ( BUG ?)

All of you that have problems with the battery, how's the network coverage in your area? Strong, constant signal? Or always struggling to have a decent signal?

See posts 62, 63 and 64 of this thread (you can also see the entire thread, maybe it can help).

Have you enabled the MS MyPhone application, where at somepoint during the day it syncs your phone with "the cloud". My phone does this at 6am however this time is totally changeable by going to
Settings->Other->Microsoft My Phone
Other things is it still connected to WiFi,Bluetooth turned on this will drain battery still.
Another thing to look at is look at the TaskManager what applications are running - end all the ones you done this point I would also reccommend Dutty's Task Manager in my eyes the most essential utility for WM


Help - Battery Drain excessive

*jump to ashtricks for immediate problems without reading software/ROM changes.
I know this is going to be made especially difficult with all the different software/combo's that can be loaded, but I have to post this up and see if any one else has seen this and if it might be hardware or software.
I have a HERMS 100 (8525). I first got the phone in April with WM5 (don't know which build they might have been on then) and which ever Radio was coming on them then. My battery would usually last 2 days with my avg use.
This has been the case threw upgrades until the last 2-3 months. I upgraded From one version of WM6 to VP3G's 2.X build of WM6 and I upgraded the radio to which ever version was the newest at that time (maybe 1.47 or 1.50). I Noticed a sudden drop in battery life, but the phone pretty much always made it a full day even with high use, so I didn't think much of it. I did notice about this time that sometimes the phone would alarm me and say it had 20% battery remaining, but if I rebooted the phone it would say 80 or 90% power remaining when it came back on and work fine the rest of the day.
The following has been over the last month. I upgraded to VP3G's 3.0 and again later to 3.6 and again to 3.62. I noticed the battery continued to degrade throughout this time. So I upgraded the radio to 1.54. The battery continued to go down hill at an even rate, but I noticed something else, the battery would not take very long to charge, but was dying faster and faster.
Well I started tracking and experimenting. Starting last week (no change in software or ROM's for the last 2 or 3 weeks) the battery would rarely make it through the day even when the phone was not in use any during the day (Granted I get no cell service at my desk at work, but I never have even back when the phone would last 2 days searching for signal). Most days last week it wouldn't make it 5 hours from being unplugged even when the phone wasn't in use. I decided to run the battery all the way down to where it wouldn't even turn the phone on anymore as I had heard sometimes you needed to do that after a rom upgrade. It did not help, but I noticed that the phone said the battery was fully charged within 2 hours from being completely dead.
Today was the worst, I unplugged it after being plugged in all night. Unplugged it at 6:45am. I did not use the phone, it just stayed in standby (I hadn't even taken it out of standby any today. I am at work with no service (When I say no service, I don't mean sometimes it finds something, I mean no cell service from any carrier makes it past 10 feet of the front doors entering the building and I am about 150 feet from the closest wall to the outside). I grab the phone at around 10:30am to check on a meeting notice, clicked on the phone to wake up and the battery alarm alerted and the battery said I only had 20% power remaining. In 5 minutes of doing what I was doing the battery had gone down to 10% remaining (so the phone went from lost 90% of it's power, never being used in less then 4 hours). I went back to my desk, plugged the phone back in and within an hour I noticed the amber light on the front that I relate it to telling me it's charging had turned green, I unplugged it and checked it and the battery said it was full 100%. Could the battery really charge that fast?
I know this would be easier if I could remember what radio and what version of WM5 came on this phone and loaded it back on and I am in the middle of downgrading the radio since I had ran WM6 with no battery issues separate from WM5 until I did that one upgrade with the radio. I guess I am curious if this could be a hardware (phone or battery) where it's not charging fully or if this seems to be a software issue.
I know all the factors that can be involved make this hard, but thanks for any responses you guys can give.
ok, how about this one, Is my battery screwed? I notice while I am using the phone the battery gets really hot. Today it did the same thing of all of a sudden saying I had 10% power after only using it for 5 mintues, rebooted the phone and now I am back to 70%.
There's a lot on here about this problem. Have you read the wiki?
Some solutions you might try:
- turn wifi off.
- turn off all beams
- put in the fake server trick.
- search to see if you have any software that continuously polls the battery or is seeking an exchange server
- ensure all your apps fully close rather than minimise
- invest in a new battery.
Thanks, I have gone through the wiki Continuasly since I got the phone in April, but with all the stuff out there, I could have easily missed something.
- turn wifi off - Never turn it on
- turn off all beams - Beaming disabled
- put in the fake server trick - Have to research that one
- search to see if you have any software that continuously polls the battery or is seeking an exchange server - have to check, don't have exchange server setup. I do have it checking emails every 15 minutes, but I never had any issues with that setting and the battery lasting a couple of days
- ensure all your apps fully close rather than minimise - X button set to close not minimize and I often check it to see whats running.
- invest in a new battery. - Will be doing that next. Just waiting to see what case I might get for Christmas.
Thanks again, I will research those other items.
I had a similar problem where the stock battery would only ever last for ~7-8 hours - even on standby. I got an extended life 3000mAh battery and that managed to last for about 14 hours.
I had a talk to HTC and they agreed to warranty claim it. I'm still waiting for it back... It was sent back to them on 14/11, and I'm still waiting.
Stop your device checking for emails for a few days and ses what happens. Definitely install the fake server trick. Activesync continuosly trying to do its dirty work can be a pain in the arsenal, at times.
Let us know how you get on.
wacky.banana said:
Stop your device checking for emails for a few days and ses what happens. Definitely install the fake server trick. Activesync continuosly trying to do its dirty work can be a pain in the arsenal, at times.
Let us know how you get on.
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Well I turned off email checks last night and disabled the radio this morning so it wouldn't search for signal when coming to work and set the phone on my desk. I never used it this morning, just had it sitting on my desk in standby, until about 4 hours after I took it off the charger and the phone buzzed me and when I checked the phone the battery said 0% remaining and the phone cut off a few seconds later (now I am sure if I would have turned it back on the battery would say something like 70%, but I didn't do that this time). I left the phone off and plugged it into the computer to charge, the LED on the front come on amber for about 20 minutes then went to green. I turned the phone on and it says 100%. I don't see how the battery went from 0 to 100 in a matter of 20 minutes.
I did a lot of searching the last couple of days and phone issues from email to bad manufactured batteries (which I happen to have the brand someone suggested as a bad one), I also saw people pointing out do the fake server trick, yet I can't find a single time where anyone said what the trick is or how to do it. Not even in the WIKI where the trick was mentioned as a possible fix (or google for that matter, just the same words first posted in a thread here about it).
So, how do you do this server trick?
I plan to get a new battery after Christmas at any rate.
Check this thread:
I was having the same battery drain problem (less than 8 hrs on a full charge), I did the fake server and turned off auto day light saving time checking the clock settings, I now get 12 - 15 hrs on a full charge.
I'm running vp3G's 3.62.3 AT&T ROM with radio
Thanks! I was just finishing flashing a new ROM when I saw this. I did the fake server trick, but this rom doesn't have the Dya Light Savings time option where the instructions say it should be. Maybe that's all removed by this rom. TIme will tell.
Thanks again.
@ Firehawkns
hey buddy!!
I am using a JasJam for the last 2 months. i dont know if my reply is useful to you or not. As far as battery life is concerned am impressed with mine. Am using TNT's latest ROM and my radio version is I use my phone all day with couple of calls that last about 2-3 min each. But every night I get calls from my gf, to whom I talk for 3 hours straight(mostly starting from 11pm to 2 am) and every day I put my phone to charge after I finish the call. So after finishing the call I still have 50% of battery. Moreover our call starts right after I leave work at 11pm so by the time I reach home which is around 11.30pm my phone connects to wifi too. So all the time am on the call as well as an active wifi connection.
So as per my experience the battery life is cool. So try TNT ROM!!!
Interestingly enough, now I've got my phone back from the warranty claim, it's only drawing 81mA with backlight on, no wifi or BT. Before sending it back, it was drawing ~180mA with backlight on, no wifi or BT.
This will just about double the battery life that I get in theory...
Install BatteryStatus on your device and see what it tells you.
That is a cool program.
First off I really hope it isn't the phone, for one it's my third one from Cingular since the first two died within 2 weeks (back in may), second it's got one big gash down the corner where it came out of the holder and hit the road one day. I think that would be just enough reason for them to not do anything with it.
Anyway, I am going to replace the battery because I can't figure out why the phone is doing things like saying it has 20% batt remaing, then I reboot and it goes to 70%. I am hoping this is a battery issue. So far the phone has been unplugged for a tad less then one hour, has not been used and the battery meter is on 90%.
Battery Status is a kick butt program and I plan to do some searching today to see if people have benchmarked there ratings/draw. I notice mine jumps randomly. With wifi, BT, all programs all terminated, backlight on the lowest it will go and radio has one bar 3g sometimes, two bars Edge sometimes, but didn't change during watching this list below, but the MA does this every 5 second refresh:
I am currently running a barebones fresh flash WM6 rom with nothing installed except Cingulars media net/ISP settings, radio is 1.47.10. Going to try 1.50 today I think.
I turned the radio off just now and the MA went down (expected) to 84 and is jumping between that and 104. The battery has dropped to 80% since I listed 90 above. The phone has now been unplugged for right at an hour. Also it might be interesting to note that the little battery percent/bar icon on the "Battery Status" software once in a while will display -1% like it is right now, the phones battery display says 80% and when I tap the battery icon on battery status it jumps to 80%.
Anyway, I am just listing points since this thread is here, I know I need to replace the battery first before any additional insight can be brought forward.
Thanks everyone.
Hmm.. On my Schaps 4.22full, radio 1.54.00 on good reception (on Finnish network) I get around 30 mA with GSM and 3G when idling(no wifi, no bluetooth, no beam, backlight around halfway). With airplane mode on I get around 28 mA. Tried with backlight dimmest and the drain was 15mA on GSM network.
Usually I put the 3G off so the battery would last longer.
The phone takes more power when searching the network so it would be a good idea trying to switch the phone part off at your office.
Well, looks like it was indeed the battery. Over the last week the phone would randomly shut off (about 4 times a day), the battery would be at 10% within 4 hours even if the phone hadn't been used, and while using the phone you could almost watch the battery go from 90% to 30% within a 5 minute talk time, reboot the phone and it would be back at 80%.
Put in the new battery yesterday after charging over night and the phone not only didn't shut off at any point, but I had 60% power remaining by the end of the day (with some data and voice use).
The old battery was a Dynapack from China, that I had read on here is prone to defects.
Thanks for the help everyone, wish I would have gotten a new batt sooner.

Battery drains off quickly !!!

Hi folks,
I have bought touch 3452 3-4 days back... what i observe is battery drains off quickly. if i charge at night and listen music for an hour in morning, battery drains from 100% to 70%. with 2-3 calls and little operations, till afternoon, it discharges to 55%....
Is this the problem with 3452 or only for my piece... anybody facing same problem???
Hello fella!
After i send my Elf for repair to my guarantee they keep my battery for 4 weeks discharged! Now my Battery has not even 25% of the power it had before It needs very long to charge at 100% but after listening music for an hour its almost empty!
I already made a thread on the accessories section for anyon interessted
sercio said:
Hello fella!
After i send my Elf for repair to my guarantee they keep my battery for 4 weeks discharged! Now my Battery has not even 25% of the power it had before It needs very long to charge at 100% but after listening music for an hour its almost empty!
I already made a thread on the accessories section for anyon interessted
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Hi dude....
when did face battery problem?? just after repair or even before it also???
My cell is 3-4 days old, so for a new phone, it could be quite unlikely problem !!!! thinking of getting piece replaced (though chances are close to 0%)
My battery was fine and quite reliably before... I guess you judge a bit to quick about your new battery! Charge it at 100% and discharge it to about 10% and repeat that procedure for about a week! A brand new battery has not the full capacity at start and needs some cycles to get "in life"...
Good luck!
as sercio said above, use the battery to its lowest level (before reaching the yellow line), turn it off, then recharge it.
do this procedure about 5 times, then your battery will be fine.
but dont worry, it's a normal thing.
battery really discharges very fast when listening to music, or using bluetooth or wi-fi.
Also make sure that when you are closing apps that you are really closing them and not letting them run in the background. The task manager is set up as default to only minimize when you tap the X - Go into your task manager settings and change this to close on X or make sure that you go into your task manager and really close all applications that you don't need running anymore.
You might want to adjust your backlight settings as well to save on power
Some applications are heavier on battery then others as well. Check and see how each application uses battery. I know from what I have been using that some applications use the battery really heavily so much that even using for 5 minutes will drain 10% of the battery. Be careful with what you use on your device. WIFI also uses a lot of battery; however, you can adjust this as well under WIFI settings - You get less performance from your WIFI by doing this though. When listening to music - if you don't need the backlight on - then let it shut off. S2P automatically turns backlight off after a bit - TCPMP = you can set the backlight off manually and still use the hard keys to switch songs and play with volume - You can map the hadware keys manually.
hotrod101 said:
Also make sure that when you are closing apps that you are really closing them and not letting them run in the background. The task manager is set up as default to only minimize when you tap the X - Go into your task manager settings and change this to close on X or make sure that you go into your task manager and really close all applications that you don't need running anymore.
You might want to adjust your backlight settings as well to save on power
Some applications are heavier on battery then others as well. Check and see how each application uses battery. I know from what I have been using that some applications use the battery really heavily so much that even using for 5 minutes will drain 10% of the battery. Be careful with what you use on your device. WIFI also uses a lot of battery; however, you can adjust this as well under WIFI settings - You get less performance from your WIFI by doing this though. When listening to music - if you don't need the backlight on - then let it shut off. S2P automatically turns backlight off after a bit - TCPMP = you can set the backlight off manually and still use the hard keys to switch songs and play with volume - You can map the hadware keys manually.
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i hav set option of closing apps to 'close on X'.
also i dont use wifi n bluetooth.
I listen music using TCPMP.. i dont know if TCPMP is consuming more power...
yesterday i barely listened to music for 1 hour... then was browsing thru MS excel and calendar... still battery drained to 10 %
as suggested by other folk (above), i hav done this cycle of 100% to 10% n charge again 4 times already...
still wondering if i start using wifi, how soon it will discharge.. !!!!
I m planning to go to shop where i bought it from (CHROMA, tata enterprise) to ask for this prob.... but i m sure he will turn down any request regarding replacing battery
if draining battery is common problem with all PDA-touchscreens (and not only with my piece), then i shud better keep quiet and keep charging it frequently..
based on what you are sayin - your battery should not be draining that quickly. If I was to only do what you say you are doing - I would only loose maybe a little bit of battery life - like one hour a music using TCPMP or S2P are all roughly the same - might be about 5% loss of battery - as long as I turn off the backlight. One hour of internet browsing usually about 7% to 10% loss for me on my Elf. Listening to internet radio for one hour with backlight turned off usually about 7% battery drain for me. Watching a half hour episode of southpark using TCPMP usually drains about 6% of the battery for me. When I leave my phone in Standby - I can leave it for a whole day and the next day turn it on and it is still at 99% or 100% still. (depending on whether I received any texts etc...) I have never noticed how much a phone call drains the battery. Never checked that.
Keep in mind. I am running Ultimate Launch and all my today plugins that I use are on different ultimate launch pages. My main ultimate launch page has no plugins and I have it set up to disable the plugin if it is not visible - (Therefore no resources required from device and no power required from battery) unless I go to view the page with those plugins. My main ultimate launch page has no plugins (Just shortcuts) so no extra drainage of the battery required to run that page. IF you have alot of plugins displayed on your screen, running at the same time - you will see your battery draining quicker and then running apps is extra.
hotrod101 said:
based on what you are sayin - your battery should not be draining that quickly. If I was to only do what you say you are doing - I would only loose maybe a little bit of battery life - like one hour a music using TCPMP or S2P are all roughly the same - might be about 5% loss of battery - as long as I turn off the backlight. One hour of internet browsing usually about 7% to 10% loss for me on my Elf. Listening to internet radio for one hour with backlight turned off usually about 7% battery drain for me. Watching a half hour episode of southpark using TCPMP usually drains about 6% of the battery for me. When I leave my phone in Standby - I can leave it for a whole day and the next day turn it on and it is still at 99% or 100% still. (depending on whether I received any texts etc...) I have never noticed how much a phone call drains the battery. Never checked that.
Keep in mind. I am running Ultimate Launch and all my today plugins that I use are on different ultimate launch pages. My main ultimate launch page has no plugins and I have it set up to disable the plugin if it is not visible - (Therefore no resources required from device and no power required from battery) unless I go to view the page with those plugins. My main ultimate launch page has no plugins (Just shortcuts) so no extra drainage of the battery required to run that page. IF you have alot of plugins displayed on your screen, running at the same time - you will see your battery draining quicker and then running apps is extra.
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I installed abcPowerMeter for checking current consumption..
It shows wierd results. sometimes with no apps running, it shows 120mA and other times 196mA.
While playing TCPMP songs, it sometimes shoots above 200mA and sometimes no change in previously displayed value..
I manually obesrved that i talked on call for 4 mins and battery drained by 3% (71% to 68%). similar for other calls.
I have no plugins on home screen except HTC Today.
Also i observe that playing with MS excel or explorer even for an hour drains battery by more than 10%...
I am clueless if my battery is faulty, or my piece is faulty or P3452 itself has this battery draining problem
hmmm? Do you have constant data connection? I don't have a data plan so I only use WIFI and always turn it off when I am not using it. Bluetooth as well. All my settings are set so that nothing runs on my device unless I turn it on myself. No internet though my provider as (no automatic weather updates, Email... I have to turn WIFI on and then manually update my weather myself and get my emails myself. If you have your device set up to automatically grab these things, this will drain your device quicker. Having data connection always running or bluetooth always on will drain device quicker. Listening to music though bluetooth headphones drains battery quicker then listening to music using wired headphones. I also don't keep my screen brightness at top level. I turn it up if I need to but I rarely need to do this. Other apps running in the background will also drain battery quicker (even if you don't see them running in your task manager eg. Ilock for S2U2 will require system resources *I am assuming). I have my backlight shut off rather quick and S2U2 is set up on my device to shut off screen rather quick as well. If you are running S2U2 as well and have an animated gif wallpaper, this will drain battery faster.
I don't know if this would have any effect but have you installed a lot of apps on your device? Even if you have uninstalled them, they may have left a footprint of some sort that might be causing some of your power issues. I noticed when I first got my phone and was experimenting with lots of different applications that even after uninstalling them, my phone was not responding as quickly as it orriginally did and started even having some problems running some apps that had no problems in the past and I was having memory problems as the system was still showing that it's resources were still being used. I did a hard reset after finding all of the apps that I wanted and thenafter hard reseting I re-installed everything fresh and then set up my phone the way that I wanted. After doing this, my device was running and still is running very nice, quick and smooth and have not had the battery problems you are describing.
kalpesh99 said:
I installed abcPowerMeter for checking current consumption..
It shows wierd results. sometimes with no apps running, it shows 120mA and other times 196mA.
While playing TCPMP songs, it sometimes shoots above 200mA and sometimes no change in previously displayed value..
I manually obesrved that i talked on call for 4 mins and battery drained by 3% (71% to 68%). similar for other calls.
I have no plugins on home screen except HTC Today.
Also i observe that playing with MS excel or explorer even for an hour drains battery by more than 10%...
I am clueless if my battery is faulty, or my piece is faulty or P3452 itself has this battery draining problem
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Well my problem was even worse
After I bricked my elfin (thought it was an elf lol) I sent it back to htc. Eventhough I didnt put any facture with it (it's 2nd hand) they made it for free (in garanty) by exchanging mobo + vibrator (lol!). And that when I only needed the original software, so they have good service as far as I know..
But back to subject: I think it's your battery indeed. I guess there are more people having elf/elfin battery issues. Mine was:
After barely 2 weeks my battery got sucked empty in like 1 hour or even faster. Tried usb, normal charging, etc but nothing worked. It said it was charging but even turned off. So I bought a new battery but still the same problem, so it has to be the charging unit of the phone or something. Now I asked for another repair and hope they'll pick it up tomorrow. I'll let you guys know if I get it back!
Anyone has had some sort of the same issue?

Battery emptied during the night??

Last night before I was going to bed I have had my xperia fully charged.
When I woke up this morning the battery was almost empty.
I can't understand how that happened :S I had no programs running except maybe g-alarm.
Anyone who has an idea what could've drained my battery?
No reception or low signal from ur fone provider maybe? it consumes a lot of power getting the signal. Or your wifi is turn on.
Happened to me several times.
But I'm not sure I didn't let something run in the background. Mediaplayer for example .. skype can eat battery in minutes too.
Also I don't know what battery level I had at the evening. It was above 50%, but then with Xperia, the indicated level does not correspond to remaining time well. It drops fast after 50%.
I would love if I could close any application with red phone button. Anybody knows about software which can do it ?
Dr.Sid said:
Happened to me several times.
But I'm not sure I didn't let something run in the background. Mediaplayer for example .. skype can eat battery in minutes too.
Also I don't know what battery level I had at the evening. It was above 50%, but then with Xperia, the indicated level does not correspond to remaining time well. It drops fast after 50%.
I would love if I could close any application with red phone button. Anybody knows about software which can do it ?
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are you using fish panel?fish panel caused battery drain in my experience.also bluetooth and wifi as well.
do you use AEButton plus or S2U2 (more to the point AEButton here) as AEButton especially seems to have drainage issues if its 2.6.5, at least it seemed to for me and some others...
human75 said:
are you using fish panel?fish panel caused battery drain in my experience.also bluetooth and wifi as well.
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None of these. And Fish panel for example cannot be left running in the background (AFAIK). Media player, or skype easily, since they are even intended to be run in background.
Happens mee also sometimes. Weekend I noticed that after useing opera it does it. I chargered my xperia in friday, didnt use it then whole day, or in saturday, but in saturday night I wanted to check news whit opera, battery was 90% when I start, after use its was 80%. I go to sleep and morning I waked up to that xperia says battery critical. It cant be anything else when I didint use nothing else whole day, and when it was allredy stand one day whit only 10% loss, and now randomly use 60% battery at night.
I think I had S2U2 running in the background, could that be it?
I'll soft reboot before going to bed tonight and see what happens ^^
use fdcsoft task manager, it'll tell you what's running
battery won't run down on its own, it needs something to cause it.
as said lowsignal will do itn
do you really need to leave the x1 on overnight?
if you turn it off it'll be all nice and alert after a nice sleep
only time my x1 runs low is if I fall asleep reading something with mobipocket on autoscroll...
I found that when I was running Push E-Mail over iMAP, I had this battery draining issue. Make sure you're configuring FlexMail or any other IMAP IDLE client to only the essential folders that you want to keep 'live', as each IMAP IDLE folder requires its own connection and can eat up a lot of resources/battery.
I've actually wrote myself a MortScript that will monitor the battery status and allow FlexMail to stay open if the battery is over 80%, and it will close FlexMail if the battery falls below 80%.
Still hating the fact that we only get battery readouts in 10% increments. Total crap for a high profile device...
I don't need to know what is running. I want to be sure I've just closed something. In fact I need to close 99% of application, I only need IM+ in background and that only sometimes. Also sometimes I need to adjust some settings without closing current application. But otherwise I always want to close, not minimize, and I want to do it with a key.
Same issue here , will a lil bit more tricky , i had my phone TURNED OFF , and was CHARGING , woke up and the red little light on the power button ( light of death) was on, replaced my batter with my spare one , and the phone came back to life , yet it isn't charging ( the charging icon is there but still not charging) , I'm using the wall charger ( if any one is thinking of an usb issue) . So for now i'm useing an "external battery base charger" which sucks to be honest ( takeing the battery in and out isn't the best thing ever ) ..
The funny part is that SOMETIMES ( 1 out of 100 ) the phone charges, why !! i don't really know . I reflashed my device , hardreset and done anything someone can possibly do yet no solution , it's not on warranty and to be honest i think that it's more of a software issue (i know that not charging while switched off is against this ) , I'll be so greatful if any of you guys have any ideas
I had the same problem, but for me it happend when I got a text message at night the the screen wouldn't turn off but xperia tweak fixed that
I had one instance of mysterious night-time draining. It actually woke me up at 4am with the low battery alarm.
The only thing I think might have caused it is that I had it sitting next to my old Nokia, which was switched off. I figure its antenna must have been interacting with the X1's such that it had to go to full power just to keep the cell signal.
Hello all,
I don't have this issue now but i've noticed something weird last night.
All background applications was turned off, screen backlight was turned off, LEDs on both sides was turned off... But there was white light inside my phone. I was sleepy so i didn't check keyboard backlight. Propably it was it. It was visible only it dark, in correct angle.
I've turned device off and on again and there was no light any more.
I had tried this issue before, it fixed after I uninstall the SKtools
I uninstalled S2U2 and I think it made the job
Li-ion or Li-poly?
i've been searching forums here and there regarding x1's battery issue and i'm not using any of those suspected programs (AEplus, S2U2, batti, etc.). mine is just stock xperia as of now, except for SPB plus. but still my battery only manages 14 hours of juice with very minimal usage i assure you. i have tried charging while off, hard reset, upgrade to R2A UK generic ROM, but still my battery sucks. i also noticed on the Settings>Power box that my "Main battery" is Li-ion, isn't it supposed to be Li-poly as the one written on the battery itself (BST-41)? Also, how much drain do we expect from a weak carrier signal? thanks guys.
FrezoreR said:
I uninstalled S2U2 and I think it made the job
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I also had a problem with the battery not lasting me through the night. I eventually found out it was S2U2. I upgraded to v1.45 (with the power-saving option) and now the battery remains at the same level during the night.
FrezoreR said:
I can't understand how that happened :S I had no programs running except maybe g-alarm.
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You said it yourself.
I've been experiencing this for many days. I would charge my unit overnight only to be awaken by the low battery signal. In a normal scenario my X1 would only loose only 0-10% over a period of 8 hours in standby. When the fast discharge occurred it would drop to 50-60% and the unit was warm in touch.
I checked repeatedly to find which program was to blame, soft reset the device various times and changed my usage patterns to rule out programs that didn't had to do with it.
In the end I discovered that every time G-Alarm was triggered or set up an Alarm the quick discharge effect and warm device appeared.
I got rid of it and haven't encountered the problem again.

Battery drain

Trying to figure out 1) cause of battery drain and 2) poor power mgmt.
I had a fully charged phone yesterday at 5pm, leaving work.
When I tried to turn it on this morning it was completely, completely drained.
I have 4min timeouts set on the phone for backlight off, and 5min for device off when on battery. I had WiFi tuned off, Bluetooth on.
I did have Wayfinder and GPS active on the way home, and may have just turned off the phone. If I turn off the phone with Wayfinder active, would this continue to drain the battery, GPS reception is passive, is it not ???
How come the battery drained to such an exent, it took 5 min on a charger before it would even power up, from a full reset and WM load.
My old XDA would hibernate at low battery percentage, and still have a reserve charge to keep the phone content/settings intact.
Any views, suggestions.
When I first got my x1 end of last year, I found I only got around 6 hours out of a battery.
Now I get about 36 hours of normal use out of one charge. Including 1 hour of gps each day/ half hour of wifi.
What worked for me was to, reduce back light time to 10 seconds when standalone. I also found S2U unlock drained the battery, so I now use the standard unlock.
Also, ensure that no auto updates (only manual) are done e.g SPB weather, insight RSS etc.
I have also changed my battery to a Mugen 1800 mAh. This seems to have increased my time by around 25% on average use.
S2U2 no longer drains my battery, one of the old versions did and so did the old version of AE Button but they are both good now, I get min of 2 days and max of about 5 depending on load of use... normal use is about 3... (internet for emails and dling rss feeds and some reading of forums 1 hour, reading books/texts about 4-5 hours and listening about 2hours plus calls and texts is a normal day for me...)
GPS does drain your battery pretty quick though...
pokdub said:
I did have Wayfinder and GPS active on the way home, and may have just turned off the phone. If I turn off the phone with Wayfinder active, would this continue to drain the battery, GPS reception is passive, is it not ???
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There is no poor power management in there.
It is all because of wayfinder. GPS is still active if you leave Wayfinder active all the time and it will drain the battery supoerfat.
Try closing Wayfinder and you will what I am talking about.
I found out that any Battery applications greatly reduces my (juridically - my wife's) X1i lifetime.
AFAIK to measure any battery charge you need to short circuit it for a millisecond or so and measure the current, not the voltage. When any Battery software does it (through the hardware) every few seconds your battery looses its charge faster.
sms2000 said:
I found out that any Battery applications greatly reduces my (juridically - my wife's) X1i lifetime.
AFAIK to measure any battery charge you need to short circuit it for a millisecond or so and measure the current, not the voltage. When any Battery software does it (through the hardware) every few seconds your battery looses its charge faster.
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I am running Home++ and its fairly decent as far as drain goes... I dont notice much more than when its not running...
Tks for all your feedback.
I am fairly ok with normal use and battery life.
In this particular instance the drain happened so fast, overnight, and I was not using the X1 at all. (or so I thought so).
So I am curious to know what caused the rapid drain, and why the X1 does not have a more controlled low power close down.
pokdub said:
Tks for all your feedback.
I am fairly ok with normal use and battery life.
In this particular instance the drain happened so fast, overnight, and I was not using the X1 at all. (or so I thought so).
So I am curious to know what caused the rapid drain, and why the X1 does not have a more controlled low power close down.
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I have already explained. It was the GPS application that drained the battery, nothing else.
Just as a test try leaving it for as few hours running again and you will see.
battery drain
I do have the same effect. but I do not use GPS or wifi at all.
Sometimes it put the phone down, screen disabled and fully charged. No application running.
Next morning the battery is dead.
It happens about once every two weeks without any sign why...
My solution: I bought a desktop charger which is able to charge a second battery and simply exchange it, when this happens again.
Not ideal - but right now we seem to have to life with it.
do you have an old version of S2U2 or AE Button plus on your phone? And I have also read that batti used to cause drain problems... this might be the case with yours(?) if you have none of these installed then I am of not much help...
If u use Push email or active sync, Google sync Hotmail sync any Email sync on arrivel option ur battery will only last 5hours cause the phone is using mobile web at all times and constantly sending and recieving, turn it off an ur phone will last over 19hours with out charge... EG i turned my email sync off at 10am an the batt level was 60% didnt charge it till next day 11am when the batt levels drop to 20%
Is your X1 fairly new?
I experienced exactly this issue about a week after I bought my X1. No apparent reason for it, but the battery just drained right out overnight.
Strangely, the same thing happend about a week after I bought a HTC Touch Pro.
In both instances it has happened only the one time. Since then things have been normal, or drains caused by known software issues (like the buggy version of S2U2).
As earlier suggested, I loaded the Wayfinder app, with its GPS active.
I tuned off the phone when the app was on screen.
Left it for 3 hours, and there was a noticeable drain of the battery.
Lets hope the new WM 6.5 improves Power Mgmt, and has a more elegant low power handling.
Do you have G-Alarm installed? My Battery gets drained very fast when I have this installed. I tried many different versions within the last few month, allways the same.
I experienced this last night for the first time with my X1. I left the X1 on the bedside table at 11:30 with 90% charge and was awakened by the battery low alarm at 6:30 am (not good).
The only thing that I noticed that was unusual was that my X1 had been connected to the PC with ActiveSync in the connected state. I shut down the PC and then unplugged the X1. In the morning after the battery low alarm I noticed that the phone thought it was still connected. I use SPB Phone Suite and it was still showing the Cradle profile. This would not change in the automatic mode so I had to reboot the phone. Everything has been fine since.
So ... I am wondering if ActiveSync can sometimes go crazy and drain the battery more quickly??
I have a faster draining battery since i installed g-alarm. can anyone confirm that?
In my case I dont have G-Alarm installed.
Well my battery is not draining that seriously. it's ok i guess.
But maybe you should try what is suggested in the last post of this thread:
Deep discharge my X1-battery just almost doubled my battery life in average
Seafal said:
I have a faster draining battery since i installed g-alarm. can anyone confirm that?
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I have been using G-Alarm since the very moment I got my X1 and there is no noticeable battery drain. Lasts 3-4days.

Battery Drain HD2?

Anyone else experiencing excessive battery drain on their HD2?
I am interested to know if this is just my phone or if it actually just chews through that much juice.
I have had windows mobile phones for several years so I know all the basic ways to keep battery drain down.
Stuff that I have generally found:
1. If I keep the screen turned on without it going blank I lose about 1% every 2 minutes.
2. If I am browsing that figure almost doubles.
3. My old Touch HD used about 5% battery overnight when in standby but this phone will go through about 25%.
4. The phone gets really hot when browsing (much hotter than my old Touch HD)
I have tried flashing ROM's and Radios but nothing seems to help.
I am not running any software on the phone that I wasn't running on my old HD1.
I have only had the phone for a week so I am not sure if this is normal but I would be very surprised if HTC released a phone that lasts for only a few hours on one battery.
-1% every 3 minutes
-4% during the night (when i'am sleeping)
Crash95 said:
-1% every 3 minutes
-4% during the night (when i'am sleeping)
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I wish I got 2 days
we really need extended battery ,hd1 battery was much more better.
Good mate but yes i agreee HTC has come up with a battery eating device this time around. My device on full charge just gives in around 8-10 hrs. This might be dat my EDGE is on and 7 mails accounts sending mails back and forth.
but truly i think that HTC better look into this very seriously cause more and more ppl are suffering in this battery drain..
Any of flashing roms and radio not helping either... did a complete hard reset but no step up
HTC come with longer battery battery for bigger devices soon......
The only solution i see now is get one of those extra battery worth mind bogling £52.87
I've had this problem ever since flashing to 1.66, I flashed the radio to as this was said to solve the problem but it hasn't made any difference after a few days of use. My battery life used to be significantly better when I was on the original stock ROM, so much so I'm considering going back to it
I also know all the tricks as to clawing back the battery drain, my phone is idle on my desk at work most of the time and I don't use Wi-Fi, all the location stuff is turned off as are weather, stock and other updates plus my screen is set to 30% then off after 60 seconds. Despite all of that I lose 1% every 2-3 minutes
It seems to me that perhaps the radio is checking for reception pretty much constantly rather than say, 5-10 mins perhaps? This used to be a problem on my old Blackberry Storm but a few fimware updates solved it, eventually!
The only other thing I've noticed since the update is that once the battery drops below 50% or so, the drain seems to slow, I don't know if this is perhaps because the phone goes into some sort of semi-power saving mode?
Suggestions/hints welcome! I've had a semi-thorough look into this on the forums and tried most of the suggestions but still the problem remains. Will battery life improve after a few charges perhaps as this was a trait of my Storm's battery, the more you charged it the better the day to day battery life was (and no it wasn't because I had it plugged in all the time! Over time the general charge just seemed to improve when roaming).
Piemole said:
Anyone else experiencing excessive battery drain on their HD2?
I am interested to know if this is just my phone or if it actually just chews through that much juice.
I have had windows mobile phones for several years so I know all the basic ways to keep battery drain down.
Stuff that I have generally found:
1. If I keep the screen turned on without it going blank I lose about 1% every 2 minutes.
2. If I am browsing that figure almost doubles.
3. My old Touch HD used about 5% battery overnight when in standby but this phone will go through about 25%.
4. The phone gets really hot when browsing (much hotter than my old Touch HD)
I have tried flashing ROM's and Radios but nothing seems to help.
I am not running any software on the phone that I wasn't running on my old HD1.
I have only had the phone for a week so I am not sure if this is normal but I would be very surprised if HTC released a phone that lasts for only a few hours on one battery.
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You need to indicate what services you have running. Do you have any data services running eg: location services, push mail, weather? all of these have a bearing. In addition, network services can also drain a battery, especially if the signal is weak and the phone have to search for a transmitter, or 3g services.
Hexjibber said:
The only other thing I've noticed since the update is that once the battery drops below 50% or so, the drain seems to slow, I don't know if this is perhaps because the phone goes into some sort of semi-power saving mode?
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That is a very interesting comment. Although since upgrading to radio I have had very good battery life, I too have noticed a slowdown after 50%
romac said:
You need to indicate what services you have running. Do you have any data services running eg: location services, push mail, weather? all of these have a bearing. In addition, network services can also drain a battery, especially if the signal is weak and the phone have to search for a transmitter, or 3g services.
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Nothing is turned on, everything is set to manual.
As I stated I know all the basic stuff. I understand that all these things have a bearing on battery loss.
Everything I stated in the first post is for when I have nothing running. The phone is just sitting there running sense, thats all.
I have had my HD2 for a few days now. I am on Vodacom in South Africa.
I have not had a problem with battery life.
Yesterday i unplugged from the charger at 07:00. I spent about 1 and 1/2 hours of talk time on the phone, it was permanently connected to 3g doing weather updates etc. Sent and received a couple of sms's. Also played with a few tweaks and reboots.
When i got home at about 18:00 i had over 30% battery. I then surfed the web for over 2 hours to drain the battery.
try setting Network Selection to Manual
Piemole said:
Anyone else experiencing excessive battery drain on their HD2?
I am interested to know if this is just my phone or if it actually just chews through that much juice.
I have had windows mobile phones for several years so I know all the basic ways to keep battery drain down.
Stuff that I have generally found:
1. If I keep the screen turned on without it going blank I lose about 1% every 2 minutes.
2. If I am browsing that figure almost doubles.
3. My old Touch HD used about 5% battery overnight when in standby but this phone will go through about 25%.
4. The phone gets really hot when browsing (much hotter than my old Touch HD)
I have tried flashing ROM's and Radios but nothing seems to help.
I am not running any software on the phone that I wasn't running on my old HD1.
I have only had the phone for a week so I am not sure if this is normal but I would be very surprised if HTC released a phone that lasts for only a few hours on one battery.
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Same here with and without stock ROM.
yeah.. the phone is a battery sucker.... another cons of HD2....
This is very interesting to read because I do not have this problem. When I left my HTC HD2 on last night (I woke up at 4 in the morning to get something to drink and unplugged it) and then woke up at 8, it was at 98%. That means it went from 100% to 98% in 4 hours. Not to bad imo.
I am now at work and it is 15:34, and I am at 87%. I have made some calls, watched some videos, send a few text messages. Not much (I am at work so I got other things to do). So 08:00 (98%) - 15:34 (87%) - that's 7 and a half hours, with some calls, text messages and a video.
I am pretty sure when I get home at 18:30 the battery will still be above 75%. Then I connect to my wifi at home, refresh twitter, weather, browse the web a little bit, check e-mail etc. So that will drain my battery a little more.
But overall I have not had any problems with my battery life. I always make it trough a day, and never have a problem like 'damn my battery is almost done and I am not near a charger'.
Some info that might help:
I do not sync ANYTHING automatically. I still have some things to do with my Vodafone contract and do not have an unlimited plan yet. I only sync at home on my own wifi connection. For me this is not a problem, because I only need to refresh the weather each morning to see what the day is going to be like. Twitter I only do when I have the time. Stocks I do not use.
I have screen brightness set to automatic.
I am on 3G most of the time.
I am running the official 1.66 Dutch ROM.
I have some tweaks, games and programs installed.
I hope you all solve this issue, because it just can not be that my HD2 has a good battery life, and your HD2 not
Kind Regards
EDIT @ 17:00 still 87%.
I am in a 3G 2100 only network (I don't have 2G functionality).
ROM: Artemis 3.0
Customization: Seiya 6.5.5
I don't leave any automatic updates on, except for my e-mail account every 2 hrs.
I never close my connection.
The drainage overnight is -3% (8hrs).
The battery lasts at least 12 hrs of intense usage.
Normally I have to recharge every second day (e.g. I charged last night, I answered a few calls, I did some IM and browsing and I still have 73% left).
For a phone with a 1 GHz processor, a 4.3" screen and a tiny 1250 mAh battery I find the drainage is rather decent.
Mind you, I ALWAYS do at least one full charging cycle to my battery after flashing a new ROM. I mean: full discharge, battery out 1 min, full charging in OFF mode, battery out 2 mins.
27firesnake said:
Mind you, I ALWAYS do at least one full charging cycle to my battery after flashing a new ROM. I mean: full discharge, battery out 1 min, full charging in OFF mode, battery out 2 mins.
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I have seen this process recommended a couple of times now. What is the theory behind it if you don't mind me asking?
maybe its also becouse some of us couldnt wait using the hd2 when they got it (like me) before it was fully charged for the first time
anyway my battery life has improved a little bit, i was at 74% this morning and did a lot of browsing, installing, tweaking and now its at 3%. it used to be much worse
I have battery consuming problem from time to time.I did everything:
installed new stock rom 1.66;
transfered all data which phone is using from card to phone memory(pictures,icons,sounds.etc...)
all updates are done manually;
Gprs connection is swiched off on the idle after one min;
One night it is loosing from 2 to 4%;
another from 30 to 40%
and it is eating memory from 10 to 15mb
I think that it is radio which is causing battery drainage so fast(to much communication wit a base stations,because when I am checking spb wireless monitor in the morning,there is no any data traffic.
I hope they can solve problem,because it is getting me mad and crazy
Try setting the screen brightness to 10-20% (on battery powered)
and dim backlight after 10 seconds (on batter powered).
It helps a lot, at least for me.
creed said:
I have seen this process recommended a couple of times now. What is the theory behind it if you don't mind me asking?
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as far as i know, the battery has an integrated digital circuit (ic) which estimates the state-of-charge (soc). the procedure resets/calibrates the ic to obtain a more accurate estimation. since the radio rom is in charge with the power management (among other things), by changing it you decalibrate the "gauge".
i don't know if i've got the theory right but i tested this myself and it surely works.

