Issues in the contacts list - HD2 General

I have a couple of problems with the contact list and the phone favorites portion of the Sense UI.
1) Are there any way to display First name then Last name in contact list? Everyone in my contacts have Last name then First name.
2) Also, if it's just a company name, when you add a contact to the "shortcuts" (the 3x3 boxes), it says "No Name". There must be a way to fix that.. right? I'd hate to go into all of my contacts that only have business names and fix it by putting the company name in the first name field. Especially considering that I'm syncing contacts with Google contacts and I would prefer to have each field be accurate.
3) Lastly, because most of my contacts do not have pictures, and the "shortcuts" will only display first name. I would for example have 5 Johns w/o any way of immediately knowing which John it is. Are there any workarounds for that?
If it's a configuration setting for some/all of these issues, could someone please point them out to me? I apologize in advance if it's a simple thing and I just couldn't find where the settings are.

Allied to the points just raised - I would like to change my favourite contacts to display surname, not just the first name. Is there a workaround to achieve this please?

Bump. Are we the only 2 people that see these as issues? Or have you guys figured out some workarounds?

Count me in...i am shouting about this from my touch pro 2 time ... i have put a shortcut to contacts in main tab, and set it to view them filtered by company name, it helps a little.

To get first name first =
Find a contact, edit the contact... scroll all the way down to the bottom, and push the "more" button. Change the second "name choice" - I cant remember what exactly its named in english. But is should be the choice of how to vies the contact. In this form you can choose first og last name.
I have'nt figured out how to do/if its possible to mass change this. I have onlyd found one by one solution
Hope it was helpfull

mobilebuddha said:
2) Also, if it's just a company name, when you add a contact to the "shortcuts" (the 3x3 boxes), it says "No Name". There must be a way to fix that.. right? I'd hate to go into all of my contacts that only have business names and fix it by putting the company name in the first name field. Especially considering that I'm syncing contacts with Google contacts and I would prefer to have each field be accurate.
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Company logo as the contact picture perhaps? I've done that myself, far better than a blank box anyway.
Similar thing with your collection of Johns.

scrabble8 said:
To get first name first =
Find a contact, edit the contact... scroll all the way down to the bottom, and push the "more" button. Change the second "name choice" - I cant remember what exactly its named in english. But is should be the choice of how to vies the contact. In this form you can choose first og last name.
I have'nt figured out how to do/if its possible to mass change this. I have onlyd found one by one solution
Hope it was helpfull
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I think what you're trying to say is change the 'File as' to First name, Last name.
Perhaps there's a registry hack to change the default behaviour of this field?

Search for ContactFix v1.3 & this will do what you're looking for. I use this & it works great on HD2.

ian_uk1975 said:
I think what you're trying to say is change the 'File as' to First name, Last name.
Perhaps there's a registry hack to change the default behaviour of this field?
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Yes ! That is the name of the field for changing first or last name Thanks !

could you point to me where ContactFix v1.3 is? I found a posting by someone with 4 cabs here:
However, installing it does nothing on my HD2. Can you tell me where the ContactFix v1.3 is? thanks!

Bump. Could someone point me to the location for the ContactFix program? I searched but couldn't come up with exactly v1.3 of the program. Anyone?
Thanks in advance for the assistance!

Contact Fix
mobilebuddha said:
Bump. Could someone point me to the location for the ContactFix program? I searched but couldn't come up with exactly v1.3 of the program. Anyone?
Thanks in advance for the assistance!
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Check your PM......Cheers!

weepatc said:
Check your PM......Cheers!
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Could you pm me with the info to please

I'm sorry to dig up an old thread of my own, but I still have an issue un-resolved from the ContactFix solution. The ContactFix solution does provide the sorting fix. However, in the Sense UI's "shortcuts" for the People, I can still only have a first name.
So if you've got 5-6 Johns and you don't have a picture for them, then you are pretty much screwed - you can't really tell which is which unless you have memorized exactly where on the shortcut list you've placed them.
HTC, could you please fix this? I really don't understand how something as basic as this was missed in QA!

mobilebuddha said:
I'm sorry to dig up an old thread of my own, but I still have an issue un-resolved from the ContactFix solution. The ContactFix solution does provide the sorting fix. However, in the Sense UI's "shortcuts" for the People, I can still only have a first name.
So if you've got 5-6 Johns and you don't have a picture for them, then you are pretty much screwed - you can't really tell which is which unless you have memorized exactly where on the shortcut list you've placed them.
HTC, could you please fix this? I really don't understand how something as basic as this was missed in QA!
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I believe the shortcuts are meant to be used with a photo. There's no room there to put labels with first and lastname. So unless you name them John1, John2 etc, I don't think there's a solution.

30 seconds in MS paint should give you an image with Faceless John's full name typed on it. It's a reasonable workaround for those shadowy figures with no visible appearance.
Not perfect, but it's something.

Further to the earlier raised issue of contacts defaulting to File As.. Last Name, First Name.
I have between 450 - 500 contacts in Outlook and sync'd to my HD2 via Exchange Server. Works well. Nearly all of the time my contacts are added/edited on my laptop and I love the fact they are automatically 'there' on my phone.
I also like the HTC front-end interface for the Contacts bit of Windows Mobile 6.5, making it easier (finger friendly) to add contacts. However this interface neither gives you the option to default to File As.. First Name, Last Name nor let you change it on entry/edit. Instead you have to then go into the native WM6.5 Contacts bit and change it there. A bit of a pain and oversight in my opinion.
Ideally there'd be a way to set a default? Any ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance..

I'm sorry, but that's not a reasonable request from my point of view. The system should at least give you the option.
To be honest, I really think you've used to mediocre OS for too long. I did not just spend $800 so I can use MS Paint to paint a faceless John full name typed on it. If I spent $50, I might be okay with that, but not when I spend $800.
mr_Ray said:
30 seconds in MS paint should give you an image with Faceless John's full name typed on it. It's a reasonable workaround for those shadowy figures with no visible appearance.
Not perfect, but it's something.
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Actually, I have a question: Would a custom ROM for HD2 be able to fix this? I'm just asking about the possibility, not whether we can do it right now or not. I know that the phone is so new that we don't have custom ROMs yet.
But would it be possible for a custom cooked ROM alleviate issues like this?

Actually, I have a question: Would a custom ROM for HD2 be able to fix this? I'm just asking about the possibility, not whether we can do it right now or not. I know that the phone is so new that we don't have custom ROMs yet.
But would it be possible for a custom cooked ROM alleviate issues like this?


Simple contacts app iContact (v0.5) (xPhone alike)

I wrote a simple contacts list app for WM5 but i've tested it on HTC Wizard only. If anyone is willing to test the app on their device I'd be very thankfull.
The app is very basic, it only lists contacts in scrollable list. I use it for accessing my contacts by scrolling the list with fingers, similar to *Phone. Just tap, drag and release. To select a contact, just tap and release, and standard contact details dialog should appear.
Exe is in the attached zip file.
UPDATE v0.5, 02.03.2008.
- iContact should now be visible in task managers
- added application icon
- alphabet grid can be shown by clicking on ABC button. It stays shown until letter is selected, or you tap on an empty space
- little bit more usefull "Details" screen.
UPDATE v0.4, 09.11.2007.
This version should fix a bug or two, but may introduce some as well. It should fix the most obvious bug with contact name length.
It also introduces a way to look into contact details. But is merely a test and isn't very usable at the moment. Tapping on the contact name will open standard pocket outlook contact details.
Have fun.
UPDATE v0.3, 08.09.2007.
Sorry to say that iContact didn't go very far, but still, i wanted to give you guys an up-to-date version (if anyone is still interested )
There are few changes and they're all very obvious, so, have fun.
- 05.05.2007.
App is now known as"iContact".Main changes would be landscape fix and (Oh, My, Oooh) WM2003 support.
As i don't have wm2003 device there are probably still some bugs, but at least it should start, show contacts and scroooooolllll...
The little indicator on the right side has some bugs, i know. But, as it doesn't affects the other app functionality I let it live.
Post your opinions. New features will be discussed when main part of the app works (almost) bug free.
Thx for all your comments. That motivates me the most.
Contacts v0.1 is available for testing purposes in the post:
Explanations and comments are available in before mentioned post.
YouTube video made by nicolas (thx nicolas)
xPhone alike launcher by Grumps (Good job man!)
It looks cool!
I sort my contacts as a "File As". Any change you will add extra options to this program?
One thing I've noticed is that contacts who only have an e-mail address appear as a white bar, maybe an option could be to filter contacts?
But again, nice Beta!
Thx for the response. It's my first pocketpc app, and first c win32 app, and first c app ever. So, I'm just starting to learn
You're right about blank fields. It only reads first and lastname from the database.
I didn't understand the "File As" sort option. Do you care about explaining a bit. (Sorry, english isn't my native language).
larna said:
Thx for the response. It's my first pocketpc app, and first c win32 app, and first c app ever. So, I'm just starting to learn
You're right about blank fields. It only reads first and lastname from the database.
I didn't understand the "File As" sort option. Do you care about explaining a bit. (Sorry, english isn't my native language).
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What is your native language then?
The file as sort option is like this:
Doe, John -> Last, First
John Doe -> First Last
I'm using Inesoft Address Book, it has an option to sort contact like "File As" this way all contacts are displayed the same way as I saved them
Croatian is my native language.
Adding sort options shouldn't be that difficult so I guess I'll implement them in some phase. I'm still experimenting with more fluid scrolling.
Nice.. very nice! Smooth scrolling effect too. Start fast works well. Ought to post a video up.
Wish list:
Do you think you can add the photos onto the list? Or it will make the software ultra slow?
I think that would slow down the app considerably. It's already a bit slow on my Wizard running on 180 MHz, but it's fine when overclocked to 240 MHz.
But, I can't say I'm 100% sure it wouldn't work. I'm still a newbie.
Thx for comments!
Looks very cool, a couple requests
1) can you make a command line option that filters the list by category? I've got a lot of contacts, but I have a category called Phone for ones I want to get to quickly. Unfortunately the regular contacts app always forgets this filter so it hasn't been much use so far.
2) I see a lot of blank items in the list, if the name is not valid maybe use the "File As" field as someone suggested, or look through the other fields maybe. I use just the company name a lot on businesses. "File As" is probably the way to go though because that is what shows up in the regular contactrs program I think.
Thx for suggestions, I'll be sure to take look at that.
Stay tuned for next version
just tested on HTC TyTn...
it works... but scrolling does not work!
I am trying to make the same simple app using java
having problems with the API's (JSR 75) not being on my phone
Have you done anything like this for java?
And yes, I did separate post a thread for it here!
Many thanks, and good luck!
sParekh said:
it works... but scrolling does not work!
I am trying to make the same simple app using java
having problems with the API's (JSR 75) not being on my phone
Have you done anything like this for java?
And yes, I did separate post a thread for it here!
Many thanks, and good luck!
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Sorry, didn't even come close to java. I can only wish you best luck with your project.
Regarding scrolling, can you select a contact by tap onto it's name?
Tytn wont work? what your Rom?
my o2 Trion (Hermes100) cingular rom aku 3.5.2 work well with smoth scroll
nice 18k app !
edit: what's your program language to make this app, this is simple, small and super!
you can make Windows Mobile an Iphone Killer keep up your work and ideal!!!
very nice app, works on my p3600.. continue this nice job
Thx guys/gals for your comments.
I used "c" with pure win32 api. I thought that would allow me a greater freedom in dealing with Windows shortcomings and greater speed. I guess i just feel there is something wrong with CF.NET
ScrollWindowEx on a SysListView right ?
Guybrush said:
ScrollWindowEx on a SysListView right ?
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Well, no.
On WM ListView can only be scrolled one item at a time, not by certain number of pixels. For example, if ListItem height is 30px, if you try to scroll it with ScrollWindowEx by less than half the height of ListItem (15px) it wont scroll. If you scroll it by amount greater than half of the item height it will scroll one item. I don't understand why MS made it like that, but that's how it is.
(If I'm wrong with this, it would mean that I spent a lot of time for nothing )
Instead, I made the ListView height equals all the items that should be displayed and scroll the ListView container (parent) window. On a pixel by pixel basis. It has it's own shortcomings, but the end result is definitely better.
Interesting thanks
i found a little bug... rotating screen don't display all contacts and not update lines of listbox... if it start with screen already rotate lines on listbox are correct but don't display all contacts of my list
Heh, that's just another one in the row...
I guess I'll have to fix that one also.
Another idea A way to change colors of background and text would be cool for all the people who like to skin

Script, program or setting to do this ...

I remember reading about some sort of program, script or setting to change to enable this:
From the home screen, start typing the name of a contact and/or the name of an application or program, and you'll be able to launch the program or call/txt the contact.​
Yes, I'm aware that starting to type the name of the contact while on the home screen will search through the contacts and enable you to find your contact and place a call...
The difference with this script or program being it adds additional searching/functionality to also include being able to launch programs as well just the contacts.
I cannot remember where I read about this (possibly on another blog, in the signature of someone here on XDA, on Cyrket, as an added feature of one of the cooked ROMS, etc).
If anyone knows of the name of the program, the GScript, or whatever it could possibly be, I sure would appreciate your help. I know it's available (edit: maybe not, see post below), I just don't know what it is or where to find it.
Isn't this supposed to be a feature of Android 2.0?
Maybe that's what I read about.
No amount of searching the Market or Cyrket or anywhere else has turned up any results, so I bet that's it.
Look for "moov" in market. Sounds like what your looking for.
dumfuq said:
Look for "moov" in market. Sounds like what your looking for.
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Whew. That's it.
I knew I had read about it.
Got it. It's a little flaky, but it does the trick.

Help removing or disabling iContact.

iContact v0.8 comes pre-installed with the ROM I'm using and I hate it. It seems like you can only find something by clicking on the letter of the last name and having to scroll through all the names that begin with that letter, instead of being able to type in the name or business to find someone right away. It's very limited and harder to find people in your contact list. Can I remove it or disable it? Any ideas? Thank you.. Steve
Hard To Remove
This is hard get rid of. The developer has some advice here:
Why does this developer not have a remove / uninstall like all good developers do?
Apota said:
iContact v0.8 comes pre-installed with the ROM I'm using and I hate it. It seems like you can only find something by clicking on the letter of the last name and having to scroll through all the names that begin with that letter, instead of being able to type in the name or business to find someone right away. It's very limited and harder to find people in your contact list. Can I remove it or disable it? Any ideas? Thank you.. Steve
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Umm, make a backup of your messages and contacts and re-download, and re-flash my 1.1 ROM. Icontact has been removed, and is now an optional install in my second posts of each of my ROM threads..


how do i change the contact name from Last, First name to First last?
anyone know i cant bloody find this thing anywhere!!
ive search for this and couldnt find anything, in the end i just put peoples names in the first name space only.
ah thats abit annoying
Search for Contact Changer or Contact Fix. This does what you're looking for, even better it's free & works a treat. Hope this helps.
Try this...
Saw this somewhere, maybe on here..sorry to OP, cannot find original.
If you sync with outlook
Click on the person name
say the name is john smith if you click the “file as” drop down. it will show two option
“Smith john” and “john smith” click which one you want
You will need to do this to each name
Its only 3 click with a mouse so it wont take long unless you got 500 name to change lol…….
that sucks alot.. lol
Martyn Day said:
that sucks alot.. lol
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SIMPLE SOLUTION: Just download and install the freeware application Contact Fix, also called Contact Changer on this website. Install the application (click on the .cab file within the file explorer of your phone). Then open the application by clicking on the shortcut in the windows menu. When you run it, it orders ALL your contact at once in less than a second, almost instantly. It won't change the default order though, so when you a new contact, you'll have to run the app again. But it's so easy and quick!

WIUI Stable - problem sort contacts

I just installed that rom and didn't find the option like in CM7 to change the order of the contact names from first name/ second name to second name/first name - does anybody know where I can find that option or how I can get that on there?
thanks very much
cleardynamik said:
I just installed that rom and didn't find the option like in CM7 to change the order of the contact names from first name/ second name to second name/first name - does anybody know where I can find that option or how I can get that on there?
thanks very much
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It doesn't have it .
You could possibly try something like 'go sms' if you really want it

