Music Player "issue" - HD2 General

One thing I have noticed which is annoying the heck out of me, when I copy my albums into the Music folder on my memory card, with correct ID3 tags (i.e.e correct Album name, Artist etc..) it seems to show all the individual tracks from the album in the default music view with cover art.
Is there anyway to have it show only albums until you actually select one, then show you individual tracks?

That's weird. Mine shows albums in the horizontal coverflow mode, then when you tap an album, you get a list of tracks.
HTC's audio manager is quite (unnecessarily) strict with ID3 tags compared to other players. It treats tags as case-sensitive ('Death metal' is not the same as 'Death Metal'). I've had to go through all my albums with the free desktop program Mp3tag and make sure everything was absolutely perfect.
For instance, check if the artist and album tags are exactly the same for each track. If you have compilation albums, maybe that's the problem?

hmm that is strange - just to be 100% I will check tonight including checking case's.
never thought of that, cheers
**edit** just realised i can check here and looks like you hit the nail on the head, the issue is with compilation albums having individual artists. on my iphoen as long as I set album artist to Various or VA it was all ok. silly strict rules lol

I used Conduits Pocket Player for a while, which is a great player but needs a lot of program memory.
When I switched to HTC's player (simpler but also faster, lighter and built in) on my Touch Pro, my music library, which was perfectly organized and clean in Pocket Player, appeared to be a mess. Took me quite a while to get everything sorted. HTC's player is just much less forgiving.

Mp3tag is a great program for sorting through tags, also embeds album art so they show in every player I've thrown them at (PS3, Touch Pro, Xperia, i8910 - which is S60v5 and very, very fussy on album art).
There are others with nicer UIs, Media Monkey being a good example, but I've not used anything else that "just works" like mp3tag.

Mp3tag is a great program for sorting through tags, also embeds album art so they show in every player I've thrown them at (PS3, Touch Pro, Xperia, i8910 - which is S60v5 and very, very fussy on album art).
There are others with nicer UIs, Media Monkey being a good example, but I've not used anything else that "just works" like mp3tag.


Album Art In Media Panel

How do I get album art to appear in the media panel when I browse through my albums?? All my tunes are on a microSD, and each album has a jpg album cover within its folder. WMP can see the album covers, but the SE media panel just shows the default turntable icon.
Any idea's?
I would like to know this as well.
I real elsewhere that this is a no - which makes the media panel all but useless for me - I am too used to nav via pics!
Try Kinoma Player (or free player) which does do album-art.
veletron said:
How do I get album art to appear in the media panel when I browse through my albums?
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No idea, one of my albums has art appearing, the other 20 don't.
artesea said:
No idea, one of my albums has art appearing, the other 20 don't.
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I've got album art appearing on my media panel for just about all my albums, i think the trick is to embed the album art into the MP3s themselves, rather than using an external jpeg image, which is something i did a long time ago for my PSP... looking through my collection the only ones without album art are the albums i have got since i last updated my PSP, so i think that's a fairly safe bet.
sheesh... then I've got to embed my MP3s with the album art one by one? Hmmm... if so guess that's one area where my Touch Pro's media player's better. All I need is the album art named as 'folder.jpg'. Thought it'd work for this as well.
Album art
if its a win mobile phone jus sync with window media center easy as can be can even copy album art else were and paste rite into your media center NYC BayBee
Realized that when playing in Windows Media Player, I can see the album art. Not only that, I can see the chinese font (whereas using the media player panel, all I see are question marks).
When I synced my music collection with WMP, I got to see all the artwork in the media panel, but the playlists themselves are not synced by WMP, which is not handy as I mostly listen to those playlists themselves. Based on some tips, I went to iTunes and synced with Salling Media Sync, which does sync all MP3's and playlists, but now the artwork is no longer shown in the media panel, even though all MP3's files still have the artwork embedded in them. This is strange and annoying: either no artwork or no playlists.
You need to tag your mp3 files correctly use the below program to alter the mp3 tags and embed the album art
If you've got a lot it may take some effort but it's worthwhile.
THJahar said:
You need to tag your mp3 files correctly use the below program to alter the mp3 tags and embed the album art
If you've got a lot it may take some effort but it's worthwhile.
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I have done that. I used that same program to embed all the covers in the MP3 files. Have been working on that for days, but still it doesn't show up in the media panel.

AARRGHH! 1.5 HOURS to finally get all of my Album Art on the Xperia??*RANT*

No matter if I used media sync with Windows media, or my iTunes interface program....I would only get about a 1/4 of the album art to load and show up.
Even using mp3 tag the Xperia wouldn't see but maybe 1/2 the albums.
So I had to sit there and "update album info" over and over on the PC's windows media player. Each time it may or may not grab album art, or it may only grab a little bit of info, or it may or may not create the folder.jpg file.
So I ended up having to open both sets of folder and transfer the folder.jpg for every album one by 'effing one.
I am just complaining so sorry for the b*tch fest. I know others here feel my pain so it is good to complain to people who can sympathize.
BUT GOOD LAWD can't Microsoft improve such a simple, stupid function?
Pants isn't it...
At least it's the windows side rather than the mobile side that's at fault for a change.
I tend to find the album art on amazon, (the mp3 off the USA site has decent cover art) and drag it to the cover in WMP. Is a bit quicker.
FWIW there's a PPC prog to do this automatically, it's not perfect and can get a bit confused.
adn on the pc this post might help..
i didnt find it too hard, i just use itune to grab the album art, and copy the entire itune folder over to the storage card, all album arts showed up fine
I have tried different apps (Windows Media Player, iTunes, Tag & Rename, Winamp and so on) and I have found one app with perfect handling of album art: Easy CD-DA Extractor. It adds album art perfectly within the ID-tag and the file. No problems with "folder.jpg" and such things.
It works perfect on my Xperia X1 with Pocket Player and OggVorbis. And I have tried MP3 and AAC with it without any problems. Even album art and eAAC+ works perfect both on X1 with Pocket Player and my Nokia E90 (who has strict requirements regarding album art, other apps canĀ“t add them correctly but Easy CD-DA Extractor can).
Try that app and be happy.
I tagged mine in the latest version of mp3 tag. It embeds them and they worked fine, for some reason media monkey and the previous version of mp3 tag couldn't do it so they would appear in the media panel (or my ps3)...
Shame about media monkey, its a really nice media management software...
WMP, Mortplayer and S2p all fine,but media panel(orig or pubba prog) only see similar to urs...1/4.
My music is on SD and synced directly from MP11..
Any solutions?
NZtechfreak said:
I tagged mine in the latest version of mp3 tag. It embeds them and they worked fine, for some reason media monkey and the previous version of mp3 tag couldn't do it so they would appear in the media panel (or my ps3)...
Shame about media monkey, its a really nice media management software...
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??? I can't comment on the phone, but I use Media Monkey to tag my MP3 with text info and album art, and it shows up on the PS3 fine... Maybe it's a setting somewhere? I just use the defaults for adding album art in MM.
I only use MP3Tag to label the filenames; I find MM allows me to tag more info to an MP3 than MP3Tag does.
media monkey works for me too - I can see album art in wmp, core player, tf3d and media panel.
I guess it is all depend on how the images are stored and referenced on your PC? some players just read folder.jpg, others look at the id3 tags instead, if you make sure you have all bases covered, ie tags point to folder.jpg it should work
Your problem is not with the Xperia then, your subject title is misleading. Use tagscanner to apply the album art, works on every file.
Same, I use mp3 tag, because I have 4 monitors I just sit there with amazon on one, mp3 tag on another, xperia on another and my music folder on another. Drag the art from amazon to mp3 tag, use the music folder to drag the stuff i want to change to mp3 tag, then when done drag it all to xperia.
I gave up trying to get automatic album art a long time ago, I do it all myself for old music, anything I download normally has the art embedded and when I'm ripping CDs i never seem to have a problem with art.
But I guess not everyone is legit

Music Issues?

I have this issue where my music seems to be in a great mess. Is it possible to somehow set the media player to view music folder by folder?
Perhaps you need to tag it properly? Mp3tag is a good program for that, if that is indeed the problem...
Erm...are there any guides for tagging? Because I have no idea what that is. Even though I placed the songs I wanted to together into the same album, I ended up with multiple albums with different songs but same album name,
Computers are like me, anal perfectionists. The name "This is an album" and "This Is An Album" an "This is an album" are 3 totally different things. If they are not correctly tagged, with EXACTLY the same name, they are not the same as far as the phone is concerned.
Tagging is simple, use mp3 tag, loads your songs and fill in the form fields (album, arsits, title ,etc then save. Make sure they are identical for each song by same artist/in same album.
To help make sure, select all similar tracks of the same artist or album together before you fill in that field, that way you ensure the exact same data is input in all of them.
Although it makes little to no difference to WM player I also sort my music into folders.
Music +
It's just good housekeeping more than anything and keeps things tidy and simple. Besides, some other program (S2P)actually sort by folder in their library view.
P.S. I also recommend mp3tag, it's pretty close to perfect. mean for the music to be in the same album, the artist must be the same? So exactly what are the factors that determine the music being in the same folder? (It goes by artists? Not by albums? And you mentioned titles. How can the titles be the same for all the music?)
Oh and despite the fact that I changed the tags for the albums, it somehow remains the same in itunes and the Media XPerience Panel. Oh and this is how I change tags. I highlight the whole set of music I want to place in the same album. I right click and press "extended tags". I then edit from there. Is that right? What do things like export/convert etc. do? (Oh and I do save.)
Only if you group them that way, of course if the artists are different just make sure the Album is exactly thesame on each track. I for example keep all compliation/etc albums in an artist called "Various".
That's the issue! I have edited the songs I want together by placing them into the same album by using "extend tag". And yet, The album cannot be found on the Media Xperiance and the Itunes.
No need
You shouldn't need to use the advanced tags, in fact I removed everything from advanced tags that was non standard leaving only album, artist, title, genre and maybe year. I also found that if I edited them directly on the card it didn't work. They aren't updated. I moved them to the PC, edited, deleted any files related to library on the phone then moved the music back.
I don't understand very well your question, because if you choose Menu - Open File - and then select your folder, but don't open it, click on "Read", it reads the files that are in the folder you selected.
But I recommend you doing playlists from your PC with Windows Media Player and synchronize them with your phone. Or there is a nice freeware, MPlayListManager which can create playlists directly on your phone.
Anyone have a Mac solution to this? I use iTunes as my library manager but it seems to me the music information isn't edited by iTunes.

My search for a good TP2 music player.

1) Has the ability to use the "Album Artist" tag to organize its library and not just the "Artist" tag. For those many who do not understand the importance of this let me say it makes a huge difference with CD's such as movie soundtracks, classical music CD's and other compilations that have one or more guest artists contributing on a particular track.
For example, take the soundtrack for "O Brother, Where Art Thou". There are 19 tracks and nearly every one by a different artist. If that one CD was the only CD on your TP2 and you opened the library of one of the current mobile media players and selected the "Artist" view you would see 19 different artists listed each owning the CD "O Brother, Where Art Thou". If instead the media player was able to organize its library by the "Album Artist" tag there would only be a single entry for "Various Artists" or "Original Soundtrack".
On a 16 GB SD card with several hundred ripped CD's this can be the difference between a managable artist list 200 long versus one that is 1000+ long and totally unmanagable.
2) Proper alphabetization; Ignores the words "A" and "The" if they begin an artist name. For example, "The Black Crowes" should be in the B's not the T's. It's OK that "Bob Dylan" be listed in the B's since there is no way to distinguish first and last names. I don't know of any media player on any platform that does this.
3) Uses a library Db created from tags and not just a folder/file structure. Can open a detailed properties view that gives extended info culled from tags and file data. (Genre, Audio format, etc.)
4) Has a "Finger-friendly" GUI and ideally can replace the HTC media player on the TF3D music tab.
Apps tested (so far)
1) HTC Media Player:
It's big plus is that it has a tab in TF3D so it is well integrated and easy to get to. It is also finger friendly. Unfortunately it does not utilize the "Album Artist" tag for organizing it's library (even though it does read the tag and display it when you view a music files properties). It also does not ignore "A" and "The" and places "The Black Crowes" under the T's. In addition I have found a bug that causes it to play tracks out of order. On most of the albums I've put on my SD card tracks 1 and 6 are switched (i.e. it shows and plays the tracks in the following order 6,2,3,4,5,1,7,8,9. On some albums the track order is even more random.
2) Windows Mobile Media Player:
"The Black Crowes" is properly listed in the B's but it also does not organize its library by the "Album Artist" tag (even though the full PC version of WMP does). Its default GUI is not very finger friendly, the buttons are a bit small and the library text is too small to be selected accurately with fingers. It is skinnable so I'm looking for one that fits the TP2's TF3D style and better suited to fingers versus a stylus. I'm also trying to put it on the TF3D music tab instead of the HTC media player.
3) Nitrogen:
Does not seem to utilize tags at all and instead relies on the folder structure and file names to organize music. It does have nice big buttons and is very finger friendly and the skin fits well in TF3D even though it is black text/buttons on a white background instead of TF3D's white on a black background.
4) S2P (Slide to Play):
Like Nitrogen it does not utilize tags at all and relies on the folder structure and file names to organize music. It is designed to be finger friendly and has an interesting GUI that makes good use of finger swipes and sliding panels.
5) ? Suggestions:
Most important is the album artist tag issue followed by the proper alphabetization. So far I prefer to use Windows Media Player but am still looking.
I've heard that Microsoft will be incorporating its Zune interface for the Windows mobile media player. I've never seen the Zune interface up close but I'm hoping it addresses the above shortcomings and, if so, bacomes avaiable to the TP2 soon.
Reserved for future media player reviews.
+1 !!!!
I have exactly the same problem !
I past 3 hours to manage my music PC library of WMP to finaly have a very poor result on my phone :'(
The Music Player integrate on the touchflow looks pretty, but it miss a lot of utilities, WMP looks more complet, but uggly and too small :'(
Both of theme have the problem of the "listing tag"
I'm also seeking for a complet music player with a good listin and if it's possible a "cover flow".
(Sorry for my poor english).
You have tested the core player 1.3.5 or 1.3.6?
I have a nice skin for this player...
mike2nl said:
You have tested the core player 1.3.5 or 1.3.6?
I have a nice skin for this player...
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I have not but I want to. Unfortunately, it does not look like it has a trial edition so it will cost me $30 to find out if it has what I need. Can you tell me if it can make use of the "Album Artist" tag for library organization and/or if it properly alphabetizes "The Band" under the B's not the T's?
I'm currently using S2P.
It's the most feature complete of all the players I've tried. It's almost perfect.
I'd recommend giving S2P a try.
Maverick777 said:
I'm currently using S2P.
It's the most feature complete of all the players I've tried. It's almost perfect.
I'd recommend giving S2P a try.
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I updated my OP with S2P info.
After using both Nitrogen and S2P I had 2nd thoughts on the tag vs. file/folder structure to organize a music library. As long as the artist folders are named correctly both the "Album Artist" and the alphabetization issues are solved.
Unfortunately that requires a lot of manual labor and also means there is no extended info available. I have put an enormous amount of work into properly tagging my music library on my media server at home and I would like to benefit from that work on my TP2 as well as any other playback devices I might use.
I asked CorePlayer support about the "Album Artist" tag and alpha issue last Saturday. Today I got an email saying that I haven't responded in 72 hrs and could they close the case. They never even tried to answer me. Simply ignored me for nearly a week and then asked if the issue was resolved and could they close the case!
I still don't know if CP will meet my needs but their support sure looks like crap.
I might as well chime in here, I'm looking for other media players like tcpmp that resume where you left off even after you close it fully. I listen to a lot of audio books and it's a pain to find your place again. Tcpmp is the only one I've seen but it's a bit unwieldy to use with fingers.
CorePlayer's support is TERRIBLE, they also promise frequent updates an seldom provide. A huge thumbs down to the company and product in general. They banned my office IP without explanation from their forums after I asked why no one had responded to my emails, support tickets, and phone calls, about a bug I found in their forum software that makes it unable to e-mail me at the .ws domain, preventing me from being unable to activate my account on their forum. Unfortunately it is also one of the better players out there in general. Though it is very UN finger friendly.
oldpueblo said:
I might as well chime in here, I'm looking for other media players like tcpmp that resume where you left off even after you close it fully. I listen to a lot of audio books and it's a pain to find your place again. Tcpmp is the only one I've seen but it's a bit unwieldy to use with fingers.
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Try S2P links in posts above. It will do exactally what you need, I listen to alot of Podcasts in small portions and it does the trick. Its finger friendly too
It's a shame that S2P doesn't support gapless playback (I listen to primarily DJ compilations (mostly that I've ripped myself... kinda a stickler for quality)
Conduit's Pocket Player is also good, it supports streaming podcasts album art and gapless playback/cross-fading (you gotta set the cross-fade to "0" for gapless). It cost about $20 but if you can't afford that it can be obtained via other means as well.
Forgot to mention that sometimes pocket player will disable my hardware buttons >_<, this has only happened on my TP2 though, sucks none-the-less.
sleonard said:
I asked CorePlayer support about the "Album Artist" tag and alpha issue last Saturday. Today I got an email saying that I haven't responded in 72 hrs and could they close the case. They never even tried to answer me. Simply ignored me for nearly a week and then asked if the issue was resolved and could they close the case!
I still don't know if CP will meet my needs but their support sure looks like crap.
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Protonus said:
CorePlayer's support is TERRIBLE, they also promise frequent updates an seldom provide. A huge thumbs down to the company and product in general. They banned my office IP without explanation from their forums after I asked why no one had responded to my emails, support tickets, and phone calls, about a bug I found in their forum software that makes it unable to e-mail me at the .ws domain, preventing me from being unable to activate my account on their forum. Unfortunately it is also one of the better players out there in general. Though it is very UN finger friendly.
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Wow. Their support is so bad it's almost comical. Almost.
After going a few rounds of them ignoring my questions and closing the ticket because there was no response and me re-opening the ticket in an apparently vain attempt to get my questions answered I joined their user forum and asked if I could get some help because official support was ignoring me. The next morning I had been permanently banned.
Absolutely amazing.
Needless to say I will not become a paying customer and I cannot review the product here as a result.
sleonard said:
Needless to say I will not become a paying customer and I cannot review the product here as a result.
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You can get the player through a less legal way:X Read this info and try it, it will stick with you
I'm having the same problems, I'm looking for the exact same things. Here my reviews:
Touch Flow 3D Player:
- Finger friendly
- Looks good
- Ordering of songs FAIL ( when no track number is set, the whole list goes crazy )
- Slow ( It will need 2 secs to start-up a song )
- When you go back to the list you selected your current playing song from, it will go back to the top. Which is extremely enoying when your browsing 80+ albums or 2000+ songs, anyway, you get my point
Media Player:
- Not finger friendly + Looks suck => Dropped it right away
- Best looking of all players
- Finger Friendly
- No library => Dropped it right away
- Best Library of all players
- Has an Alphabetic Vertical Scroll, when you press the 'B' it will go to all songs / albums ( depending on what your browsing ) that start with B. Extremely handy
- Browsing works well with fingers.
- After picking a good theme, the whole thing becomes more finger friendly and will look better ( for example my own theme: )
- BEST when it comes down to options / custimization
- Default theme is NOT finger friendly and looks terrible, but that can be fixed
when your looking for a player that;
- orders your music in a way you want it,
- has a lot of tweaks / customizations
- handles like a charm
go for CorePlayer!
Gz reb3lzrr
reb3lzrr, Is your skin for Pocket player or Core player? If it is able to work in Core player, how do you change the skin in core player
have you tried kinoma media player? Finger friend and very intuitive interface.
I just installed a 30-day trial of Pocket Media Player and reb3lzrr's skin.
Good news is that it understands the "Album Artist" tag as well as the "Contributing Artist" tag and many others as well. Very good sign.
Bad news is that it sorts "The Beatles" incorrectly under T instead of B I did see a setting in the options that might help with that. /crosses fingers
There is a ton of options that will take me some time to sort thru so it will be a good week or so playing around with it.
After this I'll take a look at Kinoma.
sleonard said:
I updated my OP with S2P info.
After using both Nitrogen and S2P I had 2nd thoughts on the tag vs. file/folder structure to organize a music library. As long as the artist folders are named correctly both the "Album Artist" and the alphabetization issues are solved.
Unfortunately that requires a lot of manual labor and also means there is no extended info available. I have put an enormous amount of work into properly tagging my music library on my media server at home and I would like to benefit from that work on my TP2 as well as any other playback devices I might use.
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If you sync your music to your phone via windows media player it automatically creates the mp3 files in an artist and album folder structure (completely based off of the info from the mp3s).
Does anyone know how to remove the 499 song limit from your WinMo/Touch Flo player library? I am dying here with my Rhapsody subscription... All the songs are transfered, but only 499 tracks show up in the library...
I have tried S2P: great but doesn't handle compliation albums (soundtracks) well... Pocket Player: same story on compliations... and a few other free ware ones, but seriously, I actually like the WMP with the Skins I have found.
Any ideas on removing it?
japper88 said:
If you sync your music to your phone via windows media player it automatically creates the mp3 files in an artist and album folder structure (completely based off of the info from the mp3s).
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I do use WMP to sync music to my phone and you're right it does create the proper folder structure and this is why I briefly reconsidered my position on having a library with support for the Album Artist tag but since it doesn't support any tags at all you lose access to all of the metadata.
zcarman said:
Does anyone know how to remove the 499 song limit from your WinMo/Touch Flo player library? I am dying here with my Rhapsody subscription... All the songs are transfered, but only 499 tracks show up in the library...
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I have not noticed this limit. I have over 2000 songs synced to my phone and they all seem to show up. (I haven't counted but I can't find any missing)
zcarman said:
I have tried S2P: great but doesn't handle compliation albums (soundtracks) well... Pocket Player: same story on compliations... and a few other free ware ones, but seriously, I actually like the WMP with the Skins I have found.
Any ideas on removing it?
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I have found Pocket Player to be the only one to properly handle compilations because it is the only one to support the Album Artist tag. Use WMP on the PC to set the Album Artist to "Various Artists" or "Soundtrack" and Pocket Player will work perfectly. Their support has told me that in the next version they will also support proper alphbetization so the "The Beatles" will be listed in the library under B not T.
I also like WMP a lot and have found a skin that makes it more finger friendly. Now I am thinking about learning how to make my own skins for it.
Currently I am back to using the Music tab of TF3D. Despite it's very annoying bugs and design flaws having a TF3D tab is a BIG advantage. I just wish there was a way to create a tab for a 3rd party player such as Pocket Player.

Problems with the included HTC Music Player

The included HTC Music Player (latest stock TMOUSA ROM) seems to have serious problems with its database.
Of course there are other options--such as the included Windows Media Player, and freeware solutions as TCPMP, commercial music players, etc.
But I like the HTC Music Player, how it plays from your home screen.
I like what happens when one turns the phone landscape, and sees a shuffle of album covers. Is that a gimmick? Yes, but I like it. Kind of fun to choose an album that way, like shuffling through CDs at home, rather than from a list like in WMP.
Yet, the app seems to have serious problems with its database. Although I have tons of music on it (more than 10 GB, all on the storage card), sometimes it cannot see any music at all.
Sometimes it shows no cover art (which is especially crucial for that album shuffle view), although the cover art is embedded in each song, and if one looks at the .vin file that HTCMP put in the folder, the cover art is there too, put there by the app. But somehow, it often doesn't read it. I do the "download cover art" thing, it shows a connection to Gracenote, but some albums never display their cover art, although it is already right there embedded in each song on the album.
What is going on with this app and its database?
Ia there any fix for it?
Is HTC aware of the problem, and working on a fix?
While discussing the HTC Music Player, one other thing I am curious about. The phone also includes an HTC Video Player, in the windows folder, but with no link in the start menu to it, so most people will never discover it. (They do call that video player, though, to play the included "Transformers" movies, rather than WMP.) Why did they include their own video player, yet not even have a start menu item for it? Does it have any advantage over WMP for playing video?
me said:
The included HTC Music Player (latest stock TMOUSA ROM) seems to have serious problems with its database.
Of course there are other options--such as the included Windows Media Player, and freeware solutions as TCPMP, commercial music players, etc.
But I like the HTC Music Player, how it plays from your home screen.
I like what happens when one turns the phone landscape, and sees a shuffle of album covers. Is that a gimmick? Yes, but I like it. Kind of fun to choose an album that way, like shuffling through CDs at home, rather than from a list like in WMP.
Yet, the app seems to have serious problems with its database. Although I have tons of music on it (more than 10 GB, all on the storage card), sometimes it cannot see any music at all.
Sometimes it shows no cover art (which is especially crucial for that album shuffle view), although the cover art is embedded in each song, and if one looks at the .vin file that HTCMP put in the folder, the cover art is there too, put there by the app. But somehow, it often doesn't read it. I do the "download cover art" thing, it shows a connection to Gracenote, but some albums never display their cover art, although it is already right there embedded in each song on the album.
What is going on with this app and its database?
Ia there any fix for it?
Is HTC aware of the problem, and working on a fix?
While discussing the HTC Music Player, one other thing I am curious about. The phone also includes an HTC Video Player, in the windows folder, but with no link in the start menu to it, so most people will never discover it. (They do call that video player, though, to play the included "Transformers" movies, rather than WMP.) Why did they include their own video player, yet not even have a start menu item for it? Does it have any advantage over WMP for playing video?
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As far as the data base goes it has a problem reading large amounts of music. Still on the stock SD card? Is HTC aware of this.....Most likely as it has been a prob from the start, is there a fix....not that I have found. The video player works from the albums tab as it pics up the movies and displays them in that tab.
zelendel said:
As far as the data base goes it has a problem reading large amounts of music. Still on the stock SD card? Is HTC aware of this.....Most likely as it has been a prob from the start, is there a fix....not that I have found. The video player works from the albums tab as it pics up the movies and displays them in that tab.
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Yes, I use the stock 16GB SD card. Why? Is there a problem with that?
It is unfortunate, since that album art landscape thing is so cool, yet the HTC Music Player does not see the cover art of many albums, although it itself has created the .vin file in each folder, which is a renamed .jpg of the correct art.
And sometimes it cannot find any music!
I sure wish there would be a fix.
No registry fix or anything, that will help it?
me said:
Yes, I use the stock 16GB SD card. Why? Is there a problem with that?
It is unfortunate, since that album art landscape thing is so cool, yet the HTC Music Player does not see the cover art of many albums, although it itself has created the .vin file in each folder, which is a renamed .jpg of the correct art.
And sometimes it cannot find any music!
I sure wish there would be a fix.
No registry fix or anything, that will help it?
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No there really isnt a prob with the stock SD card except it is a class 2 card so it reads and writes slowly, alot of my issues were fixed when I got a 16gb class 6 off ebay. Make sure all your music is in this format, Artist\album. the album art is handled my the id3 tags so make sure those are all set right. there should be 5 .jpg files in each album folder. I have uploaded a folder with the album jpeg files for you to compare yours to so hope it helps
Thanks. I am downloading your 7z file, and will take a look at it. I have only seen one .jpg in each album folder, which the HTC audio database renames to .vin extension.
Most of the time, that ,jpg is the correct album art for that album. Funny thing is, even so, with many albums the cover art does not display.
I have found a solution (in another thread here) to the problem of when one opens the HTC Music Player, go landscape to see all the albums, and it says something like "no music found", then starts a long search for your music.
It seems like the app forgets its databse every time you reboot the phone. Then when you start the music app, and click anything needing access to the library, it then starts searching for your music to put in the db.
If you add a link to the audio manager file (something like audiomanager_en.exe (in the Windows folder) to your \Windows\Startup folder, that will make it recreate the database on startup, so it will be ready when you want to play some music.
Seems an unnecessary waste of memory and boot time though, to have to do that. You don't need to do that with WMP. It remembers its database, and is there and ready when you use it. If you have added music, you can click rebuild library, and it will then rebuild it. But it does not need to rebuild after every reboot.
Makes me think of stopping the use of the HTC music player altogether, and just use WMP or alternatives like TCPMP and Mort. (Although the latter two don't use library at all, don't know why, just files and play lists.)
But there are nice things about the HTC Music Player--its integration into Sense, and that cool landscape cover art thing. I just wish they would fix the bugs, and get it working properly! (Anyone know if HTC will issue an update for the music player?)
zelendel said:
No there really isnt a prob with the stock SD card except it is a class 2 card so it reads and writes slowly, alot of my issues were fixed when I got a 16gb class 6 off ebay. Make sure all your music is in this format, Artist\album. the album art is handled my the id3 tags so make sure those are all set right. there should be 5 .jpg files in each album folder. I have uploaded a folder with the album jpeg files for you to compare yours to so hope it helps
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Just looked at your .7z file. As you say, there are five album art .jpgs inside that folder.
It makes me wonder--what phone are you using? I think your HTC Music Player is different than mine.
The Music Player on my phone only creates one .jpg cover art file inside each of all my music folders, including those that work in showing cover art, and those that don't. (I guess it looks at the art embedded in the music file tags, and extracts the cover art in a separate file. It is a .jpg file, but renamed with the extension .vin.
Five cover art files, as exists in your folder, is non-existent on the TMOUSA HD2.
Funny thing too---In albums that do not show the cover art in the music player app, the .vin file the app created inside the album's folder--is still usually the correct album cover art. So the app can read the cover art embedded in the music files, creates its one folder ,jpg renamed .vin for the art, but still does not display it in the app.
Hey HTC, fix this app!
I wonder if it might have something to do with the resolution of the cover art?
While it might be able to read all cover art, and make the corresponding .vin (.jpg) file of it in the folder, the app only displays cover art that is in a certain pixel resolution, or a certain range of resolutions?
Could that be why some cover art displays, and others do not?
Anyone know?
I was using the HD 2. I copied the folders from my music file on my pc to my phone. so that may be the reason for the extra image files. but as it always showed the album art I left them there
HTC audio manager shuffle problem
Hi Guys,
This old issue is still unsolved on the last update 3.14, and it is really driving me crazy.
Have you been able to solve it?
Have anyone tried the latest OBOE 1.18 files?

