I want to delete "Slide Me"...What is the .apk titled? - myTouch 3G, Magic General

I don't know why its bothering me so much other than the fact its useless. I looked in my system/apps/ but couldn't find anything directly relating to the "Slide Me" app. While I am at it, I tried deleting amazon but it said it was read only? Is there a way to delete that too?

for slide me, you can delete that from the phone.
Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Mobentoo Market Place
To delete amazon mp3,
adb devices (to make sure it's detected)
adb remount
adb shell
rm /system/app/com.amazon.mp3.apk (double check that thats the exact file, but it's com.amazon something)

allenk said:
for slide me, you can delete that from the phone.
Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Mobentoo Market Place
To delete amazon mp3,
adb devices (to make sure it's detected)
adb remount
adb shell
rm /system/app/com.amazon.mp3.apk (double check that thats the exact file, but it's com.amazon something)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cool. Thanks. I forget about going to applications to do things. I've been doing so many things via adb instead. For amazon though, I have tried the rm command in adb but it tells me I can't delete it because its a read-only file.

strange, should be fine if you remounted the file system.


How to UNINSTALL unwanted stock/preinstalled apps from G1

How to remove unwanted stock/preinstalled apps
This is not a question. This is howto
I DID search through the forum and found nothing but
Q: how to remove/uninstall preinstalled apps ?
A: no way !!!
Here is how:
First of all I’ll describe my rooted, of course, phone configuration, so if you are on the same boat you can do same trick 99% if not you’ll know where to go
- CyanogenMod (this is latest experimental as of sept-05-09) –works very stable for me
- 4GB SD card partitioned: FAT32, ext3 (512mb), linux_swap (32mb)
(great guide how to part your sd here: http://androidcommunity.com/forums/f56/compcache-userinit-22465/index4.html#post232988 (page 4)
- CompCache with Backing Swap (here: http://androidcommunity.com/forums/f56/compcache-userinit-22465/index4.html#post232988 (page 1)
1) G1 rooted phone
2) Explorer with ability to explore /system folders – I use Astro (market)
4) SDK installed on it (http://developer.android.com/sdk/download.html?v=android-sdk-windows-1.5_r3.zip)
1) first and very important: full backup of your system.
- DO NANDROID (it’s preinstalled in Cyano, search forum for “nandroid” if you don’t have it)
- DO ext3.tar (if you use ext3)
- Make full SD copy to your PC
As described here: (yes, same tread, thanks to bdb4269) http://androidcommunity.com/forums/f56/compcache-userinit-22465/index4.html (page 4)
Now we are safe..well, almost
2) find full name for the application you want to uninstall, say for Amazon MP3 it will be com.amazon.mp3.apk
I did it like this
- open Astro explorer
- go to the very top (/)
- search “amazon”
- when search done, write down full app name
- long press trackball – chose – open containing folder – remember the path (ie /system/app)
3) Assume SDK and USB drivers are installed ( http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html )
And phone is connected to pc/mac
= below guide is from http://oneclickandroid.blogspot.com/ with my comments =
- Start emulator (don’t think it is necessary, but lets follow – emulator located in SDK folder\tools\emulator.exe in my case C:\SDK_15\tools\
CMD window pops up for a second and disappeared
- open CMD prompt (in Windows: Start > run > print: cmd , hit OK/enter)
- execute "adb shell" in on terminal from SDK_ROOT/tool folder
(if you did not register SDK folder in windows variables you need to cd to this folder first:
print: cd c:\sdk_15\tools hit enter
print: adb shell hit enter, you’ll see new prompt appeared: #
- print: mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
This will mount your system folder with read/write permission
- go to system/apps folder of your phone
(print: cd /system/apps hit enter)
*** guide says “/system/apps” but in my case it is “/system/app” ??? (remember I asked you to write down full path and name from Astro ? check your path first ***
- print: rm yourunwantedapplication.apk
i.e. rm com.amazon.mp3.apk hit enter
now, check installed apps in your phone (no reload req.) – is amazon disappeared ?
I wish to try this with app for that has a replacement from the market, like
Dialer – aTakePhone or Music – Meridian etc
Hope someone brave will do it before I do
Deleting may be unsafe if other preinstalled apps or process have links to uninstalled app
What happens in this case? wish someone knows the answer.
I dont think this trick will speedup your phone if you've moved your apps to ext2/3/4 already I just dont want to see useless apps in my phone/pc
Please reply here if you have experience of deleting preinstalled apps
sorry, english is my second languague
Good luck !
Hahahaha... all that trouble just to install a few unnecessary apps off of a ROOTED phone?! If you had searched, you'd have seen the numerous posts where we've posted instructions on uninstalling apps through Terminal. Literally 4 lines of code at most! Note that you can do this with any app you don't want. I have xROM, and one of the first things I do whenever I clean install to the latest version is replace ringtones and remove apps, including HTC Mail, Email, Amazon mp3, and Android Music. It takes me about 2 minutes to remove these apps.
Example for removing Amazon MP3:
mount -o rw,remount /system
rm -r /system/app/com.amazon-mp3.apk
mount -o rw,remount /data
rm -r /data/data/com.amazon.mp3
uansari1 said:
mount -o rw,remount /data
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
/data is never mounted read-only.
zelipukin said:
- Start emulator (don’t think it is necessary, but lets follow – emulator located in SDK folder\tools\emulator.exe in my case C:\SDK_15\tools\
CMD window pops up for a second and disappeared
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's not how you start the emulator, in the window that disappears is a message telling you to start with the proper parameters, which you'd see if starting from a command line. If the emulator actually was running, then all your adb commands would then fail because it wouldn't know what device you wanted to address, you'd have to use "adb -d" to tell it to use the real device rather than the emulator.
jashsu said:
/data is never mounted read-only.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the info.. guess I've been doing an extra step, but this means I can do I through terminal even faster.
Easy way to remove unwanted preinstalled apps
Use Root Explorer to browse to /data/app_s and find the applications you don't want. Delete the APK and ODEX files and you are done.
Always remember to make a backup of your phone, before you start deleting.
ewaldtx said:
Use Root Explorer to browse to /data/app_s and find the applications you don't want. Delete the APK and ODEX files and you are done.
Always remember to make a backup of your phone, before you start deleting.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The app_s folder is only used for Hero ROMs because there isn't enough space in /system, so it's placed in /system/sd (the mount point of the ext partition) if you have an ext partition for A2SD.
For regular google source builds just go to /system/app.
there is an app called rootexplorer it has a button to remove syatem apps. real easy to use. http://www.cyrket.com/package/com.sp...e.rootexplorer
saprano614 said:
there is an app called rootexplorer it has a button to remove syatem apps. real easy to use. http://www.cyrket.com/package/com.sp...e.rootexplorer
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
and it works great
Sorry to kind of hijack this but cyrket.com always shows as a blank page.
anyone know why or how to fix that?
i think simply deleting the apk files and data folder will keep an entry in some kind of registry in android. if i just delete the apk files and data folder and run fix_permissions, it shows the same number of processes.
is a rooted file browser and it is, by far, the easiest way of uninstalling any stock apps.
Click one button to make the system folder re-writable (same thing with data folder, just a button), navigate to the apps directory and just delete. or you can search for the app and just delete it from the search window. Voila!
Ssantos6981 said:
is a rooted file browser and it is, by far, the easiest way of uninstalling any stock apps.
Click one button to make the system folder re-writable (same thing with data folder, just a button), navigate to the apps directory and just delete. or you can search for the app and just delete it from the search window. Voila!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
are you talking about rootexplorer or what? elaborate a little..
i just bought and downloaded/installed rootexplorer simply to delete stock apps. upon opening it ask me to allow it. i say yes and it says my phone isn't rooted.
weird.. i just upgraded from cyanogen v4.1.999( or something around that) to the newest 4.2whatever. so how if my phone not rooted?!
blackinches said:
are you talking about rootexplorer or what? elaborate a little..
i just bought and downloaded/installed rootexplorer simply to delete stock apps. upon opening it ask me to allow it. i say yes and it says my phone isn't rooted.
weird.. i just upgraded from cyanogen v4.1.999( or something around that) to the newest 4.2whatever. so how if my phone not rooted?!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
try it again lol. it should work
make sure your not on the stock adp recovery
Root explorer!!!
i'm trying ro remove stock apps for quite a few days, and i'm getting desperate!
I have everything... titatium, terminal, root explorer, etc etc
with terminal I also receive "directory not empty", but with root explorer I can delete the apk's from /system/app ... I confirm after that they are not there, bus as soon as I reboot the phone they come back.
what can I do ?
I have HTC desire with stock android, rooted .. and also a couple of programs I instaled I don't really knwo what they do.. like rom manager, clockword recovery, etc
plz help!
Sleeepy2 said:
Sorry to kind of hijack this but cyrket.com always shows as a blank page.
anyone know why or how to fix that?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is because the full url path is not correct. Hover cursor over link and look at lower left corner to view the url path...it has those .... in it and will not work. We need the full exact url path.
just use titanum backup,rt click on application it will show (remove),be sure u didn't updated any stock app e.g gmail update
Regarding using Root Explorer on stock G Tab updated to 1.2-4349...
Trying to remove some of the apps preloaded and using Root Explorer get a statement - my phone not rooted.
I want to get the apps off. What to do now? Thanks http://media.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
Thanks for this clear procedure !

[How To] Enable Non-Market apps on Captivate (consolidated)

(additional CHOWN notes added below. If you are getting "chown: unknown user/group system:system" read them!
Ok, we do have a WHOLE other thread that was made a sticky already, but you need to read the WHOLE thing to get all the properly interesting parts. I'll make sure I keep this OP up to date.
The following methods enable side loading and installing of apps onto the captivate, without the need of a program on a computer attached via the SDK. There are multiple methods, and for the most part, these methods that have worked flawlessly for many users here on this forum. We're just collecting them all in one post for speed and clarity.
Methods that assist in loading applications, without modification to the settings (a.k.a still need a computer attached) can be found at the collective wiki, http://samsungcaptivate.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_Sideload
Root your phone, see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=725555
Busybox : http://www.appbrain.com/app/stericson.busybox
Please, save a clean, un-altered backup copy of this file. To be safe. Rarely does corruption occur, but if it does, it won't be good.
Method 1: From Win7x64, Samsung Drivers, Android SDK installed.
This method uses the tools you already have at hand, as part of the SDK. All instances in code blocks are run inside of the command prompt. You will need to know where you installed your SDK, and the tools directory therein.
Once rooted, go install BusyBox installer from the App Market/AppBrain etc and run it. It will download and install the latest version for you.
From my Win7x64, with USB Debugging ON. Ensure that you phone is UNLOCKED as it the SU app will ask for permission for 'UNKOWN' in the following command.
Connect to PC, and Eject/Safely Remove the SD card, and "Turn off USB Storage" on the phone.
open command prompt, follow along:
> c:
> cd \android\tools
> adb shell
$ su
# cp /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db /sdcard/settings.db
# exit
$ exit
mount the SD cards to the pc,
"USB Connected select to... ", Mount
mine mounted as H:
> copy H:\settings.db settings.db
> sqlite3 settings.db
~> update secure set value="1" where name="install_non_market_apps";
1 row updated
~> .quit
> copy settings.db H:\settings.db
Eject the drive, safely remove, etc.
"Turn off USB storage" etc, to mount it back to the phone
> adb shell
$ su
# cp /sdcard/settings.db /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# chmod 660 /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# chown system.system /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# exit
$ exit
> adb reboot
Bam. Done.
Method 2: with Root Explorer
(courtesy of kirbo20)
This is a pretty easy process. I went in to Root Explorer - dbdata - databases - com.android.providers.settings, copied settings.db to my sd card, edited it on my pc with a db editor changed 0 to a 1 next to non market apps. Copied it back to the original directory, rebooted and installed a non market app.
(added by gotfolk)
again using FF plug in..
Click Secure on the left pane
click on install_non_market_apps
click edit
number 3 states value click there and type in 1. hit ok
Please use caution. If you want to make sure the db save properly open it on your sd card before you copy and replace the original. It should open up as a readable table. If it opens up in a txt editor its corrupt. This permanently enables non market apps. You can not toggle it on and off.
( This is a sqlite3 database file, you can find many GUI editors that will be able to handle the editing, including a FF plugin. Search "SQLite" )
Method 3: with Root Explorer & Sqlite Editor & Terminal Emulator
(courtesy of ice3186)
- Open Root Explorer
- Browse to /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/
- copy settings.db to the root of your sd card ( /sdcard/ )
- Click on the newly copied settings.db in /sdcard/, with SQLite Editor installed, you can open and edit it here.
- Select the "secure" table, and update the value of 'install_nonmarket_apps' from 0 to 1, and save.
- close out of SQLite editor
- copy the modified file ( /sdcard/settings.db ), and browse back to /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/ and paste
- confirm the overwrite if asked and then open again to confirm it's been changed.
- open Terminal Emulator
$ su
# chmod 660 /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# chown system.system /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# reboot
- reboot phone.
No PC, no Mac, no drivers, no SDK. Viola.
Method 4: Mac & Android SDK
You will see "[sdcard]" through this method...I don't own a Mac so I'm guessing a bit.
This method uses the tools you already have at hand, as part of the SDK. All instances in code blocks are run inside of the Terminal. You will need to know where you installed your SDK, and the tools directory therein.
Once rooted, go install BusyBox installer from the App Market/AppDroid etc and run it. It will download and install the latest version for you.
From a Max OS X, with USB Debugging ON. Ensure that you phone is UNLOCKED as it the SU app will ask for permission for 'UNKOWN' in the following command.
Connect to Mac, and Eject/Safely Remove the SD card, and "Turn off USB Storage" on the phone.
open Terminal, follow along:
> cd /android/tools
> ./adb shell
$ su
# cp /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db /sdcard/settings.db
# exit
$ exit
mount the SD cards to the Mac,
"USB Connected select to... ", Mount
mine mounted as [sdcard]
> cp [sdcard]/settings.db settings.db
> ./sqlite3 settings.db
~> update secure set value="1" where name="install_non_market_apps";
1 row updated
~> .quit
> cp settings.db [sdcard]/settings.db
Eject the drive, safely remove, etc.
"Turn off USB storage" etc, to mount it back to the phone
> ./adb shell
$ su
# cp /sdcard/settings.db /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# chmod 660 /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# chown system.system /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# exit
$ exit
> ./adb reboot
Method 5: Android SDK only
Of course, this also requires root and BusyBox.
From the android sdk tools folder in a command prompt:
note: all linux/mac should use './adb' in place of just 'adb', and place quotes on the echo statement between echo and |
adb shell
chmod 666 /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
adb pull /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db settings.db
echo update secure set value = 1 where name = 'install_non_market_apps';|sqlite3 settings.db
adb push settings.db /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
adb shell
chmod 660 /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
chown system.system /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
You must chown the settings.db file and reboot once it is back in its original location. If you do not, you will not be able to alter settings such as WiFi,GPS, default Ringtones, etc. It's also highly likely that you may wish to chmod to 660 (-rw-rw---), so I've tacked that in here and above.
> adb shell
$ su
# chmod 660 /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# chown system.system /dbdata/databases/com.android.providers.settings/settings.db
# exit
$ exit
> adb reboot
Chown Note
In the event that you are getting "chown: unknown user/group system:system" please try 1000.1000 as this has been reported to work on several of the samfirmware-released roms that fail with this message.
Absolutely do not use someone else's settings.db unless you specifially make it a point replace android_id with your android_id!
Special Note
Any of these adb comments can be run from Terminal Emulator (Android Terminal Emulator, free) from the su command. I use the ADB here as it is a lot easier to type into. Terminal Emulator will provide you with a shell that is an exact match of the 'adb shell' command, as they both simply provide the shell to you.
After completing this process you will be able to load non-market apps directly from the APK files, SDK tools, tools such as DroidExplorer and apps such as APKtor.
You will be able to download the APKs directly, and then install from your favorite file browser (e.g. MyFiles(s), Astro(f), RootExplorer($)...)
SQLite Administrator (Win, GUI, no FF required) http://sqliteadmin.orbmu2k.de/
SQLite Manager (FF addon, search for it)
Application links
Root Explorer http://www.appbrain.com/app/com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer
SQLite Editor http://www.appbrain.com/app/com.speedsoftware.sqleditor
Terminal Emulator http://www.appbrain.com/app/jackpal.androidterm
BusyBox http://www.appbrain.com/app/stericson.busybox
bump.. settings.db people.. please read the threads!!
good stuff!!!
Ok. I can find settings.db with root explorer. i can copy it and i put it in my sdcard folder but nothing is there when i try to find it on my computer. Im trying to use SQlite editor on firefox. Im also on a powermac g4 if that makes a difference. I did download sqlite editor on my phone and I can find where to change the values for installing non market apps but when I change from a zero to a one it denies me. Please help
Ok, so let me make sure I have your process:
- Rooted
- Installed busybox ?
- Installed Root Explorer
- copied settings.db to /sdcard
-- cant see the file when mounted to Mac, thus can't edit with FF plugin
-- SQLite editor for android wont allow access..
(is this the SQLite Editor you used? http://www.appbrain.com/app/com.speedsoftware.sqleditor)
Try installing "Android Terminal Emulator" from the market (http://www.appbrain.com/app/jackpal.androidterm)
- open Terminal Emulator
$ su
# cd /sdcard
# chmod 777 settings.db
# exit
- Open the sqlite editor, and make the change
- back to Terminal Emulator
$ su
# chmod 660 settings.db
- proceed with rest of instructions.
how many more threads do we need on the same thing? We already have ALL of this info posted, several times.
designgears said:
how many more threads do we need on the same thing? We already have ALL of this info posted, several times.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please read my initial post, first few lines. I explained why, specifically: Consolidation.
Thanks I will give it a try later today.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
- OP updated to reflect stock ownership settings for 'chown'
Also, which sqlite app are you using? I'll put that up as method 3 if it works out nicely for you.
fixed a typo in the chown command.. bad copy paste.. bad.. doh.
added method 3 courtest of ice3186
added links to Root Explorer ($), SQLite Editor ($) and Android Terminal Emulator (free) and added the chmod/chown commands to method 3, as they were skipped by accident.
bump** for newcomers, sry.
thanks max for adding the third method. this was by far much easier than the first two methods. I have a hard time getting my mac to talk to my phone sometimes and it was good to not have to plug the lil guy in at all. Worked like a charm
myself and ice3186 are glad we could be of help
If I had accidentally deleted the settings.db how should I go about recovering my phone? Now I have the issue that my phone won't boot past the boot animation and I'm notbsure what to do
mkslt4 said:
If I had accidentally deleted the settings.db how should I go about recovering my phone? Now I have the issue that my phone won't boot past the boot animation and I'm notbsure what to do
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you make any kind of backup before hand?
You may have to use someone else's settings.db and then do a factory reset.
Depending on how much you've done with the phone I'd suggest deciding on doing a the reboot process for rooting, but choosing to clear data. This may rebuild it, I am not sure.
my dbdata directory is empty.. My phone is less then 2 hours old and i have some market apps installed..
xetrev said:
my dbdata directory is empty.. My phone is less then 2 hours old and i have some market apps installed..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oh, if it's running, then this folder isn't actually empty.
What are you using to browse this folder?
i followed this guide to a T yesterday when i did this. I used option 1, ADB commands on terminal since i'm a mac and it was super easy, did it in about 5 minutes.
this is just my opinion but i think everyone should try playing with the ADB commands, they're actually really useful and educational to know. and if you should brick your phone, just use clockwork recovery to restore it.
that being said, maybe you should add a disclaimer that when done on a mac, the adb commands require a "./" in front (so adb reboot becomes ./adb reboot). cp, chown, and chmod commands don't need it though (or at least i didn't).

How to pull apps on froyo?

Does anyone know how? Ive tried searching but nothing.
I have tried these that worked on 2.1 but couldnt get them to work on 2.2
adb pull /system/app app
adb pull /system/app-private app-private
The first command works but it doesnt pull all the apps, like the ones I download from market. Then the second command line doesnt work. Also, does anyone know how to pull apps from the sd card?
Wrong partition, they are on /data/
like post said above.. you have to look for the ones you got in market
so do it this way
adb shell
cd /data/app
Look for the app you want if the app you want is not there then do this
cd /data/app-private
look for it again once find it you do this
$ will see this then
then do
adb pull /data/app/com.Andchat.apk "drag a folder into the terminal/cmd promt window, then press enter"
once you do that go to the folder that your drag into termina/cmd pompt and your apk should be in there

[q] delete applications

I have on my WF puzzlewildfire, but I would like to lighten up by removing all the applications built into the rom and I do not use. How simple?
thank you
didiersl said:
I have on my WF puzzlewildfire, but I would like to lighten up by removing all the applications built into the rom and I do not use. How simple?
thank you
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have used "adb shell" to get into the phone shell and remove a few apps.
First, evaluate what you are going to gain by doing this...
If you still want to remove some apps:
1. Connect your phone through USB with USB debugging enabled and charge only option
2. To get write access to 'system' partition: adb remount
3. Get shell access to phone: adb shell
4. Go to apps folder: cd /system/app
5. rm -r TheAppYouDoNotWant.apk
- Backup your apps on your PC before deleting them from your phone by doing:
(after #1 from above)
Got to a folder on your PC using the system shell (cmd or bash or ...)
adb pull /system/app/* .
- Make sure you do not delete something another app is dependent on!

[REQ] ADB string for deleting stuff

Need to be able to delete files from the NAND ROM I'm using and Droid Explorer won't do it...unless I'm not doing something right. I suppose ADB is the only option to effectively remove files or install files. But what I need to know is, what is the commands for doing this? For example: MDJ kernels come with more than 2 modules. The Gauner kernel comes with 2 modules. Updating to an MDJ kernel puts in about 5 or 6 modules and if you go back to the Gauner module using the kernel install script, you still have the other MDJ modules hanging on. Droid Explorer won't delete anything and won't add anything. You can copy anything, but not delete or add in these NAND ROMs.
The only option I suppose is to use ADB. But that requires knowing what the commands are and I'm not a computer programmer. So I would be most grateful to anyone providing the commands to delete and add files.
Thanks in advance.
adb shell rm -rf "/path/to/file"
First make system r/w, can't remember command right now. And then.
Adb shell rm system/lib/modules/[libname.so without the [] ]
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Thanks, guys.
I want to install the G2 launcher in Darkstone FroYo NAND. I will try to use the kernel "Install" script. What would be the string? Here is what the script shows for installing a zImage and modules. What should it be edited to to install the G2 launcher? The launcher is named "Launcher2" and it will be located on the root of the SD card. It will install to the system > app folder
EDIT - Actually, the launcher will be inside a folder on the root of the card along with the install script, adb and
@echo off
echo Creating directory and mounting /boot...
adb shell mkdir /data/boot
adb shell mount -t yaffs2 -orw,nosuid,nodev /dev/block/mtdblock0 /data/boot
echo Pushing zImage...
adb push zImage /data/boot/zImage
echo Remounting system and pushing modules...
adb remount
adb push bcm4329.ko /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko
adb push tun.ko /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
adb push cifs.ko /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko
adb push fuse.ko /system/lib/modules/fuse.ko
adb push msm_rmnet.ko /system/lib/modules/msm_rmnet.ko
adb push nls_utf8.ko /system/lib/modules/nls_utf8.ko
echo Cleaning up...
adb shell umount /data/boot
adb shell rmdir /data/boot
echo All done!
Greetings. I need help. The phone is HONOR 20. The problem is that I can't find a description of "music" in the list. ADB delete works. But I don't want to uninstall another app. Maybe someone can sneeze? If I have to I can copy the whole list here.
svgyula said:
Greetings. I need help. The phone is HONOR 20. The problem is that I can't find a description of "music" in the list. ADB delete works. But I don't want to uninstall another app. Maybe someone can sneeze? If I have to I can copy the whole list here.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's one way of bringing us a nostalgic moment. Boy, the HD2 sure was something! But it's not the Honor 20. You may want to post your question in the Q&A section of the Honor 20 here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-20/help
You may also want to make your question a bit clearer. Description of what "music" in what list? Perhaps it would be wise to add the "whole list" but if it's rather large, add it as an attached txt file or put it between CODE or HIDE tags if it's really big. Good luck!
Hello! Thank you for the comment! I solved the problem! I've cleaned up com.google.mediacenter!

