iGO8 bizarre power management - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I'm running iGO8, and it's behaving VERY oddly with respect to power management. If iGO is running and I power off the machine with the button, it stays of for ~10 seconds, then comes on for ~3 seconds, then shuts off again. At this point it continues to follow this pattern for some time... ~10 seconds off, ~3 seconds on. I've tried all the power management settings, but they don't appear to affect the issue at all.
Any suggestions? Maybe a sys.txt setting somewhere?

I have mine set to use the system defaults and it works fine. Any reason you're wanting iGO to control the power settings?
Also, do you any other power/backlight management software like Lumos installed?

agentdr8 said:
I have mine set to use the system defaults and it works fine. Any reason you're wanting iGO to control the power settings?
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I don't... I just want it to stay on when I'm using it, and when I power it off, I want it to stay off. Doesn't seem like it's too much to ask.
agentdr8 said:
Also, do you any other power/backlight management software like Lumos installed?
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Nope, nothing like that. It's a stock AT&T ROM, with nothing exotic at all installed.

No problems with iGO here, except for it not running very long before crashing...
I've had it set to both iGO's automatic setting, and more recently set it to "use Device" so that Lumous can control the backlight. Are you using iGO on battery? I never use it on battery power, at least not for very long...

Yeah, I've only run it on battery so far...


Need something that keeps backlight on!!

As I posted before, my TD2 goes black when using TomTom on battery.
Normally, my backlight dims after 30secs, and the screen goes off after 1 minute of inactivity.
With TomTom running, no backlight dimming, but screen blanks after 2 minutes. On battery power (in my car) no probs at all. I have the latest rom. I reinstalled TomTom several times. No solution. Tried all the settings in Settings-More-Power-Advanced. No solution. Edited the registry, no solution.
However, I have a prog called RunGPS. There is a small button: keep backlight on function. If I press that button, the screen stays on. If I switch to TomTom, it also stays on. Downside is, RunGPS keeps a dataconnection active.
So, it has to be possible to make some application that does only one thing: keep backlight on, or leave it to the TD2. Is this possible to create..??
Try ScreenOn:
ageye g-light
Too bad.. both don't work. Screen-On doesn't come up with something; I just click it and that's it, no prog or text saying something is active. And after a few seconds.. screen-off.
G-light does have TomTom as exception with option "keep backlight always on" and after two minutes... Yep. Screen-Off...
I use S2U2 on my Diamond 2 and you can insert an exception to stop the device going into suspend/sleep mode when using TomTom on battery.
Chippa said:
I use S2U2 on my Diamond 2 and you can insert an exception to stop the device going into suspend/sleep mode when using TomTom on battery.
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Can you be a bit more specific? I installed S2U2, and found the registry settings; just added TomTom Navigator.exe there. But after 2 minutes.. my screen is blank...
gyedema said:
Too bad.. both don't work. Screen-On doesn't come up with something; I just click it and that's it, no prog or text saying something is active. And after a few seconds.. screen-off.
G-light does have TomTom as exception with option "keep backlight always on" and after two minutes... Yep. Screen-Off...
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i'm sorry, you're right.
after 2 minutes the screen goes of..
I tried Lumos with my garmin mobile XT and that seems to work. it also has exceptions. Just insert the name of the program as mentioned in the task manager.
Added TT in the exceptions.
After 30secs screen goes off...
gyedema said:
Added TT in the exceptions.
After 30secs screen goes off...
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installed tomtom 7 and tried adding it to lumos and it worked fine for me..
i added 'TomTom Navigator' as an exception
I have this problem too - except that mine goes off after 10 minutes. I am wondering if it has anything to do with some programs I have experimented with lately, notably ones to make the battery level appear as a percentage number rather than a small number of bars, and another to add more colourful icons. Have you added anything similar? Unfortunately, the battery level application has no uninstall (it does not show up in "Remove Programs").
Any ideas?
Yes, I did install several things but also did several hard-resets. Nothing helped. I even found settings in the registry regarding backlight power but also no effect.
I mailed the problem to HTC and received an answer today; I have to contact the callcenter for a repair.... so I guess there's something buggy in the Topaz...
**EDIT** Just made a phone call with HTC. Very polite; they come and pick up the phone and will return it somewhere between 5-10 days. Hopefully they find something that will do the trick..
Problem solved: TD2 came back after a day or 5 from HTC repair. Backlight stays on when unchecked, and stays on while apps are running that needs that (like tomtom).
No idea what they have done, but it works..

Power control of the Vogue

Maybe this shows that I am a noob, but here it goes.
I want to save my battary power when running the GPS, but all the power saveing settings turn the phone onto standby, thus loosing GPS lock (and when I am using my better bluetooth GPS, it locks out the bluetooth and I have to re-boot). Is there some why to just turn of the screen? Is that "an app for that"? I am currently trying out SVM Power Manager, but you can not set it to turn the screen off in 2 minites or whatever. To use it how I need, I would have to turn off the OS's power saver, and always manualy turn off the screen using SVM Power Manager. All the power manager apps I have seen work like that.
you will probably have to buy an extended battery man. i think even real android phones batteries drain pretty quick from what i hear.
Did some testing. It seems that the battery will last for about 5h with the screen of (using SVM Power Manager to turn it off), and the GPS running (GPSed running it).
Understood that the battery is just under powered, but I was wondering if there was a way to make the screen automaticaly turn off after X amount of time, but not have the phone go into standby.
I also bought one of those battery powered battery chargers (battery extender). But the one I got turned out to have only 500mAh (compared with 1100mAh in the phone battery), so it turned out to only help a bit. Maybe I will try to make one with a voltage regulator and a rechargable 9V battery
I think one of the pmsleepmodes may support this (in default.txt) Try 2 or 3. It seems like one of these didnt do a full power collapse, but did turn the screen off.
katmandu421: I am not familiar with this stuff. Can you give me a bit of a more detailed explination?
Is this a built in windows mobile funciton. Can I access this in the registry?
I love it how most of us would assume he's talking Android. Yes in android, editing your default.txt to sleep mode 0 would turn off the screen, but not sleep the system. 1,2, or 3 would allow the different system board types used in various Vogues to go to sleep.
WinMo however is a different story. The GPS in the Vogue is a low power chip, but from everything I can gather is requires the system to stay fully awake. If you find an app that allows you to turn off your screen, post back but I don't believe there is much hope to that. Windows seems to think that when the lights go out, it's sleepy time.
Also, the radio on the Vogue doesn't sleep, and it's use to wake up the phone i.e. incoming calls. The GPS is part of the radio so if there is a way to keep the system board awake, in theory it should work.
SVM Power Manager will turn off the screen while keeping everything awake, but it is not automatic. I have maped the camera button to this program, so it is not a huge hassle, but I realy would like to have it automatic.
Will consider installing Android.
Titus_Andronicus said:
SVM Power Manager will turn off the screen while keeping everything awake, but it is not automatic. I have maped the camera button to this program, so it is not a huge hassle, but I realy would like to have it automatic.
Will consider installing Android.
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Did anyone ever figure out how to do this? I'm trying to figure this out as well. After finally getting GPS to work, now I'd like to be able to use some apps that need to run when in standby.
mnations said:
Did anyone ever figure out how to do this? I'm trying to figure this out as well. After finally getting GPS to work, now I'd like to be able to use some apps that need to run when in standby.
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Check on Dev&Hacking. An app just came out today that does exactly what you are asking for here.
egzthunder1 said:
Check on Dev&Hacking. An app just came out today that does exactly what you are asking for here.
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Thanks! That looks like a handy app.
An update (in case anyone hits this thread later)...I made this one change which seemed to clear up all of the problems (found elsewhere but can't post outside link yet.)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A3 8-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\Phone as Modem]
Now this is in conjunction with QuickGPS and all the other fiddling I've done, so I don't if this alone is responsible.
However, when running Google Maps or other GPS applications I get a lock within 5-15 secs. Also, when coming back from standby it's able to re-lock in the same amount of time. This normally required a soft restart before.
For apps that track your routes, such as SportyPal which I've been using for mapping my bike rides, they can keep a lock even in standby mode. I'm not sure if the app itself is able to hold a lock or if QuickGPS may be helping it. Either way it works.

Problem with GPS and unattended mode

I'm developing a GPS application (http://www.marathon-mobile.net/Download/DownloadLatestVersion), its working fine on most phone but I'm having some problems with HTC HD2.
The problem is that the GPS doesn't seem work when the phone is locked.
I have set the following:
PowerPolicyNotify(CoreDll.PPN_UNATTENDEDMODE, true)
SetPowerRequirement("gpd0:", CedevicePowerStateState.D0, POWER_NAME | POWER_FORCE, null, 0);
I'm also calling SystemIdleTimerReset(); every 100 ms.
This seems to work for all other devices (I havent received any complaints about them), but no the HTC HD2. Have anyone else experienced problems with HD2, do I have to set any other Power Policies for this device?
I think another app got the same problem as well. I run the wmTorrent on my HD2 and when the screen's locked the WiFi shows reconnection when I unlock it. It seems to be some sort of power saving feature that's cutting off everything when it's idle (including GPS). I take it you're requesting GPS data via Windows API.
Nice app by the way, saw it on the marketplace and was gonna place an order. I'll wait till it's fully supported on HD. Let us know pls.
I see.. Thats maybe why I can not get TrackMe to work..
Sounds to me like some kind of power saving design. After all the HD2 haven't exactly got the biggest battery in the world.
Sorry guys, that comment doesn't really help solve you problem I know.
But it would be interesting to know if this is a Microsoft / HTC design 'feature'...Maybe it's worth checking with Acer Neotouch / Omnia II user?
Or does this issue exist on any other WM6.5 handset?
I have installed OziExplorerCE GPS Mapping and Real Time Tracking Software, and it has an option to turn the display off whilst leaving the GPS functioning, pressing the <end> button will turn the display back on as per normal.
This is definitely different to pressing the <end> button to suspend the device as if I do this then Ozi also wakes up with a reconnecting to GPS message.
I have tried this with both TomTom and Oziexplorer running, and as long as I use Ozi's own display off option, both programs keep running and tracking movements.
So it seems that it is possible to do what you wish.
abucas said:
I have installed OziExplorerCE GPS Mapping and Real Time Tracking Software, and it has an option to turn the display off whilst leaving the GPS functioning, pressing the <end> button will turn the display back on as per normal.
This is definitely different to pressing the <end> button to suspend the device as if I do this then Ozi also wakes up with a reconnecting to GPS message.
I have tried this with both TomTom and Oziexplorer running, and as long as I use Ozi's own display off option, both programs keep running and tracking movements.
So it seems that it is possible to do what you wish.
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Sounds like they use SetSystemPowerState(null, POWER_STATE_IDLE, POWER_FORCE); in combination with multiple calls to SystemIdleTimerReset(); This could be a solution. Unfortunately it keeps the entire device in on, so it'll consume more power than just keeping the GPS on. I've currently sent a version to a tester with this enabled, so we'll see if it works.
I'm still interested in a solution using unattended mode if its possible. It could be as easy as setting another power requirement, if so we just need to find it.
Thanks for all the replies .
Good to find that, I will need that for SciLor's GrooveMobile

Lock the screen but leave the GPS module running?

I don't know if this is really just a "screen lock with disabled bits" or if this is some full-blown idle mode, but I was wondering...
I don't have any car-accessories, but I'd still like to use TomTom. Now, TT offers some nice voice guidance, which is more than enough for just getting around (if I ever get really lost, I can pull over and pick the thing out of my pocket).
However, leaving TT running in my pocket means that the screen is on, the display changes and thus battery will be drained considerably faster than if the thing would be locked... not to mention an accidental press of a button (it's in my pocket, after all).
However, locking the phone turns the GPS off, so even if I leave TT running in the background it does me no good.
Is there anything I could try out in such a case?
So... this is impossible? :/
Nothing specially made for that has been released that I know of.
But from info I could gather around, RunGPS has the capability to be set to turn off the display leaving the GPS running.
So you could just install rungps as well, set it to turn off the display with GPS on, and at the same time also run your fav GPS app, tomtom in this case.
What should happen is that the screen will go off with the GPS still working (thanks to rungps) and tomtom will run in background being now able to access the gps device (still thanks to rungps).
Still worse for battery than having only the useful app running (as rungps will take some cpu cycles for itself and will cause more load on the device) but should still be better than leaving the display on at all times.
Let us know your results.
hey what do you know, 900th post
Hmmm... strange... Last I've noticed my GPS kept runnung while the device was locked. I used NaviComputer to track a walk I did with a friend and had my HD2 locked in my pocket most of the time.
ThoroSOE said:
Hmmm... strange... Last I've noticed my GPS kept runnung while the device was locked. I used NaviComputer to track a walk I did with a friend and had my HD2 locked in my pocket most of the time.
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uhm, don't let that fool you.
First times I used navicomputer just for fun, I thought gps was running in background, but only later I realized that the GPS signal was restored right after turning on the display, and navicomputer was showing a straight line going from my latest positiotn before turning off the display, to the first positiotn it got after wakeup... and I'm sure of that since I double checked several times
In case you check and you DO have your GPS on at all times with device in standby using navicomputer, please let me know the list of installed programs you have (I doubt it tho)
jan-willem3 said:
Change this with your registery
Normaly the numbers are on "4" - put this on "1" and gps should stay awake even when you put the phone in standby.
It will stay on until a program stops using the gps.
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Bib_x said:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Unattended]
This was already "0". I changed it to "1", too.
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Try this. It works on my HD2. I use Run.GPS to log my tracks while jogging or mountain biking.
Other way to keep gps-fix while screen is off - you have to do only a "screen off", not "standby". I did it with AEButtons+ (e.g. screen off on long-press green call-button) - but with this reg-changes it works better for me.
Or you can only lock your phone and let it go to standby on its own. Then gps-fix will still keep alive. GPS-fix only gets lost if you press hardware-power-button (red end call button) - and registry not changed like above.
Bib_x said:
Try this. It works on my HD2. I use Run.GPS to log my tracks while jogging or mountain biking.
Other way to keep gps-fix while screen is off - you have to do only a "screen off", not "standby". I did it with AEButtons+ (e.g. screen off on long-press green call-button) - but with this reg-changes it works better for me.
Or you can only lock your phone and let it go to standby on its own. Then gps-fix will still keep alive. GPS-fix only gets lost if you press hardware-power-button (red end call button) - and registry not changed like above.
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Awesome, thanks!
I'll try it out tomorrow. A bit too late to go for a walk now.
Bib_x said:
Try this. It works on my HD2. I use Run.GPS to log my tracks while jogging or mountain biking.
Other way to keep gps-fix while screen is off - you have to do only a "screen off", not "standby". I did it with AEButtons+ (e.g. screen off on long-press green call-button) - but with this reg-changes it works better for me.
Or you can only lock your phone and let it go to standby on its own. Then gps-fix will still keep alive. GPS-fix only gets lost if you press hardware-power-button (red end call button) - and registry not changed like above.
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as far as I know rungps is able to use the gps during screenoff as a feature.
I tried locking the device without pressing endbutton, but navicomputer loses the fix no matter what.
I also noticed thos reg patchesin some other thread but I also read there that other users tried them with no avail; did you test those registry fixes with software other than rungps by any chance?
Without these reg-changes i tested RunGPS and when i press hardware-power-button - GPS-fix was getting lost.
If i only did a screen off - then GPS-fix was still there.
Now with these reg-changes i can press hardware-power-button during running RunGPS and GPS-fix is still there.
I did only test with RunGPS because that is the only GPS-app i want to use while screen is off/device in standby.
If i use a navigation software (iGo8), then i want to have screen always on- so i didn´t test this scenario.
Bib_x said:
I did only test with RunGPS because that is the only GPS-app i want to use while screen is off/device in standby.
If i use a navigation software (iGo8), then i want to have screen always on- so i didn´t test this scenario.
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I see, thank you, let's wait for the OP to test this himself.
Since I already knew rungps has a feature to turn off screen without losing gps signal, I don't think it's the reg settings, but rather it's rungps itself that allows you to do that; since you couldn't test different apps we don't even have a verification
I may try to get at it tomorrow, no guarantee I'll have the time tho
I´ve installed sportypal, too. Maybe i can make some tests this weekend.
Bib_x said:
I´ve installed sportypal, too. Maybe i can make some tests this weekend.
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us wants tests with navicomputer
No really, navicomputer is cool anyway, so install that too since you're at it
All right! I'm back with some results. Now, a quick note: I switched to MapaMap, a Polish map application, as it has a lot better maps for Poland.
I performed two tests: firstly, I started a route around the street and used the softftware lock to lock the screen. Result? MM application kept running and kept talking to me. Nice. However, this is still vulnerable to the physical button being pressed and locking the phone; when that happens, MM looses GPS and, in fact, I think the system somehow pauses this applicaiton altogether (more on that in the next bit).
So, since the physical button is still possibly a problem (after all, during driving the phone is in my pocket, and it's not really difficult for that button to be pressed), I tweaked the registry as Bib_x suggested. However, it seems that even IF the GPS module was still running, the MM application enters this weird suspended state, and whenever I resumed it, it would always greet me with a "searching for GPS signal" message. Granted, it would find the signal very quickly, but it still didn't work while the screen was off.
The odd thing is that mode the application went into. Normally, when it's minimised, I can pick it from the task-switcher and bingo! It's instantly back up. But when I press the hardware lock button and then unlock the phone, I get the Windows "please wait, I'm working" wheel in the centre for a while, before the app is restored.
I can check with TT again to see if the problem is restricted to only MM, but something tells me it's not an isolated case. So now I'd need to figure out a way to keep MM working when the phone is locked; kind of like the music player.
EDIT: TomTom resumes a lot faster, but it still looses GPS; right after resuming it says "no GPS device", and that's with the registry changes applied and after restarting the phone.
Shaamaan said:
EDIT: TomTom resumes a lot faster, but it still looses GPS; right after resuming it says "no GPS device", and that's with the registry changes applied and after restarting the phone.
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exactly my experience with any other gps software.
Didn't even try the reg tweaks as I didn't trust them that much.
Just try installing rungps as per my suggestion and using that at the same time with your fav navigation software, maybe the fact that rungps keeps the gps subsystem working while screen is off makes also the other app do its job.
After some more fooling around, I've made it, albeit I fear this method might be limited to MapaMap only.
When installing MM there are two options: either installing onto the HD2 or directly onto the MicroSD card. The former option will always install something called "wake up plugin" (might be worded differently in English) which doesn't show up in the "remove applications" menu, so it's more of an integral part of MM and probably can't be removed in this case. In the latter option, this plugin won't be installed, and in fact, is unavailable.
Initially, I've installed the app directly onto the phone, so that plugin was included automatically. My guess is that THIS was the bit responsible for putting the app into some sort of "sleep" state. However, when I installed the app onto the SD card without the plugin, I could lock the phone using the end-call button and the app wouldn't shut itself down like that; it even kept talking to me during the ride, so everything worked. Once more, I can confirm: THE SYSTEM KEPT ON WORKING DESPITE BEING LOCKED - I drove quite a distance and took some different turns, and the phone kept nicely informing me of the new distance and of upcoming turns.
This was all done using the registry settings suggested in this thread! Without them, the app will loose GPS data when the phone is locked, and if I set it to record my movements, it'll create a straight line between the start and end point, with a "no GPS signal" in the middle
EDIT: Do the registry values 1 and 4 mean "always on" and "always off"? What about values 2 and 3? I'm assuming there's no way to make the GPS module "smart", so that it's turned on only when needed? Or is it possible to add a manual switch for the GPS module to the Comm Manager?
GPS will only be on if a program sends this comand. And if you end the program, then this program sends a kill-comand to gps.
Have you tried with Pocketshield screen lock?
There is a setting at Locking > "Except when...", there you add exceptions to applications which will be allowed to continue running with the screen turned off.
The reg edits work for me with GPS Tuner and google maps, not with iGO8. I had actually tried that myself, but only the ones in "unattended" and set to 0 instead of 1 (as that's the fix that's used to keep music playing in Coreplayer and that works), but apparently it wasn't enough for the GPS. Good news

Disable Hardware Buttons

Hi All,
in the company I work for we use a range of XDA's for our drivers, the current and most popular one is the HD2, however i have noticed that drivers are able to put the XDA to standby, normally this is a requirement, however for the system we are using it causes major issues and provides the driver a way to cheat the system.
What im looking for it a way to disable the hardware buttons when the device is switched on, i imagine there may be a registry edit, but im not sure and need help as this is becoming a pressing issue.
Your request is very peculiar, and I seriously doubt that you can achieve something like that, after all completely disabling the hardware buttons can impair seriously the functionality of the device and I don't think there is a pre-set method to do that.
Anyway, I've seen a thread that talked about reassigning the shortpress on power button to something else (and I'm talking about shortpress, not longpress), yet this didn't work on the HD2 when I tested it this morning.
Anyway, if your system is debunked by putting the device in standby, it will also troubled by simply removing the battery. In other words, you can put a strong password to forbid a user from turnning off a pc from the start menu, but you cannot forbid this user from pulling the plug off the mains
Anyway, a very feeble solution could be making so that whatever is that's thrown off by the standby, keeps working even in standby; there's a tweak for wifi that allows wifi radio to stay on during standby, and probably forcing the wifi always on, and tweaking it from bsb to be on even during standby, it will also force the CPU of the device to be on even if you lock the phone by press endkey
Dont really want to give too much away, but our application uses gprs/3g and gps constantly, and by going into standby it loses connection with our servers and gps, thus allowing users to go standby in one area and then turn back on somewhere else but system thinks they are in area 1 until they move to antoher area again. this causes a major issue and headache for me, so what i really need is for the app to remain live when in standby and to keep the data and gps connection live
hope that makes sense
These threads may help:
had a look at those links and the second won looked like a winner, but when hit the HW power button the device still goes off, however i noticed that it kept its gprs connection, but it still lost gps which is one of the main factors. Just need some way to stop the device from turning off, apart from removing the case and then removing the buttons
railto said:
had a look at those links and the second won looked like a winner, but when hit the HW power button the device still goes off, however i noticed that it kept its gprs connection, but it still lost gps which is one of the main factors. Just need some way to stop the device from turning off, apart from removing the case and then removing the buttons
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try this:
Change this with your registery
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Resuming]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Unattended]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Suspend]
Normaly the numbers are on "4" - put this on "1" and gps should stay awake even when you put the phone in standby.
It will stay on until a program stops using the gps.
found it here
railto said:
had a look at those links and the second won looked like a winner
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It's the first one you should try. Works fine for me.
But frankly if they do it on purpose they will no doubt find other ways to do it - so you should rather build in some protection in your software to detect it, like if 2 consecutive positions are at the same place but with more than a certain amount of time apart, it's that they turned the thing off / cut connection on purpose/...
EDIT: wilcovh beat me to it.
those reg edits have been confirmed not to work... at the time being there is no way to have the GPS stay on while in standby, and that's a pity. I am personally interested in this and have researched in the forums, yet no working method was devised (yet). And I would love to be corrected by someone, but all the solutions I found were app specific (as in, app turns off screen without turning off GPS).
So, unless the drivers should have a personal reason to "cheat" the system by turning off the GPS, just instruct them not to press that button
If they just want to turn off the display, you can make it so that they do just that without actually locking the device, by associating, as I did, longpress on send key, with xdashutdown /lightsout command. That will turn off the screen but the phne won't be locked nor put to standby.
the theory of having gps active while on standby is moot and now useless, i need to stop the device going into standby mode period
to my best knowledge you can't really do that; I mean, you can programmatically disable automatica standby in an app by calling a function to reset the idle timer, yet the power button will put the device into standby.
I'm almost positive neither AEbutton plus can remap the power button short press on the HD2, but giving it a try won't hurt that much
railto said:
the theory of having gps active while on standby is moot and now useless, i need to stop the device going into standby mode period
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other approach:
app that wakes up the device after a minute or so? the gps only disconnects for short time.
railto said:
the theory of having gps active while on standby is moot and now useless, i need to stop the device going into standby mode period
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But that's solved already!
The keepAwake app posted earlier, music players keeping playing when pressing the off button, IM clients continue to run and receive messages after pressing the power button (implies both processor running and internet connection active)... in these cases, like any app that does the required system calls to disable standby while it's running, the device won't go to standby.
The only real problem you're facing is that GPS goes off when the power button is pressed, regardless of whether the rest of the device actually goes to standby or not (try running a GPS app while playing music, press power button, music still plays but GPS turns off).
Now we pointed some hints for you - you can try them (the reg edits for GPS apparently work in some cases but not all), but if they don't work then you're alone on that one, no solution is known. And tbh I've never seen any device on which you can disable the power off key, and it's obvious why...

