blackstone suddenly cant read sd card - Touch HD General

my blackstone cant acces to the sd card anymore if i pull the sd card out and then pull back in the blackstone recognizes the sd card but i only can view the tings that are on the card
so i cant copy, install, remove or rewrite
does anyone know why this suddenly happend
is this a hardware problem?

I had the same issue a few days ago. It was due to some bad files on my SD card.
What you can do:
- connect the HTC to a PC as an external disk (not with activesync) or put your SD card into a PC if you have a card reader
- try to copy what you can on a HDD
- try CHKDSK or format the SD card
It should then work again.


BIG Problem with SD Card ==> corrupted files everywhere

I have got a 1GB sandisk mini-sd card. The problem is when I want to copy files of it, like mp3s, videos... (for 400 MB~) from the pc to the card reader.
I put the sd in the ppc and it tells me that it is 100% full ?!?!?!
So I decide to explore it and there are corrupted files everywhere ! I put it in the sd card reader from the pc and corrupted files are everywhere too.
I tested many times to format the sd and try to copy the same quantity of files in, but the problem comes again.
The problem don't comes when I don't insert the sd in the ppc and try to read it in the reader again or when I don't copy so lot of files (50MB for example).
I joined a picture to show you what's the problem.
Try a different card reader and reformat the SD card, I had a reader that just couldn't take them for some reason.

Imate Jamin and 4 gb SD Card issues...

I've just purchased a 4 gb SD card thru ebay, which works fine with my PC, but my Jamin (I've got the latest ROM installed) does not seem to recognize it, wont even show up in file explorer. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have an 4Gb that work fine with my JAMin but not work fine in my USB Card Reader. Sorry.
Try to reformat the SD card on the PC. I have a-data 4gb, works like a charm, after formating on PC.
Just tried to reformat, but now my pc does not recognize the card...shows an sd card in "my computer", but will not open. Any other thoughts, or did I Just get a bad card?
Thanks again!
Well if it shows up on my computer, but does not open, you should still be able to format it. Right-click and format again using FAT32 full format.
Beyond that I really do not know what could be the issue.
If you have an SD card reader, insert it into your pc and insert the 4Gb SD card.
Then reboot your pc unto the Windows XP setup cd, and choose to install Windows XP on the SD card (should be recognisable). Create a 4Gb (full) FAT32 partition on the SD card. Then just reset to get out, boot normally, and format from Windows.
I found that this method works everytime.

Migrate SD card to another (Program files ok?)

I install most of my programs onto my SD card. I just got a 1gig SD card and wanted to know if it's safe just to transfer the files over and pop it into my phone. Will all my installed programs still work as if nothing happened or do I need to do anything extra?
Yes, that should be fine, I've copied the contents of the SD card to my PC a few times now as it's a little dodgy and had become corrupt.
If it happens I just format it on the PC then copy the contents back to it again and all is well.
Not in my case
All files are there and seen but all programs won't run after migrating , via a card reader under WinXP , from 1G to the new 2G SD card . I have to reinstall every single program on the new card to get them work ! I'd tried both FAT and FAT32 format . Any idea why ?
1. copy all files from sd card to PC
2. Install Pocket Mechanic Professional or Flash Format 2.80 into the main memory of phone. (Free trial)
3. place SD card back into phone
4. Format the card in the phone using Pocket Mechanic Professional or Flash Format 2.80.
5. Copy all files back over from the PC to the SD Card.
6. Try to run a program.

Vibrant saves Droid Files

I have a buddy at work and his SD card seemed to go on the fritz with him and he couldn't recover his files. We tried copying via his phone, we tried via 2 SD card readers and even tried to plug it in my Vibrant and pull the files.
We fixed it by copying his files from his SD card to my internal 16gig memory and then we were allowed to copy to his PC. After the copying of file he formatted his SD card and then all of the sudden his phone was way more responsive and of course he could get to his files. It was almost like his phone was hanging up trying to read data off the SD card constantly and it was lagging the phone big time.
Anyways what I was trying to say we have portable SD card recovery devices in our myst. Why we were able to copy files from the SD card to internal and not SD card to PC is beyond me, but I was persistent.

Weired SD Card problem

Dear All.
I have searched the web for this problem but couldn't find a similar problem or a solution
My wife got a galxy S2 and I was trying to transfer to her some of the appz that I had on my SD card (.apk files) I installed the SD card in her phone and was able to access it under my files under external_sd card.
The phone got some problems and I had to format it to factory reset. Now the phone does not want to read the SD card at all.
I can't see the SD card on my phone and cant even see it when I plug the phone to the PC I only see the internal memory. I have tried another SD and still the same.
When I go to settings>>>storage
It says insert SD Card for mounting under mount SD card
Also forgot to mention that I reformatted my SD card FAT32 and still not working
Anyone have the same problem please help
sambosat said:
Dear All.
It says insert SD Card for mounting under mount SD card
Also forgot to mention that I reformatted my SD card FAT32 and still not working
Anyone have the same problem please help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My wife had same problem - reader was not working.
It can be a problem with a compatibility as well. Just try any other card

