Need help/advice regarding my current Device setup (Mytouch) - myTouch 3G, Magic General

Ok well i beleive i am pretty outdated here. i first rooted my device when it became available (used goldcard method) took me for ever but i did along with changing the radio from the perfected SPL.
currently as it sits my Recovry image is Build RAv1.2.1G
my SPL also is 1.33.2005 (SAPP30000)
Radio -
the latest Cyanogen Rom i have flashed is the 1.6 donut right before he had to stop putting inthe Google apps 4.11 i beleive.
currently i have a Hero Rom on it and its ok but im geting very excited for the new Eclair 2.0 coming out soon and i would like to get up to date so that when it does become available i can start flashing that as well.
i know its not a good idea to ask stuff like this in the Developer forum so thats why i put this in here.
i have no idea how out of date i am in regrds to Recovery image version, how people now flash Cyanogens new ROMS (as in what steps they take now) and if i even still have the most current Radio.
can anyone please bring me up to speed? i have been so caught up in other things like work and photography (my other hobby) that i havent been able to keep up with the advancements lately)

your recovery is a couple of versions out of date, check the changelog but it shouldn't be a big deal. i flashed my first rom with 1.2.1 as well
cyano has posted a howto in the dev forum on his new rom thread, but essentially you fastboot to recovery, wipe your phone, flash the official htc donut image (which includes licensed google apps) then DO NOT BOOT and flash cyano's rom over the top of that


Where to find really old ROM's, radio's and SPL's?

I am one of those few, but mad, people with a Dream/G1, that has the SIM-problem where the phone claims that "your SIM doesn´t allow connection to this network" etc.
In my research to why this problem exists, I have seemed to trace it back to when the 1.5 version was released OTA. The operator functioning with the phone when the OTA update was installed will still funtion, but the other operators will sometimes stop working.
So now when I have tried countless ROMs based on 1.5 and 1.6, I want to get back to the earliest possible combination of ROM, radio and SPL to maybe get a fresh start. But where do I find "obsolete" ROM's etc for the Dream?
Today I´m running some experimental Hero-ROM with BLUR-objects by Drizzy, with latest radio and HardSPL (rooted of course). Is there any pitfalls in downgrading in any special order?
Best regards,
Several of us still have rom's saved on our pc's. You can ask for something and someone can provide it for you or you can google it and find older roms. Since you only have HardSPL there is no order to downgrade.
sounds like you want the RC29 image (US) or RC7 image (UK)
Both can be found HERE
This will replace rom, recovery, radio, and spl.
FYI, if you're running a Hero ROM (other than that tiny/mico/mini Hero one) then you're using the 1.33.2005 SPL, not Hard.

Applying my first ROM - Please Advise..

OK so I've been doing my research and figured out what I wanted to flash my Magic with. Before I get into that though, for reference - here is my version info:
HBOOT-1.33.0009 SAPP50000
May 8 2009,21:02:32​
Now, I am planning to use the following recovery:
[Recovery] [32A & 32B] [08-Dec-2009] RA-sapphire-v1.5.1
And flash the following rom:
[ROM][32A][Nov07] MyHero 2.0.5 with Official SenceUI on HTC Kernel 2.6.27
As far as I can tell I won't need to install a different SPL?
These are the steps I am planning to take:
Backup all my apps and APN details
Use fastboot to boot the recovery rom
Make a backup of my current rom
Wipe data
Copy new rom to SD and flash it
This list seems almost too simple though, I feel like I am forgetting something.. can anyone with more experience than me (I am a complete rookie) please check this and let me know if I'm missing something?
Also, any hints and/or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Come on... anyone?
Of the 78 views is there really no one with any input? Really I'm just looking for some simple feedback.. if all I said seems correct to you, please let me know. I am holding off flashing my phone for the first time to be sure that I got all the details right.
Thanks so much for who ever takes their time to respond.
Looks OK for me.
The only thing i can't remember when a exactly i copied the file.
For the rest, it's ok. No need the SPL. I've got the same rom.
You can go for it, the procedure you describe is OK. Too simple? Sure it is but who said it wasn't?
My only advice would be to prefer Magic GyD over MyHero but it's a matter of taste, I guess (also Redglasses seems to have left the building while GyD is still active... we can therefore still get answers to our questions and even bugfixes if needed)
Happy flashing and as said before there's no real need to change your SPL yet, both mentioned ROMs will flash and work fine using this one.
Thanks for your replies guys, I flashed it yesterday and everything worked fine
swissp, any convincing reasons to switch to "GyD" ? I assume it also runs Android 1.5?
Yes, all fully working SenseUI ROMs run on 1.5
I have no really convincing reason to tell you to switch but I'm using Magic GyD because I feel, after trying MyHero, CaSense and GyD, that it's the "closest to bugfree" custom SenseUI ROM available for 32A. The devs will probably stop there because 2.0 is coming and these ROMs will keep their pros and cons. It's unlikely that MyHero 2.xx will ever get its Market bug fixed, for example. Case also said he will probably not develop his ROM further.
I really hope they can get the camera working with 2.0 soon because that's the only reason I'm staying away from it at the moment.
I gotta say, I've been using MyHero for a full day now and I haven't run into a single bug yet. I do have to terminate all background apps once I start to run +/- 5 or more but that's not a big deal imo.
My only complaint is that it isn't runnin on 1.6

[32a] Best rom's for HTC magic

My reason for doing this topic, is that i have tested roms, over a long period. My history is that i bought a used HTC Magic, it had a Hero Rom on it (Fata1ty) It was so full of bugs and errors, that after i while i started searching for alternatives.
I found the JacHero roms, and tried installing them according to the guides, but i couldn't, since they required Danger SPL and so on.
So i searched some more and came across MyHero (1.1.3) I installed it, and it worked surprisingly well.. I followed the updates until 2.05. But i found some bugs (Bluetooth didn't work!) So after a while i started searching again.
I then stumbled onto GyD's roms.. I Started with the 1.xx version, and updated until the latest 2.1.1, and this rom rocks on the stock spl and radio. Everything works and its has very little lagg. So i could actually have been stuck on that.
UpdateBut i decided to test some other roms, when i heard about the Android Eclair 2.1 coming out. I found Eugene373 and his Hero 3.1, which had been ported to 32a by ahmgsk. I had it on my phone a couple of days, but a lot of things didnt work (Like my language, danish, bluetooth, camera, and there was a few bugs, especially with the HTC apps) so i went back to GyD - But learning to use the xda forum taught me to check out devs statistics and i found that ahmgsk had ported some other roms, including the Expresso 2.0 and the SuperD. So i tested them - and that brought me to test Amon Ra's Ion and Cyanogens 1.6. I compaired the three roms (RAION1,6, Cyanogen ahmgsk's ported SuperD) and i found that SuperD is the closest i can get to having a fully functional Android 1.6 rom.. Unfortunately it doesnt have HTC sense UI, and since i dont like the Sapphire Donut ui, i went further with my testing.
I read about CursorDroid a while ago, i saw that i had to flash radio and spl to use it, so i didnt go into that, since i had a bad experience trying to get JacHeroski 2.2 on my magic - I followed his guide on updating Danger SPL, unfortunately i somehow got the SPL for the 32b, and i bricked my phone.. I didnt like doing that again, but i felt that i had to try. And this i dont regret at all.. Its simply so fast, running so smooth and the guy is amazing. Updating the rom every day, and he responds to all the queryes he gets. I can recommend that all try this - Just follow Amon Ra's guide on upgrading radio and spl, and you cant do it wrong..
First postHi there - This thread is for sharing experiences with the developers rom's, not to ditch anyone, so i hope we can keep a good tone in here. I have tested the most of the rom's for the 32a, and i have tried changing SPL and Radio, and i have rooted a magic, from the latest HTC RUU..
In my experience there are two criterias for being a fast and stable rom.
-It has to support as many users as possible - This means multi language(HTC_IME, Locales and dictionaries from almost every country), no change of SPL and Radio.
- It has to have limited bugs, and Cam, bluetooth, wireless network etc. has to work.
So, i did some testing, i bricked one magic due to it, and i have tried installing the lastest update from HTC, getting root back on my magic, thanks to Amon Ra, and many others.
I always use Amon Ra's recovery images, since they have all the necessary tools. Latest is the recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.5.2H.img, which can be found here
The roms i have tested are:
Amon Ra's ION1.6 (Android 1.6) (
Cyanogen ROM (Android 1.6) (
Ahmgsk's Expresso 2.0 (Android 2.0) (
Ahmgsk's Ported Hero 3.1 (Android 2.1) (
Ahmgsk's Super_D 1.5.1 (Android 1.6) (
GyD's 2.1.1 (Android 1.5) (
Myhero 2.05 (Android 1.5) (
These are all tested with SPL 1.33.2010 and Radio
In my opinion, the best, most stable and usable by anyone is GyD 2.1.1, this you just install and setup to your liking, and it runs smooth and fast. Myhero is also like that, but it has some glitches and bugs, like a brightness issue, and the screen seems interlaced when running it.
Of the other roms, if you want to run Android above 1.5, i would suggest that you try out Ahmgsk's Super_D - It is the one that has the latest UI, but it doesnt come with HTC keyboard, and only has limited multi language and dictionaries. You need to install HTC_IME yourself, Cyanogen has put it out on XDA here:
I have excluded JacHeroSki 2.2 in this thread so far, because i have been unable to make it run on any of my phones - And i have searched for help regarding flashing radio and Danger SPL, but have been unable to find it for 32a..
I then went and tested CursorDroid's CursorSense which has some complicated installing issues..
First you have to change Radio and SPL, and then you can apply the Rom. This is the only rom available for this SPL and Radio, so you have to revert back, if you dont like this Rom - CursorDroid claims that this is the closest to the real Hero, i wont say for or against, i can just state, that it really works.. This is the best rom on the market at the moment!
CursorSense 1.0final (Android 1.5) (
CursorSense 1.0final has just been released, you can just apply without wipe.. Here is a list of apps i have removed from my version of CursorSense:
Use "adb shell rm"
After uninstalling, reboot with "adb shell reboot"
Last but most importantly, i would like to give big thanks to all the developers on xda, you make a tremendous effort, giving us all the best experiences with our phones. Without you guys, no one would have the opportunity to experience the full capacity of Android! Keep up the good work, and do you guys need any help, i would gladly help out in any way i can..
Cheers dude!
Thumbs up for CursorSense , indeed the BEST rom out there! ( Thanks Cursor! )
Nice article!
And I couldn't agree more.
I have also tried a few ROMs, but I have never been as satisfied as I am now.
My ranking would be:
1. CursorSense 1.0RC1
2. MagicGyd 2.1.1
3. CaSense 1.11
4. MyHero 2.0.5
CursorSense is the only ROM that is currently under development, and we can expect a new version (1.0RC2) in the next few days. Updating Radio, SPL and using Amon's Hero Recovery is a requirement, but when following instructions, you should not risk bricking your phone.
Highly recommended!
CursorSense is still 1.5 right? Same as all other Hero roms? Just want to know what is so great about it.
evilmerlin said:
CursorSense is still 1.5 right? Same as all other Hero roms? Just want to know what is so great about it.
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The quick answer is speed and stability. Sure some version have had issues, but with the latest release all have been removed, and since it's still being improved, the developer is addressing any newly reported issues in future releases.
The best way to learn about the ROM, and get the full story, I recommend reading through the developers thread (or at least the last 10-15 pages)
To everyone looking for a clean ROM I would recommend Amon_Ra's
Its almost as clean as a stock ROM
But it provides a 1.6 update to the 32a board (where HTC didnt) and the cleaness make it as good as a HTC update
evilmerlin said:
CursorSense is still 1.5 right? Same as all other Hero roms? Just want to know what is so great about it.
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CursorSense is Android 1.5, but its running on upgraded spl and radio - Spl and Radio that are from a genuine HTC Hero phone, so its not like other Hero rom's available on Magic spl. It's really fast, and everything works..
My reason for doing this topic, is that i have tested roms, over a long period. My history is that i bought a used HTC Magic, it had a Hero Rom on it (Fata1ty) It was so full of bugs and errors, that after i while i started searching for alternatives.
I found the JacHero roms, and tried installing them according to the guides, but i couldn't, since they required Danger SPL and so on.
So i searched some more and came across MyHero (1.1.3) I installed it, and it worked surprisingly well.. I followed the updates until 2.05. But i found some bugs (Bluetooth didn't work!) So after a while i started searching again.
I then stumbled onto GyD's roms.. I Started with the 1.xx version, and updated until the latest 2.1.1, and this rom rocks on the stock spl and radio. Everything works and its has very little lagg. So i could actually have been stuck on that.
But i decided to test some other roms, when i heard about the Android Eclair 2.1 coming out. I found Eugene373 and his Hero 3.1, which had been ported to 32a by ahmgsk. I had it on my phone a couple of days, but a lot of things didnt work (Like my language, danish, bluetooth, camera, and there was a few bugs, especially with the HTC apps) so i went back to GyD - But learning to use the xda forum taught me to check out devs statistics and i found that ahmgsk had ported some other roms, including the Expresso 2.0 and the SuperD. So i tested them - and that brought me to test Amon Ra's Ion and Cyanogens 1.6. I compaired the three roms (RAION1,6, Cyanogen ahmgsk's ported SuperD) and i found that SuperD is the closest i can get to having a fully functional Android 1.6 rom.. Unfortunately it doesnt have HTC sense UI, and since i dont like the Sapphire Donut ui, i went further with my testing.
I read about CursorDroid a while ago, i saw that i had to flash radio and spl to use it, so i didnt go into that, since i had a bad experience trying to get JacHeroski 2.2 on my magic - I followed his guide on updating Danger SPL, unfortunately i somehow got the SPL for the 32b, and i bricked my phone.. I didnt like doing that again, but i felt that i had to try. And this i dont regret at all.. Its simply so fast, running so smooth and the guy is amazing. Updating the rom every day, and he responds to all the queryes he gets. I can recommend that all try this - Just follow Amon Ra's guide on upgrading radio and spl, and you cant do it wrong..
well the thread is a good, idea. the amount of changes required and also the higher risk of bricking it compared to other roms doesn't appeal.
I am leaning to wards gyd for my magic.
I have updated post 1, so there is some more news..
I also take recommendations to other roms than the ones i have covered, and i can test roms for you, if you want me to..
Wow, didnt' realize that all of this was going on!
Thanks guys, I appreciate the support!
Stay tuned for more updates!
For anyone scared to update radio/spl, there is no need to worry as long as you remember to follow directions and ask questions if you need help.
cursordroid said:
Wow, didnt' realize that all of this was going on!
Thanks guys, I appreciate the support!
Stay tuned for more updates!
For anyone scared to update radio/spl, there is no need to worry as long as you remember to follow directions and ask questions if you need help.
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yeah, juz flashed your ROM today and must say it's freaking awesome. I was on AmonRa's 1.6.3 and it was not as fast and crash-free as your ROM.
Yeah, its a really cool rom, and now its final.
I am currently testing Cyanogen on my other phone - Its running smooth and stable so far. All i miss is the danish HTC_IME, so i dont have to have an Locale app, to be able to revert back to danish, when i had to write in english. And then the Sense UI, that would be nice..
How about posting up some videoreviews of Cursordroid on Youtube?
Can't believe there's almost no custom ROM reviews
i use myhero 2.0.5, it's good for me
jcbwng said:
How about posting up some videoreviews of Cursordroid on Youtube?
Can't believe there's almost no custom ROM reviews
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Great idea, I will most certainly think about it. Got a 8mp webcam, so..
IMO cursordroid's cursorsense is the most stable of the ROM's I have tried so far (i've tried cyanogen and Amon_RA's rom) but I didn't expect I was constantly gonna need the bluetooth FTP which made me change from cursorsense to back to cyanogen (it was very hard on me to let that ROM go)
Anyway, when cursordroid's rom gets upgraded to android 1.6/2.0 (i feel this is gonna be soon, very soon), I'll flash it again
rockmau said:
IMO cursordroid's cursorsense is the most stable of the ROM's I have tried so far (i've tried cyanogen and Amon_RA's rom) but I didn't expect I was constantly gonna need the bluetooth FTP which made me change from cursorsense to back to cyanogen (it was very hard on me to let that ROM go)
Anyway, when cursordroid's rom gets upgraded to android 1.6/2.0 (i feel this is gonna be soon, very soon), I'll flash it again
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Sense UI + Android 2.1 will be out eventually (The sooner the better) and when it does you know Cursor will be on it.
My opinion - which one is the best (most stable) one - CursorSense
Hi everyone
At the moment, my phone is powered on CursorSense (Updated to and it has workiong so great so far.
I really tried, cnahged and tested many other roms before and this one looks like the most stable then any previous one.
It's the most stable rom for HTC magic (which including SenseUI) and the most featrues works.
Of course, everyone of u knows that there r some bluetooth issue and Android is based on v1.5, but upgraded rom and spl makes phone running really fast and stable
So, my recomandition to everyone (who hasn't tried yet) to run this rom
I belive that everyone would like it is based on Android 2.0 (or above ), bluetooth ftp works propetly...but there's no such a perfect rom, so, I hope this one will be upgraded to more stable version which will be deployed to my phone as soon as it comes out
Best regards!
CursorSense by a mile
The first ROM I installed on my Rodgers Magic was Amon_RA's 1.6.3. Worked great BUT my Magic is one of those that reboots when the camera is used on a Donut or Eclair ROM. After trying lots of ROMS, I discovered that the camera reboots went away using the new radio and a Eclair ROM. The Eclair roms are too slow and buggy for me so I now have CursorSense and will upgrade to 2.1 when it is released by Rodgers and rooted most likely by CursorDroid.

need help updating official donut

hi guys. Need your help here. I have a magic 32b vodafone australia. Since having it, i have been flashing different custom roms found here on my devices. All I need to do was to fastboot on pc with amon recovery and wipe/flash the rom. I managed to flash and run the roms successfully. However after i few tweaks, i realized those roms was too much battery hunger, and decide to switch back to stocks 1.5. Here come the problems: I flashed the amon recovery image to devices with droid explorer (so i dont have to use fastboot cmd on windows anymore), the phone ask to install new official update donut 1.6, but when it restart to recovery image platform, it say wrong signature and wont let me update. I flashed the google ION 1.6 but it seems slow and does not come with Vodafone audio parameters. I really want the official vodafone 1.6 donut back.
How do i update to official firmware? it seems like i lost the originial recovery image because flashed amon recovery, do i have to reflash the original to gain signature? i tried restore with nandroid but no help.
Please help me. I appreciate any support. Thanks in advance
YOurs sincerely,
no help? please... i know you guys are great. there are so many reply and this thread has been pushed to page 2, how come there are no answer
Best bet would do just do alot of searching on here and someother android forums for a vanilla build of 1.6 that would be good for you and is compatible. Do you still want to be able to access a recovery image? or nothing like a stock htc phone.
thankx for reply dude. however i have some battery issues with custom roms here. The phone always being out of battery so fast. I want the official rom upgrade. I suspect the issue lie in flashing stock recovery image with amon's one, so it does not let me upgrade. HOw do i get back the original?
Try this ROM, it's the official 1.6 ROM for the Google ION (which is the 32B Magic pre unlocked and flashed with engSPL). The ROM is standard 1.6 by Google, which nothing extra added, so you should be very good battery life.
Go to this
page and find just the 1.6 ROM (, I doubt you'll need that radio.
hey guys, i really want to have that official roms back. The google ION image seems slow, and does not come with vodafone audio parameters. How do i update to official vodafone 1.6? i.e has anyone have the original recovery image of vodafone 32b?

Been out of the loop for a while, need ROM advice/suggestions

Sorry if this is asked a lot but I went back a month and didn't see anything like what I'm looking for.
Anyways, I haven't really been paying attention to xda and the magic ROM scene since I flashed CM6 quite a while back. In fact it says this is my first time logging in since September. But I want something different and fresh on my phone, so I'm looking for advice on a good ROM to try. I checked out the development section a bit and I don't recognize any of them, I'm not really sure where to start.
I'd prefer a 2.2 ROM, possibly 2.3 if it runs fast/stable. Mainly looking for speed over features. My phone is as follows:
Rogers HTC Magic 32A
1.33.2010 SPL radio
Thanks a lot.
Ezgingerbread is a good 2.3 rom. I've been using it for months without many issues
Sent from my Gingerbread on Sapphire using XDA Premium App
First Sorry for my bad english...
I hardly recomend you to try Carz CM7.. but that one is for 6.35(new radio)32a so you have to do this changes first...
1. change to 1.76.2007 SPL
2. change 6.35 radio
3. choose you favorite recovery made for this radio.. (i radder ClockworkMod than Ra's) but if you used radio switcher 4.1 it will install u Ra's.
4. wipe all you can wipe
5. flash Rom.
6. flash gapps
7. Wipe Again (nobody sais so. but i always do i with greats results)
enjoy and comment.
Gingeryoshi 6.1
I'll throw my hat in the ring for GingerYoshi here:
Since you have a 32a you'll have to flash a different kernel than the one that's included and if you have the fender or 1.2 you'll want to use the rattking kernel. The full list of kernels and devices is listed in the bug thread.
I've been running it for a few weeks and it's rebooted on me once (I was playing with overclock settings). It's fast and anything but bloated like CM. Much nicer running a rom that was designed for your hardware specs.
