Original TF3D from Touch Pro 2 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

anyone has the original TF3D 2.1 theme that came with the touch Pro 2??


Questions on some of the programs

hello all! I will be a proud owner of the xperia x1 in about 3 days, so I am looking up on stuff I can install once I get my hands on it. A few questions though.
Manila2D on Xperia X1
TouchFlo3D on Xperia X1
Touch HD Manila (TF3D) for X1
TouchFlo3D as Panel Installer
Are all 4 of thse a single thing you have to install all together? Or can it be separately? Whats the difference between the Touch HD Manila(which also is labeled TF3D, I assume its TouchFlo3D?) and TouchFlo3D? Does the panel installer need the TouchFlo3D or the Touch HD Manila? Also what is the difference with these and the Manila2D? Kinda confused hehe.
As for the Touch Utils, I assume you need the TouchFlo stuff to use it? It would be nice if I could get the Touch keyboard..
Oh yeah, the SPB Shell, does it have the same purpose as the Touch stuff? It seems to me they're both some sort of GUI for the phone.
Thanks all!
Install only these two;
1. Touch HD Manila (TF3D) for X1
2. TouchFlo3D as Panel Installer
In the order specified. The first one installs TF3D on Xperia... disable it on Today screen, and then install the second one to put it as a panel.
What about the touch utils? Are those included with the two that I have to install? Or are those separate?
What about the SPB shell? it seems like it has the same purpose as the TF3D.
Thank you for your help!
bumpy bump

Any way to Edit Tabs on the AT&T Theme

Is there way to delete or rearrange some tabs for the touch pro? I downloaded the At&t touch flo 3d. I love it but i think it has too many tabs. Any help would be appreciated!
Try using Diamond TF3D Config

calendar tab of the touch pro 2

i've seen the touch pro 2 and i wondered if there's a cab to installa the calendar tab on the diamond (not the one from D-MAN666 because it don't shows appointments).
and what about the people tab?
i tryed to install the complete new manila but it's buggy and the home screen didn't work for me...
Well, the Calendar Tab of Pro2 needs the Manila2-EXE! So there's no other way instead of installing the whole Manila2!

Omnia pro homescreen

can anyone make a theme or port the omnia pro home screen to a touch pro 2? seems a little cleaner then titanium and the touch flo from leo...

Slider without using HTC Sense

I cant get used to the HTC sense on my today screen. I am running todayAgenda to show all my appointments and G-alarm.
But I like the slider on the HTC Sense today screen.
Is it possable to have that on the normal today screen?
HTC Touch Pro 2
WM 6.5 pro
CE OS 5.2.21854 (Build 21854.5.0.80)

