hi guys i just got t-mobile mytouch 3g & im wondering if i can use it as modem for my laptop.
if i can can u tell me how plz ,, step by step
Yes you can...
If I'm not mistaking there is an app available on the market called "Proxoid"
This should enable you to use your phone as a modem.
Hope this helps you out.
You can use Proxoid if you don't have root. As the name suggests, it sets up a proxy which you set in your web browser. You need to have the phone connected via cable for this to work. This uses either your wifi connection or carrier 3G connection as internet, whatever is enabled on the phone.
If you do have root, get a ROM someone on these forums has made with "netfilter and iptables" in the kernel, and you can use wireless tether. This way your laptop connects to your phone via wifi, and you use your carrier 3G as internet.
The app "aNetShare" in market lets you do this for free, as does android-wifi-tether project. You need netfilter/iptables for these apps to work. They won't work on a stock ROM, or on a "just rooted" ROM, they need a special kernel.
You can also pay for PDAnet for $29 or the "tether Wifi" market app for $8.95 which do the same thing.
(as an aside, don't start threads in development for questions like this, people get angry at you and your thread will get either moved, deleted or forgotten about anyway)
Hi everyone,
Title should be pretty obvious.
I can't use Wi-Fi tethering because my work laptop doesn't allow me to connect to AdHoc networks (I'm assuming so at least because when I try to connect it tells me I'm not allowed to connect).
Anyway, I've searched around and most require you to install software, which is fine (ironically enough), but they want you to pay. Honestly, I'm not going to pay $10 for something I used to have for free on my WinMo phone and have for free with Wi-Fi (yeah, I'm cheap).
I'm currently using EasyTether Lite, which has been good so far, but it does mentioning purchasing the full version.
Does this mean it's trial based like PDAnet (what I was using before)? I need access to secure sites (VPN and such), so if this is not going to crap out on me soon, I'm fine sticking with this.
Otherwise, where can I find a free USB Tether program? I did find this thread, but it's asking me to install a bunch of stuff, and I'm hoping for a simpler solution. If that's the only way to do it for free, I guess that's what I'm going to have to do.
Thank you.
EtherBoo said:
Hi everyone,
Title should be pretty obvious.
I can't use Wi-Fi tethering because my work laptop doesn't allow me to connect to AdHoc networks (I'm assuming so at least because when I try to connect it tells me I'm not allowed to connect).
Anyway, I've searched around and most require you to install software, which is fine (ironically enough), but they want you to pay. Honestly, I'm not going to pay $10 for something I used to have for free on my WinMo phone and have for free with Wi-Fi (yeah, I'm cheap).
I'm currently using EasyTether Lite, which has been good so far, but it does mentioning purchasing the full version.
Does this mean it's trial based like PDAnet (what I was using before)? I need access to secure sites (VPN and such), so if this is not going to crap out on me soon, I'm fine sticking with this.
Otherwise, where can I find a free USB Tether program? I did find this thread, but it's asking me to install a bunch of stuff, and I'm hoping for a simpler solution. If that's the only way to do it for free, I guess that's what I'm going to have to do.
Thank you.
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There is another way, fyi. P3Droid has a 3g wireless hotspot hack. It is not ad-hoc. It turns your phone into a real wireless modem. It is at MyDroidWorld. Try it, you may find it works. http://www.mydroidworld.com/forums/android-hacks/5156-tbh-droid-3g-hotspot-nvram-hack.html
I had a previous thread asking about the wifi tether app. I downloaded version wireless_tether_2_0_5-pre14 and installed it... seemed to work when I locked onto it using my computer. It recognized it as an ad-hock network I think (in windows it shows 3 monitors connected in a triangle) to use it but it worked fine. Now while trying to find the SSID I assigned with my Verizon Galaxy Tab it doesn't show. Any ideas or settings I'm missing to link the 2?
I would greatly appreciate any help.
The tab and most other mobile devices won't recognize ad-hoc network connections. However, you can adjust the settings, using info in a post on this site, to use the stock 3G Hotspot app in AP/infrastructure mode and your tab would connect with no issues.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Maybe u should probably try a different version.... I have 2.0.5-pre11 installed on my Evo; and I tether with my Sprint Galaxy Tab no prob.
I'll try that and post back to let you know.
The version you use likely won't have any effect. The HTC Incredible and EVO seem to have the ability to present themselves as infrastructure mode access points with the wireless tether application, whereas other devices, like the Galaxy S phones do not. I could, of course, be wrong on some of the technical details, but I don't believe I've heard of anyone being able to tether another Android device to a Galaxy S device wirelessly, due to the ad hoc limitations. If somebody finds a way and proves me wrong, then great! But as I said before, I don't think any currently available version of Wireless Tether can do it, nor can the alternate Barnacle app.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
No go with any of the builds of the wi-fi tether app. My Galaxy Tab just won't show it listed when searching for the SSID. Not sure what to do other than a USB or bluetooth link. sucky!
The QPST hack will work.
Sent from my Voodoo-powered Fascinate via XDA
My iPad tethered without any problem.
When I tethered with a MacBook, I was not able to get any video chat apps to work. Tried MSN, Google Talk etc. Anybody has suggestions on this?
I was able to get it working thanks to Deodexed pointing me to his walkthrough. Here is the link for anyone else having troubles getting an ad-hoc connection on their Tab.
The link isn't available anymore.
ignitros said:
I had a previous thread asking about the wifi tether app. I downloaded version wireless_tether_2_0_5-pre14 and installed it... seemed to work when I locked onto it using my computer. It recognized it as an ad-hock network I think (in windows it shows 3 monitors connected in a triangle) to use it but it worked fine. Now while trying to find the SSID I assigned with my Verizon Galaxy Tab it doesn't show. Any ideas or settings I'm missing to link the 2?
I would greatly appreciate any help.
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here you downloaded the wrong version, go to google.com
search android wireless tether go to the first link you will see a section of all droids and click YOUR MODEL Then on the next page download the newest version, and i mean the one on the top, then you will install and have fun, if your trying to tether your iphone to droid you much root then change your system, bin wap,conf file there is a dowload file some where here i found it but i do not know how to post links make sure wifi is of when doing then reboot, turn wifi on and of too time and then search for your iphone ad-hoc network, worked for me android galaxy s 2.1 fine .... thanks new but alread had every one problems on rooting teather and wifi finding and also 3rd party app install got everything w0rking just wish the would make a cydia app like the iphone i know the markit is unscrened or w.e just people like to make you pay for apps when everything should be free its a 600$ phone if you cant get a contract, why the freak do we have to pay for games and programs. i understand if its a really really good app then the hard work went in to developing it should be repaid but charging is wrong donate is better i will donate because i can pay w.e i feel the app is work after downloading it and makeing sure it really works and that its work what im paying for thats input on the matter please dont reply thats all ill have to say you will find the link if you search this page long enough i did and its very easy just pay for root explorer if you dont know how to use your computer comand, not every one is a developer and know commands i had to learn them in a hour
Just wondering if there is a way to tether to a computer with a wired connection to get Internet connection that way, instead of using wifi??? There is lots of apps and stuff that need to connect to the internet to download, but I dont have the wifi's at home.
And if not, is it a hardware limitation, or software???
Handset in question is an Acer Liquid E
I've seen others ask this question & not get an answer that they wanted.
I'm not sure if its hardware, software or just lack of developer interest to create an app to do it.
The simple fact of the matter is that you can pick up a cheap router for $20 that'll solve the issue for you. It's not the solution you want, but it might be the only one available to you.
Heres another thread, it might have suggestions (or updates) that will be useful for you:
you are right that is definately not the answer that Im looking for, as i have a good wireless router, but i live with a Internet Nazi that doesn't want to have wireless in the household.
But thanks for the link, I'll definitely check it out : )
monoxide.tryst said:
you are right that is definately not the answer that Im looking for, as i have a good wireless router, but i live with a Internet Nazi that doesn't want to have wireless in the household.
But thanks for the link, I'll definitely check it out : )
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The best I can recommend is having a wireless card in your laptop and creating a ad-hoc network, but if I am not mistaken, the ad-hoc network is not supported on a android device.
You could always do a quick search for some software on the internet that support it, but good luck with that.
You could always convince the internet nazi to use mac address filtering on the router to ensure that only the devices you use are allowed to connect.
Don't know anything about your phone, but both WM and Android phones gladly hooks up to a comp using USB-wire (which is faster than any wireless).
WM6.5 have a program icon called Internet sharing something.
while Android got a pay/trial app called Easy Tether that for the same job.
Be aware that some provider do not allow hooking-up a computer on some cellphone plans, call your provider and ask them.
Using both a X10 Mini(Android) and a M1i Aspen(WM6.5) connected by wire both for file transfer peer2peer and Internet access.
Also there are Bluetooth and a possibility to remove the memory card from the phone and copy files to it in a card reader on a computer.
The only thing I can think of is an app called PDANet on the market, you do need internet to download it on your computer, but if it's a laptop, just take it to a wifi hotspot, like Starbucks or something and download the computer app, then tether all you want
No need to go to a wifi hotspot with the laptop to get the computer drivers for pdanet. You can do it right from the phone, it will download to your sdcard then all you do is mount the sdcard to the comp via usb and open the .exe file, load the drivers and start tethering. Only thing with PDAnet is you cant access secure websites with the free version. But it is an AWESOME app non the less.
I've done tons of searching for solutions to my internet connectivity problems in my house.
First off, I don't have a job; so therefore there is no money coming in so I can make this simple and easy. Do not tell me to buy a wifi adapter or something like that.
I know that the HD2 with the bone stock hd2 rom from T-Mobile has the WMWiFiRouter app that allows you to share a WIFI CONNECTION (NOT 3G/EDGE) via usb to a device (computer, xbox, etc).
Well, now HD2 has the droid option and I upgraded. Running android via root, not SD.
I need to know if there is any app, or anything out there that will let me use my WIFI CONNECTION FROM MY PHONE, AND TETHER IT VIA USB TO A DEVICE. I do not have 3G/EDGE connectivity, so thats not a path we can go down. I want to connect to the wifi in my house, and share that connection from my phone to a device via USB. thanks.
delirium5 said:
I've done tons of searching for solutions to my internet connectivity problems in my house.
First off, I don't have a job; so therefore there is no money coming in so I can make this simple and easy. Do not tell me to buy a wifi adapter or something like that.
I know that the HD2 with the bone stock hd2 rom from T-Mobile has the WMWiFiRouter app that allows you to share a WIFI CONNECTION (NOT 3G/EDGE) via usb to a device (computer, xbox, etc).
Well, now HD2 has the droid option and I upgraded. Running android via root, not SD.
I need to know if there is any app, or anything out there that will let me use my WIFI CONNECTION FROM MY PHONE, AND TETHER IT VIA USB TO A DEVICE. I do not have 3G/EDGE connectivity, so thats not a path we can go down. I want to connect to the wifi in my house, and share that connection from my phone to a device via USB. thanks.
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You know...4 sum1 who needs help, u do have quite an "attitude"....Here's some advice, Try presenting ur question in a pleasing manner n u'll get d help u seek...
hey guys this is my first posting so be gentle...
i just wanna share something that might help people that has problems with tethering...
i have a rooted motorola photon 4g and i use it to tether wifi on my asus tf101 because i dont have internet at home... but after ICS ROMS came out, i usually switched roms coz i couldnt tether my wifi...i was using the regular wifi tether in the market at that time... but every time i try to connect to my tether i couldnt, it just says SAVED...and i already tried the fix that you should change the wpasupplicant2 but when im at work i couldnt connect to a normal wifi... ....then after lots and lots of reading and trying to solve my problem i saw an app that works great but its a little bit tricky coz you wont find it in the market that instant...
.... you only need to install this on the phone your gonna use for tethering...
.... for sprint carriers it is blocked on the market but here are the steps to get it....
... for other carriers just search for FOXFI (blue colored wifi tether app)
what i did and you should do is....
1. on your phone go to the market and search for PDANET TABLET...
2. click PDANET TABLET and scroll down up to DEVELOPER
3. click VISIT WEBPAGE (then the browser would open)
4. scroll down and click DOWNLOAD VERSION 3.50
5. after download is done open PDANET and click WIFI TETHER MODE then you will be prompted to install FOXFI
6. install FOXFI and enjoy
- you could even create a wpa2 password for your own protection on this app -
- you could use either WIFI TETHER or BLUETOOTH TETHER -
- i attatched a screenshot -
to mods please delete this post..i doubled the post...sorry... thnx...