Hidden Programs - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Have been tooling around on my D2 for a large portion of the day and in particular looking for a way of mapping the save location for .wavs generated by the In-call Recorder but no such luck.
In the process I have found the following programs that are located in the Windows folder but don't appear to be connected to the HTC front-end:
The WM6.1 version I suspect which can identify Activesync running in the background and also shows processes.
Field Test
Shows loads of data re radio and comms.
Hot Voice
Has a little cassete tape for an icon. Doesn't appear to respond to tapping.
Sim Lock
Has a little key in a circular barrel for an icon. Doesn't appear to respond to tapping.
Restore GPS
Has a little Sat' dish for an icon. Doesn't appear to respond to tapping.
Loads what appears to be a list for visual voicemail! A menu has options for 'Call Back', 'Reply' and 'Forward'. Doesn't appear to be configurable though. I did, however, find a reg' edit for 'Vmail' where you can enter two phone numbers at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\. Entering my number or the message centre number didn't seem to have any effect though but then I don't really know what I'm doing!!
Thoughts anyone??
I'm running the Stock ROM 1.39.405.3 (49068)WWE - 16/06/09

Can no-one shed any light on any of these? I would have thought the idea of a visual voicemail would have got someone's juices flowing!


missed call notification

Recently got my hands on an XDA2, so you could say I am a newcomer to the world of the pocket pc.
One little gripe that I am hoping to sort out is the lack of notification when I have a missed call.
All that shows up is a small handset icon in the top navbar. Whereas all my other alerts display a speech bubble on the screen.
I have tried selecting 'display message on screen' from the notifications settings, but this doesn't change anything.
If anyone has any ideas how I can sort this out I would be grateful
try using MY|PHONE 1.4 plugin ... it's freeware
If you tap the missed call icon, it's supposed to display a notification bubble telling you how many calls you've missed. The bubble also shows a button that will open the Call History window where you can see your missed calls.
Thanks for your responses, i'm trying out Myphone now, I'll see how that goes, then consider hudsonmobile.
If you go into Settings, Notifications and Alerts I think it is, you can alter the behaviour of the diodes on the top to notify you of many things.
Doing this, you don't even need look at the screen etc to see if 'something has happened' such as a missed call, sms etc.
I've downloaded and installed myphone 1.4, but after installation nothing shows up on the programs or settings tab. And when I check the install directory through file explorer, there are no files in the myphone directory.
I am presuming that I have downloaded a duff file. Can anyone point me in the direction of download sites for this.
cheapapples said:
I've downloaded and installed myphone 1.4, but after installation nothing shows up on the programs or settings tab.
I am presuming that I have downloaded a duff file.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't think so. I never used that software myself (which means I'm just guessing here), but iirc MyPhone is just a Today Screen plugin. This means, go to Start -> Settings -> Today-> Elements, and check that it's listed there and has a check mark next to it.
Note that the OS has a limit on the number of Today Screen plugins it will display simultaneously. So, if you installed too many, some will simply not be displayed on your Today Screen.
got it, cheers daniel.
located - start> settings> today> items>
Checked the MYPHONE box and it's on my today screen now.
Once on the today screen, it is possible to tap and hold for additional settings.
Thanks for your reply.

Those Darn Number Keys

My wife own's the MDA which is great for text entry into her spreadsheets but what about those darn number keys. It seems that on a standard keyboard, numbers are entered when they are typed from the top row. I would like to map one of the buttons to toggle those on/off as needed with an indicator of some sort so that she would know if numbers were on/off. Is there a good app for this.
Also, our child (2nd grade now) has had trouble writing and it occured to me that the MDA could make an excellent teacher of such tasks if the software existed. Does any software exist that might allow a child to practice writing?
Tapping the "dot" (key left bottom) twice will put an "dot" indicator on you're screen and you will type only numbers. Tapping twice again will turn it off. Tapping once will give you one number. Is this what you mean?
molski has a cab file on his site to enable the screen to show a 'dot' or a 'c' (Caps lock) if either is selected. there is also a registry fix - see the wiki fro wm5 tweaks
vippie said:
Tapping the "dot" (key left bottom) twice will put an "dot" indicator on you're screen and you will type only numbers. Tapping twice again will turn it off. Tapping once will give you one number. Is this what you mean?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
sort-of. By default, on a PC, you have numbers when you type. By default on an MDA, you don't. If I wanted to change the registry or some setting elsewhere so that it would more closely mimic a standard keyboard (sort-of backward from the current method), could this be done?

Kiosk mode & some questions

my application on Windows Mobile 5.0 shall run in kiosk mode. Therefore, I've disabled the TaskBar and did some other stuff. Basically, it works great, but I'm still having a few problems:
1. When I hide the taskbar, also the "OK" Button which is needed by some dialogs gets hidden. Therefore, when the user e.g. wants to change communication/GPRS settings, there is no way to accept the changes or close the regarding dialogs. (I have to use these sort of things provided by the operating system - thus, the OS is not entirely hidden).
Is there any possibility to simulate the TaskBar's OK button within my own application? (E.g., by sending a certain Windows-Message indicating the OK-Button pressed?)
Or, alternatively, is it possible to just hide some parts of the TaskBar (e.g., the Start Button) and keep the OK button, clock, and GSM status visible??
2. Somestimes, there appears a system-notification window, e.g. notifying the user about establishing a GPRS connection, or regarding failures. Is it possible to intercept these dialogs and to hide them, or just to disable them such that the user can see it, but tapping the "Cancel" or "Settings" button won't cause any action?
I'm working with Visual Studio 2005/windows Mobile 5.0 SDK in visual c++ and I'm using the HTC ARTEMIS device
Kind regards,
1. You can send WM_COMMAND with wParam = IDOK.
It must work, because it's how app handle it!
Is there anything I have to consider when sending WM_COMMAND system-wide? A simple PostMessage(NULL, WM_COMMAND,...) seems not to work. Do you see any possibility to get a Windows handle to the active application that should receive the WM_COMMAND message?
Or do you have any idea how applications tell the TaskBar to show the OK or Cancel button? I think this happens via system-wide windows messages, doesn't it? But which messages, and how to intercept them???
Any help is still highly apprechiated (it seems that nobody else did ever have this problem, also in various fora I couldn't yet get an answer... )
I have the same problem with the ok buttom. My PDA have 1 buttom for the camera, so I use this buttom like an OK buttom, for now.
But I´m still trying to make the ok buttom be operacional on the blocked taskbar.

Lost "Phone" and "Menu" softkeys in bottom taskbar on startscreen after setup ExServe

Lost "Phone" and "Menu" softkeys in bottom taskbar on startscreen after setup ExServe
Hello all,
after setting up my companies exchange server I somehow lost the "phone" and the "menu" softkeys in the bottom taskbar on the startscreen (refer to attached picture). On all other screens like "email", "camera", "twitter", a.s.o. the softkeys appear normal and work fine.
As a sidenotice: The exchange server forces the phone to set up a device lock (4 digit passcode, whenever the phone the risen from sleep mode).
When I kill the outlook email account and disable the device lock, the home screen returns to "normal", meaning the softkeys again are available.
It seems to me, that somehow the forced device lock is causing the startscreen, and only the startscreen, to loose the link to the normally assigned softkeys.
Is it possible to set up the softkeys on the bottom taskbar manually? I am no expert in this and approach you kind guys with a lot of hope that someone can help me as I am really lost in what to do in that case. Spent already hours on different forums searching, but did not find something really helpfull .
Thank you so much!
Matri *just lost*
I tried to bring back the softkeys by using BSBTweaks 1.6. Asigning the left softkey to e.g. evernotes did not yield any results on the startkeys.
Also modification of the registry keys did not lead to success. When I look u the respective keys in HKLM/Software/HTC/manila/ there is the correct entry for the left softkey. The values for the right softkey were blank. I tried to change them like this:
HomeLSKText: Rechner
HomeLSKPath: \Windows\calc.exe
No results unfortunatelly after softreset.
I really do not know what is going on there.
After endless testing it became very apparent, that the problem is caused only after the reboot of the HD2. The encoding of the phone due to to forced policy seems to change the homescreen slighly and makes it buggy.
Still do not now how to solve the issue. Webadming of my company is lost, too. Disableing the enforcing of the policy for me is - obviously - no option. Contacted HTC for support.

Incoming call screen - Windows CE Remote Spy

I'm trying to create a free application which will show the incoming call screen. Here is what I have accomplished:
When a call has been made I can see the hidden dialog with the name "Phone - Incoming" (language dependent), when I use that Window Handle, I can show it again with ShowWindow. However, I can not push the green or red button to let the screen go away.
So I found out that CPROG.EXE contains the layout of the incoming call screen. But when I start cprog.exe it only shows the dialer. So does anyone know some more advanced debug software and perhaps some tutorial?
Or perhaps someone knows how to accomplish it?
Kind regards,
when showing a window I usually call:
is this working better?

