Custom.dic does not work.How suggest new introduced words in letter recognizer input? - Touch HD General

I usually use letter recognizer as a input method. My ROM is the MReyes HTClive project 5.4.1 in a Blakstone (in my opinion one of the best due to its abscence of errors).
I modified the registry to obtain 4 word suggestion when I write for example in pocket informant appointments... I found this method in the net and correctly works:
Edit your registry:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\e001 0409
Ime File = \windows\compime.dll
Layout Text = COMP IME
To restore
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\e001 0409
Ime File = \windows\eT9Ime.dll
Layout Text = eT9 IME
Now I have a new problem, because when I introduce a word that is not suggested, when I try to introduce it in other appointment again, this word is not suggested as I remember in WM5. I saw that custom.dic is not in my /Windows.
I created a custom.dic with DictMgr, but these new introduced words are not suggested.
Any knows the reason?
Anybody knows what changes in the registry are required to obtain a new introduced word that is not in the mssp2.lex, when I write some appointments (per example)?
Many thanks
Best regards


HOWTO: programmaticaly create a shortcut to a file/folder

I need to create a shortcut to a file or folder using eVC++ 4.0, anybody knows how to do this??
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx alot
It's very easy:
Just create a file (with lnk extension)
and write to it:
10#"my_app.exe" -launch
this is what it means:
10 - length of the string after #. This value doesn't have to be accurate because it is usually ignored.
"my_app.exe" - path and name of the target of the shortcut.
-launch - command line parameters (if you have any)
You can also add: ?incon.exe,0 to take an icon from another exe / dll
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you very very much,
but I need a small thing, could you please provide me with a complex example so I can understand all features supported for shortcuts.
Thank you again,
A number of us have posted about the structure of the .lnk file.
Search against my username for the word completeness.
now, I searched and got how the thing works, but I have a problem with coding this stuff:
When I attemp to write to shortcut file like this:
strData.Format(_T("%d#\"%s\""),strFilename.GetLength(), element.strPathname);
The file is not written correctly, what I get is the data I wrote in the file with a square charecter after each letter like this:
#□4□0□"□\□S□t□o□r□a□g□e□ □C□a□r□d□\□M□y□P□r□o□g□r□a□m□.□E□x□e□"□
so how can I solve this? and does it relate to unicode?
That's because you are trying to write it in UNICODE. This adds zero to every byte.
You must use fopen, fprintf, fclose functions or just create an array of char and use FileWrite to create an ASCII text file.
Thanks levenum,
but isn't windows ce file system unicode based? if so, how can I use ASCII format to write unicode filenames?
Thanks alot
#include <Oleauto.h>
char convertUshortToChar(unsigned short in)
char con='\0';
return con;
and add Oleaut32.lib to the list of object/library moduals in you project settings.
just call that for each unicode character that you want to be ascii and write the result to file.
Two things:
a) The file system may be UNICODE, but shortcuts are ASCII text. Also ASCII functions like fopen are supported.
b) There is a much easier way to convert UNICODE to ASCII:
mbstowcs(unicodeStrBuffer, asciiStrBuffer);
OK, I did it, but I think that there is a problem with Windows mobile, and it is a big problem.
Till now, I beleive that you cannot create a shortcut to a unicode-named file, I failed to do that, File explorer was not successful, Resco Explorer was not better.
Worse, they do not tell you that you cant create the shortcut, they create the shortcut for you and when you try to open it they conclude that the path was not found!!.
Very bad huh?
I thought that all file names are in unicode?? Use my shortcut creator in GSMbeam file open dialog to try and make a shortcut to a file named like you said. If that shortcut dose not work send me the file in question and I will try and see whats going on.
Ok, I downloaded your program and tried to create a shortcut for an arabic-named file, simply it did not work.
I know its not a bug in ur program, its a bug in Windows Mobile, it is mainly a bug in the design itself, how does Micro$oft design windows mobile to be unicode based while non-ascii characters are not supported in the shell links, its really a shame.
You can be sure that this will happen with asian characters along with Farsi, Hebrew, Arabic and all non-ascii characters.
Programmatically, what happens is as follows:
1. A program converts a filename from unicode to ASCII to save it in the .lnk file.
2. If the file name contains non-ASCII characters, those will be converted to NULL character.
3. When the shell tries to resolve the link target it does not recognise the filename because some characters are NULL.
Thats what I found out!!
Take this file name for example (Arabic): 2مرحبا.mp3
Try to solve the issue, and please inform us whatever happens with you..
Best Regards,
So the problem is how to get the shell to read unicode in lnk files. I re-wrote a lnk file in unicode to see if it would work but it would not. There are a lot of non english ppc users, surely this problem has come up before?
As an experiment I also made shortcut to a folder using utf-8, I think that contains arabic characters and also the ascii characters. After removing some garbage that my editor put at the front of the lnk file worked fine. Try making a shortcut in notepad and saving it as a utf-8 file then rename it on your device but make sure there is no extra characters.
أنا قادر على أكل الزجاج و هذا لا يؤلمني. -- I think those characters are arabic and they are copied of a utf-8 table site so if the shell can read a utf-8 lnk that contains english letters then maybe it can do the arabic too.
Actually, non English UNICODE characters are translated in to extended ASCII codes (128 - 255). When the system needs to translate these codes back to UNICODE it relies on code page definitions in the wince.nls file.
If your locale is properly set to Arabic and you have a valid nls installed (ether you have Arabic ROM or some sort of Arabic language support installed) you should be able to reference Arabic file names using ASCII links.
So, can I depend on string conversion functions we discussed before in this topic to convert characters according to my code page?
I have an arabic ROM installed on my Wizard, it is the i-mate rom on O2 device, so the arabizer doesnt work well, may be because the serial number of the O2 device.
Anyway, I should invistigate this issue on my friend's JamIn device, and we should come up with a workaround for this wiered problem.
Regards all,
I have tried creating a shortcut on my friend's arabic-enabled JamIn device, the shortcut refers to arabic-named file and it worked good.
levenum, you are right, it depends on the code page on each device, so your device will not be able to create a shortcut to an arabic named file.

looking for english keyboard cab file

Sorry, I'm very new to posting.... just want to get the right info...
I just bought a softbank HTC (Herm200) with Windows Mobile 6 installed.
WM6 is an english version, but the keyboard assignment is not correct. (the function keys are not correct). It looks like a japanese keyboard layout.
What do I have to do/install to change to an english keyboard?
Please help
Install Schap's Advanced Config and change the keyboard layout in "keyboard" section. If you do not want to install new program you can also edit registry yourself
Goto the following registry entry:
There is a key called 'Layout' and it is in Decimal.
The default value of English ROM is 20409, and Chinese ROM is 20404 (both are in hexadecimal).
The suitable value for German Hermes keyboard is 20407 (132103 in decimal).
The suitable value for Spanish Hermes keyboard is 2040a (132106 in decimal).
Probably Hermes use 20+country ID (409=WWE, 407=German, 404=Trad. Chinese, etc...) format for keyboard layout value.
Don't forget to power off your phone and then power back on when you have finished. Soft reset will not make the changes stick. _ fixed: Theres no need to change ?HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload and ?HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1 If you change them then when writing to "to:" field in sms, it doesn't list any names from contact list. (You have to press "Check names")
All you need is to change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oem\Qwerty "Layout"="132116"
Note: For those with a Chinese Keyboard Layout, Changing the Preload will affect Outlook, particularly when composing e-mails. Typing e-mail addresses will not auto-load from your address book for some reason. This can be fixed by deleting the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload] folder and all its contents. As of now, no known side effects from deleting the folder has been found.
Note2: For those using a Japanese layout (i.e. Softbank X01HT) with newer ROMs should use 30411 Hex. (197649 Dec) as value for keyboard layout in order to get ',' and '.' properly mapped:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1]
How do I change the soft-keyboard layout? QWERTY is working fine but I'm missing CZ chars on software keyboard.
I would like not to install another keyboard but simply change layout of the Windows default one if possible.

Format of XT9 database

I am looking for a description of the XT9 database format. I've searched on the net but have not been able to find an answer.
What I'm trying to do is create a program to automatically enter words from a textfile into the t9-db. What I've done 'till now is write a mortscript that uses et9mywords.exe to add words from a file. The downside of this is that the script is very slow in sending the keystrokes to et9mywords.exe and I would also like to hide the whole process of adding the words from the user (which I couldn't accomplish with mortscript/et9mywords.exe).
Thanks in advance,
Hi Georg,
did you succeed in your task? I found a 3MB italian txt file and I'd like to inject it in my xT9UdbData.dat file (gingerbread 2.3.4 xt9 dictiornay file) but I don't know how it is coded.

Xperia X2 Language versions

My intention is to collect info about different language-versions of the X2 (and keep up a list of them), and figure out an easy way to change the language for the device without having to reinstall foreign cabs...
I found in the Windows directory a couple of text-files with content being related to the language-versions. These files i found are:
The content is identical. Contais for example: Language Region = GENERIC_UK
This contains one line with "Platform Language = English"
this again the SoftwareVersion and SoftwareId
From the registry at
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout
Active is set to 00000409. This number again is found in the filename of sym.0409.txt. It looks btw to me that this file contains the characters that are displayed when hitting the SYM-key. I will reorder a couple of there rows, and i hope that i will get some characers i use frequently to show up in the beginning of the list. I update this after i got it tested.
Anyway, if you have other languages of your phones, then please post which version of the phone you have like GENERIC_xx and the value of Keyboard Layout in the registry.
While waiting for my x2 to get back from service, i checked through the cabs that are exracted from the MR2 cabs. One cab contains the swvercust.txt, and to me it sounds logical that it is this cab that set's the device-version. So you guys who are testing to change the language to eg. english (as explained over here: Try to install first only this cab:
Anyway, when i get my x2, then i'll try to track down which cab contains the relevant info for changing the language...

Other language fonts in IE

Hi all,
When I open a site which is in my regional language (Indian language), I could only see squares in it.
Do I have to install Unicode fonts in to my Herald?
I have Aserg's ROM and tried to open in the IE.
Just now, I referred to the following tutorial given in wikipedia. And now I can see all the fonts in my regional language.
I can't read anything.
I can't even read the menu items. Nor the Registry keys. Nothing. I don't know what to change back.
Seems, I need to hard-reset. What a fool I am.
Unicode on Windows mobile 5.0
To Enable the fonts on Windows Mobile 5 & 6
Copy the unicode font to \Windows\Fonts folder
Download PHM registry from (select the "Pocket PC 2002,2003 (ARM/PXA) from the dropdown)
copy registry editor cab file to device and install it.
Enable font linking by adding the below registries
Run PHM regidtry editor from programs
Select Microsoft, go to edit > New Key and add a new key FontLink below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
Select FontLink and add a new key SystemLink (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FontLink\SystemLink )
Select SystemLink and add a string value.
Value name - Tahoma
Value data - \Windows\Fonts\Akshar.ttf,Akshar Unicode
Note: change the "Akshar.ttf,Akshar Unicode" as per the font you have copied to the Fonts folder.
Again go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ and add one more New Key "FontPath"
Select FontPath and add a string value as
Value name - FontPath
Value data - \Windows\Fonts
Soft reset your mobile
So, the method given above just changes the font of the device (while the language does not change).
I am going to hard-reset the device.

