Need Help Patching Manila w/ CFC GUI - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

hey guys,
I'm new to the whole windows mobile thing, but I have all kinds of experience over the last 15 years with computers. I've been on xda-dev constantly for the last week. I'm feeling pretty dumb as I can't even figure how to get started with cfc gui. I think once I know the basics I can catch on pretty quick.
I wanna start with patching manila to be able to use cfc images. As far as I can tell I need to copy the _manila files to a folder on my computer. I've tried that and point cfc gui to that directory. I've patched that. So then what? Copy allll of those files back over to the phone? or Storage card then phone? There has got to be an easier way. It seems like cfc gui should be able to start and stop the tf3d app on my phone somehow....
Can someone PLEASE point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Alright so I don't think I can copy the patched manila.exe and mode9.dll files over the original ones in windows directory. I've found chainfire's app unlock program, but it still will not overwrite files. Even if i uncheck tf3d in Today settings.
I'll still be researching, but if anyone has any advice I'm sure it will be helpful.
BTW I have a Verizon TP2 so I'm not sure if what I'm reading is for GSM or what.... Trying to make sure I have backups of everything...

Here's what I did.
1. Install ChainFire's AppUnlock cab.
2. Connect the device to PC via Activesync.
3. Open CFC-GUI and go to "Patch manila on device".
That's it. I didn't have to disable TF3D since CFC-GUI actually did that for me.

Yea, i havent tried that since i installed AppUnlock. I'll try that when i get back to my pc. Thanks for the info!


brain fart- installing black add-ons

Lurker and 2nd time post.
Started developing my 8525 this week.Went with the Bulletproof 1.40 oil Hard SPL, Black WM6 2.5, Sim unlocker.
Question is this:
I need help loading the BlackWM6 keyboard fix. Do I do this from my desktop thru active sync, from the my docs on the phone or Manually?
Same goes for running the ADD-ON .cabs to allow cingular Video/ Realplayr fix.
Cant figure out the install. Googled and Forum searched 'keybord' couldent find the help.
Thank you!
Hate to say it but you need to read. Copy the CAB file to your device. Then open the CAB from the device. It will then prompt you to install. If it is something accessed intensely then put it on the device. If not then install it to the storage card.
fugitive said:
Lurker and 2nd time post.
Started developing my 8525 this week.Went with the Bulletproof 1.40 oil Hard SPL, Black WM6 2.5, Sim unlocker.
Question is this:
I need help loading the BlackWM6 keyboard fix. Do I do this from my desktop thru active sync, from the my docs on the phone or Manually?
Same goes for running the ADD-ON .cabs to allow cingular Video/ Realplayr fix.
Cant figure out the install. Googled and Forum searched 'keybord' couldent find the help.
Thank you!
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Thank you. I know there is a tutorial for it somewhere but I cant find it.
The Files included in the Keyboard fix for the Black 2.5 will not execute on my Desktop or my 8525. I have them copied to my storage card and when I click on any of the files they tell me it is not associated and that I need to open the file from within the application..I dont know what program the files are associated to.
fugitive said:
Thank you. I know there is a tutorial for it somewhere but I cant find it.
The Files included in the Keyboard fix for the Black 2.5 will not execute on my Desktop or my 8525. I have them copied to my storage card and when I click on any of the files they tell me it is not associated and that I need to open the file from within the application..I dont know what program the files are associated to.
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Are these *.cab files or *.zip files???
I thought they would act as cab files but they identify as 0csetup...001... 002.... 003
files not as cab or zip.
fugitive said:
I thought they would act as cab files but they identify as 0csetup...001... 002.... 003
files not as cab or zip.
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I dont know what your are running. Delete those a get the keyboard fixes which you need. What is the exact device you are using and the carrier? What keys are not working correctly? Where did you get those fixes??? If they are not *.cab files then dont run them.
Don't extract the cab files - copy them directly to your storage card and run them from there.
Yes That was the trick thank you. I had DLed them to my Desktop and tried to transfer the files in activesynch. DLed to my phone and it was golden.
Thanks for your patience.

Cab file creating

i just put together a cab file (for personal use) to remove sms threading (due to upgrading roms alot etc)
however i have hit a brick wall.
i do not know how to make the device restart after install?
i have compared to other cab files but the only difference is the other cabs install files not registry?
i'm not all that good with programming however i would really like to complete this cab for ease of reloading a new rom - so any input would be grateful - thank you
For cab file creating i use PocketPC Installation Creator. In the menu there is a check box to set the 'reboot after installation' behaviour. I played with it but noticed that my device only rebooted after installation of files. Because i found it to much effort to look into it, i didn't. After all it is quite easy to reboot manually.
You could use MSCEinf to examine different cabs and look for the reboot after installation setting (
I also noticed that some people make cab files from .xml files (sleuth for example). Maybe this method has other options than cabarc in combination with inf files.
Cant give you any answers, still hope it will be of any help.
Good luck and post back result if you figured it out.
The easiest way tocreate CAB files is to purchase a copy of WINCE Cab Manager from OCP Software
they have just released a new version which supports Vista
i created the xml document then created the cab from it.
should have said that sorry.
so i was looking for a way to restart device via the xml..
thanks for the input so far

Making a theme?

So I'm new to all of this. I bought a touch diamond with Sprint just last week and stumbled upon this site for themes and apps. It seems to be a very cool site for customization, but i've been wondering where should i start if i want to make my own themes? I got CFC and Manila editor. Are there tutorials or manuals on using those programs? And is there a way to extract the preinstalled theme that came with my phone so i can modify it? Thanks for any help.
bavman13 said:
So I'm new to all of this. I bought a touch diamond with Sprint just last week and stumbled upon this site for themes and apps. It seems to be a very cool site for customization, but i've been wondering where should i start if i want to make my own themes? I got CFC and Manila editor. Are there tutorials or manuals on using those programs? And is there a way to extract the preinstalled theme that came with my phone so i can modify it? Thanks for any help.
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To extract your phone's TF3D files
To extract your phone's TF3D theme, connect it to your computer using Activesync (XP) or WMDC (Vista) and click on "Explore Files". While exploring your devices files, navigate to the Windows folder of your cell phone then sort the files by type. Look for a collection of files that end in "manila" (there should be ALOT). Copy EVERY file that ends with .manila from your device to a folder on your computer (give it a couple minute as there are many files to copy).
To copy manila files to a manila editor
Using either Manila Editor of CFC GUI (i personally think CFC GUI is much easier to use because it gives me less errors), click on "File" and "Select Folder" to navigate to the folder where you copied the manila files on your computer. Select the folder and the files will be loaded into the program
To make your own theme
Once you have copied the manila files and loaded them into either Manila Editor or CFC GUI, the next step is to replace some of the icons with the ones you want for your theme. In CFC GUI (I havent used Manila Editor and dont remember the buttons for this so I cant instruct how to use it), click on any of the files and you will get a preview of it. If you would like to SAVE that icon in a png format to edit (with Photoshop/Gimp etc.) click on "SAVE AS" and choose the directory in which you would like to save it. To replace a manila file with your own, click on the file then select "REPLACE WITH" and choose your file (NOTE: The file you choose absolutely MUST be the same size as the original. If the original file is 128x128, the file you replace it with must also be 128x128).
Thanks jrodi. Im thinkin of making one myself too. But I wasnt sure if the icon size has to be the same as original.
Usper said:
Thanks jrodi. Im thinkin of making one myself too. But I wasnt sure if the icon size has to be the same as original.
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you wouldnt believe how easy it is to make a theme once you get the hang of it. good luck on the theme youre making and if you have any questions or want any help feel free to pm me
Cool, i cant wait to get started, but i have one final question. After im done do i just replace the files which i changed to where i got them off my phone?
bavman13 said:
Cool, i cant wait to get started, but i have one final question. After im done do i just replace the files which i changed to where i got them off my phone?
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There are multiple ways to install a theme to your device but ill go through the easiest and quickest method using Total Commander
1) Copy the manila files that you changed to a new folder on your phone (Give this folder the name of your theme). Turn off the TF3D plugin (Settings/Today/Items/ Uncheck Tf3d). Then use Total Commander to find the new folder and copy all of the files in the folder to the Windows directoty of your device. If you get a prompt, select "Overwrite All" and give it a minute to replace the files. Soft reset your device and youre done
I was just looking through the windows folder of my diamond but there are no files ending in manila, is it because its the sprint version or something?
bavman13 said:
I was just looking through the windows folder of my diamond but there are no files ending in manila, is it because its the sprint version or something?
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"show hidden and systemfiles" in explorer..

Help for total, 100% clueless beginner

Sorry for new thread, tried searching for things like a Beginner's Guide but no luck...
The HD2 is my first foray into WM phones and I just need a bit of help understanding how to install all the programs and tweaks you clever folks on here cook up. For starters I want to disable the clock flip animation when you switch to the Home screen:
1. You can disable this extra animation so it only flips when it needs to flips. Download the modified manila file at the end of this post.
2. Disable HTC Sense in Today settings.
3. Backup original Windows file (you are going to overwrite) to your SD card.
OK, this is where I fall down
4. Extract downloaded file to Windows directory on your device (overwriting the original).
Not sure here either, but I think this will be obvious once I connect to my PC...?
5. Enable HTC Sense again in today settings.
I'll be OK here
Also, in the Hints & Tips thread, it talks about installing a program to edit the registry for a lot of the tweaks. Would something like Total Commander ( be OK for that?
search for cab file, on leo themes and app, 1sr row, the one with touch x . copy it to your phone/storage card , launch it and softreset. no need for backup
Download the cab-file called "" from here:
Notice that this is a cab-file and not a rar/zip(/whatever)-file.
Cab-files are so to say "setup-files" for windows mobile.
That said, after you've downloaded the file to your computer, simply copy/move it to your mobile. Now from your mobile, run this file, and it will install as a program.
This means that you can uninstall it by going to settings->programs....
My first tip would be too make sure you install/store everything on the storage card and not the device. this is one mistake I made and you'll run out of space quickly.
Secondly, decide now if you're going to install the lastest ROM. best to do it now before you get into setting up and tweaking otherwise you'll be in my situation again where you'll have to clear everything and start from scratch.
And yes, it's easiest to download CABs to your PC, transfer them over USB to the storage card, then install from there.

How-To's For Nubs

Hi guys, this is my first windows mobile ever, and i've come on here and looked at all these threads for around 2 weeks now and id really like to start doing things!
I've looked at the *Leo hints and tips* and downloaded Resco, so i now know how to edit values and things in the root folder, but what i'm unsure about, and i'm sure all the new people to windows phones are to, is where to start?
I mean the phone reads .cab files, but say I download a .cab file, do i download it on my pc and put it on the phone, if so where to? After that do i have to click it, run it, what? Do i download it off my hd2 and it'll run? which I have done, but after installation, where is it stored if i want to open the file? What happens if i install a .cab and don't like it? Where is it for me to delete and how do I go about this? how do I uninstall things i've installed?
What im asking is, if there is a starting tutorial for these things, can it be a sticky because there are hundreds of threads on here and the search tool and my searching isn't finding what I really want...essentially...'HD2 for dummies...' guide.
sorry if this has been said before, or i'm expected to know these things, but if someone could point me and many others in a direction, or a sticky could be made, then id be one happy welsh man!
Cheers guys.
The simple answer to your question about cab files is that they're installers, just like you have on your PC. When it's installed, you can (if you wish) delete the cab file. (I keep all mine so if I upgrade my ROM then I can install things again without having to find the cab files all over again.) There's also "remove programs" in the windows settings folder, and you can uninstall apps from there.
Think of it more like a PC than a phone and you'll get on with it a lot easier.
Also, if it's windows you want help with then there's dedicated windows folders on this forum. Windows isn't specific to the HD2, so you will usually get better help in the more specific areas.
Other than that, just play with it and have fun.
Hope this helps
To install a cab you just need to copy or download it to your phone and then click on it. An installation wizard will then appear to take you through the installation process.
right okay, so the .cab i can delete as if it was a .exe file, but where do i save it on the phone for it to run, which folder?
When using file explorer and tweaking and installing .cabs, thats windows though i pressume? Not htc...
matt_attack_2k1 said:
right okay, so the .cab i can delete as if it was a .exe file, but where do i save it on the phone for it to run, which folder?
When using file explorer and tweaking and installing .cabs, thats windows though i pressume? Not htc...
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You can run the cab file from anywhere you like on the phone. If you're planning on deleting them after installing it really doesn't matter. Like I said, I keep my cabs (and would recommend it too!), so I have an "installers" folder, with sub-folders for different types of cab files.
Installers and tweaks are not specific to either windows or HTC - they could be either or both.
I personally keep all my cabs at Storage Card\Backup\CABs I transfer them to there from my PC, run them from there, save them there.
You can put them in any folder you like and run them from anywhere you like. There are no rules on where cab files need to be.
right okay, so i install a .cab file, say for example ive installed a new unlock slider, i change my mind and don't want that one anymore i would like the old one back, what do I do?
matt_attack_2k1 said:
right okay, so i install a .cab file, say for example ive installed a new unlock slider, i change my mind and don't want that one anymore i would like the old one back, what do I do?
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In that specific example, you'd have to check the thread where you got the new slider from. That's overwritten original files so obviously an uninstall doesn't recreate them. I tend not to install theme mods that can't be rolled back, purely because of this!
I've tried some alternative lockscreens before, and they definitely had the original files in a cab so you could undo it.
right okay. and for example if i was to install, i don't know, an additional button up onto the top bar by the start menu, how would I go about deleting?
Back to my OP, why is there no tutorial or hot-tips threads made as a sticky for people new to this stuff like I am?

