Sprint Nav .cab file - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Is there anyone out there who has been able to get the new Sprint Nav .cab file for the new Touch Pro2? The Sprint Navigation on my new Touch Pro2 was not working, so I called Telenav and they had me download the Touch Pro Sprint Nav. It works, but it is very grainy and I'd like to put the original Sprint Nav back on the phone.

I'm interested in this too. Also, the Sprint TV cab would be good too. Especially for cooked ROMs. Anyone have a link to them or the OEMs?

Nagrom Nniuq said:
I'm interested in this too. Also, the Sprint TV cab would be good too. Especially for cooked ROMs. Anyone have a link to them or the OEMs?
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Try this:

I appreciate that link but I want the actual Sprint ones.

tp2 sprint nav
here it is off tp2..now tv would be coolView attachment sprintnav_ppc_2.1.40.cab

TeleNav / SprintNav Upgrade
For those of you out there that had Touch Pro, Mogul, or any other predecessor to the TP2, there was an upgrade to a newer version shortly before I upgraded to the TP2. For some reason, it is not available for the TP2, yet... probably for comparability testing. However, I had enough incite to download said file to my storage card. This is not a hacked version, so it WILL NOT get you free GPS service. However, for those of you that have that service on their plan, or are paying for it already (some other way), this cab will work.
Update notes?
Well, aside from a new GUI, there is little to talk about. The Maps & Icon screens are redone to provide more info about the trip and/or leg of the trip. Another improvement is that they have made it so if you touch a particular part of the screen, the voice will repeat it's last instruction (updating for distance traveled of course). Also, there is a new feature that allows you to speak your selections, rather than type them. This could be useful when having to put it in on the go. The Speech recognition is like most others and doesn't always work, but does most of the time. Lastly, on the Telenav Website, you can purchase new voices for your GPS program. These range from Santa Clause, to a New York Cab Driver, to a Rastafarian Man (and a couple more).
Overall, I am not extremely happy with the moving map options as it seems to be almost always .01 to .1 mile behind, but still does it's job. Other than that, this version is a vast improvement over prior versions. The turn icons screen works wonderfully, which I use mostly anyhow. I also love the fact that I can speak my selections, versus having to type them in all the time.
Please note: the program will ask for a pin/password when you first boot up... At least with my phone (Sprint Touch Pro 2), it was the last 4 digits of my phone number. Also, if you have it included in your plan, be sure to check your bill for the first 2 month to make sure you aren't getting double charged for it. If you are, call Sprint and they usually will fix it for you won't have to worry about it again.

ThreeTima said:
For those of you out there that had Touch Pro, Mogul, or any other predecessor to the TP2, there was an upgrade to a newer version shortly before I upgraded to the TP2. For some reason, it is not available for the TP2, yet... probably for comparability testing. However, I had enough incite to download said file to my storage card. This is not a hacked version, so it WILL NOT get you free GPS service. However, for those of you that have that service on their plan, or are paying for it already (some other way), this cab will work.
Update notes?
Well, aside from a new GUI, there is little to talk about. The Maps & Icon screens are redone to provide more info about the trip and/or leg of the trip. Another improvement is that they have made it so if you touch a particular part of the screen, the voice will repeat it's last instruction (updating for distance traveled of course). Also, there is a new feature that allows you to speak your selections, rather than type them. This could be useful when having to put it in on the go. The Speech recognition is like most others and doesn't always work, but does most of the time. Lastly, on the Telenav Website, you can purchase new voices for your GPS program. These range from Santa Clause, to a New York Cab Driver, to a Rastafarian Man (and a couple more).
Overall, I am not extremely happy with the moving map options as it seems to be almost always .01 to .1 mile behind, but still does it's job. Other than that, this version is a vast improvement over prior versions. The turn icons screen works wonderfully, which I use mostly anyhow. I also love the fact that I can speak my selections, versus having to type them in all the time.
Please note: the program will ask for a pin/password when you first boot up... At least with my phone (Sprint Touch Pro 2), it was the last 4 digits of my phone number. Also, if you have it included in your plan, be sure to check your bill for the first 2 month to make sure you aren't getting double charged for it. If you are, call Sprint and they usually will fix it for you won't have to worry about it again.
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Excuse the ignorance if this is a dumb question but will these SprintNav .cabs work on a T-Mobile TP2? The reason I ask is because I also own a T-Mobile G1 and the devs in the Dream (G1) forum were able to port SprintNav, Sprint NFL, Sprint Nascar, and for a while, SprintTV was also working on T-Mobile G1's. I have all of them running on my G1 except SprintTV of course because it stopped working. It would be nice to be able to run SprintNav on my T-Mobile TP2.

julez456 said:
Excuse the ignorance if this is a dumb question but will these SprintNav .cabs work on a T-Mobile TP2? The reason I ask is because I also own a T-Mobile G1 and the devs in the Dream (G1) forum were able to port SprintNav, Sprint NFL, Sprint Nascar, and for a while, SprintTV was also working on T-Mobile G1's. I have all of them running on my G1 except SprintTV of course because it stopped working. It would be nice to be able to run SprintNav on my T-Mobile TP2.
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To tell the truth, this particular version is not branded "Sprint Navigation," but it is the same program. Sprint Navigation is nothing more than Telenav with a fancy sprint skin.
In answer to your question.... It should. However, be warned that Telenav is a Third party vendor and as such you may incur charges. With Sprint, if you don't have it in your plan, it costs something like $10/mo or something. Those charges may be different with T-mobile, though.
Also, it might behoove you to goto the telenav website ( http://www.telenav.com ) and download the cab file for your phone. Thought it's probably no different, it might be the safest route. I think the software itself is free, and I know you get 30 days of use for free, but after that, there would be a charge, unless your plan has it included.
Hope this helps.


Thank you mods!

Awesome! A Shift section of its own. Now if we can just get our hands on some working models.
I'm hopeful someone can crack the stupid dumbed down version of WM that HTC is installing and figure out how to get WM6 on this beauty. The two dumbest things I've read so far are that a.) the PDA side can't access the SD card slot (that's even more idiotic than not being able to access the hard drive IMO), and the SnapVue program itself. I understand their desire to save licensing costs, but the whole decision to isolate the PDA side sounds like a deal they made with the telecoms - forcing the PDA side to only interact with the laptop side only through the telecom's system (where they can charge you with a data plan) is idiotic. Personally, I expect to use this device as a stand-alone laptop and not even use the 3G/HSPDA - I've already got that on my Trinity and paying for two full data plans makes zero sense. If anything, I'd like to do a BT modem lash-up through my phone.
If anyone's looking for some ideas to hack this thing, my personal wish list is:
1.) Get WM6 installed instead of SnapVue (may be a problem given the screen resolution tho)
2.) Unlock the SD card for the PDA side
3.) Unlock the hard drive for the PDA side (this would be HUGE)
Just imagine - you're on a flight, you watch a full movie on the PDA side off an SD card, using low battery consumption, then in the airport you tap into the WiFi and log into your work network to get work done, then later at the hotel you plug in and do some real work on the laptop side. Add in checking your push email on the cab ride to your hotel (PDA side, full keyboard) if you choose the HSPDA activation. That's my dream machine! now if I only knew enough code to make it happen! <grin>
Having been in the postion of carrying around (for several years)
a good data PDA (this means a Psion)
and a phone
and a Windows Mobile PDA (often an XDA so that makes for 2 devices total)
I have been waiting for Mr Shift to arrive since its first showing in early 2007.
In November the PDF manuals were available from FCC ... what a total disappointment. Did somebody from Apple join HTC? Did they close the architecure at every possible moment ... We need at least:
a) Ability to run full WM6
b) Ability to install any WM6 application
c) Ability to use it as a (very large) telephone
d) Ability to let the PDA part of the Shift be able to access the local Vista and a remote Windows machine
Many people (like me) use their Windows mobile PDA to act as a bridge from their work outlook (probably server) and their home Outlook standalone.
Currently my XDA's or equivalent forms that important link from my Work calendar, tasks and contacts, and my home calendar, tasks and contacts.
Any PDA replacement needs to be able to at least do that!
e) If using a 3G SIM and appropriate data plan then access via this to the Interweb from both PDA and PC sides.
The Shift would seem to make a pretty decent UMPC and it includes a keyboard, but as-is it seems the PDA function and the phone function are an insult to ones intelligence.
Sorry about the grumpy post!
we all
No need to appologise.
I think we all feel the same about is.
The choises HTC made make no sence at all and make the PDA side of the shift nothing more than some kind of side-show.
Like everyone else I´d like a FULL pda side. With all normal apps (including office). Doing without phone capabilities might not keep me form buying the shift but if it has not got full pda functionality then it is totaly uninteresting. I would buy a small notebook with longer battery life. (and with XP for that matter).
So it´s time for the guys at HTC to wake up!
Maybe they could make different versions? I would be willing to pay a bit more for a version with full WM6...
Pfeffa-rah said:
Maybe they could make different versions? I would be willing to pay a bit more for a version with full WM6...
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How I agree!
I agree with everyone that the droned down version of this device sucks, but don't blame HTC. Blame vaporware maker Dualcor for their once great idea and not can't be found Dualcor PPC. It was suppose to run windows, and windows mobile and be a phone. After some time, they realized they couldn't do the phone thing and eventually the product, to my knowledge, was never fully released. HTC can't put the full version of windows mobile to due copyright infringment. Dualcor even stated it.
The link will take you to their website and if you read through, it was innovative and great and never really came about.
Can you truly blame HTC for doing the right thing and infringing? I would love for HTC to take Dualcor to court.
In an old saying that applies to dualcor, "either sh*t or get off the pot!"
Just my two cents. Flame away!
dont worry
hey we have a forum here (the best darn forum in the world) n boy we will get this device to perform as we want to. it may take time and help from the gurus out there but it WILL be done so lets just get our wallets / purses at the ready and hope htc release the shift this decade??
landshark said:
1.) Get WM6 installed instead of SnapVue (may be a problem given the screen resolution tho)
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Uhm... SnapVue is just a name HTC came up with... what it *actually* is, is just a little DLL they wrote that overlays the WM6 taskbars so that you can't tap on them... I know because I've already gotten my hands on the relevant material and ported SnapVue to the Athena... what's more, I've also patched the DLL so that it doesn't disable the taskbars any more... assuming we can use Activesync to do our dirty business for us in terms of getting new certificates on the damn thing (failing that it'll be SPL hacking time) then it won't be a problem.
the proper Vista OS is interesting too... it's actually deployed in a bastardised sort of Symantec Ghost image type thing, but it weighs in at 8GB so there's not a bloody chance in hell you'll be seeing updates to this in their entirety.
Hey guys I'm new to this forum and everything that you guys do here(so if you could use a little patients with me i would appreciate it), but this forum has helped me to do some cool things with my htc titan, and for that i thank you. Now i ask you what kind of mods do you think will come out for the shift? There are some great developers here that can do some cool things, and from reading this topic do i correctly gather that it is possible to put wm6 on the shift, and it is impossible to put xp on the shift? sorry for the long post, but one last thing. What service provider and plan would be offered for the shift or what would be best for the shift?

Trapster - report speed trap, red light camera, POLICE TRAP/presence in real time

Hi guys.
I saw this program on the news a minute ago and the concept is really cool. With the builtin GPS or WiFi (how can WiFi be accurate!!!!), a user presses an auto/self configured button to report each of the 4 kinds of trap. When a user is at the vicinity of a trap, a shrill voice (builtin/self recorded) will announce the type of trap to the user. The web site is at http://www.trapster.com. Every body must have thought of this concept before (me included) but thank Jebus finally some body did it!!!
I just sent my X7500 back to get the MicroDrive fixed so don't have anything to test it with. Would some body with an Athena please try this program and report any problems using it on this particular device?
It's still in beta and free right now. However, if it becomes a subscription service, I wouldn'd mind paying for it. Provided that the fee is reasonable like the $20/year subscription fee of www.schedulesdirect.org If it is more than $20/year, I will have second thoughts.
How much would you pay for it?
sumtingwong said:
Hi guys.
I saw this program on the news a minute ago and the concept is really cool. With the builtin GPS or WiFi (how can WiFi be accurate!!!!), a user presses an auto/self configured button to report each of the 4 kinds of trap. When a user is at the vicinity of a trap, a shrill voice (builtin/self recorded) will announce the type of trap to the user. The web site is at http://www.trapster.com. Every body must have thought of this concept before (me included) but thank Jebus finally some body did it!!!
I just sent my X7500 back to get the MicroDrive fixed so don't have anything to test it with. Would some body with an Athena please try this program and report any problems using it on this particular device?
It's still in beta and free right now. However, if it becomes a subscription service, I wouldn'd mind paying for it. Provided that the fee is reasonable like the $20/year subscription fee of www.schedulesdirect.org If it is more than $20/year, I will have second thoughts.
How much would you pay for it?
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you should get banned, as this is not an advertising place. Midget where are you?
vicinc said:
you should get banned, as this is not an advertising place. Midget where are you?
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i dont think he is advertising, more thinking in text... its free right now anyways, so i might give it a try
vicinc said:
you should get banned, as this is not an advertising place. Midget where are you?
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Woah, who got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?...
In the US it's a good idea - very sketchy in the UK at the moment and not as good as the PocketGPS ones or those available in Cameraware. But then they are free! Again, critical mass needs to be reached - in the US with very little alternative, it might be, in the UK I'm not so sure.
Just my 2d's worth.
I'm going to DL it and test it for ya bud. Thanks for the heads up with this s/w. And as "Con" said they're in the UK so they have other options we don't. I'll give feedbacks later on after I test it.
yea i just found this today. and did a search on here. jw if anyone has done this with the tmobile wing. i tried it but my phone said unsuccessful download. so i tried to download from my phone and it said its not pocket pc compatible. am i doing something wrong? sorry, kinda new to this forum.
pinaytoy93 said:
yea i just found this today. and did a search on here. jw if anyone has done this with the tmobile wing. i tried it but my phone said unsuccessful download. so i tried to download from my phone and it said its not pocket pc compatible. am i doing something wrong? sorry, kinda new to this forum.
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Well after reading the how to on the website today, you have to actually dl it to the pc first and install it through active sync. I wasn't able to do it from work plus I didn't have my data cable with me in the office. I'll get around to it tonight tho and let you know how it goes.
i downloaded it to my pc, active syncd it, my phone screen popped up w/ a "yes" or "no". clicked yes. save to storage card. failed twice then said unsuccessful.
pinaytoy93 said:
i downloaded it to my pc, active syncd it, my phone screen popped up w/ a "yes" or "no". clicked yes. save to storage card. failed twice then said unsuccessful.
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Save it to the device then, if it doesn't want to run from storage card.
tootallk2000 said:
Save it to the device then, if it doesn't want to run from storage card.
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tried that too. keeps saying its unsuccessful.kinda disappointed with it.
tried that too. keeps saying unsuccessful download. very disappointing.
What a big disappointment!!! The concept is great but the Windows Mobile version of this program is still in *JUNK* status. It lacks many of most basic functions such as GPS configuration (port, baud, etc...) It installed alright on my Athena. However, when I ran it, it kept telling me "Can't get GPS location (87)..." while all of my other GPS apps (Google Maps, Live Search, CoPilot Live) that were running at the same time had no GPS problem at all. I'll wait for the next version before using it.
Edited: The GPS problem is most likely due to AP4...
I have downgraded my athena to ap3 and the gps problem is fixed. so the previous gps problem is because of ap4. with the athena, there's no good way to report redlight, etc... by key press as the athena's key assignment took precedent. However, the announcement is excellent though the volume is pretty low. I will have to re-record the alert messages.
Sorry for late chime - in
I didn't see these posts before.
It lacks many of most basic functions such as GPS configuration (port, baud, etc...) ... (Google Maps, Live Search, CoPilot Live)
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We've now added the capability to connect to GPS directly via the COM port, in addition to the GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) method which is supposed to handle all that automatically. The problem with the direct COM port method is that the app (Google Maps, Live Search, CoPilot Live, and Trapster(R)) then "hogs" the GPS. This sort of sharing is what the GPSID was supposed to fix, but unfortunately in an attempt to block all apps that are not paid (like TeleNav etc.) carriers have gimped the config screens etc. I've seen COM port "splitter" programs but have not tested them personally.
What a big disappointment!!!
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I think this fixes your main objection. Please give it another look and let us know what you think.
We also added (some other stuff relevant to Windows):
- a mobile site. Just go to trapster.com/m and you can sign up, sign in, and download right there.
- "Ack" feature for Windows Mobile and "CarPC" (which means just run on your laptop) If you are a regular Trapster user in any US metro area (where trap density is high) you will definitely appreciate the "Ack" feature. No more ears ringing "police often hide here"... you just hit Ack (or mapped voice command) and it mutes until you encounter a new trap.
- support for WiFi location mode in Vista.
Hey trapster,
Thank you for such a cool app. Once I get used to it, it's pretty cool to use. I used it in July while I was visiting Florida and it did saved me from being pulled over while driving through the Alligator Alley. I'm using it every day now. Pretty cool.
For us Athena users, while the key mapping is not working well, I found that we can put the trapster folder on Start menu and have it opened in the background with all command icons showing. I'm using it with CoPilot. When I see an incident I need to report, I simply click on the [OK] button to minimize CoPilot and click on the appropriate icon to report the incident. Then I click on CoPilot again to open it up over the trapster menu. It's workable. Wish Athena has more buttons or Trapster is integrated with Microsoft Voice Command. It would be sooo cool to click a button to activate Microsoft Voice Command and say "Report Live Police" and have everything else done for us.
sumtingwong said:
Hey trapster,
Thank you for such a cool app. Once I get used to it, it's pretty cool to use. I used it in July while I was visiting Florida and it did saved me from being pulled over while driving through the Alligator Alley. I'm using it every day now. Pretty cool.
For us Athena users, while the key mapping is not working well, I found that we can put the trapster folder on Start menu and have it opened in the background with all command icons showing. I'm using it with CoPilot. When I see an incident I need to report, I simply click on the [OK] button to minimize CoPilot and click on the appropriate icon to report the incident. Then I click on CoPilot again to open it up over the trapster menu. It's workable. Wish Athena has more buttons or Trapster is integrated with Microsoft Voice Command. It would be sooo cool to click a button to activate Microsoft Voice Command and say "Report Live Police" and have everything else done for us.
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Hi sumtingwong, thanks for the kind words and glad Trapster saved you a ticket in Alligator Alley (of course the way the enforcement system works, that just means someone else got pulled over instead, but...).
Stephen Skarlatos of Pocket Now wrote about Trapster being integrated with Microsoft Voice Command here:
and in there says:
I use Microsoft Voice Command to report traps. As example to report a live police activity, I initiate Voice Command and say "start report live police", which initiate the trapster report livepolice function.

Winmo to Android

i previously had a Tytn2. One of the best fones i've ever ownedexcept for the speed and the clunkiness of it. Upgraded to Rogers HTC Dream, but there are a lot of things i miss from the Tytn. Just wondering what functionalities other people miss, and possible this could brainstorm ideas generate solutions or substitutes on Android...
a) Tomtom, using nav with built in maps, no data necessary
b) official msn client
c) tethering (currently only using pdanet, non-root)
d) simple windows functions, ie copying text, easily moving files within explorer on the fone
e) others...?
kevwo said:
i previously had a Tytn2. One of the best fones i've ever ownedexcept for the speed and the clunkiness of it. Upgraded to Rogers HTC Dream, but there are a lot of things i miss from the Tytn. Just wondering what functionalities other people miss, and possible this could brainstorm ideas generate solutions or substitutes on Android...
a) Tomtom, using nav with built in maps, no data necessary
b) official msn client
c) tethering (currently only using pdanet, non-root)
d) simple windows functions, ie copying text, easily moving files within explorer on the fone
e) others...?
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a) copilot live. Its $35 and is on the market. You will need to root and run marketenabler though since canada isn't on the non-free market list yet. The maps are better than tomtom, the routing is smarter, and the route planning is MUCH FASTER.
b) There's lots of im crap on the market. Can't imagine why you would want this nonsense, but its there for you to download if you want it.
c) tether for root users. Again, root it.
d) you need to learn to LONG-press. And for manipulating files, either learn to use the terminal properly like the more intelligent people (it is MUCH easier and more efficient than using ANY gui), or find a free program called "ASTRO" in the market.
e) if you don't have a question, we can't provide an answer.
lbcoder said:
a) copilot live. Its $35 and is on the market. You will need to root and run marketenabler though since canada isn't on the non-free market list yet. The maps are better than tomtom, the routing is smarter, and the route planning is MUCH FASTER.
b) There's lots of im crap on the market. Can't imagine why you would want this nonsense, but its there for you to download if you want it.
c) tether for root users. Again, root it.
d) you need to learn to LONG-press. And for manipulating files, either learn to use the terminal properly like the more intelligent people (it is MUCH easier and more efficient than using ANY gui), or find a free program called "ASTRO" in the market.
e) if you don't have a question, we can't provide an answer.
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hey lbcoder, thanks for the response, some good points there
A) does copilot run if i take the sim card out tho (no data used) ? if it does, then you rock!
b) fair enough
c) rooting tonite, once i get home. thanks haykuro
was there anything that anyone in particular liked about winmo?
kevwo said:
hey lbcoder, thanks for the response, some good points there
A) does copilot run if i take the sim card out tho (no data used) ? if it does, then you rock!
b) fair enough
c) rooting tonite, once i get home. thanks haykuro
was there anything that anyone in particular liked about winmo?
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a) Definitely works without data. Haven't tried pulling the card though, really don't want to open the case up.
d) I've always really liked that winmo never really caught on. They have too much of a monopoly and are perfectly evil and abusive... ever actually read one of their eula's? Its a "You want me to agree to WHAT??? No, I will NOT sign over my firstborn and my youngest daughter, and you can NOT have my testicles ".
I owned a TyTn II before buying an HTC Dream.
My transition to Android was through the Android port to the tytn2. As I was using android on the tytn2, I found myself spending more and more time in android then in WinMobile. After a while I started dreading having to go back to WinMo to access features that the android port didn't have functioning (like camera, wifi...)
What I started to dislike about WinMo was the fact that it has a stylus driven interface. Even though there are some nice custom WinMo Roms, that add some nice finger navigation to the main features, practically all 3rd party software is not finger friendly.
And Android worked so much smoother and snappier then WinMo.
Since getting the Dream a month ago, I haven't once thought about what I'm missing from the tytn2.
Just my experience.
I am pretty much in the same boat as the OP. TomTom was the biggie for me, as was the much better included mail client in WM. I was personally running Windows Mobile 6.5 and in fact am still running it on the Tytn.
I actually went back to using my Tytn and tossed the dream in the glove box. It wasn't till night before last when I rooted the Dream that I put my sim back in it. If Copilot works as expected I may try the Dream for bit and see if my feelings change. However I can see a new WM device in my near future.
Oh take a look at K9 for an email client. Still a bit clumsy to use, but worlds better than the built in mail client in android. Its still a very young phone and OS, I think over time it'll get better.
lbcoder - we have winmo hater! lol well at least i had my tytn2 running better than so many iphones....yeah i'm gonna hate on iphone
outsider787 - how did android run on the tytn2? was it laggy? i have to assum it was, as just its own rom was quite laggy. i agree tho, that it is frustrating to try to do things on the screen with your finger that was designed for a stylus
Capt Fiero - keep me/us informed with how the testing of CoPilot goes! with tomtom, i could just take my sim when travelling in the US and still navigate (atlantic city to ny!)
I replied to your pm, however wanted to add a few things here.
I still have yet to get copilot installed on the 10 day trial. Every time I go to download and install it, using market enabler it wants me to give them a credit card, and I am not supplying a credit card number or personal info through market on an app that I have never even seen in operation let alone tried.
Now as for going state side, I found it ridiculously cheap just go across pick up a USA AT&T pay as you go card, drop it into my Tytn and go from there. Its .10 cents a min vs $2.00 a min for roaming. You have to have your phone unlocked, which if you are on these forums, more than likely you already do. So now I just have a spare sim in my sim carrier that I swap into my phone when I am going to be in the states for an extended period. I thought about forwarding my CDN number to the US number, but never tried it. I just swap the card out once a day and check for any new messages.
kevwo said:
lbcoder - we have winmo hater! lol well at least i had my tytn2 running better than so many iphones....yeah i'm gonna hate on iphone
outsider787 - how did android run on the tytn2? was it laggy? i have to assum it was, as just its own rom was quite laggy. i agree tho, that it is frustrating to try to do things on the screen with your finger that was designed for a stylus
Capt Fiero - keep me/us informed with how the testing of CoPilot goes! with tomtom, i could just take my sim when travelling in the US and still navigate (atlantic city to ny!)
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How do you make a TyTn2 run better than an iPhone? That's ridiculous.....My friend still sticks to his TyTn 2 as it is a work phone and he regularly shows me his 'iphone-esque' tweaks, which are laughably jerky and unresponsive. There are a ton of things I could do on my old iPhone 3G that I couldn't do nearly as well on my TyTn2/Touch Diamond/Touch ProAthena/Exec, but that's another issue.....
As for the dream? Well I don't drive so I can't comment on SATnav software, but I'm very happy with the device as an internet-centric phone, and with the HTC IME and Handcent it's a joy to text on. I'd still swap it for a 3GS anyday though, as I'm not a humongous geek, just a lover of multimedia and the internet and the 3Gs provides a great browsing, texting, video, mp3, camera and video experience....
.....shame that the first batch are apparently getting so hot they're bursting into flames.
Anyway, enough of the iPhone crap, let's be straight here: If you LIKE windows mobile and you LIKE the way it works, get a Windows Mobile device. For what it does you can't fault it. If you want Microsoft Services such as hotmail and Live Messenger it will always be the better choice. Android will NEVER be Windows Mobile; it is a completely different platform with different aspirations and an open environment, driven by third-party developers. Personally I prefer the Android Email Client to the Windows Mobile one, but I've only owned a Windows Mobile device up to version 6.1 so the email client may have improved. Also I have a Gmail account.
The major selling point for me of the two is the capacitive screen of the G1. I just cannot imagine going back to resistive screens and styluses so no matter how much WinMo improves it will never get my support until it becomes compatible with capacitive screens.
just my thoughts....
just just got root access. can finally bluetooth. let's see android create 'Age of Empires" and make it as addictive as winmo version. robo defense is only fun to a certain extent
Before this turns into an Android vs WinMo war, they both have there big pluses and both have drawbacks. It boils down to personal preference and desired use. For some its just a a really hard decision. Whenever I make a WinMo/Android thread, I always state that both have there advantages and both have there drawbacks. So don't let the other side of the fence bait you into an argument that has no place on this forum.
I just got an error when trying to reply to your PM, nothing private so here it is.
The following errors occurred with your submission:
kevwo has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.
If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove kevwo from the recipient list and send the message again.
I never did get Wifi teather to work, and contacts I found it easier just to copy all the contacts to the sim then move the sim to the dream and copy them from the sim to the dream contact list. (over 200 contacts so any other way would take way too long)
kevwo said:
Capt Fiero said:
I don't know about root being "unlocked" or not. I have not tried that yet. I have not gone across the line with the Dream yet.
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thanks again for the help. just trying to bluetooth contacts from Tytn to dream now.
and attempting to get WiFi tether to work. sigh...i guess all this work is part of the fun of a new phone
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i have almost 400, i dont think it could all fit on my sim tho
Well you other option and its a long way around but, if you have
MS Outlook
a Gmail Account and understand what a CSV value is, you are in luck.
Open Microsoft Outlook (must have your windows Mobile contacts synced)
Use the MS Outlook export wizard to export your contacts into a CSV file. Save it to your desktop.
Now open your Gmail account, go to the import wizard, import that CSV file into Gmail.
Now grab your Android phone, enter your Gmail account info, then tell it to sync your contacts from your GMAIL account to your phone.
Presto Bingo, your phone now has all the accounts that were on your Windows Mobile / Outlook account in your Android. This will work regardless if you have 20 accounts or 1000 accounts.
kevwo said:
just just got root access. can finally bluetooth. let's see android create 'Age of Empires" and make it as addictive as winmo version. robo defense is only fun to a certain extent
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dude, what's ur problem
kevwo said:
dude, what's ur problem
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Seems to me that HE's the troll...
kevwo said:
just just got root access. can finally bluetooth. let's see android create 'Age of Empires" and make it as addictive as winmo version. robo defense is only fun to a certain extent
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Robo Defense is only fun until you find the XML files that store your scores/unlocks Couldn't they use some sort of encoding to make cheating a bit more difficult for root users? All I wanted was to save my progress between phone wipes, but ended up giving myself 90 gazillion points and unlocking all achievements.
lbcoder said:
Seems to me that HE's the troll...
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lol. serious. oh well.
you can hack it like that? wow! but is that more fun than actually OBTAINING the achievement yourself? those black planes are damn near impossible to shoot down its frustrating.
anyone actually play AoE on winmo?
kevwo said:
lol. serious. oh well.
you can hack it like that? wow! but is that more fun than actually OBTAINING the achievement yourself? those black planes are damn near impossible to shoot down its frustrating.
anyone actually play AoE on winmo?
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I entertained myself with AoE on an old PDA on a plane flight one time. Was nice to have. Android games have a long way to come, but compare teh age of the platform to WM and I feel hopeful.
All in all, I prefer android to the current WM (well I only got to 6.1 before I sold my tilt last year), but if there are apps you depend on, it can be a tough switch to make.

Rhodium is a non supported device for Pandora

Well tired of the tiny buttons in even the modded versions of Pandora I took a minute to email them to let them know that I like their app but that its not really user friendly on the current generation of Dpadless devices and to ask them to work to fix that. I mean all I want is some bigger buttons for the touch screen. Here is the response I got.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for writing and for the suggestion. Unfortunately we don't support Pandora on this device. Every device is a bit different, even if it seems to have the same operating system, or even the same model number. Buttons, display sizes, internal hardware and capabilities, as well as support software functions can be completely different. The carriers configure these devices specifically for their networks and often install different software on them too.
We only offer Pandora as a downloadable application to devices that we have fully tested to ensure the application will work correctly and won't cause any problems with functions of the device. We are working on a lot of different devices. We are giving priority to the most popular "PDA" type devices that are currently available on the largest US carriers.
If you install a version of the Pandora application on an unsupported device it might work fine. But probably not. It could even cause the device to malfunction in some way.
Hope this is helpful. Thanks for listening!
Listener Support, Pandora
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What the heck? A phone, that is available worldwide, on every major carrier in the US and available in both CDMA and GSM versions and we get the brush off! Not to mention the ridiculous technical response. I'm so livid. I applaud them for their honesty but come on now, we aren't talking about bubba gumps phone co and devices here. If they want testers maybe they should ask. They would get plenty of volunteers here! Matter of fact thats exactly what I will suggest.
Windows Mobile has no buzz like the iPhone, the Droid (or all Android devices), or the BlackBerry line, or the Palm Pre/Pixi. It's no surprise that they aren't even developing a WinMo app anymore.
rahlquist said:
Well tired of the tiny buttons in even the modded versions of Pandora I took a minute to email them to let them know that I like their app but that its not really user friendly on the current generation of Dpadless devices and to ask them to work to fix that. I mean all I want is some bigger buttons for the touch screen. Here is the response I got.
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this is the one i use. change the tcp side to 98304 in tweaks/network, copy and paste the pandora.exe in vga-pandora.zip to where ever you installed pandora. in case you dont have a pandora cab file. use the one attached, pandora.cab
i used another pandora before i found this and my god the old one had such small [email protected][email protected]%### words!! this one is legible now!!
gshadow325 said:
this is the one i use. change the tcp side to 98304 in tweaks/network, copy and paste the pandora.exe in vga-pandora.zip to where ever you installed pandora. in case you dont have a pandora cab file. use the one attached, pandora.cab
i used another pandora before i found this and my god the old one had such small [email protected][email protected]%### words!! this one is legible now!!
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Thanks for this I have been looking for way to use pandora on my TP2.

Is JDB PocketShield no longer supporting Windows Mobile?

I love this program. It can be configured in so many ways and the options are so easy and clear to understand.
I have Protection Edition Version thats newer then the they are selling on there websight at http://www.pocketshield.net/activate.aspx for a sale price of $5.
I think they stopped supporting it. Its a real bummer for me that I can not activate because I had to hard reset again and pocket shield is not liking my original activation code and email. They have not responded to my many emails I sent using the program itself and the contact page on there websight and my yahoo account too. I see they are selling it for only $5 now. I cant find a crack or keygen so I will soon be forced to buy it again. Kind of makes me mad.
I have tried many many other screen lock programs but none come close to pocket shield. They just dont cover all possible situations like PS does.
Does any one have any info on there current standing with us windows mobile users? Have they totally dropped the ball? It would be nice if they would put out a keygen or free version because it seems like they are abandoning us.
They have not abandond us!
It was months ago that I had the problem of them not responding. Today I tried one last time sending them an email about an activation problem. Purposely leaving out any further data. They responded fast asking what program. I re sent my original text with my email and registration code and they responded fast saying I should re try registration now. I did and it worked. I will never know what happened to cause a no response but now I am happy again they have not abandoned us. Thank you pocket shield.
Dude, I was wondering should I buy this software or not, cuz using the full trial verison, got me very high immpresions about PS . If any other simillar program got near PS that was without a doubt S2U2 latest version, but not close enough. The latest S2U2 version (I think its 2.43 if I'm correct) it is not that battery hungry like previous versions, it is much more stable than any other previous versions of S2U2 and it is not eating RAM like previous versions did.
About PocketShield, I did a lots of reading and researching is it good, is it battery friendly, etc. Then I got the trial version of and cuz in those 14 trial period days I didn't have that much time to watch the battery respond to this program. So I will ask you for a little feedback and help with this program:
1. Is it a battery friendly program?
2. Is it a RAM friendly program?
3. What is your personal experiance with using it?
4. Where did you get version When I d/l form their site, it said , but when I install it, it says
If you used S2U2 2.43 you can make a comparassion with that with answering my questions. I have Samsung Omnia i900 with custom light rom WM6.5.3
Thank you in advance
1. Is it a battery friendly program?
Yes in fact your battery will last longer with it.
2. Is it a RAM friendly program?
I dont know. I had not noticed any problems here.
3. What is your personal experience with using it?
Most of the time its fine but every 5 months or so it Slows the phone down at times reinstalling it is the only thing I found to get it back to normal.
4. Where did you get version When I d/l form their site, it said , but when I install it, it says
I installed and checked after install and it says its
S2U2 does not have near as may options and is not as capable. Once you set up PS to do exactly what you want when you want you will be willing to pay any price for it. It truely does cover all situations and will not let you down.
travissand said:
I think they stopped supporting it. Its a real bummer for me that I can not activate because I had to hard reset again and pocket shield is not liking my original activation code and email. They have not responded to my many emails I sent using the program itself and the contact page on there websight and my yahoo account too. I see they are selling it for only $5 now. I cant find a crack or keygen so I will soon be forced to buy it again. Kind of makes me mad.
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Well, I came across this page as I found myself in the same situation as above. I recently had to re-install PocketShield v3.7.0.8 after flashing my HTC HD2 to the latest CrossbowHD2 Rom, and realised that I could no longer register my purchased software online. I believe that there's either a count on the number of times you are allowed to use the PIN code for activation, or how many times it is used within a time period before it gets deactivated permanently by JDB.
So like travissand, I sent email after email to JDB and got no response. It's very frustrating because this is the only software I've purchased and installed on my Windows Mobile phone that requires online activation. To add insult to injury, I didn't get it at the current discounted price either.
Driven to desperation, I started searching online for hacks or cracks for this program, none of them worked. Fortunately in the process, I learnt enough to finally figured out what the program activation code checks for. Since I have a backup of my previous phone including it's registry, I was able to modify the necessary registry keys to finally get my new reinstalled PocketShield v3.7.0.8 activated and out of trial/bug mode offline, without requiring server authentication.
I know it only costs $5 to get a new license (assuming they are still handing those out) but I don't really feel like paying another dime when I legitimately paid for and did not pirate the software, Several Windows Mobile developers are simply giving away their previously commercial software since WM5/6 is considered a legacy system. I also hate it that when (not if) JDB decides to take their authentication server offline, you not only can't re-install and activate their software anymore, neither can you switch skins. FYI, you MUST be online to download the skins catalog and to install a skin, even if it was one that you had previously downloaded and installed before. As I mentioned, this is the only Windows Mobile program that I own which has this ridiculous requirement.
[Edit] Don't bother asking me for the Windows Mobile registry keys that the program checks or my license key, PIN or email. This is not just because I don't wish to pirate the program, but also because I believe the activation is hardware specific and wouldn't work on another device... a nasty form of copy protection. Urgh!

