how do i change the rosie to white on my mt3g i am currentley usingzeroxd 5.0r2i know its old but works best for me and it says it work to download the resource file but i download but dont realy no what to do at that point. i bascly just want white hero on white mt3g....
Anyone know where I can find a black theme?
Basically like that but with black instead of blue. I had one when I had my 8125 but I've been out of the WM scene for a little bit, and I lost the link. Thanks alot!
as always i don't take credit for these items. I found it on xda somewhere
search for RC Mod on the can then change the top and bottom bars to your liking...
This is one of my favorite black themes because it's actually readable in all views... looks great on WM6 too. I have this one on my black VZW Apache:
And this one on my silver Sprint Titan:
Hi all,
Ive tried to edit the T-Mobile WM theme to have the Full block black start bar that the HTC Black Theme has, but im getting the colour change brom black to grey on the bars. See the image attached.
My question is; Is there a way to make both the start bar and bottom bars to be pure black like the HTC theme has?
i don't know how but the answer is yes, check out Dutty's ROM, that has pure black as opposed to changing to grey at the top, maybe ask him or change your WM theme editor!
ive actually solved this using the Theme Generator for CE programme, with the "see or change specific keys for theme" section.
Just now have to do the tap and hold dots as they are set to black but show white...
heres the bars so far
Ok, I'm using the default HTC theme (*.tsk - attached), the only problem is that the bars arent 3d. does anyone have a version that looks the same, but with black 3d bars?
so essentially, all that is needed is for the bars to be changed to 3d
without screenshots I have no idea what you're actually after.
also, you already started a thread about this. this new one is clutter.
the first (screen08) and second (screen09) pic is what it looks like (flat)
the third (black_3d) pic is what i want it to look like (3d)
the catch is that there are settings in the registry... (screen08)
It very easy. Search for an executable called Glossy Black Bars. After running it, you will have the 3d bars.
By the way, it is off topic if you don't mind, how can you get the percentage of the battery showing on the top bar next to the original battery icon? Just like the third screenshot. Thanks
Run a search for ThemeGenCE and you can make your own themes... No reg edits either.....
ive tried both. neither worked
theme gen doesnt open it because it is a newer version of a theme
btw, it is a wm6.1 theme
im pretty sure the battery thing is default when enabled via registry
got it...
removed the flattile bits in the registry
Its possible to do the same thing, but with white or silver colors? I have only che originale themes, with the bar in black, red, green or blue...
Hey guys, Tweak here. I have searched every where possible. Searched for the past 3 hourse, and over a span of 3 days. I have the Alltel diamond. It comes stock with a white TF3D theme, but the background has been changed ( I think).
Instead of the orig diamond background, its solid white. I can not find the background from the orig look. The one that is White, with Grey or Black Squares making up a 3d floor (just like the black one)
I used to have it, but lost it over time. Now the only one I can find is built into themes, and I do not know how to extract these. I do not want to change the whole theme, just to change the background.
The only one I can find thats not built into a theme is white and blue. So any help is appreciated.
Re : Changing Only the Wallpaper?
For changing wallpaper, click on Setting (the gear icon with a dot in the middle), then click on Wallpaper. From there on, it's self-explanatory. Good luck
I've also searched for this white background, does anybody have it ?
Thx !
here it is
here is the white one, I put the black bar at the bottom because if you don't have it the semi-transparent slider that tf3d comes with will be a weird gray on the home tab
Thank you !
As someone else also posted it on an other thread, I attach it here (without the black bar)
Anyone have the WVGA veriosn from the Touch HD....looking to put one for S2U2
isn't the white version of the skin just the inverted version of the black version?
thanks for posting these, anyway
hi everyone. i still cant find the right theme that makes all the text white ontop of the black background.
can anyone help??
and i think ive found it
What did you end up choosing for your theme and where did you find it?
Please also share your device details so that others can know if what you found is compatible with their devices.
i tried the htc diamond theme using a picture of a black background, it was fine for a day or 2 but now the same thing has happened were some of the text keeps turning black so it cant be seen
I need the same thing for easy readability (I am legally blind)
I usually collect blacked out cabs (calc, dialer,etc) but the holy grail to me would be a fully inverted theme (especially the pesky screens like call logs etc)
Can anyone help?
hey bugsy, if i find one i will let you know, and if you find one please let me know aswell