Bad reception (radio) findings (temp solution) - XPERIA X1 General

I've been playing with the bad reception on my X1.
I've found out that the reception is actualy pretty good when the power is connected to the phone.
Like when either the usb cable is connected, my car holder is connected or when the charger is connected.
Can someone with bad reception try to see if this works for them to?
Maybee it's just my phone and it needs servicing, but it could also be a design flaw because the charge voltage is bit higher then the battery voltage.
I'm sorry if this is posted elsewhere already, but i couldn't find it on the net.
Btw, my phone has radio something and i had 1.16 something, both times the reception improved with power applied.
I have rom version but also with the original release firmware it whas the same.
My phone is a 09w13 production.
So if people could verify this and post theire findings and information, maybe we can find a common cause in the bad reception problem.

never had any such problems
but if you live in a place with very poor reception I suppose it would make sense

Rudegar said:
never had any such problems
but if you live in a place with very poor reception I suppose it would make sense
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I have a x1 that is only 5 months old but is not connecting at all in the exact same spot my old ipaq 910 has 3g reception right now. I am running the 1.14.x radio and updated ROM. But even after factory resetting the phone and before the upgrades the x1 was not connecting. It did work more or less fine in the beginning, but now it is totally useless.
I'll keep looking for a solution. I hope I don't have to trash a phone that I was so amazed by.


Wireless Radio range

Hi all. Sorry to start another thread about wifi on the Universal, but there seems to be no resolution in any of the others;
... and these are just the recent ones. It seems there are a lot of us having problems with wireless range/reception. I think the basic questions we're asking are:
1. Is it a problem with the router/ap or the phone?
2. If it's the phone, can it be resolved with a software fix?
3. If it's the phone, is it another problem in the vein of SD cards (some work, some don't, depends on your phone)?
4. Do any of the more experienced members have these issues, and if so, what did they do to overcome/circumvent them?
I know i'm asking a lot here, but I think we would be grateful of even a sticky thread saying "There's nothing you can do about poor WiFi range" - at least then we'd know.
Many thanks in advance,
Gurney Man
Okay - might be onto something...
As stated in another thread, I just installed Radio 1.18 to see if that'd help. Uni said I had a Wireless connection to my network as I was rebooting it... i'm in the other room, so that's promising. However, I now get a nice SDDaemon error on boot...
More on this exciting story as it happens folks.
Next on the list - ActiveSync has decided it doesn't like the phone now. No contacts sync-ing... Ugh.
I think it becuase if speed
i checked the AP(router) when the ppc(universal)connects to it,and i realized that it connects only with 11mbps speed even when the signal is low but with laptop i can connect with other speed like 5 2 1 mbps i think if we could configure universal to connect with 1 mbps we can get the most range. does someone knows how to set the speed to 1 mbps?
Radio upgrade doesn't seem to have helped.
It's an idea at least. Could we not change the connection settings on the router itself? Probably a daft question, as I imagine we've tried the Universal at other APs and still got poor reception.
Continuing my voyage of discovery, after upgrading to Radio 1.18, my comm's manager doesn't work properly, and wireless still doesn't work very well. Should I try an earlier Radio version (1.15) before I put all of my contacts n' settings back on the device?
Gurney Man
My friend have a nokia N80 and I did some tests, some time ago.
The reception is better. for example universal couldn't connect to wireless AP and N80 it's able to surf on Internet. At the same distance.
What I remener is that the N80 was able to connect at slow perfermormance , connected at 1Mbps and Universal was 11Mbps or nothing...
As you now slow performance is better distance... But I can't tell this to my universal , it always try to get higher performance and not higher distance...
do you know any solution to get connected with 1 Mbps?
lol - still don't think we'll get any help. I assume now that there's no fix to this issue. The senior members here jump all over solveable problems - they haven't even corrected our grammar
okay, so this is probably I couldn't connect. All I had to do was change the settings on the router to only use wireless B, and I got reception. I felt ballsy after that, so played with the channel settings too, and guess what - changing the channel gave me even better reception. I would recommend any of you guys having the same problems to tinker with your router settings - if you don't have a 'puter wired to the router be careful, you might end up having to hard reset it, but otherwise go for it!
... now to reflash everything and get all the settings back... and get a better browser.
and then...
when I re-flashed, I assumed radio 1.18 was the cause of the issues I was having, aside from the wifi. Re-flashed to 1.15... no wireless. Going back to 1.18 again. Sheesh.
is 1.18 better than 1.15 in wifi?
I think so...
I seem to get an extra couple of metres with 1.18 - still not exactly the free roaming wireless I was hoping for, but better than just putting the device next to the router to get a weather update for Spb and nothing else.
Very Strange. Mine work well
Radio 1.18. WM6 2.02.02
2 walls (30 cm). No poblem. I've not encoured such problem. (thanks god). In open space, I've got even 50 meters reception (from hotels). So, I'm kind of an alien here no?
Cristian Nica
i thought 1.18 was weeker....
nlcluigi , did you always have that good reception, or did something fix it?

GSM Signal weak in Prophet after update. Pls help.....

I had purchased a second hand o2 xda neo. It had wm 5 on it . I updates it with wm 6.1 roms available here.I find that the gsm reception is very poor inside my home.I dont know whether this happened after the update. In my office it is quite good. Even when I am outside i have no problem. Only in my home the signal is very weak. can this be corrected by some registry tweaks or some software. or is it a hardware problem. and if so can i get it repaired. pls help...
what rom are you using and what radio was recommended for use with it. Sounds like a radio issue to me but plz tell me rom and radio. you can experiment using different radios found on the wiki to see whatworks best.
you can flash different radios without loosing data on the device.
I have tried with 2.19, 2.47, 2.69 roms. but no effect. I am trying today 2.07 let me see if that helps. Does IPL/SPL effect the singnal strength?
mmm it might be just one of those things, in that there is interferance within your house (my house is made from granite so reception is very poor), if recpetion is good elsewhere it is unlikely to be radio.
Is there 3G network there? The quality of service on 3G can be unpredictable at best of times.
Signal is not effected by IPL/SPL to my knowledge.
The results of 2.07.20 radio rom. It shows good signal but i feel that it does not update it when the signal is poor. In my office signal is good. So it showed full strength. I went home. There too it showed full strength. when i did soft rest to clear my doubt the signal was poor as in previous roms. Do you think that the antenna has some problem. Can it be replaced. i find an opening above the mirror( near the camers lens) for car antenna. Can this help? if so how?. 3G network is not available in my country(INDIA)
i think u might have to accept that the signal is just crap in your house... a bummer i know, but if youve tried various radios and signal is good elsewhere, it cant be the internal ariel.
have u tried flashing another rom, more recent build?
Not sure it will help but you never know... at the end of the day, signal is never constant in any one place.
But friend. The signal is good in other phones. If the signal is crap then it should affect other phones too.
I should have also said that the signal is never constant betwenn too phones in the same place. It depends on antenna hardware and the location of it, like signal is reduced whislt making a call if you place your hand and fingers in the wrong place.
I think it unlikely that is a hardware issue if your signal is fine in other areas. Sorry my friend i dont know what else to suggest having tried radios and roms.
The prophet is getting a little long in the tooth now, so be time for an update?

Tx signal weakness

I am experiencing a very strange problem, and I really hope to solve it otherwise I will have to use my blackstone just as a PDA...
Something like one week ago I have experienced huge problems to catch network, I was at my home where there are always problems as it is located on the border between Luxembourg and Germany, several networks are available and no one is really ok.. however in the past expecially after radio 1.13 all was more or less solved but after "that" moment it was extremely difficult to connect, even with the "manual"option while in the past it was always ok and even if connected with signal at a good strenght it was impossible to make any call or connect to data network.
At that moment, I had Topix 2.6 with radio 1.13 - I have tried to reinstall the image, I have changed to Topix 2.7, then to Dutty 3.5, radio 1.14, back to 1.13... hard reset several times... no way to solve and symptoms are exactly the same.
At least I have identified the problem in transmission: reception is ok, phone can "see" networks but as I try to connect he cannot negotiate, when signal is stonger all works fine, and when it start to become weaker (for instance entering into a garage) I can still hear perfectly but people cannot hear me... assaid also even if I see a decent signal I cannot make any call, I can receive but when I try to answer I cannot say anything (I hear people but they cannot hear me at all)
So my question is:is there any "bios-like" settings that may influence the transmission power or I have to pre-pension my beloved blackstone... ?
All the rest works just perfectly...
Thanks for your he
Eventually does someone know if the tx and rx antennas are the same? Just to see if eventually it can be an internal damage to teh tx antenna...
Thanks for any help!
I hope you will forgive me for an up...
I had to put Blackstone in a drawer, it is impossible to use it unless the coverage is perfect...
seems you have a motherboard problem, what is your SN? 845 have gsm chipset
stefanolux said:
I hope you will forgive me for an up...
I had to put Blackstone in a drawer, it is impossible to use it unless the coverage is perfect...
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I think this is absolutely normal if you are in low reception area. The phone (2W EIRP max) can not compare with the TX power of a base station (~1000W EIRP), so if there is a problem with the reception you shoud still be able to 'hear' the base station but the base station may have trouble 'hearing' you. It is not neccessary to have sepparate antennas for TX and RX, so it is safe to assume that the blackstone's antenna is the same, so the problem is not with your antenna. Still, you may try to see the RX level on your phone using the fieldtest application (search in XDA). Be sure to launch it during a call because the BTS is likely be configured to use the 1800 frequencies for calls (if available) and 900 mainly for signalling.
As for a tweak or application for boosting the TX power of the phone, I seriously doubt that there is one, because this is defined in the GSM standard and is controlled by the BTS, so the phone has little to say about it.
You can try to search for an application that forces the phone to identify itself as a 900 GSM only (unfortunately in the band setting there is no such option) and see if the problem is with the 900 -> 1800 'handover' when you make a call.
Of course you may try speaking to your operator's support and ask them to make some tests - like shutting down the 1800 frequencies of your cell in the middle of the night and trying to make a call, but it is highly unlikely that they will be willing to do that. Or even demand that they install some kind of repeater to cover your area.
Thanks guys, really appreciated!
Unfortunately however the problems looks really like the phone became "weaker" as, in the same area" after this "something" was really ok, better than the Diamond especially with the last radio releases. Network is there, and if it is not, is because the phone cannot "negociate" correctly its login onto (I am in the border between Germany and Luxembourg and there are quite few network but especially T-mobile was always ok if connected manually).
When i manage to connect it stays ok, I can hear everybody but they hear me "broken:
as soon as I am at home i will check the serial- I really think I will have to take to the doctor, hoping that is recoverable (it should be in warranty be checked)
Just make sure you flash the original ROM with which the device came, because there have been numerous cases when HTC blames everything on the custom ROM and refuses to repair the phone.

having a problem with reception

My reception is poor on the phone. If I stick a piece of wire into the antenna port, it improves. I have flashed to the Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM which I believe has an upgraded radio version and am still having problems. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Welcome to forums
Enter to the Universal Wiki and go to the fttp site, then you can download several radios.
The best way is to test the more you can till you get the one with best reception.
What version do you have?
Most recommended are 1.15, 1.17 and 1.18
Good luck,
Most ROMs don't have the radio included, you need to flash it separately. So, no, don't think your ROM came with upgraded radio included. Speaking opf upgraded radio - sometimes upgraded, as in higher in number/date of issue is not necessarily the best for your particular location/ROM combination, so my advice would be to test a few different versions and see which one performs the best in your location.
Thank you kindly for the assistance. It was this issue that led me to put my Universal away and get an Advantage, but once I found this website I decided to see if I could get some help in fixing the Uni. I was missing it
whelp I put the Radio 1.18 on and it did no good at all. I attempted to put the Radio 1.15 on, but the flash utility is showing a picture of a device that is not a uni and it is not working when I try it. I have downloaded the file from a couple of different places on here and it is labeled as Universal_radio-1.15.00
any assistance will be greatly appreciated up to and including my willingness to bear your child. As I am a male, this would be no easy feat so it should show the depth of my gratitude
I have 4 years with my Uni and tested a lot of ROMĀ“s and radios and still have the bad reception problem.
Is something I can live with..., but in some areas reception is so bad.
Some are better than other. I discovered on my personal case that radio 1.08 and 1.18 are the ones that give me better signal and are not a battery eaters.
This must be also something to do with cell provider, on my case, Telcel sucks in terms of reception, and prices and, and....
problem is that it does not work at all in my office. maybe i can rig up an antenna that is on the inside of the phone
DerUbermench said:
whelp I put the Radio 1.18 on and it did no good at all. I attempted to put the Radio 1.15 on, but the flash utility is showing a picture of a device that is not a uni and it is not working when I try it. I have downloaded the file from a couple of different places on here and it is labeled as Universal_radio-1.15.00
any assistance will be greatly appreciated up to and including my willingness to bear your child. As I am a male, this would be no easy feat so it should show the depth of my gratitude
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Yes, some ROM upgrade utility apps will show Magician. If you downloaded a file labelled as Universal_radio - go ahead, it's all good and it is for your device, don't worry about the picture, however, follow the reset instructions for Uni, not the ones shown. Should work, don't see any reason not to. What is the message you are getting?
Rigging up an antenna should be the last resort. As far as reception is concerned, I can have only 1 bar showing or none at all, but that means I still have the reception, it's when I don't see 3G or the data connection attempts to connect and fails, I know there is a problem.
Interesting thing: we have a large mall and part of it has no reception whatsoever for my Uni, yet has some on other cellphones I use, but barely. So when I enter that area my GPRS and 3G connection disappears completely and restarts when I leave, I know exactly the location of the 'communications black hole'.
Can it be that your office blocks the GPRS? Can it be that your internal antenna is malfunctioning? What are the exact symptoms?
As for bearing children for me, I think it's the job better left to the professionals (women)
Forgot to mention, I don't have reception in my very own garage of all places! Drives me nuts!
that probably for the best since I wasnt sure where to begin. I went home and googled it and surprise surprise it's supposed to be darned near impossible (edit: me giving birth, that is)
my whole building is a blackout zone for my phone. other phones are weaker, but my uni is the only one I have seen that has no reception whatsoever. I got the radio 1.15 working and still no go.
I got the uni because I really need a phone that I can realistically work with Word and Excel on to save me the hassle of carrying around a laptop. I don't think anything will work besides a 'custom' internal antenna or maybe I just stick with the Advantage until the new rumored HTC clamshell comes out (assuming I can afford it)
DerUbermench said:
until the new rumored HTC clamshell comes out (assuming I can afford it)
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What you mean with this?
Please share your info about this!!!
orb3000 said:
What you mean with this?
Please share your info about this!!!
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don't get your hopes up. It's all a part of the rumors swirling around about the Leo and the Thoth since it looks like the Thoth will no longer be of the Advantage line
Thanks for that
Hopefully they really launch something similar to Uni!!
Alright, as a very last suggestion - try factory ROM, it comes bundled with Radio and Ext Rom, see what happens.
it's all a no go
looks like I am going to have to go to work on it.
Now all I need is a plasma torch, 50 feet of nylon rope, a hydraulic press, 17 ferrets, and a bible

defective WIFI HD2

i have a problem whit the wifi on my HTC HD2.
i can find some wifi hotspots if its close to the phone but cant connect.
anyone know where to buy a new wifi antenna? or other fix? i live in norway
thomashaa said:
i have a problem whit the wifi on my HTC HD2.
i can find some wifi hotspots if its close to the phone but cant connect.
anyone know where to buy a new wifi antenna? or other fix? i live in norway
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I too live in norway
Have found that sometimes it helps to remove the battery from the phone for 30 seconds or so. After booting, wifi is back to normal.
If that doesnt work, a restart of the router (at least 10 sec without power) also have helped sometimes.
Good luck!
i have tried to remove the battery restarted the router. flashed new radio etc. i run android on it now
thomashaa said:
i have tried to remove the battery restarted the router. flashed new radio etc. i run android on it now
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Did you try for 30 sec on the battery? and at least 10 sec on the router?
Makes a difference you know
yeah i did pull it out for like 1 min. both the battery and the router. have also tried to find wifi hotspots at friends and at work still not working.
anyone know of a place to buy cheap wifi board to the HTC hd2 ?
have looked at ebay and mytrendyphone but no luck
thomashaa said:
yeah i did pull it out for like 1 min. both the battery and the router. have also tried to find wifi hotspots at friends and at work still not working.
anyone know of a place to buy cheap wifi board to the HTC hd2 ?
have looked at ebay and mytrendyphone but no luck
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what RADIO do you use?
HyperDroid-CM7-v5.3.0[a2sd][CyanogenMod7 LEO 2.3.7][seader_R7] ROM whit RADIO
so iam guessing hardware error. i have tryed the red button reset and hardreset whit the volum keys and powerbutton. still not working
i have tryed flashing rom and radio again
This could very well be ROM/Kernel related you would most definitly get a much more specific answer if you were to post in the ROM thread. there is probably more than just you going through this same issue.
in the same vein as the post above, i recommend testing wifi with STOCK WM6.5 to eliminate the (community-made) ROMs (like android, WP7, etc) as possible contributors to the issue.
if you get the same problematic results with the STOCK WM6.5 ROM, then it very likely is a hardware issue. if things are fine with STOCK WM6.5, then do consider a different android build and/or post your findings in the relevant ROM thread so that the chef and users can look into your issue.
if it is a hardware issue, i have read several threads here which seem to indicate that an antenna cable might be loose. a strong indication that this cable is loose is that bluetooth also suffers from a significant drop in range (because wifi and bluetooth share the same antenna). these threads seem to indicate that fixing the cable is somewhat easily possible if you are comfortable with opening the device and fixing it yourself.
ASCIIker said:
in the same vein as the post above, i recommend testing wifi with STOCK WM6.5 to eliminate the (community-made) ROMs (like android, WP7, etc) as possible contributors to the issue.
if you get the same problematic results with the STOCK WM6.5 ROM, then it very likely is a hardware issue. if things are fine with STOCK WM6.5, then do consider a different android build and/or post your findings in the relevant ROM thread so that the chef and users can look into your issue.
if it is a hardware issue, i have read several threads here which seem to indicate that an antenna cable might be loose. a strong indication that this cable is loose is that bluetooth also suffers from a significant drop in range (because wifi and bluetooth share the same antenna). these threads seem to indicate that fixing the cable is somewhat easily possible if you are comfortable with opening the device and fixing it yourself.
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Its really been a while since i used WM6.5 but i think here i will go with your comments.
BTW How are you?
SpottierPython said:
Its really been a while since i used WM6.5 but i think here i will go with your comments.
BTW How are you?
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i'm fit! yaar its been a while, hows life? i'll call you this week, need to discuss which phone to get next year when i plan to retire the HD2 to "backup" status
ASCIIker said:
if it is a hardware issue, i have read several threads here which seem to indicate that an antenna cable might be loose. a strong indication that this cable is loose is that bluetooth also suffers from a significant drop in range (because wifi and bluetooth share the same antenna). these threads seem to indicate that fixing the cable is somewhat easily possible if you are comfortable with opening the device and fixing it yourself.
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A very good advice IMO.
Also it may be a losen contact between wifi/bluetooth module and correspondent antenna: both cases imply to open your hd2..., after this point could be an easy fix!
Good luck!
ASCIIker said:
i'm fit! yaar its been a while, hows life? i'll call you this week, need to discuss which phone to get next year when i plan to retire the HD2 to "backup" status
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I am fit and super... u tell... I am planning to have XE... what is your opinion
Have a look at this
One set of contacts is for wifi. Worked for my radio signal.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium

