[Q] Decompiling exe (reverse engineer) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

So i'm not familiar with creating programs at all.
I can create cabs using WinCE Cab manager that can add/edit/move/rename files and registry entries.
I found a cab and i want to know exactly what it does before i install it. I asked the author and he keeps dodging my request. I opened up the cab with WinCE Cab Manager and it installed a file (exe) and created a shortcut.
I've extracted that exe from the cab and now i want to know whats the next step i take.
I've googled and come up with 2 microsoft sites about programming for windows mobile. One utilizes .net the other visual studio.
I'm probably gonna need visual studio right? I'm having trouble downloading a trial right now from microsofts site but is my assumption correct that i'll need to use visual studio?
Any pointers would be great.

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Genius 0.19

Dear All,
I have developed my first PocketPC game (see attached). It is similar to Master Mind but using numbers. This is the way we play it in Iraq
I would like some help in making an installation that automatically create a shortcut in Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games. I am planning to publish the game as a freeware.
I am using VB .NET 2005 (.NET FX 2.0) so if I can include the re-distribution libraries that would make it easier for users, else I may need to point them at a link.
I used 2 different installtion builders but both only copy the CAB file to the Program Files but not make a shortcut for it. I have an *.inf file and haven't used the command line setup builder yet unless I have to.
Any easier way please?

Is There a Way to....

Hello All,
Is there a way to strip an installed application from a PPC into an installable .CAB file, if one has lost the installation files/DVD, but still have the application installed on the hand-held.
Thanks in Advance.
Not really.
You can always copy the files out (if you can find them all - some may be in windows folder or places other then the main app folder) but you still would need to know every registry key the app requires.
If you use sktools it tells you all the files installed and registry entries. You could then extract all the files as levenum said and make a cab including the registry entries.
Hi lev
ahh..hhaa !
meschle said:
If you use sktools it tells you all the files installed and registry entries. You could then extract all the files as levenum said and make a cab including the registry entries.
Hi lev
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My experience with SKTools makes me cringe...my ATRE would not stop rebooting until I remove the SD card(where SK Tool was installed and remove it completely.
What software do I need to make a .cab file ?
I will still make all efforts to attempt this anyways....
Ive had no problem with sktools - i always install to main memory. If you manually make your cab then use cabiwiz - or use a commercial app like wince cab manager. Which program are you trying to put together?
cabiwiz enclosed inc example app and tutorials
Funny thing - I was replying to another thread with similar question stating that there would be a problem finding out all the REG keys.
Then jackleung posted about a tool called "ssnap" that supposedly can take an image of the system.
Comparing an image from before and after installation should show all the changes a cab makes.
Since I am not personally familiar with the tool I can't say any more about it.
As for cab creation - while I use cabwiz my self, it is a command line tool and you need to know ho w to write inf files for it.
For a beginner an app like WinCE cab manager will be more comfortable.
It is a shareware, so it will stop working after a while unless you pay but it is very good.
Hi Mark

making .cab files

For some reason, the .cab I made to fix the QuickGPS issue will *NOT* install. It was made with WinCE Cab Manager like I have made every other .cab file which has always worked.
Trying to install on the Kaiser.
Can someone figure out what went wrong? I'm frustrated.
In my oppinion there is a _setup.xml missing in your cab file. So the installer doesn't know what to do with your file. You should try to make such a file and intigrate it into your cab. The easiest way is to use and modify an existing _setup.xml from an other archiev.
For i do not know which filetype the file you try to install (that is defined in the _setup.xml, too) has i can not be shure. But if it is an dll you have modifyed u'll have to unregister it before modyfying and reregister it before you put it into the installer.
search for "unsigner" and "msigner", for signing dll's
One last hint. I use ZipStar for creating cab files. That is much easier for it has the look and feel of winzip.
this is strictly a reg patch .cab. I've used WinCE Cab Manager for a while now with no issues. I also checked some of my previous cabs and none of those had .xml files in them either so this looks consistant.
I've NEVER installed any of my cabs on the Kaiser so I'm wondering if the issue is the OS. I'll try to install this cab on my K-Jam just to see if it works there. If it does, the issue is a compatability issue.
If I manually create the xml file and create a cab using ZipStar, is that all there is to it or is it going to be missing something? I've never used ZipStar and not familiar with how it handles PPC .cab files. I checked out their website and I don't read German.
Thanks again for your help. I'll give your recommendations a shot.

How to install software on touch HD?

Sorry for being a total Noob and Numpty
I've had my HD 2 days now and have been looking to tweak it with programs like Schaps Advanced configurator and Gyrator 2 but I've been unable to install them
I've installed .NET 3.5 compact framework satisfactorily from my pc to phone but all I see in the folder for the software is an .xml file called setup that Opera opens with no effect.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong place or if it is a repeat post but I've tried searching the forum and can't find the info.
Perhaps someone can suggest a solution? Thanks
For .cab file, you should copy the file into your mobile device, and launch the installation from your device.
For .exe file, you should launch the installation from your desktop/laptop and complete the installation from your mobile device.
I think if you wanna tweak your device, which involves the registry, you will need a registry editor which you can google for easily.
Now realised problem.
WinRAR was recognising the .cab file as an archive file. I was extracting it because of this
Things working smoothly now once you pointed out the .CAB extension I saw it straight away.
Thank you

[HELP] How to register a dll?

I try to create a program which consists of
.asx files (to show online tv channels),
.lnk files (shorcuts to the .asx files) and
a .dll file which contains only some .ico files (icons of the tv channels).
I added all these files to a cab using WinCE Cab Manager and tried to install it on my ppc. So far so good. The problem occurred when the message “The program can not be installed. Choose another location” appeared during installation, just after the process bar was filled.
Although I have no idea about computer programming, I have created many cab’s with WinCE Cab Manager for skins I have created for several programs. Anyway, I realized that the problem occurred due to the .dll file, since this is the first time I add such a file in a .cab.
I created my .dll file using a .dll from another program which had only icons in it, as well. I deleted them using Restorator 2007 and I had an “empty” .dll sized 4KB. Then I added my icon files using XN Resource Editor.
I searched the Internet to see what might be the problem with the .dll and I found out that I have to “register” my .dll file. I really have no idea what this means but it needs to be done. I also found an option in WinCE Cab Manager for “self-registering” file, but it didn’t work either.
So, the question to you dev guys is how can I register my .dll file, or should I create it from the beginning with another way?
Please help! Thanks in advance!
sorry to repost but it seems that posts keep coming in this forum and this thread is already in the second page and I'm afraid that noone will see it and reply to it. By the way, is there any special sub-forum for such questions?
This may help. I use his instructions to edit existing DLL's
It will unsign the dll which will probably fail on your custom dll but it should sign it when you are done editing.
Many thanks for your suggestion but unfortunately it didn't work for me.
As you said, this is mainly for resigning already signed .dll files.
Any other help will be appreciated. I can attach it here if anypne is willing to help. Or just tell me the way. Thanks!
I deploy a few dll's with my app, without any problem. If the installer complains about the location, what did you specify where it should go?
There are 2 approaches to solve this problem:
1.) If you have a private key to match a certificate in the device's certificate store, sign the .dll and .cab with this private key and it will be installed with elevated privledges, and be successful. To facilitate this you can install the "SDK Certificates" - and sign with the matching private key (you should be able to find these on a search, term "SDKCerts" or similar)
2.) Look for an "Application Unlocker" or other security reduction tool, run it, and you should be able to install the cab. On this note, if you check here, it will give you a more technical overview of the security policies. You want to change 4101 / 0x1005 to "SECROLE_MANAGER" (8) - which tells the system to install it with elevated privledges. Also make sure 4102 / 0x1006 is set to 1 to allow unsigned applications.
I don't believe that is the location I specified that causes the problem because when I deleted the .dll file from the .cab, it was installed properly. How do you create your dll files? With programming or you just edit existing files? If I send you my .ico files, will you be able to create the .dll file for me?
Thanks but both approaches seem very complicated for me!
So, will I need Visual Basic in order to do this or is there any easier way? Can anyone sign the dll for me?
angelos_cy said:
How do you create your dll files? With programming or you just edit existing files? If I send you my .ico files, will you be able to create the .dll file for me?
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Yes with programming, C++ or .net. Never had any issue with signing. I can try to make a dll if you send me the icons (or post them here if they aren't too secret ).
6Fg8 said:
I can try to make a dll if you send me the icons (or post them here if they aren't too secret ).
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I have sent them to you by pm. They are not secret at all but I will create a "program" (wannabe ) with that dll and I want that program to be a surprise for users of the forum where I'll post it. I may post it on xda too, but it's nothing important.
Many thanks!
angelos_cy said:
The problem occurred when the message “The program can not be installed. Choose another location” appeared during installation, just after the process bar was filled.
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This happens because you've changed resources in signed file, which changed file checksum and invalidated it's signature, and Windows installer refuses to install file with invalid signature. But it won't refuse to install this file WITHOUT signature at all - so use unsigner (search for it on XDA) to remove signature completely; if you encounter error, try to remove signature from original (unmodified) file, and then change resources in it...
Thanks to both of you!
6Fg8 has created and signed the dll for me and it finally worked, but I also tried the_ozyrys' method and it also worked.
So thanks to baniaczek too, since he created the unsigner.exe.
Everything worked fine with the dll. Now the cab is installed properly.
However, I have another problem. Just after the installation of the cab on my ppc, it seems that the device freezes for about a minute. This is propably because my cab contains a lot of shortcuts (.lnk files) that go under Programs folder.
So, I would like to ask for another favour, if it's possible. As I said I intend to give this cab to others too. Since this delay can make them believe that my program has freezed their device, I would like to make the cab restart the device just after installation and after uninstallation as well. I think this is made with the "Setup.dll" which I don't know how to create.
If anyone knows how to do this and has the time for it, could you please create this setup.dll for me. If the cab is needed to do this, just tell me to send it to you.
Thanks in advance!
Anyone? Plzzzzzzz!
If you want to sign .dll or .exe u can use the apps posted in the two posts below
Thanks for your answer but 6Fg8 and the_ozyrys already helped me on that.
My question now is how to create a setup.dll in order to make my .cab to prompt the user to restart the device after installation and uninstallation. If anyone can do it for me, I can send you the .cab which I alreday created and you can add the setup.dll with those functions.
