[APP] Vehicle Switch -- Rotate Screen, turn on BT quickly & easily - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I use my HTC Touch for GPS in the car, as well as being my media player, and also (obviously) as a phone.
This usage finds me frequently rotating the screen to the right, and turning on BT when I get in the car. Then when I get out, I have to undo those changes. It's a number of clicks to do this each time, and becoming something of a hassle.
I'm thinking of writing an application to automate the process. I wanted to get some feedback before I start.
1. Is anyone else interested in a project like this? (Note that this is just the beginning, additional functionality could be added, feel free to brainstorm!)
2. Is anyone who is interested in this project willing to beta-test this software?
Thanks for your input!

I have a TILT with the 85 degree hardware mod
use it in the car all the time. trouble is that I drive different cars, and do not have a mount. so I usuall have to have it sideways all the time, because of the charger, and rarely able to flip the keboard.
I have an HV switch in Quick menu, but it usually turns the screen the wrong way. also manila keeps making the screen go back to portrait.
I would like to have a quick hardware button to switch, but again, manila gets in the way. do you think you can eliminte that problem?
in other words, yes I am interested if that issue can be solved.

hi, i´m interested too man, but i have a touc cruise, so also i can be a betatester,
and i´m a programmer too. so.---

Totally want this!

You might want to check out G-Profile first, it will do this and more. Profiles can be set based on time, cell id, running programs, or even equipment, such as being connected to power and headset at the same time. You could have G-Profile launch the app you want, set the volume, ringers, screen orientation and brightness, and turn on/off BT and WiFi when connected, then automatically switch it all back when you disconnect. Best part of all though, when profiles are activated, instead of linking to a single app to be executed, you can have it run a mortscript, upon which the possilities are pretty much limitless. You could get in your car, plug in your phone and have the script ask you if you want to listen to music, or navigate, or both. I use this setup with a script that asks me if I want C-apiSRO or Coreplayer when I get in my car when I connect my BT headset.

Oh I kinda forgot the important part, here is the link.
Its from the same dev that made G-alarm, which should give you an idea of how nice this app is. Oh and best part is that its free.

I'd love to see a simple application that will do this. I would personally like to see an icon that will rotate the screen 180 and 270 with a simple tap. Bluetooth part would be nice as well (personally wouldn't use it much because i have my bluetooth connected to my headphones or car bt).

+1 on G-Profile. It'll allow you to create profiles that control radios, orientation, and launch programs. Of course, you could also just make use Gyration or some other similar rotation program to allow you screen to rotate via the G-sensor.

Hi Guys - I've got a Mortscript script somewhere that does this, although in my case, it was to flip the display on my Athena 180 degree's, as it was suspended upside down on the car holder I've got. I ran it from the HTC Manila 2d programmes tab.
I'll try and dig it out, but really, it wasn't complexlicated - worth a look certainly.

(Hey Diablo, I played with Ageye's implementation, and found it to be similar to what I'm working on, with more options. This is a fun project though, so I'm going to stick with it if there's interest.)
This is simply a proof of concept to prove it works functionally.
Please note that there is no installer (.cab) package right now, nor any icon, and no application settings. When you launch the application, it will determine your screen's current orientation and flip it, and it will also determine your BT's current setting and flip it. That's all this will do in it's current state.
What I need from you:
What model phone do you have?
Did the functionality work as I described? Any problems?
How would you change/improve this application?
I am considering adding a first-run type setup to determine how you want to run the flip--IE just turn on BT (as a shortcut), etc. Ideas?
Note: As it stands right now, V15 of NFSFAN's ROM using M2D will not "flip" orientation. Titanium is fine, but M2D doesn't like the "flip" and the screen will revert to standard orientation, even though the application runs as normal and will enable/disable BT.
Simply unzip this package and place it on your phone's memory--local, SD card, it doesn't matter. Make sure you include the .exe and the .dll. Then you can run the application by clicking it. Note that you can click and hold on the app. to send a shortcut to "Programs", to make it convenient to launch.

Idk if you have found a solution for this yet but all this could be done quite easilly with mortsript. Then all you would have to do is run this when u get in and then run when u get out and it would do everything for you.


One-handed operation

Hi all.
I own a Qtek S100 for around 2 weeks, and have come to love the device for it's all around functionality and small form factor.
As a PDA w/stylus, I have absolutely no complaints. It's a great tool with hundreds of different pieces of software and games to play with.
As many of you, I want to use the Magician as my main phone as well. This is where the problems start. Windows Mobile does not seem be geared towards non-stylus use, yet when you are out and about, it would be nice if you could accomplish basic tasks without the stylus. The main reason being is that when you are out you want to protect the screen so you put the device in a case, so the screen isn't accessible.
Anyway, you guys know all this. Now here's the question. Is there software out there that's designed to make Pocket PC phone edition a better one-handed device? I am thinking of something like the following:
You click one of the hardware buttons, which opens this 'one-handed' program. This brings up a tree/menu of different functions. Anything you would need to do while you're on the road. For example:
Turn the phone to silent.
Turn bluetooth on/off.
Control the music you're playing (on/off/forward/back etc..)
Turn the device off.
Anything you can think of.
I realize you can do some of these things by mapping certain buttons to certain programs or by scrolling on the today screen or by trying to use the start menu, but I'm finding that you can only get so far before you're stuck and you have to use the stylus.
So is there any software of this nature? If not I might sit down and write something myself. If I do it would be cool if everyone can pitch and name things they'd like to do with one hand that they can't seem to accomplish.
What you need as a starter is Burr Oak HotButton Plus. This allows you to assign ONE hardware button that then pops up a list of programs that you can run. The list is configurable of course. You can navigate through the list of programs using your D-pad.
I would suggest getting a list of "Settings" shortcuts (available on the forum). Place these shortcuts in a folder and call them from HotButton Plus.
I also find Microsoft Voice Command a very useful software, especially when I'm driving. You can open programs, play music, etc. using your voice.
Also, this hardware-button tweak might do something nice. Haven't tried myself.
I use AEBPlus in combination with Mortbuttons. AEBPlus is bound to a hwardware button, in my case Calendar. When I double press it, Mortbutton 1 pops-up a list of apps that I set in Mortbutton options. In this way, I can switch on/off bluetooth, phone, or launch apps. Mortbutton gives up to 12 apps per list and 5 lists are available. With AEBPlus I can bind 3 Mortbuttons per hard button, e.g. 36 apps per button!
Mortbuttons can be found on www.sto-helit.de
thanks guys. I will give all of these a try!
phoneplus for phone abilities
phonealarms for profiles
All those programs are not directly given what we expected - one handed operation.
Could you develop the program?
jamijam said:
Hi all.
I own a Qtek S100 for around 2 weeks, and have come to love the device for it's all around functionality and small form factor.
As a PDA w/stylus, I have absolutely no complaints. It's a great tool with hundreds of different pieces of software and games to play with.
As many of you, I want to use the Magician as my main phone as well. This is where the problems start. Windows Mobile does not seem be geared towards non-stylus use, yet when you are out and about, it would be nice if you could accomplish basic tasks without the stylus. The main reason being is that when you are out you want to protect the screen so you put the device in a case, so the screen isn't accessible.
Anyway, you guys know all this. Now here's the question. Is there software out there that's designed to make Pocket PC phone edition a better one-handed device? I am thinking of something like the following:
You click one of the hardware buttons, which opens this 'one-handed' program. This brings up a tree/menu of different functions. Anything you would need to do while you're on the road. For example:
Turn the phone to silent.
Turn bluetooth on/off.
Control the music you're playing (on/off/forward/back etc..)
Turn the device off.
Anything you can think of.
I realize you can do some of these things by mapping certain buttons to certain programs or by scrolling on the today screen or by trying to use the start menu, but I'm finding that you can only get so far before you're stuck and you have to use the stylus.
So is there any software of this nature? If not I might sit down and write something myself. If I do it would be cool if everyone can pitch and name things they'd like to do with one hand that they can't seem to accomplish.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I use the O2 xdaI machine. I will get tmobile MDA COMPACT (= I-mate JAM) next week.
Hotbutton application is ok but the best so far for one hand operation is definitely Microsoft Voice Command ver. 1.5. It works increadibly weel on XDAI and I expect it will run even better on the JAM (I will let you know next week).
Cheers !
Heard some things about Micrsofot Voice command but I was finding it hard to believe that using voice could work well in most cases (what if it's noisy? etc...). Maybe I'll give it a try.
Gonna give all these suggestions a try before I think about doing something myself. The goal would be to create a program that lets you go through the menus, etc of ALL programs. Just using the buttons.
I don't know if i need to start a new topic about this but I'm trying to find out an easy way to create a launcher under a hardware button, like a bunch of people seems to wanna have.
In 'windows\appsbuttons' you can assign any hardware button to an *.exe. I want to know if there is an easy way to create a *.exe which
opens a *.link.
Something like:
» goto programfiles
»open IE2BUTTON.lnk
Hereby IE2BUTTON.lnk refers to the map IE2BUTTON where you can put every shortcut you want
Tried AEBPlus but it conflicts with application button mapping such as in TCPMP. Sometimes TCPMP gets the button press sometimes AEBPlus Plus got it - couldn't live with that so had to uninstall AEBPlus.
I use a combination of software:
PPCProfiles-Pro on the Today screen for switching phone on/off, bluetooth on/off etc via switching between profiles I've set up.
VJOKButton assigned to the memo button for closing apps, clicking OK.
MortButton for starting apps etc.
Application button mapping in TCPMP for one handed mp3 / video use.
The one thing I really want to be able to do still is alter the screen brightness one handed.

Audible Clock available on WM5?

Hi. I posted an inquiry about a clock program that could be linked to a bluetooth headset, but there wasn't a response so I figured it wasn't available. A few weeks later, I was informed that Voice Command allows one to get the time by giving a vocal command. However, I didn't see that function listed on the Microsoft website. It got me wondering if there was a program that gives the time through the speakers (audible clock)? It would be nice to get the time quickly without having to pull my phone out of the holster to see the time (I don't like wearing my watch). This would only work if one could map it to one of the buttons and have it turn on even in standby mode.
MS Voice command (VC) can tell you the time. You need to 'ask' for the time. It is not 100% accurate (70%), and it is definately much faster to look at it rather to push the button to activate VC, 'ask' for the time, wait for it to recognise what you are saying, and listen carefuuuuly what it said (if you are lucky that it recognise what you are saying).
There is an app that tells you the time at a specific intervals (I don't think it does on-demand-time-telling), not a full blown stable release though. Do a serach in this forum.
I would like my phone to fetch my letters from the box when they arrives. Anyone with that software?
Thanks for the reply. Is the accuracy problem based on coming out of standby? I noticed that it takes a brief moment to adjust the time when coming out of standby. When I performed a search on this forum, I didn't see such a program, but I might have restricted the search to only the Wizard forum. Perhaps I need to expand that search. Certainly, a Google search did not yield what I wanted.
The accuracy I meant was, whether it will do what you told it to do. Example, if you asked for the time, 30% (depending on your surrounding noise level), it may not recognise the command, or probably dial a number for you
Hmm.. I must admit, it is much difficult to search for that application that I've mentioned. I'll try and let you know if I got it.
found this... not the one that I'm looking for.. it is not free.. and rather heavy
Thanks for looking. Yeah, you were right. It isn't quite what I'm looking for. It looks as if Voice Command is the only program that has the feature I'm looking for. Thanks again.
Long shot.. but this seems to do what you want
again, not free (not the one I remmebered)
Thanks for looking. I found an audible clock!!! And it's free.
It works for WM5 phones and it has to be installed in the storage card. I had it link up to the bluetooth through the Voice Speed Dial function on the Settings menu. I had to create a shortcut and paste the shortcut to the windows/programs folder.
The clock is audible. I haven't figured out how to make it go through the Bluetooth headset yet. I tried to toggle the headset with BTAudio, but when I use the headset to get the time, the headset will toggle back off. If there was a way to keep the headset on for about 3 seconds after the device receives the voice input, then I would be able to hear the time on the headset. This feature would be get for crowded areas when one can't hear the speaker.
Anyone know of a registry hack that might be able to keep on the headset for a few seconds while the time is being announced?
Okay. Got it working. For those who would like to use the BT headset to get the time, here is a way. Download and install the SpeakingClock program (link above) into the storage card. Download and install BTAudio (Toggle version). Download and install MortScript. Write a script to batch both programs to run in sequence.
#MortScript BT and SpeakingClock
Sleep (500)
Run ("\Program Files\BTAudio\BTAudioToggle.exe")
Sleep (1000)
Run ("\Storage Card\clock\SpeakingClock.exe")
Sleep (3000)
Run ("\Program Files\BTAudio\BTAudioToggle.exe")
Save as a .mscr file and place it in the MortScript folder. Create a shortcut of the script to the \Windows\Start Menu\Program Files folder. Use Voice Speed Dial on the Setting Menu to link a voice command to the script and you have a free speaking clock through your BT headset.
Of course, I guess it would be easier to wear a watch...but, I don't wear one.
- Cheap watch - $10
- Bluetooth head set - $40
- PDA Phone - $400
- Able to tell the time with your PDA through your bluetooth head set without looking at your watch (if you have one) - priceless

Any software requests out?

Hi, I'm a developer wanting to write an app/today plugin. Do you have any request?
Yea I've wanted this for long time and hope you make it for me. Program that like the watch beep or vibrate 30 min or hour and not turn the screen on?? so I can tell time without pulling the phone out.
Thanks for the opportunity, I was thinking about asked here.
Today plug in for Last call and Running Program as in O2 Plus. Both are nice features of O2 Plus but sadly hacked version has lot of issues to run on wizard and it's big prog to install only for those plugins. Thanks.
check this out http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=328317
I'd love an app that would allow you to get notifications of email that goes into folders other than inbox. Currently, there's no way to do that, and there are no rules you can set like in desktop Outlook to inform you when a message goes into one of those folders.
Hi Kartam, I use claunch, you can see it in my avatar there, I would love to be able to finger scroll the launch icons to the left or the right to quickly get to all my apps, configurable icon size of course. Outside of the today screen a finger friendly file browser is definitely waiting for development, something that has the look and feel of pocketCM but shows your files instead of your contacts, complete with favourites and filters for stuff like music videos or documents. It should also allow users to set a default action on selecting any given item.
funger friendly alarm clock?
how about an alarm clock with numbers like a telephone pad, so you can easily type in the wake up time (regular cell phones allow this). I tried all sorts of commercial products, they are not good (snowtime, spb time, etc...)
Or how about a modern version od "pPod"? :-D
Good luck with all your programs!!
finger friendly alarm clock?
how about an alarm clock with numbers like a telephone pad, so you can easily type in the wake up time (regular cell phones allow this). I tried all sorts of commercial products, they are not good (snowtime, spb time, etc...)
Or how about a modern version od "pPod"? :-D
Good luck with all your programs!!
Mine's rather Simple!!!!
...or at least I think it it should be.
All I want is an app (preferably that sits on the today screen) that can toggle the network selection between automatic, roam only, and home only.
Sometimes I need to roam to hold a proper signal, and in those places I like switching my phone to "roam only". Then, when going home, I switch it back to automatic network selection. Problem is that this is buried in many menus and takes several clicks to switch. Its a pain to do this 2x a day.
what do you think?
I actually think you may be able to do that with MortScript, I could've sworn I saw a script that did something similar on HoFo or another forum with one that did almost exactly what you described, but it might've been the WiFi radio in conjunction with a GPS puck...or something
I have multiple application using GPRS. My problem is that all those application are not using tha same APN (not sure of the name, I mean different GPRS connections). Each time I need to use one application or another I need to go to the parameters, change my setting click multiple times on OK.
It would be great (at least for me) to have an application on the today screen which permit to select the correct APN.
cybersush said:
Or how about a modern version od "pPod"? :-D
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What a great age we live in when a completely touch screen digital music player is not considered as modern!
Haha, you got a point there, touché :-D
What i meant was a more modern pPod skin (maybe more skins to choose from...?), a playlist manager of some sort (so you dont have to browse through all kins of folders until you find your mp3s), slightly bigger buttons, ....
I love the design and the simplicity of the pPod though, just a little tweaking would be cool. And yes, i did also try mortplayer and HTC audiomanager, both great programs, but both programs are too big for just playing music (in my opinion)
Actually a great program would just be a hack to have HTC Audio Manager use the ID3 Number tags to sort music instead of Alphabetical
Re the new ppod program - that'd be great - I've been refreshing the iphone media player thread like nothing on earth - cant wait to see what that turns out like... the HTC hack would be good tho.
ps you might want to check out Simple Tunes V1.61
You can make a little program for me??
Here you can find a little CAB http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=49265&d=1188921933
They copy to the Windows folder a little executable, copy into StartUp folder a shortcut to it, and add few registry-entries....
Well, this program don't have any interface, simple start when device start...
The target is "improove" the quality of A2DP transmission (audio over bluetooth)
BUT, when this service running, the battery quickll drain!!
You can make a simple app (like a GUI) to enable/disable it??
To enable = write few registry-entries and copy a shortcut to the StartUp folder, then softreset the device
To disable = remove the same registry-entries and remove the shortcut from the StartUp folder, then softreset the device
Can you create an application that will let my Hermes roam the floor vacuuming!?
a2dp stereo auto enable
can you write (or is there out there) an app which enables the a2dp pairing with a bt headset so the stereo is enabled by default when the headset re-establishes a connection.
currently (for me) if i turn loose the pairing, ie if I charge the headset, then turn the headset back on for a2dp. I have to run the bt settings in control panel and click 'set as wireless stereo' on the headset.
note the phone headset is enabled straight away when it is powered up.
left/right scrolling today screen plugin
this would be a sweet today plugin....
Location based profile changer

Typical newbie looking or some advice.

Long time lurker, first time poster. Love this place.
Well, I'm not a complete noob, but I do have a few questions/requests and such. I'm looking for a rom that would suit my needs best. I'm quite smitten with PointUI so I want to base my phone around it entirely.
My stats:
Bell HTC Touch (Unlocked)
Rom - RLM Custom "Diamond" type rom. (HTC Diamond's TouchFLO interface, but on a Touch. Swanky, but a pinch buggy/slow. Got a nasty memory leak somewhere down the line too.)
Radio - 3.42.5
Not sure what else to post for stats. Nothing specific to note IMO.
What I'm looking for:
Barebones Bell rom, nothing extra on the today screen since I'll be running TouchUI. I'd like to have the default Bell #777 dailer set up since I'm not sure how to do that manually. (Is there a OEM or .cab of that somewhere?) Plus any other "good" factory settings. (Proxy & Dailer mostly. WTF does that proxy thingamajig do anyways? Why is it that specific IP?) Also, that CM_Guardian program has gotta go too. In-ROM proprietary crap is FTL.
Anyhoo, I use my phone constantly, day-in and day-out. I have a Bluetooth Motorola HT820 that I use for music every day while at work so think of the phone and headset as an inseparable pair.
I'm looking for a music player alternative to Audio Manager that supports bluetooth headset control. I've found it to bog down my machine quite horribly some days. It also acts stupid when pausing/resuming through Bluetooth controls. It often plays a split second of the track I WAS listening to, then skips ahead to the next. I've tried GS player - nice but it doesn't support Bluetooth control.
I don't want HTC Home, 'Large Start Menu', TouchFlo (Specifically at least. If there's any other lightweight plugins that allow finger scrolling without massive bulk, please let me know!) or any of Bell's horrible bloatware. Just good things like Google Maps, Pocket Sand, Sprite Backup, PIM Backup, Resco Explorer / Total Commander, Opera, A really powerful Task manager, and any other useful utility. An alternative to HTC's Camera utility would be great too!
I'm familiar with kitchens and cooking roms. I've done one rom but it was quite literally devoid of all life whatsoever and frankly I didn't have a clue how to get things running. I know how to install OEM packages and have .cabs autoinstall after a hard reset, but I don't know how to tweak actual system settings in the rom package itself - if that makes any sense whatsoever.
Hopefully my rambling hasn't thrown too many people off this nitwit, but I love my phone and I think every person's phone should do exactly what they want it to!
(Ooh, a system-wide theme installer .cab would be awesome too!)
(Edit: Fixed TouchUI/PointUI typo, and CM_Guardian)
Browse around for the available ROMs. If you want to make it as custom as possible, try cooking your own, you'll eventually find it is much easier than it looks.
In fact, I just cooked my own ROM, and it's about as bare as it could get, the only thing added are some WM default apps and extra tools. With some extra reg tweaks included, and my graphics as well.
Now I have a ROM with 160MB+ available Storage Memory, and booting up with just over 70MB Program Memory. So my system itself is the way I want, and it's not bulked up with apps that will change in a week.
I've been browsing around, and it looks like I'll end up cooking me a personal ROM.
I just installed NexVision's Bell rom and it's pretty effing sweet, but the email and SMS applets give me some massive error and don't work. Everything else is just.... wow. A ton of work went into that rom.
what is this "TouchUI"?
D'oh! Stupid typo.
It's not TouchUI, It's PointUI. http://pointui.com/
Sorry 'bout that.
Well, I went ahead and got a nice rom cooked for myself. It's uber fast and has everything I need, however I'm running into an odd yet extremely annoying glitch: Every time I try to install/uninstall a cab file, or tweak certain settings, my phone application pops up.
Any ideas?
Saw this on another forum:
Phone app randomly opens
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\ShowTitleBarClock from 1 to 2
The full thread from which this came is here:
Hope this does it, MrG
Just plugged that in, hopefully it takes care of the issue. Many thanks!
I have sadly found yet another odd bug with my cooked rom. >_< The bluetooth headset that I use acts very strangely regarding the phone app itself. In the bluetooth device's settings I have disabled the Headset option while keeping the Wireless Stereo enabled. I use it as an MP3 player while at work.
ANYHOO, no matter what settings I tweak or adjust, the unit continuously re-routes all phone based functions to the headset (when it's connected) when that should be completely disabled. When I was using the stock rom (gasp) it worked quite perfectly.
Any suggestions would be most helpful. I love my headset, but I can't stand using it as a "phone".

New audio switch program for skype and others.

This program is an evolution of the first I made. It will route the audio to the earpiece when an certain program is running.
I put the program here because I have test it in wizard, if people test this in others phones and it works, please post here and maybe move this this thread to an more "generic" forum.
the program MUST be under "\($program files)\audioswitch" folder, you must unzip the contents to this folder.
the configuration file (command.txt) is under this format:
the first line is the delay(in miliseconds) in witch the program will "look" if a program in the list is in the top level window, faster phone, smaller delays, I recommend 1000 ms.
the next 20 lines are the programs you want the audio to be routed to the earpiece(max 20 lines for now).
Again the program is under the "do it on your own risk" and "I am not responsible for anything" licence. And,of course, it is free!! Do not sell it!
It is manly intended for little expert users, as it is still in "beta" fase, hehehe.
How it works:
the program runs in an eternal loop and look for the title of the current window that is displayed for the user in a time interval.
When the program mach the title window with one of the names user configured it it will switch the audio, when the program is not running anymore, the audio will swich back.
Do not launch two or more instances of the program at the same time, could really mess things up. -- se the forum (thanks tucahara)
To stop the program, u must use a process manager.
it would be good if someone could make a cab to install it. -- done see the forum (thanks tucahara)
this is still a beta, I intend to make ajustments as people give feedback.
hope u like.
-----first update---
now, an file called "audioswitch_error.txt" in the root directory will hold the error messages.
------------ List - Working ------------
wizard - I tested
P3301 or P3300 - I tested
att tilt - I tested
touch 3452 and 3450
touch dual
touch cruise
touch HD
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
BenQ E72
Titan --> see the forum
------------ List - NOT working ------------
T-Mobile Diamond
HTC Touch by Sprint
Samsung SGH-i780
check the new thread at:
new aproach to do the switch and now open source, even with an class that others can improve and put in other apps...
Some people complain about me not openning the source of the app, I have just made this way because there was proprietary code inside and I had no time to rewrite it without the proprietary code.
I have made the best I could, and now I had some time and rewrite the app in open source, to those who only complain about it, get the code and make it better instead of complaining!
Thanks for all that encourage me to continue the work and helped the development.
will retire this project for while...
thanks u all.
Audioswitch for Skype
On HTC Touch by Sprint (CDMA, also known as Vogue), audioswitch does switch the audio in the Skype 2.5 windows mobile PPC from external speaker to handset. Unfortunately, the microphone is then also disabled. I hope you'll be able to tweak your audioswitch to resolve this.
Thank you so much for developing this wonderful applet. I'm sure you will have the gratitude of many frustrated Skype windows mobile users.
What really happens is that when the sound output is switched in some phones, the microphone gain changes too. This happens because the phone thinks it is a "normal call".
Most of the times the mic gain increases, but in your phone it must be decreasing. Try to figure out in registry where the mic gain controls are recorded and chage all of then to the same value. I had this issue with my P3301 and solved this way, but there is quite a time now and I do not remenber where are the reg keys to change, but I have found the information here in the forum.
I will try to figure out for other "hack" to solve this issue... thanks for reply.
doesn't work at T-Mobile Compact IV (aka Diamond)
Sound went to loudspeaker....
PS: fring last version working fine with sound at mine phone (without any additional programms). Sound is going to correct destination automatically
I just tried the latest version of Fring, which automatically switches audio to earpiece when call is connected.
The same issue occurs with the new Fring as I described above with your audioswitch program: I can hear audio through earpiece, but microphone doesn't work (or is inaudible).
I couldn't find a tweak or registry hack to correct this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
MarceloFB said:
This program is an evolution of the first I made. It will route the audio to the earpiece when an certain program is running.
I put the program here because I have test it in wizard, if people test this in others phones and it works, please post here and maybe move this this thread to an more "generic" forum.
the program MUST be under "\($program files)\audioswitch" folder, you must unzip the contents to this folder.
the configuration file (command.txt) is under this format:
the first line is the delay(in miliseconds) in witch the program will "look" if a program in the list is in the top level window, faster phone, smaller delays, I recommend 1000 ms.
the next 20 lines are the programs you want the audio to be routed to the earpiece(max 20 lines for now).
Again the program is under the "do it on your own risk" and "I am not responsible for anything" licence. And,of course, it is free!! Do not sell it!
It is manly intended for little expert users, as it is still in "beta" fase, hehehe.
How it works:
the program runs in an eternal loop and look for the title of the current window that is displayed for the user in a time interval.
When the program mach the title window with one of the names user configured it it will switch the audio, when the program is not running anymore, the audio will swich back.
it would be good if someone could make a cab to install it.
this is still a beta, I intend to make ajustments as people give feedback.
If someone like this program and wants to make an donation...
hope u like.
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I have an idea. Rather than regularly polling to see what the current windows is, why not use a windows hook to monitor windows messages. When you see a message indicating a window has come to the foreground test it against your list of windows and enable/disable audio switch as necessary. Use SetWindowsHookEx and hook for WH_CBT messages. If you are unfamiliar with using SetWindowsHookEx I could supply you with the hooking code and all you would need to do is insert the code to check the window names, enable the audio switch, and disable the audio switch. Or you could send me the enable/disable routines.
Another tip, I noticed that skype places an icon in the notification area during a call. If there is someway of detecting the notification icon that could be another great way to trigger the switch.
Great program though. Works beautifully.
If this program works on the new BenQ E72 I'm getting in a couple of days I'll certainly donate!
it does not work on hermes (tytn).
by the way "troca2" does work on hermes! - maybe you guys want to work together?
baal_zebub said:
it does not work on hermes (tytn).
by the way "troca2" does work on hermes! - maybe you guys want to work together?
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hehhehe, I made troca2, I will see if the switch code is the same or if I have made some mistake...
are u sure you have put the program in the correct directory?? I will make some modifications to have an error feedback. So u can see if something is wrong...
JKingDev said:
I have an idea. Rather than regularly polling to see what the current windows is, why not use a windows hook to monitor windows messages. When you see a message indicating a window has come to the foreground test it against your list of windows and enable/disable audio switch as necessary. Use SetWindowsHookEx and hook for WH_CBT messages. If you are unfamiliar with using SetWindowsHookEx I could supply you with the hooking code and all you would need to do is insert the code to check the window names, enable the audio switch, and disable the audio switch. Or you could send me the enable/disable routines.
Another tip, I noticed that skype places an icon in the notification area during a call. If there is someway of detecting the notification icon that could be another great way to trigger the switch.
Great program though. Works beautifully.
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It is a good idea to use hook, I have not think of it!
I use a proprietary code included in a lib at the company I work for to make the "switch" but it is not different of what u find here in the forum.
Maybe we can make an effort to re-make it with hooks...
so this program must run all the time? after every softreset you have to start it?
is it not easier with mortscript (for example) to make an shortcut that opens skype as well as the audioswitch program? and closes the audioswithc program when you close skype?
I am using it right now and it seems to work perfect:
i used this script after installing mortscript (http://www.sto-helit.de/):
run( "\Windows\SkypeSoundSwitch.exe" )
runwait( "\Program Files\Skype\Skype.exe" )
close( "troca2" )
(see that in my case i downloaded your original program and renamed it to skypesoundswitch.exe and put it in the windows map)
I renamed it so i could remember what the purpose the file had.. changed nothing but the name!
Thanks for the program by the way! it always worked perfect!!
so to sum up the way i have it now (most files included) on my xperia x1:
1) installed skype
2) installed mortscript
3) add skypesoundswitch to \windows\....
3) add skype.mscr to \.... (root)
4) overwrite skype.lnk with the new skype.lnk in \windows\start menu\programs\..
in the way whenever i open skype(.lnk), it opens skype.mscr, this opens skypesoundswitch.exe and than skype.exe... when you close skype.exe it closes skypesoundswitch.exe...
it seems to work perfect.. but hey maybe i am doing something totally wrong here.. than just shout!
by the way, the .mscr and the .lnk files are offcourse edit-able .. so you can put the files everywhere you like..
madhijs said:
so this program must run all the time? after every softreset you have to start it?
is it not easier with mortscript (for example) to make an shortcut that opens skype as well as the audioswitch program? and closes the audioswithc program when you close skype?
I am using it right now and it seems to work perfect:
i used this script after installing mortscript (http://www.sto-helit.de/):
run( "\Windows\SkypeSoundSwitch.exe" )
runwait( "\Program Files\Skype\Skype.exe" )
close( "troca2" )
(see that in my case i downloaded your original program and renamed it to skypesoundswitch.exe and put it in the windows map)
I renamed it so i could remember what the purpose the file had.. changed nothing but the name!
Thanks for the program by the way! it always worked perfect!!
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That works great too. The advantage of this new program is that it will only reroute the audio when skype is in the foreground. You could minimize skype and leave it running, and audioswitch will automatically restore your sound. Get a call and open up skype and your sound goes back to the earpiece.
I will create the code to do it with a windows hook when I get a chance MarceloFB. Please pm me your email address. All you will have to do is insert the code to read the config file, check the window names, and when necessary enable or disable the switch. Or please show me where to find details on how to code this myself. Thanks!
Hat off to both of you and really glad that we will have a much improved solution.
JKingDev said:
That works great too. The advantage of this new program is that it will only reroute the audio when skype is in the foreground. You could minimize skype and leave it running, and audioswitch will automatically restore your sound. Get a call and open up skype and your sound goes back to the earpiece.
I will create the code to do it with a windows hook when I get a chance MarceloFB. Please pm me your email address. All you have to do is insert the code to read the config file, check the window names, and when necessary enable or disable the switch.
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okay! I only used skype to make calls and than get offline so this way did the trick for me! but i have to admit it would be much better when i can keep skype online!
this new program does the trick indeed! it changes the output back when i minimize skype!
But still my question above, you have to start this program on every startup isn't it? what does it do with the battery?
madhijs said:
okay! I only used skype to make calls and than get offline so this way did the trick for me! but i have to admit it would be much better when i can keep skype online!
this new program does the trick indeed! it changes the output back when i minimize skype!
But still my question above, you have to start this program on every startup isn't it? what does it do with the battery?
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Yes it must be run at startup but placing a link in your startup folder will make everything transparent to the user. I don't think there will be an effect at startup. In it's current form it must check every second (or whatever you set the timeout to), but its only a little bit of code. I am not really sure if that will really have an effect. The more often it checks the faster it will switch when you open skype, but also the more processor use. Check less often and it uses less processor, but there might be a delay in switching the audio. I proposed doing it by hooks though because this would use even less processor. The app will only check when a new window takes focus, rather than just periodically checking. This way it only checks when it needs to and will always switch instantly.
I am glad u liked the program.
I will try to answer most of the questions...
1- JKingDev:
I have though in your idea of using hooks, but if I use a hook, the program will have a loop anyway to check for the messages(hidden loop ;-) ), and it would have to have an "fake window" or something to process the messages. This way we have only one loop, in a very simple command line program with high optimization, so we have to think what is really the best way of doing it... I will pm u as soon I have any time to "program" again. hehe
2- people that uses mortscript with the old "troca2"
I will try to make a way to make this program work the same way as troca2, maybe with an "argc argv", wait the next update.
3- the battery life??
if u notice any battery life decreasing with the usage of the program, configure a bigger delay, maybe 5000ms, it is a matter of adjust the "timming" for each processor. Post your results here so others can find the optimum value for the delay in their phones.
4- have to start the program every reset?
yes, just put it in the startup folder.
maybe someone can make an cab that put the program in the right place and a link in the startup, it would be cool! I dont have an easy program to deal with cabs, and the vs projects for cabs.... I really cant make that thing work!!
well it is only the batterylife i was worried about. but i'll try running the phone this weekend with the program running and doing some skype.. lets see how it turns out!
For folks who have issues of mic on using this program, there is a quick solution for this problem. You can try sjphone. It provides a internal mic volume control. However, the major setback is that it's only working in wm5.
my 2 cents
weekendli said:
For folks who have issues of mic on using this program, there is a quick solution for this problem. You can try sjphone. It provides a internal mic volume control. However, the major setback is that it's only working in wm5.
my 2 cents
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will check this, but people reported that worked in xperia... and it is running in my P3301... anyway, will check and post an wm6 build if it is the case... check the error file and see if it tells anything.
Other thing, this program uses low level api`s, so your windows MUST be fully unlocked for it to work in wm6.

