Interesting discovery after removing certain apps. (SU, swapper, speed, download app) - G1 General

Hey all, just reporting a discovery I found. Last night I was annoyed my G1 was getting sluggish, not only that but it gave me that "Download unsuccessful" issue which most people do a wipe to fix that. Well What I did to get my market working again is I deleted the cache from the browser, (To free up internal space) but I think the key element that did it was deleting the cache from the "Download Manager" Which seemed to reset things back in motion. =)
Next up, I always hated that Toggle Settings would time out when the G1 booted.. I never really use it anyways. Maybe it doesnt like Power manager with it. Anyways I removed that, vola speed increase! Next one, I got TasKiller app to stop the stupid apps Tmobile has. The Hot spot one, the mobile sync and the my account. (It loads them on the G1 start auto like. zzz)
Now where it gets interesting is, I goto reboot my G1 and right after I loaded it, I went straight to swapper and hit on. Now for some reason along the way. It popped up with a SU Request. Now swapper was working before, but it always failed on the "Turn off Partition" stage, but didnt phase the end. Now it OKs them all. Set CPU also popped up with a request. These were apps I know were working with root, but somehow, based off what I just saw, it looks like it was a limited root access, odd as it sounds. Cause now its 100% functional and since then, my G1 has been fast. (Atm using proxoid to connect to ubuntu for tethering via usb heh)
So my thoughts? Could it be certain apps conflict with the startup or root process of the G1, making them timeout or so? I know shopsavvy and anetshare dont get along. Also I would say Tmobile apps suck.. visual voicemail keeps crashing on me, once I got rid of that I felt better.
also did a odex pass on my sd card to try that out. I havent rebooted my G1 yet to see if swapper now auto starts where before it didnt. But thats due to me using the g1 as a modem atm. =D
Anyways just a report for anyone who finds it useful. =)


[Long]Trials and Tribulations of my G1. Issues and Insight.

WARNING This is a long post describing various events of my G1 and things I was going through, so Im basically doing a dump of my thoughts and possible reasonings to put everything I can report, case it is a ROM, Hardware, or Software flaw somewhere or just user error. But since this forum is about feedback for devs or rom providers =)
Ok I dont know where to begin with this post. Last night my G1 needed a wipe. Why? Cause all it did was reboot over and over not getting past 1st home screen, then finally android screen. What happened before this? All I have of the things going on during that time frame was this:
(Now before the below stuff, earlier that day, Quest Live glitched on me, and when I was at the home screen, I tried to scroll left and right and it got stuck half way, which WORRIED me since I thought the touch screen was messed up. To my luck after a reboot and iso alcohol rub down on screen, it was fixed. Tho only after I unplugged it from the car charger (Which seems to really make the G1 % battery jump in record speed.. glicth?) Or Power Manager issues? Tho this wasnt the updated one, so the new one may have fixed the issues the dev said power manager was causing.
I plugged in the usb to a ubuntu running PC. To charge it, thus triggering Power Manager. Same time, I was trying to install SnapPhoto, which it downloaded, but didnt install, I was also noticing abit of lag, So I ran task manager to turn off some apps running in background, Camera, Gallery, Gaming Buzz Widget, Weather app Widget, Calender. (Then as I rem.. I tried to update AdFree when the new version came out.. it didnt install but same time when I tried to load it, it just came up black.. sign of a bigger issue maybe?)
After that of course couple of them came back. Then I tried to change the volume using the side button, It didnt respond, The on screen worked fine tho. So I decided ok, time to reboot fresh on the phone. Rebooted, Then it loaded to home screen before radio signal, then rebooted. After getting tired of not booting, (I had unplugged it from the USB btw which at 1st kept the charging light on before I rebooted it. ) I pulled the battery out. Which MAYBE I pulled it out at the wrong time during the android screen. Cause after that and I put it back in, all it did was goto the G1, then Android cycling screen, but no longer went to the home screen to try to load. Then was too late for this trick, but the Safe mode attempt. Which MAY have worked when it made it to the home screen, but once it was on Android only, safe mode didnt load at all. Just endless stuck on Android. So I had to wipe 1st then I reapplied the JF 1.51 to fix it and get the G1 to turn on again and boot.
Advice tip: If you can still boot to the home screen "somewhat" next time it cycles, try holding "Menu" in to have the G1 bypass any apps and load into safe mode, which may allow you to uninstall or fix whatever the issue is.
To my surprise. The Apps when the G1 started installing again went to the SD card. (I do not use apps2sd, Only Lucids orig) Now thats when I noticed more hell.. I went to the market to look at "My Downloads" and WHAM, the 10 apps it auto downloaded (Which I guess was a sync) are the only ones in the My Download section.. nothing from my past downloads.. Which is 110 more apps.
Advice tip: Use Atrackdog to "Export" your database to a text file and keep that on your PC. This way if ANYTHING happens, you least know which apps to look for.
Advice Tip: Upon reflection I probably should have made a nandroid backup after 1.51 was smooth. So if you havent, Id suggest looking at it) I know I will once Im set back up.
So now I am left with a interesting ponder. I msged Lucid to see if his scripts would allow me to use my 2GB which had my 1.51 data on it and somehow relink it to the G1 and have everything restored, then recopy to the 4GB which is my current one. But chances are I need to 1 by 1 install again. (Anyone know how you get apps back that arent on the market anymore? Extract from the SD card maybe?)
Anyways now I am wondering, If you install too much to the G1, will it in the end cause a problem? Im not a dev so I dont know how that all works with the ROM builds. But that wouldnt be good news if you have 129 apps, things could start messing up. (Tho not sure if that was a cause for any of the above)
Another thing I learned, if you have a GOOD screen protector on the G1 (Not the one it came with) and it smears up, or gets smudgy it seems it may interfere with the response of the touch screen. Ive notice if the screen thinks its being pressed in, a app could hang, lock up or choke the G1 to where it fixes itself by doing a reboot. Now that sounds odd that the G1 is sensitive to smudges or oil from your hands (If you had a humid hot day). Anyways fixed that with iso rubbing alcohol and a soft wipe cloth. Then rebooted.
Now my next task is to 1: Find out if my Cache since the wipe is running on the SD still, or if its on Internal. The app "Move Cache" I hear could do that, but I heard it messes up market, maps etc.. so not what I wanna do atm. Then I just gotta see if I can restore apps from SD using a app or terminal, which I am studying now, but just wanna end this post for now.
Will post more as I get around to it. Maybe I can restore the market cache manually.
do you still experiencing the touch screen error problem after all the steps you have taken? because i have the same problem. sometimes when i use touch screen to switch screens, the screen get stuck in the middle and shaking. i also cannot select anything correctly by touching. and i've read from various forums that this has something to do with the charger / charging process. i think that my problem occured because i charged using usb cable to my computer. because i never done that before (i usually charge my phone using a wall charger) and when i did, the problem happened.
How I fixed it? I turned off the G1, used rubbing alcohol with a tissue to gently wipe the screen off and clean it. Then turned back on and it was fine.

Constant Phone/Touchwiz reboots - help if you can

Hello everyone, I've got an interesting problem that I want the experts here at XDA to help me troubleshoot. Feel free to ask questions as I know there's probably a million variables at this point with stuff installed, uninstalled, gps, root, task killers, etc.
alrighty with that said, I did the e-wrecked gps fix (changing the operation mode and server location+port). That seems to work great in terms of time to lock on my position as well as improved accuracy. Over the next couple of days I noticed some really choppy and lengthy phone start ups after the fix.
Eventually it got to (and currently is at) a point where it kept rebooting the phone, or at least touchwiz. It would load up, scan media, search for the network, do all the start up stuff, then lock up, and turn the screen off. Hitting the lock button/power button does nothing while it resets itself. Then it resets to the lock screen, the screen lights up and it goes into "searching" for the tmo network while doing the storage preparations, and other boot up stuff. It does not restart from cold (with the vibrant, tmo, and galaxy animations, only the lock screen and OS boot process)
Anyone else got any funky restarts going on, for whatever reason? I basically want to start seeing what would trigger this behavior. I started uninstalling stuff one by one trying to figure out why its doing that but sometimes it boots up fine, sometimes it boots but doesn't ever find tmo's network, and sometimes it just does the above.
1. It will always boot up fine if the SIM card is out.
2. The last time it did it was today while I was at work, listening to music while the phone was charging. Im noticing that the phone gets pretty hot while charging and really hot if you're using while its charging (getting apps, surfing the web, playing games, etc)
So any thoughts from the tech gurus here? anyone have similar behavior in the past on other phones? is the heat affecting the sim card negatively? I can (and have) put my simcard back in my treo 680 backup phone with no issues whatsoever.
New observation, it consistently does the reset process as soon as the "Adjust Time and Date" as it registers/syncs with the network.
UPDATE: so, i did some research, ended up at the setCPU thread and saw that when set to OnDemand some people's phones experienced similar tendencies. Problem is, mine was already set to auto-detect and "Conservative". I un-checked start at boot, and tried again. Same problem. I uninstalled setCPU completely and my phone appears to be back to normal.
I'll update again if anything changes.
so one of the things that i removed during my troubleshooting was my corporate exchange account. When i added it back. it did its initial sync fine and gave me my calendar and contacts. I then rebooted and the problem came back.
I removed the account and rebooted. it went through two cycles of the restarts and on the third one, it worked. I left it alone after that.
I then was showing my friend some things (browser differences) and had 3 browsers open. It froze as i went to close Dolphin HD. Rebooted and now its back to the cycle.
Mine did this also. Installed several apps, woke up to find a slow phone. Resets galore. A quick reset to defaults and app restore fixed it, sans setcpu of course.
From XDA App on SGS-Vibrant
my phone resets itself also as described above, but not really doing anything in particular. i dont have a whole lot of apps installed. i even was using google maps the other day and after it started up the screen went black and the device was unresponsive until the screen came back and it said searching and the media scanner was running.
well first off thanks for responding lol. i thought i was by myself out here.
secondly, i found that if i leave it alone and let it go through its cycle, it does eventually boot up ok (this is recently, before, it was endless). i havent restarted my phone (im afraid to lol) since it did it on its own yesterday (showing my friend the browsers).
since yesterday, i've used it for navigation (motonav), serveral installs, downloaded podcasts, rss feeds, etc and its been ok (even while charging and wifi on). again, havent actually restarted it since yesterday because its actually functioning for once.
Lastly, i unchecked the auto update time and date from network in the settings just to see if that makes a difference because based on previous expereience that is the point where it freezes and resets. Thanks for chiming in and let me know if there's any other advice you have
I'd suggest a reset as mentioned above.
Been checking out this site for awhile but this is my first time posting, today my phone started to have this problem and it just bootloops touchwiz if i have a simcard in the phone.
It works fine without a simcard but my problem is it will not let me turn of auto update of time and date, i have tried disabling this setting and it just enables itself again. I have also noticed that if I started messing around with time and date settings even without a sim touchwiz reloads once. I guess im gonna give a reset a go.
martin0641 said:
Mine did this also. Installed several apps, woke up to find a slow phone. Resets galore. A quick reset to defaults and app restore fixed it, sans setcpu of course.
From XDA App on SGS-Vibrant
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heygrl said:
I'd suggest a reset as mentioned above.
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sorry, noob question (i came from winmo and a touch pro 2), what does "a quick reset to defaults" mean? is that like a factory wipe i.e. phone will be brand new again, gotta root again and reinstall everything, change settings, etc?
jblade1000 said:
sorry, noob question (i came from winmo and a touch pro 2), what does "a quick reset to defaults" mean? is that like a factory wipe i.e. phone will be brand new again, gotta root again and reinstall everything, change settings, etc?
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Root will stick but settings and apps/app data will be gone. It briefs you on what is and isn't lost when you do a factory reset.
Smae problem, its setcpu!
SetCPU with any settings will do this.
It needs an update, the auto detect some how loses and
will set the cpu to 19mhz max and min.
This is too slow to process. I rebooted and pressed settings and uninstalled it
while I could. Seems to behave once out of touchwiz.
For me it was another app not setcpu I never used it. After i did a reset i restored all my apps with titanium backup and once i restarted my phone it looped again. So i did another restore and left off all the apps that i installed right before the problem started and so far i think for me at least one of these caused it
Google maps update
google translate
the extra language pack for translate
barnacle wifi tether
hero of sparta
these are apps that I installed right before the problem happened and without these my phone works fine I am going to see if i can find that one that caused my problem.
It's not the maps update because my phone works fine with it.
It was hero of sparta a gameloft game from there web market funny thing is its suppose to work on the vibrant while dungeon hunter which works fine would only give nexus as a check out option. Anyway im going to try to get a refund tomorrow.
I get the same touchwiz reboot but for me it has only ever happened while using google maps. I do not use set cpu, but I have applied the gps fix. It is more than a little annoying. I have done a system wipe but the problem persists.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
yes, if you have setcpu, uninstall it - its buggy with the galaxys
- sometimes you can't wake your phone (if you set a screen off profile), forcing you to do a battery pull
- constant launcher restarts
Judgement5 said:
For me it was another app not setcpu I never used it. After i did a reset i restored all my apps with titanium backup and once i restarted my phone it looped again. So i did another restore and left off all the apps that i installed right before the problem started and so far i think for me at least one of these caused it
Google maps update
google translate
the extra language pack for translate
barnacle wifi tether
hero of sparta
these are apps that I installed right before the problem happened and without these my phone works fine I am going to see if i can find that one that caused my problem.
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and this is why i started the thread, to make sure i wasnt all alone. i have everything you have installed as well, but it was doing it before i picked up hero of sparta (and nova, and asphalt 5, man those guys make some good phone game lol).
anyways i just installed barnacle wifi tether yesterday so thats not it either (at least for me). That leaves the google stuff, out of the apps in your list, all of which were installed when i first got the problem, and are still on there after I've removed setCPU
heygrl said:
Root will stick but settings and apps/app data will be gone. It briefs you on what is and isn't lost when you do a factory reset.
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ok so, contacts, text messages, etc stay? Meaning if i do a factory reset, root stays, and all app stuff can be taken care of by, say, AppBrain since it has a running list of everything installed and knows where to get it to install it again? I apprecicate the advice, but this would still be a last resort sort of thing. my phone has worked fine for the past few days but I also havent restarted it yet either
just a quick update, my phone still does this if i reboot my phone (which is never now that i got my 32gb sd card), but for the first time ever hero of sparta caused it to happen while the phone is on. I uninstalled it so we'll see.

Issue with Atrix/Simcard - need help

I posted this in the Atrix Development forum under Gingerblur since that's what's currently on it, but it may just be a general Android issue so I'm reposting it here as well just in case:
OK I had something weird happen to my gf's phone yesterday. I don't know if this is Gingerblur related, but that's what's on it so I'm putting it here.
AT&T Atrix w/ Gingerblur 4.0 (Just haven't got around to going to 4.5)
So I put Gingerblur on it 2-3 months ago and it's been working great for her. So yesterday I was with her and we were going to install this market app (I can't remember what it was), but she hit Install on the market app, it changed to the OK button, but when she clicked OK, the button just flashed and just sat there and did nothing. i found that odd. So I had her see if she could sideload an app (not the same one) -so I downloaded it to the phone and clicked it to install it. I accepted it and it just said "Installing...." forever. So I told her OK the phone got out of whack or something let's just reboot it.
So we reboot it, and she complains that a lot of her apps show the default android icon for them (instead of their respective icon pics) and she can't run them. From what we noticed, these were all the apps that were moved with app2sd. Also, nothing will install from the market - you can get there, but you get the same symptoms as above. You can click "Install" on the app but when you click "OK" it doesn't do anything.
Under Settings/Manage Applications it shows all her apps installed so the phone still thinks all the apps are there. So I tell her to pick an app that she doesn't really care about and Uninstall it. She said that works, but trying to install it through the Market fails.
So she's freaking out. I tell her to let me at least back up what I can off the phone. So I try plugging the phone into my computer with the USB. I can't get the phone to be seen at all by the computer. I put the USB into Mass Storage mode/Nothing/etc, and even turn off/on USB Debugging - I just can't get this thing to be seen. So now I'm starting to worry.
We have an external SD card in the phone so I was able to start copying what I could under Setting/Files over to the SDcard.
Now all I'm thinking about is getting this phone working again so I'm starting to read how to recover the phone back to stock using this thread:
So I'm able to get it into the recovery state. So as I'm downloading the SBF, I notice it says to remove the SIM card too. So I shut it down, and remove the SIM. I boot up the phone regularly and I notice everything is working now as it should (minus the phone since the SIM is out), but all apps are there and working correctly and the market works as it should.
So immediately I nab Titanium Backup from the market and start backing things up. I tell her to go through the list and start backing up what she thought was important. So I'm thinking this thing fixed itself, but when I put the SIM card back in, we're back to the broken state again.
So.. does anyone know what's going on here? It seems like the phone doesn't like her SIM card anymore, but she can still make calls with it aside from the rest of the phone issues with it in.
If we need to take this back to stock, I will - especially now that I was able to back things up with TB.

Help.... Pokemon Go bricked my phone.

I'm going to Copy and Paste a conversation between a girl who tried to help me and all the stuff I've done so far... any help would be great. Issues started upon download of Pokemon go....
Hi Aubry
This would also be faster to chat this way
Yeah, thanks for the help, btw
No problem
I like to help when I can
So, if you already have that message after the card is removed, it's possible you have malware
It's also possible that will the latest android update, something unexpected happened with your phone
Tech support is 99% troubleshooting
lol, yeah, I know
I'm just not as tech savvy yet, I wanna be..
If the memory card is out and you still get that message, I'm leaning toward the latest update acting up
That would make sense...
I had an update forced on me 2 nights ago, I think. Happened without my consent
So that's why I think it may be likely
Is the battery still out?
No, it won't turn on at all without a battery in
Even connected to power
That's a little odd. That might happen if you have a hardware problem but irrelevant to the current issue
Let's try this..... can you get it to turn off, perhaps by taking out battery? Wait a minute (or a few if you want to be safer) and then immediately upon Power up, go into safe mode by hitting home + volume up + power at the same time, holding for maybe 10 seconds
That may throw it out of the loop and into actually recovering itself
I got into safe mode previously by holding power + down
Should I do that or what you said?
There are several modes
lol, k
The combinations are android specific overrides
They're used for different purposes
We want to break the cycle, get out of a loop and begin to recover
You could alternatively do a factory reset, but you lose EVERYTHING that way, so I prefer to exhaust all possible options before recommending that
The main idea is that you have a soft brick, which is recoverable
I already did a factory reset earlier today
That didn't cause any change?
So anyway, now I'm Android System Recovery
It still was having the same issues yeah.. nt as bad at first, but once I put in the mem card, and it started installing my apps and stuff...
Same old BS
If it's installing apps from the memory card that can be malware
I don't think it was, cause when I did the reset, I took the memory card out to protect my data.
My pictures and stuff
And it stayed out for a while.
Right but malware is code. So if the card itself contains the code, it will continue to install even if it stays out a while
If I'm understanding correctly
It gave me a few hiccups, this has stopped, that has stopped.. but then it worked ok. I was like Oh! It's good! Let's reinstall! ... and back to crap..
If it is malware, the second you put in the infected card, it installs
So if you put the card in the trouble starts, correct?
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding. It's a little harder to fully understand when the device isn't in hand ?
Sooooooo I should save my pictures off the card and reformat?
If you place the card into a computer (presumably with an adapter, if it's microsd), you run possible risk of infection. I would run a virus scan on the card itself, but outside the phone
If you can save the pictures, that's ideal. In the future, consider google backups to the cloud or amazon prime photos
Well, I tok out the card. Then I did a factory reset.... it gave me a FEW of the annoying "this has stopped" or that has stopped, but I don't remember what, now.... It started installing stuff, but some programs it refused to. Clean Master, Pokemon Go.. it gave me error code -504. Then I forced some and it seemed like they were working ok and installing, so I figured maybe I was just DLing too much all at once. So I went back and put in my mem card in, and it froze. rebooted, and **** went to pot again.
I had Google Drive, but it kept filling up my phone's hard drive and prevented me from doing stuff, DLing more.. I had to clear all the data.
I'm lookin up error code
-504 is specific to memory and data collision
Basically, one aplication said "I want to be king of the playground" the firmware said the same thing and they shoved themselves off the playground and both broke their arms
My analogies are bad at 2am
Anyways, when this happens, it's also related to the Google account data having issues with software
Ultimately, the Google services framework needs to be cleared
But how to do that without being able to boot is the problem
I can boot.. kinda.
But it freezes up quick
Right, but the associations and cache will freeze ir
Who is your carrier?
Straight Talk
That may be trickier
A regular kiosk usually has the software that overrides this to fix the firmware
Like,most of the time, it gets to the "A service of Straight Talk Wireless" and stopps there
Yeah that can't boot fully
You can't get into the settings, right?
(and I am really sorry for my typos, my husband is a slob and his keyboard on this laptop is filled with gunk.)
I can, sometimes~! I can try
If you can get into settings, the cache could be cleared
So just reboot normally?
If you can
But you likely need to be in a recovery mode
Hmm. Would it be best to go into safe mode for this or normal?
The developer resource says:
Go to ”Settings”-> “Applications”-> “Manage Applications” and select “All”
Go to “Google Services Framework”and select “Clear Data & Clear Cache”to remove all the data regarding Google Service Framework.
Go to “Google Play Store”and Select “Clear Data & Clear Cache”to remove all the data regarding Google Play Store. question... will that kill my data in Pokemon Go.
If you could get into recovery mode, which is holding down power + home + DOWN volume, that may work best
Go data is all server side
Whew, ok
In theory, it should never be lost
Ok, hang on, gonna try this
(Thank you SO much for all the help)
If the above steps don't work, a second "easy" method is de authenticate you, meaning remove your accounts
The recovery mode gives me the option to wipe the cache a head of time, should I do that too?
Deleting cache is our goal
Ok, now it's updating andriod.. but stopped cause I'm at 12 percent battery
Oh that's no good
If the battery is too low it might quit
Did it give you the low battery message?
No stayed on
I mean, told me the battery is low but
Ok, in settings
Hang on
Oh great I thought you mean it forced itself off
It HAS done that before, but not right now currently
Go to ”Settings”-> “Applications”-> “Manage Applications” and select “All”
Go to “Google Services Framework”and select “Clear Data & Clear Cache”to remove all the data regarding Google Service Framework.
Go to “Google Play Store”and Select “Clear Data & Clear Cache”to remove all the data regarding Google Play Store.
Ok, so I'm in settngs, applications, but I have Application Manager.
Might vary depending on version
When I go there it gives me a list
Ok what do you see?
Do you know what phone and android version you are running, by the way?
Android System Webview, ANT Radio Service, AANT+ Plugins Service, AVG Antivirus, BatteryDoctor, my apps.
I might have it memorized in the deep recesses of my brain
That's my device right now
You need google services framework
It may or may not be totally alphabetical
clearing the cache did seem to help though..Ok, so I need Google Play services? I found that
Ok great!
Hit clear data and then after clear cache
Those buttons
Ok, so when I tap it it won't show it to me. It goes back to the Applications main menu
When you tap services?
That's interesting
Can you try again?
it acts like it wants to, and then gets kicked back out
Sure hold on
Yeah same thing.
Ok try going to Google play store instead in that list
Something is preveting it.
It might be malware or issue with the firmware
Same thing with Google Play... or any app
Google play store is the name of the app
Yeah, I know
I tried it with a few of them randomly too
You should click on that and then attempt to clear that data
Its not letting me access any of them
Ok new plan
Go to “Settings”-> “Accounts”-> “Google” -> Select “Your Account”
Go to “Menu”and Select “Remove Account”, and then “Add Your Account”.
Now “Restart”your mobile device and try to perform update or download.
Ok, so delete my account or services?
If it doesn't say remove, you can delete
that won't delete my gmail and everything right? ?
I sure it won't but just making sure
Well your Gmail will still be on the server assuming you didn't pull it down
I probably sound like the typical idiot here.. yeesh
And delete it on the server
Then it should be ok
I won't do that, had the account for like 20 years lol
Ah ok
It wants to open it with Chrome or Internet?
Chrome is fine
I hate "internet"
....and now "Unfortunately, Chrome has stopped."
That is unfortunate
Please turn on airplane mode
Airplane on
Ok we are going to wait a minute now
For fun, let's go back into that app list and try clearing that cache again
While airplane is off
Also, if it's late, I can also send you messages later
I'm a 3rd shifter, I'm fine if you are
Yeah I couldn't really sleep
And just tried while Airplane was on, no dice, same BS
Try restarting while in airplane mode
You can hold power
And then restart
Ok, booted fine
Now once it's rebooted you can take out of airplane mode and see if the data can now be cleared
Now it won't go into the application list at all
That's sad
Ok time to try something else
On the settings screen, can you find "backup and restore"?
Backup and reset...
Yep that
Ok, in it, now what?
We can try a factory reset from here.
But before you do that
Already did this earlier but sure. XD
Uncheck the boxes that save the app data
So uncheck "Back Up My Data" and "Automatic Restore"?
You will lose your phone data
That's fine. I know what I need
But at this point, without installing firmware to fix it, it's pretty much the best bet
Is it normal when rebooting the phone it keeps the old apps up and running? I don't remember it doing this previously but it's been doing that lately
Alright.. So factory reset time yes?
I think so
The factory reset should wipe everything
But again, if firmware was badly enough affected you would need more than this
And it might possibly be better to get a new phone, depending on factors considered
But at least the most common solutions were tried
Welp, got to the tracfone screen... and it's stuck.
What do we mean by stuck?
Whatever is in there, it's in there good
Yeah. It does three boot screens. 1, the Galaxy Grand Prime screen. Then the Pretty Samsung one with the musical tone. Then the Tracfone screen, then it boots. Since these problems started, it will often freeze on the Tracfone one.. cause after a few seconds the screen will dim. And then it boots.. but like, before I took my husband to work.. it was still froze there. I had to pull the battery, cause it wouldn't move. Though, just now it did finally
If it is incapable of factory reset, it's the kernel. That really would have to be handled by the dealer who sold the phone (if under warranty and they feel like replacing it) or doing things that void the warranty anyway
Well, looks like it finally got to boot...
If it moves, I would say to give it a little more time
That's good news
We are hoping it's not the kernel
....and I selected English, and "Unfortunately, Settings has stopped"...
That might not be a huge problem if it progresses
Settings might be fussy but it can be overlooked for now
Does it look like a factory reset took place?
Like it's new without apps, data, etc?
Same start up and "Welcome!" screen from last time.. but now that I select English it won't go past it. Keeps saying settings stopped.
Oh. That's different than settings stopping on the home screen
Yeah, it's acting like I just bought the phone
If settings are failing to load during language selection and you can't get to the home screen, you can try takin out battery for 10 minutes and then try rebooting and trying again
If it still fails to work after 24 hours (sometimes if you leave it alone long enough it'll work) I'd go to where you bought it with proof of purchase and hope they'll help get a new one
Ok, battery removed. Is it possible it's an overheat issue? Cause when we were playing Pokemo Go Friday night, my phone froze.. and when I booted it the screen went black, and lines went through it, like it lost connection to the MB or something
I've had issue like that with like, DS lites when the ribbon cable gets crunched.. but...
It's possible the hardware overheated, but because it boots, it's not necessarily a gonner
I've taken very good care of this phone, no hard drops or water...
It seems it's definitely a firmware and software issue
If there is a malfunction and it overheats from processing too much at once, that is possible
If the memory can't handle it and it's overloaded
Ok. Cause when that happened it was hot as ****.. and that's when most of these issues really started
I was having the "stopped" messages but only about my SMSs
If it was hot out that is definitely a possibility then
Leave it alone for as long as you can. Maybe all night and up to 24 hours
And those started literally after Pokemon Go.. I would have to stop Pokemon Go cause it would freeze a lot, I don't know if that did anything
But all this happened after I started playing it.
The game may not be good for the phone
Honestly, a lot of the pay as you go phones are not really suitable for mucj processing
I've dealt with a lot of them
They sometimes have trouble with games
I would absolutely submit a bug ticket with Niantic
I soft bricked my phone (and recovered it) because of pokemon having an issue during a specific sequence in game play. It definitely has bugs
I warned friends about it and that other phones may not be recoverable. It really depends on many factors
I've noticed it allowed me to install it on both my tabley (really crappy NextBook from WalMart) and my husband's phone (LG Fuel) and it won't run on either.. I figured, 200 dollar phone, it should be able to handle it....
It ran fine, but now.. and it sucks cause this is how I run my etsy, is this expensive brick
For the record, I have now tried yet a third factory reset. Now my phone won't even get past set-up. Any help would be amazing...
On an unofficial capacity, I think your phone may have been google account locked. This commonly happens when you forget to remove your google account before factory resetting the phone. You will know if your phone is google account locked by holding Volume up button + Power Button + Home Key, then when you get blue screen press volume up button, If the FAP lock: ON, then your account is google locked (Google locked phones tend to not allow you to go past the setup screen as you cannot click the "next" button). You can send it in to your phone dealer for them to send back to Samsung for repairs, however you seem to live in the U.S so I don't know their policies. I live in Canada and work as a part-time Samsung repair technician and our policy is to unlock the google lock and factory reset then return to phone company. However, that is not covered under warranty so we do it as a sort of "customer service" capacity.
Jonny W said:
-snip- , If the FAP lock: ON, then your account is google locked (Google locked phones tend to not allow you to go past the setup screen as you cannot click the "next" button). -snip-
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is FRP, not FAP, it means Factory Reset Protection.
Well, if that is the case, on the setup you will get a window telling you to choose the WI-FI you want to connect to. Do it, then try to log in with your gmail account (This "gmail" account must be the same one you used last time otherwise it will not work.

Phone automatically installing unwanted apps!

I just traded my sprint lg v20 for this verizon lg g6 vs988 yesterday because I needed a gsm unlocked phone. Now I finally got a phone my son card works in but I've been up all night trying to fix this issue.
Seemingly at random the phone just starts installing "random" apps that I've never used before. Some of them include
Yahoo mail
And several others I can't remember at the moment but I'm sure ill be reminded soon. I keep uninstalling them and they keep coming back. By the manner which they are installed on sure they are not normal bloatware. They download silently in the background even while I have an active foreground download going.
I've googled the issue and found no resolution. I also noticed the phone charges ridiculously slowly. The phone was also on an outdated firmware with a security patch from 2017. The built in system update would not detect any update for the phone. I had manually download and install the latest update on the computer last night.
After doing this with a completely fresh factory reset these apps were still installing themselves. I then used verizons pc upgrade assistant again and did a firmware repair but skipped the phone backup step so I again would be starting fresh. Again these app's keep installing themselves.
It seems to be on some kind of interval. After so much time that the phone is running it suddenly install another random app or apps I've never heard of before, then after so long all of a sudden some more different apps suddenly appear.
I also tried malwarebytes and of course it says nothing is wrong. Can someone please help me get this sorted?
Which firmware you have?, maybe it would be the best to flash clean stock firmware with LG UP.
You can find latest kdz here..
16a download via verizon upgrade assistant. Would reflashing the kdz via lg up do anything different than verizon upgrade assistant?
Ps I had to retype this message 3 times because half way through typing chrome just shut down for no apparent reason.
Were can I download latest version of lg up. I only found one old for g4 and one that said but wanted me to login.
Suspicious. What I do to prevent problems like this is to disable all apps possible, including googles apps and the Play store crap. Then go in to each app within settings and deny data access to them, clear the data and deny all hardware access that makes sense. For example, Groupon would not need microphone access so that access is removed. I think only the Contacts app has the phone permissions. It takes some time, but worth it. Reboot after you are done and re-check because sometimes the settings don't seem to stick. Maps will still work without Google Services. Using Android_x86 in a VM, trusted apps are downloaded in a virtual machine and then put on the sd card and then installed on the phone. I'm not a very trusting person Its suspect that the "Emergency Alert" app has access to everything and I can't deny microphone or any other access for it.
I think it may have been the app named "app flash" that was doing it. Its apparently the app verizon added that by default sits on the left side of the home screen. I disabled it from my home screen first while setting up my phone after reset but left app flash active. Its supposed to be some kind of assistant app that recommends apps to install and acts as a hub for all your other apps.
So far I haven't had anything else auto install(nothing visible anyways). After uninstalling all the 10 or so apps that were installed they haven't come back yet. Hopefully it stays that way and nothing malicious going on in the background.
Anyone please link me latest lg up? Still like to a complete fresh firmware install just to be safe. One that will completely wipe everything and install the os fresh.
I think it may have been the app named "app flash" that was doing it. Its apparently the app verizon added that by default sits on the left side of the home screen. I disabled it from my home screen first while setting up my phone after reset but left app flash active. Its supposed to be some kind of assistant app that recommends apps to install and acts as a hub for all your other apps.
So far I haven't had anything else auto install(nothing visible anyways). After uninstalling all the 10 or so apps that were installed they haven't come back yet. Hopefully it stays that way and nothing malicious going on in the background.
Anyone please link me latest lg up? Still like to a complete fresh firmware install just to be safe. One that will completely wipe everything and install the os fresh.
Both my wife and I have had that happen. The apps we got were Big Farm, TMZ, and some other crappy game.
Our phones are unlocked and rooted, so I immediately did a bare-metal refresh - wiped everything including system and internal storage, and did a complete stock flash from recovery. Since then we have kept "Install from unknown sources" and "Auto-update" both set OFF, and have had no further issue.

