Any way to keep the speaker mute when unplugging the headphone ? - Touch HD General

Sometimes my headphone is unplugged by accident when I am listening to music with wmp or another player, then the speaker plays loudly my music for everybody else in my metro...
And as I found no option to keep the speaker mute when headphone is not plugged, I wonder if there is a way or a software to do this ?

nvm, tested it didn't work


no sound

My wizard will only output audio through bluetooth and the audio jack, no stereo speakes or ear speaker.
This problem started last nite when I was listening to music through the audio jack. I pulled the plug out without stopping the music. When I do this, my device should have started playing the music out of its stero speakers but it did not. Now, audio will not work for calls, system sounds or music. Works fine with a headset though.
I did a hard reset to no avail.
Nevermind, blew into the jack, problem solved.

outpoy sound

i can not disable the sound when i am pluging hearphones
how can i do it so i will hear only from the hearphones
[email protected]
I wonder if you soft reset if it will stop playing when you plug in your headphones.
I just logged on the forums to ask a very similar question...
How come sometimes the wizard plays both through my headphones and the speakers?
Just this morning I was listening to GSPlayer with the headphones in and no sound through the speakers. Then just now plugged in the headphones and hit play and it is playing through both. But if I do a soft reset it goes back to just head phones...
It does this quite often and I'm wondering if anyone knows what is going on?

disable the rear speaker while listening to music with headset

how can i disable the rear speaker while listening to music with headset.
because, if the phone rings or any phone notification apperars, the speaker becomes active. so the music playing on player on speaker with the notifications. this is very disturbing..
thanks in advance for your suggestions
you cant
thats not possible, simply because nokia has this feature on some N series where when headphones are connected the speaker will not ring only the headphones will sound, this bacomes a problem if you lose your phone in loud places and no one can hear it. also, the alarm doesnt sound.
you could always put your phone on vibrate!?!?
thanks your reply, but after call the notification sounds on speaker. is there a way to turn steaker off after call?
i solved my problem changing hkcu\\controlpanel\soundcategories\ring\speaker value to '0' and soft reset now When the headset is plugged, if the phone rings speaker dont active.

Possible to completely silence the back speaker when headphones are connected?

HI, I don't want any notifications or ringtones to play through the back speaker of my S4 when the headphones are plugged in. I want to ONLY hear those sounds in my headphones. Completely muting the phone doesn't work because then obviously I wouldn't hear anything in the headphones either.
So, is it possible to do this on the GT-i9505 ?
My old Samsung Galaxy Spica did this and I really miss that "feature".
That's weird yours plays thru the rear speaker mine plays everything thru the headphones when connected
HA! this is a hugeass issue on every android I've owned. im assuming you're using poweramp or something right? the stock player pauses the song to play it thru the headphones which is probably why that dude up ^^ doesn't get that.
anyways some kernels fix this, namely Boeffla Sound on the sgs3. sadly I've seen no fix on the s4. SO! , here's what your can do; in your music player (power amp, etc), under audio settings, turn on Settings>Audio>Audio Focus> and tick 'Short Audio Focus Changes', this will pause your music on notifications.
ORRRRR a far better solution is when you plug in your 3.5mm jack headphones (cause this shii* doesn't happen on bluetooth), you can just pull down your notification bar and tap over to vibrate mode. then you'll hear notifications IN YOUR HEADPHONES a little quieter but still noticeably behind your music, and your music won't pause or mute or anything.
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app.

Vibrate/Sound with headphones

On my HTC M8 when I set it to vibrate, all speaker sounds are muted, when I plug in headphones, and listen to music, when I get a call, the ringtone will play through my headphones. Which is how I want it.
On S7 Edge when I set it to vibrate, all speaker sounds are muted, when I plug in headphones, and listen to music, when I get a call, the music stops and there is no ringtone, I never know am I getting a call or have I dropped from 4G/3G to GSM and spotify can't stream.
When I set it to soud, it plays the ringtone through the headphones but ALSO through the speaker, which makes no sense to me. Is there any way to change this behavior?
Lawk said:
On my HTC M8 when I set it to vibrate, all speaker sounds are muted, when I plug in headphones, and listen to music, when I get a call, the ringtone will play through my headphones. Which is how I want it.
On S7 Edge when I set it to vibrate, all speaker sounds are muted, when I plug in headphones, and listen to music, when I get a call, the music stops and there is no ringtone, I never know am I getting a call or have I dropped from 4G/3G to GSM and spotify can't stream.
When I set it to soud, it plays the ringtone through the headphones but ALSO through the speaker, which makes no sense to me. Is there any way to change this behavior?
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I've noted these matters. But I haven't come across a solution. Especially the last one. I don't know if Samsung considers it a bug or a feature. Ideally, if the headphones are plugged in, the phone speaker should not work in any way.
Thanks for the response! At least it is not a faulty headphone socket/phone then.

