Start Screen - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

can we reorganize the icons on the start screen? I have removed the ones I don't want but I would like to put the ones that I have added and use more to the top.

Can't sort those unfortunately. You'll just have to add them into the slots where you want them. That's where they'll stay until you manually remove/add them elsewhere.

That has to be the dumbest thing I ever heard. I don't mean you
I guess the things you thing are so simple end up being a pain or no one thought of them. I bet even if I can delete Home I won't be able to re-add it later because it doesn't show up in the all programs list

You can rename then, e.g. insert a number in front of it to display them from 1 - 9.
Go to File Explorer, My Device, Windows, Start Menu... you then will see your preferred/selected items. Just add number "1" & "2" in front of them. Close and you will see them display in order afterwards

hmm mine doesn't look like that. I don't have preferred or selected items. Just programs and settings folders and if they were displayed in order like that you would think they would be in alphabetical order now which they are not.

You can sort it in the reg. with TotalCommander
Rename the numbers of the Folders
after that you have to restart your phone.

tyvm. So simple when you know where to look.


Homescreen, Todayscreen, Themes?

I've been using an SDA (Tornado I *think) for the last year or so, and became quite adept at editing the xml to create my own 'homescreens'. What's the equivalent on the Wizard? I don't find the same directory structure for the location of the homescreen.xml file(s) and assume there's a slightly different way of doing this. Or is it a theme now? Is it xml based, or are there editors I can use? Any assistance is welcome
Try using Themegence (google for it, you'll find it). It's how I make my today screens and I have about 215 of them on my phone at last count. It's very easy to use once you try it a time or 2.
Thanks Xeno - the lastest version I could find was 2.0 - sound good? (Oh, and I upgraded to wm6 using SN2 - no problems there I assume?).
edit: I'm trying this out, and it all seeems to work except the part where I save and build the tsk file. All of the save buttons are greyed out? And I can't save anything. I've tried both the qvga and vga p/l formats and don't see why I can't save the tsk file to the pc. Thanks
Hmm, never had a problem with the save to pc one being greyed out, only the one with save to ppc and that's only if I'm not connected to activesync. Try hooking your phone up to activesync and see if that allows you to save it to your pc after that. There are 2 save buttons at the top, one for save to ppc which if you aren't connected over activesync, it will be greyed out and the other one to it's right is the save to pc button. The only other thing I can think of that might cause any problem like that is that maybe you haven't chosen a Dir where to saveit to, or named it. Those fields are at the bottom left hand corner. You can leave the Internal Theme Name blank though if you want.
Yes, it works fine with WM6. I also have WM6 on my phone and never had a problem.
One tip for you that I didn't know about the first time I used it though is that you have to go to the WM5 tab and click on the base hue button to chose the colors that you want for your top and bottom bars. You also have to check the "create base hue key for theme" check box or you won't get the colors you chose. The main color page is i guess for 2003 and really the only colors you can choose from there are the text color for the today text and the start menu text, the today screen horizontal bars color, and the tap and hold dots color. I don't think changing any of the other colors on that page will actually do anything, at least not that I've ever noticed on my phone anyway.
Let me know if you still have any problems and I'll see if I can help you out with them.
xeno1 said:
Hmm, never had a problem with the save to pc one being greyed out, only the one with save to ppc and that's only if I'm not connected to activesync. Try hooking your phone up to activesync and see if that allows you to save it to your pc after that. There are 2 save buttons at the top, one for save to ppc which if you aren't connected over activesync, it will be greyed out and the other one to it's right is the save to pc button. The only other thing I can think of that might cause any problem like that is that maybe you haven't chosen a Dir where to saveit to, or named it. Those fields are at the bottom left hand corner. You can leave the Internal Theme Name blank though if you want.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The only way I could get the buttons active was to load a theme from the phone. Then I could modify it and save it. I verified the directory I had set to save to. I was (and am) connected via active sync. I'll keep playing around, no doubt it's some stupidly fundamental thing I'm doing wrong. Thanks.
edit: Ahha!, it was a matter of selecting an image correctly. I was using a p/l setting, but not setting up the 'start' image for those modes. Once I set all of the p/l/start/today images, voila, it could be saved. Thanks a ton Xeno. Btw - on my sda, I'd code the xml to call plugin's - it looks like with the wizard I just install them, and then put check boxes by the ones that I want to show up? Oh, and what format do you use for the wizard? Is it QVGA or VGA?
Glad you got it figured out. The wizard is QVGA. You use the one that is (240x294, 320x214). I put all of mine on my SD card in the root folder and they show up in the today app (start-->settings-->today). You can chose what today items you want under the Items tab in the today app also. There's no more xml codeing for the today screen now that you have ppc, those days are gone.

Contacts Dilema HELP!

I used Soft Key to change the shortcut @ the bottom of my screen i only wanted to change Calendar to New SMS, But when i started the Program it made me change both soft keys & Contacts is not in the list. Now i have New SMS & anything but Contacts.
Any body else had this problem? or does anyone have a fix for this????
Funny enough even if i navigate :
Contacts is not in that list either.......Weird......
I have attached screen shots to help.
Learn to use the registry. The keys you are looking for are in:
Key 112 is your left soft key, and key 113 is your right soft key. You just rename the, "Default" value to what you want to appear on the screen, and the, "Open" value to what you want to launch (the Contacts.lnk is in the /Windows/Start Menu/Programs folder I believe).
Oh, and get Schaps Registry Editor before any of that. ; )
Thanks for the info you have given but im afraid it don't help cause the or even contacts.exe is nowhere to be found on my device not even in the windows folder....
I have attached a screen shot for you to see.
Thanks again.
And by the way i use PHM Registry Editor.....
Do you already have "Contacts" in your start menu? On my phone, I have Contacts in my start menu, and it is no longer in /Windows/Start Menu/Programs but it is listed in Windows/Start Menu. I think it moves the .lnk over when it's active in the start menu. Just a thought.
I mean, it has to be on the phone somewhere. Although I can't seem to locate it in Windows either...kind of makes me wonder where the phone is pulling it from when I select it...hmm...
No it's not in my start menu, proof is in 1 of the attachments in my1st post.
Last nite i installed PocketCM and used soft key to choose the shortcut to it.
Now i have what i originally wanted
Left Shortcut:......New SMS
Right Shortcut:....Contacts (through PocketCM)
Screen Shot Attached
Yeah, I use iContact v0.6. I'd love to use PocketCM if it didn't try and do so much more than just contacts. It's refusal to stop trying to handle SMS is what makes me stay away from it.
Not to sure what you mean about PocketCM taking over SMS just switch it off in options if you dont like it.....
I use PocketCM V0.23 together with TouchPal 3.0 and the SMS option works well for me if anything better than the original cause it shows the whole conversation and it makes it easier for you to remember what you texting about he he he....
Try it.....
I've got a similar problem:
My right softkey was Calendar, some time ago it said "shortcut not found".
I set it again using Schap's Advanced Config, but it kept disappearing 2 or 3 times.
Now, the links for Calendar and Contacts have disappeared in the Start Menu!
I was able to copy the calendar.lnk from the \Windows directory, but there is no contacts.exe.
I do not use PocketCM, so that's not the root cause...
Try installing PocketCM and use that for a while to see it that shortcut dissapears aswell.....
Sounds like we have all got gremlins in our Hermes!!!!!!!! he he he
Here is the link:
Hope im allowed to post that......

Customizing Start Menu?

There's so many icons in the start menu that it's almost impossible to find things quickly, is there any way to delete icons or reorder them? I went through a file explorer to look at the start menu folder and everything is organized nicely into folders, but when I go to the start menu on my phone everything is just thrown together.
I completely agree. The new start menu's in 6.5 are terrible. Everything is all over the place at least Windows 6.1 sorted it into alphabetical order. Can't believe you can't customise it apart from moving things from the top to the bottom and vise-versa. I'm thinking over going back to 6.1 just for this reason alone. Unless I'm missing something
yeh I just got spb mobile shell 3.5 running on 6.1 and it's great that you can override the start menu... a few have it running on 6.5.
rpimps said:
There's so many icons in the start menu that it's almost impossible to find things quickly, is there any way to delete icons or reorder them? I went through a file explorer to look at the start menu folder and everything is organized nicely into folders, but when I go to the start menu on my phone everything is just thrown together.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unfortunately only method is to press and hold on each icon and move it to top or bottom of start menu which is a major oversite by Microsoft and a pain in the a**e!
I do however believe there was a thread or solution to this by modifying a certain path in the registry. I'll see if I can re-find it and post it later
This is a bit long-winded, but it really does help.
Open file explorer and go to...
\\My Device\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
In there, create category folders, like "Internet", "Utilities", "Media" etc..
Then, cut and paste the shortcuts into those folders.
It ain't perfect, and it takes a while, but once it's done, it really does make a big difference to that pile of poo they call a start menu.
Because of the fluster cuck of a menu, I decided to just go with wisbar's cascading and expanding start menu...What I really like about it as well is that it gives me a battery bar at the top, so I never have to guess what % I'm at...
I know that Energy ROM organize the StartMenu very well.

Windows Menu Order Home Screen

Ok i know a few of you would like to do this, and i think its been asked before but nothing turns up on search.
What the hell is it with the windows home screen, icons all over the place, no real easy way to move them, or order them.
I have tried a few programs but they mainly just seem to mess things up, i have also tried organizing all my icons into folders in windows, while it does sort of work there are still things you cant move, or it just does not go to plan, i know in 6.5.1 there is an option to re-organise icons how you like, but surely there is a way for 6.5?, its driving me nuts, there is crap all over the place with no organization to it.
Example i do things like this, create folder for the following...
And place corresponding progs into it, so you have some idea as to where a certain program is, its just neater.
Any ideas anybody?, i came across a site where some chap had written a program and had done everything i want to, but it didnt work for me, just kept crashing.
Jesus i could even do this on my nokia.....
Go to \Windows\Start Menu. There you can create folders that will then show up in the start menu and you can reorganize your shortcuts to those folders.
Use JWMD Icon Changer, it works on the HD2.
I'm obsessive about my Start menu order as well, so I definitely can tell you that program works. You can even change the icons since some programs have tiny jagged icons.
Use JWMD Icon Changer
Thats what i tried, but it does not seem to work and its cumbersome.
What am i doing worng?
What problem are you having exactly? It's not really cumbersome, it's a lot nicer than the other alternative which is Showaco's reStart (that one doesn't seem to work on the HD2, anyway).
If you have used the Windows feature to move icons up/down your Start menu list it will confuse this program, so you need to tap any icon you moved in that way and reset it to where it was before.
Then go to JWMD, browse to the folder you want to organize, click on tools and select arrange list. In the next window you can do organize your icons alphabetically or however you like. Then click save and restart your device and it should all work.
How am i supposed to remember what icons i moved in windows, i moved loads, maybe would explain why its not working.
So back to my original point, it does not really work....
Unless i can do a reset of the icons somehow?
If you tap on an icon and it gives you an option to move it to the bottom, it means you moved it to the top using the built-in method at some point.
The program works, it's not its fault you don't remember which icons you moved. If you don't believe me I can post for you a screenshot of my properly alphabetized Start Menu.
Yes i understand that the program is not meant to know and its not its fault, but bear in mind i have been fiddling with this phone for 4 weeks, theres no way in hell i can remember whats been moved where?.
Is there anyway to reset them all in one go, or it makes the prog pretty useless.
I told you, if you tap and hold on an icon and instead of giving you the option to 'move to the top' it gives you the option to 'move to the bottom' it means you used Windows' built-in way to rearrange those icons.
You can go through your list and move all the ones that let you to the bottom and leave the others where they are. Then try Icon Changer and see if it works.
Alternatively you can just hard reset your phone... or wait until a new ROM comes out... it shouldn't be too long away now and that will erase all your data anyway.
ah ill wait for new rom, to much hassle
Well, you're welcome anyway.

Easy Way to Change Between Show and Hide Caller ID

While looking for something in my Windows folder, I stumbled across this by accident.
If you would like an easy quick way to toggle between show and hide Caller ID (without going through all the multiple menu levels in Settings) look in your Windows folder for a file called CMCallerID.exe.
Put a link to it in your start menu. Then you can put a Quick Link to it on your home screen.
Unfortunate that HTC or T-Mobile did not put a link to it in the start menu to begin with, so people would know its there.
Probably wise to look at all the .exe files in the windows folder, to see what's there, as there are probably other hidden gems.
nice catch

