[AddOn+HowTo for JMLToday]WeatherBackgroundChanger as Example[Titanium] - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Ok - like promised - here now the explanation, how you could make your own AddOns for JMLToday.
It's good to do this with an example - and therefore I will use my "WeatherBackgroundChanger"
But at first:
To use it - you need JMLToday as Titaniumplugin -> *View and Download JMLToday*
I want to introduce the Names as start, so you will know the Differences:
JMLSpecial/Specials: This is the name of the developer interface for additional Script, which you can bind to ONE Skin.
It will be call while "Updating" by ContextMenu - after reading the Weather Information (will be also called after "Updating", when Internet is not available).
It has a name convention, so that JMLToday knows, which Script belongs to which Skin.
You can use it e.g. to change the Directories for the Skin-so you mustn't overwrite the existing meteo-sys-,battery-,clock-,...whatever-Files for your skin - you can fast switch between Skins & Images at the same time!
But you can also call Scripts from the JMLLibrary.
Each JMLSpecial-Script is stored direct in the JMLToday-Directory and starts with "JMLSpecial_.....mscr"
JMLLibrary/Library: This is the name - almost all Developers uses "libs", "Libraries". There you can find Skripts which CAN be used by EVERY Skin. The call is made over the JMLSpecial.
Each JMLLibrary-Scripts is stored direct in the JMLLibrary-Directory.
I hope we will find some developers here, who wants to can or want to learn a little bit MortScript - to make a great Library, which can be usesd by the Skinners.
Graphics: I call them by intention not "Images" - to make a difference, if I use this word. Some Library-Scripts will use additional Graphics - also my example here. They must be stored in a strice Directory-Structure to avoid collisions by multiple use of the JMLSpecials.
There are 2 different kind of Graphics:
- essential: These Graphics are a "Must" for the system, if the wouldn't be available, the Titanium-System would fail. So this images must always remain on Main Storage
- common: These Graphics are not a Must for the system. If the wouldn't be availsable - the maxiumum which can happen, that a short error-message would come from JMLToday - or you would see a "red cross" instead of the Graphic. Now you know, why I made this difference... these common graphics can be moved to the Internal Storage. And if you use your Device as USB-Stick for your PC... then you would have no access to your Internal Storage - and so also no access to the common graphics.
But that will be the decision of each User - he can change the path for the common graphics in Registry.
I will make somewhen a script to make this change automatically.
So everybody can decide on it's own, what is more important for him - more free Main Storage - or the Accessability to Icons also during PC-Connection as USB-Stick
Ok - the Directory-Structure is simple to use - I "paint it" now - JMLLibrary is also in your Program-Files-Folder - on the same level like yours "JMLToday":
<Program-Files-Folder in MainStorage>
Don't be afraid - I have made a .cab which integrates the Version of the Library and will make the correct Registry-Entries and provides the directory-structure and of course the Library-Scripts.
If you write one on your own, then you can make (if it's a bigger/more complicated Script) a new thread with this AddOn. If it's a smaller script - you can publish it in the Skins/AddOn-Thread from JMLToday: *klick*
Sounds complicated? No - it isn't - but I will put the Download of the first JMLLibrary in the following post (#2) with the exact explanation of the WeatherBackground-Library-Skript.
In the Post #3 - there I will show you - how to call the Library-Script from JMLToday with JMLSpecial-Function - and you will get 2 new skins to download, which uses the WeatherBackGroundchanger. Don't forget - you need the .cab of the current JMLLibrary to use Skins, which uses the Library - so install .cab from Post #2 (later on the newest version will be also found in Skin&AddOn-Thread)
and afterwards on of the both skins from Post #3 (one is for normal Titanium, all resolutions QVGA,WQVGA,VGA,WVGA, the other one for Titanium7-Project and VGA)

#2 Library
Fine - from Post #1 you know the directory structure - now let's go to our example - the WeatherBackgroundChanger.
You will see, how powerful and easy it is, to make something like such a Background-Changer
The Library-Script should look at the current weather and because of this changes your complete titanium Background. If it's sunny, then you will get a picture of a Sun as Background... and so on (Screenshots in #3)
Have in mind - it's a Library-Script - so it will be stored direct in the "JMLLibrary"-Directory
I've chosen the name (it's free how you name it - no convention, but I recommend to start at least with JMLLib_...) : JMLLib_weatherbackgroundchanger.mscr
The graphics are stored in /<Program Files>/JMLLibrary/Graphics/common/weatherbackgroundchanger
It's not necessary to put them in essential - if the graphics wouldn't be found, than only the copy wouldn't work and the current Background would remain. I called the pictures "sun.jpg" "flash.jpg"... and so on.
They are VGA-Resoltion at the moment - but you can change them to the size, which you need - and also: everybody likes other pictures... feel free to change them. But never change the filenames
OK - and here's the code - all the code above the ################# you mustn't touch - it's always the same - it only provides you the pathes.
As Developer you only have to make the Part under this ##########
- and withoutout comments... it would be very short and you see - it's easy:
# Made by MichelDiamond, 27.07.09
# Version 1.0
# Description:
# Changes the Background of Titanium according to the Weather-State of JMLToday - VGA
# following pathes are still the same - no need to change it if you make your own Library-Script - each script in /<Program-Path</JMLLibrary
LibraryPath = SystemPath( "ScriptPath" )
CommonGraphicPath = RegRead ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday","CommonGraphicPath")
EssentialGraphicPath = LibraryPath&"\Graphics\essential"
# no update during phoning
If (RegRead("HKLM","System\State\Phone","Status") AND 537067520)
############################## Now we can start with our own script
# Weather-Icon is available?
if (RegValueExists("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page1","Icon") = FALSE)
# Get WeatherIcon
weathericon = RegRead("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page1","Icon")
# Get number as String ( Icon= <jmlpath>\meteo\<number>.png )
weatherpng = Part(weathericon , "\", -1)
weatherstring = Part(weatherpng,".",1)
# Weather -> Backgroundpic (if nothing is found it's sunny)
Switch( weatherstring )
Case( 27,29,31,33,45,46 )
Case( 6,8,9,13,14,18,19,21,22,26,39 )
Case( 1,2,10,11,12 )
Case( 3,4,12,17,35,38,47 )
Case( 5,7,15,16,25,40,41,42,43 )
# Copy this pic from ...graphics\common\weatherbackgroundchanger to Wallpaper in Windows-Directory
# The Wallpaper's name is e.g. Stwater_480_640.jpg (VGA) - other resolutions corresponding
# you can find the Wallpaper in Registry-Key "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Wall
# For example with VGA the content of this key is "\windows\stwater_480_640.jpg"
dest=RegRead("HKCU", "Software\Microsoft\Today","wall")
# Titanium Refresh must be made by the calling script
I think the comments are good to understand, what this script does.
But only remind, if you also make an AddOn with the Library: You can use each Registry-String, each file... you can manipulate all Registry-String... and so there are soooooooooo much possibilities for AddOns.
OK - in Post #3 will be the both Skins, which uses this Library-Element and they change the Background according to the weather.
Here is the download for the Library - it's international format and will install in the correct directories (But don't forget... you need a skin, which uses it - but meanwhile you can change the Graphics to your favorite Graphics and Resolution)
The current download of JMLLibrary is to find: *here*

#3 Weatherbackground-Skins with Screenhots
Good - now it totally easy - but I want to explain, how every Skinner can use the Library - and now we are at JMLSpecial - the developer interface (look at Post #1)
There is a strict name convention! But it's easy to know:
After "Updating" (Context Menu - I think with 5.3 will come the automatic update-possibility) - there CAN be called the JMLSpecial-Script.
But it's only called, when it exists - in my example, the .plg (the Skin) has the name "JMLToday_weatherback.plg"
And the corresponding JMLSpecial-File must have following Name: JMLSpecial_<Skin-Name>.mscr
And so the Name of the Calling-Script must be "JMLSpecial_JMLToday_weatherback.mscr"
Do you check the trick? If you want to add something to your Skin or if you want to use the JMLLibrary, you need this JMLSpecial_<the name, how you baptized your Skin>.mscr
So if you want the Background-Changer for your Script... you only have to rename the JMLSpecial_... of this example - nothing else.
Ok - here is the code - the same as above in #2 - there's no need to change something above the ###################, if you want to do something with another Library-Item - the Rest is easy:
# Made by MichelDiamond
# Here: Static - only to set the Path-Variables - nothing to change.
# JMLTodayPath
instPath = SystemPath( "ScriptPath" )
# Path, where Library is to find
LibraryPath = RegRead ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday","JMLLibraryPath")
# Path where the common graphics are stored
CommonGraphicPath = RegRead ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday","CommonGraphicPath")
########################### Call in Library JMLLib_weatherbackgroundchanger_VGA.mscr
libspecial = LibraryPath&"\JMLLib_weatherbackgroundchanger.mscr"
if (FileExists(libspecial))
### Refresh Tianium to show new Pic
What's the result? - here the screenshots (pay attention to the weathericon and the Titanium-Wallpaer):
JMLToday_weatherback.plg (VGA,QVGA,WVGA,WQVGA) (I didn't changed my double-size-Style - in a "normal" Titanium the panel will have no empty space in the lower half) :
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
-Update Weather->
Download: *klick*
JMLToday_WM7_Analog_vga_weatherback.plg (VGA,Titanium7-Project) :
-Update Weather->
Download: *klick*
If make here only a .zip and no .cab for the skin... why? Because there's almost no need for a .cab - each Skin has only 2 Files (The .plg and the corresponding JMLSpecial_...mscr) - and not very much people knows how to .cab it international. And to copy the files in a directory - I think it's easier for some people than installing a .cab
A .cab is more important for a skin, which uses own Graphics for Weather, Battery,Clocks,... but that will be anoher example.
If you have questions or imrovement proposals for the Library or the JMLSpecials - please answer here in this example-Thread!
And give Feedback how you like it or not
If you makeyour own Library-AddOn - make a new Thread or post it in the Skin-Thread - then I will update the Library-Cab (of course with mentioning and praising your name )
Very important for all users, who only wants this Backgroundchanger:
You don't need to understand anything above this
Only install the JMLLibrary-Cab from Post #2 and take here the Skin, you want and copy the content of the .zip-File into /<Program Files>/JMLToday
Here's the Skins - enjoy your changing Background (and change your Background-Picures in /<Program Files>/JMLLibrary/Graphics/common/weatherbackground how you like it - only the filenames must remain the same. I took for here only some arbitrary pictures, which I found somewhere in xda-devs as wallpaper.
Hope it was good to understand, that you can make your own AddOns
Have Fun!

#4 How to .cab this Library - perhaps I will explain it somewhen
At the Moment <perhaps for future use>

OK - I'm finish
For all who wants to install the Skins - just install the Library-Cab from Post #2 and afterwards copy the extracted files from the .zips in Post #3 to your JMLToday-Directory. (Screenshots of the new Skins also in Post #3 )
Change the Skin by Contextmenu to the new Skin - and enjoy that your Titanium-Background changes like the current weather is in your JMLToday
One Tip: If you don't like, that after a Refresh the Default-Windows-Clock-Plugin is active (CClock) - then have a look at the *FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions* who to make JMToday your Default Clock PlugIn in Titanium.
Have Fun!

haha. I made update of weather,the wallpaper changed, that saw my collegue with his iPhone. I believe he also want Windows Mobile
Works! Long explanation but simple to install. luvit

MichelDiamond : SUPERBE ! (in french)

Wow nice work Michel!
Not for me as I like my West Ham wallpaper.......but may adapt for my own use. Very impressed with this tool

AGxM said:
Wow nice work Michel!
Not for me as I like my West Ham wallpaper.......but may adapt for my own use. Very impressed with this tool
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Therefore I called it "example" - so you can see, what's possible - and you can create it suitable to your personal preferences. Perhaps you share it with the other West Ham - Fans (or you have a completely different idea - now you know how powerful this little extension can be).
But hey - don't make the Background according to the result of the latest game of West Ham - could sometimes making depressive But you can make your own weather-Icons according to the last results of West Ham perhaps..or instead of the clock showing the results? All of this would be possible now
@JMHL: Thanx

Oh wow, what possibilities. Man, I gotta make a new skin. Excellent work, I can see this going far!

Yes - I know - we can also furthermore talk about new possibilities, what should be in the Library.
Very much download of the Library in the short time - I want to know, if each resolution really works - and if the update works also - could I have some feedback for it, please? (want to assure hat the .cab is completely bug-free, because it's the basic)
I would be also interested, wheather it works,when stwater_... is not the standard wallpaper.
If not - could somebody try instead of
the little bit farer way with MortScript-Command
There's no sense if I try it on my own, because the command above works fine on my device

Unfortunately the script isn't working on my device.
I've tried RedrawToday instead, but still the wallpaper isn't changing. I believe I've followed all the steps...
Installed the Library cab
Copied both the .mscr and the .plg to my JMLToday folder
Ran Update
I took a look at the JMLSpecial .mscr - should this line
not be
JMLLib_weatherbackgroundchanger.mscr ?
I'm not sure why it's not working but I'll keep investigating.

I think I know what's the problem: Please have a look into your today settings - is "stwater...." your Background-Picture? Because the Registry-Key points to this graphic.
Please try to change this Setting in your today (to be found in \windows as "stwater_<your resolution>"
(and change the graphics in \<programfiles>\JMLLibrary\graphics\common\weatherbackgroundchanger to your resolution - then it looks nicer.
I normally use S2V for changing my background - and this also accesses this reg-key and only change this graphic. (Had the same case yesterday in german forum)
Please give feedback, if it works. Then I know the Library is correct cabbed and I can make further library-.cabs.
Thanx for answering

MichelDiamond said:
I think I know what's the problem: Please have a look into your today settings - is "stwater...." your Background-Picture? Because the Registry-Key points to this graphic.
Please try to change this Setting in your today (to be found in \windows as "stwater_<your resolution>"
(and change the graphics in \<programfiles>\JMLLibrary\graphics\common\weatherbackgroundchanger to your resolution - then it looks nicer.
I normally use S2V for changing my background - and this also accesses this reg-key and only change this graphic. (Had the same case yesterday in german forum)
Please give feedback, if it works. Then I know the Library is correct cabbed and I can make further library-.cabs.
Thanx for answering
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I think the problem is the script is looking for stwater_x.jpg while my system uses stwater_x.png

Aha, I got it!
I've found if you're using a Today theme (selectable by going to Settings -> Today) it won't let you choose a file in the Windows folder to use as the background.
If you have a theme selected (eg GlossBlack) and don't have "Use this picture as the background" selected then it removes the "Wall" key entirely from the registry. If you then select "Use this picture as the background" it won't let you choose any file in /Windows to use as the background.
I found I had to manually edit the registry value to read "\Windows\stwater_240_400.jpg" - then changed the skin and ran an update.
It's now working! But I think other people may run into issues if this registry key doesn't exist on their devices. Maybe there's another way around this? One possible solution is to do a check if the key exists first and then create it if it doesn't.

Cool Thanx for the exact description also!
Yeah - there can be made any improvement to any script in the Library.
It's only Version 1.0 of weatherbackgroundchanger - and I also intended to make a check if the weather has changed - otherwise he shouldn't change the Wallpaper at all.
I will have a look - but there must be an other Registry-Key, which describes it (which Registry Value did you change?)
To get a .png instead of a .jpg would be easy... just rename Titanium is in this case very nice to the programmers.
But ok - the weatherbackgroundchanger is only one example for the JMLLibrary... but now I'm confirmed - the JMLLibrary works - and the .cab installs the Directory-Structure and Registry-Values abolutely correct.
So we can go on with the other AddOns - who has fun in programming some little MortScripts - here's some MortScripts we need:
Please take a little time (I would estimate it wouldn't take even a half hour to make the "easy" scripts and test it) and try yourself on one of this Scripts - some are totally easy and with the example here - no problem to make it. Also for people who have never programmed with MortScript - learning by doing.
I will add your Scripts to the JMLLibrary (with highlighting your name of course) - there's nothing more to do for you.
The Skinners can use your Scripts in Library like they want afterwards.

which Registry Value did you change?
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As mentioned all I did was manually add the String "Wall" with the value \Windows\stwater_240_400.jpg
Looking forward to more scripts. I've never made one myself, but I suppose there's only one way to start.

Great Job!

Jumba said:
As mentioned all I did was manually add the String "Wall" with the value \Windows\stwater_240_400.jpg
Looking forward to more scripts. I've never made one myself, but I suppose there's only one way to start.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
+1 regarding the reg key. I tried installing S2V but it wont let me view pictures in the \windows folder, it displays the folders but nothing within the windows folder.
could you provide additional information on where we need to add the reg key.

In Post #2 is the source code of the BackgroundChanger V1.0 - the link is: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Wall
But it's only read, to know, where the wallpaper is to find.
I have another .tsk, which doesn't change the Windows-Default - so it worked. But it don't work, if this Value is not set.
I o wanted to make an 2.0 of WeatherBackgroundChanger, that it only changes the wallpaper, if the weather would cause annother wallpaper.
It's only an Examp for the JMLLibrary, that everybody can help to expand it. And only to update the Library for one script... (change meanwhile the String manually)
We really need some simple mortscripts for this Library - because of your and our ideas:
-> click here and have a look if you can help or have further ideas, which should be in the Library <-
If I have 1-2 more Library Items (most wished: "isNight" at 3. and "Next Alarm within the next 24 hours" at 12. ) then I will add the weatherbackgroundchanger 2.0 to the next Update of JMLLibrary, too.


[UPDATE][10 Nov 2008] TouchLaunch! Partly rewritten, multilingual(NET2.0&3.5)

[UPDATE][10 Nov 2008] TouchLaunch! Partly rewritten, multilingual(NET2.0&3.5)
IMPORTANT! A web admin(s) needed for Touch-Innovation: look this thread
TouchLaunch is finger friendly application launcher, which scans startmenu shortcuts, and list them alphabetically.
-finger friendly scroll function
-quick alphabet shortcuts, either letterbar on screen edge, or abcgrid(similar to iContact )
-you can use todays' background image as this launcher's background
-supports custom icons with alphablending
-you can categorize shortcuts in categories
-finger gestures to move through categories,
left and right sweeps changes category
-multilanguage( English, Finnish, Dutch(partial), more http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=437773&page=1#2 )
-lots of customization options
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Change log:
[][10 Nov 2008]
+multilingual( english, finnish, dutch(partial) ), if you make your own language file, make sure it's UTF-8
+new skinning engine, same skinfile for all resolutions
+new settings file format
+faster and takes less memory
+two alpha blending simulation modes
+icons renders correctly on vga devices
+works "out of box" with VGA, QVGA and WQVGA(e.c. Omnia)
Known bugs:
-unfortunately old skins aren't supported anymore
-doesn't work correctly on landscape mode,
may crash
-Category names aren't localizised
-on squarescreen icons may render incorrectly
[][31 Oct 2008]
+support png icons with alphaLayers
+many Context Menu improvements, scroll if all the items can't fit on the screen
+Rearrenged optionDialog with folded/unfolded categories
+a brand new mainmenu
+menu background is darkened version of programs background image
+option whether it needs a tap or doubletap to launch programs
+Help menu, please read them before posting question to TouchLaunch's thread at Xda-Developers
[][29 Oct 2008]
+it's .NET 2.0 binary, so it should work for everybody
+many bugs fixed again
+list scrolling/touching improvements, no more accidental launches
+new about dialog added, has links to this thread, and also donation button
+new contextMenu, better looking and more fingerfriendly
+you can click and hold on listItem, and a contextmenu appear
+VGA skin included
[][27 Oct 2008]
+Icon caching ( program starts in 4-5 secs, depended on amount of your shortcuts, first start takes about 10 secs )
+New Option dialog ( not polished, but fully functionable )
+AlphabetGrid can be modified in Option dialog
+"Start in certain category" in Option dialog
[][22 Oct 2008]
+starting with emptylist bug fixed
[][21 Oct 2008]
+Alphabet Grid ( kind of "similar" as in Icontact ) see screenshots on second post
+option to use only custom folder ( look in the settings.xml! )
+ability to start with certain category ( look in the settings.xml! )
[][20 Oct 2008]
+customfolder bug fixed, custom folder directory doesn't need to exists
+freezin on exit bug fixed
+few graphical glitches repaired
+applications names can be drawed with shadow,
makes text look softer or sharpen
[0.0.4][20 Oct 2008]
+icon support ( iconpacks )
+custom support
+shortcut categories
+replace folderview.exe function ( and also undo function )
+lot of bugs fixed
+skin change is much much faster
+customfolder support, for addionatiol shortcuts
+sweep gestures for chancing category
[0.0.3][10 Oct 2008]
+you can use your today's screen background as this program's background
+ability to choose whether minimize or terminate on exit
+automatic closing ( either minimize or exit on closing )
+it's minimizes correctly, so you can leave it on running background
+should work on all different language roms!
[0.0.2][7 Oct 2008]
+Skin changer
+Better skinning support
+You can use bitmaps as list item highlight
+6 premade skins
+closeAfterLaunch feature
[0.0.1][6 Oct 2008]
Known "bugs":
-if you use .net2.0 version from zipfile, rename TouchLaunchNET2.exe to TouchLaunch.exe to get Replace folderview function to work.
-using today's background causes crash sometimes
.NET CF 2.0
wm6 ( might work with wm5 )
Download and install the cab file or download the zip file, extract it to any
folder on your ppc and run the exe file.
Uninstall previous version and then delete program folder it was installed, first.
Making new skins you can look example from premade skins in the skin
folder at installation folder. Adding new just copy your skin xml file
in the skins folder.
Custom icons can be added to iconpacks folder, just make a subfolder
with your favourite icons. Name them similar to shortcuts.
Example: Active Sync.lnk needs Active Sync.png ( or .jpg, .gif etc ) bitmap file.
Categories can be added by creating a empty file in the catogories subdir. And removed by deleting certain category file.
-appToDate support
-bug fixes
-landscape support
-performance tweaking
-optimizing memory usage
Feel free comment, and give me more ideas!
I'm doing this on my free time so:
If like it, you can always donate me few beers to keep me motivated
Thanks to gingercat and dosfan for exellent work on KListControl!
Thanks to skinmakers!
Other's skins included in package:
Manila 2D Blue ( by shadowmike )
Diamond ( by Azimuth21 )
DiamondVGA ( by Mr Gee )
and thanks bluemetalaxe for icons!
and thanks groofoo for dutch translation.
Also available: http://www.touch-innovation.com/details-242-3/
Simplified Chinese
Extra Skins
Azimuth21's Diamond skin
Loading on my Wizard
Thanks for this!
great how much ram need?
yeah i wanna know too.
you know not everyone has around a hundred mb of ram
Ram usage depends on theme, the current theme on screenshots takes 597 kb... not hundreds of megs
okay cool.
im going to be using my background from my today screen so it should be pretty good.
im glad you have an option to replace folderview.
i had to do a hard way(using vjbrisk)
kidnamedAlbert said:
okay cool.
im glad you have an option to replace folderview.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I built a little touchlaunch launcher for that purpose
Still no ABC grid like in Icontats? .... It would really make this appication much more finger friendly
nice with low ram like diamond and i can change icons.thx all
Nice update. Takes a few seconds to load up on the HTC touch but other than that works pretty good. The quick keyboard like icontact would be sweet but i guess everything takes time. So far so good.
I think you're using an old version of the Diamond skin; I posted an updated one here, using a background and some tweaks. Adapted it quickly to 0.0.4; might be some bugs.
Very nice!
A side note, there is no "u" in favorites.
Nice... I love the UI more and more but I noticed the start-up time is longer. Prolly more processing/resource to load the icons, huh? On the other hand, I encountered an error.
When I close the application using the "CLOSE" button on the lower left with selected "Exit" and not "Minimize", I get an error of:
An unexpected error has occured in TouchLaunch.exe.
Select Quit and then restart the program, or select Details for more information.
Error reading catergory file: Favorites
If I select the X on the upper right, the application closes without any error.
Thanks a lot...
The update sounds righteous. Can't wait to try it out.
Slick n Sweet
Nice job - sure love these sweet XDA toys. Love the idea of adding the icons and sub-categories and gestures. Your a genius.
Minor bug though - when installed on my memory card i get the error that ":\Program Files\TouchLaunch\custom" does not exist. The full path for this directory is :\Storage Card\Program Files\TouchLaunch\custom. Last version 0.3 worked fine on memory card.
Works fine when I install program to main memory though.
Also hard to see the icon - do you like this one I made for you??
ronschaefer said:
Minor bug though - when installed on my memory card i get the error that ":\Program Files\TouchLaunch\custom" does not exist. The full path for this directory is :\Storage Card\Program Files\TouchLaunch\custom. Last version 0.3 worked fine on memory card.
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Click to collapse
This bug also occurs with an german rom, because the path is, even if you install it on Main Memory, "\Programme\TouchLauch\custom"... you have to use the following .net-code:
using System.Collections;
string ApplicationPathwithExe = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase;
string ApplicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ApplicationPathwithExe);
Was just about to post with the same proble. Hopefully it will be resolved soon enough. Love this app.
A temporary fix for memory card problem:
Just make a directory "TouchLaunch" in program files and put the "Custom" folder there. It works fine for me and it doesn't take a lot space. I think that similar solution can work and for other language roms(need to make and "Program files" dir too).
I have and another problem:
The "Use today's Background" option leads to an error: File not found exception.

[W.I.P.] Flash Weather 3D (with the diamond animations) - Need developer's help

NEW non-M2D version!
By advice, Im creating a new post, not to confuse ppl into this older m2d-dependant version:
If the M2D plugin is ever to be changeable, I'll return to this thread.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Im currently working on a flash that display the Manila 3D weather animations.
The idea is to have that on M2D, on the operator tab or something, it would require changing it so that it could read flash and a "load registry" command, like this EXE has. If you know some way of doing this, please post here.
To use this EXE you'll need Flash 7 (lite may also work, but im not sure) and M2D with the weather already configurated (because this reads the registry values from M2D).
The download is quite large (16mb) because of the animations, so I wasnt able to post it here, you have the download link below.
I'd like to thank Rumball for giving me permission to use his animations and The_hesham for pushing this idea.
To use, place it all on your /Storage Card/Program Files/W3D and create a shortcut for the EXE (with resco explorer or something). This path can be changed in the registry since v4 or thru the settings menu since V5. You can also change the language by translation the DATA.TXT file (more info on the V5 "whats new" area).
One thing I noticed, the m2d conversion from Farenheight to celsius is slightly incorrect... Only the farenheight measure is recorded on the registry, so if you choose celsius, m2d makes this conversion: (farenheight - 32) / 1.8 = celsius
But if the result is, for example, between 12.1 or 12.9 the value shown is always 12º. My conversion rounds up anything above 0.5 to +1.0. I think thats the way it should be. And thats why you get different results in M2D and this app.
If you'd like to help, please tell me how to attach this to M2D somehow...
To do:
read "last update was on...?" info, need to understand the registry code...
update now button
add city (this is not going to be easy)
m2d integration (how? please help me)
Lots and lots and lots of bugfixes!
Still limit of 10 cities for now (does anyone know if there is a limit on m2d?)
I think all the weather info and icons are now correct... (Showaco, you rock!)
You can click on the icon to see the animation again.
Stiil no "last updated on" info
Added a txt datafile to future language translations.
I think I'll add the smaller icons on the bottom now... And when you click them they could appear as big, what do you think?
Download v2 (16Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/202544328/W3D.zip
Added clickable 4 day weather bottom mini-icons.*
Cleaned up the code a bit
Fixed some fonts to be more visible
Added loading screen (very quick)
Changed the refresh button (its actually useless at this point, it should be used to update on the near future)
Re-added the county name after the city name, I was removing itat first, but it looks helpfull if you have many cities...
*The bottom 4 days when clicked just do the animation, they dont appear on fullscreen, because the m2d info only has the high and low temperature, not the medium, so my calculations would not be accurate.
Small update V4:
Cleaned up some code (Thank you [email protected]_pt).
Added option to change the path of the icons/wallpaper/data language thru the registry in :HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\W3D\PATH = /Storage Card/Program Files/W3D (this is the default path created the first time you run it).
Added some key codes: Right replays the main animation, left replays the small animations, enter exits the app.
New version 5:
Fixed a bug on icon nº 19 (thanks for the tip jazenf).
Removed some (now) obsolete code.
Added full language configuration on data.txt, you can create your own language* and post here for me to add to the final version.
Added abillity to create your own pack of icons*.
Added new settings button, where you can change the name of iconset, language, background, celsius and program path... no need for you to mess with the registry manually.
NOTE: The keyboard is hidden by default, you need to click on a text area for it to pop-up.
Removed refresh button, but you can still refresh thru the settings, just press OK.
Changed DATA.TXT to allow the new language changes.
Small update v5b:
Small bug fixed reading the language data files (still a little buggy).
removed the .jpg and .txt extensions from the settings (easier to update).
Added extra languages as a separated zip attached here.
* Theme rules:
Icons must be individual swf files, exported as flash 7, must have the same name as the ones on the "icons" folder, 240x200 px size and (this is important) have in the last frame the LABEL parado with the CODE stop();. The icon theme's name is the name of the folder.
Wallpapers are jpg's in 240x295 px saved in standart enconding, progressive enconding will not appear on flash, this is a old flash bug.
If you have a VGA or any other sized screen, you can change the JPG size to whatever fits you best.
The language file data.txt can be renamed to data_sp.txt (as spanish, for example) or any other name you'd like, just remenber to change it on the settings too. I added the Portuguese language as an example also.
Note that the first variable doesnt have the & character and that they all finish with &END, this is normal.
If you have a special character that doesnt appear, tell me what it is, so that I can embebbed it into the app.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To use, just download V2 (if you didn't already) and update the EXE (and other files) with the ones attached on this post.
Great job twolf!
i find this very hard to do but will look into it
first info...weather states are as follow:
(extracted from stringtable of HTC_HDLG.exe.0409.mui and Manila2D.exe.0409.exe)
2570, "Sunny"
2571, "Mostly Sunny"
2572, "Partly Sunny"
2573, "Intermittent Clouds"
2574, "Hazy Sunshine"
2575, "Mostly Cloudy"
2576, "Cloudy"
2577, "Dreary"
2578, " "
2579, " "
2580, "Fog"
2581, "Showers"
2582, "Mostly Cloudy with Showers"
2583, "Partly Sunny with Showers"
2584, "Thunderstorms"
2585, "Mostly Cloudy with Thunder Showers"
2586, "Partly Sunny with Thunder Showers"
2587, "Rain"
2588, "Flurries"
2589, "Mostly Cloudy with Flurries"
2590, "Partly Sunny with Flurries"
2591, "Snow"
2592, "Mostly Cloudy with Snow"
2593, "Ice"
2594, "Sleet"
2595, "Freezing Rain"
2596, " "
2597, " "
2598, "Rain and Snow Mixed "
2599, "Hot"
2600, "Cold"
2601, "Windy"
2602, "Clear"
2603, "Mostly Clear"
2604, "Partly Cloudy"
2605, "Intermittent Clouds"
2606, "Hazy"
2607, "Mostly Cloudy"
2608, "Partly Cloudy with Showers"
2609, "Mostly Cloudy with Showers"
2610, "Partly Cloudy with Thunder Showers"
2611, "Mostly Cloudy with Thunder Showers"
2612, "Mostly Cloudy with Flurries"
2613, "Mostly Cloudy with Flurries"
dont know if this is the order but at least is all weather conditions found...
Ooohhh Thanks man
can u upload in megaupload I can not download from rapidshare.
Real nice as usual Twolf
Installed in my Kaiser/Sd Card, is it supposed to get information from Manilla Weather configuration ? I can see 3 cities like I have, but only the 1st one get an image
Other question, when Update is pressed nothing happens
Flash Lite 7, instaled in main device, is it supposed to be in SDCard ?
Thanks for your superwork
ps: Updated in Manilla and the figures are shown, but there are discrepancies in values and actual weather
Sorry all these are in your to do list
pcarvalho, thank you so much, that will be very helpfull!
The_hesham, megaupload keeps giving errors on my ISP, thats why I only use rapidshare...
Anyway, theres problably going to be an update tomorrow...
Pisca, this is an alfa version, it has lots of bugs still...
I think flash 7 can only be installed in the memory, since its only a big dll file that stays on the windows folder.
Rumball, I just noticed, you mentioned in your thread that some animation where cut out from you (great) work on WeatherPanel... Exacly how many weather animations does Diamond has?
twolf said:
pcarvalho, thank you so much, that will be very helpfull!
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Click to collapse
i'm having another good idea in my head...go to your PM box
it probably wont work either but ok...
Pisca said:
ps: Updated in Manilla and the figures are shown, but there are discrepancies in values and actual weather
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Click to collapse
There are a lot of things to fix still, my biggest concern was if flash could load a 1mb animation with enough speed and framerate... and even getting a little slow in the wipper, its fairly ok...
One thing I noticed, the m2d conversion from Farenheight to celsius is slightly incorrect... Only the farenheight measure is recorded on the registry, so if you choose celsius, m2d makes this conversion:
(farenheight - 32) / 1.8 = celsius
But if the result is, for example, between 12.1 or 12.9 the value shown is always 12º. My conversion rounds anything above 0.5 to +1.0. I think thats the way it should be. And thats why you got different results.
twolf said:
There are a lot of things to fix still, my biggest concern was if flash could load a 1mb animation with enough speed and framerate... and even getting a little slow in the wipper, its fairly ok...
One thing I noticed, the m2d conversion from Farenheight to celsius is slightly incorrect... Only the farenheight measure is recorded on the registry, so if you choose celsius, m2d makes this conversion:
(farenheight - 32) / 1.8 = celsius
But if the result is, for example, between 12.1 or 12.9 the value shown is always 12º. My conversion rounds anything above 0.5 to +1.0. I think thats the way it should be. And thats why you got different results.
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Click to collapse
Hi t-wolf,
Should you need beta-testers, I have M2D ready on niki100 for testing.
Section9 said:
Hi t-wolf,
Should you need beta-testers, I have M2D ready on niki100 for testing.
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Click to collapse
Thats a great model, hehehe...
Its an open beta, ill be posting it as it evolves.
great work!
i've tried it on my herald with flash 3.1. And it doesn't work... After that I've installed Flash 7 and it has successfully stared up, but doesn't show the animations (I've tried Madrid and New York in M2D). the instalation is done in /Storage Card/Program Files/W3D (I've triple checked). Any guesses of why isn't it working?
BTW, what do you mean by:
Place the icons on the correct order.
Know the weather conditions order
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Click to collapse
hi t-wolf
who to use it in throttleLauncher 0.9.6
Great job twolf nice
dody said:
hi t-wolf
who to use it in throttleLauncher 0.9.6
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Click to collapse
Right now the only way to use it will be with the WindowEmbed plugin... but it will not update as it's M2D who updates de weather . Let's wait until he end including it inside M2D, after that, the integration in throttle will be simple... .
Didnt had time to read your pms and post, sorry about that but I was working on the....
Lots and lots and lots of bugfixes!
Still limit of 10 cities for now (does anyone know if there is a limit on m2d?)
I think all the weather info and icons are now correct... (Showaco, you rock!)
You can click on the icon to see the animation again.
Stiil no "last updated on" info
Added a txt datafile to future language translations.
I think I'll add the smaller icons on the bottom now... And when you click them they could appear as big, what do you think?
Download v2 (16Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/184497753/W3D_v2.zip
Thanks Twolf
Tested V2
1 - animations working when clicked, and correct vs md2
2 - still a diference 1ºCelcius vs md2
3 - number on left side 1/2 not changing sometimes
Nice idea about 5 days forecast being clicable with animations
am i missing something...i installed the W3D folder in the right place but when i go to the weather tab its the same old m2d weather
Pisca said:
Thanks Twolf
Tested V2
1 - animations working when clicked, and correct vs md2
2 - still a diference 1ºCelcius vs md2
3 - number on left side 1/2 not changing sometimes
Nice idea about 5 days forecast being clicable with animations
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1 - cool
2 - yes, I explained that on post #8 already, I'll add it to the first post.
3 - Fixed on v3
Royals said:
am i missing something...i installed the W3D folder in the right place but when i go to the weather tab its the same old m2d weather
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Click to collapse
Yes, you didnt read the first post.
I want this to be embebbed on the M2D, but I cant do it myself, so if anyone can help, it would be great...
Added clickable 4 day weather bottom mini-icons.*
Cleaned up the code a bit
Fixed some fonts to be more visible
Added loading screen (very quick)
Changed the refresh button (its actually useless at this point, it should be used to update on the near future)
*The bottom 4 days when clicked just do the animation, they dont appear on fullscreen, because the m2d info only has the high and low temperature, not the medium, so my calculations would not be accurate.
To use, just download V2 (if you didn't already) and update the EXE with the one attached on the first post.
Thanks Twolf
I'll test and let you know
Have a nice weekend

[Online tool] Titanium CPR/PLG helper v0.8

Did a online tool in flash to help skinners and developers code the CPR / PLG files easily:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Use it here: http://twolf.sytes.net/Titanium_Helper/
This basicly allows us to see the result and the code on-the-fly of the text or image we want to position.
Was going to do a flash EXE for our devices, but it would be too small to use, so went for the online tool.
To use:
- Right-click with the mouse and select FULLSCREEN for a better use.
- Drag the toolbar windows to wherever you work best.
- Choose plugin name and resolutions.
- Add images and texts.
- Drag and resize the texts and images to whatever you need.
- Use the up, down left and right cursor keys and grow + / - for a more precise use.
- Also the backspace and space to delete and edit objects.
- In the end simply paste the codes to separate notepads (by clicking the button you are doing a COPY action).
- Drag to move.
- Drag the bottom left tip to strech.
- Copy code to PLG.
- Added more precision, with cursors and + / - keys.
- Choose plugin name
- Choose screen size (QVGA/VGA, Portrait/Landscape)
- Add image
-- Add image ID
-- Add image size
-- Add image filename
- Add text
-- Add text ID
-- Add text font
-- Add text font style
-- Add text size
-- Add text color
- Export CPL/CPR
- Started the Export REG routine (registry setting to import to the final CAB file)
- Added:
-- Choose plugin size
-- More screen sizes (SQVGA/WVGA, Portrait/Landscape)
-- Export REG
-- Developer useful links,
- Changed layout a little.
- Added Remove item
- Added Edit item
- Dome bug fixes
- Some visual cleanup.
- Instead of a Wizard tool, I simple added 1-2-3 steps on the menus to create a full CPL/REG.
- Added fullscreen option on mouse right-click, for smaller monitors.
- Fixed QVGA landscape/VGA portrait wrong settings (thanks, chriscsh )
- Added WQVGA screen settings.
- Added a simplified color picker on text objects.
- Cleaned up the layout a little.
- Fixed bug that allowed negative image and text sizes (would be great if it rotate them, hehehe)
- Corrected misspelled CPL with PLG (my mistake)...
- Added option to drag toolbar windows around, for a easier use (carefull where you put the DELETE AREA ).
- Added button menu.
- Fixed CHOME name in the registry window.
- Added field for the condensed size of the plugin.
- Added a lot of missing CPL/REG codes (still need to see about the GUID reg code...)
- Separated the CPR code from the PLG code (just remove the first and last fields).
- Added ENTER as OK key.
- Fixed digits resize.
- Added more text options:
- Added Chome Visual Editor by Kane159
To do:
- Add pages.
Dude, once you get that todo list of yours done,
I will be using this almost everyweek to make a new skin.
Thank you for your hard work!!
That is very nice Twolf. Can't wait to see it working for the Omnia.
v0.3 released, lots of extra stuff.
If you cant see the registry window its ok, its not fully working yet.
Great stuff!
So, finally will we be able to make a cab too with your app...?
flaviopac said:
Great stuff!
So, finally will we be able to make a cab too with your app...?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, but thats not only up to me...
I wont be able to do that alone.
That envolves php hosting, online cab tools, etc...
v0.4 updated.
v0.5 updated.
Dont know where to go from here...
I really have to say this is one of the most useful tools i've seen out there. amazing work and thanks for sharing!
a suggestion could be to pack the .swf inside a flash projector .exe and maybe distribute it as standalone for faster access. but that's just a suggestion. it's really great!
nice twolf
wow, that very useful, thanks
when select QVGA landscape, the layout show 480x640
VGA portrait, the layout show 320x240
Very cool thanks for sharing twolf, i'm adding as a useful resource in my 6.5 guide.
rpereira said:
I really have to say this is one of the most useful tools i've seen out there. amazing work and thanks for sharing!
a suggestion could be to pack the .swf inside a flash projector .exe and maybe distribute it as standalone for faster access. but that's just a suggestion. it's really great!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you, I was going to do a EXE at first, but this way it always updated to the last version, also a swf version is less heavy than the EXE and its compatible to all OS's (its flash 7 so it even runs on WM, if we had the screens for it ) but ppl can always simply save the page as a file (mht) or get the swf from the browser's cache, but again, when a update comes out their version would be outdated... Theres no ads or banners nor there will be, so the page is only those 25kb to load.
chriscsh said:
wow, that very useful, thanks
when select QVGA landscape, the layout show 480x640
VGA portrait, the layout show 320x240
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Good catch, thanks, will fix that on the next version.
twolf can u please make also for WQVGA?
if u need any code im here to help
Wow, that's an giant leap forward.
Nice work man!
giorgosm said:
twolf can u please make also for WQVGA?
if u need any code im here to help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
LOL, I just did that, didnt even noticed it was missing before fixing the QVGA landscape bug...
v0.6 released!
v0.7 released !
(yes, I have nothing better to do, )
Some major code fixes and extra options added.
The floating draggable toolbar windows changed the layout completly... its the small details that make me smile. ^_^
Hm nice one.
In landscape QVGA and WQVGA have different dimensions, but in portrait they have the same?
gekas said:
Hm nice one.
In landscape QVGA and WQVGA have different dimensions, but in portrait they have the same?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, yes, the 240 pixels are the same. And you are not going to do a plugin bigger than 320 pixels.
I did the same in SQVGA.
This makes less clutter on the editor layout.
I have some issues on my 1366X768 screen. Even full screen the bottom section is cut off. Can you make it scroll or something so I can see the whole image?

[APP][09/07/20][PreviewPlugin Titanium english]JMLToday5.1-need Skins all resolutions

NEW VERSION IS ONLINE - please go to:
-> *Newest Version of Titanum-Plugin JMLToday with Download*
--> *Skins & AddOns for JMLToday*
Please read this before:
Here is in accordance with JMHL the Preview for JMLToday in English.
I discovered JMLToday some time ago in the web and there it was only for French language, but I liked the style and variability and so I got in contact with JML to translate it to other languages - at first Germany.
At first it was only a translation/changing of script - but then we got closer and the changes will be directly implemented in JMLToday - with the goal to have a multilanguage JMLToday.
Then I made also a multilang cab and looks for improvements - but the it's not good to have too much cooks - the developer of JMLToday is JMHL -> please visit his Blog: http://www.jmlacou.com/wpJML/?p=24
This "Collect-Thread" is opened in accordance with JMHL.
With the help and testing of some Users from Diamond-Section we have now a Preview of JMLToday in English Language - full functionality! (Thanks to donsalari, xxmarkosxx)
Some questions are already answered there: *Diamond JMLToday5.1-Thread*
But the Plugin can work on all resolutions - I made the installer, that it will be installed in every ROM - independent from the language - but the complete development was on the Diamond - and it's to difficult to estimate the other resolutions - especially in Titanium with the different styles.
But it runs on VGA,WVGA,QVGA,WQVGA,...!
But first have a little look to it (don't mind about foreign languages in Screenshot):
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Further informations and Skins:
*French Developer Forum - The Home of JMHL*
*German Developer forum*
Important and what we need:
The Plugin should work by default - you can change the skin, how you like. In the links above you will find much more skins and Icons.
But very much Skins have no Landscape support - and also new Skins would be really great! It's not difficult - if you look with CHome into the Vars - you will see, that very much different Skins are easy to make.
User with other resolutions like QVGA WQVGA:
First trial with additional setup instructions in Post #23 -> *QVGA/WVGA-Trial AddOn* - then it works on your resolution!
But we need more input: The Plugin can be installed, but there's only one .plg which has your Resolution. So all VGA-Themen - they won't be added to the right .cpr - nothing to see.
But you have the others default .plg-Files in the JMLToday-Directory... and you can add the sections for your resolution and resize the Icons and texts, that it looks nice.
Copy complete
<layout screenWidth="480" screenHeight="640">
Section and add it with your resolution.
With the "Change Skin"-Contextmenu by tapping on the Main-Screen (or by starting "jmltodayskins.mscr" you can always test.
The Plugin works very stable - so I don't think you can do something wrong - but nevertheless: JMHL or me can't be made responsible for that what you do
Features 5.1 preview:
- Digital Clock
- Weather for Today and next 5 Days ( you'll find your town with http://weather.msn.com -> e.g. NewYork is "USNY0996" )
- Short description of weather
_ Battery, Appointments, Bluetooth, Wifi, Alarm-State
- Notifications for SMS and Phone (with extended Contextmenu!)
- Support of S2U2-UserWeather
- Support for Titanium7-Project and "custom" Titanium - what you prefer
- no costs
- ... much more - you'll see
The Program is written in C++ - so minimal Battery-Drain in opposite to 24/7-Mortscripts, complete skinable because everything to change is outside the C++ in Mortscript (but no 24/7 )
Why not Accuweather? In MSN it's a very small size to load (in next version only 1,5 Kb) - and you'll find much more small villages - perhaps yours)
Please help us to geht Skins for all Resolutions and for Portrait and Landscape.
We hope with the Multi-Language-Release of JMLToday - which will be made by JML - your Skins could be inside.
You can also looking forward to:
- configurable Clock/Alarm-Path (if U use e.g. G-Alarm, Pocket-Alarm,...)
- Interface for Skinners to add more informations, wherever they are (2nd weathercity, more Appointments, Birthdays,... whatever you like)
- Analog Clock
Notes because of questions:
- The default Plugin is "JMLToday.plg" - for this file we would need the qvga,... as most urgent
- the default.plg is only the hook for ATPluginInstaller - no need to change anything.
- Everything with "WM7" inside Skin-Name is for Titanium7-Project
- Use CHome-Editor from Showaco to see, what informations can be displayed in JMLToday
- switch from Fahrenheit to Celcius -> *klick to #31*
Thank you for your help - I will send working skins to JML and your Skin could be inside the next Releases - feedback is appreciated that we can see, that a skin is working on other resolutions - also new Ideas are welcome.
Thanks to everybody, who will help!
Thank you - works great!
Hope also for additional skins
Nice app. Installed perfect. Is there a way to dispaly 12 hour time format instead of 24 hour format?
dougdelong : In next version (v5.2)
Sorry if i ask the obvious... is this a Titanium plugin like stated in the title or is it a CHome Titanium replacement with plugins?
hope you will in next version put temperature to be shown in celsius....
Yes - in 5.2 it will be chooseable for us and en (Fahrenheit <-> Celcius). Also for 12/24h
But meanwhile you can change it immediately to Celcius:
you will find in jmlmeteo.mscr the line with
raw=ReadFile("http://meteo.msn.com/RSS.aspx?wealocations=wc:"&location&"&weadegreetyp e=F&culture=en-US", "latin1")
- change it to:
raw=ReadFile("http://meteo.msn.com/RSS.aspx?wealocations=wc:"&location&"&weadegreetyp e=C&culture=en-US", "latin1")
No - there's no replacement of something - you should have to do it manually to overtake the CClock, if you want. But by default: New Panel - don't be afraid
@ll: The 5.2 is really great in first Tests - we really need at least the "JMLToday.plg" and the "JMLToday_WM7.plg" very urgent in QVGA and WQVGA (and perhaps in landscape, too)
Please help - we don't have the devices to make it in perfect fit for this resolutions.
Otherwise the Release for all Resolutions (besides VGA and WVGA) must be postponed
Please have a look in the Diamond-Thread, too - there are some answers for common questions: -> *Diamond Thread*
MichelDiamond said:
No - there's no replacement of something - you should have to do it manually to overtake the CClock, if you want. But by default: New Panel - don't be afraid
@ll: The 5.2 is really great in first Tests - we really need at least the "JMLToday.plg" and the "JMLToday_WM7.plg" very urgent in QVGA and WQVGA (and perhaps in landscape, too)
Please help - we don't have the devices to make it in perfect fit for this resolutions.
Otherwise the Release for all Resolutions (besides VGA and WVGA) must be postponed
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I installed the plugin, then a new panel appeared with the setup. I did the setup then CHome refreshed but the new plugin did not show up anymore. In CHome Editor it shows up as the top plugin but not on my screen.
I did try to install it in the default theme for Titanium to avoid problems with compatibility.
claus1953 said:
I installed the plugin, then a new panel appeared with the setup. I did the setup then CHome refreshed but the new plugin did not show up anymore. In CHome Editor it shows up as the top plugin but not on my screen.
I did try to install it in the default theme for Titanium to avoid problems with compatibility.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Might have something to do with your screen size according to the first post.
Very Cool! Works well. VGA
Only way for me to have English for all the words is to change the Skin to Chelsea.
I like the JMLToday standard Skin better but the Day and Month is still in some other language "French"?
Got the City worked out and weather shows but the icon is chopped on the top.
Thanks! Looking forward to 5.2
blazingwolf said:
Might have something to do with your screen size according to the first post.
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Click to collapse
Oh ok, i tought that if the setup panel appears it should be fine, but well...
I like this plugin. However, I have two questions. On my weather panel, the days are not capitalized. How do I change that. Also, how do I go from 24h clock to 12h clock? Again, nice looking plugin and thanks for any help.
Very classy , all in one solution. Thanks!
Very Nice
Really nice! Great job. One of the few multi plugins that is useful and yet classy.
how it's gonna be install, i installed the cab to the phone memory, i click ChomeRefresh in programs/ utilities/jmltoday/ but nothing happens, do i have to close touchflo 3D from today or not?? please someone tell me how it'll work??? my device is diamond also...
MichelDiamond said:
Yes - in 5.2 it will be chooseable for us and en (Fahrenheit <-> Celcius). Also for 12/24h
But meanwhile you can change it immediately to Celcius:
you will find in jmlmeteo.mscr the line with
raw=ReadFile("http://meteo.msn.com/RSS.aspx?wealocations=wc:"&location&"&weadegreetyp e=F&culture=en-US", "latin1")
- change it to:
raw=ReadFile("http://meteo.msn.com/RSS.aspx?wealocations=wc:"&location&"&weadegreetyp e=C&culture=en-US", "latin1")
No - there's no replacement of something - you should have to do it manually to overtake the CClock, if you want. But by default: New Panel - don't be afraid
@ll: The 5.2 is really great in first Tests - we really need at least the "JMLToday.plg" and the "JMLToday_WM7.plg" very urgent in QVGA and WQVGA (and perhaps in landscape, too)
Please help - we don't have the devices to make it in perfect fit for this resolutions.
Otherwise the Release for all Resolutions (besides VGA and WVGA) must be postponed
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Click to collapse
Changing F to C for degrees didnt work out. After making a change it always gives an error in mscr file.
nec85 said:
how it's gonna be install, i installed the cab to the phone memory, i click ChomeRefresh in programs/ utilities/jmltoday/ but nothing happens, do i have to close touchflo 3D from today or not?? please someone tell me how it'll work??? my device is diamond also...
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Click to collapse
Of coure you need to close tf3d... And u need to enable "windows default" from the today settings...
ManUtd07 said:
I like this plugin. However, I have two questions. On my weather panel, the days are not capitalized. How do I change that. Also, how do I go from 24h clock to 12h clock? Again, nice looking plugin and thanks for any help.
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Click to collapse
I am annoyed with that too... Tried a lot.. But apparently it picks up the days from system clock...(Atleast i think so)
dougdelong said:
Nice app. Installed perfect. Is there a way to dispaly 12 hour time format instead of 24 hour format?
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Click to collapse
Not yet
Ok here is one more theme "I HAVE NOT MADE THIS."
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Click to collapse
Thanks to report my thème, will try to adapt it on 5.2 when it's over

[APP][19/12/2010] TRITaniumWeather 5.9.2 (In Development)

Thread has moved to here since it's not just for the diamond!
First, the thanks. To all at XDA, cos we rock To Showaco for the base code, to nosedive for the mods done on it and anyone else who worked on TitaniumWeather in the past. Also to Sleuth for his myLocation service.
TRITaniumWeather Really Isn't TitaniumWeather:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Never Heard of it! - TitaniumWeather was an application for WM6.5's Titanium homescreen (WM6.1 Users, read on) which displays weather location using Accuweather. It provides much more detailed weather information than HTC Sense.
Yeah, I remember that! - Maybe you remember some common experiences with it:
You might have had to modify it as often as Accuweather disabled/re-enabled their APIs...
You might not have been able to find out what your location code was, despite help in the forums...
You might have never managed to get the panel to show in Titanium...
When it did work, every now and then you'd get a pretty cryptic error message and weather wouldn't update
You could only ever have one location
You could never tell what went wrong with it
There were too many options (subjective, yeah...)
What I have done
Almost a total rewrite. If you diff'ed the files you'd see the sheer volume of code change that's went down and I still don't think that'd be much of a testament to this huge work. So what have I done? The major changes are:
Internet connection not so good? No problem, I wrote a download script. If it crashes, who cares? You certainly won't notice it.
No code, no problem: Weather database so you can search for your location, by code, city or country.
The codes in there don't work, no problem: MYLOCATION weather works. And well! (Requires Sleuth's myLocation service or HTCGeoService; if you've got HTC Sense, you most definitely have this.)
Automatic history of successful locations, which you can go to later.
The program will check 8 Accuweather API's, when it finds the best one, it'll stick with that for any future updates and if that fails, it'll try them all again.
Implemented a whole extra feed: WorldWeatherOnline.
Grabbed the biggest Titanium *.plg file I could find, so it should work on any resolution and implemented panel installation from the configuration application.
Multiple Location Support!
Released under the GPL. Feedback, suggestions, code modifications welcome!
So What?! I don't use WM6.5
Although TRITaniumWether started out as only for Titanium, I've expanded it's functionality so that each loation's Weather is formatted in HTML for easy viewing from the configuration application (found in the start menu after installation) Like I said, TRITaniumWeather Really Isn't TitaniumWeather!
What's this GPL thingy?
The GPL can be viewed here. It makes sure your rights as a user are protected to distribute/change/use this Free software as you wish. A copy is included with the program.
Version and Release Info
The main release will be the cabinet installer file. Updates will usually be produced as zip files, to use the updates just unzip the files into your existing TRITaniumWeather folder, overwriting any existing files. Versions are numbered just like any good Open Source project:
The first number is the major version-features and compatibility generally won't change in a major version.
The second is the minor version-odd numbers are development for the next stable even number.
The third number is the release number.
If there is a fourth, it's a bugfix release number.
E.g. This program starts at 5.9.0 which means it's preparation for the stable release 6.0.0.
So, without any further ado I give you TRITaniumWeather 5.9.2.
Appreciate my work?
Changelog 5.9.2:
- Project renamed to: TRITaniumWeather
- Location services standardised:
> Easily add new service compatibility where possible
> Implemented start/stop functionality with myLocation
> Stub for HTC Geo Service, can read location. Don't know
how to start/stop
- Updated HTML Message writing to always occur, in the background
- Multiple locations now supported
> Currently named as per what their feed reports
> MYLOCATION is dealt with seperately
- Included FoddLib.mscr for:
> File version routines
> Future language/translation support
- Included 240x240 stanza in TRITaniumWeather.plg (thanks to gmorris)
Changelog 5.9.1:
- Now outputs HTML following a GUI triggered update
- Status Messages shown during a GUI triggered update
Changelog 5.9.0: Initial Release
YOU! Yes, I mean you. Help me out by doing one of the following jobs:
Icon, I tried one of the HTC ones from the theme, but the CAB wouldn't install. For now, just the mortscript icon. If anyone can inject an icon into the exe files that'd be gravy!
More Feeds? Anyone want Yahoo weather, PM me, and if lots of you want it then I'll try and add it.
Full database control; add is done, needs delete/replace, possibly import?
It would be cool to add the radar page again.
HTCGeoService support (Can get location data: Only state switching/sensing to do!)
Configurable Panel/HTMLView layouts.
Wherever you see a "Stub!" statement would be a good place to help, it'll tell you which file and which sub function to look at. Some stuff is just low priority at the moment...
Update the documentation.
Looks AWESOME. Looking forward to trying it out. Thanks!
Went through the install great...
(removed all previous versions first)
Opened the TitaniumWeather from Start Menu...
It went through all the options...
Said "installing Panel"...
Said "installing Registry" ...
Selected Accuweather...
Selected Typed in Zip Code...
Displayed current Locations...
... ... But Panel still never showed up on Home Screen ...
Any ideas? I was so excited to get this working. LOL
Did the "BigMessage" show up with the weather information after you tried to update?
It would have taken maybe 3-4 mins on the very first run. If not, try running the configuration app again and select "run weather update and exit" and after a few mins you should see that, which will atleast confirm the script itself is working...
Shame about the panel, but probably just a few registry settings I had hoped that TICS would have taken care of for us:
Under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\CHome" you should have "ExtensibilityXML" and "Plugins", as you can see the plugins are named between semi-colons (";" <== That symbol), could you check if TitaniumWeather is listed in both of those? Also, are there values called "CPRFile" and "DisplayStyle" under that same key? If not to the latter, try adding those keys, "ExtensibilityXML" should have the values you need to set them to mentioned at the very end, it's usually "Titanium".
Btw, what's your device resolution? I'm running a DIAM100 (VGA) which you can see in my sig with my own rom-I had the titanium plg injected beforehand but it's the same plg file so the only difference I can think of is the two registry values above. I'll try and reproduce the problem myself but some more info would help too. If you could post the "\tempTitanium*Cpr.txt" files too that'd be super!
In the meantime, what do you think of this? It's the replacement for that big ugly message box with the weather info in (if you saw it...)
EDIT: Ok, some updated files at the end of post #1. Anyone having difficulty getting the panel to show will like this!
arealityfarbetween said:
Did the "BigMessage" show up with the weather information after you tried to update?
It would have taken maybe 3-4 mins on the very first run. If not, try running the configuration app again and select "run weather update and exit" and after a few mins you should see that, which will atleast confirm the script itself is working...
Shame about the panel, but probably just a few registry settings I had hoped that TICS would have taken care of for us:
Under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\CHome" you should have "ExtensibilityXML" and "Plugins", as you can see the plugins are named between semi-colons (";" <== That symbol), could you check if TitaniumWeather is listed in both of those? Also, are there values called "CPRFile" and "DisplayStyle" under that same key? If not to the latter, try adding those keys, "ExtensibilityXML" should have the values you need to set them to mentioned at the very end, it's usually "Titanium".
Btw, what's your device resolution? I'm running a DIAM100 (VGA) which you can see in my sig with my own rom-I had the titanium plg injected beforehand but it's the same plg file so the only difference I can think of is the two registry values above. I'll try and reproduce the problem myself but some more info would help too. If you could post the "\tempTitanium*Cpr.txt" files too that'd be super!
In the meantime, what do you think of this? It's the replacement for that big ugly message box with the weather info in (if you saw it...)
EDIT: Ok, some updated files at the end of post #1. Anyone having difficulty getting the panel to show will like this!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, after a few mins I did see the big messagewith current weather details.
I am looking throught he registry now and will post what I find and the temp text file you asked for soon. Thank You!
Oh and the updated pic looked great!
I couldn't locate the temp file you referred to...
I have attached a screenshot of the registry.
The TitaniumWeather entries were not in the "ExtensibilityXML" or "Plugins", But I added them manually. Panel Still didn't show up though .
I attached a second screenshot of the TitaniumWeather subkey.
It only had one DWord named "wizard" with a value of "1".
My device is a Palm Treo 750 QVGA.
Windows Mobile 6.5.
The scripts are all working great.
I installed the 5.9.1 update you posted.
The HTML Weather View came up just fine.
Looked GREAT too!
Hmm, very weird.
The plg file definitely contains entries for QVGA. (240x320)
I had a brief look and they seem to be similar to the VGA one.
The registry is a worry though. You should have a set of keys in there in addition to some other stuff. That looks like the default registry installed by the cab file (there's some other for mortscript but only one for TitaniumWeather)
Can you try running "Install Registry", and then "Install Panel" (in that order!) from the advanced menu and see if there's any change in the registry/panel state?
I think i might need to re-order those two options in the setup wizard, as the registry keys are all present on my ROM that might be why TICS can install it for me but not for you...
Cheers, glad you like the new BigMessage
arealityfarbetween said:
Hmm, very weird.
The plg file definitely contains entries for QVGA. (240x320)
I had a brief look and they seem to be similar to the VGA one.
The registry is a worry though. You should have a set of keys in there in addition to some other stuff. That looks like the default registry installed by the cab file (there's some other for mortscript but only one for TitaniumWeather)
Can you try running "Install Registry", and then "Install Panel" from the advanced menu and see if there's any change in the registry/panel state?
I think i might need to re-order those two options in the setup wizard, as the registry keys are all present on my ROM when the panel's being installed that may be why it shows up for me but not for you...
Cheers, glad you like the new BigMessage
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yippee! That got the panel to display ... But it is displaying oddly large LOL.
I attached another screenshot. Have a look.
Woop woop!
Ok, so it's down to the plg file now. Unfortunately I can't sort that myself because I dont have a QVGA device to test on. I will try with some guesswork to make an updated plg but it'll be much easier to do yourself:
The good news: It's real easy!
Open up the TitaniumWeather.plg from the program directory in your favourite text editor (notepad 2 is good, it has colour coding and is tiny), making a copy and storing it elsewhere beforehand of course!
Then search for your resolution's entry. I'd only modify the portrait version first. By the looks of things you'll need to reduce font sizes and image sizes. All the fields are labelled.
I'd start with the images first, and then move onto the text fields.
Here's a sample image entry:
<Image ID="CurrentIcon" Left="12" Top="-2" Width="60" Height="60"/>
You'll probably want to reduce the Width and Height to, say, 20 on your device.
And here's a text entry:
<Text ID="CurrentTemp2" Left="0" Top="-4" Width="88" Height="25" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="18" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">
For those, you'll most definitely want to modify the height and the font size, possibly the width aswell.
Once you've made some modifications to the plg file, drop it back in the directory, overwriting the original: Run "Install Panel" again and see if there's any change.
BTW: How big are the images in the iexplore window when the BigMessage comes up? If you think they're too big I'm sure I can do some scaling for the different screen sizes, on the fly, as it were...
I have been messing with the plg file for a while...
After every change, I save it and copy over the one in the program files\titaniumweather folder, and then do another "install panel"...
... But nothing is changing ...
I am even rebooting my phone to see if something in the registry wasn't reloading correctly.
It stays exactly the same as the first screenshot of the panel I posted...
What should I try next?
UPDATE: I removed all layouts except the QVGA from the PLG file and tried that. Still no change. I attached the PLG file in a zip. Thank You!
Sorry, forgot about that...
Sounds, like a job for FoddTweak. I wrote this a little while back. How handy is that?! Unzip the three files anywhere you like, as long as they're together.
Open it up, you'll see various things. Ignore them apart from "Titanium/WM6.5 Tweaks"
Go in there and select Titanium Plugin Remover. Be careful, it doesn't confirm that you want to go ahead. But don't worry, because it backs up lots of important stuff on the first time you run the script anyway (That includes your Titanium Config)
Anyhoo, once the plugin is removed you can either use that to install the new plg file or TitaniumWeather's own plg installer, it's the same mechanism. Again, don't expect any kind of confirmation that it worked, I wrote it a little while ago and I have absolute trust in my work, hehe
EDIT: Just took another look at those screenshots. I reckon it might be only the images that need to be resized...
Used foddtweak to remove plugin...
... Used foddtweak to reinject the PLG file.
* But there was something else I had to do...
After messing with the PLG file forEVER lol, I decided to do a little research.
The Treo 750 was listed as a QVGA device...
... But it is in fact a 240x240 device (not 320x240).
So I had to add a section to the PLG file for that resolution...
<layout screenWidth="240" screenHeight="240">
and I just copied the entire section for
<layout screenWidth="240" screenHeight="320">
And changed a couple settings from 320 to 240 and presto...
Also, after I reinjected the PLG file with foddtweak, I had to rerun the "install Panel" before it would activate the new settings.
Thank You for all Your help!
This App ROCKS!
And I can tell You put a LOT of time into it!
You Rock!
Nice work my friend!
Could you post the plg file-or just the new stanza for 240x240 resolutions?
Also, I had an idea-do you remember what actual changes you needed to make to get it to display nicely? was it just icon sizes or was there font sizes that needed changing aswell?
Could you run this little mortscript. It's one line that should display the resolution of your screen. So the idea is: check if the plg file contains the users device resolution. It'd be real nice to know why the heck the panel didn't show if you install the app, no?
A better idea-If you remember what you needed to change, and the numbers you used to make it work I can look at the other stanza's and see if there's a common factor associated with the elements. Which will allow, using placeholders in a template file, on the fly plg generation. What do you think?
That is a sweet idea!
I have attached the PLG file.
I removed all the other resolutions from my PLG (after I got it working).
(Made a backup of the original of course).
Figured it would be easier for me if I needed to make an adjustment in the future.
All I did was find the section that was already in the PLG for the 240x320 (not 320x240) resolution, copied and pasted it at the top of the <layouts>,
then I changed this line...
<layout screenWidth="240" screenHeight="320">
to this...
<layout screenWidth="240" screenHeight="240">
I figured since the screen was the same width, and most screens resolutions used the same height setting in this PLG, it would work. And it did
No other editing was needed.
And the panel looks absolutely awesome!
Other than that, I just used the foddtweak utility and the TitaniumWeather ap to rerun the "Install Panel" again.
No reboot was needed
I ran your screenProp utility.
It worked great.
The message shows 240x240 on my device.
New Release TRITaniumWeather 5.9.2
There's a new release on the front page. I hope you like it. The biggest change, we now have multiple location support
Other changes: The gui has changed structure and form. Location Options is now all of your locations-it tells you which you're looking at at the top bar, it's got a default which is the one that shows in titanium if you're wm6.5. Basically anywhere else, you're dealing with global program options.
The HTMLWrite() function got a makeover. It's pretty cool. If anyone wants to look at their registry and write a nice function to grab sections of the reg after an update-we can format the weather information there. As you can see from the updated screenshot there's a bit of duplication in the information.
There's a few more "Stub!" statements. I've updated them to tell you what file and what subroutine it is so that it's easy for you all to dive in and help out in a meaningful way! You know you want to!
What's coming? Well, the plan for WM6.5 users is multiple Weather panels for each of the locations, but I've got to work out some problems with that atm.
EDIT: Provisional Users Manual available now on post #1.
EDIT2: Thread moved to here since it's not just for the diamond!
(removed, posted in the other thread)
installed on my htc touch pro (1) w/ WM6.5
i see my location + temps on my main home screen.
i cannot change the temp from displaying C to F, i get an error when i launch the setting #3.
when i update, i get this error. SUB MY LOCATION NOT FOUND. LINE 153.... ect
@twenty4f: You're lucky I even saw this (notification still on for this thread)
Did you see the first post mentioning the change of thread? Not to worry, the issues you mention have already been fixed ready for 5.9.3-in the meantime you can fix the sub not found error by re-running the setup wizard.
If you'd RTFM you'd know that's the first stop
Wath comma???
Help please. When trying getting current condition, this message apears:
Comma expected
Line 124 (\Archivos de Programa\TRITaniumWeather\TRITaniumWeatherFeeds.mscr):
Call("PanelUpdate",location"GetForecast", daynum)
Any idea wath can it be????
Thanks in advance...

