Disable Incoming Call Notification for certain # mortscript - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

basically i want to disable the notification for a certain number so that when it comes in no notification pops up and no ring goes for it. If this can be done in mortscript great, but if not that is ok if there is an app. Eventually im tying in my mortscript made with egoist and this concept into the windows mobile SDK to make an app, but just curious on options that can do this.. Thnks!

MagiCall is the programm you searching for. It works great!

taht does look great, but im also looking to implement this into a mortscript also program SDK that im making. So its a callback program, but when a # callsback it does basically what that program does (just no ringer no notification, just either pickup or hangup the call (or just it let "ring silently" until someone presses end or send). Im trying to implement this into a script, aka what are the reg keys for the popup and ringer i guess (to temporarily disable while this goes on? or way to implemnt this into SDK or mortscript (but that program is the concept)

i found HKCU/controlpanel/notification/phone to be where phone notifications are..
how do i disable that for one #? (or disable in mortscript then at end of script renable.

i tried magicall and it did exactly what mortscript did. it still plays the ringtone and notification and then answers. Im looking for an option that completely disables all notificaiton whatsoever on this one number, no rining no sound, (just i guess that little icon on the top that has phone. Because ultimately the reg entry of an active call will tell my script to open the phone program. But i do not want any notification on the phone itself for that particular # (aka with morscript disable the reg before calling of notification, and then after pickup enable the reg agin? idk?

is this even possible?


Start menu items

In the start menu are several links to programs. I am trying to determine if some of them are needed in start menu?
Are these programs to permanently write contacts to/from rom?
If so do we need this in startmenu or could we do this from the program directly when needed?
Does tis have something to do with using a car kit?
If so do we need this in startmenu or is it only needed there if we install the car kit?
Yes these are to flash to ROM at cold boot(softreset).
a for agenda flashes your calander.
c for contact flashes your contacts.
If you uncheck this option under settings perm save they will no longer be in your startup folder. Likewise deleting them from the folder is same as unchecking them. They need to be in this folder if you want this info flashed to ROM for safe keeping.
Handsfree link simple runs the program that lets you use speaker phone on the device while a call is in progress pressing and holding the green phone key will switch your phone to speaker phone mode, but you probably already knew this
Hope this answers your questions.
That is very helpful info. Thank you. Since I don't really flash contacts/calender to ROM (keep them on SD card), I guess I could uncheck aflashman.lnk & cflashman.lnk option and just re-check if I decided to use them?
As for Handsfree.lnk, I didn't know this was for speakerphone. Is there a way to set speakerphone to always be on when I am in the car, so that every call I make or receive will be on speakerphone?
How about ChgDfLnk.lnk.
What is this and do I need it in startup?
erickbryce said:
Handsfree link simple runs the program that lets you use speaker phone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just to be correct: handsfree.lnk is not for using, but for giving visual notification that handsfree is ON.
Holding green button during conversation works without this program. So you may delete it
As for "speakerphone is always on" No, you may not turn it on "forever".
There is a trick though and you may find it here:

Notification & Alarm sounds

On WM2003SE you could disable most of the sounds, but have things like the text message alert still sound.. WM5 appears to not allow this: turn off Notifications and new incoming text messages are also disabled.
This is really irritating because it means you either have sounds on, and get irritating bleeps WHENEVER you hit ANY button (it seems) - including the start button and any program you hit in the menu..... OR you have no sounds when using the device - but no warning of incoming texts.
Can this be solved??
start>settings>sound&notifications>notifications tab then untick the "play sound" box
budo*85 said:
start>settings>sound&notifications>notifications tab then untick the "play sound" box
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you mean the page with the drop down list of events..... there isn't an option for "Start menu"...
Currently trying (on the 'Sounds' Tab)
Events - unchecked
Programs - checked
- Notifications - checked
Screen Taps - unchecked
Hardware Buttons - unchecked
I THINK this is the way it should be for what I want: silent machine unless there's a message/call incoming.
Check Sound Schemes and Waveform Audio registry settings @Microsoft (see below)
Works from CE4+. I use an empty sound scheme. Use tascal TRE for editting those REGSZ_MULTI's. Keep 21 lines (events in the scheme (even if the lines are empty!
Or set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Volume\Mute to 0x03.
Only use only WAV-files in \Windows. Sound schemes can be fun.
Why has nobody vere made a Sound Scheme Editor for Windows CE4+?
Should be easy to make.
Platform Builder for Microsoft Windows CE 5.0
Hiding System Sound Events
The following system sound events are available through the shell:
The Wceshellfe.reg file contains a mask you can use to hide system sound events that do not apply to a target device. The following registry key allows you to set the mask to disable sound events.
;Scheme descriptions
".NoSounds"=multi_sz:"","","","","","","","","","","","", "","","","","","","","",""
In the registry key, the Scheme setting specifies the current sound scheme. The NoSounds, DefaultSounds, and AllSounds schemes are defined, and DefaultSounds is specified as the current scheme.
The EventMask allows events that do not apply to a target device to be hidden. The mask is a DWORD initially set to FFFFFF, which means all sounds are enabled. The following example shows show to set EventMask to disable Asterisk.
The EventCache setting specifies the cache menu popup and menu select.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
remove sounds on events as the first tab in sounds and notifications.
I only have the second one down, the first disable screen taps and menu activations
i dont even like the phone tap sounds. i only have programs and notifications, but not events, screen taps or hardware buttons.
then i can control the sounds via the notification tab to choose custom sounds for every event i want.

iLock like application for the standard keylock

Just wondering..
Is there an iLock (from Slide2Unlock) like application available that will use the standard keylock feature rather than the slide.exe..
I tried using vjdevicelock with the -pwfoff flag and it works great... but I can't assign that to the power button on my hermes..
What I'm after is a way to have the standard keylock come on automatically as soon as I press the power button to send the phone to sleep. I realise this has probably been done before but all the apps i've tried dont work exactly as ilock does.. (ie sitting in the background and activating on power button tap - this is perfect)
Im thinking that I can probably create my own slide.exe to trick ilock.exe into running it and have that call vj's util with the right shortcut.. but thats a hassle when i'm sure its already been done.. (if it hasnt and anyone wants it ill make one though as id love this feature)
All sounds wrong to me - you want to just use something like SK Tools or basically anything that lets you create notifications (or use code!).
Create a notification that loads whatever.exe on power on, so as soon as the system powers on (ie after you've powered it off previously), notification is received and whatever.exe is launched.
You don't need to spoof VJDeviceLock etc.
PS Maybe I read wrong. VJDeviceLock works on my Hermes. I use v0.3 and use the -install command line option to install the above notification. It automagically locks my hermes on power on.
Check out Device Lock.
I am at work so I can't really take a look at it, but I second the idea of keeping the issue simple. Just just SK Tools, and do a bit of searching in the \windows folder.
There should be a *.exe that activates the lock feature. Then you can map it to a button. That is how I have setup the Memory Manager to a key so that way I do not need to download a task manager per se, or what I do not is that I have the task mananer.exe that comes with Black Shadow... etc.
The point is that it should be able to be done. Just take a look.
I don't think there is a specific .exe to active keylock - some phones do have one, but I can't remember if HTCs do.
It's technically an API call, but there are other ways to activate it too.

Kiosk mode & some questions

my application on Windows Mobile 5.0 shall run in kiosk mode. Therefore, I've disabled the TaskBar and did some other stuff. Basically, it works great, but I'm still having a few problems:
1. When I hide the taskbar, also the "OK" Button which is needed by some dialogs gets hidden. Therefore, when the user e.g. wants to change communication/GPRS settings, there is no way to accept the changes or close the regarding dialogs. (I have to use these sort of things provided by the operating system - thus, the OS is not entirely hidden).
Is there any possibility to simulate the TaskBar's OK button within my own application? (E.g., by sending a certain Windows-Message indicating the OK-Button pressed?)
Or, alternatively, is it possible to just hide some parts of the TaskBar (e.g., the Start Button) and keep the OK button, clock, and GSM status visible??
2. Somestimes, there appears a system-notification window, e.g. notifying the user about establishing a GPRS connection, or regarding failures. Is it possible to intercept these dialogs and to hide them, or just to disable them such that the user can see it, but tapping the "Cancel" or "Settings" button won't cause any action?
I'm working with Visual Studio 2005/windows Mobile 5.0 SDK in visual c++ and I'm using the HTC ARTEMIS device
Kind regards,
1. You can send WM_COMMAND with wParam = IDOK.
It must work, because it's how app handle it!
Is there anything I have to consider when sending WM_COMMAND system-wide? A simple PostMessage(NULL, WM_COMMAND,...) seems not to work. Do you see any possibility to get a Windows handle to the active application that should receive the WM_COMMAND message?
Or do you have any idea how applications tell the TaskBar to show the OK or Cancel button? I think this happens via system-wide windows messages, doesn't it? But which messages, and how to intercept them???
Any help is still highly apprechiated (it seems that nobody else did ever have this problem, also in various fora I couldn't yet get an answer... )
I have the same problem with the ok buttom. My PDA have 1 buttom for the camera, so I use this buttom like an OK buttom, for now.
But I´m still trying to make the ok buttom be operacional on the blocked taskbar.

Incoming call screen - Windows CE Remote Spy

I'm trying to create a free application which will show the incoming call screen. Here is what I have accomplished:
When a call has been made I can see the hidden dialog with the name "Phone - Incoming" (language dependent), when I use that Window Handle, I can show it again with ShowWindow. However, I can not push the green or red button to let the screen go away.
So I found out that CPROG.EXE contains the layout of the incoming call screen. But when I start cprog.exe it only shows the dialer. So does anyone know some more advanced debug software and perhaps some tutorial?
Or perhaps someone knows how to accomplish it?
Kind regards,
when showing a window I usually call:
is this working better?

