Help Needed - I'm desperate!!! - Touch Dual, MDA Touch Plus General

I desperately need some help.
My girlfriend bought a HTC Touch Dual from ebay which was locked to the Orange Network in the UK. I tried to unlock the phone for her so she could use her Vodafone SIM and have made a right mess! I used an eight-step process on one of the threads on this forum and got completley lost.
Firstly, I don't really know what I'm doing, and have no idea what a 'radio', 'rom', etc is. In fact, in reading these forums I realise how out of my depth I am.
Would somebody be able to help me out. Not necesarily with unlocking, but just getting the unit back to working order - i.e. so the cameras work, the sound works, the screen responds to my taps, the wireless card works, etc...
Please remember I know nothing about these machines, so you will need to use VERY simple explanation!!
Thank you in advance,

Problem Solved
Thanks to Poetryrocksalot for helping to solve my PDA problem...
He gave up alot of his time, and perservered with my lack of knowledge - Top guy!
Thanks to all others who made suggestions, guidance and encouragement.
Best wishes,


is there a clear way to do things ?

hi all, this is my first post but have been viewing a while,
im not sure an upgrade is what i should be looking at and have never done this before,
to avoid bricking it i would like to ask a few questions if you can help that would be excellent,
1. i have a standard out of the box o2 xda orbit that i purchased from car phone (you know the shop) and it came unlocked to any network, its obviously running the o2 version of WM5, im using a vodafone sim and have followed various settings to try get my gprs/mms/internet working but just cant get anywhere,
will upgrading to a different rom help this.
2. what is the best rom out there for this phone and where can i get it
3. i seem to find the forums scattered with instruction i have searched and tried to compile some sort of understandable document but im reluctant to use it incase i have missed something in my search,
is there an easy to follow newbies guide out there, if so can you point me in the right direction,
i am on other forums for different things and im aware of the etiquate of asking for information thats already there, i have searched but i dont want to turn this phone into a brick just because in my search i have missed a step that i was not aware of in the first place,
i hope you can all understand why i have asked this question, some that have bricks might and others with the knowledge may not, lol, well dont those people,
all the best and i hope this will be a good start for me here,

ATTENTION! Read this thread it is very important and im guna go mad if ya dont

There is a serious problem with the T-mobile mda compact 2 and that is that it says in the settings that network cards can be used to get WI-FI as it desnt have it already but ther have been numbers of peple asking "why doesnt it work" People are continually asking why T-mobile has stpped it from working and why can anybody help!
Please there are numbers of people with this problem who would be very gratefull to know.
What the HEck...This is no way of posting your problem..
Why not Im i a seriously bad mood because of the amount of people who have posted asking this question and nobody ever answers.
I dont beleive that nobody has no clue at all so please submit your answers we will all be gratefull
Haha, i have only read the title and im not gonna read the first post
hi 05taylord,
Have read your post on the basis that "this thread it is very important...". Now what?
Why haven't you picked this up with your supplier directly?
05taylord said:
There is a serious problem with the T-mobile mda compact 2 and that is that it says in the settings that network cards can be used to get WI-FI as it desnt have it already but ther have been numbers of peple asking "why doesnt it work" People are continually asking why T-mobile has stpped it from working and why can anybody help!
Please there are numbers of people with this problem who would be very gratefull to know.
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First off, commas and periods are your friend. The search feature here and google can be better friends. I will take a stab and answer your run on sentence. Cell phone carriers often remove features from phones when theyy receive them. But because those features have been removed, doesnt mean it doesnt work, (in most cases). Maybe flashing a cooked rom, doing a registry tweak, or installing a cab or two may help you.
Again, use the search feature, do a little more research, have lots of patient, rephrase and post your question(s) in the appropriate forum. Doing this will significantly decrease the chances of you getting flamed, and improve your chances of getting the help you want. Good luck.
well, give it a try and hack it on your own ?! huuu ? how about that !
normally when nobody posts a reply it means that nobody knows the answer - or it was discussed so often and you did not try the search function.
so, be a part of the community and try finding it out on your own and share it with all of us .
Not important to me!
Man how you word things means everything. How do you think that your going to get some help when you post stupid titles like this come on. We are all here to try to help each other out. What just because you say your mad means that someone is going to help you NOT!!! Man next time try asking you will get alot farther. You have to be a young kid or something with no home training. Lol
Sorry to seem "rood" but I have been researching and all i see is loads of people ,like me, who ask the question in a normal manner and get no response.
Loads of dead Threads thats what i find when i research and give it patience.
I posted this Thread as a last attempt of many from many people.
Sorry for being "rood" but I was very annoyed
also "TheChampJT" wtf!
You said "Not important to me!" and your signature says willing to help
Why would I help you when you cant be bothered.
I could easily have helped with your Samsung SCH-i760 ROM problems but Im not going to now ,your problem!
05taylord said:
There is a serious problem with the T-mobile mda compact 2 and that is that it says in the settings that network cards can be used to get WI-FI as it desnt have it already but ther have been numbers of peple asking "why doesnt it work" People are continually asking why T-mobile has stpped it from working and why can anybody help!
Please there are numbers of people with this problem who would be very gratefull to know.
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Ok, trying to understand your issue:
You want to use your network card as an Wifi access point?
- Your network card is only able to get GPRS or EDGE connection and that is dependent of your network provider (AT&T, T-Mobile, etc). If this is what you want, probably your network settings are wrong. You can try and use Network Wizard, which allows you to autoconfigure your device to connect to your network provider facilities.
- Wifi is acquired by a different piece of hardware, and you can't get Wifi where there isn't any access point that allows you to connect to.
Now about the way you presented your problem on the forum: sure, we all get frustrated not to have our questions answered. That can mean the following:
1 - No one understood exactly what is your problem.
2 - Your problem is something new and no one has it.
3 - You could try and use the search engine named Google in an effective way in order to find exactly what you are looking for. I've seen dozens of students searching using the wrong keywords or even trying to search using sentences. Keep it short and keyword based. Combine them with "word word word" or word+word+word.
I guess you got what you wanted: attention. Now all you need is the answer.
y'know, some of you guys on here are absolute stars at being able to remain patient and helpful.
i salute you for this trait. much respect.
Read here for info about Charmer - MDA Compact II - no wifi hardware included in this device
And if you read Charmer wiki you will find out following
Missing features
WiFi can be done via a WiFi-SDIO card (refer later section for instructions)
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Wireless / WiFi
Not all WiFi-SDIO cards are compatible with Charmer. Few SanDisk WiFi-SDIO cards have been confirmed to work with Charmer with extra drivers. Refere to the thread for drivers and instructions (related thread)
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Network Cards ia part of WM networking framework which is responsible for all the conections like WIFI (it is unavailable for Charmer), GPRS(EDGE and other cellular data connections), Modem connections, Serial Connections and few more - it is the same for all devices because the OS is the same. The OS may support wifi but this option is dependable from hardware and drivers, so if you do not have WIFI hardware and proper driver for it this functionality will remain disabled by the OS
I hope i answered your question
05taylord said:
also "TheChampJT" wtf!
You said "Not important to me!" and your signature says willing to help
Why would I help you when you cant be bothered.
I could easily have helped with your Samsung SCH-i760 ROM problems but Im not going to now ,your problem!
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Ummm.......ok! No worries here then, but hey don't go crazy on me, just letting you know. Enjoy your day !
I have no idea what you're even trying to say?
Well, now that you had some attention and some answers, could you please edit the tread title to something more descriptive like "T-Mobile MDA Compact 2 - enabling WiFi" so that other users searching the forum can actually find it? Not to mention that it does seem a bit rude way to request help and doesn't look too good in the forums...
not the best of ways to ask for help
Sorry about my thread, i will get rid of it as soon as i feel most people affected have got this message.

Help an idoit

I have the Touch Cruise and I have some questions and need some help:
First, How can I get Tom Tom? I understand that it should have been installed but it isn't. I am looking for it to use.
Second, I am looking at upgrading to WM 6.1, I think. I am not sure how to back up my information before I do it. I am looking for some guidance to help me through this.
Lastly, I am going to have to send back the phone for repairs because of the memory card popping out and not staying in. With that, I would love to try to do this stuff before I send it back, just to be able to try it out and this way, if anything happens with it, they can help me to get it back on track.
I appreciate any help and thank you in advance.
Hep for NEW GUYS
This threat could help you
it's pretty funny that you wrote "Idoit"
What did Popeye say? I am what I am!!! Hey Hey Hey...
Another question I have is: why cant this phone be used with t-mobile USA's 3g network?

NOOB Needs Help With New CECT M89

I just purchased this phone, and for some reason it detects rogers at&t instead of rogers wireless. I get kicked off the network every 40 seconds when making a call.
can anyone help or does anyone have a solution to this? it's running WM6
Thanks All.
Welcome to forums
As we here dedicate only to HTC devices you won´t get too much atention
Better to try here:
Good luck,

Anyone got a ROM :)

I have just bought an Orange Touch 3G off ebay.
Unlocked it to my Three sim and guess what. Yes as I now know it wont go wifi. (Bloody cheek Orange).
Went on Htc to update the Rom, won't let me. (Bloody cheek Htc).
Could anyone on this forum please help me. I need either a serial number from a non network Touch 3g so I can download the Rom. (i understand if nobody wants to let me have it) or if anyone can give me or point me in the right direction for a Rom. If not, thanks for reading and I have a cheap Touch 3G for sale
OK, found it all.
Looked around, found everything.
First ran
Then _htc_tOUCH_3g_mr2009_jADE_Europe_2.32.401.2_Radio_Sign_12.41.30.16_0.41.30.12_Ship
All working.
Thanks to all who contribute.

