OH... my Microdrive is GONE! - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

Dear All, please help me here...
today I try to copy a number of files into the MD of Athena... yet it hanged in the middle of the process....
Now... even I have tried formatted the harddrive... The file explorer still can't show the Microdrive..
What can I do now? Thanks...

try removing the battery and see how it goes. if the problem persists, sorry mate but you may have to do a hard reset.
hope that helps

Thanks.. but that doesn't work as well

In settings choose >microdrive>format my microdrive, if I remenber clearly when the drive is not found there should be an option >find microdrive or something, choosing that option softreset the device and find the drive for you.
If that doesnt work perhaps WM5torage may find it for you and then you could format it from your computer (remenber to choose the right drive, you dont want to format the SD card.
other than that you could try pocket mechanic or similar programs.

PBL1 said:
In settings choose >microdrive>format my microdrive, if I remenber clearly when the drive is not found there should be an option >find microdrive or something, choosing that option softreset the device and find the drive for you.
If that doesnt work perhaps WM5torage may find it for you and then you could format it from your computer (remenber to choose the right drive, you dont want to format the SD card.
other than that you could try pocket mechanic or similar programs.
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I would try the wm5stoage option first as doing the first will wipe all info on the drive.
cheers lakeman
also do a search for format options as there is an old thread that discusses this

It doesn't have that option.. when I try to format it... it says .. Microdrive can't be accessed

Sorry... mind directing me to that formatting MD post? I had done a search on it but hardly find related info...
Thanks truly lots

The best i can go is to bought back a drive call "mounted volumn" with about 3mb inside

ronaldphl said:
The best i can go is to bought back a drive call "mounted volumn" with about 3mb inside
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goto start/settings/system/format microdrive.
in the screen that says format microdrive , click the down arrow and tap recover microdrive
It should prompt you to recover microdrive if it can't be found and warns that the data will be erased.
do a search in the athena forum for format microdrive and look for posts from eaglesteve

Sorry that I have ploughed throught posts to hunt for solution but still problem persist..
I have tried:
- WM5storage... Not able to detect the microdrive with or without WMDC
- Cardexport 3.12... The same
- Rom upgrade and downgrade... the same..
- setting\format microdrive.... only wm6 has the option of recovering the MD... so I tried.. but still.. not useful after the reset..
Please help or I will have to hv the serviceman ready... Thanks anyway

Try pocket mechanic maybe it can see it , you can try it free for a period, other than that....., drives do fail, my previous athena had a MD solid as a rock, my current athena MD is positively crap to the point that I do not use it and I tried everything.
Good luck

Even Pocket Mech. doesn't see it... I have already given up hope and rely on the SD only

Microdrive present but can't see 8Gb
I can't see 8Gb or even 7.xGb anywhere on my Athena. Where should I see it? Can anyone help me, Thanks Derek

Start/Settings/System/Memory/Storage Card/MicroDrive
This should show you if it's recognized and usage,
if it's there.

That's what I thought - so what's the problem if it only shows something like 80Mb in the Microdrive, please? Regards, Derek

I've had mine flash in and out of existance, try this...
Sync with your pc via ActiveSYNC, click on Explore (on the pc Activesync), then My device, then if showed the Microdrive, if so click on it and it re-populates the directory. Don't know how serious your problem is but it worked for me.
Good luck.

do you change sync settings?
if you do you should change it to option one.
Start>Settings>Connections>USB to PC
if you don,t try this change from option 1 to 2 and again from 2 to 1.
hope it works.

Same problem... but solved!
I just resetted my Ameo (Athena 100 with WM6 by T-Mobile, Germany) using the "Wipe device" function of "Sparus EveryWAN Remote Support Personal Edition" and in result I had neither access to the 8GB Microdrive nor to my 2GB MicroSD Card.
Both storage devices weren't shown in Sparus EveraWAN ... nor in WinCE Plugin for Total Commander, nor anyplace in the device itself (e.g. Memory settings, Explorer, ...)
The SD Card could be brought back by formatting it in an SD Card reader on my Win PC. The MD couldn't be formatted by the internal tools of the Athena. Neither a "secure delete" nor a factory default reset could help it.
I wanted to export the MD with WM5torage v1.90 but it even didn't start.
I did as explained above: Control Panel>System>Format MicroDrive->"recover MicroDrive", followed the procedure (reboot and accepting the formatting).
The device rebooted, asked again to reformat, and then both my SD card and the MD returned back.
The point of data loss was no concern to me, because I just backed up all data and my intention WAS to RESET all storage.
Hope, nobody else needs this procedure, too.
Good luck! forcemaker

Hi there,recently I lost my Micro-drive,and I followed the steps
given in this postings,I did a recoverMicroDrive, the system went to
reboot mode and it hangs ( I waited more than 10 minutes!!)
what should I do???
btw all my files in MD were backup and I have them in SD card now

nor11wan said:
Hi there,recently I lost my Micro-drive,and I followed the steps
given in this postings,I did a recoverMicroDrive, the system went to
reboot mode and it hangs ( I waited more than 10 minutes!!)
what should I do???
btw all my files in MD were backup and I have them in SD card now
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I would suggest it is time to do a hard reset which will wipe all the data from your machine.
Good luck!


After hard reset, back up files missing trusted certificate?

I am running into a very strange situation and I am wondering if anyone has an answer to this:
After I had to hard reset my s200: I am restoring my backed up files using SpriteBackup. I have done this many, many times before with the s200 as well as my x51v and I have never had a problem at all.
Now all over sudden after I am done restoring my files (I have tried 10 different files, since I am backing up every night) I am getting this error message:
"The file "application" can not be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to re-installl or restore this file."
So, essentially I am not able to open any of my applications (all are stored on my SD card). Is there anything I can do in order to avoid having to re-install these? Furthermore, I have a lot of settings, which I can not simply duplicate anymore (like MMS, GPRS (internet via Tzones), etc. etc.) and I really would like to avoid having to do so.
If anyone has a remedy to this problem, I would very much appreciate any help!
Sorry about the long text and tehanks in advance
Hi,It does the same things on my spv m600:copy all the files from your sd card to your computer.Format sd card an put the same name before hard reset ( my sd card : sorry in french :carte de stockage,and after reset name was changed : storage card ).If you've not the same name softs don't work.Maybe you must change the name directly after format in the phone registry.
Marc from France.
Thank you Marcdu81! I have tried this already but without any luck.
Thanks for your advise!
Have you format your sd card with you pda or your computer ? You must format with your pda.I try to find a solution for you.
Marcdu81 said:
Have you format your sd card with you pda or your computer ? You must format with your pda.I try to find a solution for you.
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I formatted the the SD card with my PC. Let me try to format it using the PPC directly.
Another very strange thing is that I tried to re-install some applications but I am not able to even do that anymore. I am doing another hard reset and try to re-install some applications... let see.
OK.I use spb backup and i never have problem to use my softs.

WM still does not see the drive

My HTC X7500 has stopped being able to access the hard drive. I carried out a hard reset several times,
but WM5 still does not see the drive. I have also reformatted the hard disk during a hard reset. The
system did not report that it was not able to do the reformat. However, the disk still was not accessible/
visible after a reboot.
I read on the Internet that there is a program called Mini SD. Has anyone tried or have this program for
Or does anyone have any recommendations about this problem with the microdrive?
Much obliged for any replies or suggestions.
Restore Microdrive
My microdrive was restored in WM6 by running Start->System->Format MiroDrive and selecting "Restore" from the dropdown.
My Microdrive disappeared from the File Explorer as well as ActiveSync, (perhaps not coincidently after using MissingSync on the Mac to backup my Microdrive contents.)
The Settings->System->Format Microdrive "Restore" option revived it, though I did have a moment of panic after the restart when the dialog "Erase memory card?" prompt threw me off (they really meant "Erase Microdrive").
Now I've restored from my backup; hope it was a s/w anomaly and not failing Microdrive hardware...

Storage Card Issue

I had a 4g microsdhc card in the xv6800. Verizon btw.
Had a couple larger programs installed to the storage card.
Decided to upgrade a bit and got 8g microsdhc. Turned off
ppc, copied 4g's files to laptop, then copied to 8g.
Tried using Garmin gps, problem with that as I assume card id
has changed. Couple other card id generated serials did not want
to work either.
So I remove everything from storage, cept for some personal files
etc... And in the process of removing I came up with the brilliant
idea, hmm... new storage card, might as well try out the hard reset
feature and start fresh.
At the beginning everything was fine. I restored pim data with Sprite,
and when I installed Sprite, I installed to the storage card. Install went fine
but after the soft reset, its got default icon, and don't work. So I am thinking, ok, maybe its gotta be installed to the device. Yep that worked.
So I installed some other apps I thought should also go to the device, and they worked as well.
Came to some larger apps, Garmin first, and it works. But it's the only one
that works when I install to the storage card. Any app I have tried to install
to the storage card, after soft reset, has default icon, and won't open.
I searched thru the storage card, win folder, programs folder, my documents just in case, and they are all empty. and yes I am browsing with show all files checked.
Soz its prolly something real simple that I am overlooking. All I know is the
programs that I had installed to the storage card i assume aren't actually installing, cause there are no files, but same program will install to the device
and run/work.
Any takers want to point out my stupidity for me? What I doing/did wrong?
I really have NO clue what the problem is,
I had an odd problem with files lost on my 4G card. I stuck it into a good card reader and plugged it into my laptop. I did a 'chkdsk' on it (checked it for errors) and it found a number of lost clusters. I let it repair those, and all was well.
Actually, I believe that when I saw the errors, I copied everything off the card and just reformatted it.
Don't forget the 'safe to remove' button on the PC.
thank ya very much.
done and done and working now.
formatted it using disc management in xp.
all good now.
thanks for pointing out my stupidity.
i forgot this is windows, when in doubt...format. lol

Corrupted SD Card

What happened
Yesterday when I had more time I started installing some applications on my HTC Touch HD.
I installed:
1).NET Framework 3.5
2) Advanced Configuration
3) Total Commander
4) Gyrator 2
I had already installed IGO 8 a few months ago.
After installing Advanced configuration I tested the IGO and it was working, I had no problem.
However after I installed Gyrator 2 and with Gyrator 2 on I tried to start Igo8, the IGO8 didn't want to start. After further attempts and investigation I came to the conclusion that the SD Card is corrupted.
Symptoms of the SD Card(original one that came in the box with the device):
1)While reading it from PC only the root directory of the card is visible with all the folders inside but I can access only one folder out of 15. for the others I get an error, cannot read from the device...
2) From the HTC touch HD I can even enter all the folders but while accessing some files, not all of them, I get errors saying that the files could not be opened.
3) I had to do many restarts so only two times the first screen that you see after you power-on the device is the "Smart mobility" and then after a few seconds you get the details of the ROM and two other rows in the bottom right corner. So for two times the "Smart mobility was not centered" as well as the bottom right corrner data they were not at their position. However now after 5-10 more power-on power-off manipulation the first screen seems to be ok.
Possible causes as I see it are two:
1) Gyrator 2 and IGO8 do not lik eache other very much, and some how when IGO8 started maybe the orientation of the screen just changed from portrait to landscape. It is just a theory, as I'm not an expert I cannot say if it's correct or not.
2) After installing the Gyrator2 I have somehow unplugged the USB cable while the computer might still have had a connection to the PC. That's ulikelley because I allways do the "Remove USB device" before unplugging, but I did it so many times that I do not remember exactly that time. However I trust my instincts even though I cannot exclude the possibility of an error.
The cause 2) might be realated as well with the usual problem of choosing the action needed when you connect he HTC Touh HD trough the USB cable. It happened many times that an option is preselected(read the Storage card) but I want to actually synchronise the device with ActiveSync, so initially the PC opens the SD card as an external drive and then after I click on the phone to choose the ActiveSync connection it closes the external drive and makes the connection.
Is there a better way to choose between the modes of connectivity to PC, taking into account that when you want to install some software on the device you have to either copy the file on the device itself and start it there or install it on the PC and use ActiveSync to install it as well on the device.
My main question is related with the helthcheck of my HTC Touch HD.
a) Is there a risk that the internal built in flash storage of the device is corrputed as well? I have checked all the files almost with no problems of accessing any of them. It seems ok to me. The only thing that worries me a bit is the problem with the splash screen as I explained it under possible cause 2) which now doesn't seem to appear anymore.
b) is there any other part that I should verify to make sure that my device is ok.
c) Less important, if you could help me find out what happened to make sure that I won'trepeat it again and break the next SD Card.
d) Can I recover/repair the SD Card itself, the data that I had on were not very important I have them on my PC in proportion of 90%. I downloaded some tool from SanDisk called usb-test-tool.exe but it fails to see the card(I think the tool is not the right one), or I shouldn't even bother because there is a risk of having problems afterwards.
Most probably I'll have to buy another SDMicroCard I'll try to buy the same brand maybe for 16GB, I do not know the prices yet.
Sorry for the long pot, but I wanted to give allt he details.
Thanks for your support!
And now most probably I'll have to uninstall the applications that were installed on the SDCard, I hope it will work out and there will be no left-overs in registries or on the filesystem.
well. Mine got bricked too yesterday. it was a 16GB sd-card. Only my phone can access it and the data is gone. Data was firts messed up (like chaotic named folders and files) and then disappeared. I can create new folders and files there but it is full of lost chains and clusters (found by mobile apps) and reports the same free space as before (40%) but there are no content visible. When I connect it to laptop either as an disk drive from mobile or directly with sd-adapter I get high cpu usage of interrupts and a frozen usb managment and need to restart.
There have been other topics on SD card corruption, then loss :
SD card not shown
HELP ME! Flash has gone wrong
Help! My HD cant find my micro-SD
SD HC_problem
foulke said:
There have been other topics on SD card corruption, then loss :
SD card not shown
HELP ME! Flash has gone wrong
Help! My HD cant find my micro-SD
SD HC_problem
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Yeah but once its bricked it IS bricked. I got my 16G changed thanks to warranty. I actually think I fried it with overheated device.
And people: A L W A Y S B A C K U P Y O U R S T U F F !!!!
darfri said:
well. Mine got bricked too yesterday. it was a 16GB sd-card. Only my phone can access it and the data is gone. Data was firts messed up (like chaotic named folders and files) and then disappeared. I can create new folders and files there but it is full of lost chains and clusters (found by mobile apps) and reports the same free space as before (40%) but there are no content visible. When I connect it to laptop either as an disk drive from mobile or directly with sd-adapter I get high cpu usage of interrupts and a frozen usb managment and need to restart.
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Same happened to me with my 16gb Sandisk card.
Card reader said is was write protected and could not format using SDFormatter.
Solution after a search found on the Raphael forum was to download http://www.cnetx.com/format/download.asp and install to main memory.
Success !
Then I could read it and formatted again with SDFormatter
Hope this helps

[Q] Please Help! Accidentally deleted the entire My Pictures Folder - trips to India

Please Help! Accidentally deleted the entire My Pictures Folder - trips to India, etc!
& while I can find ways to recover data from the card I can not find how to recover files & folders from the machines memory
It is an HTC HD2
Any Ideas Please ??
All & any help Most gratefully received
Thanks in Advance
Once it's gone, it is gone. Unless it exists somewhere else, it is gone.
ouch, that really hurts... there should be a way to undelete from the phone's memory. if there is one, i hope you find it.
There is still hope...
Hi, don't just assume that once you've deleted it, it's gone. There is still hope for your data. You see, when you delete something it doesn't actually get removed, the OS just "hypnotizes" itself into forgetting the data is there. Over time the data will become overwritten (depending on how much you used the sdcard your pictures were on).
There are special programs designed to recover deleted files, I recommend Recuva by Piriform (same guys who make CCleaner).
Just point it to your sdcard and scan. Again, depending on how much you've used your device they may either be completely gone or easily recoverable.
Good luck
JoonatanO said:
Hi, don't just assume that once you've deleted it, it's gone. There is still hope for your data. You see, when you delete something it doesn't actually get removed, the OS just "hypnotizes" itself into forgetting the data is there. Over time the data will become overwritten (depending on how much you used the sdcard your pictures were on).
There are special programs designed to recover deleted files, I recommend Recuva by Piriform (same guys who make CCleaner).
Just point it to your sdcard and scan. Again, depending on how much you've used your device they may either be completely gone or easily recoverable.
Good luck
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He is talking about the phone memory
...while I can find ways to recover data from the card I can not find how to recover files & folders from the machines memory
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you could try one of the mem card recovery programs and connect in active sync mode, might see internal memory as a drive ? ...
worth a try !
knobbyhtccruise said:
you could try one of the mem card recovery programs and connect in active sync mode, might see internal memory as a drive ? ...
worth a try !
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I second knobbyhtccruise's suggestion. Dont use any apps that may write to your phone memory. Just try ActiveSync method and use this software i have attached below.
Unzip the file to desktop. Connect ur HD2 via AS.
Run Restoration.exe and in Drive see if you can access phone memory. Goodluck
No data recovery software can access the phone memory of HTC or else other smart phone etc
Can't be saved dude. No go dude. No go.
ayyu3m said:
I second knobbyhtccruise's suggestion. Dont use any apps that may write to your phone memory. Just try ActiveSync method and use this software i have attached below.
Unzip the file to desktop. Connect ur HD2 via AS.
Run Restoration.exe and in Drive see if you can access phone memory. Goodluck
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Try http://www.datarecovery.com/. It helped me. It's not free, but you can try if it finds your files for free. Does it find it, you have to buy it to be able to save the files. Worth a try! Good luck, man!
Firs of all, many thanks to all the respondents,
perhaps someone would be kind enough to help me enhance my understanding?
As far as I know a file system allocates space for files & directories, when it is told to delete something it does not do that but instead merely marks the space as available by setting a bit / flag on that entry. This being why it is imperative NOT to write to the file system in the case of an accidental deletion & a recovery program merely reverses the process to mark the space from available to unavailable & displays the entry again
in some expert hands even a hex editor can be used to undelete / recover data
to my limited knowledge both the internal memory & the sd card use a fat32 file system
given the above, I do not understand what is the difference & why data can be recovered from the sd card but not from the main memory. Perhaps someone more qualified can set me straight please?
A random thought - would there be any use setting up a dual boot to android & would that help / harm my case - thought being that there may be more tools available?
once again TIA
once a file is deleted, the space is marked as resuable. Therefore, stop using the device because every of your activity may be destorying (overwriting) your deleted data beyond recovery.
SD is recoverable because you can mount it to a PC using a card reader, or even using the HD2 directly. Then most software can read the storage and try to recover. Phone member is presented to the PC as a connected device and it may not be possible for other PC software to access it like a storage device. If you can find a tool that copies the whole 476MB (or whatever) memory to somewhere else (PC hard disk, SD card, any passive storage that is not a phone), then those software will probably to able to handle it.
here is a program that can undelete files from external and internal storage. good luck.
AthenaLod said:
here is a program that can undelete files from external and internal storage. good luck.
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I assume it might help if he has NAND android, otherwise it won't.
did some searching and found two programs that may or may not help on WinMo
Wizcode Unformat Mobile
Wizcode Undelete Mobile
not sure if they can access phone storage. but you can try. hopefully, you haven't fiddled much with your phone since then. it's been about two months.
I believe Wizcode undelete mobile works on storage card only.
alex fung said:
I believe Wizcode undelete mobile works on storage card only.
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so I think the only hope is by sending it to a service center hoping they have tools to mount device memory as removable device, and tools to recover deleted files.
and next time, save your photos on your SD.
if you know anyone with a copy of your photos, now is the time to start calling friends.

