i need the battery % - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

looking to upgrade my battery icon as it is displayed in the offecial rom without showing the remaining battery %. is there a program i can have?

Hi New_moon,
There are loads of options, here are two links:


Battery status problem

Hello all,
I'm using the original European rom (the first updated ROM that came out; didn't have time to install the second updated ROM )
The only program I'm running is S2U2 (slide to unlock2), the newest version.
The problem I'm experiencing is the next: The battery status from S2U2 gives a percentage of 26%, but the battery indicator from Windows Mobile (upper right corner) gives an indication of 2 Blocks (so battery more than half-full).
When I go to the settings tab, press more and have a look at the battery indicator of Windows Mobile in detailed version, I see I have only 3 green blocks left. This shows the INDICATION of S2U2 of 26% battery remaining was correct!
But the TRUE CAPACITY isnt, because:
The weirdest thing is, my battery stayed at the level of 26% remaining ALL DAY, while normally my battery goes down with about 20% a day..
The problem is situated in WM itsself I guess :s
It also isn't something that happened once, it has occurred more often...
I also shut down the phone every evening and boot it up every morning, but I never experienced any trouble with that. Even letting the battery go flat to about 3% and then a full recharge (as wel leaving the phone turned on as letting it shut down by itsself) didn't help...
Any Idea's / experience with it?
Thanks in advance,
The answer is in the information you've provided; The WM "4-bar" display shows 25% per bar. If S2U2 is showing 26%, that's over 25%, and therefore showing two bars
A small explaination:
- 4 bars = 100% - 76%
- 3 bars = 75% - 51%
- 2 bars = 50% - 26%
- 1 bar = 25% - 0%
As for the battery draining faster / slower than usual, it all depends on usage. In low signal areas the battery will drain faster as it spends more ticks trying to get a connection. Turning the screen on and off consumes battery power, using WiFi, leaving applications running in the background... Any number of causes.
Not really
At the moment I'm at 21% according to S2U2 (yes, a full day and I only used 5% battery power, not really possible I think...)
The battery indicator in the right corner still shows 2 bars... And the indicator from 'all settings' still shows 3 blocks left...
There is defenitely something strange going on, because I never really experienced this problems when the phone was brand new...

Can battery status show actual charge level instead of cycling thru 20/40/60/80/100?

Hi all,
One of the things that annoys me about the S200 is that the battery indicator, when charging, doesn't show the actual charge level (but instead, cycles through 20/40/60/80/100)
So, if I want to check the charge level of the phone, I have to disconnect, and then (if it is not charged enough), reconnect.
Is there any tweak that would get it to display actual charge? (All my previous WinMo phones - even going back 8 years - behaved this way)
Check out this App. I use it and i love it. It shows a battery line and can show percentual state of battery.
UUK3 said:
Check out this App. I use it and i love it. It shows a battery line and can show percentual state of battery.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm trying this on Arto's 2.8 (Manila) ROM and it doesn't appear to do anything at all... are you using a Manila or non-Manila ROM?
Also, it isn't clear from the description if it will display battery level accurately while charging.. can u confirm it's behaviour?
BTW Arto's ROM already includes a mod to show battery to 1% accuracy (but while charging it only shows a charging icon - and battery settings cycles 20/40/60/80/100).
I think the issue is not in the displaying app, but some means to change how the phone reports the battery level to software (perhaps a reg mod or driver mod)
forgett this app
my mistake. batti only shows % steps. this means that the line is cutted in parts (like blocks). sorry no numerical display

Battery Icon Problem!

Hi guys
I don't know why my phone's battery Icon shows the percentage every 10 percent,
I mean It doesn't show the range of it it just say 10,20,30,40,50,....and so on.
is there any solution?
I have TP2 with wm6.5 official rom.

[Q] Battery indicator wrong

I've had my phone for 20 months now and apart from the odd freeze it's been fine. When I first got it I installed an app/cab that shows how much battery is left in percentage. For the last couple of months this hasn't been working properly. For example it might show there is 20% of the battery left so I put it on charge. When I unplug it, it is still showing 20% so I need to restart the phone and then it shows the correct level. Yesterday it was showing 42% so I put it on charge this morning as I need it full for today. When I unplugged it, again it was still showing 42%. So I restarted it and it then showed 22% (was only on charge about 40 minutes). So obviously the battery was close to 0% rather than 42% when I put it on charge. This doesn't happen all the time, maybe once a week.
Do I just need to uninstall/reinstall the app, is there a better one I could use or could it be a battery issue? The phone is still on 6.5 but I might try a custom ROM now it's out of warranty.
Well, its quite a common problem now really...Firstly, you might want to recalibrate your battery. Read through this link and install the app: (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/windows-m...e-battery-discharger-better-battery-life.html)
If your battery percentage is still not displaying values correctly even after following the instructions and using the app, you have to try other methods.
Try downloading another battery percentage app (http://gadgetmix.com/windows-mobile...-monitor-show-battery-percent-windows-mobile/) or (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=584772). Before you install the app, you should uninstall your current cab and observe the default battery indicator icon. If that does not correlate with your actual battery life, then ditch installing other percentage indicator apps and proceed to the steps below. If the default indicator is working well, then its your application thats causing the problem. In this case, reinstall the cab or install a different percentage indicator app. You can also skip the below steps(but you should really give custom ROM flashing a try. It will lead to many extremely good wonders like Android and WP7)
If the above does not work, it is recommended that you flash a custom ROM that is compatible with your phone.Also ensure you flash the right HSPL and radio. Most custom(and the popular/good) ROMS have a battery percentage indicator cooked in. If the ROM you flashed doesnt have the indicator,install the battery indicator app and see if your issue is fixed. Again, monitor the default battery indicator first before moving
If everything has failed and both your battery percentage indicator and default indicator is not displaying the correct values, the problem should most likely be in the battery. Get a new battery and see if that fixes the problem. Hope this helps. Gd luck!

Battery indicator settings

In my rom ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=933951 ) I used to have a battery indicator which showed remaining battery in percentage. Now I re installed it and the battery icon shows just remaining battery without number and I cant find settings which would allowe me to change it.
Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
screenshot of battery indicator:

