Missing Icons on Taskbar, with Windows Dialer - Touch HD General

I did notice that on the upper Taskbar, the Earphone Icon is missing and the Bluetooth Icon does not show Visible mode.
After some investigations, it turned out that the Windows Dialer is the cause. All Icons are OK with the HTC dialer.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
I really want the Windows dialer,because the Ring delay is shorter then with the HTC dialer.

I have exactly this same litle problem with taskbars and default wm dialer. It is not very ennoying but will be cool if a solution appears..


Registry tweak to not show running program name in title bar

I was wondering how to disable displaying the program name on the taskbar. is there a registry tweak for this?
cuz i'm using an XDAII and there's the signal indicator and i use spb gprsmonitor, which i moved the icon a bit further to the left to make room for the other indicators (missed sms etc. etc.) but then it goes on top of the running programs name, which looks bad.
it's just a cosmetic thing, id rather see the taskbar clean with just the icons and time instead of having the current running program's name on it.
i hope this is doable by registry since i'd really want to try it as soon as possible
I Have the same problem.
No Hack? No idea?

Hack to change colours

I recently purchased the Dopod838pro version of the Hermes. I loaded up a black today theme and the extra black phone skin. Looks fantastic. Only problem is that the bluetooth headset symbol which appears on the phone screen when the BT is attached is also black so I cannot see when it is attached. Anybody know where in the registry I can change the colour of the bluetooth headset icon
I was trying to do the same thing for a black dialer i was modifying. Apparently there is no registry hack - the icon is part of one of the dll's. This has tried to be res hacked but because it is microsoft signed - not possible to resign it. I have checked some of the other forums that design dialers esp buzzdev.net and zombienexus but no fix is apparent yet.
I sort of had a fix with a small apple logo in right hand corner to match appleblack theme but still not quite acceptable.
"Bugger" as they say here on the Toyota ads.
Bluetooth icon
Just wanted to see if anyone has figured out a way to change the bluetooth icon when talking on the phone. I have seen really nice vista style BT icons out there and want to know if anyone knows how to change them...
There has to be a really simple way to simply change the icon to something other than black... Seeing all of the ingenius mod's done on xda dev's someone must be able to accomplish this tiny mod. Right?
Bluetooth headset icon
Still no solution?

hiding toolbar icons?

the battery icon disappears when you launch a program and im wondering if there is a way to also hide the speaker, evdo icon and activesync in the same manner the battery disappears and reappears when you open/close a program.
can these icons be auto-hidden like battery?
if anyone uses WkTask you'll know why.. i think it would be better for more room/space for tabs.. i don't see a point in showing these icons when you're working on active tasks.
tft said:
the battery icon disappears when you launch a program and im wondering if there is a way to also hide the speaker, evdo icon and activesync in the same manner the battery disappears and reappears when you open/close a program.
can these icons be auto-hidden like battery?
if anyone uses WkTask you'll know why.. i think it would be better for more room/space for tabs.. i don't see a point in showing these icons when you're working on active tasks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
...if you are using WkTask you can allow it to cover those icons:
manage the size of the "Offset from the right edge" option in first preferences tab, try to decrease that number!!
For the best solution just visit link: eten-users.eu/index.php?/topic/12513-remove-battery-icon-from-top-bar

Taskbar Volume Icon - What Drives Which One is Displayed?

I am using a taskbar icon set that works well with one exception. On my Verizon TP, the taskbar displays the 'Silent' Icon when the phone is set to normal, and displays the 'Normal' icon when the phone is set to silent. What tells Windows which icon to display. Others have found the same issue, so it could be a VZ thing.
I'm pretty sure the icons are in HTCVolume.dll, but I haven't yet confirmed this.
I couldn't find any relevant references in the registry, so this might be coded in the dll???
Can this perhaps be fixed by rearranging the order of the icons in the .dll? If so, can anyone recommend a good app?

[SOLVED] 6.5.3 bottom buttons

I am looking of a set of bottom bar icons for os 29022. Idealy I would like a standard black bar at the bottom and a set of plain white icons.
I have searched arround and can see different sets of icons available for 6.5.3 but I am looking for plain black and white to supply in my kitchen builds.
Can anybody help me out?
just make the softkeybar buttons transparent and background black (png's)..
what's the problem??
I have bee trying that but the buttons arnt mapping correctly. The lock icon and the "windows" icon button both show up as the windows Icon. I am not sure how to fix that. Also the back button comes up as Windows as well.
Very odd, didn't happen in os 23569.
and all over again you're using gwes from com5?
Ur quite right. I am not going to use gwes any more!!! Thanks sorted the issue. Buttons displaying properly
