Portable Webserver for APK files - G1 General

Hi guys,
I have just been playing around with the idea of hosting a webserver on my machine that my phone could connect to to download apk files after performing a wipe.
Iv been thinking about this as everytime i wipe my phone i connect back to the market and download appmanager to install apps direct from sd. So instead of having to do that im looking at having them all in a directory on my PC/Flashdrive (as this will be portable) using XAMPP.
Before any gets any wrong ideas this is not intended for any illegal doings. Its just to make my life easier. I thought i would share what i have started to see if this will help out anyone else.
So far i have it working (very rough). But i dont know any coding so this is a bit of a hack job.
I am using XAMPP as stated aswell as a PHP script that will automaticly populate the page will all files within a particular folder.
I have attached the index file i am using.
if you wish to use this please make sure you do a few things.
Install XAMPP
From where you installed XAMPP. In the HTDOCS folder create a "APK" Folder
Place the index.php in the HTDOCS folder
Edit the index.php file to change the path of the APK folder (currently set to D:\\Dream\\xampp\\htdocs\\APK) keep the double slashes "\\"
Start the Apache webserver from the XAMPP control panel
Now connect to Localhost, any files you place in that folder should now appear
Anyone wishing to use this, edit this, whatever you feel like. Go ahead
If you would like to help and change the look and feel of the page it would be greatly appreciated. If you do post the files back up here for all to use
Hope you guys like

Can I ask why you wouldn't just backup your apps to your sdcard (use something like MyBackup) and be done with it?
You can always copy them from your sdcard to your flash drive (and back from flash drive to sdcard temporarily if you need to re-install).
I'm all for experimenting, learning and even playing around a lot. But this seems like overkill. First off, your apps will surely get outdated quickly, and you'll end up upgrading lots of apps. You'll end up spending an enormous amount of time managing your own local library.
Personally, I think you're wasting your time unless your trying to learn how to do something in the process. Maybe you are, and in that case, go for it. Otherwise, enjoy your phone and let the Market do the management for you.

Or you can just have all your .apk's in a folder and use adb to install all of em at once. But like the above post you might have to get updates for alot of em.


.vol files in root

Hi Folks,
I have a lot of .vol files in the root, namely mxip..., pim.vol, PocketInformant.vol, etc)
Can I move these? Firstly to the SD, or secondly to the \databases folder to tidy things up?
Has anyone tried?
I don't think so. Whatever you do, don't move pim.vol. You can try moving the PockInfo.vol .. the worst case is that you won't able to start PI. And, personally, I think PI is much smarter than the built in pim, so if PI cna't do it, the built-in pim sure can't.
These r system files used by the OS all the time so if u try to move them there might b a startup prob so its advisable not to play with these .
These r system files used by the OS all the time so if u try to move them there might b a startup prob so its advisable not to play with them .
thanks guys - seems no-one has moved these successfully so I'll live with the messy directory.

Starting Runtime.exec() directory

Could someone tell me what path runtime.exec commands start in? I'm making a simple JIT program and I already have the enabling in the build.prop done, I just need to copy some files from the resources folder. Also can anyone provide input as to wether that would be legal to put on the android market as it would contain some dalvik files? If not, I know some apps get around it by downloading the files to sdcard which would be fine for me but I'm unsure how I'd do this in an android program. Thanks for any help!

Need Mac Beta Testers: Interface for Pushing Files

I need beta testers running Mac OS X to test a new application.
This application is for people who are either uncomfortable or unwilling to use Terminal and ./adb for pushing files to their device.
This first beta version is just to test how it works on different computers. It pushes the file to the sdcard of the phone using ./adb. The only input needed from the user is to select the file.
Later releases will let the user choose which folder on the device to copy to, but the next release will probably just involve pushing .apk to the /system/app folder.
Please let me know the results.
Beta 2:
Change Log:
Added option to choose the location that the file is to be pushed to.
Added Recovery application
Added Reboot application.
Planned Updates:
Pull File - Done
Device Backup - Testing (having issues)
Device Backup w/SD - Testing (having issues)
Install .apk - Done
Uninstall .apk
Restore Backup - Needs Device Backup
Restore Backup w/SD - Needs Device Backup
Flash ROM - Need help, PM me
I'll test it Downloading it now.
Works fine, I look forward to seeing it progress. I'll probably just use adb when I need to push something, but I'll keep testing whenever you update.
I've updated the first post with a new beta. This new beta includes:
Push file to specified location.
Reboot device
Reboot device into recovery.
derekwilkinson said:
I need beta testers running Mac OS X to test a new application.
This application is for people who are either uncomfortable or unwilling to use Terminal and ./adb for pushing files to their device.
This first beta version is just to test how it works on different computers. It pushes the file to the sdcard of the phone using ./adb. The only input needed from the user is to select the file.
Later releases will let the user choose which folder on the device to copy to, but the next release will probably just involve pushing .apk to the /system/app folder.
Please let me know the results.
Beta 2:
Change Log:
Added option to choose the location that the file is to be pushed to.
Added Recovery application
Added Reboot application.
Planned Updates:
Pull File - Ready
Device Backup - Testing
Device Backup w/SD - Testing
Install .apk
Uninstall .apk
Restore Backup
Restore Backup w/SD
Flash ROM - Need help, PM me
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nice this looks like it could be the underpinnings of droid explorer for Mac.
gunnyman said:
nice this looks like it could be the underpinnings of droid explorer for Mac.
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It could be, but I'm going to need someone to help me create the UI for running the scripts. Right now they are all just separate applications
derekwilkinson said:
It could be, but I'm going to need someone to help me create the UI for running the scripts. Right now they are all just separate applications
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Perhaps, since it's free, you could build the whole thing to run as a Safari extension? I don't know how feasible this is, just spitballing ideas.
Well I just finished the app to install applications. This could be especially useful for newbies who want to install custom applications. All they have to do is select the .apk and it installs.
The .apk installer is now ready for download.
Just downloaded... I'll give it a try, thanks
Something very similar is being developed or Windows and Linux, maybe you can use it or work with the developer to get a working port to MAC. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=683223
As a Mac user, it's very much appreciated that people like you put an effort to developing for our platform. Resources are very scarce and people new to Android are often discouraged with the more advanced stuff of the OS.
srkmagnus said:
Something very similar is being developed or Windows and Linux, maybe you can use it or work with the developer to get a working port to MAC. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=683223
As a Mac user, it's very much appreciated that people like you put an effort to developing for our platform. Resources are very scarce and people new to Android are often discouraged with the more advanced stuff of the OS.
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Great idea, it would be nice to allow users to browse the device for files. Right now, unless an app is being installed, they have to know the name of the file and location

Pay Attention: How do we backup DATA in Apps. NOT just APPS

Title says it all. I've seen this question asked but too many times I see people saying. "Use Search Function"
The search function has been scoured and I see plenty of great apps that restore and backup apps, contacts, etc.. none restore data WITHIN the apps.
Is there an app that backs up DATA within the apps not just the apps.
Thank you,
come again.
Titanium backup backs up my apps plus all system data
I'd like to know this too, with possible Rom coming in September I'm desperate to make the change over as smooth as possible.
post in general section
Good question. I use MyBackup (online) for saving my data - but only sms-contacts..
If you find an app that save all you need, please post its name here ^^
The process is quite complex (at least the way I do it) but it can be done!
Note: YOU NEED LINUX FOR THIS (or if you're brave you can mess with the tools on this site: http://www.chrysocome.net/download. success is not guaranteed. Still post about your experiences though )
Note: Steps 1 to 3 are not always necessary, it depends on which Android build you are using.
1) Give Root Explorer (or a similar file explorer app - must be able to access system/data files) root access
2) Locate the folders containing the user data you want to backup, this is usually somewhere near /data/data. The folders have various naming conventions and dont always contain the name of the app (i'll check and edit this post if i have time)
3) Change the folder's permission settings - I usually just permit everything
4) Shut down Android and in one way or another, mount your sd card on your Linux machine, and locate your data.img or userdata.img file.
5) Open a command line window, enter the following:
sudo mount -o loop data.img /mnt/data
Note: you might need to create the folder you are mounting too
Note: sudo not always neccesary
Note: change data.img to userdata.img, you'll know if this applies to you
6) Browse to the folder containing the data you want to backup and copy it onto your computer. DONE!
You can restore these backups on a different build by using the same method, just in reverse. Also, don't forget to check if the same folder already exists, if yes, it can be extremely annoying to find you dont have permission to change/overwrite it!
I used this to copy all of my saved games, i especially didn't want to loose my Asphalt 5 progress
P.S. if this solves your problem, please change the title of this thread to simplify things for other users
Thanks Kev007, I'll try this
filou75 said:
Thanks Kev007, I'll try this
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While it is good to know how to do this stuff, just download Titanium from the market. It backs up all apps plus data in about a minute. You can restore individually or in batches using filters. Search around there is lots of info on this app.
It is great to learn some basic Linux stuff. It will help when you are trying to do things in Android. If you have no intention of learning Linux, Titanium is the way to go.
that be good actually - on my last android reinstall I lost my paper toss high score (allbeit only 3 pmsl) but still seems like a good thought considerin the games etc with save data.
Seconded - Titanium Backup preserves all my app data.
This is one of the reasons I love Android over WinMo - backing up app data is practically a nobrainer when you have the right tool.
+1 on Titanium Backup.
Works great on all builds. Just don't try to restore native HTC apps/data from sense to vanilla Froyo.
Kev007 said:
The process is quite complex (at least the way I do it) but it can be done!
Note: YOU NEED LINUX FOR THIS (or if you're brave you can mess with the tools on this site: http://www.chrysocome.net/download. success is not guaranteed. Still post about your experiences though )
Note: Steps 1 to 3 are not always necessary, it depends on which Android build you are using.
1) Give Root Explorer (or a similar file explorer app - must be able to access system/data files) root access
2) Locate the folders containing the user data you want to backup, this is usually somewhere near /data/data. The folders have various naming conventions and dont always contain the name of the app (i'll check and edit this post if i have time)
3) Change the folder's permission settings - I usually just permit everything
4) Shut down Android and in one way or another, mount your sd card on your Linux machine, and locate your data.img or userdata.img file.
5) Open a command line window, enter the following:
sudo mount -o loop data.img /mnt/data
Note: you might need to create the folder you are mounting too
Note: sudo not always neccesary
Note: change data.img to userdata.img, you'll know if this applies to you
6) Browse to the folder containing the data you want to backup and copy it onto your computer. DONE!
You can restore these backups on a different build by using the same method, just in reverse. Also, don't forget to check if the same folder already exists, if yes, it can be extremely annoying to find you dont have permission to change/overwrite it!
I used this to copy all of my saved games, i especially didn't want to loose my Asphalt 5 progress
P.S. if this solves your problem, please change the title of this thread to simplify things for other users
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Now THIS is an answer. I knew I wasnt the only one trying to do this. I dont need to backup the APPS because I already have them backed up oin my PC.
My buddy has a linux box ill try this with. Thanks.
PS. To the titanium suggestions. I've tried that. Doesnt seem to save game states or 3rd party app preferences...

[Q] Rooted Samsung Fascinate v. Google talk service

So yes, Titanium Backup and the deletion of google talk are at it again. This time I actually knew I shouldn't delete then brain farted and did it anyway. So here lies my marketless and FC gapps everytime I pull the market app up.
For the record I searched as best as possible for a solution and the closest I got was a link for gtalk and the Evo 4G, and needless to say it still doesn't work, the market and the force close gapps.service still happens after re install
A solution without a flash and re-root is preferred, please educate the new guy! Thanks for the record I know I'm a jack wagon lol.
Search these forums (or Google) for Fascinate System Dump. It will have whatever files you deleted.
So dump files obtained. Is this is simple drag and drop to the OS or do I need a program on the computer to be able to interface with the filesystem on the Fascinate?
Bare with me guys, while I bring myself up to speed on tearing through the Andriod OS, hacking windows is one thing - tearing apart my phone for the first time - thats a whole nother ball game for me.
DeezNotes said:
Search these forums (or Google) for Fascinate System Dump. It will have whatever files you deleted.
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So I did that, finally got the files onto my phone and reinstalled all the google.apks including ones that were already existing on the phone.
To no avail I still get the gapps Force close and I'm still unable to download from market after restoring Google Talk Service.
Any help or a simple suggestion would be appreciated - been trying this all day with no success.
I'm not sure if you "installed" the apps or if you placed them back in their proper folder(s), but my guess is that any app you had pre-installed which you deleted was previously in the /system/app folder. The dump has all the files in this folder. You don't need to re-install these files, you need to just copy them back to the /system/app folder.
When you download and install an app, it will install to /data/app. If you "installed" the files rather than copying them back to /system/app, that may be the problem.
On a side-note, this is why I like to move files from one folder to another rather than use Titanium Backup to delete apps/files.
Don't forget to reboot your phone after you copy the files back to /system/app.
Lastly, I'm not responsible for what you break.
DeezNotes said:
I'm not sure if you "installed" the apps or if you placed them back in their proper folder(s), but my guess is that any app you had pre-installed which you deleted was previously in the /system/app folder. The dump has all the files in this folder. You don't need to re-install these files, you need to just copy them back to the /system/app folder.
When you download and install an app, it will install to /data/app. If you "installed" the files rather than copying them back to /system/app, that may be the problem.
On a side-note, this is why I like to move files from one folder to another rather than use Titanium Backup to delete apps/files.
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Roger that side note - that will be my new policy when managing files.
As far as the clarification - I have been indeed installing the apps instead of moving them to the appropriate location - I guess the difference in installation location never occurred to me. Thank you in advance for the heads up and I'll report my success or failure, hopefully success after i get out of work this evening.
Don't worry if I brick I won't hold you accountable - after all I'm the one who deleted Google apps from the Andriod phone. LOL, In hindsight it was a terrible Idea.

