Internet Tab Search => Mobile View - Touch HD General

using the search window in the touchflo internet tab lets opera present the result in google mobile view by default. is it possible to change it to html view so one doesn't need to scroll down to click 'html'?


Hotmail on Universal

Browser - Opera 8.5 beta
Device - Qtek 9000
Connection - GPRS T-mobile
Location - USA
For some reason, when using GPRS, going to hotmail, it takes me to msnmobile instead of the regular hotmail webpage despite using Opera.
Not only that, it doesn't take me to the mobile hotmail page, even after I log on.
Anybody knows a solution around it?
Tried searching for hotmail but nothing came up that provided me with the solution.
Actually Opera does not offer a user-configurable User-Agent to enable identification of Opera as IE6 so you are forced to mobile websites.
A work around which I did is as follows:-
1) Open your usual hotmail site on your windows xp computer.
2) When the site has fully opened the address bar on your windows xp web browser will look something like this ( *******)
3) Copy and paste this entire address to a word document on your windows xp computer and save the word document.
4) Using active sync transfer this word document from your windows xp computer to your pocket pc and open with Word Mobile
5) Run Opera on your PPC and copy and paste the address from your word mobile document to the address bar in the opera window.
6) Press the go button and the website will display.
7 Now you can save the open website as one of your Favourites and this way you will not have to follow the entire procedure each time you want to go to the hotmail site.
It works for me and hope it does for you sas well.
Kind Regards
nope, still automatically redirects to
Really frustrating! :evil:
Okay go to the mobile MSN account as opera would take you. Then enter your username and password and log in. Also click the radio button for opera to remember both the username and password i.e. the uppermost radio button. Exit opera then retry the procedure in my above post.
srmz said:
Actually Opera does not offer a user-configurable User-Agent to enable identification of Opera as IE6 so you are forced to mobile websites.
Kind Regards
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
try adding a new section to the opera.ini file in \Application Data\Opera :
[User Agent]
Spoof UserAgent ID=1
Full options are:
Opera = 1
Mozilla = 2
Internet Explorer = 3
Mozilla, no Opera mention = 4
Internet Explorer, no Opera mention = 5
Let me know
Thanks for the info
YES! It works. Changing the User Agent file does allow it to go to the regular hotmail webpage. Don't forget to soft reset.
FYI, I'm using the Opera 8.5 beta on my Qtek 9000. still doesn't work on GPRS though. Works great when connected to PC via Activesync....just not through GPRS.
One other thing I need to mention also, after adding the User Agent to the ini file, the top bar where the address and all the icons are, have a background issue. The icons and the address bar all show up fine, but just the background is a little messed up. Nothing you can't live with.
Thanks again Aefelix.
Thx, will try that now...
I noticed something though, i normally use WAP over GPRS to browse, i tried it and it didn't work (copy hotmail link and paste it).
But then when i was hooked up via WIFI, it worked on PIE without changing any setting!
How could that be? :shock: :?
I've also noticed that when I use Wi-Fi, hotmail works just fine.
But please do try AeFelix's fix and see if it works for you too.
Hi Aefelix,
Tried modifying the Opera.ini by adding the User Agent section as advised.
Now it takes me to the regular hotmail login page and allows log in as well. But after log in none of the links such as Mail, Calendar, etc appear to work. So I cannot actually go beyond the page which appears after the log in is through.
Anybody else experienced this and any suggestions??
Kind Regards

Opera shows BBC in Mobile View

Need some help please? I have reset my Opera 9.5 back to default using about:config - install after un-installing anther application to set the browser as the default again. The problem now is that when going to certain pages it shows the mobile view rather than the normal web view the main one being BBC showing as bbc mobile. Even if I type in the BBC address it automatically goes to the mobile view. I have checked in the settings and the mobile view is unchecked
Any ideas please?
Thanks in advance

Opera Browser in Desktop Display?

Does anyone know if there is a setting for Opera 9.5 to force web pages to load or browse as a desktop display? Internet Explorer has a setting that allows you to browse as either a desktop or mobile device.
On Opera, even with "Display - Mobile view" unchecked, some sites, notably CNN and FOX news, automatically redirect to their mobile website. Is there another setting I'm missing or is my Opera not functioning correctly.?
***Figured it out: A speed tweaking cab I installed had a default string in the Custom User Agent that allowed these sites to detect it as a mobile device and redirect. Could not change the string (would automatically default) so I'll probably have to remove the cab.
I need to kno if there's a way too. this has been annoying la mierda out of me

Opera Favourites Issue

The problem is I tried to save opera:config as a favourite.
When I go to the favourite it keeps adding http:// in front of the shortcut stopping the link from working. Even if I edit the shortcut it still adds http:// to the front after saving.
Does anyone know how to get this sorted?
Running default opera 9.7 Build 35627 shipped with 1.66 ROM.
You can't. It is opera itself thinking you have been lazy and not bothered putting http:// at teh start of teh address. If you did manage to tweak opera not to do that, it would never do it for any address and you would have to manually add http:// every time you entered an address.
Well that wouldn't bother me as I always go to the site then click add favourite.
Also a mate has the HD2 and the diamond and his diamond let's him save opera:config as a favourite.
If someone could tell me how to stop the http:// appearing that would be great.
The problem is that Opera 9.7 on the HD2 is using the HTC Sense Bookmark service by default, and it seems to add http:// every time you save. Whereas on your friend's Diamond it would be using the in built Opera 9.7 Bookmark service which doesn't add on the http://.
You can switch it back to use the in built Opera 9.7 bookmark service by doing the following:
Download a Registry editor like Total Commander or Resco Explorer. Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Opera\Info\UseOperaBookmark and change the value from "0" to "1".
This then enables the Opera 9.7 bookmark service and you can add opera:config as a favourite without it adding http:// to it.
the above answer will work, and has the added benefit of allowing you to use folders that aren't opened when you browse favorites like they are in the sense favorites....but don't forget that active sync will no longer sync operas bookmarks because they are saved to a different location. just best it in mind if you hard reset.

IE & Opera 10.x Mobile - synch and sort favorites sorting, flash plugin

Hi there,
on the HD2 I have set up IE (Internet Explorer Mobile) and Opera 10. Could someone help in the following annoying behaviour:
1. Favorites in IE aren't sorted by name. I cannot manage to have the sorted just by Name.
2. Previous versions of Opera Mobile suported at least to import IE Favorites as Bookmarks. Opera Mobile 10 does nothing here. Is nice tool available for that task? Is sorting by name possible i Opera Mobile 10?
3. Regarding flash content, I have read that at least IE may support flash in limited mode. However, I cannot see any flash content with both players. It's a shame. The often noted alternative Skyfire isn't usefull. Any traffic is routed through their site and I to not trust that way of data processing.
Thank you

