NOKIA freak asked me!
"Can you swtich the UI Language on WM5 ?"
Of course i proudly said to him "YES" !!
My Sleepless Battle has began at that night!!
Now i almost made that!
@Use "Autoconfig" to load reistry cab files which need to localize from ExtROM.
@Shellress.dll.xxxxx.mui in all languages can share one set of "Shell Folders"
and Subfolders of My Documents.
So you can use same applications before and after switch Language,
Also your documents are same place in My Documnets.
@now testing to add sets of mui for 3 kinds of different languages on ROM,
This means 4 kinds of languages can be swithched with mui in rom.
Tried to inject 5th mui sets,,,,,,ROM had been crash!
Japanese,English, Simple Chinese and Trad Chinese MUI are in ROM.
and the 5th mui German is on RAM,,,That is my test ROM.
But not included Input system, just use SIP of Defaul OS.
4 x languages MUI in the ROM, 5th and more MUI sets on the RAM <If you need>
this test was use the Japanese Inter face mainly, so just use for my self.
I am plannning to make Chinase ROM it can be switched CHS to CHT, also CHT to CHS.
Then also try to make another european languages version, if someone need.
French & German,,,Italian,,,or some,,,,but should be used existing MUI.
<But not for the commercial use!!!>
Dose anyone interestiing in this and work together???
Following captures are not from different ROM, just one ROM!
Where's that app please?
sorry this is not stand alone application.
must be come with edited rom.
mine was not complited and not for european.
so i say if aomeone want to make europiean, i can work with.
of course we can make stand alone application, bu it will need much ram space,
one set of mui and language pack need 2MB.
if u dont afraid about ram space,
i will make stand alone applicaton.
d u need? and what language u need?
Maybe you could share how you did it?
I'm pretty sure you'd be able to do this in RAM too
Very nice Asukal , look forward and wait you finish it
Asukal said:
sorry this is not stand alone application.
must be come with edited rom.
mine was not complited and not for european.
so i say if aomeone want to make europiean, i can work with.
of course we can make stand alone application, bu it will need much ram space,
one set of mui and language pack need 2MB.
if u dont afraid about ram space,
i will make stand alone applicaton.
d u need? and what language u need?
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if possible install FotgottenNationsNo5 cab first and patch front cab and language switcher cab install plus,, ?
To, Mr,Wang
the cabs you mentions are just registries,
of course if add anther cab which contain MUI files to this Program,
Possible i think,
i will make such like a Cabs with German MUI files for following replay
and jmdrizen
ya, of course it can be from RAM,,,,my German Inter face is came from RAM i said,,,,
very easy,
just put the mui into windows folder,
and make Swithcer to sintall cab files to change the value of Registry,
one idea!
all of registry and mui for one languages into one cab,,,
but this case, RAM will wast space double!
space for contain the MUI and CAB
and space for the copied resources in the WIndows folder.
any way, i tried to make for cab,,, to use on RAM.
i attached files to test;
ftp://[email protected]/Universal/
German mui is in this CAB, Eglish mui is not here,
so pls test this on English device.
make cabs loacte in Temp foder, and once selct Language,
Language Swither will make those CABs install automaticaly.
@@Extract ""
@@find folder named "To_Temp_folder"
Pls lacate all CABs to Root\Temp\
Excute on device,
and go to Program, the excute Language Switcher.exe.
then select German <english is for recover to Original.
No English MUI in here.Only test to change German UI.
@@German_Registry folder.
This is the registries for your refference, what i have done.
No need import those, cabs in Temp have those already.
anyway, this is just testing for you.
I am plannning make it easier setp.
If mui are in ROM..i already compleate steps very easy.
@for your refference
following is Config of Switcher which will copy to windows automaticaly.
and containts of each CAB
CAB: \TEMP\ --change the MUI value and Location
CAB: \TEMP\\ ---Chnage the Today Meny key
CAB: \TEMP\ ---Change OEM Control pane name
CAB: \TEMP\ ---chnage the Pop up Notificatin
RST: Reset
CAB: \TEMP\ --mui value and mui/help
RST: Reset
i also attached regstry files i used in the cab,
this is the sample,,,if try to change more Regstry, it will be perfect.
But now only those for test.
@to kill the resource in Shellres.dll.xxxx.mui,which need Localized Shell folder
PLS delete following Strings Table from
<in my cab, already killed>
Strings Table
@To kill the resource in Officeres.dllxxxx.mui to specify the Localized
Documents folders such like "Personal" "Business"
Delete following Strings Table from Officeres.dll.xxxx.mui
Strings Table
i am still working for this! dont care nobay interesting in this!!
now i got idea to install cab with Languages mui and registry from Storage card(SD), :lol: :lol:
at the same time,,,,previouse Locallized languages MUI will be deleted from windows file
on RAM.
this should not be wasted presiouce RAM Space,,,
only One addtional set of MUI and Hlp files are on RAM.
<but MUI and Help files on the RAM which is the originla Language of OS
, it can not delete>
@To enable the Pass of Directry of "Storage Card" by Autconfig.txt,
Rename "Storage Card" to "Storage_Card".
this also make change with CAB file automaticaly....
To be change automaticly,,you write this cab name on
Rename the Storage Card following registry:
"Name"="SD Memory Card"
@to delete Previouse intsall mui and help files when you change language
Write following Registry in to the CAB file for each MUI set.
System misunderstand and detect "about to install same Application in system".
and uninstall Previouse one automaticaly in Back Ground.
this is leraned from HTCs CAB, name of Softwoare can be as yours!
@So,, to read MUI cab from Storage_Card,, write like following on Autoconfig.ext\
CAB: \Extended_ROM2\
CAB: \Extended_ROM2\
CAB: \Extended_ROM2\
CAB: \Extended_ROM2\
CAB: \Storage_Card\
RST: Reset
CAB: \Extended_ROM2\
CAB: \Extended_ROM2\
CAB: \Extended_ROM2\
CAB: \Storage_Card\
RST: Reset
Now itested 2 languages from SD card,,,German and Italy,,,also Base Language English come with ROM.
and got work!
This systme is not organized and so it seems so complicate,
But i will make this organize and very simple system soon! 8)
PLS looking forward to me!
i can not write programs and dont know C+ or some,
so i am useing this way,,,
I'm watching with interest and appreciate what you are doing.
Apparently it seems that you are only working on languages with left to right.
I'd be more interested if somehow you could make the hardware keyboard work with arabic
W-Zero 3
So... If I am right with your outility now I can buy for example the W-Zero 3 of Sharp in Japanese languaje and use it in inglish or spanish? or just for universal??
thanks guys,,,glad to hear from you!
Arabian; i am quite stranger of that,,,and no idea,
if you have interesting in that, hope you can do the parts of Arabian.
And now i dont touch any drivers aslso dorivers in registry.
Just change the inter face Language and keep system to be original english.
now i making resources of Languages for Universal,
And some Original Appli & Setting Menu in Zero3 is not here,
Of cource you make their MUI in English, it will be possible.
But as i told above, still system will keep as default,
you must make Shell Folders in English or your language.
"Start Menu" and "Program Menu",,,On Zero3 it was Japanese one now,
Key board and SIP is just keep default,
i also not work for ths SIP at this moment.
(To adaptation of SIP from another language,, my long terms work, since
ppc2002 age. but still can not)
and,,,,,Zero3 has no GSM function,,may be you know,,
just has a PHS Phone System just uniqe system in japan.
You can not call in GPRS world with this
Initial version of UI Language Switcher is here to try
Now i am proud to intruduce,,,i made it!
My UI Language Switcher <non Asian> is here to you!
<SD Card installation Version Release1.00>
*Supported OS and Device
Universal Qtek 1.30 ROM version or compatible OS rom.
Use on English device, i didnt test on other Language OS.
But ON the Universal with DIY Japanese OS was worked
*Languages you can select
@WWE English as Original OS device
*What can you get from this
@You can switch UI Language from any to any languagese as your want & when you want to.
You can access to programs which you installed before and after switch
UI languages.
@All interface and very very most of registries can be localized to above languages.
i can not say all registries,,,,,,it will be very very hard work if i will do it.
But only very miner parts of registries are not changed to your languages.
you have very few chance to find and see "Not Localized Menu or Dialog."
@Help files and Template also change language.
But Shell Folders, and names of Sortcuts of Programs are English
and Templates folders also.
you can share to use amoung any UI languages.
Localized Office Templates documents are in the Template folder
@Each Languagse sources are using 1.3MB or some.
When you swithced to other languages,,,previouse sources will be deleted
and keep this size of usage.
*Usage <how to>
1; DL the archive here. named "UI_Switch_TEST.rar"
ftp://[email protected]/Universal/UI_Switch_TEST.rar
<5.5MB total for 4 languages>
2:Extract archive and find follwing cab and folders,
which contain Localiaze Sources
@CAB =
@folder Sub-Folders--<files>
|______"0409" ---<English Resource CABs>
|______"0407" ---<German Resource CABs>
|______"040c" ---<French Resource CABs>
|______"0410" ---<Italian Resource CABs>
|______"Dark" ----<Cert / Rapi / Security OFF>
at the
@Place the "Asukal_Tool" folder on to SD card all with subfolders above
@Tap the "Language" and procceed intallation.
@Make soft rest
<Remane Storage Card to Strage_Card automaticaly>
@Go Start Menu---Programs and find "UI Language Selector" icon and tap that.
@Only 1st time you use this, select "Initialize to Active" from list,
Installation is procceeding on back ground, then windows will be closed,
---3 cabs in Subfolder "Dark" are used in this step
@Open UI Language Selector again, then select language you disire.
@Just wait till it say <Need Reset?>, just wait.
Tap "Yes" and deveice will reboot itself.
@Now you can boot with your favorite language,
This system can only switch the UI Languages,
not change the OS system or OS Kernel languages,
So SIP <INPUT SYUTEM> is still keep original one,
even you switched to another languages.
Also Keyboard rayout is keeping original, not changed,
now still on my trial,,,, may be it will be better soon!
PLS try and test.
Asukaly yours!
possiblity of unkown problems there
PLS try as your own risk.
This system on other device like a Zero3
i tested this one on Zero3
it works to only the OS parts,
i meant OEM applications and the other Zero3's unique parts can not
change language.
To change the language in OEM application,i must make it english or other languge version,
also shell folder is missing
(you can conect PC and make new folders, or rename the Japanese Shell folders to english one, like "Start Menu" "Programs" "Settings". it easy to spve)
Any way, the step and way is the same. just need modify a little.
But we can use this way to onother HTC device also.
See capture
Hi ! I have istalled it liek you described, but it wont work for me. My Memory Card is´t renamed - perhaps this will cause the problem ?
What could i do?
Thx a lot!!
storage must be renamed, other wize, lanuage switch ant read from SD.
did you make soft reset after install Language Switch?
Softrest makes effectt raname Storage Card.
Yes, i made many softresets ;-), but my card isnt renamed´yet. I will try to reinstall it.
if still can not rename,
pls import following registry and softrest.
it msut be work
"Name"="SD Memory Card"
Thx a lot!
Hi all,
I am newbie to this forum. I got a O2xda neo mobile recently.
Rom Version: GER
OS: WM 5.0
I would like to change the language pack from German to English.
After reading this thread i felt Asukal solution might work for me. Please correct if i am wrong.
Can some one or Admin please give me the rights to download (ftp://[email protected]/Universal/UI_Switch_TEST.rar) this file.
Many thanks in Advance.
i made this test system to use on the English device.
so currentry,,,english resources will be used from in OS rom,
Thus means resources for english are not enough in this files.
i dont think this will work on another Language OS, and nor another deved,,,just for for the Universal.
But if you want to try,,do not mind,pls do.
i tried on japanese device and work some of them.
But u must make Shell folders in english name before use this..
Other wise you can not access any programs or setings.
You can dl after you register as a use in this forum.
Hi Guys
Is there anybody who can guide me if it is possible to replace the Ext_Rom of a WM6 with WM5 or not?!!!
Actually I had a problem with my Ext_Rom...(There's a CLEARVUE...a default program for Reading PDF files which I hate it,but I can't prevent it of being installed while costumization of WM5 ) So I wondered If I can change My Ext_Rom with the one whcih has not Clearvue inside?
If yes,then how???
Go to the WiKi and search for "unlocking extended ROM of Prophet".
The extended ROM is just a collection of cabs. On the Prophet (at least in WM 5 not sure if they changed it in WM 6) you can open it with a simple registry change and then manually delete or add cabs. (note that cabs must be signed to automatically install after hard reset)
I looked over the backup of my Ext_ROM (from official i-mate ROM) but could not determine which cab installs ClearView just by their names.
You could always try them manually one by one or use CECabManager (google) to see whats inside.
levenum said:
Go to the WiKi and search for "unlocking extended ROM of Prophet".
The extended ROM is just a collection of cabs. On the Prophet (at least in WM 5 not sure if they changed it in WM 6) you can open it with a simple registry change and then manually delete or add cabs. (note that cabs must be signed to automatically install after hard reset)
I looked over the backup of my Ext_ROM (from official i-mate ROM) but could not determine which cab installs ClearView just by their names.
You could always try them manually one by one or use CECabManager (google) to see whats inside.
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Hi Levenum
It's really great to have someone to help you,finally.Thanks a lot,man .Actually I know how to un-hide the Ext_Rom,but the problem is that I can't find the cab that is installing this damn Clearvue program
I'm looking for someone who guide me which Cab is responsible for that(Gives me the name of the cab.file)...or....Any hero who guide me is it possible for me to change my current Ext_Rom with the another one that is not included that damn CLEARVUE???!!!
Thank you again for helping
Isn't there anybody who direct me (and many others who have got the similar problem) by just saying how we can get rid of CLEARVUE in the Ext_Rom or at least replacing it with ACROBAR READER?
I already know how to un-hide AND Unlock the extended rom...
I need only the name of the cab file (which installs CLEARVUE),...nothing more...
It's NOT installed in the ExtROM, it's installed in the "base"ROM.
Black-Rose said:
It's NOT installed in the ExtROM, it's installed in the "base"ROM.
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Hi Black Rose
I don't care where this damn software is,and I'm not gonna debate you over it...You just tell me what s the name of the cab.file...And if you are so sure about the location,so tell me also the place of it(Base or Ext-Rom?? )
Thanks anyway
I think clearvue is pre-installed in the base ROM, so there is no cab file to delete.
For me, I just ignore that clearvue or adobe LE is there. I just went ahead and installed Adobe 2.0 and everytime I tap a pdf file, adobe 2.0 opens.
If that doesn't work for you, you can use resco explorer to assign which default prog to open any file... similar to "open with" in XP or Vista.
Putra said:
I think clearvue is pre-installed in the base ROM, so there is no cab file to delete.
For me, I just ignore that clearvue or adobe LE is there. I just went ahead and installed Adobe 2.0 and everytime I tap a pdf file, adobe 2.0 opens.
If that doesn't work for you, you can use resco explorer to assign which default prog to open any file... similar to "open with" in XP or Vista.
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Hi Putra
Are you sure it's not in the Ext_Rom?Because after a hard reset,whenever I prevent the Ext_Rom of customizing my device (Stop customization),I don't have the CLEARVUE installed on my mobile.
This is why I think it must be somewhere in Ext_Rom.Even some excerpts told me that I have to replace my Ext-Rom with the one which doesn't have CLEARVUE...But he didn't tell me exactly how I can find such a extended Rom and how I can do the replacement...I also needed to know if the replacement may damage the Original Rom of my device or not?
Thanks for helping me, anyway and I would be more appreciated if you help me a little more in that.
Ok, in that case, then it should be in your extrom. However, I also do not know which is the cab file. One way is to prevent the extrom customization, and then manually install each cab from the extrom....
Why don't you just leave clearvue in your device, and simply install adobe 2.0? I don't think clearvue takes that much space...
you can edit the ext_ rom by editing the folder content in WM6
I recomend to use winimage to edit extrom, it will lock the ext rom
Putra said:
Ok, in that case, then it should be in your extrom. However, I also do not know which is the cab file. One way is to prevent the extrom customization, and then manually install each cab from the extrom....
Why don't you just leave clearvue in your device, and simply install adobe 2.0? I don't think clearvue takes that much space...
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Hi again Putra
Thanks again for trying to help me solving this slight problem.You are right About the space that CLEARVUE takes,but I don't want to see in the list of my programs...I want to get rid of it thoroghly...So pleeeeeeeeeeeaseee help meeeeeeeee..... And show me the way to completely erase it from my device!!!!!!!!!
Chopin said:
you can edit the ext_ rom by editing the folder content in WM6
I recomend to use winimage to edit extrom, it will lock the ext rom
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HI Chopin
Thanks a lot for helping me to solve this problem,but wou,d you pease elaborate a little bit more...After all,I'm a newbie!!!!!
Just tell me what's this WINIMAGE and also tell me if I would be able to find the cab file of CLEARVUE within my Ext_Rom to erase it or not?!?!
Thanks again
winimage to use with extension.nb, as anewbie let forget how to use this one. if you need to kow, use search you;ll find a lot about how to use this one.
just look in the folder and remove it, or just edit the file Config.txt and remove the cab you don;t wanna install, it is so easy and don't need any clarification.
tell me what ROM do you use
Chopin said:
you can edit the ext_ rom by editing the folder content in WM6
I recomend to use winimage to edit extrom, it will lock the ext rom
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OFF TOPIC: Hi Chopin, can you explain how I can edit the contents of the extrom on WM6?
edit the files. delete any cab you want and instert anycab you want in the folder, but if you add a cab file then edit the file config.txt and and enter the cab file in it
Chopin said:
edit the files. delete any cab you want and instert anycab you want in the folder, but if you add a cab file then edit the file config.txt and and enter the cab file in it
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Oops, I meant how do I unlock and unhide the extrom in WM6. What prog do I use?
The last time I tried using WM5 tools on PdaViet 01, it didn't work. I have not tried again. I'm on Gullum v6, btw.
if this is what you want here is the files for unlock, and please ask me more if this was not what u needed
Ok, thanx. I'll try them...
Stop off-topics...let's talk about main topic
Hi dear friends
I noticed that we have been a little been off-topic,so I wanted to recall that we are here to help each other to find a way for "HOW WE CAN DELETE ANY CAB(In my case...CLEARVUE's cab file)INSIDE THE EXT_ROM OR CHANGE IT WITH ANOTHER CAB(Again in my case changing default CLEARVUE with ADOBE ACROBAT)?????
My friends
I even checked the Config.text file within my Ext_Rom,but unfortunately even there was no name and trace of CLEARVUE?!?!!??But I' sure it must be there...since when I stop my device of being costumized after a hard reset,I never see this CLEARVUE in my programs...So that means it must be somewhere in Ext-Rom..Somebody...Some hero....some know-all tell me where?????And under what name?!?!??!??!??!?!?
please, we already answer this question, to help you more, what ROM do you use?
from what i see in other posts, there's no exteneded rom...
i've got hypercore kitchen, and using that and reading some documents, to install cabs into my rom, use packagemaker (can't remember who's) place the package in build etc. but some cabs have files by the same name as others which creates a problem for buildrom - file already exists
so my thought was put problem cabs in ext. rom, but as there is none, how can i go about putting these cab as cabs, and getting them to install automactically?
arh, think i've worked it out. in OEMAPPS, is a fileConfig_AP.txt, where it installs opera from a cab,
so if i put my cab in that folder, and copy the syntax, it will install what i like as in doing the same in the ext.rom
help help help. tried to flash my windows 2003 phone to wm6 using maupgrade tool. didnt work propely now phone has dim display saying serial at the top and v.2.03 at bottom! pc wont recognise it, whwt have i done wrong!!! rga
Dude, did you follow the steps in the wiki? or did you just flash it using the tool without setting it up first?
read wiki, tell u what happened i was upgrading using baupdate tool and took phone out of dock b4 it had finished! so now at stuck in bootloader mode( serial at top, and v2.07 bottom), so when try and flash again same as it doesnt detect old system, to overide with wm6 software. i cant figure out how to sort it now as cant get off bootloader. connects to pc with usb link, but cant see phone in pc because it as if phone is empty at the moments, connects as an unknown device. just trying to find out how i would flash the phone from the start now! rga
ive done it. the problem i was having was finding the replacement driver for usb connection when i wanted to use mmty and baupgrade tools. sweet now , using wm 6.5 now its classsssss! RGA
so the question is...... Did you figure it out already or not?
i guess he's happy now man. he will love flashing his BA from now on hehehe...
Congrats man!
reggaedave said:
help help help. tried to flash my windows 2003 phone to wm6 using maupgrade tool. didnt work propely now phone has dim display saying serial at the top and v.2.03 at bottom! pc wont recognise it, whwt have i done wrong!!! rga
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You seem to be new to the forums. Thank you for joining XDA-Developers.
Please take a minute to go over the Rules and Regulations of the forum.
Also, it seems that you are a Blue Angel owner, in which case I will encourage you to go over the BA forum regulations here
For questions, please use the search function in the site or simply Google for an answer. More than likely, your question has probably been answered before and the answer is floating around somewhere in the site. That being said, unless you are contributing to the site with either skins, roms, ports, new applications, programs, games, etc., please [highlight]do not[/highlight] open new threads. However, if you do have questions, you can post them either in the BA Q&A section or in the General Q&A section.
ha yeah im happy enuf! i dont know anything about these phones, ive been modding Sony Erricson phones for the past 2 years but this ones all new to me!.
ROM DATE 03/28/09
In another pack i downloaded, nothing to do with what i flashed, it had a file labelled EXTROM, with loads of stuff in it, could this be put on my phone, bear in mind i know almost nothing at the moment? cheers off work 4 a week reggaedave!
the "file" extrom is an archive, which first needs to be unpacked to become the folder extrom. in there you find the following things:
1. Autorun.exe
2. CFG.txt
3. custom.bmp
4. a lot of cab files
there are 3 basic ways to handle the extrom after flashing:
1. you copy the cab files you want to an sd card and install them one by one
pro: fast if you know you don't need much or want to install to ramdisk or storage card
con: slow, when you install a lot of programs that go to the phone memory anyway and you plan to install the same progs every time you hard reset or flash a new rom
2. you customize you extrom by deleting cabs, adding new ones (you have to list them in cfg.txt)
pro: one folder to copy, installation process automated
con: all progs go to phone memory, you need to customize the cfg first
3. you take the extrom as it is
now for the explanation:
the extrom is a folder containing basic system programs that are not included in the rom, so their installation is optional. i don't know whether you worked with your device before, bust most names should ring a bell, if not, refer to the wiki or google the names for detailed descriptions.
what you need to do to install the extrom as it is: copy the folder extrom to an sd card and insert it after hard reset (make sure the cfg.txt lists all the cabs in the folder), a window will appear that tells you that the automated customization begins, you wait, after the next (automatic) soft-reset you have the programs on your device.
(mmh, probably that last part was the answer to your question, should have started with that. )
ok ill have a go now, thanks for the advice! cheers..RGA
Chef_Tony said:
the "file" extrom is an archive, which first needs to be unpacked to become the folder extrom. in there you find the following things:
1. Autorun.exe
2. CFG.txt
3. custom.bmp
4. a lot of cab files
there are 3 basic ways to handle the extrom after flashing:
1. you copy the cab files you want to an sd card and install them one by one
pro: fast if you know you don't need much or want to install to ramdisk or storage card
con: slow, when you install a lot of programs that go to the phone memory anyway and you plan to install the same progs every time you hard reset or flash a new rom
2. you customize you extrom by deleting cabs, adding new ones (you have to list them in cfg.txt)
pro: one folder to copy, installation process automated
con: all progs go to phone memory, you need to customize the cfg first
3. you take the extrom as it is
now for the explanation:
the extrom is a folder containing basic system programs that are not included in the rom, so their installation is optional. i don't know whether you worked with your device before, bust most names should ring a bell, if not, refer to the wiki or google the names for detailed descriptions.
what you need to do to install the extrom as it is: copy the folder extrom to an sd card and insert it after hard reset (make sure the cfg.txt lists all the cabs in the folder), a window will appear that tells you that the automated customization begins, you wait, after the next (automatic) soft-reset you have the programs on your device.
(mmh, probably that last part was the answer to your question, should have started with that. )
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Excellent description Chef Tony! It should be added to the Wiki/Wizard page as there is no clear description of it there, and I had to search this forum for quite a while to get a definitive answer as to what an extrom was!
okey dokey failed! ha. file extrom contains AUTORUN, CUSTOM, CFG, and many CAB files. Placed it on memory stick. Tried to open cabs one by one none worked, said was unsuccessful. One thing is that the CFG file is blank, do i need to be writing text in there of some sort? This is harder than a sony erricsson phone! what and how do people use the display a deskbar on the main screen, ive disabled the windows default set of icons, is there a better external app to use for it? answer whatever you can i know nothing about ppcz
reggaedave said:
okey dokey failed! ha. file extrom contains AUTORUN, CUSTOM, CFG, and many CAB files. Placed it on memory stick. Tried to open cabs one by one none worked, said was unsuccessful. One thing is that the CFG file is blank, do i need to be writing text in there of some sort? This is harder than a sony erricsson phone! what and how do people use the display a deskbar on the main screen, ive disabled the windows default set of icons, is there a better external app to use for it? answer whatever you can i know nothing about ppcz
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It sounds to me that you need to go back to suggestions of reading the wiki my friend. You need to downgrade to wm2003, and follow instructions step by step. This is where to start... Choose the proper answers and it will walk you through.
and if your cfg.txt file is really empty (which i don't understand, as many people downloaded the package and had it working), here is a sample extrom, that i wrote for myself:
SHOW:\Storage Card\EXTROM\Custom.bmp
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\Extrom_version.CAB
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\HTC Large Title
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\PHM
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\RDM_21202.CAB
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\skybox.CAB
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\skybox.CAB
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\SMS Delivery Receipt
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
CAB: \Storage Card\EXTROM\
EXEC: \Windows\DelCDetect.exe
RST: Reset
as you can see it is just some basic commands and a list of cab files, so you can do it yourself.
Oh, and where the smileys are, there of course has to be ":" "D" but as they stand without space, they make fun of the HIDE function should have posted it is code
How much free storage space do you have after a clean flash?
Everybody more cleverer than me im looking into extrom!
total: 43.26 MB
in use: 10.80 MB
free: 32.45 MB
total: 90.93
in use: 29.86
free: 61.07.
Learning the basics a bit now after getting bollocked! ... silly question but here goes, if i wanted to replaced png in the windows folder, should i just overwrite them with my own pngs, with same dimensions and names, is that how people change the interface graphics? apprentice ppc modder!....
Also trying to get my head around themegen program, because got loads of stock gfx to use so hopefully should be able to create some fantastic themes soon! over and out! Rga
reggaedave said:
Everybody more cleverer than me im looking into extrom!
total: 43.26 MB
in use: 10.80 MB
free: 32.45 MB
total: 90.93
in use: 29.86
free: 61.07.
Learning the basics a bit now after getting bollocked! ... silly question but here goes, if i wanted to replaced png in the windows folder, should i just overwrite them with my own pngs, with same dimensions and names, is that how people change the interface graphics? apprentice ppc modder!....
Also trying to get my head around themegen program, because got loads of stock gfx to use so hopefully should be able to create some fantastic themes soon! over and out! Rga
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That is exactly what I thought! You should seriously taking a look at the Wizard in the Wiki that markanthonypr pointed to you. I'll put it in simple terms... you did not follow the process completely (didn't unlocked and resized the storage). The reason why you cannot install your cabs for your ExtRom is simply because the old ExtRom still exists in your phone. Also, since all of these files are still there taking up space, instead of having about 60 MB of storage, you have roughly 43 MB. Long story short, you have to start from scratch (and I do mean from scratch... go back to stock 2003). Please follow the Wizard in the Wiki [highlight]step by step by every single step.[/highlight]
After you get an OS installed properly, you can continue modding the phone to your liking, but at this point, it is meaningless since you will have to hard reset your device a few more times.
Oh lord... ok, ive seen a lot of info since i did my first flash, ( seen the formating storage info), ill have a look and see if i can sort it.Originally i was stuffed because i got to the point that my phone was stuck in bootloader mode and paniced so thats why a rushed flash happened, and because it was about 3 in the morning aswell. Ill follow link, when i did my flash i followed a post actually in a thread, not from wiki, suppose that didnt help me much.Ill try again from scratch!
Wowzer what a night. Not done it yet. Had a total nightmare. Flashed my phone back to WM6 again in the end. Followed the instructions but couldnt pull it off, have to have another go.
Got as far as getting Downgrade to wm2003 pack, put the nk.nbf file in folder that had been extracted, but couldnt get maupgrade tool to recognise my phone to reflash it. So phone was stuck in bootloader so flashed it again using maupgrade with the WM6 files in and it come up straight away, so just flashed it to get back to beginning.
Will have to make my own notes and do it myself without having to search pages, also b4 i couldnt get mtty app to get into phone, wouldnt let me type commands so that was doing my head in. Couldnt find any info in any wiki wizzard link about commands for mtty! anyhows im knackered. Work in progress. Am i right in thinking that i need to flash my phone back to a wm2003 rom, do the nessasary formatting of storage, then upgrade to a version of wm6?? is that what i should be looking at? Knackered No time for any REGGAE Dave!
Yep Dave, that is correct.
You need to flash back to 2003, install the unlock and unhide cabs as per the Wizard and execute them in the correct order.
Follow all steps! Do not skip anything and you should be ok.
After that continue on through the Wizard instructions to flash your new rom.
Best of luck.
I've searched through the fora before posting this question : I've found a registry tipp to delete or not cab after installation but that's not what I need, I mean I prefer cabs to not be deleted for daily use.
My question is : I would like to know if there is a tweak to auto-delete cabs after installation ONLY during flash (when cabs are cooked into rom)
I use the classic config.txt with by example :
CAB: \windows\
CAB: \windows\
I tried without the lines "Lock:Enabled/disabled" (I don't know why we add those lines lol) but there is no difference after flashing, cabs are still there into windows dir. Is there a specific command line to add into config.txt to delete cabs after install process ?
You can't delete rom files; you can cook tcpmp in better though; relocate all the files to \windows, and you don't need to install it as a cab. I'm sure diamond tweak would work fine out of rom as well. You really don't need to put many programs in \program files.
The lock enabled/disabled command just locks the screen out from user input. It's pretty effin' annoying, if you ask me. I leave the screen unlocked, in case the customization hangs (although I don't use autorun anymore).
ok, thank you