in need of help!!! - myTouch 3G, Magic General

hello all
i know this may sound daft and make me look dump, but i am having problems with installing applications that are saved on my SD card. i was woundering how you do this. thank you in advance

this post can now be deleted, i have figured this out myself. but if others need help i will b able to from now on.
i am goin to work on my knowledge abit more for the androids before you start seeing applications and all from me
thank you in advance


O2 XDA Orbit - Upgrading/Backup/Flashing

Sorry if the post has already been mentioned in another forum before.
I have an O2 XDA Orbit and i'm looking to put Fracoons Artermis rom on it♦.
I'm pretty new to flashing phones and PDA's but i'm quite experienced with a PC so shouldnt need to much help!
I was wondering what steps I should ensure to take to make sure that I dont turn it into a brick, I could do with a complete guide! I've also been told that i'll need to run the Artermus USPL program after connecting the phone. But any help and advice would be a great help. Is there anyway to backup the phone in the state it is at present if or if it doesnt go wrong?
Thankyou for the help and sorry again i've this has already been asked by someone else! Will really appreciated it!
Please if anyone can help me with my querys it would be such a help as to avoid turning my phone into a brick. I really want WM6 and the touch flo system! But would also like to know anymore information!
Many thanks, Lee.

Hi please advise Newbie with T-Mobile Wing

Hi, I have a T-Mobile Wing, and I wanted to modify it by putting a brand new rom. I wanted to put the Open Touch 4.0 rom on it. I am a new newbie. I have no idea what to do for this. I was wondering if somebody could point me in the right direction and also could point me to all of the reading materials needed to be successful in order to put this rom on my phone. I was wondering if it is possible to learn to do this with some effort, and about how many hours do you think that it would take to master this? Please Help Me. Thank You VERY Much in advance. I wish to learn from the experts.
rpp293 said:
Hi, I have a T-Mobile Wing, and I wanted to modify it by putting a brand new rom. I wanted to put the Open Touch 4.0 rom on it. I am a new newbie. I have no idea what to do for this. I was wondering if somebody could point me in the right direction and also could point me to all of the reading materials needed to be successful in order to put this rom on my phone. I was wondering if it is possible to learn to do this with some effort, and about how many hours do you think that it would take to master this? Please Help Me. Thank You VERY Much in advance. I wish to learn from the experts.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
first go search for hard-spl.
then do hat.
then you can flash to any open touch
thanks dude thank u very much im gonna try it soon and ill post results on here

Cooking help

Hello, I am new here and require some help for cooking. This is my first try. Ive been able to dump the rom and xip successfully. Now, what I am not being able to figure out is how to know where the softwares are located?For example, I am trying to find the keyboard to remove it but I dont have a clue of where it is found. How you guys know where they are found? Thx for any advice.
Nice forum btw keep it up.

contacts in phone not showing up

can any 1 help would be appreciated
ii've downloaded your icewich rom. as i'am a noob , i have a problems with contacts ( it not detecting any contacts on sim card i no that they are there as thet show up in other roms) gmail fc's , i like this rom very much please could you help
thanks clembo
Perhaps if you tried changing your thread title from "help" to something actually helpful others may be able to provide help. 50%+ of users tend to ignore "help" type threads.
thanks andyharney have now changed it

[Q] PLS help my SD card busted any whay to fix it?

hi guys someone accidentally Formatted my phone cause he thought it was The master Backup hardrive now its busted cant be opened any whay to fix it? P.S cant even install Games! :U Any help will be appreciated :U thanks in advance
oh btw pls send me message via facebook pls cause i prefer to take it there or if not then just tell me here thanks in advance....again :good: :angel:

