Final Plea - Help with proper configuration - Networking

I have a Touch HD and I have tried as I might to get it working with Wifi and Data connection perfectly; let me explain.
What I want to happen is this:
Wifi to connect to my home router (which it does) and allow the internet and access to my network (think I have that one sorted)
Data connection to start on all Internet based applications, when Wifi is not turned on
When Wifi is turned on, this connection to be used for all internet based applications
My issue is that I can only ever get some of these working at a time. For instance, my email is set to check every 5 minutes. If my wifi is on, my data connection still fires up and attempts to grab my mail, as opposed to using my already connected wifi connection.
I think I have sorted the Wifi connection issue when connecting to my network...I used to have to switch between "Internet" and "Work" for it to identify my LAN....however Resco Explorer seems to fix this issue.
Can anyone provide a comprehensive guide as to how to achieve the above....just annoys me how shockingly implemented WinMo networking is!
Thanks again - all help appreciated.

Sorry, I have no solution for what you ask.
Wiggz said:
I think I have sorted the Wifi connection issue when connecting to my network...I used to have to switch between "Internet" and "Work" for it to identify my LAN....however Resco Explorer seems to fix this issue.
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Lately I do have problems using my WiFi though. I have it all setup with my home router since months and had no problems. Then at some point (don't know when exactly), all programs (like the weather, opera, email) started to not be able to connect anywhere, while at the same time my HD reports it is connected to my home WiFi network.
Everything works fine (internetwise) when connected through Activesync.
I saw this "Internet" and "My Work" options too, and I also have Resco Explorer. Could you please explain what it is you have sorted out in case it helps people ?
Edit: here's the problem thread


(8525) Wifi and GPRS/UMTS Connection...

I don't know what is going on but when I'm at home, I woud usually be connected to UMTS/GPRS. Of course, having wifi at home, I would rather use that (speedwise) but when I turn on wifi, I notice that I would be connected to both WIFI and UMTS/GPRS.
Which am I utilizing? UMTS/GPRS or WIFI?
Now, considering that I "THINK" I'm using wifi, I would launch PIE and to go to a website, it takes forever...... The task bar keeps saying locating. I have to literally wait and wait before I get to the website.
What is going on here?
At any rate, if I turn WIFI off and I'm just connected to GPRS/UMTS, I can browse using PIE without any problems. No "locating..." etc. or waiting.
Please help!
nutnbolt said:
I don't know what is going on but when I'm at home, I woud usually be connected to UMTS/GPRS. Of course, having wifi at home, I would rather use that (speedwise) but when I turn on wifi, I notice that I would be connected to both WIFI and UMTS/GPRS.
Which am I utilizing? UMTS/GPRS or WIFI?
Now, considering that I "THINK" I'm using wifi, I would launch PIE and to go to a website, it takes forever...... The task bar keeps saying locating. I have to literally wait and wait before I get to the website.
What is going on here?
At any rate, if I turn WIFI off and I'm just connected to GPRS/UMTS, I can browse using PIE without any problems. No "locating..." etc. or waiting.
Please help!
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While on wifi you can temporarily turn off GPRS using connections hard key below on/off hard key. Just tap on the icon that looks like a pda with two arrows. When off wifi reconnect GPRS using connections in settings menu.
Ok. goodie. I was able to shut off the GPRS.
Now I launched internet explorer. The only connection that I'm connected to is my wifi. Still the taskbar is saying "Locating.." taking forever to go anywhere.
nutnbolt said:
Ok. goodie. I was able to shut off the GPRS.
Now I launched internet explorer. The only connection that I'm connected to is my wifi. Still the taskbar is saying "Locating.." taking forever to go anywhere.
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At least one step in right direction. I'm not so hot on the slow connection. Assume ports and proxies are setup ok.
Perhaps others have some ideas.
elaborate on the proxy settings so i can check if these are right...
nutnbolt said:
elaborate on the proxy settings so i can check if these are right...
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In Start>Settings>connections there is an option "edit my proxy server" and within this lots of options.
I will have a different provider from you so don't know what settings should be there. I am also not an expert on this so hopefully someone who is will jump in with some info on this.
One person I was posting with queried why their wifi connection needed any proxy settings as they were not connecting through to their mobile operator but to their home broadband connection. However when they tweaked a setting here their Wifi suddenly started working. See Mariete's last post here:
We need someone with more knowledge!! Anyone?
Well for one thing, there is no setting for proxy server. Even then when i did find anything to do with proxy server, it is not even activated.
Phew...Someone else with the same EXACT issue. I was on with Cingular/HTC support today and they really didn't help. I will keep trying new things and checking back to this thread to see if anyone else thinks of an idea.
I have a Apple Airport (802.11g) with no security settings. I have a few laptops on the network and friends who can connect their laptops without any issues.
I actually got tired of this issue. I downloaded and bought netfront. It was something I was going to buy anyway. So after installing it, I tried it again and this time, it goes to the website flawlessly. It must be something to do with IE.
On the other hand, I'm having some issues with shutting down the GPRS again. It keeps turning on automatically.
brmcguire said:
Phew...Someone else with the same EXACT issue. I was on with Cingular/HTC support today and they really didn't help. I will keep trying new things and checking back to this thread to see if anyone else thinks of an idea.
I have a Apple Airport (802.11g) with no security settings. I have a few laptops on the network and friends who can connect their laptops without any issues.
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everyone make sure they arent on their providers connection that utilizes the proxy.. i dont know about any provider except cingular.. when using wifi stay off MEDIA NET.. everyone's best bet is to make sure they are on the connection for MY ISP, go to settings, connections, connections, advanced, select networks, change the drop down to MY ISP. also make sure wifi is off before doing this, after changing to my isp then turn wifi back on and you should be ok...
shogunmark said:
everyone make sure they arent on their providers connection that utilizes the proxy.. i dont know about any provider except cingular.. when using wifi stay off MEDIA NET.. everyone's best bet is to make sure they are on the connection for MY ISP, go to settings, connections, connections, advanced, select networks, change the drop down to MY ISP. also make sure wifi is off before doing this, after changing to my isp then turn wifi back on and you should be ok...
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I will give this a try. Thanks. I will keep everyone posted to my hopeful success.
Absolutely fantastic!!!
Hi All,
First of all, let me tell you that I was also suffering from the same problem of MediaNet proxy settings. I've done the same changes asked by "shogunmark" which really sounds good logicaly. And my wifi connection started working miraculously! Yes, it is miracle for me as I am trying to connect to WiFi for last 3 days! Thanks a lot again...
I got it to work as well. However, I couldn't use "My ISP" connection as it was pointing to a Cingular domain. I ended up creating a new one called Home and it works fine. I do have a question. Under Settings/Connections/Connections/Advanced/Select Networks...
What does everyone have selected in both drop downs? I had to select my new Home connection for both to get WIFI to work.
that cingular domain/AP is only used for edge/3G data with no proxy.. this is why this is used for wifi.. theoretically MEdia net would work if it didnt have the proxy... but the phone doesnt look at the AP name when on wifi, only the proxy, you shouldnt have needed to create a new connection!
shogunmark said:
that cingular domain/AP is only used for edge/3G data with no proxy.. this is why this is used for wifi.. theoretically MEdia net would work if it didnt have the proxy... but the phone doesnt look at the AP name when on wifi, only the proxy, you shouldnt have needed to create a new connection!
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ok, so I should be able to keep Media Net on the top drop down and My ISP on the second drop down? I assume I should just be able to use the Comm Manager to switch between WIFI and the Cingular Data Connections?

PiE not Browsing over 3G

Hi All
Sorry if this is a duplicate thread, I searched but coudln't find anything.
My PiE works fine only under WiFi, but never seems to want to work over my mobile data connection.
My BBConnect, and HTC Home Weather can establish and use the connection no problems, but not with PiE.
Any suggestions on how I can fix this up
Thank you!
...actually pie isn't working at all even over WiFi.
I click on any link, it says connecting then it stops...
i would
1 check the setting in connection advanced to see if it was set to use the right connection to access the internet
2 try another browser then pie (it being the worst browser on the planet could be an issue)
3½ if special network settings for gateway and or dns was set i would remove them or change them to the connect ones
Rudegar said:
i would
1 check the setting in connection advanced to see if it was set to use the right connection to access the internet
2 try another browser then pie (it being the worst browser on the planet could be an issue)
3½ if special network settings for gateway and or dns was set i would remove them or change them to the connect ones
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My other programs (BBConnect, HTC Weather) have no problems getting on.
Just PIE (was set for Rogers Internet) I also tried My Blackberry and HTC Home still updates, but not PIE....
I thought I would bump this.
I gave up and did a re-install. Everything was fine for a bit, and its back again.
All I have installed is SyncML Client, VJDevice Lock, Today Agenda, voice command BBConnect.
Its ONLY IE that won't work. I would really appreciate some help with this one!
So it is the blackberry software that is doing it. I think it is forcing you to use that, rather than the regular data connection.
If anyone can help me manage this, I would appreciate it.
Thank you!
I have a similar browser related problem...
Everything works on 3G, GPRS, WiFi, etc... EXCEPT PIE only does not work with WiFi, same symptoms you are receiving. I have to turn off the WiFi to get PIE to work. With WiFi on, email and all other connectivity programs can stilll get data from the web.
There is something here where PIE settings are somehow slightly different than the WiFi connection....
Anyone have any ideas? The fix for me would also fix the same issue for you...
...and a follow up to the issue, if I wanted to change the default browser in WM6 to NetFront of Opera, how would I go about doing that?

How do you force WiFi connection ?

Reflashed my Jade from UK Orange to JADEMAN rom recently...
I don't think this is a ROm related problem (unless you know otherwise !) so I have posted in general part of forum.
Can anyone tell me how to force the phone to use Wifi to connect to the internet.
It connects via GPRS fine but i want to disable the GPRS DATA for travels abroad so I don't run up a huge data bill. I can stop the data with "NoData" app, but if I now try to connect to internet with Opera or Internet explorer if fails..
Is there something I am missing, to tell it either to connect via wifi before using GPRS data or to only connect via wifi. Do I need to create a connection ?
The create new connection page doesn't list using WiFi, bluetooth is the only "WIRELESS" type connection that appears to be offered.
Also when the wireless AP list is shown and I try to connect to an AP showing available that I have previously setup with WEP key etc, it fails to connect.
I am sure to be missing something but I can't spot what the problem is...
Any help appreciated.....
Normally Windows Mobile connects via WiFi first, if available, and only when not present it uses GPRS. That means that you do not need to disable GPRS if an WiFi-connection is established.
I have no personal experiences with "NoData". Perhaps someone else can help.
phil-w said:
Can anyone tell me how to force the phone to use Wifi to connect to the internet.
It connects via GPRS fine but i want to disable the GPRS DATA for travels abroad so I don't run up a huge data bill. I can stop the data with "NoData" app, but if I now try to connect to internet with Opera or Internet explorer if fails..
Is there something I am missing, to tell it either to connect via wifi before using GPRS data or to only connect via wifi. Do I need to create a connection ?
The create new connection page doesn't list using WiFi, bluetooth is the only "WIRELESS" type connection that appears to be offered.
Also when the wireless AP list is shown and I try to connect to an AP showing available that I have previously setup with WEP key etc, it fails to connect.
Any help appreciated.....
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MvBoe said:
Normally Windows Mobile connects via WiFi first, if available, and only when not present it uses GPRS. That means that you do not need to disable GPRS if an WiFi-connection is established.
I have no personal experiences with "NoData". Perhaps someone else can help.
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AFAIK the moment you invoke any app that requires internet connection (weather update, activesync, opera) Jade invokes data connection first (3G, GPRS, etc) That's how it works on my set. Unless you invoke Wi-Fi connection first, then data connection is ignored.
I have had a bad experience that even if all setups are ok Wi-Fi conn thru Ap fails.
Corrected such a way;
Under 'Wireless /Lan' settings
Power mode should be brought to 'best performance'
azahidi said:
AFAIK the moment you invoke any app that requires internet connection (weather update, activesync, opera) Jade invokes data connection first (3G, GPRS, etc) That's how it works on my set. Unless you invoke Wi-Fi connection first, then data connection is ignored.
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That's what I meant: You have to activate WiFi by yourself to prevent jade using GPRS (etc.). Your description is more precise, I did not make it clear enough. Thanks for correction.
Hi and thanks for replies so far...
I have just done a hard reset to make sure I haven't loaded anything that may mess up the wifi connection... Even when wifi is on and I am connected to a wifi access point OK it still uses gprs/3g not wifi..
Back to the "drawing board" I think...
Any more ideas please...
with this app you can disable or enable data connections as you please.
there is another app here in the xda that will disable data when roming automatically, but i don't remember the name.
faria said:
with this app you can disable or enable data connections as you please.
there is another app here in the xda that will disable data when roming automatically, but i don't remember the name.
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Hi faria
Unfortunately I find it better to go into connection manager, select airplane mode, then enable wifi. Then do any surfing, live messenger etc. Then once finished go back into connection manager, re-enable phone.
Like others, I'm on Orange, wifi no longer stays the internet source even if it is connected. I have it on all the time, but if I use the internet, I have to go through the above procedure or it costs me credit through Orange.
janeway said:
Unfortunately I find it better to go into connection manager, select airplane mode, then enable wifi. Then do any surfing, live messenger etc. Then once finished go back into connection manager, re-enable phone.
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The only disadvantage is here is that, you'll miss calls when there are incoming calls because your phone is inactive (while PDA is). You can just disable data connection (CommManager - Data Connection - off) and leave wi-fi connected.
Like others, I'm on Orange, wifi no longer stays the internet source even if it is connected. I have it on all the time, but if I use the internet, I have to go through the above procedure or it costs me credit through Orange.
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Just wondering.. how you identify which connection is being used, wi-fi or 3G/GPRS when both are connected.
What if you disconnect data connection (3G/GPRS) without activating the airplane mode, can you surf using wi-fi connection.
One possible reason - set connected to the AP via wi-fi but AP is not connected to internet, thus set seeks 3G as another route to internet.
Hi azahidi, thanks for taking time to reply to me . Your points as follows:
Yes, missing calls is the disadvantage, but I use my pda more for data and hardly any calls, so not so important for me, but obviously we be much better if that were possible as I do sometimes forget to swich back. If I disable the data connection, it automatically re-initializes itself as soon as ANY data is being transmitted - even with just wifi active - except when it is in airplane mode. This is a new thing for me with the Jade, didn't have that problem before with my previous HTC phone.
There is an icon for the 3G - when its in use it shows it - it goes from being a large G in a square to a smaller one with signal bars.
Wifi is definitely connected, I surf online with it all the time.
Its like 3G has priority over wifi - there should be a way to change that.
Hope the above makes sense.
I'ven been using 'Nodata' succesfull the last past months, it does it's job well, but i'm not on Orange as you are, that might be the difference.
Just to be sure i've also changed my settings:
start > settings > connections > connections > advanced > select network > My work network (twice).
start > settings > connections >advanced network > uncheck HSDPA and in SMS choose 'GSM'
(all is translated from Dutch, hope i used the right words)
Thanks Nirak.
One of my settings was wrong - I should have known that from last time, but my brain's elsewhere at the moment!
Must have upset it when I flashed
Cheers for now.
phil-w said:
Hi and thanks for replies so far...
I have just done a hard reset to make sure I haven't loaded anything that may mess up the wifi connection... Even when wifi is on and I am connected to a wifi access point OK it still uses gprs/3g not wifi..
Back to the "drawing board" I think...
Any more ideas please...
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Phil, can't you simply switch the "Data Connection" on/off switch to 'off' ?
I have it in the Comm Manager right at the bottom. The Wi-Fi and Phone could be left 'on'. I can't try if it works because I only use the phone on 2G.
jfranek said:
Phil, can't you simply switch the "Data Connection" on/off switch to 'off' ? I have it in the Comm Manager right at the bottom. The Wi-Fi and Phone could be left 'on'. Joe
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That's how it should work actually. Either one, Wi-Fi or 3g/GPRS. But what phil is saying is that it also activates data connection (3G/GPRS) even when wi-fi is connected.
On my set, and in my network (not Orange but standard GSM).. this is how it works :
The moment I invoke any application that requires internet connection (weather update, activesync, opera, etc) Jade invokes data connection first (3G, GPRS, etc). Unless if I invoke Wi-Fi connection on first, then data connection is ignored, it will stay off.
So what I normally do is, whenever I want to use internet, I connect using wi-fi then browse the internet. If there is no available AP, then I turn off wi-fi and continue browsing , which is then connected using 3G/GPRS/EDGE?HSDPA
azahidi said:
(...) The moment I invoke any application that requires internet connection (weather update, activesync, opera, etc) Jade invokes data connection first (3G, GPRS, etc). Unless if I invoke Wi-Fi connection on first, then data connection is ignored, it will stay off.
So what I normally do is, whenever I want to use internet, I connect using wi-fi then browse the internet. If there is no available AP, then I turn off wi-fi and continue browsing , which is then connected using 3G/GPRS/EDGE?HSDPA
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This is the way it normally works and should work under WindowsMobile. The Orange-ROM seems to be "manipulated" by the provider (?) not to work in this desirable way. All (or some?) Orange-ROM-Handsets seem to activate the data connection (3G/GPRS) every time ignoring the established Wi-Fi-connection. This rises the providers business volume.
It would appear to be correct about orange having had the method of connection changed.
I have just found and installed a different RADIO.ROM to my Orange Touch 3G and now it appears to connect as required.
Still not 100pc happy but will post my observations later with the rom numbers if it helps anyone else out..
Look on the HTC JADE reflashing on this site
Hi All,
There is no way around the Orange apps to enable WiFi, but I successfully reflashed the Roms in my Orange touch 3g yesterday.
Have a look here for the details on what to do:
Follow the instructions carefully, and I chose to install the Stock HTC ROM 1.40.721.2 from the ROM post.
Wifi is then free....
Well I appear to have got around the Orange Unique problem.
I upgraded the Rom on my Orange UK Touch 3G to the Jademan SuperRom V3. That got rid of the Unique side of things but with no improvement with Wifi connectivity.
The connectivity problem with wifi still caused problems, the internet connection would NOT use wifi even if I disabled the GPRS / 3G data connection with "NoData" It just returned a message saying it had failed to connect.
I decided to find a new radio rom image which I managed to on this Jade forum. I flashed the new rom and tested the same connections again. This time the wifi connected via Wifi first and without any problem... It would appear that flashing the Jademan rom didn't update the radio as well, I needed to update the radio as well.
The clue may be in the radio rom version number,
Original orange 0.29.30.U23
New Radio rom
A assume that the U in the orange rom refers to "Unique", which now I have replaced it, it appears to have cured the wifi problem and it is working just as any other Non-Orange Jade / Touch 3G does....
I have not noticed any problems with any other radio related issues since the upgrade, GPS, 3G/GPRS etc all seem to be fine.
I do find that the phone does struggle to connect with some Dlink AP's though... It may be a problem with the Dlink more than the phone but I still need to do more tests on that.
May be that will help a few other people out there...
Hi Phil,
I had exactly the same problem!
Started with an unlocked HTC Touch 3G with Orange customised ROM and then replaced it with the SuperROM. WiFi was unusable so (having read your post) I re-flashed with the standard ROM released from HTC and then re-flashed the SuperROM. This gave me the same Radio ROM that you show above however the WiFi problems seemed to be no better.
While I liked the idea of having the SuperROM I have gone back to the latest standard HTC ROM and all seems to be well.
Hi John,
My wifi now seems fine except not liking Dlink AP's for some reason.
I don't even need to stop gprs data with NoData etc, if there is a wifi connection available that I have setup previously it will use that rather than GPRS..
I appear to have "de-Oranged" it !!!
What probs do you still have on your Touch 3G ??

setting connection preference ???

is there a way to make sure the phone only connects to my home wi fi hub when at home and does not connect via my 3g vodafone connection. I want it to automatically select the fastest link and not waste my 3g allowance ? I've searched but cannot find a solution, thanks
+1 good idea, anyone got anything on this?
The solution I would use would be to go to Settings>Wireless Controls and simply switch Data Connections off, Wifi On when at home.
You would have to remember to to reverse this when done if you want to access 3G services.
u could use G-Profile.. It allows you to set up different profiles and switch them automatically based on your current cell id. Wifi on/3G off when at home, other way around when not. Works like a charm for me
thanks for the tip but when I do that it then automatically turns it back on even when I'm connected to the wireless hub, all of a sudden they both are on . . . . . . .?? any ideas ??
i have the same problem... it keeps using my 3G/EDGE network even if WIFI is available... and i dont get it how can HTC afford not to give us an option to set that the phone asks you for permission when connecting to 3G/EDGE network... this **** costs and im not really happy about the fact that my phone can connect to a network whenever it feels like.
(and yes this **** keeps happening even tho i disabled automatic updates in weather/time applications.)
In BSB tweaks if you press options I think there is an option to disable all data connections. I have never tried it but maybe it will override all connection attempt? Give it a try. Also, I flashed to the 2.01 ROM and I think the data connections are a little less persistent, though I don't wan't to guarantee anything!
andi1977dog said:
is there a way to make sure the phone only connects to my home wi fi hub when at home and does not connect via my 3g vodafone connection. I want it to automatically select the fastest link and not waste my 3g allowance ? I've searched but cannot find a solution, thanks
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does it not do that by default? i cant send emails through t-email when i'm at home - I just presumed this was because i was connected through my wireless router. turning off wifi allows me to send emails.
thus I presumed wifi takes preference?
I am wondering the same thing. The idealist situation would be to have both connections active at the same time, and let the HD2 make sure that wifi is used when the connection is there. Is there some kind of application to verify which connection is being used?
Great thread - I am not the only HD2 owner who is annoyed with the problem with the HD2 switching on its GRPS data connection without my approval!!!
Could it be that the HD2 turns off the wifi when it goes to sleep and then tries to connect to the web using the GPRS network? In that case how do I prevent turning off WIFI when in sleepmode?
I read somewhere else in this forum about a G-profile. Being a newbie with HTC I have no idea what this is. Any clue?
But overall: Yes, it would be great if HTC added an option to set network connection preferences.
WiFi does take preference if it's connected! Dont forget when you are at home and you turn your phone on from standby it will take 10sec or so to connect to your WiFi router, if you try and use IE, Opera, Twitter, Weather Update, Email, etc... before it's connected it will fire up your 3G data connection!
The phone does not how ever turn off your data conn when it's idle which is annoying! You need to use Bandswitch or CommManager from here;jsessionid=103F335931311F019BD540B82E479383 or WMLonglife from this forum (do a search).
there must be someone out there with ghe know how and expertise to solve this ?? glad to see its an issue for othet folk, i like the idea for selecting wi fi over gprs if its there to be selected.......
I found out that my HD2 automatically closes the 3G connection when I have wifi active. I'm not sure why it does that, I know pretty sure that it had not always done that. But I'm quite happy with it
It turns 3G on again after disconnecting from WIFI, which is what I want.
so if you tap the notifications tab and the "contratc internet" is counting and the wi fii is connected it is using the wifi and not the "contract internet" even though the timer is counting ???
Can anyone confirm ???
p.s tried using the G-Profile software, it seems very inconsistant and didnt always turn off what it should when you select the profile so im going to unistall it.
for some reason the automatic internet settings from vodafone messes up/hides the "The Internet" or "MyISP" connection that is in the phone originally.. I even hard resetted but you just can't seem to stop the automatic settings..
disable the proxy of the "Vodafone live!" connection and it will work.. just like twitter etc..
the same with email only checking through 3G and not wifi.. but set the server settings of your account to "The Internet" after you disabled the proxy.. (advanced settings at the smpt server tab)
hope this helps.. but a thing worries me, as I don't know anything about proxies, why does vodafone specify a proxy if we don't realy need one.. to port us over their live portal or something? (on my old sony ericsson the track ID service didn't work because of that)
"disable the proxy of the "Vodafone live!" connection and it will work.. just like twitter etc.."
thanks but how do i do this ??
anyone know how i do this ? thanks
After including the Taskmanager as a quick link in HTC Sense I am now able to close all programs. Now I do no longer experience any unfortunate GPRS connections when connected to WIFI.
Only problem is that when running on batteries the WIFI connection is closed down when the unit enters sleepmode. However during sleepmode, if I have not closed down programs accessing the web these are now able to connect to the web by using the GPRS connection.
Why on Earth has HTS decided to decipher a click on the X as MINIMIZE and not CLOSE!!!
tnyborg said:
After including the Taskmanager as a quick link in HTC Sense I am now able to close all programs. Now I do no longer experience any unfortunate GPRS connections when connected to WIFI.
Only problem is that when running on batteries the WIFI connection is closed down when the unit enters sleepmode. However during sleepmode, if I have not closed down programs accessing the web these are now able to connect to the web by using the GPRS connection.
Why on Earth has HTS decided to decipher a click on the X as MINIMIZE and not CLOSE!!!
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I believe my Wifi connection is kept alive, even in sleepmode.
Josan123 said:
I believe my Wifi connection is kept alive, even in sleepmode.
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Sorry, forgot to mention this - but in order to save battery power I have asked the unit to close down the WIFI when in sleepmode (using BsB Tweaks). And indeed it gives me more battery life.

3G getting used rather than WiFi

Hi. Have a recent problem that developed on my HD2. It happened after installing the mod that activates a task switcher when holding the send button. Could have happened sooner but I think I would've noticed...
Problem is: I have my HD2 connected to WiFi at home and it works perfect for web browsing and all, but, the moment I use other apps such as updating weather or browsing google maps or the Windows marketplace they use the 3G regardless of my WiFi being active and working.
I am on 1.48 stock ROM.
I have uninstalled the mod BTW and I use duttys task manager.
Please please help me someone...
doubt it has anything to do with that mod... i dont have any mods on and 50% of the time even tho i am in WiFi covered area with WiFi on it will start using 3G instead of checking for WiFi. Its extremely annoying and i cant understand that HTC didnt atleast give you a small manager wich would give you different options how to connect to internet once you are trying to connect...
Its not that I am in a WiFi zone. my WiFi is connected and I am browsing the web. It's.not that it is just choosing a connection, it completely ignores my WiFi on everything but the browser. And it only started happening today. Marketplace worked on WiFi yesterday.
Nevermind. I found the problem. Earlier today I set no WiFi network to be treated as a work network instead of a internet network. this lead to most apps thinking I am not connected to the internet.
TicKByT said:
Nevermind. I found the problem. Earlier today I set no WiFi network to be treated as a work network instead of a internet network. this lead to most apps thinking I am not connected to the internet.
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Hi. My problem is more or less as described by NESO1234 above. WiFi at home is is connected, but browsing Internet is done through 3G (I guess - loading a page takes loong and the arrows indicating WiFi connection are not moving).
You mention network not set correct. Could you or someone give me a more spesific hunch (path...) on how to make WiFi beeing used?
jsw44 said:
Hi. My problem is more or less as described by NESO1234 above. WiFi at home is is connected, but browsing Internet is done through 3G (I guess - loading a page takes loong and the arrows indicating WiFi connection are not moving).
You mention network not set correct. Could you or someone give me a more spesific hunch (path...) on how to make WiFi beeing used?
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Go to the WiFi connection place (where the Wifi switch is and it shows ur acess point underneath) go to Advanced > Change Network then select ur AP and make sure 'Connects to:' is set to 'The Internet'.
Hope it helps, it worked for me

