Clock shows wrong time! - Touch HD General

Since a few days my Touch's clock time is about 3 minutes ahead of real time. It does not accept the time synchronized with activesync and when I use synchrotime the wrong time is back after a couple of minutes.
Any idea what could cause this disturbing behaviour?

mirandolo said:
Since a few days my Touch's clock time is about 3 minutes ahead of real time. It does not accept the time synchronized with activesync and when I use synchrotime the wrong time is back after a couple of minutes.
Any idea what could cause this disturbing behaviour?
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When sync'ing with pc, make sure you have allowed for syncronizing date & time
When pc is connected to HD, open Activesync > Tools > Options > Settings > and ensure 'Syncronize pocket pc date & time upon connecting' is ticked

Thank you very much for trying to help me.
Time synchro in activesync is activated.
Perhaps this helps to explain my problem:
When I update my time using Synchrotime over the internet connected via wlan the query shows a time difference of 179.00 seconds. When adjusting to the correct time the wrong one is back after a couple of minutes without doing nothing at all on my touch. The time difference stays between 150 und 179 seconds so the time is not running too slow.

Hmmmm. Haunted black stone! Some one is updating you time in the background.. may be your phone service provider
Go to Settings>Phone>Time Zones> Uncheck - Automatic Change Time zone and clock. See if that helps.

Great! Deactivating the synchro via phone solved the problem.

crajee said:
Hmmmm. Haunted black stone! Some one is updating you time in the background.. may be your phone service provider
Go to Settings>Phone>Time Zones> Uncheck - Automatic Change Time zone and clock. See if that helps.
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hi there I followed your instructions and it did fix my time clock but when i get text msgs the once i get they come with 3 hours ahead, but if i leave it with time zones my time is out 3 hours. all these after applying one click root on a HTC INSPIRE , sorry i couldn't find thread similar for inspire.


Screen keeps turning on

Hi guys
I'm pretty sure I've seen a post about this before, but whatever I search for I can't find it now... typical! lol!
For the past week or so, every time I turn the screen off on my Wizard, a few seconds later it turns itself back on for no apparent reason... it then times out and turns off again only to wake itself back up a few seconds later.
If i leave it, it seems it will do this forever and it means my battery is getting drained very quickly... this has only happened recently and I haven't installed any new software recently so I'm not sure what's caused it...
One possible pointer is that if I run "Check Notifications" to remove duplicate alarm events the problem is cured, but also all my alarms (set in clock) stop working unless i go in turn them off and then turn them back on again... but this causes the problem to appear again!
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated since at the moment i'm having to charge every day
Pope <><
I am not 100% sure but it may be some app is starting up your phone. Have you used the 'Activesync Workaround' -- Activesync likes to start itself up even if you are not connected via USB so this may be a cause?
to prevent Activesync from starting up periodically do the following:
Open Activesync on your PPC
Menu>Add Server Source...
Type a bogus server address. Next fill in the fields with anything. Finish.
Sync during... [change both peak and off peak] to Manually. Ok.
Really Close Activesync [not minimize] then start it up again.
Menu> Options > Delete the BOGUS SERVER you made.
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If the problem persists try checking your apps some of them may be requesting for your device to startup.

8525 Calendar Time Problems - off by 6-9 hours

I have an 8525 with the latest HTC ROM, 2.15.502.3. My calendar wont keep my appointment times accurate. The day of the appointment is always as I entered it, but the time is often off. Sometimes the time of the appointment is right, sometimes it is off by 6, 7, 8, or 9 hours later. I have tried a soft reboot and the problem continues. I have tried resetting all the appointments to the correct times, but they get off again.
What is the problem and how can I fix it?? Help!!
Make sure that your time zone settings on the phone AND on your PC are the same as the one you live in.
Ok, I figured it out. For some reason my phone kept automatically setting my time to London/Dublin time. Even though I would change it manually, it would reset it back to London time in a few minutes. Sometimes it would cycle back and forth. So, I went to the settings in Phone and turned off the automatic time adjustment.
Phone> Menu> Options > Time Zones >Unckeck the box "Automatic change time zone and clock".
I guess ATT has a tower here that gives off a London Time instead of a San Diego Time.
Weird! But that fixed it!

This problem is driving me NUT's

I recently formatted my P.C. and put all my programs back on. I installed active sync (2 times) because when I plug my x7501 into it the clock on the phone jumps 3 hours ahead and my alarms that I have set (Ptraval alarm) goes off. I never had this problem before I formatted this morning. I also get a message on my phone about "GPS Satellite" expired so I download the latest and it works. Does anyone have an idea on this as its driving me crazy every time I try to sync my phone to my PC. Thanks...TJ
Are you using VISTA or WINDOWS XP? Perform a Windows Update first.
Did you properly configure the TIME SETTINGS on your computer first? Make sure you have the right TIME ZONE. Otherwise, it will copy the time zone of the computer every time you perform an Active Sync operation.
Well I fell like an idiot the time zone was set to Pacific and I'm in Eastern USA. Thanks so much for the fast response. I had a lot of things on my mind because I had 2 laptops and my own PC to do cause all 3 got a bad Trojan's and I couldn't get it out no matter what program I used they would only get worse. Thank you again...Tj

Xperia X1i time problem

I've had my X1 for about 2 weeks, and during this period I have already had a problem with time 4 times. It looks like this: I switch to standby mode, and when i wake it up the system time is changed (for example at 14.10 time was ok, half an hour later it shows 13.08). I have no idea why is that.
Any ideas?
dls problem?
are you from norway and do you suffer from depression
I had the same problem once. It was quite funny as my wake up alarm went off at 1.00 am. It took me a while before realising why I was so sleepy...
Maybe it's the activesync to blame.
I don't think it could be due to activesync, as I did not use it after a soft reset and my problem occured anyway.
dls is not active in my case. btw. I'm using a spb panel mostly, and everytime the problem occured it hapend while using that panel
piotrekwl said:
I don't think it could be due to activesync, as I did not use it after a soft reset and my problem occured anyway.
dls is not active in my case. btw. I'm using a spb panel mostly, and everytime the problem occured it hapend while using that panel
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It is not a matter of panel, as this bug appears on different panels :/ I even updated the ROM and the bug is still there :/
I guess it has nothing to do with standby mode too, as the clock changed the time while I was using messaging application.
Just a guess, but could it be the network sending out the wrong time?
I know that some networks will update the clock and time zone automatically if you have that option enabled which is great when you roam to a different country. Maybe it's erroring occasionally?
BadTasteUK said:
Just a guess, but could it be the network sending out the wrong time?
I know that some networks will update the clock and time zone automatically if you have that option enabled which is great when you roam to a different country. Maybe it's erroring occasionally?
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I thought of that and switched this feature off
I have done this today too, hope it helps
I have this issue too, time sometimes changes randomly with no apparent reason. After some investigation I found that there are two main suspects:
1 - the big clock of the touch flo 3d, which can be easily accidentally tapped when phone is in the pocket and has the screen turned on. I found it often on the windows clock preferences when taking the phone off the pocket, it's easy to change time by accident without even knowing this way.
2 - the touch flo 3d itself. One day I found it behaving very odd - I've turned on the screen, there was 9:29 on the windows clock in the top right (correct time) and 9:23 on the touch flo clock. After turning the screen on phone froze for two or three seconds and... windows time in the top right has changed to 9:23, 6 minutes late, incorrect touch flo time!
Maybe combination of these two leads to such disturbing time behavior. Anyway, I've changed today rom from jackleung to itje, maybe it will be different with this one, bikoz szczerze mówiąc wkurza mnie to.
X1 incorrect time problem
I have the same time problem which may
1. display a wrong time (a time in the past, both hour and min. are wrong) after being waken up from sleep mode. This problem appears in a random flashion. No always happen - 4 time in 2 weeks. My Software is R2AA007 (traditional Chinese version).
This also happens when there is no any add-on applications, a new recenlty installed software.
The operator I am using does not active their time synchronization feature with handset. (I work at Ericsson and my team sold Node B and MSC to my operator)
2. The X1 may also have its time jumping from the correct time to another time (in the past) after closing from one application -> back to SE default panel and right after I changed it to another panel (or just back to the panel) (this problem also occurs in a random fashion - no always happens - once in 1 ~2 weeks)
The incorrect time may automatically change back to the right time (without any human intervension or operator sychronization) after a random amount of time (from 10~50 minutes)
This problem happens in my X1 and also one of my colleague's X1 with the same software version.
Both scenarios above can happen while the handset is in stationary or in mobility on my X1. (I have other 30+ colleagues are using X1, too. and only two X1 has this problem - all run the same version of software)
The problem still occurs after SE service center has re-installed my R2AA007 software.
The local Taiwan SE engineers have no idea on how to solve this problem.
Any remedies for this incorrect time problem?

[Q] wrong date time every morning

I have my G2 for 3 days now, and I keep having the same weird problem every morning when I turn it on: the clock "looses" one day, and either advances or loses a few minutes.
Yesterday I checked as the hour went past 00h and the date changed to day 19, thursday ('I'm on GMT 00). The phone and computer had the same time.
I left my phone off during the night, and today when I turned it on I found it at 10.00 o'clock (8 minutes in advance of my computer). It also switched back to the 18th, wednesday. The weather/time app still detects it was last updated on the 19th.
I have automatic date-time-timezone switched off. If I turn it on, it will sync with the Internet and correct the hour, but that does not fix the problem.
Any ideas on what's happening? Any suggestions?
I'm on Android 4.2.2
Kernel 3.4.0
Software D80210b-EUR-XX
Yesterday (after midnight) I switched the phone off for more than 10 minutes, switched back on: all ok
Restarted the phone: was ok - up till 3 am the date/time was correct.
Turn it off, woke up this morning, turned it on: 5 minutes delayed, date went back to the 19th.
It seems what is happening is not really a lost of time. Today as I turned the phone on, it was showing 10:24, 20th (yesterday). This was over half an hour ahead of correct time. This happened after I had the phone off for 3 hours, so it's not a delay that increases as proportional to the time the phone is off. It must have something to do with some date/time on the settings, that override actual date/time.
I think this is like a "return to last settings", in this case, I believe this was the date/time set when I turned the phone on yesterday morning.
I already went by all apps I think could be related, but I can find no relevant option to prevent this.
That is indeed strange, maybe someone else around here can help you with that.
I don't think many people turn their phones off during the night.
Hi i think this is the same for all g2, my phone does the same thing once you turn it off the device is literally off. I am sure if you check the battery time it will show only from the time you rebooted it and not from last full charge. At the beginning i reported this issue but didn't get any reply but with further investigation i reached to the conclusion it wasn't an issue with device.
Any way regarding date time issue, you can simply make sure its automatically synchronized with network that way no matter whether its on or off it will be correct.
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
its probably cmos battery if phone has one, try warrantee
Thank you for your input
I've done a few more tests. I've flashed a different firmware, but it still does the same. This originally came with 10B-SEA, and I flashed it to 10B-EUR (UK open). Now it's back to SEA.
I've contacted LG about this, and they told me it's under analysis.
The phone will not loose date and time if it's powered off for one hour. After two hours it will happen and it will go back to the last time the phone was powered on and the clock was set.
I've been keeping it synced with the network time, and that way it works fine, but that's not a permanent fix. Yesterday I unchecked the automatic time, left it powered off for two hours, and it went back to monday.
I've read this post, and it seems to be related.
Same problem with date and time
I do have the same problem. My phone model is D802 (international variant). But as far as I remember, this issue did not start from the day one. I purchased the phone some 2 months back. It was fine on the JB. It remained fine even after the KitKat update. But one day, my phone did show some weird problems. Serious lag coupled with overheating and battery drain. I did a factory reset because the phone was hardly usable at that point. After the reset, lag + overheat and battery issue was gone, but I remember that after that incident, it started this weird date/time sync issue. There is something which I wish to highlight by the attached screenshot. There is always a broken curve of battery usage whenever the date/time reverts which happens whenever you keep the phone switched off for a few hours. I am not a technical person, but this might be related to the battery.
Anyone have any luck with this? The main problem that this is causing is that when emails, texts, messages come in whilst the clock is incorrect (before it updates), these items get put out of sync with when they did actually arrive.
I contacted LG and they said...
If you have both options ticked, I would advise you to try and perform a hard factory reset. Before doing the reset, please ensure that you back up all of your files as all data will be lost during the reset. The details of the reset are as follows:
Turn the phone off
Press and hold the power key and the volume down key together
Release the power key only when the LG logo appears and immediately press and hold it again
Release both keys when the hard factory screen shows up
Select yes (use the power key to select yes)
Select yes again
This will then take you through the set up of the phone, and the issue should be resolved. I hope this helps you.​
I haven't yet tried this, as from what I've read elsewhere, this wont fix it, plus it is a bit of a hassle to copy everything off and then reset, then et everything back on the way it was and all apps, etc.
I've the same problem.
Can you tell me if Hard factory reset or LG support had resolved this issue?
I'm currently using ClockSync app that sync time every 3h and at boot.
The clock seems not to be very accurate : 1.139s of local offset in 2h...
I've tested the Clock_offset_fix. I'll update this post when I'll be sure that this solution is ok for me or not...
pbenoit said:
I've the same problem.
Can you tell me if Hard factory reset or LG support had resolved this issue?
I'm currently using ClockSync app that sync time every 3h and at boot.
The clock seems not to be very accurate : 1.139s of local offset in 2h...
I've tested the Clock_offset_fix. I'll update this post when I'll be sure that this solution is ok for me or not...
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This is not an issue per say. It's just that the device is built this way..... So as far as I know there is no fix to this. Except you can have accurate date and time if you have a sim card in the device and auto date&tme option is ticked in settings. You see the device doesn't have a pc like cmos rom to store basic info like date and time. So when u turn off the device that info isn't maintained and becomes corrupted after some time but it is corrected when synchronized with the cell network provider at boot.
Hi, I have the same problem. is there any way to solve this problem? I have stock lolipop.
გიორგი said:
Hi, I have the same problem. is there any way to solve this problem? I have stock lolipop.
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Same problem for me, date and time are wrong for some seconds after boot.
Than it switch correctly to the current date and time.
Make sure you have setting > date and time > automatic sync for all options...
On my phone it start wrong than it correct itself if internet is enabled.
The problem ia when mobile data is OFF. :'(
4Freedom said:
Same problem for me, date and time are wrong for some seconds after boot.
Than it switch correctly to the current date and time.
Make sure you have setting > date and time > automatic sync for all options...
On my phone it start wrong than it correct itself if internet is enabled.
The problem ia when mobile data is OFF. :'(
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Yes, I have automatic sync on, but the problem is when I can't access internet. What if I install Cyanogenmod?
გიორგი said:
Yes, I have automatic sync on, but the problem is when I can't access internet. What if I install Cyanogenmod?
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I am on Temasek now, same problem.
I'll try Cyanogen CM13 M1 this night or tomorrow.
