Real TP2 Rhodium -Need someone smart - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Ok here is my issue I have built a totally fully custom theme for a client on a Touch HD running duttys v3 Xtream rom and it works flawlessly on it.
Now the problem....
I got my hands on a real TP2 Rhodium and loaded my theme and guess what many issues. the theme files are slightly different in a few areas such as The people tab needs to be fully reworked again and the albums tab has a few small issues.
The 2 major issues I need someones help with is...
1. The stupid purple home screen wallpaper that loads itself over the default one.. there does not seem to be default option that pops up on the Touch Pro2. I modified the manila files to show the proper backgrounds on Port and Landscape mode and they show properly and in HQ but that dam home screen keeps overwriting with that purple wall. I'm thinking this issue would be hidden in the mode9 files or the home.xml files does anyone have any knowledge on this that would benefit me?
2. Patch manila files to be cfc ready on the Touch Pro2 I attempted to patch the files usen chainfire methods and I'm not able to do it on device it fails and will not overwrite the manila.exe file I tried loading the modified patched files manually from my pc to device but keep getting a unable to modify files due to microsoft signing issues. I attempted to use the reshacker resign tool get a confimed resign message but still can't upload to the device. [I can work around this issue but would rather fix it]
I have a deadline for this project that is only just about a week away now and normally I would just find it myself but if there is someone much smarter out there that may already have these answers I would really appreciate the help.
I am aware this question may pose a issue to the forum rules but figured altho this does not offer immediate usefulness to the smartphone community It will benefit us all in the near future. If it has pushed the envelope of the forum rules I will say my "I'm Sorry's" in advance to the admins and mods here.

First, how are you trying to overwrite? From the PC to the ppc? If so, use resco explorer or total commander. Also, use a good task manager like SK Tools has or dotFred & make sure manila is not running, along with tdserver, manila2, etc... All the executables may need to be stopped b'c of dependencies.
BTW, coke is bad, very bad.

I have attempted to use the cfc program of chainfires to patch to device it succesfully patchs the files but it says fail when trying to save them. I also patched the manila files with the same tool to the extraced manila files on my pc the patch will succeed on the pc. I then moved the files to the ppc and moved them [with total commander] to the windows folder. fail to over write [with TF3D shut off in the settings yes] I attempted to load the patched theme from a .cab file [ driver signing issue ... fail ] I can load all the uncompressed files with no issue but would much rather cfc compress the theme due to the size issues of a complex theme like this one. I skined the enitre interface all internal TF3d interfaces as well as the main TF3D interface. For the HD the same files are 8mb but the uncompressed version I have running on the TP2 are over 17mb to big for me I don't want to lag the device due to the graphics. It just seems there is a issue with overwritting the manila.exe and the 2 .dll files I thought of attempting to rename the .exe and .dll files with total commander as well but even if that worked its not practical as this theme must be able to be deployed in a single .cab file.
I am a theme designer and really have very limited knowleage of the code side of manila so I am really hopeing someone that understands the mode9 .exes and .dlls in manila could help find the answers to this for me and ... everyone as I may be the first to ask this but I won't be the last for sure... lol

Why not create a cab instead of trying to overwrite manually?

PROBEX said:
[with TF3D shut off in the settings yes] I attempted to load the patched theme from a .cab file [ driver signing issue ... fail ]
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I did that it failed due to new driver signing issues, if you have not used the new touch pro 2 it has some new security measures I think as I had troubles installing normal programs before installing the now those programs install alright.
but still this home page wallpaper overwriting and no cfc support is driving me crazy
But keep the ideas coming guys we are sure to stumble upon it sooner or later.
Thanks for the responses

PROBEX said:
I did that it failed due to new driver signing issues, if you have not used the new touch pro 2 it has some new security measures I think as I had troubles installing normal programs before installing the now those programs install alright.
but still this home page wallpaper overwriting and no cfc support is driving me crazy
But keep the ideas coming guys we are sure to stumble upon it sooner or later.
Thanks for the responses
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You shouldn't use CFC. Since it's a stock rom, it's unlikely to be CFC compressed.

I thought I could patch the manila and deploy the patched cfc version with the .cab , Chainfire gave me a few Ideas to try and I will update this thread if I get anything firgured out with that.
Still looking for a solution on the home page wallpaper being overwritten.
So let me know if anyone finds a solution for that one.

Does anyone know how to disable the file protection on the Rhodium I can't seem to change any of the core OS files any exe or dll renameing or deletion fails. I tried using total comander and changing the file properties so they were not read only but the changes will not stick?
I also attempted to use the newest cfc ui tool to patch manila on device and it failed agian, but if I could manage to change the name and delete the manila.exe and mode9.dll files as Chainfire recomended I may be able to patch them.
Agian any Idea's are really welcome as I'm losing my mind over here trying to get this to work... lol


CAB file version issues

Hi everybody!
(hi doctor nick)
I'm having a few little issues with CAB files on my pda2k.
maybe this should be in the blue angel thread, but it's to do with application development, so i put it here. I also tried the forum search, with no results.
i'm wanting to use all my customised cab files that i made for my XDA2, and use them on my new device, the PDA2K.
all of the cabs work, and all of my applications run.
however, upon installing the cab, a message comes up on my pda and says "the program you have installed may not display properly because it was designed for a previous version of windows mobile software"
i've checked the version nifo in all my .inf files.
i've compared them to newer cab files that don't give me that message.
the inf files look fine.
is this a registry setting perhaps, that i could change?
like i said, all the apps work, i just want to stop it from giving me that warning.
does anyone have any ideas?
thanks !
The warning is just about what it says: You are trying to run older (ie now specifically designed for SE) software.
Noithing to worry about when thing work as supposed.
You can get rid of the message by setting the OS verion inse the CAB files higher (but you need ie. WinCE Cab Manager by OCP Software for that) .
i know there isn't anything to worry about. the apps work.
it's just that for the purpose of creating an SOE, i don't want customers to have to click "ok" everytime they reset their device, all apps must install without prompt from beginning to end.
I have winCE cab manager, and have set the version and build number higher in the inf file, yet i can't seem to get rid of the message.
any other ideas ?
you have to set the lower version number to th version of WinCE youre using now.
Set some 'very high' value to the higher version number
There is another thread on this somewhere . . .thats where I got this info from
yeah, tried that too
i sset my version details like this:
still no good.
anyways, i'll keep searching for the related thread. i new there would be such a discussion in here, just a matter of finding it.
I think it was versionMin=4.21
M4io said:
I think it was versionMin=4.21
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thanks M4io,
that's the link i was looking for
ok, there seems to be something wrong here.
either that, or i'm doing it wrong (highly unlikely :lol: )hahha.
anyway, i've tried all different versions, i've tried all different build's.nothing. still won't work.
so i downloaded the latest operator settings for my device.
that cab ran no problems, so i extracted the inf, then i copied all the version info from that one, and dumped it into the inf that i'm trying to package. ran the cab on the device, and i still get that error !!
how can that be?
there must be something else in my cab, that governs version conflicts.
Hi Twinair,
please try to set it as follows:
I've tried with the above settings buzz, but it still doesn't work.
does the CEsetup.dll, or setup.dll have anything to do with version control perhaps ?
could be, that you should use your own setup.dll
I really don't know now... I've never made a cab which was not complaining about the older version... (
Looked for it also in internet, but found nothing...
But if you download the trial ver of OCP CabManager, you can unpack cabs for SE and take a look there... my trial period is expired now...
Maybe you can try to use setup.dll out of such cab...
damn, still not getting anywhere.
i've put in the correct version info, i've used a setup.dll file from a known working cab file, i have the latest full version of cab manager.
i'm fresh out of ideas
back to the drawing board.
if i figure it out, i'll let you know.
This is what MSDN says at
Installation Warning Messages
When a legacy application is installed on a Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC capable of screen rotation, the warning message will appear
This dialog is to advise the user that the application they are about to use may not be aware of square screens or screen rotation, and may not display properly in landscape mode. This dialog will only appear if the VersionMin value (which specifies the lowest OS revision number your app supports) file is less than 4.21.
Since setting VersionMin to 4.21 will prevent your application from installing on older Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, it is recommend that you disable this warning message by setting the BuildMax value (which is typically unused) equal to the following values:
BuildMax values
0xA0000000 Application supports square screens (240x240 pixels).
0xC0000000 Application supports screen rotation.
0xE0000000 Application supports square screens and screen rotation.
These parameters can be changed by editing the [CEDevice] section of the INF file which cabwiz uses to generate your CAB file.
Should do the trick[/b]
...perfect man, let me test it... )))
GREAT!!! it works!!!

Could someone create a workable cab file for these files?

Hello there,
I was just wondering if someone is able to create a workable cab file for these dumped ROM files. I could not find any cabs already created.
Thanks so much for your time!!
Do those include the depended-upon files like the dlls and lnks? If not there's no point cabbing them up. It looks like they might just be the exe files for the games.
Funnily enough I was thinking of creating a cab for those games at some point so I can pop them onto any future 'light' or 'superclean' ROMs without having to cook them in from one of the available kitchens. But I haven't created a cab before so I'd need all the files that come with, i.e. the exes and lnks and any dlls. (I think that's all they use, about 8 or 10 files between them. I 'm doing other stuff just now but if noone's posted any cabs soon I'll make one.
Anyone who can save me the bother of finding out which files I need if they already know them (and even attaching them) would help of course!
Cheers fella.
Dunno why but the exe and one dll in there are zero-byte files for some reason, but I'll assume the list is full and get them from my own rom here.
Now we'll see how long it'll take me to learn to make cab files from a standing start. This could be either hours or days. Don't hold your breath..
Thanks for your help!!
Thanks chunkymonkey for your effort in creating the cabs and thanks Mike Parsons for your contribution for the files. It looks like when I dumped my original files I did not have the "hide system files information" unticked.
Your help is much appreciated.
Here's version 1.
You need to create your own shortcuts.
Solitaire works great!
Thanks chunkymonkey that was quick!!
Solitaire works great but bubble breaker kicks an error SHCreateMenuBar Failed...Cannot open Bubble breaker resource file.
Thanks again for your efforts!
Righto. I'll let you know if I get that sorted.
vjgrace - can you (or anyone) search you PPC for softkb.dll pls?
Not inc on this Satin ROM and I don't want to have to flash a new ROM just to get the dll file and then flash back.
Ta. (Otherwise this'll have to wait for when I next do flash ROM - most likely when Faria brings new one out)
You got it!
Hello chunkymonkey,
Right now I am in the process of redumping the recently released dopod wwe and hopefully it will be in there.
And here it is...
Thanks again,
Ta. Bear with me.
Ah, no, I've got that package file, do you have the dll itself kicking about anywhere, perhaps on your ppc?
(DISREGARD above - I didn't look properly in the zip, sorry)
Try this one.
Should work and have shortcuts, but they're not correct shortcuts, i.e. going into Programs instead of Games in Start Menu. Also BubbleBreaker has no space between the words.
Sorry I can't test them for you but games are already burned into the ROM I'm using.
V3 - took the shortcuts back out and added the correct ones as a separate cab.
I need to get the shortcuts to install properly. Just needs me to work out inserting srtuff into the xml file of '' but not from the other one. I don't know xml as you can no doubt tell.
For now though, these 2 should make the Games folder the same as presinstalled ones, including the games folder icon for the start menu.
Uness someone who can test it tells me different.
Great Work and Effort!!
Hello chunkymonkey,
Boy you are on the ball!! Solitaire is working like a champ but the bubble breaker still gives me the same error, it very well may be something on my end because I have installed the Dopod Lite version by edhaas (great slim version) and it is a very clean/light version may be missing some files in the ROM, I don't know.
You definitely have given me the inspiration to pursue this further, attempting to create the cabs on my own...You have created a workable game from start to finish without having created a cab before, so THANK YOU!!
On a side note, the shortcuts are not working, the game folder is created but the shortcuts are dead, but thanks anyway.
Once again..thanks for your time,
Does anyone have a working standard games cab?
natzakaria said:
Does anyone have a working standard games cab?
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i still get the error on bubble breaker for some wierd reason..
gues i'll have to see if thier is a free version, thanks for getting solitaire working thou, iut keeps the misses quite
Fixed cab
here's a fixed cab with correct shortcuts and bubblebreakers 'missing' files.
i installed it but i have this "error shcreate bar error"
There ya go, guys. I know this thread is old, but whatever. That one works fine.

'Touch Settings' Program for Vogue (aka Sprint Touch)

First - thank you to Carlos for his hard work on the original version and now for taking the time to update it for those of us using Sprint's touch. I'm starting this as a separate thread since the new beta version will have many issues unrelated to the original versions.
And, unfortunately, I get to start off with my first issue which occurs upon execution of the program.
A few moments after starting the program I get the follow error message...
System.ArgumentException: An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found at Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr() at System.Drawing.Bitmap._InitFromMemoryStream() at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor() at TouchSettings.Form1.load PBpictureFromPath()
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And then the error message scrolls off the screen without scroll bar for me to see what else it says...
Upon clicking the "OK" button, the program continues to load to the App Launcher screen.
Upon load, the App Launcher screen is empty. The screenshot, icons, path and program title are not populated.
When I click on the empty box where the screenshot should be located I get the same as as before and the program exits.
I can populate the App name and path fields and can also ad an Icon -- but only for one program. When I save and reset however, the app name, path and icons are not retained.
When returning to the program after the first entry, I continue to receive the same error and the App Launcher screen is again blank.
In Media Hub:
First - the screenshot displayed is from the other version of the Touch screens...with the bluegreen icons -- not yellow. I assume you know that, but just wanted to mention it.
The "Sprint Music" fields default to the ATC Audio Manager which, to my understanding, does not come on the Touch. I've already installed AudioManager so the link worked fine -- but I'd suggest defaulting it to Sprint's Java-based Music ap just like the stock set up (less confusion for noobs)
Sprint TV seems to work as expected.
On Demand also worked as expected.
I changed the settings for On Demand to point to \windows\HTCAlbum.exe, however, and upon re-boot I received the following error when trying to run it from the cube:
The file " cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
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(and that single quotation mark after the words "The file" is exactly what displays)
Weather appears to display properly. I haven't had a chance to test the auto update feature yet.
On the bright side - the About screen works perfectly. It's just as easy to send Carlos a beer as it was before!
Given that we'll soon have a Vogue forum started I also assume you'll probably want to update the Support Thread to include a link for "Sprint Support"??
Whew. That's all for the first 10 minutes.
THANK YOU CARLOS! Your hard work is appreciated!
My experience is exactly the same on the sprint touch.
I just wanted to drop in and say thanks for all your work Carlos!
Same problems still having problems with the app loader portion of the settings. The other settings work as they should.
ok well i made custom PNG's for Slingplayer mobile and opera, if anyone needs custom images let me know im makin em. BUt i need the sprint program to implement the images!
the original "Touch Settings" program that you're referring to will work with the Sprint Touch without any problems. You just have to know what you're doing....
Step 1: Download TaskMgr and copy to your phone. Place TaskMgr in the \windows\start menu\programs\ folder of your device.
Step 2: Run the TaskMgr program you just put on your device. Upon opening TaskMgr, a list of running processes will be displayed. You want to terminate the following processes; biotouch.exe, quickdial.exe, mediahubmini.exe and aplauncher.exe. To do this, select each one individually and then tap the "Close" button on the bottom of the screen.
Step 3: Download and install the TouchFlo Alpha cab below.
- 3a: upon successful completion of the installation you will be prompted to "Reset" your device. Click "NO".
4. navigate to the \windows\startup folder and delete any new links that were created.
5. navigate to the \windows\start menu\programs folder and delete "touchflo"
6. Download and install the Touch Settings Cab below. Again, at the completion of the installation it will prompt you to restart your device. SELECT NO!. You are not ready to reset your device just yet.
7. Now that you've killed the 4 processes, installed the touchflo alpha cab and the touch settings cab, we're almost done. Navigate to the \windows\startup folder and delete the mediahubmini link.
8. Soft Reset Device.
9. Launch "Touch Settings" program from the Start Menu.
11. Run Touch Settings again and start customizing.
Hope this helps.
utexascg said:
the original "Touch Settings" program that you're referring to will work with the Sprint Touch without any problems. You just have to know what you're doing....
Step 3: Download and install the TouchFlo Alpha cab below.
- 3a: upon successful completion of the installation you will be prompted to "Reset" your device. Click "NO".
6. Download and install the Touch Settings Cab below. Again, at the completion of the installation it will prompt you to restart your device. SELECT NO!. You are not ready to reset your device just yet.
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Not sure what and where to get these cabs... can you provide links? (especially first one)
TouchFlo Alpha cab? Touch Settings Cab (is ths 1.22 or 1.29?)
Haggar said:
I'm starting this as a separate thread since the new beta version will have many issues unrelated to the original versions.
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Hi guys and thx Haggar and others for bug reports - I think I may have some theories as to what's going wrong.
I made a new test build for you to try out - the CAB is attached below. (REMOVED, SEE LATER POST FOR UPDATED VERSION) Please install and let me know how you get on. It should create a log file called log.txt in the app directory which you can attach to your post in case of any problems:
1. Does it now work?
2. If not, what happens?
3. If not, please attach the log file.
4. When you go to the "About" screen, it says "Detected Device:" at the top - what is the detected device?
@utexas - I'm not sure what your instructions are referring to, but please ignore these peeps, as it would be best for us to try to get the app working properly with the Sprint without resorting to loading older versions of the TOuchFLO software onto your devices.
Finally, does anybody have a Sprint that they HAVENT yet installed Touch Settings onto? If so, please could somebody zip up a copy of \Windows\MediaHubMini.exe for me from your Sprint device and send it to me? This should be BEFORE installing any Touch Settings software, as this patches over the executable, and I'd like a copy of the NEW MediaHubMini.exe that comes with your device, so I can see if I need to release a new patch. If anyone has recently hard reset their device, then the file will be on your device unaltered.
Thanks for the nice comments peeps.
Here you go Carlos. I have never installed Touch Settings on my Sprint Touch.
What exactly is Touch Settings? Could someone tell me, or point me to the original thread? Thanks.
Thanks Carlos... I've attached the log.txt file... still generating errors... looking for bitmaps (brns) that it cannot load... example... looking for \windows\AL_03.brn... this file is indeed located in the indicated location so not sure what the problem is...I tried to make and save a change to the launcher and now I get no images in the 3x2 launcher.
abeery said:
Thanks Carlos... I've attached the log.txt file... still generating errors... looking for bitmaps (brns) that it cannot load... example... looking for \windows\AL_03.brn... this file is indeed located in the indicated location so not sure what the problem is...I tried to make and save a change to the launcher and now I get no images in the 3x2 launcher.
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Other than the time of day, his log file looks identical to I won't bother uploading...
abeery said:
Thanks Carlos... I've attached the log.txt file... still generating errors... looking for bitmaps (brns) that it cannot load... example... looking for \windows\AL_03.brn... this file is indeed located in the indicated location so not sure what the problem is...I tried to make and save a change to the launcher and now I get no images in the 3x2 launcher.
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same here. but what i figured out about "no images in the launcher" is the path are all set to "\\" instead of just one "\". so i use memmaid to fix it in the registry and the cube is fine again.
OK everyone
Thanks for all the log files etc. It's now very clear what the issue is - simply that the newer version of the touch uses BRN files instead of PNG files for its icons! BRN is a proprietary format, basically a BMP with header information removed and some other changes; there's information elsewhere on this site about it.
So... get Touch Settings working on the Sprint, I'll have to build BRN support into the program, which is going to involve:
1. Studying the file format and finding out more info. ([HREF=""]this thread[/HREF] is a good starting point)
2. OR approaching the author of the BMP2BRN program to ask if he'd allow me to use his source code inside Touch Settings.
....if anyone can help with either of these, please do! Touch Settings is written in CF.
Until then, might I suggest you go about trying to use .PNG files instead for the time being, and report back to the forum to let us know if they work instead of BRN files! I will release a new build of Touch Settings asap which side-steps the error messages and displays blank icons for the time being, just so as you can use the program.. will work fine, it just won't display the icons for you!
mark1581 said:
Here you go Carlos. I have never installed Touch Settings on my Sprint Touch. What exactly is Touch Settings? Could someone tell me, or point me to the original thread? Thanks.
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Mark, thanks ever so much for this - will be very helpful! Original thread about Touch Settings - and what it is - here:
log file...
My log file also had the same info. Thanks for all your hard work Carlos. A friend of mine also has a touch that does not have any settings program installed. Let me know if you need any other files.
lol i had a post earlier about PNG and BRN files. Basically i want to be able to just chang the icons text and path. I dont care about the BG color, how how the cube rotates. I made my own CUstom PNG's for the 3X2 launcher, and i made a custom one for the media hub. I made them all the same size on accident, but for the sprint touch do i need to convert the PNG's to BRN files then where do i save them in my phones directory?
anyone have the dimensions for the 3X2 and the media hub. I made them all
119 by 105. ?? Is there an easy way to change the size to the size for the media hub because i believe that is the size for the 3X2. Any help is appreciated!
carlosp_uk said:
OK everyone
Thanks for all the log files etc. It's now very clear what the issue is - simply that the newer version of the touch uses BRN files instead of PNG files for its icons! BRN is a proprietary format, basically a BMP with header information removed and some other changes; there's information elsewhere on this site about it.
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I see from reading another thread you've already got the source code for "BrnConvert"... does this meet your needs or do you need anything else?
Let us know what we can do to aid your efforts... 1.29c was close but I had to clean up my registry to remove all the double slashes in the image and program paths and obviously the brn issue you noted...
Again thanks for you great work on this...
Everyone else... don't forget to buy this man a beer at his web site
is there any new news on a possible fix?
Is version 1.29c worth installing at this point? Any recommendations??
Hello everyone - I think I may be nearly there!
I've certainly got BRN support working on my original touch, anyway, so let's see if this new build works for you.
CAB file attached below, usual installation instructions apply. (see this thread:
Please let me know if the icons are displaying correctly, and any other feedback re: usage. Should be the correct colour mediahub logo too!
PS: Sprint owners, for completeness, you may want to copy the newer mediahubmini.exe into your \Windows\ directory (attached) as my prog overwrites it with a slightly older version. My tests have shown this shouldn't be a problem, but it's up to you. Note to older Touch users: do NOT use this newer version of mediahubmini.exe you will run into problems with your touch screen.
so we install the cab then just replace the EXE file after.
also carlos, if i want to make my own icons
1. can they be the same size for the media hub and 3X2
2. Do they need to be BRN style, i made them PNG (but i can convert to BMP then to BRN.)
3. Where do i save them on my phone.
4. i have the sprint touch!
thanks carlos

first time Diamond owner need help!!

i want to really pimp out my phone but as keep reading through all the threads I end up being confused. cab files, zip files, TF3D config, clocks. what and where do i start and how do i install these files. let me know what do i need to post to help me do all of these mods.
help will be greatly appreciated!!
fottenlahi the only way is to learn is read the post's cause the instructions are really simple enough I was a noob once but I read read and read and learnt how to do the basic stuff....
as whitefalcon says, you have to read, try, hard reset if needed and learn.
You will get a hold of it quite fast.
To answer quickly :
-zip files can be opened on the ppc like on a desktop
-cab files are like the install files of your desktop, copy theme to the ppc click on theme and they insatll a programme.
-TF3D config allows you to tweak the touchflo 3D (change tabs order, remove tabs...)
- clock, well change the clocks
On the what and where to start, it depends on what you want to tweak, no one can decide for you...
know how you feel - but best way to learn is to try. Having said that, let me know what it is you want to do and I will post pointers for you.
Good luck!!
Maybe it is a little difficult to fresh, however:
zip is just like the rar or 7z or zip in windows system.
cab could be describled as the exe files in Windows, so, dobule-click it and do next.
clocks and config are some kind things of make your diamond more smart and suit your using habbit, so you could learn it later.
After all, you do not need to care about those difficulties, your phone is well enough when you buy it, so take it easy,dude.
thank you guys for trying to help me out. okay i have been doing some testing and my results are... i figured out how to install themes, fonts and clocks through cab files. it was a no brainer since i have previously owned a HTC touch pretty simple. now i tried to install the TF3D config and it gives me errors. I followed instructions about checking DWORD and it was what it was and error still showed, second step though about deleting tweaks dont know were to go to delete that.(if someone can guide me through that. i have asked before but didn't get an answer.)
what i currently have on my Diamond.
1. shakass V2 (theme installed through .cab. awesome theme)
2. .net framework 3.5 (both 3.5 and 2.0 "2.0 came with my rom")
3. yota contacts (really nice but eliminates the default quick access menu)
4. registry editor
5. advance config 3.3
is there some other apps i need to get?
should i use TF3D config or Manila customizer?
thought this might help, i have a
1.09.651.5 ROM
1.00.00F RADIO

Sorry if I am mistaken in writing this

I am working on creating themes so I can give back to the community here that has helped me so much but still can't seem to find a step by step tutorial on how to get the manila files over to the device after moddifying them I used SDK cert, total commander cfc gui and every other program that I have found and followed every link i have found BY SEARCHING and still to no avail. If one of you Who already does this regularly could help me and every other person who would like to do this and make a nice fat STICKY in the rhodium forum that would be superb..... I have managed to copy over alot of the manila files moddify them and get them back on but there are so many little bugs like some files dont show at all some are white squares others work great so a definitive means for putting the files back on the device would be great.
Justin241982 said:
I am working on creating themes so I can give back to the community here that has helped me so much but still can't seem to find a step by step tutorial on how to get the manila files over to the device after moddifying them I used SDK cert, total commander cfc gui and every other program that I have found and followed every link i have found BY SEARCHING and still to no avail. If one of you Who already does this regularly could help me and every other person who would like to do this and make a nice fat STICKY in the rhodium forum that would be superb..... I have managed to copy over alot of the manila files moddify them and get them back on but there are so many little bugs like some files dont show at all some are white squares others work great so a definitive means for putting the files back on the device would be great.
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The way I got my Manila files was I linked my phone to my computer, then went into My Computer -- Touch Pro 2 -- / (main internal drive, not storage) -- Windows. Then waited 10 minutes for all files to load and then copied all the Manila files to my harddrive from there.
You could also use Total Commander and copy them on the phone to another directory, then pull them off when connected to the computer, all hav the same effect.
well my phone doesnt show up like that on my computer, it goes through active sync. and the problem isnt really getting the manila off the phone its when i put it back on after editing it, sometimes it will be perfect except one little file, like a tab or something, others only one will work and everything else is white. the problem i think is in the process because when i try to load them directly into the phone from cfc gui it always fails.

