Hero rom problems - G1 General

i'm trying to do this to my g1 but it's a little vauge for someone who has never attempted this. i.e: me ... couple of quick questions 1st:
-do i need to get a new sdcard to replace the stock 1?
-does the phone need to be in rc29 first?
step#5 at the bottom listed to wipe and flash the phone, so i looked up how to flash the g1 on this forum and it seemed to require going back to rc29, which i did.
only problem is, step#2 listed to extract step#1 in to the "ext2" partition, which no longer exists after i put my phone back to rc29.
i just installed jesusfreke's rc33 thinking maybe "ext2" was only on rc33 or something, and "ext2" still is not there. ANY help would be greatly appreciated. i used "SDSPLIT" to create a dual partitioned sdcard, & sdsplit says everything is partitioned and ready, only now when i mount it to my computer nothing shows up.
oh and i'm new, sorry if this has been posted...went through a ton of pages on this forum and didn't see any posts about it, might have overlooked it while scrolling through wall after wall after wall of posts
EDIT: i used to own an htc fuze and wizard, but this phone is a whole new ballgame for me!

Same here... do we need a replacement mircro sd card than the one given to us in the box?

Oh my goodness gracious, 1. Y would u follow a guide not in the forums [email protected] ur posting on? Have u even tried searching first? Why would you need to replace ur sd? It would be better to(not sure what class it is, but im sure its a 2), the phone needs to have root to install Hero, and the partitions on the SD card r not rom related

you can use any micro sd card.
use the search....

First you didn't read the very firs post on this forum.It should be deleted. Second flashing the hero rom in not for the average Joe. Third a little search goes a long way....i.e. there is a post on how to do it.

Delete this thread!

if you don't know what ext2 is you should forget about it since you didn't even bother reading the guides that are posted here...

Hmm sounds like a problem, what I recommend is that you go and call up TMobile and go ahead and pay another 400 dollars for another G1 and see what firmware it is, repeat as needed until you get one that has RC29 on it.
Alright, seriously, use the search button, and follow guides on THIS site if you plan on asking questions. You do not need a new SD card, however the stock card that comes with the G1 is a class 2 card, which is not sufficient for Apps2SD. Just type into the command prompt
adb push (location of app_s.zip) /system/sd/
adb shell
cd /system/sd/
unzip App_s.zip
You should be good now.
Also, do not mount the SD card. Just plug it in and do the ADB commands.

drmosh said:
if you don't know what ext2 is you should forget about it since you didn't even bother reading the guides that are posted here...
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Probably the smartest new member ever, but yea OP jus 4get about trying to get the Hero Rom since u wanna rush into it w.o doin the research

Woooooooooooooooooooooooow. I thought i was a noob. An i figured out how to install Haykuro's HERO ROM. Delete or be deleted

Please Search first.
Please post in the right thread/forum.
Thank you.

LOL should've known even an all-nerd forum would have jackasses on it. Good thing you guys are so helpful, i might never have gotten my hero rom to work on my g1!
ps, works like a charm, thanks for the warm wishes broskis. go out and get a couple drinks once in a while and socialize. weirdos

I don't get when this forum became so hostile.
If more than 3 individual people took time out of their lives and told him that he's a noob, that is ridiculous. This forum used to help people out so much.
The g1 community is just some flamers.


Safely Removing G1 in ubuntu...

Hi, i searched and couldnt find anything... I just installed ubuntu and have been dual-booting with windows Vista for several weeks now. My question is im a windows (redheaded step)child and im not too familiar with linux' inner workings yet...so i have not been doing anything to "safely remove" my G1 when in ubuntu, cuz i thought that such an option doesnt exist...problem is now i think ive corrupted all my data on my SDcard and i was just hoping that someone could tell me how to do this correctly in ubuntu? Do i hafta mount it, and THEN unmount it before i should unplug it? I dont even know if this is the problem, but ive been watching my logcat and it gives me some Dbus error when i plug in USB and it doesnt come up on the phone with option to mount SDcard, and windows doesnt recognize my device anymore. Pretty sure i corrupted my SD, im pretty sure i can fix it without help, if someone could just tell me the proper procedure for removing devices from ubuntu? thanks in advance...
I dual boot ubuntu on my mac OSX, which emulator are you using (fusion VM, virtualbox etc...?)
(1) When you've properly mounted your SD card it should show up on your ubuntu Desktop. Just go to Places > Desktop and you should be able to eject the SD card (two if you are partitioning them and AppstoSD) by pressing the "eject" button. The SD card should show up in the left window pane.
(2) Also, you probably have corrupted your SD card and are going to have to reformat it, losing all of your data.
(3) Somewhere in your emulator there should be a USB button to see which devices are plugged into your host computer, and which ever one you select your emulator will read.
(4) Finally, you don't provide enough information for a real answer...
(a) What ubuntu are you running?
(b) Do you have appstosd?
(c) have you done a nandroid backup?
(d) Which emulator/virtual environment are you running?
Hope this helps.
In Nautilus (the file manager) there will be a little orange eject symbol next to the drive. Clicking it will unmount the drive, which you should ALWAYS do before pulling any kind of removable media out of the socket. Unmounting is the *nix equivalent of "ejecting" in Windows.
If you're running a command line setup, the command to unmount is
sudo umount /media/(insert mount name here)
Hope that helps!
I too dual boot and noticed they i wouldn't get the "usb connected" on the G1. After some tweaking a few options; i noticed I would get the USB connected IF my usb debugging was ON. [settings- applications- developement- usb debugging]. I have to check for Ubuntu and uncheck for windows. I hope that helps
you see the problem is that ive never actually mounted my G1 in ubuntu, i just plugged it in to charge...so i never had to unmount it and theres no "safely remove" function, that i could find, so i figured that linux was just secure enough that it didnt require safely removing devices....oops...in answer to your questions, first im not running any VM...im ACTUALLY dual-booting. i have windows vista and ubuntu Jaunty running side-by-side, on a compaq presario f700. I DO have USB debugging ENABLED, and right now im running JF1.42rc33 still, im prolly gonna be wiping and upgrading to SOMETHING today, i was kinda just holding off cuz i like my theme, but my phones f-in up so nows as good a time as any to start fresh. I dont use a2sd, just my caches for market, browser, and maps are on sd. Ive been having trouble on my g/f's hp Pavilion pc running windows vista...we both have g1's and HERS is stock, unrooted, and she just got the OTA a couple days ago, since then the computer has been hating on MY phone, it says the drivers screwed and it wount bring up the option on my phone to mount the sdcard. hers still works fine, and mine still works fine hooked up to my laptop, just not hers...so i dunno if THATS a cupcake issue or if its cuz i didnt remove it from ubuntu right...im gonna format my sd AND wipe my phone, and ill get back to you guys moentarily, thanks for all your replies.
If all you were doing is charging, and you didn't mount it, then your original assumption was correct. You don't need to unmount something that was never mounted.
ok well then somebody help me out with this: i have tried for two days to get my sdcard to format, and IT JUST WONT. I cant get it to even be recognized by my girlfriends computer, but her G1 running UNrooted TMOCupcake still works fine, kinda makes me wonder if hers didnt get some kinda updated driver packed with it? The cupcake, i mean, not the phone...i dunno. Anyways my phone WONT mount in ubuntu at all, it shows up but when i try to mount it it says "No media on Volume" and wont open it at all. so in windows it ACTS like its doin everything i want it to do...i tried to format my sd yesterday and i sat here and watched it the whole time, and when it finshed it said: "Format Completed SUCCESSFULLY." so i SAFELY REMOVED IT, unplugged and plugged back the usb, and when it came up EVERYTHING WAS STILL THERE!!!! my problem seems to be my sdcard/doom folder...it tells me that the folder \doom is ENTIRELY UNREADABLE.
ahem...on a side note, all these things happened at once...(same day)
1. My g/f got the OTA cupcake update...
2. I updated some apps from the market, the one that im suspecting right now is called "Cards(-)" by Coderminus. After i updated it, i went to play Doom, and instead of playing like usual, when i hit the "Play" button, it just exitted to home. So i checked my logcat and the Cards(-) app caused ALL KINDS of runtime errors, and so i uninstalled this app.
3. My market starts crashing all of a sudden. I cleared the cache and it SEEMED to fix it...for now.
4. Uninstalled Doom (ver. 1.29.666) and then went and deleted my doom folder.(I thought) Reinstalled newest version of Doom (ver. 1.31.666)
5. Tried to redownload the WADs to play, and i could get it to play, as long as i didnt try to download the sound files. Everytime i tried to get the sounds, it would act fine, but then when id go to play the game itd just exit to home again....
6. Repeated step 5. like 6 times....
This was all like 2 days ago? 3 days ago? and ive been messing with it ever since, and my PHONE is fine, but my SDCARD appears to be, for lack of a better term, ****ED. i cant even format it, ive tride 3 times, it just all comes right back when i plug it back in...i even tried to put an update.zip in my sdcard and update from JF1.42RC33 to (I was gonna try Dude's 1.2b) so i put that in there, and removed it and when i went into my file manager on the g1, the update wasnt there! i cannot seem to be able to make ANY changes to my sd...SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!
Try ti format your card from within your phone. Unfortunately that's the only issue I can help you with.
Edit: try doing a system wipe on your girlfriends phone from the recovery menu. It should solve the crashes. You will wave to reinstall all your apps tho.
ubernicholi said:
Try ti format your card from within your phone. Unfortunately that's the only issue I can help you with.
Edit: try doing a system wipe on your girlfriends phone from the recovery menu. It should solve the crashes. You will wave to reinstall all your apps tho.
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I...didnt even know that was possible...im not seein any options to do that...you know some terminal commands for that or somethin? Cus when i got into my file manager (i use aFile, cuz it has wireless transfer) i cant even delete anything from there, ANY folder i try to delete it just says "Failed to delete (folder name)"...so if you know how to do that then hook me up and ill try it...
EDIT: i think you misunderstood, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG with my girlfriends phone...its just that she got the US OTA and it happened at the same time as all this other, so i thought maybe it might have had some effect on how mine interfaces with her comp...honestly i doubt it, but until someone tells me im wrong im not ruling it out...
On your phone Goto your settings menu, sdcard and phone memory, unmount your card and then select format
No dice, seems you may be on a diff. ROM than me, i dont have that option, i unmount the card, and thats all that happens, it unmounts it...no format option...
Damn that sucks. Does your girls phone have that option? I wish I could help you out. But I'm at a loss
hi i posted a thread here for help, and i did so cuz i need help from someone INTELLIGENT. The mods have now moved my post to the "General section" of the dream forum, where i cant get **** for help. The reason i didnt just post in that section, where it goes, is CUZ NO ONE CAN OR WILL HELP ME OVER THERE....i need a devs help or somethin...THATS why i posted in the dev section...cus its pointless to try to get support from end users...i might as well just sit in the bedroom with NO COMPUTER asking MYSELF what the answer is...so first off id like to thank the AWESOME mods here for burying my post head-high in a section that i cant get any support in, EVER. THEN, id like to ask some dev(s) or SOMEBODY, SOMEBODY INTELLIGENT, please go to
this thread
and read, and im BEGGING you for help!!! To whoever helps me figure this out i would gladly donate to WHATEVER cause you have!!!! Honestly, if you ONLY read MY posts, you wont miss anything important, except some guy with the SAME SKILL LEVEL AS ME telling me to wipe SOMEBODY ELSES PHONE and see if that works...****.
SOMEONE PLEASE try to help me out before the AWESOME mods here at xda move this post, too. Im not sorry im posting in the wrong secrtion cuz this is where the help is and thats REALLY what i need right now. So MODS, you can move my posts all day long, ill just make a new one linking to the old one till i get some support...suspend me...BAN me, i dont care, ill just keep coming back with new usernames and accounts until i get some help, cuz THATS WHAT THE F*CK SUPPORT FORUMS ARE FOR. Im really pissed at whatever mod moved my post, cuz the SECOND i posted that thread initially, i got like 4 or 5 replies, thats why i LOVE this forum, cuz it has GREAT SUPPORT, when you can actually get your question seen by a dev, that is. but as soon as my post got moved i got several replies from one DUMBASS that was TRYING to help, and ill give him that he was just tryin to help, but i have a problem with my phone, and this guy tells me i should WIPE MY GIRLFRIENDS PHONE. WOW. Just wow. Someone please go read my problem and post there, or post here, with some answers....MODS PLEASE DONT MOVE THIS THREAD I AM TRYING TO GET SOME HELP!!!!
yea *****ing like a 4 year old will you nowhere. no one owes you anything.
If you have a camera, try using that to format your memory card. Hope it works.
lol ok first off take it easy on the mods here, i'm speaking of your other post, they try to keep these forums clean and it isnt an easy job all things considered.
the way i see it you have 2 options.
1. Throw your card in a digital camera and use the camera to format it. I works most the time when a computer wont, several times my pc wouldn't recognize/format a card but my ****ty digital camera had no problem.
2. if that doesn't work, splurge the $8.99(or less) it costs to get a new sd.
I've even seen 8gig class 6 cards for around $20 and 4gig class 4 cards for $10.
edit: wow just a min too late

Just bought a rooted Mytouch 3g

Hey I just bought a Rooted Mytouch 3g and I want to wipe everything and move over to another SD card. How do I do that without messing up the root. Also what's a really good fast rom to start out with?
Changing sd card wont mess up root. There are plenty of good roms to pick from, just put one on your sd card(that suits your phone/radio) then wipe phone and flash rom
stu-k said:
Changing sd card wont mess up root. There are plenty of good roms to pick from, just put one on your sd card(that suits your phone/radio) then wipe phone and flash rom
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Wait but isnt clockwork recovery on the SD card? Or is that not how it works?
I dont use clockwork recovery so have no idea like most people on here I use Amon`s recovery which only uses sd card for nandroid backup.
how do i install amon's recovery then?
Damn android is confusing.
Its a learning curve aright, just make sure you read everything properly before you install anything double check its right for you phone(32a/32b/radio etc)
Its not that bad really..says me who nearly bricked his phone only a few weeks ago!
Haha seems like its pretty easy to brick a phone. Anyways one more newbie question..how do I change the linux swap. I know that increasing it esentially increases the speed of your phone. So I was wondering where I could change that.
Update: Got Amon's Recovery working. Trying to flash the Cyanogen CM 5.0.8.
There is debate if swap if worth it, personally I haven`t tried it.
Enjoy the new rom!
stu-k said:
There is debate if swap if worth it, personally I haven`t tried it.
Enjoy the new rom!
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Yeah but how do you change the swap to be bigger? Or does it adjust to the capacity of your SD card?
Here ya go search is your friend http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=700005&highlight=linux+swap
no offence but even though you are new, search should be enough for you to become very comfortable with doing everything.
I actually spent a few hours on XDA reading up before buying my magic simply because I wanted to know the limitations and learn how to do things if I got one.
It's quite different from WinMo but once you get everything set up then you are set.
I would recommend that you get adb and the utilities set up from there just read up (The wiki entires are a great place to start).
Have fun and welcome
chansthename said:
no offence but even though you are new, search should be enough for you to become very comfortable with doing everything.
I actually spent a few hours on XDA reading up before buying my magic simply because I wanted to know the limitations and learn how to do things if I got one.
It's quite different from WinMo but once you get everything set up then you are set.
I would recommend that you get adb and the utilities set up from there just read up (The wiki entires are a great place to start).
Have fun and welcome
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Yeah sorry. I should have but you know people telling you is always easier
And yeah I got adb and the utilities set up so this is starting to get easier to figure out.

Help my phone died after flashing htc ace beta build by darkstone

EDIT:wolla its working,found the solution here.just pulled out the battery 30 min and back..live on my hd2.
I don't know how darkstone's name got into this thread, but football made it clear that you should not flash the ace build to your hd2. just re-flash the stock rom and your phone should be fine. hope this helps
The 4th line of his post said:
I am not a dev .. let's hope they can help you. But it has been said endless number of times - first read, then read again, then several times more until every word is clear to you ... then try to flash ... on your own risk. Always.
ima take a guess and say you flashed a beta rom FOR the Desire HD on your HD2...incompatible ROM. your phone is bricked for good.
Learn to f**king read man. Im a newb and read that.
maybe not bricked for good, he shouuld be able to flash a ruu for his phone containing winmo and be good to go again, but who knows
I think he flashed a beta ROM darkstone made. It was just like any other Android build, made to launch from the sdcard. What happened exactly? You flashed it and it booted fine then just died?
yea who knows, it's nebulous. - Michael Scott
Take your battery and microsd card out and leave it for a few hours. Then plug in the battery but LEAVE THE SD CARD OUT and try booting up your phone into Windows.
Also how did you put those files on your phone since they are for the Storage Card. Did you try to copy them to your internal memory in some way?
You REALLY shouldnt try test versions unless you know what you are doing which im very sure you didnt..
Wait... what?
OK, so you managed to get a hold of the files that I'm sharing with devs, and you somehow flash those files on to your phone (how is that even possible) ?
You must of flashed your phone using the EXE file on the first post of this thread right? If you did, then you should have not been so careless. Clearly on the first post it states that this is for developers only, this was not to be flashed.
Do not blame my files for something that you have done. Those files were not intended to be spread on this forum, however I have no problem if people do wish to post about it.
Time for you to call HTC and see if you can get a replacement...
he didnt release to the public for a reason I knew somebody was going to download it lmao
DarkStone1337 said:
Wait... what?
OK, so you managed to get a hold of the files that I'm sharing with devs, and you somehow flash those files on to your phone (how is that even possible) ?
You must of flashed your phone using the EXE file on the first post of this thread right?
Do not blame my files for something that you have done. Those files were not intended to be spread on this forum, however I have no problem if people do wish to post about it.
Time for you to call HTC and see if you can get a replacement...
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Thats actually what i was wondering, how did he kill his phone flashing something from the SD card?
DarkStone1337 said:
Wait... what?
OK, so you managed to get a hold of the files that I'm sharing with devs, and you somehow flash those files on to your phone (how is that even possible) ?
You must of flashed your phone using the EXE file on the first post of this thread right?
Do not blame my files for something that you have done. Those files were not intended to be spread on this forum, however I have no problem if people do wish to post about it.
Time for you to call HTC and see if you can get a replacement...
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There is a thread with a copy of your irc chat and a link to your test build. Do you want me to delete the link to the files?
wait yea you're right. it's not a "flushable" ROM..i just downloaded the file and it's just another Android build that you put on the SD card. Not sure what the OP "flushed" but yeah, taking the SD card out and restarting the phone should do the trick. Am I missing something? Can you actually brick your phone booting android from Haret?
DarkStone1337 said:
Wait... what?
OK, so you managed to get a hold of the files that I'm sharing with devs, and you somehow flash those files on to your phone (how is that even possible) ?
You must of flashed your phone using the EXE file on the first post of this thread right? If you did, then you should have not been so careless. Clearly on the first post it states that this is for developers only, this was not to be flashed.
Do not blame my files for something that you have done. Those files were not intended to be spread on this forum, however I have no problem if people do wish to post about it.
Time for you to call HTC and see if you can get a replacement...
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I was watching the conversation and when you posted it on linux-chat I knew somebody was going to do it....i swear lmao
mskip said:
There is a thread with a copy of your irc chat and a link to your test build. Do you want me to delete the link to the files?
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Nope it's fine
I don't mind links being posted, but people need to be careful with them.
There was a reason that I didn't post that link, the build was incomplete and still had issues.
Thanks though
malikadnanm said:
wait yea you're right. it's not a "flushable" ROM..i just downloaded the file and it's just another Android build that you put on the SD card. Not sure what the OP "flushed" but yeah, taking the SD card out and restarting the phone should do the trick. Am I missing something? Can you actually brick your phone booting android from Haret?
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There is always a slight chance of messing Windows Mobile up but as long as you have HardSPL installed you can easily flash a new rom and get everything working again so nothing much to worry about.
mskip said:
There is a thread with a copy of your irc chat and a link to your test build. Do you want me to delete the link to the files?
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It was I who put the link, without malice, thought it could be shared, i wrote clearly that it was a BETA BUILD for devs try.
If you want, i delete de post.
i just put the beta rom on my Sd card and pressed haret,then it stuck on bootlader,i taked off battery and on nothing happent.there is no light or nothing,i try to charge but nothing happens,no sync(sory for my engl.)
he said ace beta not just an android sd sh**t it said for cookers only

[Q] Experiences with hacking Nook

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this and sorry if some of my questions are redundant, but can anyone tell me their experiences with hacking the Nook Color? I'm still deciding on getting it and I want to put Cyanogenmod 7(Gingerbread) in it( if I buy one), but I'm not 100 percent sure. Can someone tell me if it's easy, hard, any complications, etc? Also any links or information on how to dual boot it( is that the one where it doesn't void your warranty?) would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for all the noobness.
Welcome! There are a lot of threads here and in the Android Development sub-forum on getting started along with answers to most of your questions. See this post of mine for links on getting CM7 installed:
Frankly, everyone here will say that the nook is pretty awesome, especially with CM7. It's quite easy. The first time you install it might take a while (under 1 hour easy), but after a while it could really be done in a few minutes. At this point you just need to copy files mostly. Technically, I think running CM7 could void your warranty, but that said, the Nook is nearly unbrickable. You can pretty much always restore to stock if need be. The safest way to get started is to follow the SD card method from the link above.
Good luck!
It's just like learn how to swim or learn how to ride a bike.
No one ever able to do and do good first time, it takes time, always.
Someone picks things up fairly quick, some others learn at slower pace but they all get better at some points.
The only requirements are able to read and understand English and able to follow the instruction then you're off to go .......... and go far.
Lastly, if I can do it, you can do it.
Look into starting from the SDCard install options, before overwriting internal memory. If something goes wrong, you simply power off, remove the SDCard, and power up again, and you have your stock Nook Color working perfectly.
In my sig, click the link to "SD Install" for the best way to prep the MicroSD card for whatever ROM you want.
I highly recommend CM7, it's simply the best thing going for it. Again, installing to the MicroSD card is a painless way to test it out, links in verygreen's thread.
Make sure you have a SanDisk card, links in my sig to find out why if you're curious.
To this day, I still have my stock Nook Color B&N software updated and running on the internal memory - but for the life of me I can't figure out why I haven't taken the step to move CM7 to internal at this point. It's that good.
Point being, with a SanDisk MicroSD card, and CM7 installed to it, you really unlock the powerful user experience this device is capable of. Best part is, it's not a permanent thing. You simply power off, remove the MicroSD card, then power back up and you are back to stock.
Easy, painless, and tons of fun.
Thank You so much everyone for the responses. Sorry if I took too long to reply. I'm going to read over the directions right now Oh and do anyone have the list of some of the words? I'm still new to this and I don't know what "partition" or "kernel" means.
partition = dedicated space for specific usage.
kernel = sets of drivers, it is a brain of the ROM
i was a new nook owner and new to rooting as well. i had no trouble with following instructions and have been very happy with the outcome. it also helps to read a lot of other posts to see what issues may arise and how to fix things. as long as you can follow instructions properly its a breeze
Thank You all so much. I got one more question, I've been reading somewhere online that it's possible that you can go back to the original version of the nook without having to remove the SD card, and I just want to confirm if this is possible? If it's can you give me a link? Thank You sorry for so much question
Marid said:
Thank You all so much. I got one more question, I've been reading somewhere online that it's possible that you can go back to the original version of the nook without having to remove the SD card, and I just want to confirm if this is possible? If it's can you give me a link? Thank You sorry for so much question
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On the newer nightlies, you can press the nook 'n' button while the first green cyanogenmod logo is showing and it will take you to a boot menu. You can then select to boot from emmc (internal) or the sd card, and also choose normal or recovery mode.
Sorry about this but 1 more small question, will bn update( i think ota) affect the rooted nook? If so, can you tell me how to fix it?

New to Android, Need Help to choose version, please!

I own HD2 from almost 3 years, i want to try something new with it, so i decided to put Android on the phone. I want to ask here, first, whats the difference between NAND and SD versions, NAND mean its going on the phone memory like the windows? Whats better/faster? Whats easiest to boot/install? I dont want to read all threads all night long, just want some good android rom, or few good android roms to try ... and some advice to be NAND or SD version ... and also, android 2 or 4? i dont know anything about android ... please help. Any advice will be appreciated!
It depends which is easier. I had a problem with partition SD for 4 partitions But with nand there might be problems for novice too. You have to flash HSPL, and then CLK (better than Magldr I think). But then it is easy. SD is on SD, so you have 2 systems at the same time: stock WM6.5 and android which you start by exe in WM. Nand roms fully replaces stock WM. I don't know which is faster, but I prefer NAND. If you are not going to play heavy games, then choose Android 4 with HWA, if just for phone and apps, then 2. And we cannot tell you which rom (system, one of many as you see ) is the best for you - everyone has to try it himself, my experiences might be different than yours If you want to know more, read tutorials or write here - I or someone else will help you.
PS I recommend you tytung's or dorimanx's rom. Or sense rom if you liked it in WM
There's a difference between being new to Android and not being able to read. Use the search tool and every single one of your questions can and have been answered.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA
Nigeldg said:
There's a difference between being new to Android and not being able to read. Use the search tool and every single one of your questions can and have been answered.
ya and what are forums for but to look at,,, people repeating the same old **** constantly. It does not help anyone to look at the words people SAY AND THEN TO ridicule other people constantly . GIVE IT A BREAK. ARE YOU THE ONE THATS FRUSTRATED. GET A GRIP. THIS IS LIFE.
ROCK AND ROLLLLL....................................
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shanman-2 said:
Nigeldg said:
There's a difference between being new to Android and not being able to read. Use the search tool and every single one of your questions can and have been answered.
ya and what are forums for but to look at,,, people repeating the same old **** constantly. It does not help anyone to look at the words people SAY AND THEN TO ridicule other people constantly . GIVE IT A BREAK. ARE YOU THE ONE THATS FRUSTRATED. GET A GRIP. THIS IS LIFE.
ROCK AND ROLLLLL....................................
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well if people would follow the FORUM RULES AND SEARCH
and mods would be more worried about the 500 threads about the same thing and delete them instead of deleting 4 or 5 offtopic posts
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Stop it moderators
come on man, if u find it frustrating to delete 500 posts quit the job man. Atleast dont ridicule the new people.
Anyways, to the person who asked, The NAND version is a bit difficult to install but as it is on internal memory, it is much faster and stable than the SD version. The sd version can be booted up anytime for your stock WinMo 6.5. so u have two Os at any one time. i wud go for NAND but if u are new to this first try SD versions.
adil1508 said:
come on man, if u find it frustrating to delete 500 posts quit the job man. Atleast dont ridicule the new people.
Anyways, to the person who asked, The NAND version is a bit difficult to install but as it is on internal memory, it is much faster and stable than the SD version. The sd version can be booted up anytime for your stock WinMo 6.5. so u have two Os at any one time. i wud go for NAND but if u are new to this first try SD versions.
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He isn't a mod? Plus you're giving incorrect information. The NAND version is NOT difficult to install, if you just READ. Seriously people, this is exactly what I mean. Reading=good, and the internet contains almost anything you could possibly want to know if you look properly. This guide could not be simpler, even for a newbie like I was. I'm 15, and flashed Android on this phone when I was 14 (plus I don't do any computing or IT in school or anything) so as long as you speak English, you can understand this guide with ease.
shanman-2 said:
ya and what are forums for but to look at,,, people repeating the same old **** constantly. It does not help anyone to look at the words people SAY AND THEN TO ridicule other people constantly . GIVE IT A BREAK. ARE YOU THE ONE THATS FRUSTRATED. GET A GRIP. THIS IS LIFE.
ROCK AND ROLLLLL....................................
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I couldn't quite understand your first point (three commas doesn't really help me much) as there's a distinction between 'what are forums for but to look at?' and 'what are forums for but to look at people repeating the same old **** constantly'. Both are still wrong, but the first is far more correct. Forums are for sharing information with a wide variety of people. This includes of asking and having your questions answered, but it also includes SEARCHING the forum for your answer. These questions have already been asked and answered a tonne of times. If he searched he could have found the answer. I reckon that theoretically we could fit all of the different non ROM-specific questions which get asked here within just 5 pages at the very most, rather than having the forums span on for ages.
Nigeldg said:
He isn't a mod? Plus you're giving incorrect information. The NAND version is NOT difficult to install, if you just READ. Seriously people, this is exactly what I mean. Reading=good, and the internet contains almost anything you could possibly want to know if you look properly. This guide could not be simpler, even for a newbie like I was. I'm 15, and flashed Android on this phone when I was 14 (plus I don't do any computing or IT in school or anything) so as long as you speak English, you can understand this guide with ease.
I couldn't quite understand your first point (three commas doesn't really help me much) as there's a distinction between 'what are forums for but to look at?' and 'what are forums for but to look at people repeating the same old **** constantly'. Both are still wrong, but the first is far more correct. Forums are for sharing information with a wide variety of people. This includes of asking and having your questions answered, but it also includes SEARCHING the forum for your answer. These questions have already been asked and answered a tonne of times. If he searched he could have found the answer. I reckon that theoretically we could fit all of the different non ROM-specific questions which get asked here within just 5 pages at the very most, rather than having the forums span on for ages.
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chuckles it wouldnt be pretty if i was a mod lol
Try starting by READING the guide, it's not that hard to do. Just follow the instruction and READ carefully. Dont skip the sentence if u don't want to Brick your phone.
+1 Vote for NAND Android
Anyway i can't tell what's perfectly right for you. U will have to try it your self.
I tried like 4-5 ROM until i found what's right for me. However if u can do it once, the rest is just a piece of cake.
Like the other guyz said. Nearly all problem that u have, someone had already post the solution for that keep searching if u encounter any trouble.
While you were arguing about my question, and writing long posts, instead of giving your advice ... i installed one NAND rom, Energy one, but i think it installed on the SD ... because it asked me to format 1024mb on the SD card, so it is not really a NAND one i think ... and also, it looks a little bit slow ... freezes from time to time, not so smooth as expected ... and i read many articles, but i just wanted an advice, why to try all roms, when you can tell me 1 - 2- 3 roms that worth the try? This forum is so full with information, that for new people like me its too difficult to see the important threads for our needs, thats why we ask you, the people being long time here, tried more of the roms, and read lall the things, because i dont want to loose mu life in reading here, for thing i can do for 10 min, and then never look back for it ... SO Finally, few people helped me, the rest was arguing ... and who is the smartest of all of you? Instead of writing long posts telling me to read, you can simply write 3 sentences ... I am using this rom, i tried this and this and are also good, NAND means on memory like windows, SD means on card, NAND is faster, read "This" thread it will help you with your problem ... its so simple to help people, do you think i need to read all this forum, to install and use android? and this is forum with live people, not internet book ... so asking is part of forum, so, i am new to android, not to forums and reading ... thats why ... stop telling people to stop asking, be nice, if you dont want to answer, then dont ... if you feel like you want to help, do it ... and you will save you alot of antystress pills! Peace
sadmind said:
While you were arguing about my question, and writing long posts, instead of giving your advice ... i installed one NAND rom, Energy one, but i think it installed on the SD ... because it asked me to format 1024mb on the SD card, so it is not really a NAND one i think ... and also, it looks a little bit slow ... freezes from time to time, not so smooth as expected ... and i read many articles, but i just wanted an advice, why to try all roms, when you can tell me 1 - 2- 3 roms that worth the try? This forum is so full with information, that for new people like me its too difficult to see the important threads for our needs, thats why we ask you, the people being long time here, tried more of the roms, and read lall the things, because i dont want to loose mu life in reading here, for thing i can do for 10 min, and then never look back for it ... SO Finally, few people helped me, the rest was arguing ... and who is the smartest of all of you? Instead of writing long posts telling me to read, you can simply write 3 sentences ... I am using this rom, i tried this and this and are also good, NAND means on memory like windows, SD means on card, NAND is faster, read "This" thread it will help you with your problem ... its so simple to help people, do you think i need to read all this forum, to install and use android? and this is forum with live people, not internet book ... so asking is part of forum, so, i am new to android, not to forums and reading ... thats why ... stop telling people to stop asking, be nice, if you dont want to answer, then dont ... if you feel like you want to help, do it ... and you will save you alot of antystress pills! Peace
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And if you found all of that information on your own, why did you have to bother creating this thread? Also, you just don't want to read do you? When you said 'format 1024mb on my SD card' you mean creating an SD-EXT partition. Again, if you had read carefully you would realise that this is necessary for Sense 3.5 builds on EU HD2s and you would know that that is a NAND ROM. I was confused about this at first as well, so what did I do? I did some READING and figured it out logically. Finally, if you're experiencing lag and stuff, try a lighter ROM such as a CM7/MIUI/CM9/AOKP ROM, Sense is very bloated and (IMO) too slow compared to CM9. Plus, CM9 has full HWA.
I can recommend NAND:
-Dorimanx 3.1.7 CM7 rom (install 3.1.7 and not - broken script)
-Tytung's roms (there are some)
-TouchWiz roms (stable for me)
-And HWA roms, read about them, I use Nightlies and all right
And most roms, like Sense roms (including Energy) needs EXT partitions for additional data.
And better use cLK bootloader.
Thing is, posts with questions that don't have or hard to answer (can't be searched about) don't get any replies. :screwy:
hengsheng120 said:
Thing is, posts with questions that don't have or hard to answer (can't be searched about) don't get any replies. :screwy:
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Yep, that's basically one of the main reasons I dislike it when people post unnecessary threads. Not only does it clutter up the forum but it also shoves other people with genuine problems off the first page, and their questions are unanswered. This most certainly isn't fair in my opinion.
Here you go...
sadmind said:
While you were arguing about my question, and writing long posts, instead of giving your advice ... if you feel like you want to help, do it ... and you will save you alot of antystress pills! Peace
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I posted this a while back and was written like it was going to be your very first attempt at putting android on your phone. You can still follow this guide from step one till the end to make sure your doing everything correctly... Hope this helps and if it does hit up that thanks button at sometime.
(Im attaching most of the files you need at the end of the post. You'll have to find the radio, step 2, yourself because i cant compress it enough to fit under the 8mb attachment limit on xda. This is just in case you dont have them already or your not using the HD2 Toolkit)
THESE STEPS ARE TO BE DONE AFTER THE OP INITIAL PREREQUISITES i.e. windows mobile device center, activesync, proper spl version...
--------the following steps (1 - 3) are to be preformed while at the tri-color boot screen (easiest way to reach is to turn off your phone while its connected to your PC then immediately hold volume down button till you see it n wait for it to say usb in the white section).
(by the way your device will ALWAYS automatically restart itself after a couple seconds if it is shut down while plugged in via USB to either a wall/car charger or hooked up to a PC this is normal)
1. install hspl3/hspl4
-run the "HSPL3_PKG/HSPL4_PKG" file. should be the only one in there
-make sure you select 2.08.HSPL in the setup and go thru the wizard just like you would any other. It will only take a few moments to execute and once it finishes it will auto reboot your device. MAKE SURE AS SOON AS YOUR DEVICE TURNS OFF YOU HOLD DOWN ON THE VOLUME KEY IMMEDIATELY TO GET BACK TO THE TRI COLOR BOOT SCREEN.
2. install radio
-run the "customRUU" file with the HD2 icon in the radio of your choosing
-it will operate in a similar fashion as the HSPL3/4, automatically turning off device upon completion... make sure you hold down on the vol key again to get yourself back to the tri color boot screen.
3. install magldr113
-make sure your selecting "rom update utility" in the magldr113 file. dont run the "DAF" it wont work properly if you do and youll get errors
[B4. install CWM recovery [/B]
-go to option 5 "USB Flasher" and hit the green call key. wait a few moments till it shows USB....USB make sure the second usb pops up and your PC recognizes the connection. then when it does sync you get to......
-while still in the usb flasher mode above, simply run you desired CWM recovery which should the one your developer recommends for the builds as the requirements tend to vary from rom to rom.
-this is achieved by selecting the "DAF" file from the clockworkmod recovery your using
-and again this installer will shut off your device upon completion and HOLD DOWN THE POWER KEY LIKE ABOVE TILL YOUR BACK AT THE MAGLDR MAIN MENU (with options 1-12).
5. install rom
-go to option 8 "AD Recovery" and hit the green call button to enter into the CWM recovery u just installed
-after it loads up (GO!GO!GO!) go down to the "mounts and storage" option that is third from the bottom and hit the call key.
-once there go to the last option "mount USB storage" and hit the call key.
-give your PC a few moments to recognize the sd card for your device and choose to open it when your PC prompts with the regular file explorer or just find it and double click on the newly recognized drive (sdcard) if your PC doesnt auto prompt you.
-the new drive (sdcard) should be empty (depending...) then just find the desired rom you chose to use, right click on it and copy.....then over to the new drive (sdcard) and paste. might take a min or two depending on the roms size
-once the copying is complete hit the call button to "unmount" your sdcard then the back button on your device till your back at the CWM main screen
-go to the fifth option down and "install zip from sdcard" and hit the call button
-select the second option "choose zip from sdcard" and select the zip file you just copied to your sdcard. then it will begin to install the rom and all rom install times vary by build. some take a minute, some seem like they take forever.
-once installation is complete hit the back button till your back at CWM main screen and choose the last option which is to "power off"
-then tap the power button(if u unplugged it from usb otherwise it wil reboot by itself) to turn on your device and give it some time for the initial boot and load as it has to set up everything u just installed. subsequent boot wont take as long but again it can all vary from rom to rom.
-after initial load and a successful bootup you should arrive at ether the lockscreen or a startup screen. give the rom a few more mins to settle and dont hit any buttons. then unlock the device or skip through the startup options and get to the home screen. maybe give it another min to settle the launcher and the last bit of data and resist the urge to mess with the features. your gonna hate this but hold down the power button and select power off device from the popup men. i know it sucks but it is best practice when flashing roms and the like. after device shuts off wait a few seconds and turn it back on and let it reboot. should be faster this time and when u get to your lockscreen simply give it a few seconds to settle again, unlock and go to main launcher a wait a couple more seconds for it to finish settling and.....have fun!
Maybe its not so abridged but oh well tried my best to be as clear as possible so people can utilize their HD2 to its fullest potential.
HOPE THIS HELPS and lemme know if i need to edit any information.
Oh yeah and as for ROM selections give these a try:
CM7/gingerbread - Typhoon by Tyween, Dorimanx High End Rom by Dorimanx
Sense 3.x/gingerbread - Team blue Droid by Dansta, Sensation XL stock by carl 1961
CM9/ics - Unofficial AOKP for HD2 by Xylograph, Nexus HD2 ICS by Tytung
There are lots more to choose from, these are just some of the more notable ones that ive used.
DON'T post guides that are incorrect. @OP if you want a proper guide, followthis one. It's actually correct unlike the one posted above.
Check yourself little one
Nigeldg said:
DON'T post guides that are incorrect. @OP if you want a proper guide, followthis one. It's actually correct unlike the one posted above.
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Well, I did ask (nicely) for corrections. So what part of this is wrong? I use this same procedure for every rom i flash, well plus/minus a few steps. Pretty sure this works as this has helped other people in the past. While Mskip's guide is very useful, to a beginner it can seem lil overwheling with all of the information he provides. Mine was supposed to be a quick run-thru of the steps.
So please inform me, with all that 15 yr old experience, what is not correct...
Well, I did ask (nicely) for corrections. So what part of this is wrong? I use this same procedure for every rom i flash, well plus/minus a few steps. Pretty sure this works as this has helped other people in the past. While Mskip's guide is very useful, to a beginner it can seem lil overwheling with all of the information he provides. Mine was supposed to be a quick run-thru of the steps.
So please inform me, with all that 15 yr old experience, what is not correct...
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Sorry about that, didn't see that part. However, there's no need to be patronising, I know a fair amount, and judging by this guide you don't.
1. run task 29
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Not correct, HSPL is needed first. You only mentioned 'the OP prerequisites e.g. correct SPL version'. SPL isn't the same as HSPL, and the OP often doesn't contain info like this. Devs don't write guides on how to flash in all their ROMs, plus if this is a newbie guide you should mention this as step 1.
As well as this, Task29 is 100% useless in this case. When you unnecessarily suggest Task29s, people get into the habit of doing them every time they flash. This repeated writing of the NAND can eventually lead to bad blocks.
3. install hspl3/hspl4
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I don't think I need to point out your mistake here, you should easily be able to figure it out.
5. install CWM recovery
-go to option 5 "USB Flasher" and hit the green call key. wait a few moments till it shows USB....USB make sure the second usb pops up and your PC recognizes the connection. then when it does sync you get to......
-while still in the usb flasher mode above, simply run you desired CWM recovery which should the one your developer recommends for the builds as the requirements tend to vary from rom to rom.
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I would like to stress that you call this a guide for newbies. This isn't clear enough. It implies CWM version (no actual mention of partition sizes, which is key)
6. install rom
-go to option 8 "AD Recovery" and hit the green call button to enter into the CWM recovery u just installed
-after it loads up (GO!GO!GO!) go down to the "mounts and storage" option that is third from the bottom and hit the call key.
-once there go to the last option "mount USB storage" and hit the call key.
-give your PC a few moments to recognize the sd card for your device and choose to open it when your PC prompts with the regular file explorer or just find it and double click on the newly recognized drive (sdcard) if your PC doesnt auto prompt you.
-the new drive (sdcard) should be empty (depending...) then just find the desired rom you chose to use, right click on it and copy.....then over to the new drive (sdcard) and paste. might take a min or two depending on the roms size
-once the copying is complete hit the call button to "unmount" your sdcard then the back button on your device till your back at the CWM main screen
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There have been many reports of file corruption when using this method to copy over a ROM. Also, why should the new drive be empty? This would imply you would have to delete the contents of your SD card in order to flash a ROM, which you don't.
Also, no mention of partitioning the SD card. You've listed Sense 3.x ROMs as recommended, yet you need an SD card partition to run these. A newbie would not know this of course and would probably end up creating a new thread about 'why isn't my ROM working?? '.
This guide, whilst you're obviously trying to do a good thing by helping people, would just confuse a newbie, not help them. By following it to the letter you'd probably incorrectly/unsuccessfully flash Android.
- I'm using IceCreamTosti v1.1a [AOKP B36][HWA][4.0.4][marc1706s_ics_0.1.1] by Xylograph.
anyway. all the great rom is the most viewed one i think.
but to define which ROM is the BEST is very difficult because TASTE is different hehehe.
Awww snap!, where do i start...
Nigeldg said:
Sorry about that, didn't see that part. However, there's no need to be patronising, I know a fair amount, and judging by this guide you don't.
Not correct, HSPL is needed first. You only mentioned 'the OP prerequisites e.g. correct SPL version'. SPL isn't the same as HSPL, and the OP often doesn't contain info like this. Devs don't write guides on how to flash in all their ROMs, plus if this is a newbie guide you should mention this as step 1.
As well as this, Task29 is 100% useless in this case. When you unnecessarily suggest Task29s, people get into the habit of doing them every time they flash. This repeated writing of the NAND can eventually lead to bad blocks.
I don't think I need to point out your mistake here, you should easily be able to figure it out.
I would like to stress that you call this a guide for newbies. This isn't clear enough. It implies CWM version (no actual mention of partition sizes, which is key)
There have been many reports of file corruption when using this method to copy over a ROM. Also, why should the new drive be empty? This would imply you would have to delete the contents of your SD card in order to flash a ROM, which you don't.
Also, no mention of partitioning the SD card. You've listed Sense 3.x ROMs as recommended, yet you need an SD card partition to run these. A newbie would not know this of course and would probably end up creating a new thread about 'why isn't my ROM working?? '.
This guide, whilst you're obviously trying to do a good thing by helping people, would just confuse a newbie, not help them. By following it to the letter you'd probably incorrectly/unsuccessfully flash Android.
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First off, I did say that i posted this elsewhere, soooo the OP that was referenced wasnt this threads OP or a devs OP, it posted in a different thread where the OP had a huge long guide that again had a lot of information to sort thru and mine was an attempt to streamline that process.
The spl version i spoke of was in reference to...
IMPORTANT: To install/uninstall this HSPL3 there must be any SPL version from this list on your device:
SPL 1.42.0000, SPL 1.62.0000, SPL 1.66.0000, SPL 2.07.0000, SPL 2.08.0000, SPL 2.10.0000, SPL 3.03.000 - courtesy of mskips guide
I thought a task29 would be good in this case because this OP in this thread said he had tried an sd card version or something or whatever he had done and it wasnt working very well so why not get everything off there he may have done. Also your task 29 causing bad blocks might be true, but its no different from flashing roms that write to nand or installing a bunch of apps n such. If i am not mistaken they all write to nand anyway as well, so by your logic you better be careful installing roms... might lead to bad blocks! OH NO!
If this is one of the first times you flash android to nand you probably dont have much or anything at all on your sdcard. Like i said I POSTED THIS ELSEWHERE for a quick step by step for a beginners. Ive been installing roms this way for a couple years on this device and have never had any problems with file corruption... only spoiled know it all little kids.
The CWM file i included has a 180 system layout which will work with most CM7 & CM9. I figured if it came to it and he need another version he could just edit the cfg file or find the correct one as a good number of devs will just include this in their OPs.
And yes step 3 is a little redundant because you have already (obviously) had to do this. I included it because i found that some people were just choosing the first option to install 2.08 and not 2.08hspl in the HSPL3/4 wizard. The redundancy was to make sure people are clicking the right option. I even did this once a year or so back and didnt catch my mistake right away.
And as for partitioning the sdcard for sense 3.x roms I was pretty sure that Dansta34 and Carl 1961 roms dont require this anymore as they trimmed down the roms and im pretty sure it isnt required for tmoUSA devices because of the increase in internal memory while the EU version did or does because it has half the space. Not sure on this because the last time i was running a sense3.x rom was last fall so there is a chance i was mistaken. Plus if you do need to create a ext3/4 partition im pretty sure its stated in the roms OP.
Next time you flash a rom go ahead and follow the above steps and i bet you it works.
And you started the patronizing by the way you have chosen to respond to sadmind's posts... thats that whole pot calling the kettle black thing...
So quit trolling threads and further clogging them up with your know it all nonsense... a sign of your immaturity. Instead of helping the guy with a post or two YOU clog threads up by being unhelpful and repeating the "its posted elsewhere so look for it" line. Its a quick way to get over a thousand posts thats for sure! And why waste your time posting in this thread anyway if you not gonna help. Just ignore the question and move on already. Damn kids!
