Visual studio + htc hd - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi everybody,
I need some help in order to solve the following issue:
I have to develop a procedure on a mobile device dual touch HD that, thanks to a bigger screen, is able to store and group more info on a single form. Unfortunately I don’t know if it’s possible to obtain in VS2008 the correct ide of the device, in order to correctly position the form’s controls.
Anyone knows if this is possible? And How?
Thanks a lot

which language do you use? c#, or c++???
In c# or you have to do the "anchor" value.

thanks for your support.
i use C# .
my problem is not where to put the object , but how to obtain the IDE of HTC diplay
look attach

What do you mean the IDE of the htc display ? Visual Studio 2008 has the IDE built in. I see them in your screenshots.

sorry , IDE of visual Studio not IDE of HTC

You'll need to install additional emulator image. Download and install Windows Mobile 6.1.4 Professional
and you can choose the wvga emulator (unfortunately not with the HD skin).

ok thanks heliosdev
i will try!! ehehe


Regarding The Dialing Ability of XDA2s(Urgent Help needed)

I am new into this ...having a bit of problem what i m trying to do .
what i m trying to do is cancel / override the dial functionality of the xd2s .
so that it cant dial any number either form dial button or clicking on the screen without effecting the other dial abilities used in other application like RAS etc.
I have downloaded the wince 5.0 shared source code. and i have been trying to dig out things .but its a sea of code to me . :shock: What i gussed that
Tapi does the call for the xda2s .
Secondly i m using the plat form builder to create a customize image of OS to run in my XDA but i m unable to download it to the Visual Studio emulator ....
PLease help me how can i check that the exactly what XDA is doing at the back to dial a number like which tapi function or what ,
ans please let me know how can i download the image on simulator to test .
Thanks in Advance ...
Any advice will be highly apprecited.

how to access database tables in VS2005

Hi developers.
Could anybody tell me what's the easyest way to connect to some kind of DB for Table in WM5 ? What DB are you using, MS-Access for ppc or any sql for ppc ?
I'm programming with VS2005. VB or C# are ok for me.
Any suggestions, Links or sample code ?
Thanks in advance,

how do i start to develope a WM's application?

Hi experts,
i'm new in developing WM application. May i know what kind of development tools (programming language) should i use to develope a WM applicatin?
and where can i download the tools? and also where can i get help on these tools/language?
thank you.
hhhmmm not sure if that thread is a misstake
about programming read this

Vb source code

Hi i have vb source code of pc small software... how can i make it work on windows mobile?
And the source code is attached here and the exe and the access database...
Please help me with this
nothing?!?!? please need help
if it's vb .net there is a good chance you can recompile it with minor changes in visual studio 2005 or later

Java - midp 2.0

anybody could help me? I need JAVA - MIDP 2.0 emulator on my jasjam, and I couldn't find it through google, could anyone share this software or similar sofware to open programs which need JAVA - MIDP 2.0???? thank you in advance...
Try this one from Schaps..

