Any ROMs besides Haykuro 1.5x and 5.0x allow surfing while on phone? - G1 General

I asked SimonNWalker to include this in his table but I haven't seen it yet. I've tried a couple of dozen ROMs/versions over the last 6 months because I get seduced by the new features, but this to me is one of the biggest and I've had to revert back a number of times because many or most don't seem to support this.
I'm on the phone a lot using my BT headset and I love being able to surf while I am talking. Can any of the newer ROMs do this?

Are you using 3G or not? I'm trying to remember a time when I've surfed while talking, but I usually just talk when I'm on the phone. IIRC, I've been able to use the data connection during a call in 3G areas.

I am in a 3G area so much if not all of it has been on 3G I think. I know it is a full data connection because I can browse, send/receive emails, etc. while on the phone (vs. just SMS on many ROMs)

I don't believe its a limitation of the ROM.
From what I remember before I rooted my phone on regular RC33 I was able to talk and surf at the same time provided it was a 3G connection.

I think it might be due to the fact that you're dropping your data connection in-call. I've tried the following builds and they all work in regards to data use during a phone call:
JF 1.5
Haykuro 5.01-6.01
Dude's 1.0-1.2b
Bottom line is this, while you're in a call, look at the status bar. If your 3G icon is gone or replaced by E, G, or nothing at all, then your phone is dropping data connection while in the call. Generally speaking, I have found this to be the case where my cell phone is bouncing a clear cell signal off of one tower, but the 3G signal strength is poor from another.

to use data and voice at the same time you have to have a strong 3g connection this is the purpose of 3g so this is not a rom problem its a poor 3g connection on your phone or no 3g connection where you are at

I've have never had a problem surfing and talking at the same time, on any ROM for that matter.

I will take your word for it but I have been using these forever I can definitively say that a number of the ROMs would not allow this while I am in my house while Haykuro's did. There are a number of posts from a couple of months ago as well where posters asked how it was done and at that time at least TheDude's versions and JF's wouldn't do it. The Haykuro 1.5's were relatively new, and maybe they can all do it now but they absolutely didn't do it in the past.
Good to hear, now if a good ION or Hero or Rogers ROM with Exchange comes out I will jump on it.


HSDPA/3G automatic switching

I have just upgraded to the official GPS ROM and I am on the Swedish 3 operator. I have noticed since the upgrade that the network connection is switching from 3G to HSDPA when there is a demand of bandwidth or simply when there is data in either direction.
I can see that the purpose of this was to make it possible and more reliable to place and receive calls during data sessions. I have figured out though, that with the old ROM, there was no such switching (but there was no distinction with the icon, so you really had no idea) and the connection speed was always constantly 1Mbits/s when using Internet Sharing for example. Now with the HSDPA/3G switching/throttling, the connection often drops down to 3G speeds and Skype-calls are lacking quality from this a bit when using Skype in the car which i do quite regularly nowadays using my Jabra JX-10 headset.
I also realize that there is still a problem with outgoing and incoming calls during these automaticly switched-on HSDPA-sessions. That is probably why HTC has decided to keep the HSDPA sessions as short as possible, that's fine, but what boggles me is the algorithm used for the switching. It seems to always kick in HSDPA in the beginning of a new data session, and after a short time of inactivity (while pondering what favourite page to open this time) the connection drops down to 3G and it won't kick back to HSDPA even when you start browsing again, until a certain period of "non-HSDPA-ratio" has been reached and the phone thinks it would be OK to kick in the highspeed again for a little while.
I also noticed that using Skype would keep HSDPA alive once you place a call from a fresh started data session and keep talking ;-)
This is not a particular problem to me, I was just wondering of anyone else here has noticed and had an idea of what the programmers had in mind?
BTW: I am running TomTom 6.010 and Franson GpsGate on the machine now and it works absolutely like a dream. I used to have a Blue-I Bluetooth GPS in the car (Trimble based chipset, only 8 channels but quite OK piece of hardware) but this is far superior when it comes to HOLDING a persistent fix also when moving indoors. The TTFF is quite fast as long as you are outdoors, most of the time i have a fix before i leave the parking space. I noticed there being a dynamic number of satellites of the receiver, sometimes i see 7 out of 8 satellites, and then sometimes i see 10 out of 12! Anyone noticed?
Thanks in advance! Cheers...
It’s not your phone that decide to change from HSDPA mode to normal R99 (384kbits) mode and vice versa. Everything are always controlled by the network. The behaviors that you describe are normal. Besides the HSDPA is quit new for the operators and new parameters needs to be tuned for best performance for every users.
BTW, the degradation that you notice. You are not alone that use HSDPA.... Its finally the big success for 3G
I use Phone Alarm profiles and BandSwitch to control my connection based on business hours. I get a poor singal unless on 3G where my office is located. I force it to GPRS otherwise to save battery.
I have similar problems, cannot receive or start calls when HSDPA connected. Shouldn't that be possible anyway, calling and transferring data at the same time? Or is this a network provider problem?
I too am on the Swedish operator 3. I have an unlocked, non-operator distributed HTC TyTN that I had updated the radio to 1.40xxx and the ROM to Black Dymond 3.5 and was having the exact same problem. I could reproduce the incoming call not getting through error every single time I got the phone to go into HSDPA mode.
After some initial searching I read somewhere it was network dependent (Nokia switches vs Ericsson) and the only way to solve it was to disable the HSDPA using e.g. HTweakC, which I did and it solved the problem, but then of course I couldn't take advantage of the high-speed data access, which was the major reason I got this phone.
I recently noticed that 3 released a new extended ROM with instructions to update the ROM to the latest (as is available on the ftp here) then install their ExtROM. I went to the trouble to try and breakdown what was in this extended ROM, but being a newbie to pocketpc it was all hyroglyphics to me, so I went ahead and installed it over my old HTC ext ROM (which I saved for later use just in case).
When I get around to it I may mount this extended ROM here (I have it, but don't have too much time to put it up right now, so someone may beat me to it).
Anyway, Black Dymond 3.5 didn't install the Extended ROM after a hard reset (assuming that was the intention), so I did it myself afterwards. One initial bug that showed up quickly was the Comm Manager not wanting to start saying it would only manage a max of 7 items (whatever that means). So I installed Schaps latest Comm Manager and it worked fine.
Well, guess what, now there's a daemond that starts on boot and the phone app is different (another bug is that the text on the phone app buttons remain in the 3 theme although I changed back to black, but that's minor), but now I cannot replicate the no incoming calls during HSDPA error.
Apparently they've added something that makes the phone connect properly to their 3G/HSDPA network for call handling. Now I've got full HSDPA speed and no problem on incoming calls (plus still have Black Dymond's great VOIP/SIP WM6 solution).
Ok, as a noob I of course missed the fact that the daemon starting at boot is Voice Commander. Still the actual phone app/dll is somehow different with this ExtROM and it's solved my problems.

Xperia Issues and Thoughts

I've had the US version for a few days now and figured I would share my experience thus far. This is not a definitive list. I ordered through and am operating on T-mobile in the US.
The good:
1. Phone build is spectacular.
2. Screen resolution is the best I've ever seen.
3. Wifi picks up and logs on quicker than any phone I've had.
4. Touch-flo cabs can be added very easily. Can mix and match the two GUI's.
The bad:
1. Internet and regular calling access is sporadic. I need to perform a soft reset every few hours or nothing works.
2. A fully charged battery will be used up by evening if push email is auto and have moderate phone use.
3. The phone doesn't seem to be able to switch towers in the middle of a phone call. The calls are dropped and you have to call the person back.
Overall, the phone is really incredible and it's being hampered by OS build or something. If the phone didn't have the potential that it does, I would send it back. I figure I'll be patient and wait for the dev team to patch or cook something. I've used the HTC Touch Pro (Fuze) and the Xperia is definitely more sexy and has a better build and keyboard (personal opinion). It will be interesting to see if any others have the same issues and if it's associated with T-mobile US only.
cooool you have the X1a? Do you mind dumping your ROMs please?
Lurchy24 said:
1. Internet and regular calling access is sporadic. I need to perform a soft reset every few hours or nothing works.
2. A fully charged battery will be used up by evening if push email is auto and have moderate phone use.
3. The phone doesn't seem to be able to switch towers in the middle of a phone call. The calls are dropped and you have to call the person back.
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none present on my X1i. For the battery, just wait, is still new... use it for 5/6 cycles and should be better. Also no issue for internet/calling and don't understand what you mean about towers...
Lurchy24 said:
The bad:
1. Internet and regular calling access is sporadic. I need to perform a soft reset every few hours or nothing works.
2. A fully charged battery will be used up by evening if push email is auto and have moderate phone use.
3. The phone doesn't seem to be able to switch towers in the middle of a phone call. The calls are dropped and you have to call the person back.
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1°) The BT and wifi are bugged. The BT disconnects sometimes (already told in other threads) and the wifi passwords are sometimes just lost.
But on 3G/GPRS/UMTS no problem and no need to perform soft reset.
2°) ouah, perhaps you have a problem there... I have (in France) a software that retrieves the mails (every 15 minutes) with a specific data connection.
This with some Wifi on, UMTS on and some calls, my X1i makes a lot more than a single day.
Did you install something that is draining the battery?
3°) weird, I live in a place where 3G signal is low, and I definitly swap from "2G" to "3G" without a hitch, even while a phone call.
Lurchy24 said:
The bad:
1. Internet and regular calling access is sporadic. I need to perform a soft reset every few hours or nothing works.
2. A fully charged battery will be used up by evening if push email is auto and have moderate phone use.
3. The phone doesn't seem to be able to switch towers in the middle of a phone call. The calls are dropped and you have to call the person back.
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I have not had any problem with #1 and #2, and I'm also on pushmail mode. By the evening, I would still have 50-60% depending on the activities I carry out with my Xperia during the day time (obviously lesser if I do alot of video playback, etc)
for #3, I doubt any phone would be able to switch tower w/o dropping the call. It's the case for any GSM phone, and I could prove that since I got a UMTS access point (equivalent of the tower except that this is a "personal" one ) at home, and once I walked out of the coverage zone, the call will drop regardless of which phone I hold.
By towers, I think he means cell towers, i.e when he is in the range of one tower, lets say while driving, then leaves that tower's range and goes oto another tower, it doesnt switch, it just drops the call.
Yep, I know where the points are on my drive when the range of one tower ends and the other begins. My previous phones could all make the transition without issue. My Xperia definitely can not. 25 minute drive = 3 towers and 2 dropped calls.
Had to soft reset twice this morning before I could get a call to go through. The phone says connecting and then connected but nothing comes through. Real pain in the butt.
Perhaps I have a defective model? Anyone else using X1a on T-mobile in US. I would like to know if it's a ROM issue that can be fixed or somehow the phone isn't compatible with T-mo US....
Lurchy24 said:
Yep, I know where the points are on my drive when the range of one tower ends and the other begins. My previous phones could all make the transition without issue. My Xperia definitely can not. 25 minute drive = 3 towers and 2 dropped calls.
Had to soft reset twice this morning before I could get a call to go through. The phone says connecting and then connected but nothing comes through. Real pain in the butt.
Perhaps I have a defective model? Anyone else using X1a on T-mobile in US. I would like to know if it's a ROM issue that can be fixed or somehow the phone isn't compatible with T-mo US....
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I wonder if the ril file jack posted would help?
What is that file and where can I find it? Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a shot.
rorydaredkign said:
By towers, I think he means cell towers, i.e when he is in the range of one tower, lets say while driving, then leaves that tower's range and goes oto another tower, it doesnt switch, it just drops the call.
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yes I know he's refering to the cell towers.
I do have a home version of cell tower at home too. It doesn't switch and it happens for all the phones.
zenkinz said:
for #3, I doubt any phone would be able to switch tower w/o dropping the call. It's the case for any GSM phone, and I could prove that since I got a UMTS access point (equivalent of the tower except that this is a "personal" one ) at home, and once I walked out of the coverage zone, the call will drop regardless of which phone I hold.
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Sorry but you are talking crap. The whole point of the GSM standard is to get phones to carry on talking as you move location. I suggest you read about Handover (or Handoff). The Wiki page isn't the best I've seen, but it does try to explain it.
artesea said:
Sorry but you are talking crap. The whole point of the GSM standard is to get phones to carry on talking as you move location. I suggest you read about Handover (or Handoff). The Wiki page isn't the best I've seen, but it does try to explain it.
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ok I stand corrected. my apologises.
I just noticed that my phone (and my wife's phone) cuts off once I move out of my home umts access point, so I assume its the same for all the cell towers. (on hindset, mine being be a scaled down cell tower so I shouldn't be using that to prove commercial one )
That said, in reading further, do you know if soft or hard handoff is generally implemented in CDMA network? I suspect it's the latter, and that probably explains why you have dropped call due to inability to switch to the new channel fast enough?
zenkinz said:
ok I stand corrected. my apologises.
I just noticed that my phone (and my wife's phone) cuts off once I move out of my home umts access point, so I assume its the same for all the cell towers. (on hindset, mine being be a scaled down cell tower so I shouldn't be using that to prove commercial one )
That said, in reading further, do you know if soft or hard handoff is generally implemented in CDMA network? I suspect it's the latter, and that probably explains why you have dropped call due to inability to switch to the new channel fast enough?
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I doubt your home-hosted access point would be allowed to perform a handover with public cell tower, that's why it cuts off. It's like trying to move from one WLAN SSID to another. If you read more about handover, you'll notice that it includes a lot of security measure also. If handovering and handovered base stations are under different controller(RNC), all encryption information has to be passed from old controller to the new one, etc...
Yes, The point of GSM is that it 'hands off' the call as you pass by different cells automatically, so no dropped calls.
In fact, this is ONE reason they do not want people to use mobile phones on aeroplanes, is that since you would be on top of many towers/cells at one time, then they would be constantly changing/swapping among cells, and if there were a lot of people doing that, the chatter between the cells would be very great and overload them. Thats why they want to set up a cell on the plane itself, so that all the mobile phones talk to that cell only (as the strongest signal).
It has nothing to do with interference to the plane systems. If that was the case, it would be so easy for a terrorist to crash a plane, just bring on a radio transmitter and everyone dies.
Yes, it's the handoff that can't happen.
Othertimes, when I'm sitting in one place, I'll have 3 bars and the signal will suddenly disappear. The phone will take 15 seconds to reaquire and then it will be fine. Usually seems to happen when someone tries to call me. It's almost like the phone hasn't maintained a connection. Very annoying.

[POLL] Is your 3G worse after updating with new radio?

Just a simple poll to see how many people have worse 3G stability after the radio update. Personally, it's really bad for me.... I'll get about 5-10 mins of 3G (4 bars) access before it decides not to work in any app. To use data, I have to switch over to Edge which works 100% of the time.
I still get the same 3G as far as I have noticed, but I'm seeing some strange data rates: just tested at 903 down and 789 up. I've had more than a few of these results, even some where the up speed is higher than the down. All since the new radio. App I'm using is FWIW.
Hmmm... I did notice my 3G is faster but so much less stable. I still can't access the 3G since I started the topic. Hopefully someone else from Oklahoma sees this thread... maybe it's just my area.
I can get on EDGE all I want... I just can't do 3G, regardless of the fact I have 4 bars of it. It just pings the server every 5 secs and gets nothing in return, almost like the server is either refusing it or not there. I wonder if I have a bad APN?
I'm using the stock 2.1 rom+update from the other day... I installed a small superuser+highmem hack from modaco just to root it. No other mods/themes have been installed.
I believe the bars are just relating to standard voice connection status not the quality of your 3G. I could be wrong though. I think you can have a great voice conn and shoddy 3G and vice versa.
In Chicago and I have the same issue. I had no 3G problems before the update and now my phone constantly switches between 3G/Edge/no service.
My battery life is also very very poor now due to this.
Not very happy. Half the time I get no 3G at all now whereas before I had 4 bars almost everywhere.
Those that are having problems,
Settings | wireless & networks | mobile networks| network operators | Select your network.
verify if your troubles continue.
bofslime said:
Those that are having problems,
Settings | wireless & networks | mobile networks| network operators | Select your network.
verify if your troubles continue.
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Still having the problem... but after selecting T-Mobile, it now is showing the "upload" as solid instead of pinging every 5 secs... but I still get nothing downstream.
I play HomeRunBattle3D a lot and it constantly gets a weak connection or drops me out of the game.
At work I have 3G in only 1/2 the office now...
I flashed it to help but it def makes it worse for me.
I just applied the fix from above and will check back here after a few days...
I flashed this and I am using CM5 beta4 not sure if the E79 update has something else in the software as I dont think CM5 is using the OTA fixes yet so maybe the problem is there?
mine is difinately worse as well. Also after choosing tmobile network I think it made it even worse again. I assume this is similar to the problems others were having with the old radio when mine was fine. I was just hoping to maybe get some better reception with the new radio because that was lacking a bit.
now in my office where I used to get 3 bars 3g my phone is sitting here with 2-3 bars Edge. hmmm...I must admit though that it is browsing much faster on Edge than it was before...? Possible the roms are reading the radio incorrectly?
I used the phone on ATT edge before switching to tmobile and I was impressed by how fast even browsing was on ATT edge especially when Tmobile 3g didn't feel too much faster after I switched over. Tmobile edge was also dog slow. now Edge seems to have sped up a good bit....I might try flashing the stock rom for now and see how that does with the new radio.
Looks like those that are having issues are not running the stock rom (but have the new radio flashed). I'd be willing to bet switching back 100% stock (2.1 update-1)would resolve the issue.
bofslime said:
Looks like those that are having issues are not running the stock rom (but have the new radio flashed). I'd be willing to bet switching back 100% stock (2.1 update-1)would resolve the issue.
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I'm running stock.
Just to update everyone... I've had a good solid 3G connection for the past hour or so... with no hiccups.
*crosses fingers*
I'm beginning to think this is an issue on T-Mobile's end...
EDIT: Nevermind... there it went again.
SANTilt said:
I still get the same 3G as far as I have noticed, but I'm seeing some strange data rates: just tested at 903 down and 789 up. I've had more than a few of these results, even some where the up speed is higher than the down. All since the new radio. App I'm using is FWIW.
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I have not yet received the OTA update and I am seeing similarly large upload numbers today as well (it just started happening as of this morning). This is in the SF Bay Area. I'd be willing to be that they are more due to network upgrades than any changes in the 3G radio.
I'm on stock N1 bought on launch date. I had fine 3G before update and fine 3G after update. I would say I'm in 3G 99% of time. It even goes into HSDPA when I begin to surf and and when pages are done loading its back to UMTS..I've maybe only seen Edge once or twice since I've got my phone. I'm on Tmobile in Louisville .
It's been about the same pre/post update. It's rock solid 3-4 bars 3G w/HSPA most places, but bouncing between 3 bars of EDGE and 4 bars of 3G, with it usually being 2 bars of 3G at home. Before updating, it might have received one less bar everywhere.
3G seems to be around -100db, while 2G is around -70. Plus or minus 10db.
mine stayed the same, almost no 3G almost always edge, but now my GPS does not work.
Nexus on vodafone spain
I just had a single annoying problem related with 3G BEFORE the update...
And after the update...gues what?
It´s more of the SAME:
-Everytime I receive or make a 3G connection switch to GPRS and doesn´t recover unless I change over Airplane Mode.
Please...tell me that I´m the only one
3G was fine before the update, and now rarely works, and takes a long time to start when it does.
Im in San Antonio TX and before update, my 3g would go to edge every now and again. Not too big of a deal really. But after my update (I did the OTA manually thanks to the forums! ) I get 3g constantly and have yet to see the edge pop up.
My connection is definitely much less stable. I now strugle to load pages when I have a 3g icon and at least 2 bars of signal. Before the update I had no trouble loading pages even with a really weak signal. Something is definitely ****ed with this half baked update.
I also posted athread on google support forums, please contribute your findings there as that i the only place where google can actually see feedback.
Here is the link to the thread:

How Many People Are Having MAJOR PROBLEMS with DATA on T-Mobile HD2(Stock Rom)

Because this is F'ing ridiculous. I'm soon going to be on my 3rd HD2(T-Mobile is shipping me a new one tomorrow) the previous 2 just kept dropping my data connection. After about 3 hours of LESS of use my data would go out and only way to fix this is by doing a soft reset which is absolutely ridicules considering the damn thing just came out not less then 3 weeks ago. Am I just having bad luck or is there really an issue here that either T-Mobile or HTC need to address ASAP?!
ok now im starting to think it was T-Mobiles network not being able to handle all the new data over there lines or what not. Its been a full 2 days and I'm getting great data coverage. I'm getting my replacement HD2 tomorrow via UPS since I called T-Mobile and told them about the problem they said they would send me a new one. What should I do now. Its such a pain to have to set up my phone the way I like it but then again I dont want to risk having another data problem.
vampsandbats said:
Because this is F'ing ridiculous. I'm soon going to be on my 3rd HD2(T-Mobile is shipping me a new one tomorrow) the previous 2 just kept dropping my data connection. After about 3 hours of LESS of use my data would go out and only way to fix this is by doing a soft reset which is absolutely ridicules considering the damn thing just came out not less then 3 weeks ago. Am I just having bad luck or is there really an issue here that either T-Mobile or HTC need to address ASAP?!
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Dude, you are having some bad luck!
My phone is perfect. Well, it could use a keyboard, but otherwise...
same problem
I am have same problem..t-mobile 3g sucks i guess
It appears to be a common problems with HD2 users on the other side.
I was on the phone with T-mobile a few hours ago for an hour because my data connection would randomly drop. When I try to click it to turn it on, it would make me start a new data connection, wtf?
If I turn my phoen off and back on, it wouldn't even connect, with anything. The guy at T-mobile made me do a hard reset. My connection is fine now, but this was a hassle. I also notice Im not getting any better 3G service (as he said he update my network with better coverage).
I have the same problem with my phone. I have to constantly turn the data off and back on to get connection.
Both of my phones are doing it. They were both replaced recently too. Wish I could vote twice.
same here even if i have a full 3g bar data wont stay stable
No issues here.
been reading and stuff and more than half of the people with an HD2 have this BUT THERE IS A FIX search for it just like I DID
if you can't find it ill just post the cab latter when I got nothing bette to do.... haha lol
tuppaacc said:
been reading and stuff and more than half of the people with an HD2 have this BUT THERE IS A FIX search for it just like I DID
if you can't find it ill just post the cab latter when I got nothing bette to do.... haha lol
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That's great for you if you have a problem lol...I didn't when I was on stock. Glad to be on Elegancia now...pretty good s***.
No issues here. Bayarea.
The other day, I was in the Dade County Fair in Miami and my cell phone completely lost all connection (not just data, but cell signal as well). It would randomly come up again for a few seconds before dropping. I soft/hard reset, took the battery out for a few minutes... nothing seemed to work, so I called TMO USA the day after to see if maybe I was in the middle of an outage, but nothing and the guy from tech support couldn't help either... I had better service with MetroPCS....
The data connection dropping happens the moment I set foot in my home. It switches out of 3G and the phone starts displaying Edge, which is a lie because there is no network connection at that time (try to update weather and it simply spits out a connection error). I'm gonna try to flash something else and see if that works (I am on stock right now). If I cannot get this solved by the end of this week. I am switching to Sprint and getting myself a TP2 (since I need SIM card capability in my phone).
I did notice one strange thing though. I used CleanRAM (level 3 option) at one point at home when I was with the faulty Edge, and it switched back to full 3G. So, at this point, I am starting to believe that TMO put something in the stock rom that either hinders, or makes the connection lousy...
I guess I put away my ORD for as long as I could with this phone
To put it lightly, T-Mobile plan sucks in my area, I had to switch to AT&T ever since then I havent lost any data connections.
Although I just moved to EnergyROM the other day since I just like that ROM since I used to use it on my Touch Pro. I never had data issues with the Stock ROM. Only time I had a data issue is when there was an outtage in my area and then even the phone didn't work.
I could not get my data connection to stay on more than a few minutes at a time until I loaded up HD2Tweaks. Since then, it's been running perfectly.
It's odd...however, if your phone's only problem is just switching between Edge and 3G try setting the phone to only run on 3G...under Settings->Wireless Controls->Phone->Baseband->WCDMA...
If your phone is cutting out...that sucks lol...not a whole lot I can think of except for the fact that the laws of physics apply in this case...the higher a frequency is, the farther it travels with less energy but the less it penetrates the environment around it. This is in part caused by higher frequency waves becoming extremely tiny, with over 1900mhz having waves that are smaller than a drop of water.
AT&T 3G uses 850mhz and 1900mhz for their 3G. Its lower frequencies don't travel as far, but they have more towers to make up for coverage area and the signal will penetrate.
T-Mobile 3G is 1700mhz/2100mhz meaning that the slightly higher range, while seemingly insignificant, when coupled with less towers, will cause the far end of the signal range to have too great a degradation of power, and not enough penetration to be viable.
Along with this is the fact that many government agencies still operate on the frequencies that T-Mobile purchased, due to not having a backup for their systems. Enough power generated within a frequency range will raise the noise floor enough that your phone's signal will get cut off. Sounds crazy, but it does happen quite often. You ever hear static on your radio? Analog is great in that you can lose data and still function. So government radio's are perfectly okay with a little bit of background noise.
However, signals that broadcast an analog translation of a 1's and 0's, function like a digital connection. When packets of information are lost in significant quantities, or in this case they are known are "frames", your phone cuts out.
Signal interference is becoming more and more of a problem in the cellular world. Satellite communications have had to deal with this problem for years. Only now are enough cell phones being packed into a single area for the noise floor to rise in significant quantities.
Just my $.02
for those who fix the problem can you post how you guys did it. i tried changing data to just 3g didn't work changing to voicestream it didnt work
I'm using HD2 since 25 march. Stock room. So far no problems.
Chicago & east sub.
No problems here... Ever...
Louisville, KY

frustrated with hd2 losing signal

I have trying to use the HD2 over the last 3 days and getting real problems with intermittent signal loss.
I know i have low signal from the mobile operator in some parts of my home but that has never been a problem with other HTC phones i used before. If the signal was too weak it would just drop out but come back if i moved a bit.
With the HD2 once the signal indicator turns red it stays that way even if i move to a strong signal area.
The weird thing is sometimes i would leave the phone sitting in one place with four bars and then minutes later it would show up with no signal and i can't receive calls.
Even stranger is that in all these cases where there is no apparent signal, all i need to do is press the send button to try making a call and the signal "magically" re-appears and all is fine. I've tried at least four differnt radios as well as the energy ROM ... no change.
Any ideas ? this is reaallly frustrating!!!!!!
do the problems resemble what I experienced here?:
ieh said:
I have trying to use the HD2 over the last 3 days and getting real problems with intermittent signal loss.
I know i have low signal from the mobile operator in some parts of my home but that has never been a problem with other HTC phones i used before. If the signal was too weak it would just drop out but come back if i moved a bit.
With the HD2 once the signal indicator turns red it stays that way even if i move to a strong signal area.
The weird thing is sometimes i would leave the phone sitting in one place with four bars and then minutes later it would show up with no signal and i can't receive calls.
Even stranger is that in all these cases where there is no apparent signal, all i need to do is press the send button to try making a call and the signal "magically" re-appears and all is fine. I've tried at least four differnt radios as well as the energy ROM ... no change.
Any ideas ? this is reaallly frustrating!!!!!!
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reijkelhof said:
do the problems resemble what I experienced here?:
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change radio ROM, well experiment with several of them by trial and error (read the sticky/tutorial first).
buy an indoor signal booster.
Well, regardless of the radio version ive had really odd intermitant service.
the best way ive found to help this is turn off 3G / HSDPA
Doing this forces the device to remain on GPRS, it means the battery lasts a hell of a lot longer and it doent drop the connection every time the device feels like trying to connect with HSDPA or drops it for no apparent reason.
reijkelhof said:
do the problems resemble what I experienced here?:
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it seem that you were losing data connection .... i'm a lot worse off ... i lose data AND voice .. all connectivity ... so i don't receive calls
as i said the weird thing is as soon as press send to initiate a call,cthe signal bars come back and everything works fine!!
as i said, stop 3G from working, when switching between the two due to what ever reason the HD2 decides to drop it will kill your connection, voice and all until it switches back. there is an issue with 3G and im wondering if its everyone or just folk using TMOUS radio and thus recieving the extra RAM
To disable 3G/HSDPA to test,
Open Comm Manager and click on Phone (not the on/off switch) to go to phone options. Scroll to bottom and select BAND. Switch network type from Auto to GSM.
3G/HSDPA is only needed for internet surfing. Time, weather, stock updates and email downloads don't really benefit from it. So turning it off this way will make these type data connections go through the EDGE network which is plenty fast enough for it. When you need to surf the net, go back and switch it to Auto and you will get 3G or faster speeds for that.
Phantoms said:
To disable 3G/HSDPA to test,
Open Comm Manager and click on Phone (not the on/off switch) to go to phone options. Scroll to bottom and select BAND. Switch network type from Auto to GSM.
3G/HSDPA is only needed for internet surfing. Time, weather, stock updates and email downloads don't really benefit from it. So turning it off this way will make these type data connections go through the EDGE network which is plenty fast enough for it. When you need to surf the net, go back and switch it to Auto and you will get 3G or faster speeds for that.
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I disagree. My emails have timed out using edge.
same prob here
nrfitchett4 said:
I disagree. My emails have timed out using edge.
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hello im having the same voice or data i push my send button an then i get signal,my wife has a hd7 and my son has a hd2 they will have 3 to 4 bars and i show no signal.push talk and i get 1 to 2 bars.
have you found a fix?
You could always try a signal booster on eBay for like 5...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
If its just 3G then its probable just T-Mobile or then again a Hardware/Firmware issue
try a different ROM, Radio
I have this same issue I running a T-Mobile USA (using radio 2.12 but then again it was doing it on 2.15 as well) and it just drops all connectivity and says no service I have to search the network again.
My phone is unlocked I don't know if that might have anything to do with it as well
I've had this problem on my HD2 since i got it.
Edge (E), works but slow as all get out. 2-4s ping times or time outs. 3G (and when i say 3G i mean when it says 3G in the status bar) doesn't work at all. HSDPA (H) works great, WHEN it stays that way, which it doesn't.
It can switch between 3G to H every 10 seconds.
And i'm using it for tethering primarily, which makes working painful. Lose your VPN and SSH sessions constantly. Some days it's ok. But most, horrible. btw, i'm in the Denver area.
I've tried stock roms and custom roms (primarily Energy). All radios. Nothing fixes it!
This is the only thing I don't like about my HD2 and/or t-mobile. And it's a whopper. I'm almost ready to get another phone or carrier, depending on what's causing this.
ncohafmuta said:
I've had this problem on my HD2 since i got it.
Edge (E), works but slow as all get out. 2-4s ping times or time outs. 3G (and when i say 3G i mean when it says 3G in the status bar) doesn't work at all. HSDPA (H) works great, WHEN it stays that way, which it doesn't.
It can switch between 3G to H every 10 seconds.
And i'm using it for tethering primarily, which makes working painful. Lose your VPN and SSH sessions constantly. Some days it's ok. But most, horrible. btw, i'm in the Denver area.
I've tried stock roms and custom roms (primarily Energy). All radios. Nothing fixes it!
This is the only thing I don't like about my HD2 and/or t-mobile. And it's a whopper. I'm almost ready to get another phone or carrier, depending on what's causing this.
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I have 4 HD2's with one having the problem you describe and have come to the conclusion it's a hardware issue. Probably a cold solder joint on the antenna lead.
In WinMo or Android the signal bars jump all over the place but the signal level in 'about phone' shows a constant signal even though the bars show nothing. I don't drop to many calls but miss more than a few incoming. I travel for 5-8 hrs in the same area everyday and very familiar of good and bad areas of reception. I have tried stock/cooked ROM's/Radio's with no noticeable difference.
I'll probably send mine in to HTC to be looked at.

