TD2-One of the worse Radio I've seen - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Hello World,
Though I was happy with my HD (which is about to be sold) I was waiting the TD2 for long. It's really a great device but seems still to have quite a lot of bugs. One of these is the radio
I know everybody will tell me to wait for a new radio version BUT for those who basically have not a good signal at home or work, I'm not recommending them to buy it untill updates are available..
I've 3 phones with me, one 5 yo Sony Ericsson phone, on Blackberry for work and my TD2 for private use. Where my old Sony Ericsson shows full signal, my Blackberry as well, the Touch Diamond 2 shows a poor 1 bar (!). Sometimes I even have no signal where the others are showing 4 bars.. Well, that's one (if not the) worse phone signal reception I've ever seen.
The same for WiFi... where my HD or my netbook showed full signal, the TD2 shows 1/2 bars, even if the settings are set on "better performance" instead of "better battery"
My ROM version is: 1.39.406.0 (47382) FRE (04/07/09)
My Radio version:
Sorry but I had to tell you this as I was expecting this phone since long and don't understand how HTC can ship a new phone with such a bad radio and other bugs... On other side, it's a 5 star device but still have these bugs which are making it a 2 stars..
Thank you for having read ;-)

Well, no software upgrade can give you better reception. But I think you should return your Diamond for check-up, as my experience is that the reception is appr the same as my previous Nokia phone, i.e. reasonably good.
But what I hope they will improve with a radio upgrade is the problems for data connections in 3G/HSDPA mode when the signal is low, in my case this results in a one minute "radio silence" before the phone finally switches to GSM/GPRS mode.

I agree it has very poor radio, similar to how the diamond started, they will improve it over time. Mine is dropping calls in a particular place, this didn't happen with the diamond.

The radio is really bad! I remember that my iPhone had a poor radio reception but after several updates it is much improved.
I hope they'll do the same for Topaz!

I have to agree my TD2 has terrible reception, my diamond wasnt brilliant but the TD2 is very poor. Hope they come out with an update soon.

Are manufacturers obliged to put the same amount of bars up for each signal strength? Can you really compare the number of bars between different manufacturers?

I bought my TD2 last month on a contract with T-mobile. As I have always been an Orange customer in the past I have spent the last four weeks blaming T-mobile for my lake of signal at my workplace, and poor 3g at never crossed my mind it may be the phone at fault. I love my TD2 but the poor radio performance may be a show stopper

This is very weird. The shop I work, My boss got a blackberry (Bold) AND a PRADA II (from LG), and I got better signal than him. i must tell you tho, it's quite far inside the building, the lowest I have is 2 bars, normally it stays at 4.
But then again, even at 1 bar, I never had problem with calls, lessay it's the same quality as a Triband phone.

The Diamond 2 has a HORRIBLE radio performance, especially 3G connections are very weak, absolutely unacceptable. I'd put the Diamond 2 at the same reception level with the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3G REALLY sucks when it comes to reception.
Yesterday, I took out my HTC Sedna (6500) out of my closet and tried it again, what a difference. I get a much better signal than with the Diamond 2 (same carrier, same position) and I won't even start comparing the Diamond 2 to the Nokia E90 or even the E75, both have excellent signal reception, especially the E90.
Regarding Blackberry: I use a 8900 Curve 2 for business, this thing really rocks regarding reception. I get a signal (of course no 3G, it has GPRS/EDGE only) almost everywhere, even when the Diamond 2 doesn't get ANY signal at all, it is really impressive.
There are however chances that the signal reception is going to improve with a FW update, it happened in the past with various HTC devices and even the Blackberry Storm I also own, has been improved substantially regarding signal reception quality with one of the latest official firmwares available.
So there is hope but of course it is a huge disappointment that HTC couldn't get it right from the start.

P996 said:
The Diamond 2 has a HORRIBLE radio performance, especially 3G connections are very weak, absolutely unacceptable. I'd put the Diamond 2 at the same reception level with the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3G REALLY sucks when it comes to reception. Yesterday, I took out my HTC Sedna (6500) out of my closet and tried it again, what a difference. I get a much better signal than with the Diamond 2 (same carrier, same position) and I won't even start comparing the Diamond 2 to the Nokia E90 or even the E75, both have excellent signal reception, especially the E90.
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How are you measuring signals being "weak" and the "reception level" - by actual behaviour of the phones in use, or just comparing the bars in the UI?

Rohde & Schwarz CMS RSM. Of course also practical usage too.

temprory solution
the signal problem is very very frustrating, especially when it start to drop phone calls, it became unacceptable.
after few days playing with the TD2, I found that
1. the signal strength appears to be stronger when it stays in GPRS(G) rather then 3G (H),
2. some times when 3G signal is too weak, it will switch too GPRS, it takes about 3~5 seconds to switch, if any call comes in at that time, it will drop.
3. if TD stays in GPRS, the signal is good, even you only 1 bar sometimes, you can still may phone calls without any problem.
so I think it is a good idea to turn off the 3G unless you need to use it, so the phone stays in GPRS, by doing that, you get better signal, and longer bettery life.
to turn off 3G, go
Settings> personal>phone>Band>
select GSM for the network type.
then go ok.
by doing that you will not miss any calls, I think that's the most important thing.
meanwhile, let's wait for a radio upgrade to solve this problem once for all.

Just my 2c worth..
I dont think the radio is any worse, it does the job for me and I havent had any dropouts.
Its an improved phone/pda compared to the TD1 and very happy with it so far. Even without any custom roms, I think the TD2 is very good.
no more of that calibration when you do a hard reset!!!!

P996 said:
The Diamond 2 has a HORRIBLE radio performance, especially 3G connections are very weak, absolutely unacceptable. I'd put the Diamond 2 at the same reception level with the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3G REALLY sucks when it comes to reception.
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Yes, the D2 radio really is pretty bad. I went down on the train to Birmingham yesterday and other people were chatting away quite happily on their phones but my reception was almost zero until I go off the train.
I configure our business phones at work - Nokia E71 is a typical device. They just seem to have better reception. Okay, so a different network but still should be better than it is.
On the subject of radio updates (the use of the name radio I find confusing as I assume it's nothing to do with the FM radio - or does it?), is there an official way of updating from T-Mobile or is it "roll your own" from HTC directly? Have HTC released an official radio update?
Also, do I infer that the radio software is separate to the WM6.1 ROM?
Cheers, Rob.

Just a few comments really regarding the radio, although I have no advice to magically improve it
First of all, the signal reception on the Topaz 2 is exactly the same as that on my Tytn II, so it performs the same as other HTC phones, now some may argue reception was bad on the Tytn II as well so that doesn't say a lot
When making comparisons with other phones a few things that can help your judgement.
1) Is another phone you are comparing reception with one that is 3G? 3G signals are more affected by walls etc and typically there are much fewer masts than with the 2G and it is quite normal that unless you can see the 3G mast you'll have less than full strength signal reported on 3G, and the 3G signal can drop very quickly even moving a smaller distance away from the mast. If you want to compare the signal with an older phone that is 2G, then on the Topaz you need to set the phone and band settings to make it connect to 2G, and when you do you'll see reception zip up.
2) The signal icons on phones can not be used to make a comparison. One dot of signal on the Topaz is equal to 46% signal strength, so while it looks like a bad signal, it is still almost half and so the scale isn't linear. The other phone you are comparing to may not be reporting signal strength at all, but an error rate or combination of signal strength and error rate. It is possible to get a very low signal but have 100% quality (i.e. no errors) which may be used to skew other indicators higher.
3) The test whether reception is good or bad can only be judged from using the phone and does it work or not, and even then dropped calls may not be due to signal strength but an incompatibility with your mobile operator. This relates to 3G and 2G hand-overs. The phone will try and maintain a 3G connection when transferring data, as this provides a faster speed and it doesn't matter if a low signal causes errors as the data can be requested again. When you make a phone call, the priority shifts to getting an error free connection to ensure the audio doesn't break up, so a low signal introducing errors on 3G will be rejected if there is a nice strong 2G mast to connect to. Your phone then has to negotiate a seamless handover from 3G to 2G while you are talking. In the UK I find this 100% reliable with Vodafone on the Topaz, but calls can drop on O2 when it attempts a switch from 3G to 2G. Newer firmware hopefully ends up fixing these issues in time.
As written by someone in this thread who was on a train when other people with phones remained talking while theirs dropped doesn't prove much, as were they on the same mobile network, and were their phones having to move between 3G and 2G or were they just 2G with much better coverage and no complications relating to switching between the two. Switching the Topaz to 2G only would result in a fairer comparison in that scenario.
Other points, the aerial is at the bottom of the phone not the top, so when you hold the phone you need to hold it higher up so as not to block the signal.

Crap Radio
In response to the previous post I can confirm that I have compared the XDA Orbit 2, Nokia 6230i and Touch Diamond 2 all with a Vodafone SIM. The XDA Orbit 2 is most similar to the TD2 yet the reception on the Orbit was considerably better than that of the TD2. Tests were all completed on the same journey home from work in the same place, at the same time of day with the same weather conditions.
My conclusion, the TD2 Radio is inferior compared to the Orbit 2 and Nokia, but you all knew that already, didn't you. (Appart from the person that posted the previous message!!)

Nokia 6230i
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That is the point I was trying to make, the Nokia 6230i as far as I know is not 3G, so did you compare that with the Topaz switched to 2G to make a like for like comparison? The Nokia also doesn't have to try and accommodate antennas and radios for Wi-Fi, GPS and 3G bands, which can cause all sorts of compromises in small mobile phones.
What were you comparing, just watching the signal strength meter or actually using it for a phone call at the time? The other thing is comparing the phones on different journeys. 3G cells breath which means the coverage varies, it can shrink or increase depending on load.
My conclusion, the TD2 Radio is inferior compared to the Orbit 2 and Nokia, but you all knew that already, didn't you. (Appart from the person that posted the previous message!!)
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My post was trying to help people be objective rather than subjective and help make like for like comparisons, no need to be sarcastic.

ehh wtf are you guys moaning about?
like have been said, are you guys comparing with the bars shown in the UI, or with an actual tester?
If your judging just from the bars in the ui and comparing that to other phones.. please go drive a car and crash yourself in a tree
Anyways just FYI: with 1bar 3g im getting a stable (250ms constant ping) 120kb/s connection...
My point being that even tho it looks only to be 1 bar, it works flawlessly. So perhaps our htc phones show the *actuall* reception rather then ** normal reception + 2 bars ** like a lot of manufacturers (maybe secretly?) do.
But i guess htc is better off adjusting the UI bar meter so that it shows 5 bars when its actually 1-3, just to keep dumb people happy....

My point being that even tho it looks only to be 1 bar, it works flawlessly. So perhaps our htc phones show the *actuall* reception rather then ** normal reception + 2 bars ** like a lot of manufacturers (maybe secretly?) do.
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Yes a very good point. There must be tendency for mobile phone makers to over report the signal to make their phone look better when being compared. My old Motorola phone does state in the manual you need 3 bars or more to make a reliable phone call In other words 2 bars or less are really no servicel at all, and from memory it would jump from 3 bars to no signal more often than not skipping 2 and 1 bar of signal strength.

Hi guys, I'm about to buy the TD2 and reading your post I got a little worried about the radio signal of this device!
I have a question for people that complained about it:
Did you complain for the quality of the calling connection?
I mean did you lose signal meanwhile you were talking or have you got bad conversation due to the low signal?


What is the reception like?

This is a question that I feel is most important regarding a mobile phone but is never mentioned in any reviews -
What is the reception like on this phone - as good as, worse or better than most other phones
I know it's not an easy question to answer but the reason I am so interested is because at the moment I have my Omnia i900 and my Nokia 6223 sat next to each other. My omnia is just showing a 'G' symbol while the 6223 is on 3 bars. I find that my Omnia drops a bar or 2 of signal everytime I pick it up, but I read that they put the antanee at the bottom of the phone for some reason. I also owned a Touch Diamond for a short while last year and I found the signal poor on that.
If anyone could do a side by side comparison with the Omnia that would be brilliant, otherwise if you could just comment on if your dropping signal where you usually have it, if you've had no problems or concerns about it or even if your gaining signal where there usually isn't any.
Have only had the handset for a day, but in my office it performs almost exactly the same as my iPhone 3GS (on O2).
Well i do not own an Omnia.
But I can get my hands on some others.
EU - NL - Tmobile - GSM - 3G - HSPDA
I live in a location where the reception of internet using 3d of hsdpa is slow.
(that was what i thought)
Ive tested the following phones.
1- LG shine
2- HTC tytn
3- HTC Touch Diamond
4- HTC HD2
Phone Voice quality
On phones 1 and 2 its was bad with a lot of noise.
Phone 3 its was better still the (canned voice)
On phone 4 , the quality was better then all three of them.
Clear and no noticeable voice data losses.
Even whispering was loud and clear !!
Internet 3g Hsdpa
On phones 1, 2, and 3. Internet was not usable. And that was not even due to the fact of a smaller screen size.
But it was the speed internet can put up a page that is viewable.
Phone 3 was acceptable. But not usable.
Phone 4,.,.
Weird enuff with the same Provider, the same sim card, the same dataplan.
Internet WORKED. Almost everytime it tells me its connected using HSDPA.
Even when its in 3G mode. It loads pages in "almost" a flash.
And yess i am a HTC fanboy.
And since the rumors started spreading about the LEO.
I wanted one, Now ive been using one for about a week. And its the best winmo phone HTC has ever created imho.
I too can confirm that the reception on this handset to be excellent.
In the locations of my office, I would normally only get 2 bars of 3g reception on my old Hermes phone.
But with this phone, i can get 3 or somtimes 4 bars of reception.
Back at home, the signal i get is pretty rubbish. Normally i wouldn't receive any 3g signal at all with my Hermes, and i can often see it dropping back to a 2g line. On the HD2 however, I get around 2 bars of 3g signal and a HSPDA connection!! What a surprise that was eh?!
At both locations, call quality is superb. (But then again I think this should be expected, because I would always have a 2g signal, regardless of whether I was at home or at work.)
Sorry that my results aren't very 'scientific' or precise. But I just want to say that signal is definitely not an issue with this handset. I would say that it's probably the best out of HTC's whole range of products, and definitely up there with the best of Nokias / SEs / Samsungs can produce. So no worries.
Does anyone know if the reception is better or worse than Nokia's E90?
So far it has the best reception. every phone I owned before had 2 or 3 bars at best, mostly 1 or 2 where I live, the hd2 is almost always at 4 bars
T-Mobile UK
No change in reception bars on this T-Mobile HD2. I have come from an HD - offers? However, the phone works very much faster that the HD and the Kaiser and there is absolutely no faulting the quality of the sound. It really just works! That may sound a strange comment to make about a 'phone' but those of us that have PDA/phones for a while will know that a PDA cannot always be counted upon as a good phone.
Very happy with my HD2
I'd guess it's not mentioned in reviews because it depends on so much. What was the phone you are comparing it to like? What network are you on? Where are you? What bands do you use? GPRS or 3G?
For what it's worth compared to my Touch Pro I've been picking up a weak 3G where on my TP I'd have GPRS.
I have found the reception on mine to be better than my iPhone 3gs so far.. Used to get very poor signal at home on my 3gs.. Nearly get full signal on the HD2.
Without a doubt, the HD2 has better reception than my iPhone 3GS.
It is by far, better than my SEX1. I get 2 bar where the X1 got none. I love this phone!!!
Within the past 12 months I've owned the following:
Blackberry Bold
Omnia i900
Nokia N78
Touch Pro
I live in a poor reception area. Only the N78 from the above list didn't drop calls on a frequent-enough-to-be-annoying basis. The HD2 is easily on par if not slightly better than the N78 (I'm yet to have a call dropped).

Nexus One 3G issues is real on all N1s..

Parden if this is posted somewhere else. But this needs some serious attention. As of current, I realize the 3G issues is a design flaw. So this means all N1s have this problem. You can test it for your self. The easy way to fix this would be to have stronger 3G coverage but thats not the case. Let me quote whats been said at and the nexus forums..
I’ve been saying all along that this is a RF issue. I noticed this right away when I got my phone and even posted this video on Jan 9 to show how the N1 drops 3G as soon as you hold it in your hand.
The problem occurs only when you are in an area with a weak 3G signal, anything less than -80dBm. (Higher negative numbers mean weaker signal.)
Basically, if you have -90dBM or less signal strength with the phone sitting on your desk, holding it in your hand will push it down to -100dBm or less. At that point all bets are off. Before the update it would switch to Edge around -100dBm, now it seems to hold on until about -105dBm.
The “dBm” (dB-milliwatt) is a logarithmic measurement of signal strength, and dBm values can be easily converted to and from mW values. So a decrease of roughly 3dBm yields a change of roughly HALF in the mW value.
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After watching that video you can decide who to blame.
Google if the device's rx sensitivity is so poor when held in hand it needs a recall. Is it a hardware issue?
After google & HTC watche the video and get to test in an area with <-84dBm signal strength reading, I'd love to hear the response from their respective tech teams soon.
The signal reading being low low doesn't mean low signal. Compare with other devices/instruments.
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.. read more here and here
The question. What is Google waiting on to say something? to do something?? its enough that we also have serious touch screen problems to deal with but come on Google..Are we really beta testers? you think its EASY to give you 500+ for a phone?
share your thoughts..
at first i thought it was just me, but now is my phone as well as my wifes phone.
and to send it back with in the 14day period they keep $45 o yours when the phone is running like a pos. Great one Google i expected way better from yall
Not sure what my take is...
1. All phones drop signals a bit when held by both hands.
2. This bouncing between edge/3g doesnt happen to me in strong 3g areas. In the area where it sometimes happens I cant replicate the issue stated it seems random. But to be fair my G1 was always bouncing back and forth there , heck even with Sprint I had mediocre EVDO steadiness.
It may be a slight hardware problem made worse by a network with very spotty 3g coverage in most areas.
j23a45m said:
at first i thought it was just me, but now is my phone as well as my wifes phone.
and to send it back with in the 14day period they keep $45 o yours when the phone is running like a pos. Great one Google i expected way better from yall
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Its getting really annoying and the silence Google is practicing is getting defending..
If I cup the bottom of the phone in my hand, my signal strength does drop a bar or 2. I never lose 3G completely though. Luckily I have a strong signal where I live. I could see this becoming a real problem if I travel away from home though. It's rather annoying that Google didn't catch this before releasing the phone
I just tried the same thing (holding in both hands, covering back etc..) on my HTC Pure on at&t and my 3g connection dropped down to 2 bars from 5 bars. Seems to be normal behaviour with all phones with internal antenna.
I think the only problem seems to be that N1 is too picky about signal trength and switches to edge as soon as signal strength drops down slightly.
I do not think this is an hardware issue.
EDIT: See attached screenshot from my old Nokia 6682 user manual. They specifically warn against this.
Maybe you think it's "real on all N1s" because of anecdotic evidence and postings on the internet, but that doesn't mean proof.
Now it might have trouble with US 3g frequecies or it might just be a software "problem" where it switches to edge before the signal gets too bad.
I can safely say I've had no problems at all, the signal doesn't switch back and forth, signal doesn't change when I cup it with both hands etc.
Granted I have -75dBm signal where I live, but it's not like I sit around playing with my phone indoors all the time either
All cellular phones lose signal when you cover the antenna with your hand. ALL of them. I've had over 20 cell phones in the past 10 years, and every single one had this issue. Why this is a standout issue on the N1, I don't know.
The previous two Nokia phones I used all lose signal when holding the antenna area.
Well, again it happened to all phones with internal antenna...and not just Nexus One especially on a week 3G coverage.
ram130 said:
Parden if this is posted somewhere else. But this needs some serious attention. As of current, I realize the 3G issues is a design flaw. So this means all N1s have this problem. You can test it for your self. The easy way to fix this would be to have stronger 3G coverage but thats not the case. Let me quote whats been said at and the nexus forums..
.. read more here and here
The question. What is Google waiting on to say something? to do something?? its enough that we also have serious touch screen problems to deal with but come on Google..Are we really beta testers? you think its EASY to give you 500+ for a phone?
share your thoughts..
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My thoughts are as follows:
The antenna is in the bottom of the phone - this isn't a design "flaw" it's how the phone was designed to fit the necessary components into a small fixed space. This isn't the first phone designed this way and it won't be the last. It was likely designed that way due to space constraints with the speaker, mic and camera up top. Again, the "issue" is only prevalent in areas of weaker 3G coverage.
The iPhone 3G is designed the same way and people see the same issues with 3G dropping when you cover it with your hand - you can find the same youtube videos on it.
Google was aware of this before it shipped and in the manual states not to cover the back of the phone and to hold it in the preferred position. I don't think Google has anything to say that isn't in the manual already...
Now, you can argue that the N1 may get poorer 3G reception compared to other phones, but to argue that covering the antenna with your hand causes a degradation of signal is a "design flaw" is asinine. This happens with all phones and all antennas. There's likely few ways they could have placed the antenna in the top of the phone with the size of the current phone and the hardware that's already up there.
I wouldn't hold your breath for Google to "do something" as people seem to want as there's nothing they can "do" other than say, "Read your manual and quit covering the antenna with your hand".
Omg really..when is this topic going to end? Those of us with common sense know that it's nothing to do with the Nexus one or Android specifically. All phones do the same thing. I just did it with a friends iPhone. I can go around my building (AT&T) and cover anybodies phone with my hand and drop a bar, sometimes two. It's common networking knowledge. You cover the antenna, you lose some signal strength.
If you have 2 bars of 3G and you cover it up and lose 2 bars....What do you think happens? You go to Edge. Everybody thinks they know this issue like they invented the damn thing. There is no specific problem with the Nexus One. Give it up already.
Ironically common sense isn't so common these days...
I am sitting at my desk, I have a rooted N1 customized to the max. I am using the ERE36B Radio, (not the one in the OTA) I have 4 bars of 3G/HSPDA If I cover the bottom of the phone with both hands, I dont loose a single bar.
I fully believe this is a software issue. The leaked radio is working great for me, I almost never lose 3G now.
Yes covering the antena will cause you to lose signal, why wouldnt it?
Blah, I have a N1 and G1 on tmobile on different lines and they always have the same service same speed tests. Maybe my phone is the phenomenon, but I doubt it.
krohnjw said:
Google was aware of this before it shipped and in the manual states not to cover the back of the phone and to hold it in the preferred position. I don't think Google has anything to say that isn't in the manual already...
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Whats the preferred position?
Any comfortable way caused you to block the radio.
I get the same signal strength my G1 did in all the same places. Using both the OTA radio and the 36B radio. If I'm in a place with weak 3G I force it to 2G. Why would Google give a **** about T-Mobile's 3G coverage?
JoshHart said:
Blah, I have a N1 and G1 on tmobile on different lines and they always have the same service same speed tests. Maybe my phone is the phenomenon, but I doubt it.
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uberingram said:
I get the same signal strength my G1 did in all the same places. Using both the OTA radio and the 36B radio. If I'm in a place with weak 3G I force it to 2G. Why would Google give a **** about T-Mobile's 3G coverage?
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This is what I have been saying. I have a MyTouch, N1, and G1 and they all have the same signal strength at all times. I sold the G1 already but my wife still has the Mytouch.
Everybody who complains has nothing to compare it to. How can you say something is worse because you "remember" another phone? You can't. It's T-mobiles coverage. It has nothing to do with Google, Android or HTC.
People just need to get over it already and stop complaining.
dumbestcrayon said:
This is what I have been saying. I have a MyTouch, N1, and G1 and they all have the same signal strength at all times. I sold the G1 already but my wife still has the Mytouch.
Everybody who complains has nothing to compare it to. How can you say something is worse because you "remember" another phone? You can't. It's T-mobiles coverage. It has nothing to do with Google, Android or HTC.
People just need to get over it already and stop complaining.
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Ok, since you have access to multiple Android phones...
Can you try the TRUE test?
Open up Settings -> About Phone -> Network on both phones sitting side by side.
Can you compare the *exact* signal strength on both phones? (dBm vs dBm when side by side)
And yes I have absolutely HORRID service in my place. I'm lucky to get better than -95.
In times of change the learners will inherit the earth, while the knowers will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
Good job, you apparently know it all. . . BTW, thanks for the earth
From the experience gained using mine is evident that all problems are not hardware but FULLY firmware related.
Since everytime I make a call the phone SHOWS a better coverage than staying only surfing the web. Also when tethering, if I make the phone call suddenly the HSDPA speeds tend to increase at about 20%, I presume that when you are calling, the firmware might be settled to somehow strength the radio signal. Compare this on-call speeds to my "normal" ones:
Anyway, right now the only temporal solution for the indiscriminated switch backs to GPRS when navigating is making sure of accesing the radio config (*#*#4636#*#*) and select WDMCA ONLY...

Will the Incredible be subject to the same N1 3g issues?

Pretty much as topic, not sure if anyone has any first hand experience of it.
higly doubt that since i heard 3g issues were because of tmobile. So far i havent heard of bad reception from the early incredible reviewers but we wont know till its out.
i doubt it... seeing as how the chipset is different(cdma chipset not gsm) and the carrier is different... your results may very tho...
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sorry I wasnt very specifc, I was thinking in the UK, O2 to be specific. N1 and BBerry Bold 9000 sitting next to each other, N1 on not even half 2G, BBerry on max 3g.
Well considering it won't be released in the UK you'll never know? Why even ask?
Honestly77 said:
Well considering it won't be released in the UK you'll never know? Why even ask?
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I was hoping we would eventually get a UK version, but obviously we've just been shafted with the desire.... WE HAD THE N1 ALREADY WHY GIVE US THE SAME PHONE
Really doubt it. T-Mobile 3G bands require a second Antenna. The Antenna was located at the bottom of the nexus which was a design flaw and thus why 3G was terrible. Not to mention T-Mobile has terrible 3G coverage.
I just made the move from T-mo Nexus one to the Incredible through Verizon.
I had two replacement devices sent to me because of the 3g issues and all the other problems this device was plagued with from day one.
The incredible so far has been perfect. No 3G issues at all.
I am sure that T-mo's 3g coverage was partly to blame but that wasn't the only cause of this problem. With a T-mo G1 and a T-mo Nexus one sitting side by side often the N1 would bounce back and forth between 3g and Edge if it was able to get the 3g at all. This was with all 3 N1's I used. all the while my G1 had a perfect 3g connection.
Not the Incredible. Great phone. Incredibly snappy. Fast 3g through Verizon. No complaints as of yet.
Fingers Crossed...
my friends incredible southern california area has been getting really low 3g signals. im always at full HSDPA bars and he gets 1 or two bars if hes lucky.....
ive also read that a lot of phones has been rebooting randomly on its own, and some speculate on that low signal. you think his phone is defective?
one of the area's the rebooting was happening in (reportedly) was one of the Carolinas (quite a few customers), and Verizon speculated that it had to do with the local towers causing the problem,
Also the signal bar indicator looks to be a software problem, do a comparison of signal strength and you will see what I'm talking about. I looked at 3 different phones that had full bars, mine had only one bar..but when you look at the signal strength it was almost identical.
my major gripe is battery life, but I just ordered the Seidio replacement
Gimpeh said:
Really doubt it. T-Mobile 3G bands require a second Antenna. The Antenna was located at the bottom of the nexus which was a design flaw and thus why 3G was terrible. Not to mention T-Mobile has terrible 3G coverage.
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Lots of HTC phones have the antenna at the bottom of the phone The Touch HD and the Incredible to name a few. \
I have had no 3G issues, The antenna indicator always reads a bar less then my droid did in the same spot but the phones perform the same and I have read that this is most likely a false reading
h2opoloplyr_11 said:
my friends incredible southern california area has been getting really low 3g signals. im always at full HSDPA bars and he gets 1 or two bars if hes lucky.....
ive also read that a lot of phones has been rebooting randomly on its own, and some speculate on that low signal. you think his phone is defective?
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Check the dB's, not the "bars". Bars read a little lower, but signal strength is better on DI compared to a lot of other phones.
Overall, I thought moto droid's quality and reception were good, the DI appears to be a few steps above that!
So far, DI's been flawless!!
You canals force 3g by dialing #*#*4636*#*# and select evdo from phone information menu. That's what I use when I really need to browse.
syntrix said:
Check the dB's, not the "bars". Bars read a little lower, but signal strength is better on DI compared to a lot of other phones.
Overall, I thought moto droid's quality and reception were good, the DI appears to be a few steps above that!
So far, DI's been flawless!!
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duh why didnt i think of that??? LOL
my 3G reception has been terrible on two Incredibles. varies from -100 to -105 dBm. and its not a service area issue. my room mate has a droid and gets excellent 3G speed and call quality in the same room. My data speeds are slower than at&t 2G and voice is to the point of unusable. some of these phones that go out are certainly bad
Verizon CS has been very helpful in this process, but i still dont have a phone thats usable
my friends incredible southern california area has been getting really low 3g signals. im always at full HSDPA bars and he gets 1 or two bars if hes l
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Check the dB's, not the "bars". Bars read a little lower, but signal strength is better on DI compared to a lot of other phones.
Overall, I thought moto droid's quality and reception were good, the DI appears to be a few steps above that!
So far, DI's been flawless!!
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I checked my signal strength compared to my fiance's droid, my incredible got the same and sometimes better. the bars on the incredible lagged some and would show one less. For the most part they fluctuated about the same.
Sent from my ADR6300 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

Nexus One Experience with Rogers in Western Canada.

Hello Folks,
I am posting this thread after a very long time on XDA as I was not using any HTC device.I was using Iphone since it was launched in USA.Now I bought 3 nexus one for me and my family with very high hopes but after iserting my simcard into it since last week I am very much disappoined.beside other samll issues like less responsive touch screen the problem I am having is a cellular signal. I am using this phone in the same area where I was using my 3gs phone and it was giving me full bars.And with nexus one I am having a really hard time to get signals some time even no signal and my calls are being missed/droped.I believe due to this problem battey life of the device is not impressive. And that was the main reason of quitting Iphone as I wanted multitasking device with better bettery life.I spoke to nexus one support line for few times their response was good but I it did not help me as I am having same problem although they offered me to replace device.but the thing is I already have 3 devices and if they are giving me same problem.
All I am hopping is a new upgrade to fix this issuse and I have no idea if this gona be fixed with the software upgrade?.
Idea of this thread is to get feedback from other folks using ATT/Rogers version of Nexus one specially in Canada/Western Canada.And any advise /help form my experts folks in this respect.
Your taking time in reading this is much appreciated.
May Almighty Bless you all.
Unfortunately what they're saying is:
I'm in Manitoba, Canada, this is my first 3G phone so I don't have much to compare to. I've had maybe a couple calls dropped, but doesn't seem that bad...
However, I did try using the app called Antennas and everywhere in my city it always says "3g support is very limited"
I'm in western Canada using the Nexus One as well, and I too switched from an iPhone 3G. My initial impression was similar to your's where I felt like the touch screen wasn't as responsive and signal not as strong. As time passed I quickly forgot about all that and with the exception of the awkward response area of the bottom buttons, I'm starting to think that the N1's touchscreen is actually better for some stuff. I still wish Android had inertial scrolling with the snap-back effect like the iPhone though.
When Opera Mini came out for the iPhone I put my sim card back into it so that I could try it out, and after the end of the day I couldn't wait to get back to the N1. I don't know about your usage, but when I have push Gmail setup on the iPhone I can't make it through a day without on a single charge, so I think the N1 battery is much better.
Signal strength felt poor at first, but I think that's just because of how it's reported by each phone. The iPhone seems much more generous and will show more bars for the same signal strength as the N1. The only thing that still bugs me now is how much effect my hand has when holding the phone near the bottom. Never did I have to think about hand placement with the iPhone, but I've adapted to that now.
Im from western canada too, medicine hat to be exact. I, as you all, came from an iphone. I had a 16gb 3gs. Where i work the receiption is horrible. With the iphone i would have to have the phone placed on a certain corner of my desk to make sure i got signal.
With the nexus, its slightly better. I get minimum signal but its constant thoughout my office.
Compaired to a iphone, this phone is the cats meow. I love the nexus and will never be returning to an iphone again. It has a better screen, more responsive touch, is fully customizable and i get ~28 hours of battery. Thats right, 28 hours. Not 6 if im lucky like the iphone.
I have the AT&T N1 which also supports Rogers and I am on Fido in Vancouver,
(it also uses Roger's network) ,
Mine experience with the signal is awesome in my case, 95% of the time i am getting H, and 5% of the time it drops to 3G (mostly when I am doing nothing) but will quickly switch back to H when I start to use it again. I have not seen it with E yet.
I have tried it with WCDMA perfered, WCDMA only, now I am on GSM Auto(PRL) and it doesn't make any differences on internet speed according to my speedtest app, it's usually around 1Mb ~1.4Mb....occasionaly it drops to 600kb for one test.
The only problem I have is I am unable to achieve the 1% / hour battery drop rate some people are claiming even with the help with juicedefender and UV/AVS kernels......
Hi Folks ,
I really appreciate all of you for your feedback and advise.I hope that more peoples will share their experience here.One thing I would also like to share is that I am using home rom and did not go for bootloader unlocking and on my phone problem I have is with the cellular data signal is always on 3g as I am in city of Calgary.My son got his nexus one bootloader unlocked and installed ceynogen 5.06 rom installed I used his phone aslo for a day and only difference I noticed is that it shows "H" when u do browsing on data and otherwise is stay 3g.but with home it always show " 3G " sign and never to to "H" .but when you check details of connection it tell you that it is connected HSDPA.
If anyone else noticed the same? or anyone else getting H sign with home rom?
your views/experience regarding Home vs Ceynogen rom are also appreciated.
I am still looking for the actual benifit of having ceynogen rom over home?as I did not see any difference.
Thanks once again.
My Bell service sucks, but it's Bell so it normally sucks anyways.
tariq said:
If anyone else noticed the same? or anyone else getting H sign with home rom?
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No, that's been discussed a lot. The stock rom never shows an H. And the custom roms only show an H when actually downloading data. Otherwise it always idles on 3G.
On your stock it does the same, idles on 3G, and switches to H for download. But there is no icon for it.
Why are you posting the same thing it two different forums?
Anyway, on the stock ROM the 3G icon doesn't change to H like it does on cyanogen and others. It still connects at the same speeds though.
yeh, I am posting in two different forums, as I was not sure where to go.Thanks for your feedback.Its helping me a lot.
Thanks once again.
Only other phones I have to compare to are my Curve 8900 and my HTC Magic. With ANY phone in my apartment there are areas with shoddy reception due to having concrete walls in an older building. To be honest with you my N1 has been the same, if not better than any of my other phones in this building. In the hall, it's inevitable that it will cut off. In my apartment I can get reception anywhere, which is more than I can say for my girlfriend's Samsung and some other friend's phones in the building. We all use Rogers, by the way. And I'm in Toronto.
Not that there was a whole lot of differences, if any, in manufacturing as time went on (aside from the whole dust under the screen issues), but.. when did you get your N1's?

How is the i9000's reception?

It's supposedly 20% better than other smartphones. Any confirmation on that?
Better then Iphone 4 for sure
It hold batter signals then my HTC Desire.
Don't see much difference between Desire and Galaxy... But is't better that SE X1
It seems to be around 37.2% better. By the way, 72.324% of all statistics are made up
On a more serious note, I've had no problems with dropped calls and the sound quality seems better than my old iPhone 3G.
NickeMan said:
It seems to be around 37.2% better. By the way, 72.324% of all statistics are made up
On a more serious note, I've had no problems with dropped calls and the sound quality seems better than my old iPhone 3G.
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Hence why I'm asking for some real world opinions, if Samsung said they made some strides in this phone with regards to reception that's all we have to go on.
Samsung phones have had bad reception as a given, which is also why they mentioned this improvement (I'm guessing)
At work where my HD2 is switching from 1 bar on 3G-H
to 3 bars on G every minute
The galaxy s stay´s on 3 bars 3G all the time
I live in city where you can't have less then 5 bars
even with iphone 4 no metter what you do
My nexus used to swing between 1-3 bars indorr and 3-4 outdoors.
My SGS has stable 3 bars inside (sometimes drops to 2), and full 5 outside.
Reception is good, even compared to non-smartphone phones.
I'm really pleased with it, expected it to be worse, as i heared some bad stuff about samsung antennas.
My house is a dead spot, and with both my samsung omnia and iPhone 3G I struggled to get even a bar of signal. my i9000 hasn't lost signal at all so far staying on a constant 2-3 bar
At work where I didn't have any signal on my i8910, I get a few bars of edge now. It drops out every now and again.
I don't think I could put a numerical value in terms of %. It *seems* better.
In only few words.
"It sounds good"
I'd also agree that the signal is much better than any smartphone I've had previously which has always been an issue for me!
A constant 3 bars when I used to struggle to get a constant 1 bar on a different HTC phone!
