How does WM6.5 Arrange its icons? - XPERIA X1 General

Hi guys,
I've been using the 6.5 ROM for a while and I was wondering if anyone managed to track down a registry or file information to where the OS keeps the arrangement of the icons in the Start Menu.
I looked thru the reg, but nothing...and there's no obvious file in the Windows folder.
Hope you know what I'm talking about...For instance when you tell it to "Move UP an icon" it most certainly has to keep a mapping of the icon locations somewhere...
Any thoughts?

This is one thing that bothers me with 6.5. I wish there was some sort of auto arrange by usage or importance perhaps. I'm sure an easier way will come out to organize the shortcuts eventually.


HTC Home plugin Alarm configuration

does anybody now where the alarm configuration tool is configured? I mean the application that is triggered when the HTC home plugin clock is clicked.
Nothing can be found in the registry and google and these forums are also 'fruitless'...
It is hard to imagine that HTC has hard-coded such a application in their application...
Peter Vrenken
go to Settings > System > Clock & Alarms.
I would like to start ptravelalarm instead of the standard Windowsclock touching the HTC clock. Is that possible?
This is exactly what i am trying to do... Just not with the ptravelalarm application
Is there anybody who knows how to achieve this?
Peter Vrenken
Is there noone that knows how to achieve this?
People have asked about changing the HTC Home actions before (normally the three buttons on the Home Tab, but I think this will be the same).
A lot of devs have looked at this and cannot find any settings that govern the applications launched.
Only thing left to do is open up your Hex editor and get hacking. (Let me know if you fix it )
no thank you... :-(
you can just overwrite the clock.exe since u cant delete it. i promise u can overwrite it. my htc home opens a diff alarm program for me now . the thing is getting the alarm to change icons and it's just pointing htchome.dll in the right direction. I already have an idea how i just have to be sure how to change hklm to hkcu in registry and point it to where i want it yeah
overwriting clock.exe to the program u want works. only thing is to make the alarm on icon in htc home to pop up. I have located it in the htchome.dll... the thing is to change the values coz it is pointed to hklm for the indicator rather than hkcu where programs would be. any hex "readable" tutorials u guys can point me to so i can look into this better?

Icon changing question.

I just flashed a new rom, and am in the process of making some custom shortcuts for the start menu, in order to implement them into my programs tab on TF2d.
How does one go about changing the icons displayed by actual WM (and in turn, TF2d)? Again, I'm not talking about about UL, IFonz, Hi-nav, SPB Pocketplus, or anything that has a icon changing function already in place. If it were that cut and dried, I wouldnt be asking. The goal here to to use some of bluemetalaxe's icons to replace the generic DOS looking icons that you get when you create your own shortcut.
Could anyone here point me in the right direction? Previous searches have only netted results for the aforemention programs, and the only place you really see customized Windows Mobile icons are in cooked roms. Surely there is a way to do this without having to cook, im not in the mood to do THAT much tweaking.
Thanks in advance,
Yes - this is a relatively hard topic to find & understand from this forum. But through a bit of patience, it can be done.
Here you can read how to change icons for folders:
For icons for individual files, I sort of learned by myself (read ^ that thread first):
Select an icon from your .dll
Select a setting or program to link to
Then, simply create a .lnk file that is structured like this example [for wi-fi settings]:
1#ctlpnl cplmain.cpl,17?\Windows\custicons.dll,-186
Thanks alot man, I appreciate your help. I'm saving that info to notepad for the archives, lol.
^ yeah no problem dude.
That's what I did - all the important info is stored away

WM 6.5 Start Menu query

After loading a number of apps I have tried to tidy up and reduce the number of icons on the Start Menu by making a few more category folders. This I can do but when I switch the apps into folders the icon also remain on the same page as well as in the new folder - which rather negates the point of the exercise. Oddly moving apps out of folders works fine.
Any suggestions out there? And I not sure whether this is a particular quirk with Dutty's ROM (Holy Grail) or just WM 6.5.
RaymondScrott said:
After loading a number of apps I have tried to tidy up and reduce the number of icons on the Start Menu by making a few more category folders. This I can do but when I switch the apps into folders the icon also remain on the same page as well as in the new folder - which rather negates the point of the exercise. Oddly moving apps out of folders works fine.
Any suggestions out there? And I not sure whether this is a particular quirk with Dutty's ROM (Holy Grail) or just WM 6.5.
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Create your new folder in /Windows/Start Menu/Programs for example a new folder called 'Tools' would be /Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Tools. Copy or create your shortcuts into this folder. Once in this folder check you have no duplicates in /Windows/Start Menu/Programs.....if you do, delete these
Fallen Spartan. Thanks for the quick response.
I think that is what I am doing but I end up with icons in both the main Start Menu plus in the new folder. Looking in file explorers the moved apps are only in the new folder not still on the main menu. I was hoping a soft reset might clear any "ghost" icons but they are still both there. Any further suggestions? Thanks
RaymondScrott said:
Fallen Spartan. Thanks for the quick response.
I think that is what I am doing but I end up with icons in both the main Start Menu plus in the new folder. Looking in file explorers the moved apps are only in the new folder not still on the main menu. I was hoping a soft reset might clear any "ghost" icons but they are still both there. Any further suggestions? Thanks
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Dont copy them, make your new folder then cut and paste the shorcut you want from the root of the start menu folder to the new one
Raymond try this app sk shortcut manager, you get a free 14 day trial, if you still want to use it after that time you will have to buy a licence from here
That's fine now. The originial icons are disappearing from time to time - and not coming back. Bit odd really. (have realised that the phantom icons disappar from the mainstart screen when you you try to move them up or down ewith the context menu)
Second question if I am allowed that in one thread? No I have new folders anyway of customising the look of the icon?
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere the forum is so big it is hard to follow current posts let alone hunt for old ones.
Thanks again
RE-start is a good app to customise ur start menu icons/folders... check this thread for more info

Windows Menu Order Home Screen

Ok i know a few of you would like to do this, and i think its been asked before but nothing turns up on search.
What the hell is it with the windows home screen, icons all over the place, no real easy way to move them, or order them.
I have tried a few programs but they mainly just seem to mess things up, i have also tried organizing all my icons into folders in windows, while it does sort of work there are still things you cant move, or it just does not go to plan, i know in 6.5.1 there is an option to re-organise icons how you like, but surely there is a way for 6.5?, its driving me nuts, there is crap all over the place with no organization to it.
Example i do things like this, create folder for the following...
And place corresponding progs into it, so you have some idea as to where a certain program is, its just neater.
Any ideas anybody?, i came across a site where some chap had written a program and had done everything i want to, but it didnt work for me, just kept crashing.
Jesus i could even do this on my nokia.....
Go to \Windows\Start Menu. There you can create folders that will then show up in the start menu and you can reorganize your shortcuts to those folders.
Use JWMD Icon Changer, it works on the HD2.
I'm obsessive about my Start menu order as well, so I definitely can tell you that program works. You can even change the icons since some programs have tiny jagged icons.
Use JWMD Icon Changer
Thats what i tried, but it does not seem to work and its cumbersome.
What am i doing worng?
What problem are you having exactly? It's not really cumbersome, it's a lot nicer than the other alternative which is Showaco's reStart (that one doesn't seem to work on the HD2, anyway).
If you have used the Windows feature to move icons up/down your Start menu list it will confuse this program, so you need to tap any icon you moved in that way and reset it to where it was before.
Then go to JWMD, browse to the folder you want to organize, click on tools and select arrange list. In the next window you can do organize your icons alphabetically or however you like. Then click save and restart your device and it should all work.
How am i supposed to remember what icons i moved in windows, i moved loads, maybe would explain why its not working.
So back to my original point, it does not really work....
Unless i can do a reset of the icons somehow?
If you tap on an icon and it gives you an option to move it to the bottom, it means you moved it to the top using the built-in method at some point.
The program works, it's not its fault you don't remember which icons you moved. If you don't believe me I can post for you a screenshot of my properly alphabetized Start Menu.
Yes i understand that the program is not meant to know and its not its fault, but bear in mind i have been fiddling with this phone for 4 weeks, theres no way in hell i can remember whats been moved where?.
Is there anyway to reset them all in one go, or it makes the prog pretty useless.
I told you, if you tap and hold on an icon and instead of giving you the option to 'move to the top' it gives you the option to 'move to the bottom' it means you used Windows' built-in way to rearrange those icons.
You can go through your list and move all the ones that let you to the bottom and leave the others where they are. Then try Icon Changer and see if it works.
Alternatively you can just hard reset your phone... or wait until a new ROM comes out... it shouldn't be too long away now and that will erase all your data anyway.
ah ill wait for new rom, to much hassle
Well, you're welcome anyway.

custome shortcut in start screen

hey guys I was wondering if there is a way to add a custom shortcut to the start screen. this is my situation: I want to add a folder shortcut to the start screen but when I do it I get an ugly folder icon in the start screen. there should be a way to make a program to make custom shortcut.
thanks :laugh:
I have not looked into this yet but i would second any advise from someone that knows. The iffy old icons really can mess up the nice look of the start screen. Also if there is a way to make the large 2 block tiles for software that does not have one already. I would like to stake my games with really cool images etc.
I'm looking forward to this.
I would like to see this also I make apps in a platform that MS does not goveren so I am unable to make use of the overlay, I want to make nice icons for my apps for windows 8 but cos there not for just 8 they are not a overlay app and I like I said don't compile them in VS 2012,
So I would like to bump this topic and hope we get some one that might know away around thanks.
HI Guys, for the moment I found this way to create shortcuts in the start screen, you need to create a folder in this path and inside it add the shortcut to the program that you want.
C:\Users\YourProfileName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Application Shortcuts\ShortCuts
*ShortCuts is the folder that i created.
hope help u
ps: i clarify, i'm using windows 8 pro
DeltaSync said:
HI Guys, for the moment I found this way to create shortcuts in the start screen, you need to create a folder in this path and inside it add the shortcut to the program that you want.
C:\Users\YourProfileName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Application Shortcuts\ShortCuts
*ShortCuts is the folder that i created.
hope help u
ps: i clarify, i'm using windows 8 pro
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Hi There is a much easier way to add a shortcut. That is create a shortcut right click and go add to start screen. What we need is a way to customize the tile so that we don't get the ugly old icon. Also you can add shortcuts to files as well by being creative with the target (for some odd reason you cant just pin a file to the start screen) If you use the format bellow you can then attach to the start and you can also change the icon(though not to a tile otherwise this would solve the problem).
"Path of software that opens file" "path of file"
You can even use this to pin remote desktops to the start (really useful for us sys admins)
C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe /v:"name of server"
I am having problems getting runas to work as if I lower the security my metro apps wont run but run as links do or if I up it then the run as does not work.
---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------
And then I see this thread

