POLL: Which Cupcake ROM is your favorite? - G1 General

Okay, so I've seen almost a dozen threads asking for comparisons, and maybe someone will do a table at some point, but I don't think one exists now. Anyway, many of the threads on this topic have been locked because they "degenerate into name calling" and "demotivate the devs if their ROM isn't the best". While both of those outcomes are bad, I think there is value in having some quick idea of who is running what and why, and while some of us may vote one way today and another tomorrow the poll feature appears to be the only way to quickly gauge the breakdown and to catch the large moves that will occur over time as some developers slow down on release schedules and others keep moving forward.
So I have never posted a poll in all my years in forums, but hopefully this will work out. Vote for your favorite, and then tell us why. Give EVERY dev the respect they are due, and emphasize what you like about your favorite ROM and what opportunities you've identified to improve it and possibly some of the others you don't run at the moment. This philosophy is why I made the question about that which is your favorite, not which is "best", which seems to be the word that starts the arguments.

im still on 5.0.2G only because of the google calendar widget
i tried putting the google calendar onto the adp builds and it would keep force closing processes.gapps and it was breaking the whole rom
ive looked over the forum
if anyone knows how to get the google calendar widget onto the adp rom please let me know
thanks you
thank you to everyone

I am currently running JesusFreke's 1.5 just to try it out; but I honestly find no difference between his build and Haykuro's 1.5Hr3 (Performance may be smoother/faster but it might be my imagination); however I have to give Haykuro his props because I was on Cupcake for a month before today's release thanks to him!

good job on this thread,
hope everyone keeps on topic and hope noobs don't make another thread about which cupcake build is better etc.
Im currently running JesusFreke 1.5 like many of us are, performance and speed no real different like fdisk81 said, both seem very stable and quick no lags what so ever.
Only thing i miss from Haykuro ADP 1.5 is the ability to install the HTC VK and use it together with the google VK along with the HTC widgets but its fine.
we'll probably be able to port them over also.
Overrall, all the builds are almost similar in looks and performance, its really basic on perference.

Still on Haykuro's 5.02G here until JesusFreke gets more locales for his ADP 1.5.

I usually don't do this but i had the Dude's and recently switched to JF's but i'm really missing the PDF reader .. anyone know how i can get it stand alone...i think they're both pretty good

There are alot of PDF readers available on the market. Many are free and quite decent.
Thedudes' is great though. I haven't updated to JF yet, but I will as soon as there are more locales available.

I keep ending up back with thedude's, no issues so far with a2sd, and the pdf reader is a must have for me.

Ersdal said:
There are alot of PDF readers available on the market. Many are free and quite decent.
Thedudes' is great though. I haven't updated to JF yet, but I will as soon as there are more locales available.
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Thanks for the advice.. i did take a look at the market and tried what was free because i didn't want to pay for a possible dissapointment to find that the one included in the dude's build is pretty flawless and quick I think i might just end up switching back to his build..i'm gonna miss the speed of JF's build but oh well i'll be back

For me it's a lack of explanation in most of the builds. JF's build has a detailed changelog togeather with the build and that's the main reason I chouse that one.

I love Haykuro's roms ..... I was on JC RC9 before Hayuro came on the scene ....
Then last night I tried JF's 1.5 and I just didn't like it, I found it much slower and laggy to a point that I had to re-boot.
Back on 1.5Hr3 now .... with Apps 2 SD and it's perfect for me.
Props to all the devs.

I'm useing jf. I never used the others although I may try one of theme at some point. Honestly I kind of liked only haveing one main rom to chose from it made themeing easyer. But maybe that will change. But just want to say thanx to all the rom sages for there epic work. Each one of you has helped in same way the the g1 better

too early to tell
The problem with these polls is that the ROMs are changing too fast for the info to be of much use. For example, I've had great luck with Haykuro's and the Dude's builds but had a problem installing Haykuro 1.5H (for reasons unknown it sent me into a boot loop) and decided to try out the JF ADP 1.50 for awhile before giving Haykuro's 1.5 another try. Since then, Dude has modified at least one of his builds, and probably more than once, so I don't know what they might have to offer now. The only ROM that I'm reasonably sure that I know what it still does is the HTC ADP 1.5, which has presumably not changed since HTC posted it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but the modded G1 forums are embroiled in ecstatic chaos at the moment.

tried jf for two days and finally decided to go back to the old 5.0.2H build. the adp builds may be faster and stabler, but not really as pretty and usable. the camera app is adp is just shockingly useless. latin ime may be smaller, but seems way too primitive. multi-touch may be a nice thing to have, but not really that useful.

I love any ROMs from JF because He will not release it until it's really stable and usable can't wait for the official update from t-mobile

Haykuro FTMFW!

Please stay this thread up...

I'm using jf 1.5 with apps on SD. I really like the fact that most of the newer roms are using apps on sd as a standard, now (easy to set up, easy to undo).
The main reason I like JF roms is because they seem to be pretty stripped down & basic. I don't really have any use for the extra gadgets & whatnot. I want fast, stable, and rooted... I get that with jf. I haven't tried dude yet, but I might soon, as I'm hearing great things about it! I was using haykuro's 5.0.2h for a while, but went back to rc33 since (at that time) 5.0.2h had stability issues, and a lot of apps weren't designed for 1.5 yet. I really liked haykuro's build, aside from that (which was not his fault, it was a problem with the individual apps). I love the fact that we have so many options to choose from, and I wouldn't want anyone to stop hacking & developing android!
I know that things like "best" and "better" aren't rweally constructive, and I appreciate this poll because of what it accomplishes, but I must admit that it would be extremely helpful to have some sort of table/database/list of features & differences in the builds. They are all fantastic, but some features suit some better than others, and the ability to look at those features, and make an educated decision would be awesome!
Thank you to all of the devs working to make android better! You are awesome!!!
Just my 2 cents...

Haykuro's 1.5Hr3 FTW. Tried moving to the JF build and had to flash back about an hour later because it was going significantly slower than Haykuro's and a lot more apps were crashing. After flashing back to Haykuro's everything went back to being fast and working perfectly

I've been toying aroud with moving over to Haykuro's 1.5Hr3 too but for now im happy with JFs 1.50 and ill stick with it in the meantime
Either way my hats off to all the 1.5 Devs out there churning this stuff out for us


All these ROMs

Having a hard time deciding what ROM to run, they seem pretty much all the same.
Anyone care to explain the difference? Or point me in the right direction what I feel would be the best for me?
cm 3.4.6 is quite stable and fast.
but without more info on what you looking for, no one but you knows whats best for you
I'm running the cyanogen 3.4.6 and it's awesome. It's optimized to be very fast. The ROM itself overclocks, or actually just correctly clocks the G1 to 528Mhz, so no need for the widget, and has extremely snappy menus, etc. It also supports multitouch zoom in and out in the browser...very cool! Try it...this ROM will make a noticable difference in performance. My G1 now BLOWS all my friends and even my old iPhone 3g away (my 3g even has a custom ROM on it!)
I'm also having a hard time choosing a ROM. I just want something fast and stable with apps2sd.
JF 1.51 is good if you just want a standard cupcake rom with root, nothing special.
Cyanogen builds (which I'm using at the moment) are built for speed and stability, but apps2sd on ext3 gave me so many problems.
Hero builds are only really for testing. Rosie looks great but is very laggy and both the hardware LED and bluetooth are broken. I only kept it for a couple of days.
I was just about to try one of haykuro's HTC magic ports when I came across this thread
been using jf's roms and have always been happy with them.
recently went to cm 3.4.6 and have to admit i'm impressed......really zippy
I would have to say that JF's roms, although not frequently updated or loaded with all the extras, are consistently the most stable and trouble free.
Cyanogen builds are extremely fast, have lots of extras, and are constantly being updated and upgraded. I would read though the comments to pick the version that best suits you. Always having the latest build is not necessarily the best idea. You'll have to decide which version to use.
TheDude! That's what I'm currently using, and I love it. There seems to have been a short period now where new updates that address the few remaining bugs have not been fixed. Not sure what's going on in regards to this, but using TheDudesCupcake.v1.3.beta12-signed.zip is working pretty much flawlessly for me. Note: That version is NOT the latest version. You'll have to search the thread (it's on the last few pages) for a link to get that version. It seems that's the stable pick of Dude's latest.
Hero ports: Tried them briefly, removed them promptly. Not ready for primetime, IMHO.
Google ION ports: I'd go with JF over ION right now. Not much in the way of development on the ION front, so nagging problems aren't getting fixed. At least that's been my experience.
Again, I'm on Dude's right now. I'm waiting for a replacement phone to be delivered sometime this week, and I'm not exactly sure if I'll use Dude's or Cyanogen's on the new phone. Or maybe even JF's. I plan on really putting the different builds through their paces on this broken down ole phone. Then I'll decide.
I highly suggest giving this chart a good look. It will help you decide...
I'm using JAChero version 1.6b. I love the features but it is very slow and no bluetooth is a bummer. I'm waiting for a Class 6 SD card to see if that helps (class 2 now).
engagedtosmile said:
Having a hard time deciding what ROM to run, they seem pretty much all the same.
Anyone care to explain the difference? Or point me in the right direction what I feel would be the best for me?
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nuff said...
The previous post says it all. It was almost frustrating for me at first trying to decipher what was what. But a wise man once told me "...try all the different roms! Don't be afraid to experiment!". With the 1.4 recovery you can store several different roms on your sdcard, backup your current rom, wipe, flash a new rom to try it, wipe, flash a different rom to try that one, etc. If you decide that you didn't like any of those... just restore back to your previous backup. Simple as that. No pc needed. Thats when it becomes hella interesting.
Right after that the AndroidSpin ROM DB dropped. It kindof made things easier because most of the majors are laid out side by side. If my two cents matters... Cyanogen def top ranks in stability and speed. DudesCupcake and Soulife ION Remix worked liked butter for me too, the themes were a plus. Currently I'm wearing the lastest JACxROM. I'm a sucker for nice grafix. But hey thats just me, compared to alot of other cats around here, i don't know jackspit. Have fun.
I think the OP found a rom by now, look at the last post before gary.lavin brought this **** back from the dead....june 28th...someone has been going through EVERY damn page lol.
crpercodani said:
I think the OP found a rom by now, look at the last post before gary.lavin brought this **** back from the dead....june 28th...someone has been going through EVERY damn page lol.
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but it is so fun to go back 20 or so pages, find something that doesn't have a definitive answer then resurrect that mofo. i think i may (just to be a major ass) go to the last page of every sub forum and resurrect the last non locked thread lol. oh wait, that would take too much time away from doing something that matters lol. oh well.

SPEEDiest stable donut ROM - challenge me...

This Thread will list the ROM that is foremost STABLE.. . AND SUPER FAST.
The CURRENT CHAMPION is currently : Dwang
Here is the reality. MOST ROMs suck in terms of speed. They are slow if you fill your agenda and contacts and add a few widgets. You switch from apps to home you wait, you switch apps wait again, reload etc. Pain in the ass.
So you get the concept, I like speed... AND I want this thread to be about stable super fast ROMS.
I am tired of every rom claiming fast, and blazing and etc.. with the sad reality that the very large majority quite frankly sucks.
Anyone who is using the phone as a real working professional realizes that HERO's suck... haven't found one yet that just eliminates waiting. I just can't deal with waiting 5 seconds when moving out of an app to home or.. into another one..It just doesnt work if I have a call ringing and all the appz bog it down so I can't answer... While some ROMs are trying to be fast.. they still suck if you move a little fast..or have a few things up. That's the reality. And while I appreciate the work of all the devs, I want one thread in here to be about bottom line. Speed & everyday stability everyday use. And I mean not fast right after you flashed it I mean still fast after weeks of use. Many Ron's just come to a creeping halt.. after a while... However a ROM has to be STABLE first (meaning no force closes even after a while) and once it delivers that, then it has to be FAST.
So far I found ONE ROM that is far and beyond above the rest... and it is the current speed champion Dwang (with haykuro spl)
Quite frankly there's nothing that can touch that one. It is stable, has a black theme, bluetooth (don't quite need it though), but is SUPER FAST... meaning no waiting.. it is the only rom, that I consider business-use worthy.. where you can fly through apps, get your stuff done.. it works, does it's thing no matter what you throw at it... leagues above the rest. In fact is is a Rom you can flash onto the Lady's phone and she's gonna love it... which is the ultimate crown for software.
Oh and I am in no way associated with Dwang.. I am just a simple guy who wants a fast and stable donut/hero. If I can get same speed as Dwang in a hero, I'd love to have a hero... anyway.. I'll keep this thread as the speed champion thread (stable). The test infrastructure is a Dream G1.. but others feel free to post your comments.
NOW if any of you guys think you have a rom that works equally well, or you think is faster... please post a link below and I'll give it a shot... I'll run it through its paces with many large calendars tons of contacts and lots of daily use and abuse. However I am not gonna look at test balloons. Test your rom first, make sure it's stable... and most importantly don't go out and throw claims around you can't backup.
So show me what you've got.... For now Dwang is the reigning Speed champion.
I have none of the "issues" you point out with Cyanogen's latest. I'm not going to bother with a link. You should be able to find it.
Edit: Agreed with tazz.
dude, no one cares about what you think of ROM's in development. There's different forums for each phone for a reason. Mods, can we get this moved to general please? This doesn't belong here. Next time, think before you decide to post things that do not belong in development. all it does is just clutter it.
I challenge you to post in the right section.
alec.baldwin has a point, there should be statistics in A part of the Dream forums for everyday usage of the ROM's, I totally agree with him, when I am at home everything is ok with any ROM, but when I am on the road and I am trying to find a location and an IM application is opened and some guy calls me.. everything hangs, even on cyanogen, once it jammed the whole nadroid, black screen, only the notification bar visible and the phone was vibrating, I had to restart it. Anyhow, what's true it's true, this thread doesn't belong here, but it must be somewhere in plain sight. I have tested so far every ROM that has appear in the last two months, and truth be told, I also find dwangs the best, I've been using it like mad, good battery life, extremely snappy, no complaints. And yes, for everyone that keeps saying that the ROM's aren't working well because wipe and format, I ALWAYS repartition my SD when installing a new ROM.
AS ALWAYS, THANKS TO ALL THE DEV's FOR THEYR HARD WORK, remember, this isn't a competition, only statistics, so people can make a good choice without testing everything out there.
When someone says they have a super speedy hero rom, it relates to other PAST HERO ROMS. You cant compare a cupcake rom or a donut rom to a Hero rom. Especially on speed. The sense UI was not meant to run on the G1 nor was it meant to be run on the MT3G. On the other hand, donut and cupcake where both meant to be run on our phones. Thats why they are usually stable, fast, and used on a daily basis while hero roms need completely different frameworks and modifications to even work on our phones. SO, my point is: Hero roms are fast compared to other hero roms being created and they are a WORK IN PROGRESS so let the work progress and stop complaining because we have like 20 devs working FOR FREE just to make people like you and me happy. So Donut will always be faster then Hero. And as of right now, Hero will always be a tad slow, have some loading screens, and lacks bluetooth.
Ok first sorry guys for posting this in the wrong section (admin please move) unless I can (but don't think I can). It took me many hours to find this Rom that delivers - every rom claiming how super fast they are does not make it easy. As newby it takes a while to get the right recovery image, get the right spl, get the hang of it, until you finally get to switchrom or a process that makes testing easier.
Having some XDA stable speed award, or something that would take away all that trial and error and reading through pages and pages of posts to find what is unstable in every rom, having a simple THREAD.. that shows Newbies... look start with XYZ rom. And you have something that is fast, and stable. Then you can go and venture from there. I bet that many get turned off after flashing a hero, or a cyanogen (I first flashed the 4.0... cyanogen and boy what a dog it was, and the hero's are even worse, I was ready to throw it out the window)... all I wanted was something fast and stable, real life worthy. It took me probably about 7 roms to finally find one that RULES.
Also right now dev development has so many dimensions everyone developing in some direction. IT would be nice.. to have a central thread.. if you want speed&stable.. do XYZ. If you want features do ABC... wouldnt it be nice to have an award devs can aspire towards, to get recognition for the work you do...
I just upgraded to a G1 from At&t Tilt. I'm new to the dream threads. I see that you guys are very competitive with your development. That is a good sign because that means that there are hard working devs here. I like
nephron said:
When someone says they have a super speedy hero rom, it relates to other PAST HERO ROMS. You cant compare a cupcake rom or a donut rom to a Hero rom. Especially on speed. ....we have like 20 devs working FOR FREE just to make people like you and me happy. So Donut will always be faster then Hero.
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Yes there are 20 devs working but there should be some structure to the madness. I think there are a lot of people that look for fast and stable and simply can't find it because they are lost in so many releases all claiming fast and stable and the greatest thing since apple pie. All I suggest is a simple thread to help new users here to get a positive experience.
Imagine someone is flashing a dog onto their phone... slows it down like you wouldnt believe it after 2 weeks of use... what do you think how likely are they to come back and give it another shot (unless they're geeks and willing to work through it). Now imagine the same thing.. someone starting with a stock donut.. flashing a dwang1.11 and go like "HOLY SH#T".. I'll bet you a positive first experience will do much more for the community the users and the developers than someone with a bad experience.. (trust me I went through that).
The more users you have the more enthusiasts the better for all of us. My vote is simply to create something that gives positive experiences. Does not have to be me.. but someone who is using the devices in the real world.. with abuse and use, large calendars... contacts, just REAL LIFE, and then puts out some recommendations/awards whatever you wanna call it. Do this and you'll see user numbers grow.
and another thing... the writting up here ^ is not yelling just really big letters =]
i think you are completely wrong, the new sense hero 1.3r1 with the new bfs and 10mb hack have zero lag
this thread is a waste of bandwith.
this has to be the most pointless thread ive ever seen. flash roms and figure out for yourself which is good or not if you dont like it go back to ota updates.
jf4888 said:
and another thing... the writting up here ^ is not yelling just really big letters =]
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Everything you jus said was pure stupid! The only thing you really got to pay for is a class 6 card and thats less than 15 bucks online! If you dont got 15 bucks get a job! Cyan right now is not stable im getting so much fc's on his rom & new people find bugs all day on it. Dwang's is the meanest leanest fastest stable donut rom out there! Have you ever tried it?
I think part of the fun is figuring out what works best for your needs. Some people like flash and glits, running tons of widgets, others are very minimal. But he is right. Every Rom on this site "claims to be the fastest".
Takenover83 said:
I think part of the fun is figuring out what works best for your needs. Some people like flash and glits, running tons of widgets, others are very minimal. But he is right. Every Rom on this site "claims to be the fastest".
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No, cyanogen claims his will keep you legal for less. nothing about being the fastest there! xD
Enomther's ROMs are very fast and stable...I flash most the ROMs i find but always go back to his. You are posting in the dev section so most the people here are going to say try them all...when most the users don't want to flash all the time.
I would suggest starting a thread in Dream or Dream Q&A, make a poll, do some benchmarks...Have users pay more attention to the annoyances in their ROMs and post them. All of the stuff you are asking about should be run by the community, not XDA! I agree being a noob and coming to this site can be overwhelming, but at the same time it kills off some of the people that shouldn't be modding their phones anyway.
Maybe make a few threads...one showing the fastest most stable ROM, one for the ROM with the most options, one that is the creeper...maybe build that all into one post and you maintain the first few posts...Hell Google Wave invites are floating around, I am making a wave about tips and tricks on the G1 you could try to do something similar.
Thansk for mentioning Enomther's rom looks though he's not on Donut yet.. but as soon as it happens I'll give it a shot.
Legal for less.. well quite frankly the extra dance about the google stuff is just a hazzle. I see Google's point that when you go and waive the mods stuff around on their market (through the updater) that they'd get upset. But the result now is rather absurd..to backup your own google appz and install them afterwards...(I think that's what the status is). The problem I had with Cyanogen is that everyone was hyping up the 4.0.. something (the last one with the google appz) I installed it on my, my wife and my dad's phone.. and it ended up being a really frustrating experience (they're all heavy users). Now the most current version might have things fixed but I am still scared from that experience.
yeah I have created a few little benchmarks.. switching from this to that, just certain tasks.. in the future I'll just compare Roms by looking at how much time it takes. Then teh ones that are promising will get immersed into a real life test. It would be awesome to have a benchmark program....
jf4888 and Mgorman
Quite frankly just try Dwang's rom.. . that will make you shut up.
About sense hero 1.3r1 with the new bfs and 10mb hack that should have zero lag. Well I got exactly that one installed... and I personally thought it sucks. Go to browser.. hit the home button. Or other applications.. you'll get seconds of load times. The other thing that sucked is the widgets.. f.e. weather.. as great as it looks.. I have noticed that I am in an app.. go back to home screen.. go to weather widget and it is reloading... even though before I went into the app it had the data loaded. And generally moving through the rom from apps, to settings, to home, to email to messaging to home... I have found one just waits for 3-5 seconds at a time. And it might be that's just normal for HERO, but with Dwang I don't get that. Sure its a donut.. but if you are a real user, you will care a lot more about speed than you do about a weather animation, or a few more polished things... if it would be a major step in functionality.. ok maybe.. but its not. Its a little bit better.. but a lot slower. If you want a more detailed analysis let me know and i'll boot the hero up again and do some measurments to drive the point home.
alec.baldwin said:
yeah I have created a few little benchmarks.. switching from this to that, just certain tasks.. in the future I'll just compare Roms by looking at how much time it takes. Then teh ones that are promising will get immersed into a real life test. It would be awesome to have a benchmark program....
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You want a true benchmark test, download Linpack for Android (it's available in most droid markets I believe). It isn't perfect, and it doesn't give a ton of stats, but it does do a pretty legit speed test and you can even save the results to compare against other roms/phones.
I agree with you on the "having a thread that highlights the "fastest", "most bells & whistle", etc"... even if just to tell noobs "start here"... I'm running CM (and yes, it has issues... I've had random reboots, FC's, and plenty of lag) but I've been sticking with CM as it's just easier than flashing a new rom every few days because things start going down hill. Having a thread to go to that would give at least a general idea of how different roms work in the real world (without having to spend my entire saturday reading through thousands of posts, most of which provide no info at all) would be great. But then I'm guessing said thread would fill with useless posts, or at least way too many posts) fairly quickly.
That being said, your better bet is to have a website that is either devoted to (or at least has a section devoted to) this concept. You may have a better chance pitching the idea to the folks at Phandroid.com or AndroidAndMe.com. I'm not saying they'll be 100% behind you, I don't really know any of them, so I can't really say what their interest level would be... but at least on a site like that you can control the "reviews/awards" without getting a billion useless posts making it hard to find the useful info. Just a thought.
yup yup yippee, I used a certain ROM that claimed to be fast and stable and it was just the opposite and also had a bad memory leak. I was running under 20 megs in about 8 hours. there should be an end user grading system, it dosent necessary have to be on xda, but a link somewhere in a sticky in the Dev forum. it could have things like speed, stable, memory, battery, looks, radio, overall quality, etc. on a one to ten scale, maybe a short comment box under 200 words then an overall score that's averaged among the reviews. this will definitely help noobs and devs know what's going on without trying to read over 400+ pages of compliments/complaints and how do I flash this posts.
As much as yall hate the "whats the best ROM" posts, i do find them helpful as i hate wiping & flashing several ROMs, I just want a good one and stick with it. This is just a suggestion, although I think its a good one. Id do it myself if I knew how to make web pages .
oops I just realized muzek pretty much made the same point I did.

Why bother waiting for 2.1 ?

honestly with the work the dev's have been doin with the 2.1 ports i could care less about the official 2.1 now . do ya really have to wait another month or so just because it says "sprint" on it or would ya rather use all the amazing new features it has now.
nbroneobi said:
honestly with the work the dev's have been doin with the 2.1 ports i could care less about the official 2.1 now . do ya really have to wait another month or so just because it says "sprint" on it or would ya rather use all the amazing new features it has now.
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I can't wait for the release when like 95 new threads will be made about it lol
Because the Sprint release will have all features working. After that, our dev's can make custom ROM's based on a fully working release, which of course, will be far superior...........
i can't wait till the stupid thing comes out a million people whine beacause its not the holy grail they thought it would be . then we can all move on with our lives
every single feature i need want and use works flawlessly for me i couldnt ask for more. i could care less about the bloatware from sprint other people make better apps on the market anyway
chfields said:
Because the Sprint release will have all features working. After that, our dev's can make custom ROM's based on a fully working release, which of course, will be far superior...........
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I'd be very surprised if Sprint's official release has all features completely working.
TheSeanTeam said:
I'd be very surprised if Sprint's official release has all features completely working.
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Why?? My wife's phone is stock and everything works perfectly.....Why should it be any different for 2.1?? They are waiting to release to be sure it works.
I'm a nascar fan and it doesn't work on Damage 1.0, but I don't really care at this point as my wifes is stock and we listen to that one....Everything I need works on Damage and I'm very happy with it, it is my daily.
chfields said:
Why?? My wife's phone is stock and everything works perfectly.....Why should it be any different for 2.1?? They are waiting to release to be sure it works.
I'm a nascar fan and it doesn't work on Damage 1.0, but I don't really care at this point as my wifes is stock and we listen to that one....Everything I need works on Damage and I'm very happy with it, it is my daily.
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My father's phone is bone-stock and mine is rooted, running the Beta DC 1.1... and I'd say my phone has less issues than he has.
I'm guessing you didn't get a Hero at launch... there were a few problems that needed addressing.
My thought on the sprint released one:
Hopefully it will run a little smoother than ours does now because things are done "Appropriately" and not hacked together(Kerenel and driver versions are appropriate). I could only imagine this would make things a little better. Then we can have our way with a new one.
My current impression of the 2.1 Roms I have loaded:
They are really good considering all that has to be done to make one work. It seems they are a little slow when you start switching between apps and somethings just act a little funny. Like my browser randomly closes back to the home screen after I click on a link. If I run one game and then move to another its laggy. But all of this stuff is still really great and the devs have done a great job with what is at their disposal. I have run a 2.1 daliy for about the last 2 weeks, and the benefits far out weigh going back to a 1.5. I wish I could get the latest PRL with out going through all the work.
Im sure an official 2.1 release will result in a 2.1 kitchen as well... thats something to look forward to!
The official Sprint/HTC 2.1 will just give the community more stuff to build upon and incorporate into current ROM's. Whether starting from source or hacking on a prebuilt or leaked ROM (or some combination of these), something tells me most of the folks on this list won't view ANY Android release as a finished product.
Honestly, if Sprint/HTC they were smart the fixes and extensions to Android found on this forum and elsewhere (example, the kernel optimizations, Cyanogen's updater, the "kitchen" model, themes and skins, etc) would be going the other way and finding themselves in the official releases. But I'm not holding my breath
nbroneobi said:
i can't wait till the stupid thing comes out a million people whine beacause its not the holy grail they thought it would be . then we can all move on with our lives
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I don't think anyone thinks it is the holy grail. People just want things like live wallpapers, accurate location, working bluetooth, working MMS/SMS/etc., working google voice, stability, and other admittedly minor issues that plague the 2.1 roms. It's not going to change anyone's life, but suddenly my latitude might stop showing I'm 30 miles away and I can finally have that cool spinning galaxy wallpaper.
nbroneobi said:
every single feature i need want and use works flawlessly for me i couldnt ask for more. i could care less about the bloatware from sprint other people make better apps on the market anyway
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We're glad that everything that you want works for you. But you must have realized at some point by now that we're not all you, and some of us care about those things that don't work.
Why you would whine and argue that we should just settle for a rom that has less things working and not look forward to a rom that has more things working is beyond me.
gthing said:
I don't think anyone thinks it is the holy grail. People just want things like live wallpapers, accurate location, working bluetooth, working MMS/SMS/etc., working google voice, stability, and other admittedly minor issues that plague the 2.1 roms. It's not going to change anyone's life, but suddenly my latitude might stop showing I'm 30 miles away and I can finally have that cool spinning galaxy wallpaper.
We're glad that everything that you want works for you. But you must have realized at some point by now that we're not all you, and some of us care about those things that don't work.
Why you would whine and argue that we should just settle for a rom that has less things working and not look forward to a rom that has more things working is beyond me.
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I am thinking that, the items that are still not working only affect a small percentage of us out there, and if a feature is broken, but you never use it, then why worry?
He has a point, not everyone is insanely OCD about all features working. Being OCD about isn't a bad thing either. XDA and Android itself is all about choices. He has made his, you have made yours. I don't even understand why there is so much discussion about this.
5tr4t4 said:
Honestly, if Sprint/HTC they were smart the fixes and extensions to Android found on this forum and elsewhere (example, the kernel optimizations, Cyanogen's updater, the "kitchen" model, themes and skins, etc) would be going the other way and finding themselves in the official releases. But I'm not holding my breath
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If sprint were smart they would sell this device unlocked with the ability to download customizations from their store (roms, taskbars, lockscreens, icons, customized rosies, bootscreens etc) for a few bucks a pop, and let everyone customize the phone to their liking. Would prob be tens of thousands of additional income for them from the people who are too lazy to root and do it themselves.
obelisk79 said:
He has a point, not everyone is insanely OCD about all features working. Being OCD about isn't a bad thing either. XDA and Android itself is all about choices. He has made his, you have made yours. I don't even understand why there is so much discussion about this.
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So you'd have to be "insanely OCD" to want all the features on your phone working? Why did they bother to creating the features in the first place?
I would also point out that I haven't seen anyone who is "insanely OCD" about the official 2.1 rom coming out either.
gthing said:
So you'd have to be "insanely OCD" to want all the features on your phone working? Why did they bother to creating the features in the first place?
I would also point out that I haven't seen anyone who is "insanely OCD" about the official 2.1 rom coming out either.
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It would seem to me that you are very particular about having all features work on your phone. I can understand this, I even stated that in my post. Perhaps OCD was a bad way to put it. Rather lets call it Nitpicky. In either case, I think you've missed the point I was getting at in my post. That point was that we all have the freedom to choose how to use our phones. 2.1 will come from sprint in due course. Sprint has made no promises on a date for it yet people continue to act overly anxious regardless.
Out of curiosity, what feature(s) is missing from the current 2.1 builds that has you waiting for the official sprint release?
1. No more "beta" ROMs (i.e. all ROMs with some minor issues, each with different ones, less messing with wiping).
2. Less ROMs and just a few really good ones (like with 1.5) which would lead to many more custom themes, and not themes that will be outdated with the new beta releases.
P.S. After the month of 2.1, when people are on their "x 2.1 official ROM" and they've done their themes, the boards will slow down like hell and people will just work on themes. In fact if Sprint has their way, by the time you get "official" 2.1 with the theme you want, you will be moving on to the 4g phones. I really don't see these boards having so much action after all the final ROM releases are out and the major themes are out for them.
The only reason I want the official 2.1 to come is because currently the "hacked together (if you will)" 2.1 ROM's get horrible signal on my phone. If I run 1.5 in the same area, I usually always have about 10-15 less dBa (less is better) than a 2.1 ROM. So hopefully the Sprint 2.1-based ROM's will have this corrected... otherwise I might stick to 1.5 forever
Well for one everything would be working 100%. With no setbacks like the devs make taking out keyboards, sounds, etc etc just to make the rom faster and more stable
You would have all your sprint apps, all google apps along with htcs more widgets and Market will show (as u see in ads) the 30,000+ apps
But i dont think its worth the unroot and root again tho. ill just wait two days or maybe 15hours before a dev make they own version of the rom.
obelisk79 said:
It would seem to me that you are very particular about having all features work on your phone. I can understand this, I even stated that in my post. Perhaps OCD was a bad way to put it. Rather lets call it Nitpicky. In either case, I think you've missed the point I was getting at in my post. That point was that we all have the freedom to choose how to use our phones. 2.1 will come from sprint in due course. Sprint has made no promises on a date for it yet people continue to act overly anxious regardless.
Out of curiosity, what feature(s) is missing from the current 2.1 builds that has you waiting for the official sprint release?
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visual voicemail for starters, not some 3rd party app that only works half the time.

New G1: My Wife's Phone: ROM Options?

I'm sure you can tell by my post count i'm fairly new to this G1/Android craze.
Actually, I don't even have one, yet. But my wife wants to move from nokia to G1.
I currently have an iPhone, and, after jailbreaking, is an excellent phone.
But it has it's problems. For example, no Linux support (at least not officially, and not good enough).
And why is Linux important? My wife has a Linux laptop (work laptop).
Anyway. I have read and have seen there is a thread telling not to ask for "best ROM", so i read some more, and there are a lot of links, but i can not seem to find one that can help me.
I went to the Androidspin database, and for G1 alone, there are 120 ROMs!!!!!
So, what are the ROMS that more closely fit this "requirements"?:
1) Stability. My wife is not very technical, so i want this to be smooth.
2) Speed. I love visuals, but i rather have a responsive phone.
3) Usability. The most feature rich gadget is useless if i have to take a course in physics to use it.
4) Internet. Browsing, MS Messenger, etc.
5) Applications. Access to the Android market is very much welcome.
6) Google. Synchronization with google apps in general, gmail, docs, etc, is very much welcome.
7) Skype. This would be a very "nice to have".
Lets just finish by saying that my wife would be using it unlocked on Argentina, not T-Mobile, so i think no 3G, but only wi-fi, because of bands compatibility.
So, which 5-10 ROMs should i try?
Thanks, for any help.
well if you want stable rom. you gotta go with cyanogen. his latest stable is but you hav to have the phone rooted.
SuperD is the fastest and most responsive, and in my experience, is also more stable than Cyanogen.
Thanks. I know i have to root them, yes.
What about OpenEclair?
If you want a stable 2.1 ROM, cyanogen's 5.0.7-test1 is fast and responsive. I've only used it for a few days, but stability seems good.
I have been rooting and hacking since the phone first came out in Oct 2008. I love everything android, Cyanogen, google, HTC, modding etc etc. I know I am going to take a lot of crap for this from my fellow hackers, flashers, and modders, but your first requirement:
1) Stability. My wife is not very technical, so i want this to be smooth.
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made me think of only one option for you (and her)....stay with stock roms that are officially supported and receive OTA updates.
I know that you would probably be doing all of the modding of her phone since she is not technical but you will not always be with her and altered ROMs can act up despite the best efforts of all the great developers that contribute to Android. Stay with stock and I have a feeling you will thank me later.
It depends on what you are doing. You need a “recovery image” which, as I get it, is just like a back up of your O.S. You have your choice of many here and elsewhere.
I think if you go over to the unlockr.com it’s pretty well spelled out. Figure out where you’re at and where you want to be, and proceed accordingly.
(It’s all here to but a little confusing to me)
Regards, PK
Thanks for responses.
In your experience, what are the most common crazy things a ROM does, when not the stock one, besides maybe hunging?
I would go with Cyanogen's last "stable" release. Judging from my fiance's response to my phone, I think she would be happier with it rooted to just have a speed boost available. The stock G1 is incredibly slow compared to a Cyanogen build mainly because it runs below the processor's capability until you root it and change the setting. Also, there is very little onboard memory and Apps2SD is a life saver for the G1. Basically it allows you to save your applications on the SD card but then your phones relies on the speed of the SD card. Even then, the G1 has a lot of hang ups that an impatient person may have issues with.
I think another android phone may be better for you if it is in your price range. The G1 has really turned in to a gadget to tinker with due to its lackluster hardware. I love my G1 because it is the ultimate gadget that I can recreate on a monthly basis but my fiance HATES it for that same reason.
Judging from Cyanogen's latest experimental build I may have to eat my words. It runs incredibly smooth but still has some bugs to work out.
Cyanogen seems to have some of the more stable roms but i'd definitely search the forums a little more
Super D...
cyanogen use to do a half boot sounds weird but it would go to the animated bootscreen. load. and then go right back into the app i was running . i think it may have something to do with my phone itself
most feature full= cyanogen
fastest most stabel= super d
i switch between the two often enough to recommend both
I would then be trying both, SuperD and Cyanogen.
They’re all a little screwy and it varies from phone to phone. I just swapped from super D to Cyanogen 5.07. Neither works my camera (Cyanogen admits to not havening zoom features). (In my case, I probably have a hardware prob.).
Read the associated threads to see what you can live with.
I the G1 gets Android 2.1 or 2.2, i would probably leave it like that for my wife.
The problem is that it is at 1.6 only.
cyanogen 5 is running 2.1 although its still in it's experimental stage (give it a week or so).
but seriously just get amon ra's recovery running and teach her to flash roms....... it's quite an addiction (as long as she can follow instructions she will be fine)
how about "TheOfficial Donut"
it's in here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=538456
It's fast, very stable and feels genuine
I recommend flashing the addons
According to the ROMs thread, the best one is SuperFast 1.3.3 RHJ.
All is 5 (excellent)
I have tried many different roms but SuperFast 1.3.3 RHJ is my daily use rom. I have not had any issue with it. It looks awesome. Has the new anderwebs launcher. The only issue that you might run into is that it uses ramhack which might slow down gaming.
Definitely recommend it. It gets 3.6 avg in linpack!
I want to try SuperFast 1.3.3 RHJ now, and probably later on, SuperD and Cyanogen.
I have so far downgraded the G1, and was able to activate it without a data plan.
Now, i have not installed anything.
I was going to install the recovery image, and was wondering if i should install the Cyanogen one, or the Death one (or something scary like that).
Also, i don't know if i have to upgrade other parts of the phone first, like the RADIO, etc.
This is how it is today:
Model Number T-Mobile G1
Firmware 1.0
Kernel 2.6.26-01843-gfea26b0
Build kila-user 1.0 TC4-RC29 115247
EDIT: so far, with the stock firmware, my wife is pretty happy (but i want SuperFast at least )

[Q] Donut > Eclair/FroYo?

Hi there,
there is already similiar thread to this where ppl discuss about the g1 going to the phone graveyard.
I always used the newest roms with the newest features, starting at jesusfreke's roms til cm6(also nightly builds)
From time to time we all recognized that our phones are not natively built for the firmwares we were able to use thanks to thos great devs we had and have.
Anyway we could help us with ramhack, JIT, Swap, Compcache, DangerSPL and much more.
Although there were huge efforts in making it usuable it never worked totally.
For Examlple:
A new script to prevent certain apps from being shut down, FireRat's -he said - "simple" but revolutionary and effective scripts/patches along with lbcoder (who's always a bit angry and annoyed by those newbies around the forum (as well as me ))
BUT I was never completely satisfied with Eclair and FroYo on my rom. It always ran somehow sluggish. Then phone.apk was killed because deskclock was still in memory and you have to wait for 2-4 seconds till you can accept a call or whatever.
So in the end, although there were so much efforts I went back to donut and it feels so snappy after a long time....
Now I wanted to ask you all: Do you think that our phones should stick to Donut (perhaps even cupcake) and being developed in this way instead of always porting the newest stuff?
I know that especially FroYo has some really nice goodies which don't exist in Donut and I really miss them as well as some apps. (I paid for LauncherPro Plus and can't even use it right now)
But I want a phone that shoud be able to work flawless.
Perhaps we can build new Donut roms with some goodies from Eclair/FroYo
Therefore I've created this thread. I would like to know your opinions concerning this topic...
Where's my option for android 1.0?
Really!!!!! I never grew fond of auto-rotation or video recording anyway XD.
hmm. i can't remember 1.0 anymore. I know that I had it. Do you want to make a rom?
sth like back to the original roots?
I think it would be quite difficult to make one.. ^^

