[REQ] Default Calendar modification - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi there,
I'm surprised no-one is interested in this kind of modification of default calendar, so here is my request/ question:
Is it possible to get out from calendar "Day" and "Week" view? To have possibility not to choose (through Menu) but cycle (by Soft key) only "Agenda", "Month" and "Year"?
Any help is welcome!
PS: No, really I do not want to switch to any different PIM application. This one is perfect for me ;-)

Count me in too !!

no one? up

still no one can help?


How to modify the calendar / contacts buttons

Hi guys,
guess a very simple question for you.
I-ve just bought a HTC Cruise and I-d like to put as predefined calendar application the Agenda fusion and for the contacts one the fusion contact...actually the predefined right and left buttons.
How the hell I can do it?
I can't find any option to modify this ****ing setting???
Try and be less abusive, it'll help getting answers...
There is a thread dedicated to questions. In future use that.
I'd use this to edit the settings.

Calendar bug in touch HD ?

I've got an appointment set up in Outlook on the PC for 7pm-11:30pm this evening.
When I synchronised, the home screen on the HD says "Tomorrow 19:00 - 23:30" instead of "Today"
If I tap the appointment on the home screen to enter the calendar program, it correctly shows under today's date, with nothing tomorrow.
Possible bug in TouchFlo ?
Anyone else seen this ?
Or am I being really dumb and missing something obvious ?
EDIT : After a soft reset, the word "tomorrow" vanishes. So it looks like TouchFlo failed to update the home screen properly until the device was reset.
my bug is different
I have a different bug, no mine doesnt seem to do what you say... as far as I can see...
My bug is that when you set in options to always display day, week or month view and you quit calendar and start it again, bang it goes back to Agenda view (which is rubbish)... is there a fix to get it to stay in what its asked to stay in.
truthseekers said:
I have a different bug, no mine doesnt seem to do what you say... as far as I can see...
My bug is that when you set in options to always display day, week or month view and you quit calendar and start it again, bang it goes back to Agenda view (which is rubbish)... is there a fix to get it to stay in what its asked to stay in.
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I'm seeing the same thing. When selecting the calendar or appointment from touchflo it always takes you to the agenda view as opposed to the default view you select in the calendar.
bugsy said:
I'm seeing the same thing. When selecting the calendar or appointment from touchflo it always takes you to the agenda view as opposed to the default view you select in the calendar.
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I was having the same issue.
I needed to reset my device (Pressing power button until it gives the pop up to turn off) and once it came back now it is working fine..
I can set it which way I want now and the setting is sticking...
...and more:
I got all of them... calender always opening in agenda view, a TOMORROW instead of a TODAY until reset, AND another one: IF you activate lets say THREE alarms, only the first one shows up on the today screen, no matter what time it is... So if it the first alarm is over, my Touch ELF's display would change to show to the next open one, but the HD does NOT. Ridiculous...
I see 4 every day all the call.!?Sync by activesync.How to delette this sync?
I too am bothered with this problem.
I want my calendar view set to Month view. So I've choosen Month view form the options and everything seems OK. However, everytime I choose calendar from the home screen it briefly starts in Month view, and then opens the agenda view.
I've tried everything I could find on the net to solve this problem, including:
- Adjusting the calendar to month view and afterwards soft-resetting my HD. Still the same problem.
- Adding -vm to the shortcut in the calendar shortcuts in the Windows directory and in the Windows/Startup directory. this opens the calendar in month view, but from the Home screen still no success.
- Searching the registry for relevant settings, but i'm not knowledgeable enough yet to find the correct ones.
By the way, if I set my calendar view to Day or Week, the same type of problem occurs.
Since I really don't like the Agenda view this really starts to annoy me.
Any other thoughts out there on something I could try?
Regards, Jack
i have the same problem! does anyone know abetter more fingerfriendly calendar program with tf3d integration?
Strange stuff...
I don't have the problem everybody describes, but instead next day appointments show with a DS_TOMORROW: prefix instead of Tomorrow: The font is big and it occupies quite a lot of space, looks buggy and pretty annoying.
With regard to a finger friendly calendar - I used Agenda One, but it doesn't work from TF3D Home screen by default - the link needs to be edited, and I can't find the thread where the way to do it was described.
With regard to opening the calendar in the "right" view, it should be relatively easy to fix.
Searching the registry won't help because the links in RF3D seem to be hardcoded - this is the bad news.
The good news is that there's a Manila Patcher which allows to change things. If you know the arguments (somebody mentioned -vm), you can change those.
With regard to today's events prefixed with "Tomorrow", it seems that this is indeed a Manila bug, it just doesn't refresh data. You don't have to reset the device, disabling and enabling Manila is enough. This is not a workaround of course, because resetting is actualy easier, just to reiterate that TF3D is at fault.
Not 100% sure, but if I'm using the device around midnight then TF3D doesn't roll the appointments. If I'm not then it does.
Could be a complete red-herring though. . .
Does HTC have any bug tracking system available for the public, at least for submitting bugs?
Thanks for the tip on SSMaPa vangrieg!
Installed it, added "-vm" in the arguments box belonging to calendar.exe, and after some messages I am now enjoying my calendar in glorious Month view!
And before I forget, the other possible arguments are: -vd for Day view, -vw for Week view, -vy for Year view and of course -va for the dreaded Agenda view
By the way, this is what HTC Support mailed me after just one day's wait:
In order to solve your problem, you will need to hardreset your device. All data and settings will be deleted, so please back-up all your data first. Remove your SIM and memory card and go to Start, Settings, System, Clear Storage and follow the on-screen instructions.
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Might try that some day, but for now this seems to be werking fine!
Regards, Jack
fasty said:
I've got an appointment set up in Outlook on the PC for 7pm-11:30pm this evening.
When I synchronised, the home screen on the HD says "Tomorrow 19:00 - 23:30" instead of "Today"
If I tap the appointment on the home screen to enter the calendar program, it correctly shows under today's date, with nothing tomorrow.
Possible bug in TouchFlo ?
Anyone else seen this ?
Or am I being really dumb and missing something obvious ?
EDIT : After a soft reset, the word "tomorrow" vanishes. So it looks like TouchFlo failed to update the home screen properly until the device was reset.
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I too have this problem, and the thing at fault here is apparently the Touch Flo 3D interface. Just as described in the original post, the calendar app itself displays everything correctly, but on the Today Screen in Touch Flo, "tomorrow" entries do not change over to "today entries" when the date changes, i.e. it fails to update.
A soft reset does indeed correct the problem, but it is also sorted out if you change the calendar content in some way. This morning, for instance, I made a simple edit (changed the location variable) in one of the entries, and PRESTO! - the entries on the Today screen were properly presented.
Now, I'm not a programmer, but it seems to me that the Today screen doesn't recognise a date change as something that should trigger an update. Shouldn't it be able to force this somehow?
Speaking about Calendars, does anyone know how to change the text color of the topic while on the TFLO3D home screen.
It is a grey color and it makes it impossible to read.
Hi there, I have the same bug with Touch Flo, but no need to reset the phone. Just go in Start / Settings / Today, untick Touch Flo, do OK, this closes the Touch Flo applications. Then rego there to tick Touch Flo, this runs Touch Flo with the right information.
HTC advised me to hard-reset the device. The problem continues.
Soft resetting touch-flo does seem to cure the problem of the immediate appointment, but it is not a permanent fix.
- Steve
I have another bug in the calendar of the Touch HD.
When I create an all-day event with a reminder, it just doesn't remind me : no ring, no vibe, just the screen that is switched on, and the pop-up appear. But it works fine with a regular appointment. Do you have the same bug ?
I don't know about you guys but i wanted to test this out so i entered some false appointments for 3 days in a row and i'm on the 2nd day and it has worked wonderfully.
It doesn't say 'today' but the top rows are showing today and has 'tomorrow' for the the appointment tomorrow.
I waited till midnight and it did roll over.
Or is this problem only via syncing from Outlook or something?
I have entered a few bogus meetings for the next day on the phone itself to test out your theory and on midnight the Tomorrow tag simply stayed there.
So once again I have no idea what triggers the bug.

[REQ] People Tab Alternative

Hi all
I tried to search, but i didnt find anything.
I dont like the "people" tab, where i have to scroll trough my favorite contacts. I would prefere, i could directly access to the favorites contact, without scrolling (like the programm tab or like the action screen).
But i still want to keep TF3D...
Do anyone has an idea or knows how to solve this issue?
Thx mates,
i dont know how to solve this but this is what i did
i installed icontact and i have it maped on the right softkey at the home tab.
it opens very fast, looks nice and is very finger friendly. There is a favorites tab as well but it does take 2clicks (1open icontact, 2 click on favorites) so not exactly direct
hope this helps
Thx Giannis86
Sounds good for me. Still much better as the actual solution.
I will give it a try...
actually i do have an idea now..
i just spent some time modding the actionscreen skin. I think it would be possible to fix the shortcuts to a contact (i need to do some research on how to do this ofc)
so, IF this is possible, you could have 9 contacts showing at the same time (i suppose more is possible if you made the icons smaller but its a lengthy process)
Giannis86 said:
actually i do have an idea now..
i just spent some time modding the actionscreen skin. I think it would be possible to fix the shortcuts to a contact (i need to do some research on how to do this ofc)
so, IF this is possible, you could have 9 contacts showing at the same time (i suppose more is possible if you made the icons smaller but its a lengthy process)
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there is a program i used some time ago while making a theme for battery status that enabled me to dial from shortcuts.
dial.exe xxxxxxxxxxx
but it would require some aditional tool to configure, or some text editing.
guythomaz said:
Hi all
I tried to search, but i didnt find anything.
I dont like the "people" tab, where i have to scroll trough my favorite contacts. I would prefere, i could directly access to the favorites contact, without scrolling (like the programm tab or like the action screen).
But i still want to keep TF3D...
Do anyone has an idea or knows how to solve this issue?
Thx mates,
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I would also prefer something like this. Instead of People just have a tab called "Contacts" and you can scroll up and down with the TF3d movability instead of going into the actual contacts program which is so slow.
What about to port people tab from m2d?
Yuna said:
What about to port people tab from m2d?
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Fantastic idea! Would b much better as the m3d...
I can't port it
guythomaz said:
I would prefere, i could directly access to the favorites contact, without scrolling (like the programm tab or like the action screen)
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Any solution for this request?!
I've found the easiest solve to this is to use iContacts Burt Edition 6.4.5 and map it to the right or left softkey on the homescreen. Then get TF3D config and remove the People tab fom manilla. You can set favorites with photos in icontactBE and you can configure it to open directly to the favorites list first with the iContact Config. tool.
crucytor said:
Any solution for this request?!
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At the moment am using Resco Contact Manager. I think it's really not bad, but there are many thing included, it isnt just a replacement for the people tab.

calendar not opening in the correct view

No matter what I setting I use under what type of calendar view to show me when the calendar is first opened, it always shows the agenda view.
The weird thing is that at first it does open to whatever the setting is (for example week or month), and then in a split second it switches to agenda view. I have to manually tap until the desire view appears.
The setting still remains on "week" but the program still shows the agenda.
I also have this issue.
My device is the HTC Touch HD (by O2 Germany).
But if you start the calendar from the start menu, it will display correctly the selected view.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Same issue here - most annoying!
Are you taping on an event on the home screen (TFlo3d) ? (as in how are you starting it )
MDAIIIUser said:
Are you taping on an event on the home screen (TFlo3d) ? (as in how are you starting it )
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yes, there is an upcoming event. Nevertheless, it shouldn't open the agenda view by default.
Hmm, after starting this thread, now I am wondering if that is just the way it works. I hadn't realized that opening the calendar from the Start menu does open it in the correct/desired view.
Do you guys remember if from the home screen it always opened to the agenda? Or did it used to open to the desired view?
I'm doubtful now - can't remember if maybe it always worked this way.
I think it's supposed to work this way. When you open it from the Today Screen it always uses this view, hence the name: Today Screen
Well there is a solution for Pocket informant
check out wiki
Now I am sure that the default Calandera has options as well but not sure what they are not werr to find them.
When opening from Today, it always opens Agenda view.
When opening from Start -> Programs -> Calendar opens as ordered in Tools -> Options.
Doesn't like it, let's hope for a Registry hack.
This annoyed me too... It does indeed seem to be an issue with Touch Flo 3d, and the calendar link on the Today screen being set to always start the calendar in day view.
So, supposed this is a Touch Flo issue rather than a Windows Mobile issue, I made a little google search and came up with the following from htcwiki.com:
I haven't tried it myself yet (past my bedtime as it is ), but will probably do so tomorrow. It seems like a simple enough operation. The instructions are for setting the calendar to month view as default, but I guess changing the parameter from "vm" to "vw" would set it to week mode. That seems logical, right?
Use the search funtionality.
You need the file ssmapa.exe
With that you can modify the manile.exe entry which is overruling the wm setting.
search and you will find.
or when you need someone else to do it for you.... link
ikkezelf1 said:
Use the search funtionality.
You need the file ssmapa.exe
With that you can modify the manile.exe entry which is overruling the wm setting.
search and you will find.
or when you need someone else to do it for you.... link
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I tried the ssmapa. It did not link correctly so I did a full restore. However, in my home page, the calendar now only shows a link "Calendar" but does not show the calendar items. It used to show my two or three of my schedules in the original touch flow 3D. I even did a hard reset but it did not help. Can someone advise how i can get it back?
Thanks, appreciate any help.
Use MortScript for starting Pocket Informant in Calendar View:
runwait ("\Program files\WebIs\PocketInformant\PITab.exe", "5")
sleep (2000)
runwait ("\Program files\WebIs\PocketInformant\PITab.exe", "5")
(Perhaps you have to modify the path....)

Calendar & keyboard & Today screen...

Hello HD2 world
I'm new to HTC world, previously I had an Eten. HD2 is a sexy device, yet I have some issues I would like to fix :
1°) Calendar
Am I missing a point or the HTC calendar isn't able to copy/paste/move appointments in week view or add an appointment by selecting the day in the week view ? I really miss these features.
Any way to enable them ? Or is it possible to install back the original poutlook calendar from ms ?
Also I have the 1.43 ROM, is it possible to install the 1.48 calendar which fixes the week view issue without flashing the ROM (just installing a new cab for the calendar ?)
2°) Keyboard
I really miss the feature of the ms keyboard : slide to right to add a space, slide to left to backspace, slide up to caps and slide down to enter key ... any way to enable this on HTC keyboard or revert to ms keyboard ?
3°) Today screen
I like Sense, but I miss some today plugins ... is it possible to have a Today screen embedded inside a sense tab ? This would allow to keep some today plugins and have the best of both worlds
Thank you for your help,
Hello Nibbler,
did you already find any solution to your problems?
I am facing pretty much the same problems but could not find anything regarding these issues so far.
I would especially be interested in a solution for the copy & paste functionality inside the calendar.
Best wishes from Germany,
I can't remember what it's called, but there is a today tab for TouchFLO somewhere in the forums (it won't be in the HD2 forums, I don't think - try the blackstone ones, or just search from the root).
It may work with Sense - I don't know.

