problem with TF3D config. - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

When i i get an error "an unexpected errer has occured in Diamond TF3D config.exe select quit and then restart this program or select deatils for more ino."
Details reads...
Diamon TF3d config.exe
at f.m()\at diamond_TF3D_config.frmMain.v()
at a.a()
anyone have an idea on what i should do?

So i did that the forum says to do, edit the reg, but it still hasnt done anything, any1 have any idea, im using a sprint touch pro


For All

This soft like the touch cube :
I will post you this afternon the .cab and now no probleme to invoque the cube with your finger.
(You don't need to start application with a button and no icon in programs : just invoke the cube with your finger !!!)
First : Just install The cab.
Second : Make a soft reset and enjoy.
Thanks to Efrost.
unfortunatly it is not working on my p3600.
I get an error message: "Unexpected error in TouchCommander.exe..."
There is also no icon in the program folder installed.
Any ideas?

Diamong TF3D Config "Error Message" Help!

Everytime I upload the Diamond TF3D Config, It installs good but when ever i open up the program i get an error message,
" An unexpected error has occured in Daimond TF3D Config.exe. Select Quit and then restart the program, or select Details for more information".
I follow the instructions by restarting my device but i keep getting the same message, and when i click on details it shows me
Diamond TF3D Config.exe
at f.m()
at Diamond_TF3D_Config.frmMain.v()
at a.a()
I Dont Understand this message at all, and ive also been told to update the framework on my device which i did to 3.5, but still no look.
So can someone please help me in fixing this problem!?
Thank You
Delete the tweaks.xml file in the program folder. This has been covered quite a bit , dont forget about the Search button.
thanks a million.
will this work on htc tilt 1 by att
doesn't work for me. i deleted the Tweaks.xml file in the tft3d at program files

Help! Tower Defense doesn't work! :(

I just bought the Tower Defense game from:
and installed it onto my touch pro 2, and this is what I got when I tried to run it:
An unexpected error has occurred in TowerDefense.exe.
Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information.
Can't find PInvoke DLL 'libgles_cm.dll'.
and if i click details it says:
Can't find PINvoke DLL 'libgles_cm.dll'.
at Cocos2d.Director.AttachWindow(Formform)
TowerDfense.GameForm.onLoad(Objectsender, EventARgs e)
System.Windows.Forms.Form.Onload(EventArgs e)
System.Windows.Forms.Form._SetVisibleNotify(Boolean fVis)
System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible(Boolean value)
System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
at TowerDefense.Program.Main()
Can anyone please help?? I'm thinking it has something to do with Opengl ES... Does the touch pro 2 have that? Thanks a bunch!!!
yeaa, it looks like it cant initialize the window... do you have .net CF 3.5 installed, that helps sometimes because not having it causes those weired errors, and the touch pro 2 does have Open GL ES, because I think thats what htc Sense UI is using. try contacting the people that made the game.
I get that error when i try and play while using mobile shell 3.5.3. If i switch to sense it works fine.
game f&*)up
Install the Netcompactframework 3.5 . I have it in the app section of my website . Also the company colorstone doesnt give support but we try and help you out.
oh is it because i use the energyrom titanium?
i have the spb mobile shell 3.5.3 and have net3.5 installed too

Help help help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diamond TF3D Config keeps saying "ERROR: An unexpected error has occurred in Diamond TF3D.please restart tried removing tweak XML from programs still the same can any one help

TF3D config won't work on HTC Touch diamond

Hello guys,
i'm having problems to run the aplication tf3d congif, it gives me this error:
"ERROR: An unexpected error has occurred in Diamond TF3D Config.exe.
Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information.
I've deleted the .xml opera file in tool directory, nothing, i've looked up for registry in HKLM \ Drivers \ TouchPanel and there was DWORD.
What else could i possibly do???
Please help me out guys.
Anyone please?
Begging you
Im using 2.11.Gen.Y WWE Rom
wm 6.1 proffessional
CE OS 5.2.21056 (Build 21056.1.6.9)
Please help...
It gives me large detailed unexcpected error
(NotSupportedException) and then large text of parse errors, i really hope you could help me, thanks in advance.
I think TF3D.config is made for older OS-versions, you should search for Advanced Config...
I have installed Advanced Config, but it only disables, enables and change values of certain things, i need to change theme, tf3d config does that stuff, but i just can't make it work.
also me
i've same problem. wm 6.5 manila. i tried to cancel tweaks file but nothing.
