Keyboard doesnt pop up in landscape - Touch HD General

has anyone else the same problem?
the keyboard doesnt pop up when clicking on a text box. not even the keyboard-sign appears in the lower bar, so typing is not possible. it is esp. annoying in opera because browsing is kind of senseless without a keyboard.
i'm using my touch hd exclusively in landscape mode. The autorotate program is flip it and im running duttys v3.
would like to know if more ppl have this problem

touchhdizzel said:
has anyone else the same problem?
the keyboard doesnt pop up when clicking on a text box. not even the keyboard-sign appears in the lower bar, so typing is not possible. it is esp. annoying in opera because browsing is kind of senseless without a keyboard.
i'm using my touch hd exclusively in landscape mode. The autorotate program is flip it and im running duttys v3.
would like to know if more ppl have this problem
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Similar problems posted in Duttys V3.0 thread. You answer lies within that thread if you search
In future try and post queries in relevent threads instead of creating new threads.
I'm only saying this to help you as Mod's will issue you with a warning and close thread. Try and abide my forum rules

Fallen Spartan said:
Similar problems posted in Duttys V3.0 thread. You answer lies within that thread if you search
In future try and post queries in relevent threads instead of creating new threads.
I'm only saying this to help you as Mod's will issue you with a warning and close thread. Try and abide my forum rules
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that was me posting in the dutty v3 thread but there werent many replies. only one or two encountered the same problems since a lot of the dutty users seem not use landscape mode.
apart from that i dont really know if this has to be discussed in the dutty development thread since it could also be a problem of winmo or flipit or anything else. my research brought me to the conclusion that winmo is responsible for showing an input device whenever a text box is marked.
also the dutty thread is too big already. i have to read 10 or more pages to see if someone answered to the question. too many ppl asking how to flash or how to make their cats flash devices
so, if anyone has the same problem pls post here with your config

touchhdizzel said:
that was me posting in the dutty v3 thread but there werent many replies. only one or two encountered the same problems since a lot of the dutty users seem not use landscape mode.
apart from that i dont really know if this has to be discussed in the dutty development thread since it could also be a problem of winmo or flipit or anything else. my research brought me to the conclusion that winmo is responsible for showing an input device whenever a text box is marked.
also the dutty thread is too big already. i have to read 10 or more pages to see if someone answered to the question. too many ppl asking how to flash or how to make their cats flash devices
so, if anyone has the same problem pls post here with your config
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Sorry if these same obvious or if you have already tried/stated these. I'm just asking these questions to get a better understanding of your problem and to see if I can replicate/solve your issue
Have you had similar problem on any other roms?
Is it standard HTC keyboard you are using?
Have you tried using HDTweak Automatic display pop up?
Have you tried a hard reset and then testing keyboard before installation of apps, then adding each app one at a time to see if any of them are conflicting with it?

Fallen Spartan said:
You answer lies within that thread if you search
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Really??? I have the same problem and I have read pretty much every post in that thread and don't remember a solution! If you could point us to it we would be very greatful!

Fallen Spartan said:
Sorry if these same obvious or if you have already tried/stated these. I'm just asking these questions to get a better understanding of your problem and to see if I can replicate/solve your issue
Have you had similar problem on any other roms?
Is it standard HTC keyboard you are using?
Have you tried using HDTweak Automatic display pop up?
Have you tried a hard reset and then testing keyboard before installation of apps, then adding each app one at a time to see if any of them are conflicting with it?
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I don't think I've had this problem on a non-Dutty ROM, but I'm not sure about that.
I use Fingerkeyboard.
I haven't tried the tweak you mention - but I'm not sure it would change anything since the problem is NOT PERMANENT! Sometimes the keyboard does pop up, sometimes it doesn't. Seems to be pretty random...

Fallen Spartan said:
Sorry if these same obvious or if you have already tried/stated these. I'm just asking these questions to get a better understanding of your problem and to see if I can replicate/solve your issue
Have you had similar problem on any other roms?
Is it standard HTC keyboard you are using?
Have you tried using HDTweak Automatic display pop up?
Have you tried a hard reset and then testing keyboard before installation of apps, then adding each app one at a time to see if any of them are conflicting with it?
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SOrry for the late reply...
i dont think i had the same problem with standard rom (autorotate app was changescreen)
i tried standard htc and fingerkeyboard
no, i havent tried hdtweak since the duttyroms are already tweaked by duttythroy and i dont want to mess it up. what exactly does the function "automatic display pop up"?
i hard reset after flash and tested directly afterwards. same problem.
does anyone know if this problem is still in duttys 3.3?

The problem is still there in v3.3,i have read every possible thread and did every possible search,i cannot find anything mentioned about this and i cannot find a solution. It is kinda lame to have to rotate the phone everytime i need to write smthing on opera,but meh i can live with this inconvenience, Dutty's Rom is worth it tbh.
Even so if anyone finds anything pls report back would be nice to solve this

Lefti said:
The problem is still there in v3.3,i have read every possible thread and did every possible search,i cannot find anything mentioned about this and i cannot find a solution. It is kinda lame to have to rotate the phone everytime i need to write smthing on opera,but meh i can live with this inconvenience, Dutty's Rom is worth it tbh.
Even so if anyone finds anything pls report back would be nice to solve this
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Currently using V3.3 and I'm still not replicating your problem. If I use Opera or msm in landscape fingerkeyboard automatically pops up for me.
I've used HD Tweak with basically every rom I've flashed and had no problems with it. I'd go as far as saying it actually improves the phones experience and userability.
Try using it and see if it also helps you with your keyboard display

The funny thing is that i have HD Tweak installed(and auto pop enabled),and had it on every rom i used(well basically all of Dutty's Roms since 2.4),dont know what is going on.Maybe it is smth else on my phone,will try reflashing and using Fingerkeyboard only as the first app.Btw this only happens in opera for me.

Lefti said:
The funny thing is that i have HD Tweak installed(and auto pop enabled),and had it on every rom i used(well basically all of Dutty's Roms since 2.4),dont know what is going on.Maybe it is smth else on my phone,will try reflashing and using Fingerkeyboard only as the first app.Btw this only happens in opera for me.
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I'll also reflash and try and replicate your problem. Let me know if it persists

nop,doesnt work still.This just boggles mereallh,maybe it is just my phone,since it behaves like this with the originl keyboard also.maybe it is opera ,maybe maybe maybe pffft

Lefti said:
nop,doesnt work still.This just boggles mereallh,maybe it is just my phone,since it behaves like this with the originl keyboard also.maybe it is opera ,maybe maybe maybe pffft
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ok, I finally see were your coming from as I am experiencing it as well. Not sure why this is though. I'll look into it and see if I can find a solution.
I never really use landscape to be honest, especially in Opera as loading time of pages is slower.

well i use landscape on opera mainly for forum browsing cause i can see more text!anyways awaiting on news about this,and i am gonna try some tweaking around myself.

Arrgh!!! Really annoying, Clownshoes figured it out before me!!! LOL. Trust you mate!!
Ok mate, it seems it does work, you have to hold down for 2 secs in input field, no more, no less and it should then pop up. You can thank Clownshoes for that one!
Let me know how you get on

Fallen Spartan said:
Arrgh!!! Really annoying, Clownshoes figured it out before me!!! LOL. Trust you mate!!
Ok mate, it seems it does work, you have to hold down for 2 secs in input field, no more, no less and it should then pop up. You can thank Clownshoes for that one!
Let me know how you get on
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Hmm,i might be doing something wrong,i press and hold in the input field for 2secs or so and nothing really happens,well if i press for more the opera menu pops up "select all" but other than that nothing.
Maybe it has something to do with keyboard settings like the popup timer or something similar,although my settings are on default. i'll keep trying though.
Thanks for trying to solve this

Lefti said:
Hmm,i might be doing something wrong,i press and hold in the input field for 2secs or so and nothing really happens,well if i press for more the opera menu pops up "select all" but other than that nothing.
Maybe it has something to do with keyboard settings like the popup timer or something similar,although my settings are on default. i'll keep trying though.
Thanks for trying to solve this
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ok, which method are you using to rotate opera? Are you using FlipIt?
I've noticed if I set flipit to 0 and 270 degrees and then enter opera. The first time the keyboard will not pop up. But if I exit opera and then re-enter it works fine.
Have you tried a soft reset?

It seems to be very sensitive. Try using just the tip or nail of your finger in the text entry area for about a second.

It also helps if you double tap to zoom into the text entry box.
I've just tested it by doing it over and over again and using the tip of my finger seems to work every time.

this is very weird,i got it to pop but it is extremely sensitive,dunno what makes it behave like this.
Anyways thanks for the solution guys.


Busted keys on phone?

Okay, since my first post was dissed and people told me to get out of here, I have adapted to situation where I don't have external keyboard (one that slides under screen) but now I have problem that almost all keys stopped working on front side.
Whenever I'm receiving call, my answer button does not work nor it opens Phone-application when I press it. Also those two keys at top of green answer button and red hangup button does not work. Can anyone help me?
Same here!
Here u can find my desperate try to resolve this issue...
Same thing here...
It seems to be totally "randomness"...
Which ROM did u install on your devices ?
Did u install third party softs ? (I especially think about SPB softs)
Actually I've Faria's rom.
But i tried to reflash many others roms & different versions... (black, lvsw...)
Also reflashed the IPL...
Also refreshed to olipro...
Also, also, also...
Yeah I also use same rom .. oh btw while there is some nice people here, mind to tell me how to enable my special keyboard? It's scandinavic
LVirus said:
Yeah I also use same rom .. oh btw while there is some nice people here, mind to tell me how to enable my special keyboard? It's scandinavic
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I dont know how to set your scandinavic keyboard but if u search in the forum, i'm shure that u will find it!
I do not install any third part sw...
I'm shure that the problem is a SW problem and not HW!!!
vulkanxxv said:
I dont know how to set your scandinavic keyboard but if u search in the forum, i'm shure that u will find it!
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Indeed, query for "enable scandic" results 0 answers.
LVirus said:
Whenever I'm receiving call, my answer button does not work nor it opens Phone-application when I press it. Also those two keys at top of green answer button and red hangup button does not work. Can anyone help me?
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Do you have SPB installed on the phone? I had that problem on two ROM's happened and even thou i love SPB Shell i had to uninstall it and i never had the phone freeze problem when ever i got a call.. You can try to deactivate SPB and see what happens as well..
Mind to tell me how to disable this software? Is it something called "softkeys" ?
LVirus said:
Mind to tell me how to disable this software? Is it something called "softkeys" ?
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Disabling SPB would be done through teh Remove Programs app under settings > system.
Or maybe through the Today Plugin screen - select it and see if there are options.
Moved to the main Hermes forum. Keep all non WM6 related threads there please. I'm not dissing you. Just keeping the forum clean.

Input problems with ABC type input

Hello there,
after finally repairing my nikes screen, i upgraded to one of those new wm6.5 roms (the ones from NemanjaLO ). Everything works great, except one problem with typing on my 16-key nike: if i type a letter, and remove it before it gets unmarked, it will appear again as soon as i try to continue typing! other people confirmed this issue, however we seemed to be ignored / no one had a solution.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
BJK found an issue with this a while back when he was doing the EZInput 1.5 cabs. Can't remember how he sorted it but might be worth checking the thread in Development and Hacking.
I have the same problem also and I too find it very irritating.
Did you find anything on this?
smittysmitts said:
I have the same problem also and I too find it very irritating.
Did you find anything on this?
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nope, and @randomelements, i wasnt able to find the solution

Flip Clock "Problem"

Hi all.
I am having a wierd problem with my flip clock on the home screen.
When i open anything and go back to the home screen the clock shows a time 1 hour before my time and then flip to my time.
i have uploaded a small 20 sec clip to show what I mean since i don't think i am explaining it properly.
sv452 said:
Hi all.
I am having a wierd problem with my flip clock on the home screen.
When i open anything and go back to the home screen the clock shows a time 1 hour before my time and then flip to my time.
i have uploaded a small 20 sec clip to show what I mean since i don't think i am explaining it properly.
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Though this may seem strange, annoying, obnoxious...this is actually supposed to be a cool "feature" by HTC -- simulated excessive digit-flipping.
Someone has posted what seems to be a fix for this "feature" on NRG's Photon thread on the rom-development sub-forum.
MCbrian said:
Though this may seem strange, annoying, obnoxious...this is actually supposed to be a cool "feature" by HTC -- simulated excessive digit-flipping.
Someone has posted what seems to be a fix for this "feature" on NRG's Photon thread on the rom-development sub-forum.
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THANX for the reply ...
that is the most silly feature ever ... hehehehehehehe ... i think at least they should allow it to be turned on and off ...
man this has been driving me nuts. . .
I will check it out and comment if it worked or not.
sv452 said:
THANX for the reply ...
that is the most silly feature ever ... hehehehehehehe ... i think at least they should allow it to be turned on and off ...
man this has been driving me nuts. . .
I will check it out and comment if it worked or not.
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Some people who have tried it say it works. It didn't work for me...but I'm running a WM6.5.1-based ROM with Manila 2.5, so maybe however this fix works...doesn't work for my system.
I'd love to get rid of this too............. gunna try the "fix" but I am sure I not only don't know how to do it, since I have the newest and latest photon ROM it won't work.
This didn't work for me on the OEM AT&T ROM
You can swipe up to make the large clock away, and show a smaller clock (in portrait view), but then the large clock still shows in landscape. Suggestions for ways around this? There doesn't seem to be a built-in setting to change this. Any quick CABs or reg edits, aside from installing a different clock?
redpoint73 said:
You can swipe up to make the large clock away, and show a smaller clock (in portrait view), but then the large clock still shows in landscape. Suggestions for ways around this? There doesn't seem to be a built-in setting to change this. Any quick CABs or reg edits, aside from installing a different clock?
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This is a completely different topic. Please create your own thread for that.
Worked for me. NRG's leo rom. Make sure you disable manilla before copying file into windows. Great!!
This clock-flipping thing seems odd to me, because I've never seen it on my own phone (running UK Vodafone stock ROM).
Does this mean I'm likely going to gain this "feature" when I flash a different new ROM (e.g. one of the ones from the chefs here) ?
i tried but it did not work ... demmit !
thought as much but worth a try anyway ... so we keep on searching ...
that file worked for me.
topaz; wm 6.5 official rus
Worked for me ...... Cheers
Works for me in my latest Manilla 2.1 rom.
as i can see most people comes back negative with this solution.. so do i..
not a good thing this bloody flipping flopping clock.. so will anybody come up with more successful solution on this one? i'll donate for the one who does
WWE Touch-IT ROM with SENSE 2.5
Worked like a charm on Topaz official french rom 2.16. Thanks !
I take absolutely no credit for this. I just can't find the thread anymore. This works on my stock AT&T ROM Tilt2 with TF3D 2.1.
jcterry said:
I take absolutely no credit for this. I just can't find the thread anymore. This works on my stock AT&T ROM Tilt2 with TF3D 2.1.
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Works perfectly on my Leo .. Thnx a million!
just run on stock rom works a treat

is there a way to speed up SMS thread reading in HD2?

i dun usually delete SMS in my HD2(esp those from my gf), so every time i want to write or reply SMS to others, i click on a thread and wait for like 4-5 secs till the phone "reads" all the SMS in that thread, then i can tap the screen for input keyboard to pop up and start typing.
this is annoying, anyway to prevent this from happening or at least speed up the "reading"??
its seems that we all are having the same problme and there is no solution for it just yet other than using the traditional mode.
i really hope HTC will come up with a solution atleast show the last 10 sms like the older version.
YOU **** P£"!$£"!$ off and go read the forum there is a work around fix if ur willing to go search for it!
bibbe said:
its seems that we all are having the same problme and there is no solution for it just yet other than using the traditional mode.
i really hope HTC will come up with a solution atleast show the last 10 sms like the older version.
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argh...well...classic views are kinda messy for me, besides i have to tap 2 more times in order to reply...
No, there's no fix for the lag.
There's a fix for the sending issue, but its a 50/50 that it works according to all the ppl who posted in those threads.
Meanwhile, when you are going to reply on an SMS, press the "Send"-button when the SMS-list is being populated and then "Cancel" and voila - its done.
Roguexmg said:
YOU **** P£"!$£"!$ off and go read the forum there is a work around fix if ur willing to go search for it!
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I've not seen a fix, i've seen an offical hotfix but this doesnt fix this issue..
smuppy said:
No, there's no fix for the lag.
There's a fix for the sending issue, but its a 50/50 that it works according to all the ppl who posted in those threads.
Meanwhile, when you are going to reply on an SMS, press the "Send"-button when the SMS-list is being populated and then "Cancel" and voila - its done.
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wow that really makes a difference~thx man~~well hopefully HTC can fix this lag~~
Yup.. I agree. its slow in this sense.. ut I usually do a backup using the windows myphone app and just delete the messages. in this way, the messages is not lost.
You can try it too.

Opera 9.7

I'm not sure if this has been already. covered... but i don't know exactly what to call it... but when i browse using opera.. and use eitherpinch to zoom or the double tap... the page on the screen starts shaking and moving.... like it jumps from one part of the page to another... has there been any fixes or tweaks to at least reduce it? and also do you guys even know what I'm talking about... thanks
hmm... can someone at least tell me the proper name for what i am experiencing so that i can research it myself?
let me answer your question. this problem is caused by text reflow. Period. thats it. that is the answer. you try to zoom on something,you get there, but then the screen jumps all the way to the left for some reason/ yeah. that is reflow at work. and it sucks.
i tried to find a way to disable it for many many days. re-bumping my thread again and again.
there is a way to disable reflow, but it comes at the cost of ugly webpages. usually text are aligned in a way that is not natural.
Search my threads. I am still trying to find a way, but I hoped i answered your question.
let me know if you find something better. =)
You need to download the newest build of Opera 9.7 from this forum. I have build 3600, and it is very smooth. Pinch-to-zoom works properly, text reflow doesnt cause the web page to jump all over the place either.
The update is just an exe file that you overwrite in the Windows directory.
try this. Worked wonders for me
I'm using the 3600 build as well, it's still not perfect in regards to the jumping but it is massively improved.
cj2566 said:
try this. Worked wonders for me
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What exactly does this cab fix cj ?
Marct77 said:
What exactly does this cab fix cj ?
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would like to know as well. you say opera fixeS.what are the fixes?
I second that... would like to know first what the cab does before I install... although I do appreciate the help..everyone answers helped..thanks
ProjektFuze said:
I second that... would like to know first what the cab does before I install... although I do appreciate the help..everyone answers helped..thanks
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I have this installed as well. Its is a conbination of registry hacks to improve the smoothness of Opera. But the main tweak is to change the virtual screen size to 1024 pixels wide. Although you would need to change it to 1020 pixels to ensure that double-tap continues to work in portrait view.
The cab previously posted comes from this thread and page:
Here is another link for Opera Smooth tweaks, which I also installed:
Maybe a combination of the above and build 3600 will change your opinion...

